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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. I admire your skill and determination, a.f. Congratulations on finishing the bonus levels.

  2. Well done a.f. I'm impressed!

  3. Another new finisher :)

    Congrats Iff (Bridget)

    You're in the Hall of Fame :)

    Congratulations a.f. you finished the bonus levels, very well done :)

    Ps. It seems I missed the comment 3,000 hype.
    I escaped the, riddled with a bloody hot heatwave, city. It's really Amsterdamned here.
    But,... thank you all very much for playing and commenting. I'm very glad you all had/have fun with my twisted thoughts :)

    Ps. ps.
    But,... it's in fact you guys missing a hype; It's not only people still finishing Tool Torture Threesome (like our Japanese friend Jan), but there the comments are almost at 4,500 now :)

  4. finally finished the riddle :) thanks for all your great hints I'd never have managed it without your help. :)and many thanks to s-t for this great riddle. now I'm searching for the bonus levels

  5. Another new finisher!

    Congratulations Abraxxass :)

    You are now in the Hall of Fame

  6. Yayyy. Congratulations Abraxxass!! I thought you finished ages ago, and way before me. So glad you got to the end. I think there are heaps of hints on how to find the bonus levels? If not, give me a yell. Congrats again.

  7. hi clio and thank you so much :) I could need help for bonus 1, I've read all the hints, but I can't find the expression

  8. nvm, onto level 2..never heard of this expression before :)

  9. help on bonus 2, please. I've read all the hints, but I'm still clueless

  10. Abraxxass, The two words written in the black strip. Where do you find the second word? Once on that page how would you find one that is not visible? Hope that helps. If not, let me know. Good luck.

  11. ´thanks a lot, clio, I've found the egg with your help. now I'm stuck again, I've tried to apply the hints on the egg-answer again and I also tried to apply the hints again on the words in the black strip, but started at the second word...both gave me only gibberish (xixrevjuil and boyshmltbn)

  12. Abraxxass, The words on the black strip are two separate words, so start at the beginning again for the second word.

  13. but when I start again, I'll get the same answer again? and when I star again with p***** b***, I only get gibberisch

  14. No you don't. What you get is the same first word, and then (don't know how you did that), get the first four letters of the second word you typed in your gibberish a couple of comments ago. So, ultimately you have P*****b***(diff last 3 letters). Confused the heck outta me when I played. lol

  15. I mean using the words in the black strip again. NOT using the P*****b***.

  16. thank you so much, clio, finally onto bonus 3 :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. please help me with bonus level 7. I've read all the previous hints and I know I need to find a video, but how? (and, silly me, I didn't make notes for XLVI, and I can't remember how I solved it)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. ah, I remember now how I solved XLVI, but I have no idea how to apply it on bonus 7? I understand noW, but there isn't any w in I l*** y**?

  21. Abraxxass, apply the it to the colour/previous word.

  22. I mean apply it to the colour/previous word. (don't know where that extra 'the' came from, lol)

  23. aaah, found something, lets see...thanks clio

  24. help on bonus 9, please? I have no idea how to draw the lines. thanks!

  25. I drew from diamond to diamond. There are two obvs eggs using the letters outside the circle, and then six additional eggs. It would be 1 diamond to first letter diamond, and so forth. Let me know if you need more help, Abraxxass.

  26. Another new finisher!

    Congratulations kjai :)

    You are now in the Hall of Fame

  27. Congrats new finishers, well done! (I had to make the 3030 comment :D )

  28. Finally finished Level L, trying to access the bonus levels. Are there any kind hints to provide that haven't been said already on here? The early hints are not strong enough....

  29. Go back to the first level and focus on (the firsts of) words with 'all' in them.

    Btw. clicking on the picture on that solution-of-level-L-page gives you access to the Halfway HOF.
    But of course only if you want to. For now; congrats anyway on finishing the first 50 :)

  30. On Bonus Level 2 (skips Level 1 due to it being the same on the first 50 sets of riddles?!?) and already confused. Thinking of being re"morse"ful but not sure how that plays out....

  31. It is not morse (but hold that thought, you might need it very soon).
    There are 2 bold letters in the title and they are hinting you to use 'two' codes/alphabets (often used in riddles) starting with the same letters.

