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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. @chael615...I did that mistake too. you must do the instructions for each line for 13-12...letters to numbers, add each side..2...subtract

  2. @the artist Doing basic conversion with the middle two letters and reading the final two letters as an abbreviation should give you a 4-letter word. Use it to replace the 3 letters before the colon.

  3. @Hancock : Thanks, Hancock! It seems to be quite common now, that I expected the level to be harder than it is, and overthinking it.

  4. @ike, you are almost there; 3 things to identify which translate to seven letters total. bldg is easy (it is one of two sets of letters/numbers). make sure you think more about the coach...take harder look at the table on website. last item clue is in picture, type of p****.

  5. @ Hancock, I believe the coach is two letters, the building 3 and 2 left for pic ?

  6. LVL 29 Found it at last, you won't believe the things I googled and it was that simple.

  7. Any help for Bonus lvl 12? I see the two things that are changed from the usual, but don't know what to do with that.

  8. Laurie W, all those things come with a number. You chose what to do next.

  9. @Laurie W Just a simple matter of ind*****

  10. And I'm done! Thanks LinR and KenKoh9801. I could have sworn I tried that already and it didn't work. I must have had a letter wrong. Is there no HOF for finishing the bonus levels?

  11. That's all folks?you never know with small-tool,thanks to all that helped,and especially s-t for a great 23 days journey!!

  12. I would breathe a sigh of relief that I am done, and can get back to my regular life, but--this riddle led me to the previous one (Tool Torture Threesome), where I am currently on Hard Level U, so I still have a ways to go there. Maybe in another week or two.

  13. I had to be away for a few days, but finally could come back to finish Bonus Level 12 :) Thanks again small-tool! It was a great pleasure to get to play one of your riddles live :P I'm looking forward to many more to come!

  14. still stuck on the lvl 36 2nd egg. i understand that i need to apply the egg text back to the level (thanks robin). I've tried converting and counting but don't seem to get anywhere.

  15. Congrats all new finishers, great job :)

  16. Hancock, it is possible to solve this level without finding the eggs at all. Those firsts give you what you need to count with.

  17. Lvl 36: I can't seem to get started, though I read it's 'basic riddling'. Am I supposed to pull a letter from each name? Nothing much is standing out except the names with the doubles. Could I get a good kick please?

  18. @lisa - Lvl 36: Yes that is the correct path. Imagine you have them in a numbered list and use it to pick.

  19. LVL 36 : Can I get more pushing? I'm not seeing what to pick here. Tried rearranging the names to some order, but not seeing anything popping out.

  20. @Lisa and @Namchokdef in each name, one of the letters (you know which) tells you which letter to pick, just do it in the most basic way. If you do it correctly you don't even need to visit granny

  21. Lvl 36: Thank you, Keeper & Namnet! I wrote those names so many ways & never saw anything. Finally got the egg which is sending me back to the level. If I choose the correct letters, will they also already be in order w/o granny? There are so many...
    Did you have any luck, Namchokdef?

  22. I am Japanese. I love Riddle and try this game.
    Well, I'm stuck at level XXV. egg1 has confirmed. Please give some tips for finding egg2.

  23. Lvl XXV @Jan, I went back & tried to figure out how I got egg 2, but I'm not sure I ever did. I finished the level because of hints saying to identify the person in the level pic and the person in the egg 1 pic, and use what they have in common. Hope that helps till someone else comes along!

  24. @Jan: Also, both are American actors.

  25. @keeper - thanks so much on bonus lvl 5, I was overthinking like crazy. Thank goodness you put me back on the right path :P

    I need to check my findings on bonus lvl 7. After following previous hints, I am now listening to a very well known thing (o.y.)but nothing related to this or its creators seem to fit. Am I on the right track or have I lost the path (again)?

  26. LVL 36 -Nam and Lisa - Use 1 thing on each (first name) to help you choose which letter to pick from the whole name.

  27. @Chael615: Thank you; I now have 2 eggs and am trying to figure my next move.
    Loved the link on the 2nd egg! Too funny =D

  28. Lvl 36, to apply that 2nd egg hint, I would look first at the names :)

  29. lvl 41 2nd egg in new folder--stuck for hours, comments not publishing, have tried removing m****, removing another L, tried "sense to change" as cents and coins,. . . Am I changing the folder again which I have tried, to no avail. Need a push in the right direction. Thanks.

