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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. Keeper, you don't need to identify him specifically. With the two eggs you get using the words you have, you will notice some letters which stand out. Visit granny for another egg.

  2. I am also stuck on XXVII. I have read the prior hints but cannot get going. I think I can figure out what cipher to use based on the album but I am just getting nothing. May I get a hint, please?

  3. I haven't got to the second egg yet.....

  4. @Ellie / Clio_rose : thanks, had found a wiki page but not the right one. But still searching for the last one !

  5. XXVII - converted those places into letters and rot them. Nothing. Also tried anagram of it. No luck

  6. Keeper, you need to add the word 'the' to each m word, for an egg.

  7. @Ellie on XXVIII - Thanks so much!! You know ... errr ... well ... there was not much work done about looking for confirmation eggs so ... ehem, actually not a single word was right. (This is written by the cat, my master is hidding somewhere pretending she did everything right. Poor little thing ...).

  8. XXVII - Got it. Thanks Ellie

  9. Thanks clio! Finally moved on to the next level after four eggs!

  10. LOL @Puzzled, good your cat realised it's time to step in!

    Yw, @mehroon!

    @Eric, the last one is the hardest. If you find b*******, you will get a hinting egg.

  11. LVL XXIV - I've seen past hints and got through up to this point, but I can't figure out this level. I've tried filling all the missings, but it didn't seem to make sense, maybe I've filled some wrong. Any hints?

  12. @namchokdef, XXIV, have you gotten the confirmation egg? The top ones in the three "rows" give some info.

  13. LVL XL, got an egg that says I have to think bigger but I am afraid my brain is too small for that. Can I get a hint please?

  14. lol @dutchie, that one took me a while for sure!
    LVL XL; what you just did was getting a few small things, right. They are all connected to something a little bit bigger. Use all of those.

  15. Thanks Ellie, looked at that earlier but didn't even try to anagram because way too many letters. I shpuld have known better!!

  16. yep @dutchie, this is an ST-riddle lol!
    So many times i have the answers in my notes, but dont see it.
    Not much time for solving until tonight, only checking here a bit. I'm stuck with two eggs on XLII, trying to look at things differently.

  17. XXVI I thought I got a meaningful gibberish (*a*****a**) and a meaningful key (****d) but couldn't combine into anything meaningful

  18. Keeper, XXVI, looks like you have what you need for the first bit....but what did he say? Looks like complete rubbish eh? Your second word is correct. Visit Lvl II for the correct solver.

  19. @keeper, it seems you are right. Use what's after the meaningful gibberish as the thing to put in the solver. Make sure you pick decode, not encode. The key seems good.

  20. @Keeper- key is ok, you need to find right gibberish at firsts

  21. Clio/Ellie/Flowerbird - thanks all! Didn't notice there's such solver

  22. Hello everone! S-T thank you for so much fun on your great riddles!
    I'm stuck on lvl XXXI 2.1, I found the rotten egg, but can't figure out the right one. Please, give me a slight push here.

  23. xxxi it is a well known saying just add a couple of words to the start

  24. Hi Hotaru, Was stuck there too. The only hint I can of, is that there is a saying, which is ? ?, and then what you probably wrote .a... o. .i.. The question marks are two of the same word.

  25. @Ellie, for lvl XLII, try FTF on each lines, and you might find some of the results familiar...

  26. Thanks, I got it, but it's not well known saying for me, I have never heard of it so far :)

  27. XXXIII got conf.egg (*****p) but how to apply it? Binary and counting the letters got me nowhere

  28. flowerbird, lvl XXXIII, make an omelette with your first egg.

  29. Flowerbird you know small likes combining egg answers don't you

  30. LVL X is all Greek to me. Any help? Tried image searches, Greek Alphabet. I don't see a cipher. Lokks like map is about languages spoken in countries around the globe. I've tried entering those countries and languages. Still befuddled.

  31. mamam, lvl X - Each area is coloured in a different way, and speaks a diff language. Use the first letter of each language. Remember, the major asian country has a particular name for their language.

  32. mamam you are on the right lines each colour represents a specific ? anagram them

  33. @clio-rose and mtatt100 - Thank You, got it! Overthinking is not good at all :)

  34. At XXXI 1.1 now
    As a non-TV watcher, can anyone tell me what should I do please?

  35. XXXI 1.1 You are looking at some special chairs on sort of playboard. Toghether it makes a famous tv show.

  36. Keeper, The final season starts tonight! :)

  37. XXXI - Got the rotten egg which says to go back to egg. Unable to figure it out

  38. LVL XLIII, have the confirmation eggs and the important egg. Tried everything I could think of (which was not much) but stuck staring at the globe. Any hint please?

  39. dutchie, the five names you found in the confirmation eggs are arranged in a specific order, and the globe shows the region where the sixth name should be.

