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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LVL XXX - got the rotten egg, but stuck. Seems like something obvious that I'm missing.

  3. I would appreciate a hint for bonus lvl 9.

  4. Chimpo, for LVL XXX name what you see.

  5. Thanks LinR, tried to name the material and that's how I ended up at the rotten egg. Guessing I'm missing something else.

  6. Chimpo you must be using the wrong term for the material Try some others.

    Stuck on the egg for Bonus level 8. I have the rotten egg LOL Where can I get a ticket :P

  7. bonus lvl 2, still not finding the egg which seems to be needed, have found what i think i should apply to it, but not finding how to find the egg?

  8. Whoops, thought i was getting a rotten egg, but it was just an egg. Thanks LinR - trying to figure out the rest now.

  9. LinR, there are 2 eggs on bonus lvl 8. Apply the same method on the short and on the long list.

  10. Hey all. I've been stuck on XXXV for a while now. It's the one with the records. I have the 11 numbers from the songs, and have converted them to letters. I've read the hints, but I still have no clue what's missing. Can someone please help?

  11. @camal delete those from the alphabet and visit granny with all that is left

  12. Lvl 31 Still can't figure out how to pull letters from the paragraph. I am finding words with letters in a pattern but not getting anything useful

  13. @aaaasa Thank you :) I've checked the level but I'm not finding anything in text. Also I've tried with the J* tool but nada. Thank you anyway because your hint has given me some hope lol (at least I am closer to find the answer). I'll keep trying tomorrow :)

  14. Pipi, Bonus level 8, I have 1 good egg and 2 rotten eggs. What I did to the short list to get the good egg does not produce anything but gibberish with the list on the egg. I am missing something obvious again I suppose.

  15. Thanks robin...I deleted the 11 and left the 15, and then granny'd. I came up blank. I feel so, not so smart.

  16. @puzzled, try using ctrl-a when you visit there, I am now stuck with that info and no idea how to use it to find egg or answer

  17. @LinR do the same thing that took you to the first egg. The long list will give you one egg and the short list anther. I got wrong result using wiki so you might want to use another list.

  18. @camal, you might need to visit another granny, or make sure you have the right numbers and converted correctly, the word should have popped right up

  19. Ok. I visited another granny. I got a million 2 letter words. Is that correct...that it's 2 letters?

  20. ...sorry. So frazzled. By two letter words, I meant two words.

  21. @camal... no... it should be a 15 letter word

  22. Grrrrrr...I'll eventually get it (fingers crossed), now that I know what to do. Thanks for you help robin.

  23. Got it robin! I was one letter off. Fixed it.

  24. @LinR: Bonus lvl 8, don't use the egg until you have both eggs. Apply the same things on long and short list.

  25. could someone please tell me how to find the egg on bonus level 2, from all the hints i gather i need to use what i found on the words used to find the egg, but i have tried combining everything and using whats on the original pic.. and who's pic it was... getting nowhere...not finding anything with the same count as the found tool/hint but not finding anything. help please.

  26. Back at it, lvl 27 Egg. I got here because I could only find 4 spots/errors in the pattern. So i went back to the lvl I from the first riddle set and chose letters there. Can I get a small (or large) hint?

  27. @ camal.. yay i think i did the same thing on that level, all it takes is one letter off to mess up the whole

  28. I need help on LVL XXVII. I have the sentence with A and N. I've tried every way I can think of to use the the same system to get the answer but come up with nothing. Can someone please give me a hint?

  29. @Hancock: stay on this side of "half way" and you should find five errors in the pattern.

  30. @hancock the pattern should be obvious in the 26 levels you just went through not the roman # set, but if you look at the titles to the previous 26, there is an obvious pattern, but there are 5 bumps in the pattern, you need what is there and what should be there and visit granny to get to a usable egg

  31. Need help on level 7. Know which cipher, need key. Cannot reach any eggs. Have noticed only some letters of alphabet appear in graphics, but they do not key cipher or trigger egg page.