  32. Oh boy S-T this is a great riddle that I have just found! Thank you for all your hard work on it.

    I am currently stuck on LVL XXIV-Fill In the Blanks. I got the egg from reading, I have filled in the blank letters as best I could. 12 seem right, 3 seem to have more than one possibility. I took those 12 letters with 3 ? to granny but the list of 15 letter words or combination of words is long.

    The level said there is one egg, which I found. So what to do with the 15 letters? I saw a hint that said the answer is 12 letters and starts with TH. Doesn't help me...

    Any hints to get me going?

  33. Hi Jo-Ann. Long time since we've spoken. I didn't make any notes for this level. All I can tell you is the answer is a 15 letter word. Though the first letter is a T, there is no H in the answer. Good luck.

  34. Hi there Jo-Ann, good to see you again :)

    It's like Clio says a 15 letter word starting with T. But it's NO ANAGRAM. The egg is telling you how to read it, so if there are any double (or maybe even tripple) sub solutions you can easily see which one you have to use.

  35. How great to see some of my old friends from EG24 answer me so fast! Thank you!

    That was my first thought and I thought I had some solid answers with my letters, but maybe not...

    ACCKKKKK!!!!! I was so set on my answer for RUB/EAR that it was holding me back! Now I see the error in my ways.

    Thanks again Clio and s-t!!

  36. Thank you Small-Tool for yet another fantasic riddle game. I'm also looking for the bonus levels and managed to find the comment within the P********* of the downloaded item but it does not bring up a level. I also tried taking that word to granny but still no luck. Have bonus levels disappeared or am I doing something wrong?

  37. Congrats BucksDack :)

    About what you found. You're way ahead with that. That's used to find/play the 12 bonus levels. But you have to play the second half of the riddle before you can go there.
    To find the second half of the riddle see my 10/11/19, 12:31 PM comment telling you:

    Go back to the first level and focus on (the firsts of) words with 'all' in them.

  38. Oh I am so close to finishing but so stuck on level 46 where no one else seemed to get hung up. I have the second rotten egg from t******e using the second list but I cannot figure out what to do next. I've tried combining eggs, codes and conversions of the R*** egg numbers, took all kinds of dangerous words to granny and am at a loss. Any push would be appreciated.

  39. How about just taking that last answer to granny?

  40. Oh duh! I had done that but I ignored the capitalized words inappropriately. Thanks ST. You are the best!

  41. Another new finisher!

    Congratulations BucksDack :)

    You are now in the Hall of Fame

  42. Best wishes to all my fellow riddlers , ... and you know what? All I want for x-max is a ST Riddle :)

  43. For now (No reply from EG24 yet) my little, for fun between Christmas and New Year riddle will be released here:



  45. Bonus level 8 - only got a rotten egg. Where to go now?

  46. It's about the first letters of the counties (use level numbers).
    Put them in alphabetic order, but...
    you can make two lists one with and one without the 6 English ones.

  47. I only have the level page and the "pig" rotten egg. How does that connect with what you are saying?

  48. We're talking about Bonus level 8 of Riddle me Tool, right?

    On the level is 26 + 6 is not 1 and 26 + 6 = 1

    Google the 26 + 6 = 1 part to find out things about Ireland.

  49. Yes, the level has a picture of 2125 on it. How does that connect to the 26 + 6 and everything?

  50. Ah ok, Now I see :)
    That's not bonus level 8, that's just level 8.
    It's three parts in this riddle.
    The first part is 50 levels and they are numbered in Roman numerals .
    The second part is 50 levels and they are normal numbers.
    The last part is 12 extra levels and they are numbered Bonus 1, Bonus 2 etc.

    Anyway, Level 8 is about making more letters with those 4 numbers. Like the first 2 digits is a number, the centre 2 digits is a number etc. etc.
    Answer is 7 letters.

  51. Level 13 - only got the rotten egg. Is there another egg on here that I am missing?

  52. There are 3 rotten eggs in total, so not sure what you found.
    Anyway, both rotten eggs starting with S are real rotten eggs, no use at all.
    When found the rotten egg starting with T then you're a bit on the way, all you got to do then is the first part of the level title hint.

    To find the real answer is using the level title. Last part of the title is telling which kind of special words you have to find (there are 6 of them) and the first part of the title is telling you what to do with that result.

  53. On the toilet wall it says ...THE WC.
    Speak out loud and it says ... The double you see.
    So it's about double things.
    Every word has something double!