  40. Mehroon, if you are where I think, each previous egg has something to use

  41. For lvl XLIV, not sure what I need to look for... Could anyone help?

  42. XLIV
    Do not overthink!
    Check out the title!

  43. @Ellie - Sorry I'm late, but thanks! Now it's the matter of getting the letters right...

  44. Thanks aaaasa, needed an extra push but moving forward :)

  45. lvl XLV egg - am I supposed to identify what the top and bottom pictures are about?

  46. TY Donas

    LVL XXXII - Got the long word and applied that to get a short word from text. Now what?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. (Thanks to Clio Rose :) I advanced- but am stuck again at LVL XV. Got the "BottomsUp" egg, have used first letters of titles(using bottom up clue) and first letters of authors surnames, tried alphabet counting titles and have read the comments but I fear I will go no further without a big push.

  50. mamam, only some of those titles are described by your egg

  51. Donas- (TY for reply)still adrift- there are 23 books and Ive used ten titles.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I can't see a box to enter the answers...

  54. XXV
    I have an egg: the replace 2 letters x one letter, but I can not get the other egg, I need a push

  55. Zoot, this is a replace the URL type riddle, replace 'firstletters' in the url with your answer

  56. LVL XXXII - Got the long word and applied that to get a short word from text. Now what?

  57. Pichi, the first egg is a special kind of card, find another card name for another egg

  58. Mehroon, apply your long word to the short, you may feel like you are seeing double!

  59. Thanks @aaaasa! My problem in XLII was that i discarded the first ones after the top row, which didnt make any sense to me. I have a bad habit of quitting good ideas halfway lol.

  60. @aaaasa, lvl XLV in the egg, you see the same thing in all picures, only need to know what that is.

  61. Lvl XX - OMgosh...the hints are not working (or my brain isn't), maybe I am so over thinking the 5 pictures. Is it an arm? wrist?watch?elbow?....ruler?measurement?inches? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAck...Please a major shove is sorely needed.

  62. LVL XLIX, thought I had a word for the (last?) sum but it don't work :(

  63. LVL XX the pic shows a word and the names of items make a word, combine them.

  64. I really hate dead ends :)

  65. XX - I get that the ftf of the 5 items in the pic will get a word...problem is those letters are not making a word or at least a word I've never seen before. Is the 4th item an a(arm)e(elbow)w(watch)f(fist)..I'm completely baffled!

  66. XX, i think you are right. Those 5 items will not make a word of their own. They need some friends for that. Did you get a (rotten) egg using some other method?
    (its a normal arm)

  67. Just starting and just not getting lvl IV. Probably overthinking whats right in front of me. Need a push

  68. jpete, Lvl IV - do what the text tells you to do, on the text itself.

  69. XX - Thank you ALL who gave me hints. Once I knew it wasn't a word it came together and XXI is mine now! Thank you!!!!

  70. lvl XLV egg - I see there is a r*** in each picture? Now what should I do with it?

  71. Huge apologies Sharon. It was me who lead you up the garden path with XX. Without properly looking, I assumed i got two eggs to make the omelette. Sorry.

  72. @aaaasa lvl XLV, not sure this is where you are but each pic represents a b*****, count.

  73. @Puzzled lvl XXXI, what gave you that egg maybe should be used differently, they can be numbers.

  74. Level XXVII has me stumped at the moment. I've decoded the sentence and know the numbers are the key. I've tried using the numbers from way I found each word which gives a lovely 8 letter word (after Granny) but it isnt correct. I'm confused!

  75. @enzed, to me you seem to do the right thing. Double check your numbers/letters?

  76. Lvl XXI - Reached the eggs with the strange words and now am stuck

  77. @Eric, XXI, Eureka wrote on the previous page: you have a bunch of 8-letter words, and a bunch of 8-digit strings.
    Does that help you at all? You have to combine what you have and pick the ones.

  78. @Ellie: oh man, how could I miss that !! Thanks

  79. Thanks Ellie- very strange, I must have mistyped something. Onwards!

  80. Hi. I am totally stuck on XXX. I have entered the obvious m****** for rotten egg but totally stumped! Must be easy as no other hints for the level on here.

  81. @unkonown - it's made of....

  82. level XXIX has me going blind. I've got the rotten egg and a rotten headache from staring at the image. Maybe it's time to give it a rest.
    For what it's worth I can't see a letter in the middle after the R. I've guessed what it should be (for the rotten egg) but I don't know if that is the key to the puzzle- it would fit with the title

  83. Stuck on LVL XXI first egg. No idea. Pls small help

  84. Zoran, use the image from the first page on the words in the egg

  85. @enzed- granny helps

    @Zoran- apply egg's stuff to LVL pic

  86. I'm slowly dying on LVL XL, no egg yet.

  87. @Verito thanks! onto XLVI now...

