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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. @Unknown ftf gives you the cipher and gibberish, the title gives you the key

  2. Level 14
    I have a rotten egg.
    I understand that the middle symbol is "OR" and I guess that both arrows are "left and right."
    For example, if "+", then "-" should also be considered.
    So I tried to combine them from "8 letters" to "4 letters". However, I could not find the word to see the real egg. Please give me some advice.
    By the way, may I consider "+ 1" as "A"?

  3. @jan : You need to convert all FOUR numbers in letter form. (Example : 9 = "NINE")
    The number tells you how many letters to count and pick, and the +/- tells you which side to start counting.
    You should get four letters, by picking it from the converted text.

  4. Well, I have reached level 41 but am truly stuck. I have 5 eggs, have read all the hints, but reckon I need the help which was deleted by Fossa and Minkie205. This is my third day on this level. Just need a push for the last bit please.

  5. @Di999 the url tells you which part NOT to change, so there is only one place which makes sense to change

  6. @ Di999, read a little further after our deleted posts. Some posts after it I explained why we had deleted posts and there was the quite clear explanation what to do on 41 lvlv after 5 eggs. If not, I'll write the solution again)

  7. @Keeper and @Fossa. Thank you. I have reached another egg. There is no way I would have thought of changing to that without help. I'll see how far I can get now, but at least I have progressed a little more.

  8. Thanks again to all still helping. On to Level 42 at last.

  9. @ Namchokdefu lvl 14 Thank you for your easy advice.
    Level 16
    Is the "year" of the person in the image on the left the "first voyage year"?
    I know the stained glass person name but I do not know the "year" I should look for. Please give me some hints.

  10. @jan ftf gives you some hints which year to look for

  11. @keeper
    Thank you very much for your prompt reply(^^)
    I was able to move on to the next level.

  12. Level 20
    I'm stuck in the second egg.
    Eggs comment "You need a tool to do so!".
    4/30 @ I read the comment of keeper.
    Does "tool beginning with c" mean "car * e * ter" or "cu ** er" etc?
    Or does it mean "tool starting with c" to use with Riddle?

  13. lvl 20
    Jan, it's a real life tool you need. A tool like a screwdriver or a hammer.
    With what tool can you open it?

  14. Small Tool. This is off topic (so I'll delete it later), but since you are visiting this page, I wonder if you can help. I'm doing small tool strife and when I enter the answer for level 8 (mouthwash) I get a pic and a continue button. If I press the button it takes me to a "page not found" message. Is this supposed to happen or is the link just broken because the game is too old?

  15. Minkie205,
    No need to delete your comment. In fact, it might even be useful information for other players attempting older riddles.

    Way back then a lot of riddles were made with the very user-friendly FreeWebs. Unfortunately a few years later it turned out it wasn't as friendly as they promoted. If sites made with FreeWebs weren't frequently (or not upgraded to a paid version) they simply froze the site (without even mentioning it to the owner).
    A lot of good riddles made by great makers were lost due to that including all my first riddles.

    Owners of a site can contact FreeWebs to restore it, but often it's a hassle and with the chance to be frozen again a year later.
    Extra problem with my first riddles is, I don't own those sites. They were build by JonTheWatch and sadly he passed away :(
    Maybe one day I rebuild them in Weebly or Wix or so.

    Anyway, the only riddles made by me that are still available are these:

    SadisT riddle

    50 Shades of Small

    The next 5 were never posted here on EG24:

    Kill Your Darlings

    Kill Your Darlings part 2

    Kill Your Darlings part three

    Kill Your Darlings episode four

    Kill Your Darlings take five

    Crash Course Conundrum

    Tool Torture Threesome

  16. Wow! thanks for such a detailed reply Small-Tool.
    Lots of riddling for me to do it seems. I know I'll enjoy them. Thanks for all your hard work and ingenuity :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. lvl 22
    4/29 aaaasa read the comment,
    We recognize that we make egg from four viewpoints.For example, in the case of "color", it is not possible to obtain eggs even if the place name of the signboard without color is converted with "FTF and Grandma". It is the same even if it converts it with a colored place name.
    Give me some more tips.

  20. @jan : I was stuck here before too! But apparently...
    ......I was [Blind]......And there is a certain alphabets for people like these.
    Use that on four viewpoints and you should get the first Egg.