  30. POP, my first one! onto 42.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Puzzled, Bonus level 7, i think you might be listening to the right group, but wrong song (unless i misunderstand your comment). The subject is important.

  33. @LisaK Thank you
    level XXV
    The person on the right of egg1 is a famous actor in Japan, so I immediately got the name.
    But the person at the center of levelXXV doesn't even hit the image search, and I don't know at all.
    There is a fang like Dracula, so that's an actor like that?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Lvl 36: still fumbling after 2nd egg. One letter from each name again? Using A=1 B=2, I've somehow gathered 21 letters =/

  36. @ Lisa K
    I finally understood.
    That was a famous actor!
    Thanks to you!
    Thank you very much (^ ^) /

  37. Ah, you're so welcome Jan! Yay =D
    I'm going to delete that last comment in case it's too much info.

  38. @Lisa, lvl 36, lol i have no idea from where you got your 21 letters.
    You will need 1 letter per person, so 8 letters for the answer.
    Use the first letter of each name as a number, to pick the right letter from that person.

  39. @Ellie, thanks :) Yes I know that other song, but I don't find anything good with that title. Someone wrote here "listen to it and you will know how to reply" ... well I am speechless :P

  40. @Ellie; idk how I did it either but it made sense at the time haha!
    Thank you; done at last with Lvl 36 =)

  41. @puzzled, when you listen to the song... what comes after the subject phrase/what is the reply to it?
    * ****

    Well done @Lisa :)

  42. @Ellie, thanks so much :) I got it thanks to you, I haven't heard that answer lol. Maybe I was listening to the wrong versions :) Sleep time now zzzz

  43. can I get a nudge on the almost right egg of lvl 41 ? i've looked up and don't know if I need to do something special with the url or if the picture is a clue. i've tried dropping a letter of my answer and using granny. I've also looked to the left on the p******* luck

  44. Hancock, when you looked up did you look to the left? Look carefully maybe there's another place you can drop that letter.

  45. LVL 40 : Oh god, this is scary. Not just the spider in the middle but this whole level. I'm not getting the past hints about how to start the level here, I only got the obvious ":P" and then I found "t** a*****". There's too many connections to find some decent words.

  46. Congrats on finishing the bonus levels; Laurie W, the artist and Ellie :)

    Congrats Fossa and Veri on finishing.
    You're both in The Hall of Fame

    For now, forget about finding words. Focus on the (amount of) connections on a path. The text provides a big hint about that and the web itself is kind of telling where to start.

  47. @Ellie: Thanks to one little sentence from you, many pages back, I was able to complete Lvl 39. Never heard of that code!
    I'm lost on Lvl 40 with Namchokdef, but it's far too late to tackle this one tonight =P Thank you everyone for your help today =)
    Congrats to all the finishers!

  48. @s-t I got the egg! Yay! Don't know which letter to start on this one though... I'll have lots of numbering to do to make it easy to see, i supposed.

  49. namchokdef,when you see the word tr....y,what number comes in mind?the same you did before!

  50. Yay, thank you LinR. onto lvl 42

  51. Lvl 40: Still haven't got the first clue where to start. I see words but we're not supposed to care about that yet.
    Number of connections on a path?? There are lines crossing lines everywhere. I see nothing but confusion.

  52. LisaK, The number of connections is indeed what you need to look at. Start with 9 and work down making a path to 1.

  53. LVL XXXIV, Been on this level for over a week. Have both eggs. Tried center overlay in Irfanview, Can't read it. Don't have a printer. Any suggestions.

  54. Jamie, You are doing the right thing. It is not a common English word. Don't the letters look reversed?

  55. Oh noooo, I just finished bonus levels. I feel good but I it is so sad that the fun is all over. Thanks Small-Tool for this wonderful riddle :)


    wait! now that I think of it, I haven't finished checking all the funny eggs!! Yay !!! It's not over YET mwahahaha ;)

  56. Congrats, Puzzled!

    @LinR; thanks for trying to help. I finally, finally found an egg! Now to see if I know what that means...

  57. @Jamie - I did XXXIV in Paint with the selection area tool set at "transparent" - when you are moving the egg pics around, you can adjust their sizes with the "handles" around the selected area. Not sure if that makes sense, but it worked for me. (after I gave up trying to drag it to granma in frustration and just put the darn thing in as is, no matter how odd it seemed, my first impulse on its letters were indeed correct.) :P

  58. LVL 33 believe I did the adding part got 5 letters which don't form a word, then tried subtracting and am left with another 5 letter word which is gibberish. The 10 together don't match either.