    @flowerbird lvl XL - try FTF on the sentences

  88. Help please on XXXVIII. I got the 2 rotten eggs, but what to do next?

  89. @flowerbird - thanks but still stuck for XXX. Is it what word in picture is made of? have tried everything I can think of for the m********** that is not w****.

  90. @-aaaasa Thank you! I missed one letter:)

  91. @unknown- you're on the right track, it's 4 letter word with w

  92. unknown- have you tried your w***?

  93. wading through film rebuses now on XXXI- stuck on the one with the five senses

  94. @enzed- what number of sense is missing?

    @pipi- pick letters under pic, find a pattern

  95. @enzed am so dense, need another clue for w****. just not getting it.

  96. Unknown, its only four letters starting with w. Did you accidentally add an s?

  97. Thanks fb, got to the end of the rebuses but hit the rotten egg. Time to call it a night

  98. lvl xlv I know what the pictures in the egg represent but my words d/w

  99. @clio_rose- am trying to work out the 4 letter word now starting with w that is not the obvious material in picture (which got me the egg). Still not seeing it. thanks for everyones help...

  100. Lvl XXIII - Got the eggs but cant see how to relate the equations with the results. Tried many variations without luck so far...

  101. Unknown - You only need that egg. Add it to word in the pic.

  102. and unknown, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you had that egg.

  103. Thank you so much @clio_rose and all of you. Finally got XXX!

  104. LVL XXXV - Got all the song titles and the numbers in them. Applying the numbers to the concerned lyrics on level page is not giving any meaningful word/s. Where else to look?

  105. mehroon, Lvl XXXV - convert the numbers you have, and then ignore them completely and use all the others. Improbable? Yes. But this is a small-tool riddle.

  106. LVL XLI- got egg2 and from that to egg 4. How to find egg 1 and 3?

    @mehroon- alphabetically you need all letters, but not this time

  107. @flowerbird you used what is correct to find egg 2, so try using the wrong ones

  108. Any hints on XXXI 1.3 please? This level is so challenging for non-TV watchers!

  109. Keeper, lvl XXXI - 1.3. The three ppl all have the same surname. The one on the right used to be a famous sportsman, but ultimately became a famous prisoner. Hope that helps.

  110. Thanks clio! Honestly I know none of them but your hint is very useful

  111. Noone for XXIII please ?

  112. Sorry Eric, - do you mean XXIII,(23) or XXXIII (33)?

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. @Clio_rose: yep XXIII (23). Wow 6 confirmation eggs !! Am afraid am far for them! Only got the rotten egg!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. XXXV found the 6 numbers, converted them to letters, not sure what to do after that, tried following the hints and ignoring them so wrote out alphabet without them, got no where, tried counting how many of of those letters in each paragraph, got nothing (and the third one doesn't have that letter) but need a big push I think as to what to do please

  117. Eric. I don't know what the matter with me is. I keep giving wrong hints to everyone. I gave you hints to a completely different level. Im so so sorry. Hang on, will look at the level you ACTUALLY asked about.

  118. Wow Clio_rose I feel even more lost now lol! I know you cannot say a lot more but how can I join the top to the bottom when there are 6 sequences on top and 4 on bottom? Will have a break and come back later, maybe it'll help. Thanks !

  119. Robin, before I give a hint, ARE you on the level which had a picture of records on it? I don't want to lead anyone else up the garden path...again.

  120. Eric, it was MY problem, not yours. Please accept my sincere apologies.

  121. Lol Clio no need to apologize, you did your best! At least you tried to help!

  122. So Eric, re XXIII - First off, may I suggest you pick letters using the numbers in the totals. So black 6 digit number, pick letter from each word. Do the same for the white 4 digit number to the white words.

  123. Oops Clio seems I missed your comment above! Then you were talking about another level?

  124. haha, yes clio pic of records, looked up song lyrics and found numbers.

    LVL XXIII eric if you found the rottenegg, anagram it

  125. Clio, that's what I did and how I got the rotten egg (with "The Year of...")

  126. Ok...robin, clio, eric make a deal. Clio will help robin, robin will help eric, and eric will forgive clio. Shake? Deal!! hahha

  127. @aaaasa- thank you! I made a typo, that's why my granny didn't help me :)

  128. Robin XXXV
    There are 11 songs.
    Look at the pic it shows you how the paragraphs are divided.

    Eric XXIII
    How many 5's? How many 4's? etc.
    Find the same amount of letters in the same text parts.

  129. clio...hahaha "shaking hand"

  130. redundant. Small saved the day. Thanks Small-tool. (btw, my hint to robin was going to be, to notice how the records were laid out, which hinted at the text).