  21. @ Namchokdef thank you!
    Sorry. I do not understand your comments because I do not understand English well. I think that is probably a synonym for "narrow vision". Or it may be a word like raising a "blind" in a rotten egg. Or add one letter and make it a word with another meaning?
    "a - z" for "blind" adding one letter didn't mean something else.
    I think it is difficult, but please give me some good advice.

  22. Level 22 Jan. You are right to keep mentioning the word blind. There's a special kind of alphabet. do you remember what you did right back at the beginning of this journey (level v)

  23. @minkie 205 Thank you very much.
    I solved the lvl V with the "braille" alphabet used for the blind.
    How to use it for "color, place, length, letter"? ?
    I actually wrote the word "color" in braille. In addition, I tried to write "the place name of the problem" in braille. I thought it would be a letter by connecting points, but it was not.
    I'm sorry. I really do not understand.

  24. Hi Jan. I need to work through it again to be sure, but for example there are two black and white signs. This gives you one letter. You are looking for a four letter word to start with. I've got to go just now, but I'll check back later to see if you are still stuck.

  25. Jan, Lvl 22: 4 of them have the same number of letters. The other 2 have the same number of letters. There are two different countries of those places. Also, if you read each town ftf, then it hints at which alphabet (you are correct) to use. I think the other thing is that two are black/white signs and the others not. ...but I may be wrong. Good luck.

  26. Hi again Jan. Back now. Clio has hinted for "color, place, length". The LAST thing you need is "letter".

  27. Namchokdef, minkie205 , clio_rose,
    Thank you very much! !
    I finally understood the meaning. That was the placement! The next egg will be considered tomorrow. Also, please help me (^^)/

  28. Yay!!! Finally reached level 50 and solved mainly due to S-T's very helpful explanation. Massive thanks to all of you who have offered advice to me and others (which I have had to use on many of the levels). Now to find the bonus levels, although I might have a break first. Also many thanks to S-T for this game and I think I'm more than a little hooked (if not very good at them) now.

  29. Congrats Di999, very well done :)
    You're in The Hall of Fame now!
    Sincere apologies for making you a riddle addict :P

  30. And another finisher :)
    Gefeliciteerd Truus, hartstikke goed gedaan :)
    Ook jij nu in The Hall of Fame nu!

  31. Truus!! Congratulations!
    It is strange that we finished this riddle in the different time)))

  32. Congrats new finishers, great job!

  33. After many hours reading comments and trying to download things, I have finally found the bonus levels. Had to use Internet Explorer instead of Edge, but now feel a ridiculous sense of achievement!

  34. Spending a lot of time to get your fix, meanwhile falling off the Edge and when done a feeling of euphoria. Well Di999, there's no denying it anymore, you're a true riddle junkie now :P
    Sorry, just kidding, let me rephrase that: Yay well done, you're a real riddler now :)

  35. Thanks Minkie and S-T. Still find it hard but am afraid I am addicted now.

  36. Lvl 27
    It is not correct to combine "parts of a good egg title" with "safe words".
    Do you think I'm wrong?
    I am using the "scrabblecheat" solver

  37. lvl 27
    If you are on the egg with the 'granny dominatrix', then you are correct.
    You need to anagram the url of that egg (M........D) with your 5-letter safe word.

    The scrabblecheat solver should work, but...
    change the settings on that solver.
    Make it Max Length 20

  38. @ Small-tool Thank you very much.
    I set the solver letter length to 20, and I got it right.

  39. Aww, Thank you Fossa :)))
    Yes, LOL! You played it so much faster than I did.
    Well done girl & Congrats to you too!!!

  40. Anyone there to help with bonus Lvl 10 please? Can't even find the egg. Have tried various things and read previous comments, but still can't find anything that works.

  41. HI Di999. I guess if you've seen previous comments you know you need to use b*****. To do that you need to break up the text into lines of equal length. You can code the text into two kinds of letters. The title also contains equal numbers of those two kinds of letters in a useful order.

  42. Thanks Minkie. I'll try that. Couldn't see how to apply b***** so maybe that's the break I need here.

  43. @Minkie that did the trick. Thanks again. Now to the egg.

  44. Your'e welcome Di999 ... almost at the end of the marathon now:)

  45. But still struggling with the egg. I'll give it another go tomorrow in case inspiration suddenly appears overnight. If not, will have to ask for more help.

  46. @Di999, are you stuck at the egg "g******h"?
    Look at 2 letters in the left/ Thay are abbreviation, a unit in the US systems of measurement. 2 letters before them use as alphabet numbers and you'll get a new measure unit. 3 letters in the right you can see in the url. Change them with the new measure unit.