  59. ike, think of each number as a word, make a conversion...then you can do some math

  60. I don't know how to apply the message (3 words written in a strange manner) I got from egg 3 on LVL 45. Can i get a hint please? I tried pulling a word from the grid (bad egg), also tried it on level words and egg answers.

  61. @Hancock lvl 45 3rd egg - If you're on the OMG egg and you've enlarged that pic ... maybe you should look up :)

  62. @ hancock, thx for help, but can't get any progress.
    Keep going in circles and quit for now.

  63. LVL 50 -- I read all the prior hints and I still can't get the letters. I am terrible with the B*** C******** it seems. I really don't understand it. Please could I get a hint?

  64. Yes, that's where I am Puzzled. My neck is hurting from looking up! from the lack of chat I think iim missing something obvious. I've magnified the pic and read it up and down, back and forth. I've grannied the text the egg title the url the town.

  65. @hancock look on the browser tab and do what you are told!

  66. LVL 50 - Can I get a hint? I have read all of the previous hints but I do not understand the B*** C********

  67. Puzzled, I am baffled. I see nothing special in the url of LVL45 Egg Oh My God. I have tried to change the egg answer per the text from the grid but get no word. I also studied my k***** to see if the egg 2 answer or the text code worked on it :(

  68. @Hancock. Perhaps you used magnifier to enlarge the pic. Instead try hovering - there's another way to make it larger.

  69. I finished bonuses at last!))
    Thanks to preslavka, Linr, Namnet and mtatt for help!
    Thanks all EG24 for hints and explanations!
    And huge Thank to Small Tool for his wonderful riddle!

  70. @Chael615, open any B*** C********. Put red N***** at start and dont change it. Choose "From 10 B***" and dont change it either till finish. Change "To ..." number and look at the result. Start with 3. If result = one of the pillar write down the b*** number. You need 4 in whole.

  71. LVL 33 how many letters do I need, is it 5 or 10? Keep getting same results no matter what I subtract

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. @ the artist THX ! was completely looking at it the wrong way

  74. Congrats on finishing the bonus levels; Puzzled and Fossa :)

    Congrats hugoke and Sweet Meat aka Chael615) on finishing.

    You're both in The Hall of Fame

  75. LVL 34 Read about seeing in pic how to divide. I don't see any differences in the lines.

  76. @ike can you see the white and grey dotted lines on the bin? You need to use what the level asks you to use on those lines

  77. @ Keeper, yes I converted the word and have 4 lines from doing that. But the part I don't understand is how to divide the 8 in every line

  78. @ike, you put your first converted letter on the bin's first line and pick only one digit from the line.

  79. lvl 47 I have read the previous comments on this level, but can't figure a single egg. I see words made of 2 separate words (5) and words that are portmanteaux (10). Cannot get anything from ftf or stf from anything. Need a clue as I haven't got one.

  80. @P3P I looked at a wikipedia list of portmanteau's. Each portmanteau breaks into two words. Take the first of the second.

  81. Chael,Thanks, I have done that to the 10 such words I find and get squat. I assume I'm using some that aren't on the list. I'll check and try again.

  82. Chael, needed to add another. Have Egg 3, if I need 1 & 2. I may be in trouble!

  83. @ Keeper and Fossa, so incredibly stupid. How come I always look for the most difficult procedures ?? Thx again

  84. @P3P, you have already the second egg. You wrote the answer in your post but one letter was extra. Do the same with ftf for the first egg.

  85. Still on LVL 40 Egg. (Just have some time to continue this today) Have numbered every connections to see easier, but not seeing the path. I've begin with the last word in the egg, which is a s***n, but all of them not connecting to the right place.

  86. namchokdef, according to the last word of the egg,you must start with letter g!

  87. lvl 40 egg
    Namchokdef, you only use that last word for the whole path, but it's not about how many letters it is, it's about what the word means/stands for.

  88. Thanks, the artist and s-t! Almost got dragged down the (drain?) gates there.
    LVL 42 : I'm not getting the past clues about which words to choose. It is another c***** level, so I'm guessing it's about that? There's also a hint about words that has the title letters, but not fully getting it. I'll take a break here for today.

  89. Bonus Level 4 - I am sure I am on the correct page. There are a couple of numbers in red, some numeral that are in bolded black. Not sure what to use or how to convert here. I have read all of the prior hints but I cannot get anywhere. Can I get a push please?