  32. @jb did you notice which lines you got the sentence from? example: " it rot# 4 " etc

  33. @robin Yes, I've been using that info to try to pick letters but everything comes up as gibberish. I must be missing something obvious.

  34. Still looking for help on Lvl 31. I cannot even get to the first egg. I have read all of the previous hints and still cannot come up with anything. Can I get a push please?

  35. I've filled in everything on level 10, granny'd the obvious (by line and total) yet still nothing... are my words wrong possibly?

  36. @jb those are the letters, convert them

  37. @pamela, use the cipher in the url, you will get what you need.

  38. @chael did you try ftf on the sentences?

  39. @anonymous lvl 10, if you filled in all the blanks, then you should have gotten confirmation eggs using what you filled in going from top to bottom, if you have all of them, then using them all together visit google.

  40. @Robin Sorry, I did get the rotten egg but I have no good egg.

  41. lvl XXVII
    JB, that sentence is telling you the N is important. The N to make EP the word IT was 4.
    Use that 4. That 4 is D
    Do it with all of them and then granny will give you the answer.

    Bonus level 9
    pipi, loads and loads of eggs to find on Bonus level 9 (granny for the confirmation ones).
    You better start drawing lines!

  42. Chael615,
    There are a lot of rotten eggs on LeveL 31, but maybe your EyE will notice something here ThaT will give you a KicK in the right direction :)

  43. Lvl 20: Stuck since last night. I read there are several eggs & I can't get any. The letters o.t.b. make a great word that doesn't do anything. I'm supposed to pull more letters, but the ones I do don't work. I'm terrible at TOTB =(

  44. Bonus level 9, I have 3 good eggs and 2 confirmation eggs. How many more do I need to find?

  45. Bonus level 9
    2 confirmation eggs
    6 good eggs (they are numbered)
    and a couple of unimportant granny eggs.

    lvl 20
    There are already letters outside the box, but there are more letters needed outside there to let granny do her thing.

  46. Small tool, can you give me a push to find the egg on bonus level 2 please, have got what i need to use on it i believe but not finding the egg.

  47. Robin,
    Not sure what goes wrong, seems you found everyhting and are using it the correct way as well.
    All I can say is, it's no anagram and with that method your first letter should be P (H+8)

  48. Thanks, small-tool. Now on bonus lvl 10: I have 1 egg, but it is a total mystery.

  49. @small-tool. Thank you! I was looking in the middle, unfortunately.

  50. thank you small tool, i have found the egg, is anyone still around to help still confused how to get the answer, tried applying the hint i used to find the egg on the egg itself but its gibberish, reading the hints says to use it on what got me the egg but not working? what step am i missing?

  51. @robin The text on the pic is 2 words. So, for the second word, start over from 1ST again.

  52. Thank you, small-tool! I had tried that already but must have input something wrong. Finally on to the next level.

  53. I need a hint to get started on Bonus lvl 5.

  54. @kenken, thank you so much!!! finally onto 3

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. On to Bonus lvl 6 now. Level 5 was tricky.

  57. I've run into an egg on lvl 27 and don't know how to move forward. To get here I found 4 variances in the pattern and took two letters from each. I could not find a fifth and I could not find a lvl 1 on the 2nd riddle so went back to lvl I and took two letters from there. Not. Good. Enough. anyone give me a push?

  58. Can someone give me a nudge on Bonus Level 6? I have gone back to an earlier level that is suggested by it, and tried the very obvious approach to get the rotten/confirmation egg, but have not come up with anything else.

  59. @Hancock - you did what I did, (after not finding the help I needed here to be sure it was the right thing). It is. Lvl I, yes. 10 letters total. I finally got a word (not sure which granma told it to me, I understand there may be some differences between them, from what I read here.) that got me an egg, which told me what to add to it to proceed (along with some salty comments re: "smarty-pants cheaters" - haha, s/t, tell us how you really feel!)