  47. Fossa: I think you've got your left and right mixed up ;)

  48. @minkie205, damn, you are right)))

    @Di999,change "right" and "left" for each other in my post))

  49. Thank you Fossa and Minkie. I had the unit, but spent too long converting the middle part to numbers and trying to play around with that. No inspiration came overnight so thank you again. Now to Bonus Level 11.

  50. And finished! Thanks to all who posted comments and especially those who replied to my pleas for help. Thanks s-t for this puzzle - so ingenious. Having a rest now, but will definitely look back to your older riddles and try again.

  51. Well done Di999 - you've made it!
    I've been visiting older riddles too. I'm currently trying to kill s-t's darlings (see Small-Tool's post higher up on this page for some links), but I warn you it is sooo much harder without all the help you get on EG24 :)

  52. Level 36
    The first egg can not be confirmed.
    4/24 Ellie's comment "A basic riddle for finding the first egg. Instead it might be helpful if the names are different / under written, but it should not be necessary."
    I do not know the answer to this sentence.
    Is it a middle name? I thought, but some people do not have a middle name. Please give some good tips.

  53. @jan there are two eggs. Do you have both of them? For 2nd egg - ftf on backgrouds.

  54. Hi Jan. I'm glad you're still here :)
    I solved this level without getting any eggs. The comment I found most helpful was this:
    "Chael615 5/5/19, 12:25 PM

    LVL 36 -Nam and Lisa - Use 1 thing on each (first name) to help you choose which letter to pick from the whole name."

  55. Oh my gosh! I didn't even know there was a new riddle up!

    Just started it and am stumped by Level IV / 4. Do I really have to count those letters!? Because it's proving very difficult and I'm not really getting anywhere with it.

  56. ^ POP. If anyone's stuck on Level IV / 4, please ignore the picture entirely and save your brain. xD

  57. I feel really stupid. Got the egg on Level XXI, and I'm trying to use the same cipher again by assigning a number to the letters that are capitalised in the picture and a different number to everything else. However, I'm not getting anywhere with that. I've also tried grannying the words, but I'm not getting anywhere with that either. Please help!

  58. @ Di999 Thank you for tips.
    @ minkie 205 Your words were very happy. Thank you very much. My heart is not broken for now (^ ^)
    Well, I knew about background letters. However, some people have more than one letter, so I want a hint to select letter.
    I think "using one thing for each" is an important hint.
    However, I do not understand the meaning of "one thing". Did you not translate well into Japanese, or is my imagination inadequate?
    Please tell me a little more.

  59. ^^ Never mind! I was wayyyy overthinking. No need to reuse cipher. Just combine the egg with the original level and follow what you get.

  60. @jan : The first name has a special letter that is usually different than the others. (My username, for example, has one different letter from all the letters in it.)

  61. Jan It would be better to have said "use one thing FROM each" rather than "one thing ON each". In this case the one thing is a letter. Namchokdef's comment will help here.

  62. Can anyone help me with Level XXV? I have found 1 egg, but I don't know what to do with it or how to apply the capitalised word in the text.

  63. OK, I managed the level by essentially brute-forcing the names of cards until one worked. I'm on Level XXVI now, but I would love to understand why the card on the left in the 1st egg is supposed to lead to that actor. Did he play a m******n at some point!?

  64. Right, I'm taking a break for the day. Half a riddle in one day is enough for me! Going to come back tomorrow. Such a shame I never saw this riddle back in April. :(

  65. blackfiresong: I think it's just that the pose is so similar. A google search on his name and m*******n brought up a facebook post about it for me.

  66. @minkie205 - I got that connection (the t***t card and the card with J**n on having a similar pose), but I'm confused as to how the other actor (T**) was supposed to factor into things. I read in the comments that another t***t card name was needed, so I brute-forced card names until one worked, and after that, it was easy to find the connection between the two actors. But I don't know how I was actually meant to solve the level... like what the logic should have been.

    I didn't end up stopping playing for the day and am now stuck on XXXIII. I got one egg, but now I haven't the foggiest idea how I'm meant to "unbend" letters.

  67. Brute-forced my way through XXXIII once again! Just kept trying different combos of what I thought the unbent letters were until one worked. xD

  68. I'm not sure there was a logic. I tried the word to get t** as soon as I saw the level pic and text.
    Well done on xxxiii. I found that one hard to see.