  54. OMG!!! Thank You !!!
    That is very clever!
    I'm loving these but hating them too and even more once I figure out how easy the ones I'm stuck on are

  55. I've tried for 2.5 days now and I've read the two hints regarding XXII butt all I see are people's cheeks with letters on them

  56. You're looking for the heart or in this context the center or the middle.
    Like what would be in the middle of T and V?

  57. oh gotcha...I was doing all of the letters in between and trying to granny those

    Thank you this should help!

  58. Please help Level 19, the only differences I see are letters in each picture. Previous hints say draw lines but I don't know where to draw them. Am I getting rid of duplicate letters from each picture?

  59. Did you notice those letters make two words (words also occurring in the text on the pic).
    Draw your lines to make those words and you'll see those lines crossing the things you need.

  60. Still not following, can you provide me one example?

  61. Draw a line from the left E in the top picture to the left I in the bottom picture.
    This line will cross the C (of can). Then from that I back to the G in the top picture. This line will cross another letter. Etc. etc.

  62. If anyone is still playing, I'm back to try to finish this. Stuck on LVL XLI egg 5. I have assembled the puzzle and understand about replacing the letters. I get the first two, but g=d doesn't give me a word. Have tried granny and it. Tried on the whole thing. Tried scrabble cheat and other granny solvers, but no go. I assume this is multiple words, but only get nonsense. I know it is probably very simple, but not to me.

  63. Those boys (for your third word) are 'gay'.

  64. Need a little help on XLII. have the rotten egg and the singer egg. Have done FTF on the poem words. Got the slang. From earlier hints I need to do FTF on the new words (slang)?, but they are the same letters except for one. What am I missing?

  65. The first letters of words in a line are well-known abbreviations in the chat world.
    Make those abbreviations the full words and then do the same method you used to get the egg with that singer.
    So it's not about their firsts anymore, but about things like first line, first word, fourth letter etc.

  66. Hmm. I understand. tried that. Have double checked my words and am pretty sure they are correct. Will keep trying and looking for variations.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. No mistake there :)
    First two anagram solvers in level II (2) give a word.

  69. Level 26 - probably no coincidence that there are 26 sentences and 26 letters in the alphabet. I think that is the right path for this but have no idea what to look for in each sentence. (Is this the right path or should I look from a different perspective?)

  70. No coincidence indeed :)
    Two different methodes will give you two answers.
    But both methods are based upon the same (search) task you first have to do.
    Like, how many A's in the 'first' sentence?

  71. Thank you small-tool. Today I looked at the letters and saw the word. Of course I was using different solvers. Only takes me 3 days to get it.

  72. Yay, another halfway there hero \0/ \0/
    Congrats jpete, you're now in the
    Halfway of Fame
    Good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the other half :)

  73. Need help on Lvl 2. Stuck on the MB egg. Found 2 letters for B using color and hats. Found 4 letters for M they make a word for the things on the end of your feet using hats. Looks like I need 2 more from M. Not sure what more to do or if I have made a mistake.

  74. The B is only one letter (black&white or colour).

    The M is 4 letters, it's even (without anagramming) a word/egg.
    Hats and no hats is telling you it's a group. Within the group do your M with black&white or colour.

  75. Thank you ST. Had it all wrong. Went back with fresh eyes and started all over. ON to lvl 3.

  76. Yay, another halfway there hero \0/ \0/
    Congrats Jason, you're now in the
    The Halfway There Heroes
    Good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the other half :)

  77. I am stuck on stage name for level 7
    I have both liquors

  78. Need at hint for lvl 22. I have the rotten egg for the B****** and the 4 letter egg from that. Have been using B****y for the next using background, hats, glasses,gender, and direction, but it doesn't make a word. Did I go off in a wrong direction?

  79. Not background, the other ones are correct :)
    The one you missed is laugh or not (laugh = showing teeth).

  80. Need help on level 27. I have the rotten egg and have found the 5 discrepancies. I have id ne oe mr uz. I am assuming that lvl 21 is eggshell. Have tried a wild card in scrabble cheat, but it didn't help.

  81. Level 21 is not a discrepancy.
    The level starts with the picture of a calculator.
    There is a 'hidden' title there starting with U.