  60. Lvl 20: Thanks S-T! I swear I tried those letters SO many times and got nothing. Suddenly *poof*, it works. Now have 4 good eggs, a rotten one, and an open box. I can't get off this level & idk what else to try =/

  61. @LisaK re lvl 20: maybe try taking (your) thinking out(side) of the box - or of what's in it?

    (wow, pretty cryptic, hope it helps)

  62. @rbud57: That was perfectly cryptic; thank you! Argh, seems so obvious now =P

  63. Lvl 31 I have the second egg with the c** c**** m***! under it but can't seem to find the right path. I tried to use the same method as before but getting nowhere.

  64. lvl 31
    Same method will work, Chael615, but only if it the result is a real word.

  65. @small-tool Thanks again sir!

  66. Bonus lvl 10 egg - can I have a hint? No idea what these letters mean.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Small-tool, I have already got that. I am asking for help for the egg of bonus lvl 10.

  69. Ah ok, sorry.

    Egg bonus lvl 10
    Maybe middle part basic conversion and reading the last part as an abbreviation.

  70. Thanks, small-tool! Got it!

  71. Bonus lvl 8 - I googled what was on the pic and the result is about I******? Am I on the right track here because I can't figure out how the numbers relate to the pic

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. aaaasa, if you mean I*****d - yes, you are on the right track. Apply the numbers on what you found on Google.

    the artist, there more than 5 on bonus lvl 5.

  74. lvl bonus 10 been trying to apply francis on cousteau but there seems to a letter missing or am I wrong in that assumption

  75. oh and the obvious conversion only gave 4 good letters

  76. Bonus lvl 10
    The title is not about Francis.
    The amount of letters in the title is a hint and the total amount of letters in the text is a hint.
    If that's your obvious conversion already and you only get 4 good letters, you maybe better check/interpret the title again then. It contains another hint telling you how the other 4 letters can be found.

  77. Thanks Small that did the trick

  78. Bonus level 9 missing the 6th egg, any help please?

  79. @Keeper you use 2 sets before for eggs now use .....

  80. pipi, which list should I apply the numbers for Bonus lvl 8? Found many lists of c******* of I****** (by population, by size, etc) and none of them gives a word

  81. aaaasa by alphabetical

    Know what the middle and last on egg mean but not the first bit

  82. Time for a new congrats update again.
    Finishers in both HOF's

    Congrats Truus and Abraxxass :)

    The Halfway There Heroes

    Congrats Mtatt100 and Vaggelis

    The Hall of Fame

  83. Bonus Level 10 - is anything obvious here? I used the title to pick a 6-letter word but it was not correct, probably I'm doing it totally wrong

  84. @Keeper read back on comments small made to me

  85. Thanks mtatt! Looks like my list was a little bit off lol
    Now stuck on the 1st egg on Bonus lvl 8 - the previous comments say to apply the same on the long list, but I only get gibberish here...

  86. @aaaasa the two equations can be interpreted differently, for the first one you only get some of them in the list, while for the second one you get all

    @mtatt100 the problem is that I was not sure if my way of picking letters was correct or not (I got 6 while you got 4...)

  87. LVL 27 : found the egg , but stuck thereafter

  88. The only thing I have on bonus lvl 11 is the obvious confirmation egg, but then I am stuck.

  89. @ Keeper if you did it correctly you get 4 but then have alter your input for the other 4

    Egg on 11 now not much to go though

  90. @ike did you remember your safe word

  91. That means I'm messing it up lol
    Do you have any hints please?

  92. Keeper,
    It's not picking letters, but using all the letters in the text to get the answer.

    Mtatt and pipi,
    Level title!

  93. bonus lvl 6,is it sth with the rotten egg's pic,so i have to return back(not remembered where)or sth else?

  94. @ the artist do you remember when you finished ..

    Level Title hmm yes well have used that to get the confirmation egg

  95. Thank you rbud57, robin, and namnet. I'm through with your help..and apologies for posting same question twice. We have a new puppy here and I can barely think straight.