  69. lvl XXV
    The title was a made up word (made up out of two real words). Each word gave an egg. So there is
    T.. M......N as egg and there is
    T.. M....T as egg

    Too bad you missed the start BlackFiresong.
    I mailed all players April 4, but maybe it ended up in your spam map :(

  70. @s-t - I'm awful with emails when I'm on holiday! I must have missed it :(

    I'm on XLV and I'm totally stumped. I've read all the hints, but I'm stuck with the K egg. Supposedly I'm meant to use the same "friendly neighbours" method, but that gives me a "g", and if I add that to the "d" word I got previously, I no longer have an anagram. Help!

  71. Also, HAHAHA, I just checked out the t**m***** egg from XXV. Funny :D and the inclusion of that actor makes a hell of a lot more sense now :D

  72. Finally onto XLVI! Didn't think to use the first rule of riddling on K********'s n*********.

  73. Halfway point reached! Bring on the next 50 tomorrow (if I can find them...)

  74. (aka Minkie) Whoa BlackFiresong, that's some progress in one day. You'll be in bell by tomorrow ;)

  75. @Namchokdef @minkie205
    I advanced to the next level!
    Thank you very much.
    I noticed in yours comments and May 5. Eri's comments.
    Also, please help me (^^)

  76. Thank you, Minkie!

    Can I have a push from someone on how to reach Level 1 (of the second half)? I'm currently staring at Level I and I haven't the foggiest idea how to proceed.

  77. @BlackFiresong : Well......have to tried using the Firsts of "all" words? That limits the words you have to find the firsts from all to "all".

  78. @Namchokdef - I appreciate your hint, but it's still not clicking for me. The first of "all" is just "a"? I tried "a", but that didn't work, hahaha. I thought maybe I needed to look for synonyms for "all" in the text, but the closest I can find is "totally"... Am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?

  79. I just thought "all" might be short for all*********... but I can't find any examples of that in the text, so it probably isn't.

  80. HA!!! It suddenly hit me like a lightning bolt what "all" meant. To anyone struggling with LVL 1 - "llɐ" ƃuıuıɐʇuoɔ spɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ɟo sʇsɹıɟ ǝɥʇ s,ʇı

  81. Yayyy BFS. I wondered where you were! Now hurry along and help me leave please. I won't be much help I'm afraid. I've forgotten most of everything, and as always forgot to write notes. However, if I'm around to help, I promise I will (try). haha.

  82. So good to see you, clio! What level are you on? I'm currently stuck on Lvl 5 (second half). S-T's hint earlier in the comments says to do the same thing I did with the fat baby, except to Google as well. But I can't remember what I did with the fat baby or even what level the fat baby was on. I've found two rotten eggs (j****** and b******), but I don't know where to go from there. Googling them individually or together doesn't really bring up anything useful.

    Also, I don't know if robin is still around to read the comments, but if you are, robin, THANK YOU for always asking exactly the same questions I would so that I (mostly) don't have to! <3

  83. BFS: Level 5. The fat baby was about picking something bigger than a letter. so not first letter first, but ....

  84. Thanks, Minkie :) I forgot to say I figured it out! Ended up having to go back to the fat baby level and re-solve it for the solution to click for me. Made me crave that fictional ice-cream flavour again... xD

    Ending the day on Lvl 7. Going to carry on tomorrow.

  85. Morning to anyone here! I'm totally stuck on Level 9. Got an egg from the f****s of the titles, but I need to find something they have in common, and I have absolutely no idea despite reading all the hints. Haven't found any film poster egg. Only the f***d*** egg. Help!

  86. BlackFiresong, hi!)
    First of all fine all songs' names. They are 8. They can be divided into 4 pairs - each pair has one common word in the title. So you get 4 words sentence. Use it for the egg with movie poster. And read this sentence a riddler)

  87. Hi Fossa! Thanks. I found the four-word egg before seeing your comment (through brute-forcing based on past comments rather than through any actual skill). I've also gone to the appropriate level from the first half (the one with the orange pic), but now I don't know how I'm supposed to apply the whole "c****** of the same l*****" business...

  88. I got it!!! It just suddenly clicked how to apply "c****** of the same l*****" to the text on the old level. On Lvl 10 now.