  90. chael615 not red but the bold ones(five of them simple conversion)

  91. And again two finishers :)

    Congrats rbud57 and Patty3Ponies

    You two in The Hall of Fame too :)

  92. Congrats to all the finishers!!!

    Have been sick for a few days, back now and still stuck on Bonus 7, brain is not picking it up for some reason, have seen all the hints but am now more confused... i know on the previous lvl we took out 3 letters, i have tried on this level taking out the one small word and taking out the colored word, and not getting it, am i taking out the wrong thing or taking it out of the wrong place? am going in circles here... any help please? and thanks in advance

  93. Robin, this is a google level. You need to look at that coloured word a little differently no W.

  94. thank you so much linr!!!! is there a clue as to which one? or just keep looking and it will be obvious?

  95. Chael, ceebee, Puzzled. Thank you...I never clicked the flipping pic...on to 46...whew!

  96. have tried everyword in the subject title and nothing is coming up?

  97. Robin, the text of the email is declaring something to Smalltool. That is the particular one you need. Listen to it for his answer.

  98. Linr, that is the one i was trying, have listened to different ones and tried everybit of the lyrics, not even getting an egg on this one, is it just one word i am looking for and not the full line?

  99. omg, just played the last one i could find and heard it finally, thank you

  100. level XXVI
    For Japanese, I use google translation to solve.
    I'm troubled with the way I understand the title.
    A. Find a ciphertext from the text and use the English word of the title as a key to decipher it?
    B. Or does it mean finding a key to be decrypted from the text and using it for English words in the title to decrypt?
    Please give me some hints.

  101. LVL 39 how do I decode? Only thing I get are the numbers 1 and 2. Can create B******* but how to make text

  102. lvl XXVI
    Google the title and it will give the title of a famous book, but there is an other word instead of the word 'key' in that title and that word is your key.
    First letters of all sentences will give you the cipher and the gibberish.

    lvl 39
    Google the 'whole' title.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. I don't think there is an online decoder for that specific b.code (or actually alphabet), just use the wiki page.

  105. @ s-t: was ( as uasual) overthinking! And: got off on the wrong foot initially. Google brick wall code and you will see !!

  106. @ s-t and since you are a devil in disguise this would have been a possibility as well

  107. Just want to thank Small-tool for this game. Never succeeded with riddle games before but so much help on this site that I have managed to reach LVL XLIX after days and days of trying. Thanks to all who post helpful comments - too many to name individually, but I wouldn't get anywhere without them.

  108. @ Small tools
    Thank you very much.
    I was able to move on to the next level.

  109. Congrats Di999 :)
    You are now in The Halfway There Heroes list.

    Glad you're having fun with it and yes indeed, this is a great site with a lot of friendly people helping each other. No one will left behind :)

    Nice find Ike. Never heard of that code, but now you jinxed it; I'm gonna use it in some kind of diabolical level :P

    Glad you found the way to the next level Jan :)
    By the way, just wondering, are you by any chance the maker of those great Japanese escape games; Jan's room ?

  110. LVL 42 : Still not finding the words I needed. Not quite get the clue of "words that have letters from title". I think I found one, with 3 consecutive letters from title. Don't know if I'm on the right path though.

  111. I know this level is the center of comPlicatEDnEsS, but I'm sure you can solve it :)

  112. Thanks s-t!
    LVL 43 : Got 1/3 egg, am finding the missings, but my granny kinda doesn't want to help, only got 1 from her. Is there a better one I could ask?

  113. Bonus Level 6 - Read the prior hints and not getting there. Got the extremely rotten egg. Tried using missing letters and adding B** to the bolded letters in the bottom email and visiting granny but not getting anywhere.

  114. Namchokdef, there are 3 anagram sites listed on the Toolshed page.

    Chael615, The troll mentions sending proof that he finished. What did you use to provide the proof you finished the riddle to Smalltool?

  115. Bonus Level 8 - I got a rotten egg. I am not quite getting how to do the equations or where to go from here for that matter.

  116. @Chael615 did you try to google the equation?

  117. @LinR : Tried asking every granny there, can't even get the first word right. Still only have 1 that i got right.

  118. @Namchokdef, you need to add 1 missing letter to a word and anagram then. The missing letters are different in different words, you have to guess. I used list of c********* for help.