  96. @ mtatt100 yes, that led me to an obvious rotten egg

  97. Sorry I'm even more confused now... tried dividing all letters in n groups but don't see anything

  98. @ike well combine with good egg

  99. @ Keeper I hope you bin using the right code count the letters in the text

  100. @mtatt100 Thanks! I only tried to throw the title in the bin that's why not getting anything...

  101. @Keeper, thanks for your hint but how do I get all of them in the list? Do I get all the letters for each c***** or do I need to FTF on all c*******

  102. aaaasa just the 4 asked for like in the other egg

  103. @ mtatt100 , was ( almost, appearantly) certain I already tried that.

  104. Bonus level 12 seems to have changed the position of a particular Smalltool vocation. Is that significant?

  105. Well thats all folks not sure if it is the end of the riddle or not you never know with Small

  106. It's really the end, Mtatt :)

    Congrats, at least something you end first :P

  107. Finished now. Well done Smalltool

  108. Yay but but I want fireworks and all that stuff :P

  109. Finished too. Thank you Small-tool for a fantastic riddle!

  110. And congrats Namnet too :)

    (not ignoring next finishers, but am going out now)

  111. Well Thanks the riddle was well received and possible your best . You say no more but I know you can't help yourself.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. @mtatt Bonus lvl 8 egg 1 - I wrote out all letters for the 4 in alphabetical order, in the order of the egg word and in the order of the level page, but none of them seems to fit well with the list on the egg. Am I missing something here?

  114. I agree with Mtatt. The best riddle yet. Thank you for the hours of entertainment and head scratching. :)

  115. aaaasa, the level refers to 2 lists that are almost the same. Use both lists. A previous hint from Namnet warns to not use the wiki list

  116. aaaasa for get egg 1 now just use the numbers off the main level page to pick 4 letters like before from the other list

  117. Thank you LinR! Onto lvl 9

  118. Finished too. Thank you again, small-tool for the great riddle. I am sad it's over.

  119. Bonus lvl 2 - Thanks for yesterday's hints, I found the egg at last! I'm trying to apply the other tips like "what gave me the egg+two words" but nope ... am I looking for a 4, 6 or 10 letter word?

  120. @puzzled the hint that helped me finally was... what got you to the egg was 2 words, use the hint on the 2 words seperately,.. (yes you will have left over of the hint) but do one and then start over on the second word

  121. @thank you robin, onto bonus lvl 3, I owe you one:) I will continue tomorrow, now I am rushing to buy that lovely outfit in the egg, it must be mine !!!

  122. @puzzled, it is lovely isnt it? lol

  123. lvl 32: looking for a nudge

    FTF led me to a clue. But none of my attempts to organize the list by that principle led to joy.

    I googled the words, found that they fit two categories, but I'm still not finding any eggs or anything.

  124. @candiC... try this list..

  125. bonus level 3, i get that the first list is the first half, have tried to apply the second list to it in many ways, tried using both halfs to do the math. and using titles and answers.. not getting anything useful... am i looking for 2 letters per equation or combining to come up with one? a little lost, can i get a nudge please.

  126. CONGRATULATIONS on finishing Mtatt, LinR, Namnet and pipi (hope I didn't miss anyone) well done folks!!

    I'm on Bonus 10 egg, thinking what it means - hmmm

  127. Congrats to all (new) finishers, well done!

  128. Bonus level 3: Convert the first column.

  129. thank you so much ceebee, i had done that but not the right next step til you posted it.

  130. Finally finished too! :D

    THANK YOU so much Small-Tool for all the time and effort you put into this. It was a real pleasure to play, despite all the stumbles and wrong paths along the way. It was far more FUN than frustration! In some ways I am sorry I've finished. LOL!

  131. Congratulations on finishing the bonus levels Ceebee and all the other finishers to whom I missed saying Congrats.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. robin, you need some of them more than once. The color is a hint on how many you need

  134. thank you aaaasa, i got it right after posting, now stuck on 5, got the obvious rotten egg, but nothing else.

  135. bonus lvl 6, tried doing ftf on my emails and only getting one word that seems to be of no use, tried ltf and not getting anything, I am on the right track right? and if so, what am i missing?