  89. I have an exploded head. I finished. I'm sorry I didn't help you BFS. I went back to that level, looked at the egg you found, and went blank. I was all......huh, what on earth did I do next? Apologies, but I am off to bed, super happy. My brain needs a jolly good lay down. haha. Hope you are enjoying it as much as I did BFS. See you tmrw.

  90. Congratulations, Clio!!! I hear there are bonus levels too. I'm not sure I will ever get through them all. Currently completely lost on Lvl 14. Most people who commented earlier managed to find a rotten egg - I haven't even found that! Tried treating the V as a letter and as a number and adding/subtracting as per the numbers given, but I haven't got anywhere. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

    This second set of levels is far slower than the first... have gone from 50 levels in a day to about 7!

  91. BFS.........bloody hell. You went from lvl 10 to 14 in just over an hour....BRAINIAC.

    For a rotten egg on 14, do the numbers as stated. Minus numbers? - start from the rear end.

  92. Thanks, Clio! Found the rotten egg. Still equally clueless as to how to find any actual good eggs, though...

    And I'm not a brainiac at all... my sole riddling talent is sifting through hints in the comments! xD

  93. OK, found a good egg and then two more rotten eggs. Can't figure out how to pick numbers/letters/whatever it is on the good egg. Not sure what the upside-down V signifies.

  94. OK, apparently the symbols on the level are logic symbols for "or" and "and" respectively. However, I don't understand how the first half made use of "or", and therefore I have no idea how to successfully make use of "and" for the second half.

  95. BlackFiresong,
    The 'or' in combination with < (left or first letter) OR > > (right or last letter) made you pick the first OR the last letter.
    Now it's 'and' so it's using both.

    Congrats Clio, very well done :)

    You're now in the The Hall of Fame

    Btw, players;
    If not checked out that hall of fame for a while you better do.
    Besideds a lot of new finishers, there's now also an extended part because Pamster en Clio made poems/lyrics as

    extra hof comments.

  96. Thank you, s-t! I got it now :) Thank you for taking the time to help out even though it's been sooo many days since this riddle debuted!

  97. If anyone else is still playing this, I can recommend this website for Lvl 15:

  98. Lol, I wish I had known about that site when making the level. I did it old school with cutting and folding and then folding out again and trying to draw the results.

  99. Haha, my laziness to do any printing and folding compelled me to look for a site that could do it for me :D

    Reached Lvl 20 and am stopping for the day. This second half is slow-going and exhausting! But rewarding :)

  100. Good afternoon to anyone still watching me talk to myself :D

    I'm super stuck on Lvl 33. I got 2 rotten eggs and now I don't know how to proceed. I've read all the hints, but I don't know in what way I'm meant to convert the numbers. Can somebody please give me a shove?

  101. Never mind! A hint from Hancock to ike on page 13 of the comments made it click for me. Think of each number as a word! Onto Lvl 34 now.

  102. OK, what the actual eff is Lvl 40!?!?!? All those connections are giving me heart palpitations (and pyramid flashbacks). I need a break.

  103. BFS, what the actual is correct!! After reading a load of hints somewhere here, I sort of got it. I never know how to hint, but sort of just blurt. Look at the text underneath, and note how many letters each word has. It is progressive. Apply that to the connections. will lead you on a path to an egg. It is defs a stormy level. After you get that egg, then make sure you obey the final word of the egg text. You know what that word means, so look for that many connections. Good luck. (SERIOUSLY? On lvl 40 and playing for 3 days?...gahhhh)

  104. BlackFiresong, make a path. 1 line, 2 lines, 3 lines etc. There is only one possible path,

  105. Thanks for the hints, Clio and Fossa! I will have another stab at it shortly.

    Fossa, where I'm confused is that I get "t** a*****" and then the name of our favourite riddle-maker, and then I get stuck. If I'm starting after the ":P" symbol, the number of connections each of the letters has isn't progressively increasing. Up until the 5th letter of that path (the second letter of a*****), there is no divergence at all in the path. So I'm confused as to when/where I'm meant to start considering the number of connections...

  106. BlackFiresong, start with M)

  107. @Fossa - Thing is, the M only leads to an A and that A has 4 connections to it. So I'm jumping from 2 connections straight to 4. There's no possibility of a 3-connection letter in the middle. So that immediately seems wrong to me.

    Also, I found a rotten egg of sorts from the letters with 0 connections - cheeky s-t! Lol.

  108. Never mind - I got your meaning, Fossa! I thought you meant that I should start at the M of "s****-t***". After colour-coding all my nodes by number of connections, though, I realised you meant a different M. Found the egg now.