  119. Ooh! I see! I haven't use the fullest of the egg yet, wow, I'm really blinded....... I should've made a connection after I got C**** right, but I thought it was just finding any words. Thanks @Fossa

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. Bonus level 9 -I have 3 good eggs (1,2&3) and I have run out of ways to draw lines. I cannot find a single thing. Maybe a gentle nudge, please?

  122. Bonus 9, you need 3 more eggs, try to make some omelets with the ones you already have.

    I could use a more clear hint for bonus 10 egg, read the hints here but don't get it.

  123. Dutchie - I am in your boat, also. There are 64 letters in the text so I think it is b*****. However, I am dividing by consonants and vowels and the first word starts with a consonant the next starts with a vowel. Which is really throwing me off. All of the B***** numbers start with 0.

  124. Bonus lvl 10
    Chael615, you're on the right track. It is what you think it is.
    How to work with the thing that's really throwing you off is hinted in the title!

  125. Chael615 you better get out of my boat because it's sinking rapidly :)
    Still on bonus 10 egg and out of ideas (and braincells), I need a Lifebuoy!!

  126. Oops, sorry Dutchie, I somehow read you were stuck on 10 too and thought I answered both of you with my previous one.
    Middle part will make a fraction. Use that fraction on the end part (a length measurement)
    And read the : as =

  127. small-tool I have tried that. I have tried separating all A's and all B's but I am still running into trouble.

  128. @Chael615 the title gives you a hint what indicator to use for each string

  129. @Keeper I appreciate the hint but I do not follow. I have tried using the format in the title to separate the letters but I'm not getting anywhere.

  130. The title is not the hint how to separate. Keep the text as it is, just separate them in equal b***** strings.
    The title is telling you to sometimes use some kind of letter as one and sometimes an other kind of letter as one.

  131. Thank you guys soooooo much! I was way overthinking that. The egg will have to wait. Thanks again!

  132. Finally finished, thank you Small-tool for the riddle, and to all those who helped along the way, it really was tooley-fun! I look forward to your next one.

  133. Congrats on finishing the bonus levels, Robin :)

    Congrats Hancock you're in The Hall of Fame :)

  134. LVL 47 : Not seeing anything in hindsight for the first and second egg, got third one with the hints above. I'm probably overseeing the obvious here....

  135. I;m hunting for the bonus levels. I've revisited 100 pages, listening for green words, and looking at p*********. but I haven't heard anything. can someone point me in the right direction?

  136. @Namchokdef, you've got the most difficult egg. The first ones are easier. Use the same words. basic and second basic.

    @ Namchokdef , I did the same way. Looked every lvl and nothing. Then I remembered that there was one more page...

  137. @Hancock Go back to the very beginning. In fact, riddle me this: Where have you heard this before?

  138. Sorry, I wrote my second comment to Hancock

    @ Hancock , I did the same way. Looked every lvl and nothing. Then I remembered that there was one more page...

  139. Lvl 50 Read all hints; this seems to be the go-to one:

    aaaasa 4/27/19, 7:21 PM

    "Cardinal, the letters on the pillar tells you what the bases are. They are the result of converting number 13 to the bases you need. For example, if the pillar has the letter J, you know the base is 13, because 13 in base 10 is 10 in base 13"

    I've tried really hard to follow that, but it makes my head spin. I finally got the rotten egg, which felt like a victory after two days; haha! Think I'm using the right tool, but I'm struggling to put the right things in the right places. I mostly end up with 4 consonants. Would someone please get me going?

  140. Lisa let's do your K :)

    I guess you're using the last tool in the tool shed (the one named Numbers Conversion).

    First do the last column. The one simply titled 'to:'
    Don't fill in anything at the top (that's the spot you're gonna check later), but put the base on base-10. If done. Don't touch that last column anymore at all! It's just for looking now.

    The first column (the one titled 'from:')is probably at binary. Let it be for now!
    Now we're gonna use the K. It's in alphabet 11, right?
    Fill in that 11. So it's now 'from: 11'
    The moment you do that you will see the empty 'to:' box in the right column change. It says 3.
    But we don't want 3. We want 13, but...
    Don't touch it!!!
    We're gonna change that 3 in the second column by using the first column.
    In the first column you keep the 'from: 11'
    You're gonna change the bases now.
    Instead of binary make it octal. On the right it's now 9. No good.
    Make it decimal. 11 (no surprise there 11 tot 11 from decimal to decimal is of course 11). But no good. We want 13.
    Hexadecimal makes it 17, base 2 makes it 3, base 3 makes it 4, base 4 makes it 5.
    Looks like a pattern, so let's make a bit bigger steps.
    Base 7 then maybe? Nope, makes it 8
    Base 11? Nope, makes it 12
    Base 12 then? And yes Bingo :) On the top right it says now 13.
    So we had to use base 12 for the K. And 12 is an L.
    Do the same with the other 3 to get 4 letters.