    Not sure how you made your letter pairs, but a lot of letters are correct.
    If I put it in letter pairs then the one you missed would be AT.
    Level 1 title is not starting with A
    The level 1 title starts with T

  82. Thank you. I thought I tried that, but must have messed up.

  83. Lvl 29. I have 2 numbers from the address and a letter and number from the bus. Is the p**** mentioned in the comments about the paper or the place? I haven't gotten anywhere with either trying to us the level number and the title. Are you refering to capital letters?

  84. The address should be 2 letters + number.
    Level number + title is indeed a hint (and so is the name of the picture), but you're looking for a well-known paper size.

  85. Thank you. Went way off on a tangent

  86. Yay another finisher :)
    Congrats Ditg
    You're now in the Hall of Fame

  87. Can't figure out how to move forward on lvl 31. Have 2 eggs and 2 rotten eggs. Haven't been able to move beyond c** c**** M***. Used the same method as the earlier egg and got the rotten one. Used the real word, but it doesn't work. Not sure what I'm missing

  88. Only real English words are eggs.
    So the one with a C is not a word.
    But how about the F?
    And there are more.

  89. Thanks againg. I was too literal in just thinking alphabetical order.

  90. I must be the only person who can't get lvl 38. I have solved the puzzles. I have tried australians, aboriginalaustralians, aboriginies, torresstraightislanders and many other things. It can't be this hard. What am I missing?

  91. I made a lot of eggs, but you found some new ways to word it :)
    Anyway, your second try/word; Lose australians and then make it plural.

  92. Thank you. It is probably the one variation I didn't try

  93. Stuck on Lvl 46 rotten egg. Have looked at the R phrases, but most of them don't match well with the S phrases. Tried scrabble cheat with wild cards, but didn't get anywhere.

  94. Not sure if you already got a real egg, but if not then it's not only using the numbers but all the S's too.
    If already on the real egg, then it's indeed just the R-phrases.

  95. Ok. I tried to jump ahead based on the comments. I only have the rotten egg. Have tried adding the s in front of each number, sespsisosdse and sepisode but no go. Have tried variations of that, but still missing it

  96. The first one is correct. Granny it.

  97. Stuck already on Lvl 47 Egg 3. Have been trying the 1st letters of the 2nd part of the portmanteaus. Got gaifeiciesa. Can't get a word. Have been trying variations of some of them and using wild cards in granny, but so far no go.

  98. Those letters are not the firsts of the second parts. Like the first should be an E (from English) and not the G from glish.

  99. Got it. Didn't think about the full word.

  100. Bonus level 10 - I believe I should be using b***** due to the title but have no idea how to convert or apply it to the 2 sentences below. A push please?

  101. There are two kind of letters. Not only on this level, but in general as well.

  102. Looking for the bonus levels. I went to the original start page and right clicked on the s**** button and downloaded it. I looked at the p********* and clicked on everything. I don't find anything. I must have misinterpreted the hints.

  103. The start page is indeed where you can find it. But there's something else green there, something more fitting with the hint 'riddle me this'

  104. Yay another finisher :)
    Congrats jpete
    You're now in the Hall of Fame

  105. Still looking for the bonus levels. Listened to a tune and downloaded it. Nothing comes up in P*******s. Did the same for the color mentioned in the tune, but no go.

  106. It is indeed in the p*******s of the mp3 on the startpage.
    Did you click the green around it, to get it on a new page to download it?

  107. Not getting it. I must be going off track. I clicked in the green and opened it in a new window. I then right clicked to save as. Saved into dowload folder. Then right clicked and went into properties then went to details. I clicked on everything in there, but nothing opened and nothing looked like a link.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. That's what I have. If the answer is v******* I have tried that, but I have been entering it like a normal answer. Maybe my method is wrong. I have tried that on every other word too.

  110. Yes, that's the answer, but use it on your very last url (not the start url).

  111. Thank you! It didn't occur to me that it would matter that way.

  112. I'm completely stumped by bonus 2. I have the original poster and know who the people are. I am back in the t*** s***, but am not sure what t*** to pick and what to apply it to. I see there is something to do with 8, but not sure why or what. Maybe at r** c****r?

  113. There is something hidden in the toolshed.
    Look around with Ctrl-A

  114. Thanks. Tried that several times, but didn't scroll to the bottom.

  115. Stuck on bonus 8. I have 2 eggs and have tried to do some math with the numbers, but am short 1 number on egg 2, so not sure if math is correct. I'm only getting a bunch of consonants with 1 vowel.