  109. I made it! I'm on Lvl 41 now. And no matter how many rotten eggs I get from it, FTF is always the first thing I try. I'm clearly a masochist. xD

  110. BlackFiresong, you are a real brainiac ))))

    41 lvl is very interesting...

  111. Well, I binged my way to the end. There are still bonus levels to play, but that's for tomorrow (I don't even know where they are yet!). For now, I'm going to email in to claim my rightful place in the HoF, and then give my brain a break. xD

  112. THANK YOU to everyone who left hints in the comments, and especially to those who popped in to help me even though I'm two entire months late to the party. If anyone's still playing the bonus levels, I'd love to hop on that train with you over the next week! And most importantly, THANK YOU to small-tool for your phenomenal work (the "the making of" ending blew my mind; I cannot imagine the effort you go through for our enjoyment!).

  113. Congrats BlackFiresong, thats was fast!! great job :)

  114. That was fantastic, BFS!! Congratulations. Wow!

  115. Well done BlackFiresong! That was super-fast!

  116. Thanks, clio and dutchie!! :)

    I just found and solved Bonus Level 1 from the hints in the comments. I have no idea how I was supposed to infer that answer from the picture. What's the pin got to do with it!?

    (I always need to understand the logic, otherwise I don't feel satisfied. xD)

  117. Congrats BlackFiresong, very well done :)

    You're now in the The Hall of Fame

    Thanks for the great song for the extended HOF comments :)

    Ps. the pin on bonus level 1 has nothing to do with the level. It came with the picture I found when looking for a nice pic with the text I needed.

  118. Bonus Lvl 3 - There aren't many comments about this, but I am super stuck. I gather that the numbers symbolise the l****s and each column is one of the halves... but I tried taking FTF from both the titles and the solutions for the numbers in the first column, but I end up with wayyyyy too many Fs either way. Help, please!

  119. Bonus lvl 3
    Think about how the first 50 levels are numbered!

  120. Thanks, s-t! I did the sums using that system, but I'm still stuck, as my letters don't anagram to anything. My first sum is V - 10 = 12 => L. Is that the correct method?

  121. OMG! Just realised I had mistyped and it's -17, not -10! OK, it works now, haha.

  122. Stuck on Bonus Level 4. All the hints talk about people finding rotten eggs and also about some page with text in red and bold and all sorts. I haven't found any of that. I've found a single egg with a single line of text on it, which I've tried applying to various things with no success. I'm clearly missing a significant piece of the puzzle. A hint, please?

    Also, Clio, are you not playing the bonuses?

  123. Also, has arrie NL changed username or did he just miss this riddle like me? I hope he finds it at some point. He was a great buddy of mine last time!

  124. bfs: think way way back to the beginning of this journey (well about 3 days for you!) s-t gave us all a helping hand at the beginning. On the other hand you could stay right here and look up a bit - not right to the top.

  125. Thanks, Minkie! I got it :) Onto Bonus Lvl 5 now.

  126. Bloody hell, BFS...I only just found bonus 1. I will solve (try to solve it) tmrw. You are amazing. Hopefully ArrieNL is well. I work on the assumption that no news is good news. Fingers crossed that is case. Not looking for hints yet, just staring at the thumb tack and the fact it tells me it's no problem. REALLY? NO PROBLEM? hmmmphhh. Will concentrate tmrw. Good-night all. Thanks everyone for the continuing help. I very much appreciate it.

  127. Goodnight, clio! Let me know if you need hints! I hope to finish the bonus levels tonight.

  128. Stuck on Bonus Lvl 7. I've noticed the 4 letters which disappeared from Lvl 6 to Lvl 7, but I have no idea what to do with that information. I also don't understand how and on what to apply the method from level XLVI (as an earlier hint indicated). A hint, please? :)

  129. bonus 7: I tried all sorts of things with those four letters. It came to nothing. You have to remove 1 letter from a word. A small word in the text indicates what letter that is.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. lvl 45
    Please give me an easy-to-understand hint on how to solve the second maze.
    I guess that what the title shows is "Go with G*d."

  132. (Minkie) Hi Jan, you are doing wonderfully well with the language barrier! I'm away from my computer now, so I can't check. I remember having great trouble with that maze. I'll look tomorrow (about ten hours), but hopefully someone else will come to the rescue before then.