  136. robin, focus on the line at the bottom of the pic and think of what will follow the line

  137. @aaaasa thats what i did, tried using "my" emails, using the six from each doing ftf, ltf, counting, adding, missing something... banging on little drums and not getting anywhere

  138. robin, I see you've got the correct word, but you forgot to "add" something. Check the picture again carefully.

  139. thank you so much aaaasa, onto bonus 7.

  140. bonus 7... i googled and found c.p. and e.f. is that what i am looking for? tried visiting granny with both, listened and read both... although essential the same... is that what i was looking for? because i still dont know how to reply :/

  141. I feel so silly on lvl 10! I don't know why I didn't just read down smh onto 11!

  142. @Robin - Bonus lvl 7. Before you google you need to apply the same method as in lvl XLVI now. Then google the result with something else from the pic that looks a bit different
    The difficulties I run into was that the first few results from google didn't give me the correct version. I had to look at a few before I found it

  143. Bonus lvl 11 - got the obvious confirmation egg but don't know how to do with the c********. Tried the same counting method in a previous level but can't get a word. Am I on the right track here?

  144. Time for a new congrats update again.
    Finishers in both HOF's

    Congrats D.Quijote :)

    The Halfway There Heroes

    Congrats Ng Hern :)

    The Hall of Fame

    And congrats Bonus levels finishers pipi and CeeBee :)

    Not sure what you are doing exactly, but I think you're (a bit) on the right track. You're looking for a 4 letter word answer.

  145. LVL 29 : I'm not seeing what letters I need here, there's 3 spots that I have to get the letters, right? But I don't quite see where the letter is. I've found the stagecoach, but not sure about the building and the p****.

  146. lvl 29
    The building is a famous Secret Intelligence Service and the level number is actually info about the p**** (but the pic name gives even more info about it's size).

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Thanks s-t! Was overthinking it and not finding the right one.

  149. Have been stuck at bonus level 11 for the whole day
    Tried counting number of b***** but didn't get anything
    Tried adding a l***** but there were too many combinations

    Is there any hint please?

  150. Bonus lvl 11
    If you got the confirmation egg, you got the correct ones.
    Then simply do as the level title tells you to do!

  151. Thanks s-t! I counted it word by word but not letter by letter

    I'm done now, thank you for the BIGCRAP! =)

  152. LVL 30 Egg : I got the egg from the second part, but not seeing how to use the egg on anything. The only thing having "that" is the answer of the first part of the level?

  153. lvl 30
    Namchokdef, you kind of answered your own question :)
    As you should know by now; I often like to make omelettes out of eggs :)

  154. @s-t Wait, I did? Still not seeing it though, did what I think I kind of answered (just getting rid of it), but got to nowhere.

  155. The answer is an 8 letter word, a mix of 3 letters (4-1) and 5 letters.

  156. bonus 7, am i applying the method to the bottom three lines now? or to the top line? it doesnt seem to really change much, and the changes it does make gives me gibberish except for planting/writing supply

  157. Oh wow.....I completely forgot how to make an omelette....
    At this rate, I should redo the first L levels again? lol.

  158. Bonus lvl 7 is a Google level, but to make your search easier one word in the first yellow line is changed and that line itself is telling you how.

  159. lvl 31 2nd egg Another Alien Egg. Have read previous comments and everyone seems to get it and moves on. But I am stuck on Can Ca.....and can't move on. I'm sure I have to substitute something on something, but haven't a clue. Need one! Thanks.

  160. Can I get a hint on the lvl 31, fist egg? I know to focus on the egg (not level) and I know the text is telling me what to do, the first letters are a hint, switching is involved. I've tried all sorts of moving letters and granny but nothing yet.

  161. Hancock, on lvl 31 1st egg, focus on the A and the B, according to previous hints, using your answer that got you the 1st egg. Get it, so you can help me with egg 2.