  116. Both, egg 1 and egg 2, is ten numbers.
    So it's just adding, like the first pair is:
    On Egg 1 the first is 7 and on egg 2 the first is 11.
    So 7+11=18=R and that's your first letter.

  117. Thanks again duplicated a number when I copied them down and then stayed with the c******s. On to bonus 9

  118. Bonus 9 have 2 bonus eggs and eggs 1,3,5. Looking for the even eggs.

  119. Connect the numbers on the left with the letters on the right in three ways.
    1) as it is, so 1 with D etc.
    2) granny the letters on the right and then 1 with S etc.
    3) other granny and then 1 with W etc.

    Also combine your results in all kind of ways to get more granny answers.

  120. Stuck on bonus 10 egg. I think I understand the second half as a measure of distance, but I don't understand how to apply it to the first half. Maybe I'm way off too.

  121. Not way off at all :)
    Read the colon as a =
    And then you can use what you found on the url, it will become another animal.

  122. Finally done! Thanks small-tool for the great game and all of your help.

  123. Yay Congrats \0/ \0/
    Very well done :)

  124. My new riddle will be posted 11-11-2020 :)

  125. Stuck on LVL 37. The hints are: 'you've seen those colors and numbers before. Try looking back to the level in the other path.' ... 'LVL 37 Do you remember playing a game with little Japanese monsters?' ... 'if you know where to go, just use 6 numbers to get 6 characters from that level and ftf.' Now the third clue is something I think I could work with if only I could find some little Japanese monsters together with numbers that apparently I've seen before. Been looking for 2 days in the first 50 per clue 1. Could use lots of help :)

  126. You could check out Level XXXIX and pick from there or Google the numbers with the theme of that level.

  127. Thank you small-tool! I had missed saving that level (the only one I missed...) and didn't notice as I was searching. Now I got my cards back and all the clues make sense! And you do a great job of monitoring these boards :)

  128. Lol, not really monitoring.
    When signed in to post, you can check the box bottom right (Notify me) and then you get an e-mail everytime there's a new post in this thread.
    Ok, I guess that's monitoring too :)

    Anyway, congrats on the progress :)

  129. Yay a new finisher :)

    Congrats tialuisa you're not only here:

    The Halfway There Heroes

    But you also solved the second part of 50 levels and you're now in The Hall of Fame

    with this well-deserved certificate: tialuisa

    Very well done :)

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with the bonus levels :)

  130. Thanks small-tool! This was so much fun AND super challenging. So many great hints were here to help me make it to the end. But it's over now, bonuses too, as the man said, "That's all folks!" :)

  131. Level L: made it all the way here, but am stuck in a dead end now and don't know how to start all over. A little hint please as a x-mas present :-)

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. @Bine - Well we never know where you are going to show up!! To start 'all' over, go back to Level I. 'The firsts of all words.' Only the emphasis has shifted and you need to find the firsts of 'all' words. There are 5 of them in the text and you'll need to take them to granny. Merry Christmas!

  134. @tialuisa: thank you. I am working my way thru all the small tool riddles that I never finished (while waiting for the next one hopefully ;-)). Merry x-mas.

  135. Yay, a new Halfway-There-Hero

    Congrats Bine :)

    Good luck, finding and playing the other half :)

  136. lvl 33: got 3 rotten eggs, wrote down the numbers, counted and added. Tried to subtract different numbers from different things, but don't get anything useful. Help please.

  137. @Bine - For the adding bit, write out each number and add. For example 14 would be fourteen would be 6+15+21+etc = whatever. Do that for the numbers on each side of the minus sign and then do the subtractions:)

  138. @tialuisa: I finally got it. Thank you.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. And within 10 days Bine solved the other half of the riddle too!!!

    Congrats :)
    You're now in the The Real Hall Of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with the bonus levels :)

  143. Made it thru the bonus levels and didn't even have to ask for help on those. Yeah. Thank you Small-Tool for a wonderful riddle.

  144. Congrats @Bine!! Where's your next stop?

  145. Thank you @tialuisa. Next up is small-tool-riddle-in-blue. I got about halfway thru way back when. :-)

  146. Ah, it was my introduction to riddling and I think will always be my favorite. Enjoy the rest of it!!

  147. Yay, a new finisher :)
    Congrats umsyt You're now in the Hall of Fame \0/ \0/ \0/

    Good luck and lots of fun with bonus section :)

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