  133. hi! Margaret Sunderland
    You are wise and very friendly.
    I'm fine. I'm very tired in a hurry, so I'm solving problems slowly.
    I am grateful that the people here are very easy to understand and teach me patiently.

  134. @jan : Second maze, here we go. (I only saved the levels, so I have to redo the level to get there.)
    You need to solve the maze first. Once you find a path from 2 green arrows, you should write down all the letters in the path you took.
    These letters will make 6 words, you have to split them at right place (it might be hard to recognize the words.) (Example : If you got "SMALLTOOL", you can split the letters to make 2 words "SMALL" and "TOOL")
    Then after that, add "g*d" to all those words and granny them. Finally, taking the firsts of those 6 new words and you should get past this Second Egg.

  135. @ Namchokdef Thank you for always helping.
    I advanced to the next egg safely, also advanced to the next lvl 46 (^ ^)

  136. Lvl 47
    Stuck to get the first egg. After anagraming the words on each line, I created another 5 letters, but I can not go to the eggs.
    I think this is because the expression "seconds first" can not be understood in the meaning of the title.
    I do not think it is a "second" representing "time".
    Please give me some tips.

  137. jan, you need three eggs. You'll get all 3 eggs from the second words (... s****h ... r***y ... t***s ... etc). Second here means only "2". So use these words to get the eggs.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. This might be too revealing, feel free to tell me to delete if it is.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. @jan : Those words you've listed are not the words you need. There are 11 of them that is p***manteaus.
    And yes, the "second word" means that.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. @ Namchokdef @ Fossa
    Thank you very much.
    Now I have advanced to level 28.
    The continuation is tomorrow.

  145. I just finished lvl 50.
    Everyone always thought about the language barrier and taught me. Thank you very much (^ ^)
    I really love here!

  146. YEAH GREAT,
    our Japanese friend finished :)

    Congrats Jan, very well done :)

    You're now in the The Hall of Fame

  147. Congratulations jan!! Your journey was extraordinary. You solved a riddle made by someone whose first language is not English. You had to translate all comments. You solved and finished. I think you are amazing!! Congratulations again.

  148. Congrats Jan, well done indeed :)

  149. A great achievment Jan! Well done :)))

  150. Congrats, Jan! Very well done indeed!

    I took a couple of days off from this due to being busy on the weekend. Still a bit stuck on Bonus Lvl 7. I found a song written by BB/DM, but am not sure what the "reply" aspect of it is.

  151. Never mind - I found a hint on the previous page!

  152. That's all, folks! I've finished the bonus levels. Peace out, and thank you once again to s-t for such a brilliant riddle. I've had a blast!

    I'll pop in over the next few days in case anyone wants a hand with the bonus levels.

  153. Well done BFS, I knew you would make it to the end super-fast :)

  154. Congratulations BFS. Well done.

  155. there are some typos on level 42, were those supposed to help find the answer somehow? I didn't use them to help if they were

  156. @Margaret and @clio - Thank you both! <3

    @Anonymous - There are no typos. Have another look at the title. Specifically the last 5 letters.

  157. i've already solved the level, but i still see two typos in verb subject agreement

  158. @Anonymous - Ah OK! I didn't notice any myself. Glad you solved it!

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. @clio_rose I'm really sorry if my comment came off as rude! It totally wasn't meant to be, I was just genuinely curious if they were somehow meant to help point to the answer! Thank you for helping with creating the levels~

  161. anywho, finished the main 100! not really up to finding the bonus riddles right now (know how to, just don't remember which level i need to download stuff from and not wanting to search at the moment) but will be back later!

  162. Congrats on finishing Anonymous :)

  163. Congrats on finding and solving the bonus levels BlackFiresong.

    Congrats on finishing the main 100 marisuga, very well done :)

    You're now in the The Hall of Fame

  164. @Anonymous. Congratulations on finishing. I am sorry for being so petty. I was in a foul mood about something completely unrelated, and over-reacted to your comment. You bore the brunt of my mood. Please accept my apology. Hope you continue and do the bonus levels. I'm still tootling along on them (well, tootling would be correct if I were moving, however my brain has stalled). Congrats again.

  165. @clio - Which level are you on? I can try and help (if my brain hasn't already blocked out how I solved everything!)

  166. Hi BFS. Thank you for your offer. I moved one level forward, and am now on bonus 4. Not asking for your help yet, though I am sure I soon will be. Thank you again.