  141. Bonus level 12 - I went through the lyrics and some of it is wrong. However, I cannot see how to apply that. Can I get a push, please?

  142. @Chael615, Bonus 12.
    Every song's part has a number. Just pick.

  143. At last! I've finally worked out why have been unable to post comments.

    Lvl 41 I seem to be the only person for whom the answer hasn't clicked. I'm "almost there" but can't work out how to use the text to the left or what spot I should be looking for. Apparently not that promising-looking url. Any more hints?

  144. minkie205,
    It is the (sneaky part of the) url. Remember what the level itself told you to do?

    A halfway finisher!
    Congrats Zodiac :)
    The Halfway There Heroes

    And an all the way finisher!
    Congrats Ike :)
    The Hall of Fame

  145. thanks st. I'll try (yet) again!

  146. @small tool
    I am late.Thank you for your kind words.(^^)
    Sorry, I'm not Jan's room.
    However, I am very happy that you knew Jan's room.

    Level XXXI part 1.1
    I'm searching Google with reference to the image.
    (Two kinds of things and quantity, things below)
    When you read past hints, it seems that it is still being broadcast, but it doesn't hit if the search word is bad.
    Please give me some good tips.

  147. Level xxxi
    Jan those aren't any commnon or garden sorts of chair. You are looking for th(e) ones which are grander.

  148. bonus levels ? was determined to take a break after finishing the riddle but couldn't resist to look for the bonus levels, but I have no clue where to look. Read something about colour and P**** but that doesn't ring any bells.

  149. @ike, you need the very start page. There is what you listen to.

  150. HELP im stuck on level ix i understand how it works just no idea what the key is iv tried everything???

  151. @Tinksmum, look at url)

  152. @ Fossa, listened to that earlier but the only connection I can make is with a B***** character

  153. @ike, download what you there listen to (green) and look for it's p*********.

  154. @ike - I might only add - I think it may have been mostly the green border area - someone also said to click on that and download from the page that opens up. :)

  155. @ minkie 205
    Thank you very much.
    It was a tough issue for Japanese.
    Thanks to the part 1.2 proceeded (^^)/

  156. sorry guys, it's a mystery to me. But thanks for the support.

  157. LVL 49!! : Almost done!! But not quite.....
    It seems that I have to rewind the stages I've completed, based on the past hints. But I'm not seeing which to rewind to.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. @Namchokdef, how many ? do you see? So you need the same quantity to look behind.

  160. YAY!! I DID IT!! Wait, hold on, it's not done....?
    LVL 50 (I wanna find the rotten egg edition) : I heard there's a rotten egg, but can't seem to find it. I've completed the level, but wanna find the rotten egg. Kinda leaves me with unfinished feelings if I just complete it with the huge huge hint from s-t above..

  161. S-T, thank you so much for going into such great detail! I'm not a stupid person, but I struggle so with numbers. I'm anxious to hit the conversion table and really understand how it works. Again, thank you =) I've had so much fun with this these past weeks, I'll be sad to have it end. Maybe I'll try your three-part riddle again; I only got through the easy part on my first attempt =P

  162. Blame s-t for my egg obsession, especially rotten ones....
    It's too funny to skip it. I have a small laugh every time I got the obvious rotten eggs.

  163. Congrats Namchokdef :)

    Rotten egg; base10 to base13 for all of them.

  164. Oops, missed that comment.
    Congrats to you too Lisa :)

  165. Okay :P That's a nice laugh alright! Such a cute little voices too. :P
    I need quite a break before tackling the extra stages. Thanks again, s-t, for the second 50 levels.

  166. @ Fossa pfff, sometimes it's hard to take a thorough look at things. At least and at last I found it. Thanks again!

  167. Oh, no congrats for me yet, S-T. I'm saving solving lvl 50 for after I get some work done outside. Have to take advantage of a nice day here =)
    WTG to the latest batch of finishers!