  162. P3P, lvl 31 egg 2 - as the text hints, you need to keep switching that letter to find more eggs.

  163. thank you pattty3ponies. that helped, now working up all the letters

  164. ok, aaaasa, I've switched C for every letter in the egg answer. the best word "" was wrong. Does it go in another word, or is the letter wrong??

  165. You should get a rotten egg with C*****

  166. Thanks, got the rotten and the next one. Have to work more later.

  167. bonus lvl 9,found a word with five parralels from 1 to d,2 to r etc,but nothing more,some help pls how do I procceed?

  168. @artist granny the word to get 2 confirmation eggs, and do the same to get more eggs

  169. sorry I cant get it ,I dont have conf.eggs from the word m...s only two from dr.ows

  170. @the artist try connecting the letters in the order of the words that give you confirmation eggs (eg. s to 1, ...)

  171. lvl 7, keeps coming back to a cp song, found a jimmy f. version also, but neither of them are it, looked up the dolls, not finding anywords in lyrics that seem to fit, saw the movie but that title didnt fit, went to sesame street to learn about colors :) but not getting anything is it a person or a reply I am looking for? (did change that small word, and googled)

  172. LVL 31 : I've gotten all eggs there, not seeing any significant though. Aliens probably gotten my brain already, as I FTF everything on sight...

  173. @namchokdef, if you have gotten all eggs, then you have things to count.. each line of them.

  174. robin,
    Don't change that small word, but use a small word to change the colour word.

  175. Thanks robin!
    Dang, I tried that before, and it didn't seem to work before. Maybe didn't count the lines in the 4th egg. Facepalming myself a bit here.
    Ah well, on to 32!

  176. struggling on bonus lvl 9,found five eggs,try every possible anagram fot the sixth but no,maybe its the three red letters but cant decode it ,any help pls!

  177. @the artist didn't work for me, so you might have to try using another anagram solver. The 6th egg answer has more letters than the rest.

  178. thanks kenkoh9801,solver was the problem

  179. Bonus lvl 5 - I'm not getting anything good with shades, a******* or looking down. Can I have some help please?

  180. @Puzzled: Look down in front of you.

  181. @Namnet, thanks :) but I don't understand, I don't see anything down in front. Now I am trying to "feel" but I am blind and can't make anything.

  182. Puzzled, what do you have in front of you that has 3 rows that contain the things you are looking for>

  183. I'm stuck on the 2nd egg of lvl 36. Can someone help? The text seems to tell me to do exactly what I did to get the 1st egg, so I'm pretty confused.

  184. @hancock, a=1 usually is a signal to count not the egg but the page

  185. @LinR - Thanks :) Now I know what is there but there are several of those. Using/combining the shades on them is not giving any results. Not sure about shades, are there 2 or 3? I want to move on, I don't like that creature, it scares me ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

  186. @Puzzled if you have tried 2 but not getting anything, you may try 3

  187. LVL 29 somehow I don't get it. Understand the building, the coach and that's about it. Any (more) help?

  188. @Keeper, thanks :)

    This lvl cannot be soooo difficult, I am totally blocked here. So, if there are 3 shades, does each one use a different k******* l***** or they all use the same kl but form a different words/sentence? I've been trying these methods for hours and I am beginning to feel bad about this lol. I better quit for a while and try later :)

  189. @Puzzled Imagine that your fingers are dirty (sorry :P), every time you press on a key it becomes darker :)

  190. LVL 32 : Not seeing any "two different ones" here. I've seen the link above, but got only 1 that belongs in 2 types, do I need to find more? Been searching and found n*** and c***, is that useful? or I'm missing something?

  191. LVL 33 - I have written down all of the numbers and converted them and followed the title but I am getting really long unmanageable strings that are getting me nowhere. I think I took a wrong turn somewhere.

  192. bonus lvl 10,found the egg but cant understand the hint.Is it about changing the f....r like some levels before,pls a little nudge!

  193. this the link you used? ? Simply find the category for each word...and granny the ftf. yes, only one (or two...cant remember) belongs in two places...try em both.


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