  167. Our Japanese friend a.f. reached the halfway point. Congratulations you're now in The Halfway There Heroes

  168. Congrats a.f. go go go for the next part :)

  169. Yay a.f. Congratulations. Lots of hints here, which I used for the next 50. Good luck.

  170. Thank you s-t,,dutchie,clio_rose for your kindly posts.
    I’m now slowly going (like a turtle do) on lvl 16.
    I can’t find the date about 3 persons. ORZ…….

  171. @a.f. ftf tells you what dates to look for; title + word on the pic tells you what adjustment to apply on the dates. Good luck!

  172. Thank you Keeper for your post.
    But I can't found out the meaning 'ftf'
    or how to 'ftf' because of my low level English skills :(

  173. @af. ftf means first things first. e.g. the first letters of each sentence, or of a string of words.

  174. Finished the bonus levels finally. Thank you everyone for all the hints you left. I needed them for nearly every level. Thanks again small-tool. That was fun, funny and very clever. Looking forward to your next one.

  175. @Margaret Sunderland: Thank you very much.
    I recognized "ftf" as "face-to-face".
    I'm very embarrassing.
    Never mind,I'm now on lvl17. Thank you.

  176. congrats clio-rose! And thanks for your contributions on some levels.

  177. (aka Margaret Sunderland). You are welcome af. No need to be embarrassed at all! I would never have the courage even to start a riddle in Japanese, so well done you.

  178. Congrats Clio :)

    It was about time you finished :P

  179. I’m stuck at lvl 20.I have 3 eggs I can’t find the tool.
    PC? K*yb*ads? m*o*e? (another egg comes)
    Many posts shows , think what’s inside.
    Sholud I use English idiom or phrases?
    And someone said ‘ Just crick the pic’,
    is it for another page?

  180. Hi a.f. I'm not certain which eggs you have. You need to think about what tool you could use to open a box. It's a physical tool (e.g. screwdriver, hammer and so on).
    You will know when you can click on any picture throughout these riddles because your cursor will change when you hover over the picture.

  181. Thank you minkie205, I finally found the tool.
    It's a pitty that I missed some posts upper in this page.

  182. I’m still confusing at lvl 20.Found a rotten egg, and try to solve 17 letter words using several granny sites, but I can’t. Thinking about k********* witout c****, but no idea comes. Any hint please.

  183. a.f. Have you got inside the box yet? There you should find 12 letters, but some of those letters shouldn't be there.

  184. Thank you minkie205 for your kindness.
    But my brain is as hard as pumpkin. In the box there is
    12 letters-word, and should I throw the same character out?

  185. lvl 20
    The title is telling you what 8 letters should be outside the box (take away from the 12 inside).
    The 4 letters left is your answer.

  186. Ah, I almost gave up at this point. But thank you so much Small-tool and minkie205 for your kindly advising me.

  187. Another finisher, yay :)

    Our Japanese friend a.f. solved the second half!

    Congratulations you're now in The hall of fame :)

  188. Thanks all folks who commented on this board.
    Those comments were great compass for me to sailing in this huge sea of riddle.
    I also appreciate ケルプさん who helped me at Japanese BBS.
    Mr. Small Tool, Thank you for presenting this great riddle .(^^)/

  189. Congratulations a.f. Well done.

  190. Congrats a.f. great job :)

  191. Nearly 3000 comments. How to get comments over that?

    Hi small-tool,
    Hi donas,
    Hi dutchie,
    Hi a.f.,
    Hi minkie,
    Hi BFS,
    Hi Namchokdef,
    Hi Fossa,
    Hi Keeper,
    Hi Di999
    Hi anonymous, and everyone I forgot by name, and anyone else who wants to say hi to me.
    Just..because. lol.

    Hope you found the bonus levels a.f.

  192. Well Hi Clio-Rose and here is one more step towards that goal ;)

  193. Hi Clio, this will be comment 2998 so two more to go :)

  194. I reckon the 3000th comment should be reserved for Small-Tool, so here's your chance S-T ;)

  195. Thank you Clio_rose, and other friends. I alredy found bonus level, and just finished it! (With music)
    This is one of the most hard riddle I ever expirienced,without this BBS and Google Transrate,I couldn't completed. (I'm typical Japanese so I 'm not good at using English)
    Thank you again great Small Tool.I will try your another one.
    (I hope no centipedes picture there)

  196. Congrats on finishing the Bonus levels a.f. Very well done :)


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