  168. bonus level 3, is someone around to give a hint? What i know: first column is first half, need to convert the numbers, background colors are reversed. I tried taking firsts from url & titles, then doing math but got no words. I tried converting to roman numerals but that effort fizzled too.

  169. @Hancock - but the last method you mention is at least partly correct, should get you halfway there! Stick with it, convert, then count from what you get.

  170. Last question for this riddle (I think): I got the T****y F**s picture. Does that mean I am finished or is there another further screen?

  171. thank you rbud57! looking at bonus lvl 4 now

  172. Level XXXI part 2.1
    I have confirmed the "rotten egg" in the back view.
    The thing that "have" that thing is also added to the search word, but can not be found.
    Please give me some good tips.

  173. @Jan, lvl XXXI 2.1: try Googling an American phrase, adding the words that got you the rotten egg. You want the words that come first in the phrase. If that doesn't help, we'll try again =)

  174. Finally passed Lvl 50, with much help from S-T =) I never, ever would have figured that out myself. Big thanks to everyone who left clues for those of us who were lost along the way!

  175. @LisaK Thank you
    Thank you for your help last time.
    It is a complete conquest! Congratulations (^ ^) /

    XXXI part 2.1
    I read Lisa K's comment and thought about the meaning of the word.
    I'm guessing that it is probably "**** e" or "**** t" on a rotten egg page.
    I searched for words I guess and American phrase, but I do not know.
    I also read a comment with my child's fib in the past hint.
    Is "*** r *** r ***** s * n *** e" relevant?
    Give me some more tips.

  176. @Jan: Yes! That last sentence contains your answer; the first two words specifically =)

  177. Oh, I got ahead of myself; thank you for your kind congratulations, Jan =)

  178. Jan,
    XXXI part 2.1 is a very difficult one.
    ***r ***r *****s *n ***e is the American expression (last 3 words is pants on fire).
    The first two words of that expression is the movie.
    But to make it a bit easier.
    It is an 1997 movie starring Jim Carrey.

    Congrats Chael615 :)
    You really solved everything there is.
    No more bonus levels, no more tricks, you're really finished, Congrats :)

    Congrats Namchokdef and LisaK :)

    Very well done guys, you're now in The Hall of Fame

  179. Thanks so much, S-T; I love my medal =)
    I'll leave Jan in your much more capable hands, as I'm taking my tired brain to bed now! ♥♥♥

  180. You're welcome :)
    Enjoy your sleep and your medal :)

  181. @LisaK
    Thank you very much for your support.
    I understand your "word" now.
    You will be tired. Please take a rest slowly (^^)

  182. Oh, Small Tool also gave a hint.
    Thank you very much(^^)

  183. Bonus lvl 2 : found the message but no idea what the 10 letter/number combinations are referring to. Haven't found any egg yet

  184. Thank you everyone and especially small-tool! I really liked this riddle. It is my second favorite. In my humble opinion, nothing can beat the tool torture threesome masterpiece. That pyramid level was something else. But this is a very close second!

  185. @ike, have you visited the page with what the pic says about? There is smth hidden...

  186. @ Fossa, yes I found the hidden message, but the letter/number combinations don't mean anything to me

  187. Ike, Bonus level 2, use those numbers on the text in pic (in zwart balkje)

  188. Bonus lvl 2: whooeaaa, found the rotten egg, how on earth do you find such hilarious pictures. Thx dutchie!

  189. @ike, there are 2 words in the pic. Use them separately.

  190. @ Fossa, found it thanks, now found two eggs in bonuslevel 4 and looking for what to do next

  191. @ike have you opened what the egg asks you to open? If yes, you just need to follow what the egg asks you to do

  192. hi, any tips on finding the egg on bonus level 4?

  193. @ Keeper, first I followed the instructions which the book gave and found a rotten egg and a confirmation/rotten egg, but no idea what the comfirmation egg asks me to do??

  194. @Hancock you only need the egg by opening the manual, other eggs are rotten

  195. @ike it tells you that you are looking at the right place, but you also need to use the right format to get the right answer

  196. @ Keeper probably simple, but not to me. Read about granny and numbers and am confused

  197. thanks keeper, I will continue looking for the right "format"...even though I don't really know what that means :)

  198. @Hancock have you opened the page that the level/egg asks you to do?

    @ike/Hancock search the word "format" and you will see the right format :)

  199. I did open the manual keeper. googling "format" now


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