    I will sign out and start with a new brain tmrw. Good luck Robin and Eric. I hope to shake hands with you both again when you are helping me. .... which given your progress, will be very shortly. Night all.

  131. lvl XLVIII - found 3 eggs so far... Are there more of them? and how should I apply the eggs?

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  133. XLVIII
    Three eggs, no more.

  134. Thanks Small tool will go back and try again, just a quick question though, in the hints it says to ignore them after changing to letters, do I apply that using all on each paragraph or just the 2 per paragraph?

  135. They're talking about all 11 numbers.

  136. Lmao Clio we have a deal !

    Thanks S-T, got it and onto XXIV! Was a hard one for me !

  137. LVL XXXV ok so I went back and found the 11 numbers, converted them, took them out of the text, counted what was left, counted what I took out, tried to make something out of what was left.... what am I missing, I am sure its obvious but not seeing it. any help out there?

  138. after taking out the 11 numbers I also counted to grab letters but got nothing, so I really am at a loss, tried everything that I can think of

  139. LVL XXXI Rebuses part 2.1 movies the burning jeans ? Everything I come up with gets me a rotten egg. Don't know 1 thing about movies, please help.

  140. XLII- Fred laughing at me and Jack even hates me :) Got 4 letter word from last row, not sure, is it important at all. Hint please!

    @robin- just eliminate them from the other place. forget that text

  141. Ike an old saying " …. …. pants on fire"

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. @ike- one of the rotten eggs is almost correct. It's a kid fib

  144. thx robin, was looking for a movie not a saying

  145. IKE in all fairness it is a movie, starring Jim Carey. haha

  146. Robin,
    It is that trick, but you took one letter too much away.

    So, can you please delete that comment, it's only one letter missing from the answer, so a bit a give-away.

  147. robin, you have found 11 out of the 26, so just use the missing ones and ask granny

  148. Flowerbird,
    Something special going on with all the firsts!
    Freddy egg is a bit hinting that.

  149. Clio_Rose, no no apologies!! You always take the time to help so THANK YOU and please don't stop helping those of us who are flailing! :)

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. For the eggs on lvl XLVIII, do I need to combine them in some way or use them on somewhere else

  152. XLVIII
    @aaaasa, you first idea sounds great :)

  153. Thank you S-T got it, just that 1 little letter messed me all up... haha

  154. Lvl XXV - Don't even know where to start ! My 1st (and only) idea seems to be wrong.

  155. lvl xxv the midgician does it sound familiar

  156. @mtatt100: do be honest not really. Thought about an "old" thing but leads nowhere. And found another "new" thing (that I had never heard about before)but it does not seem to be more successful...

  157. XXII - I think I'm on the right track but I'm getting gibberish. "It's what's in between the sets that counts": I looked and saw! Then the next hint is: "If you count 1/2 way forward, 1/2 back, where do you end up?" I'm missing something or landing wrong to get a non word. Help please!

  158. @Sharon - For example, C would be what's between A and E.
    Hope this helps:)

  159. @s-t been staring the 3 eggs for a long time but still couldn't figure out how to combine them... could I get a little more push?

  160. Eric911, I bet that midgician could tell your fortune with the right cards

  161. aaaasa, try spelling the eggs

  162. Lvl XXXI solved all rebuses but the word I got leads to a rotten egg again. Out of ideas now !

  163. Still need help on XXXVIII. I can't figure out how to pick letters nor I can see any pattern.

  164. XXII - aaaasa, Thank you! I was oh, so close, but I got it! Thanks!!

  165. @small-tool- thank you! Freddie helped a lot :)

  166. @Donas727: what the ...??? Oh God I feel even more lost now! Will have a look tomorrow, my cells are burning!

  167. LVL XX - i anyone is behind me I'm dropping another crumb(unlikely) the omelet is a 10 letter compund word I finally found using ???'s and Scrabble Cheat site.

  168. XXXVII cant find any movie at all,pls any hint to see more clearly?

  169. XLIII- got several eggs and a globe egg. I can't find right country from that region.

  170. lvl XXXIX do I need to know the game or how to play it? I printed them out and lined them up according to previous hints, but not seeing any thing useful, and numbers don't translate to anything useful.... anyone around to give me a push

  171. The artis, XXXVII, maybe you already found some now. I told in another comment you can find "game" up in the right corner, which is part of a film name. The hard thing is you can walk in any direction, as shown by "game". Once you have a couple of films, you can google for a list of them... having something in common. That will make it easier to find the rest.

  172. @flowerbird, XLIII: if you order the countries the way the flags are, you might be able to see they are linked to each other in a special way. That would make it easier to find the first of the last country.

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. @robin, XXXIX, no need to know much lol. Did you find a couple of mistakes? Once the cards are in the right order, the mistakes make sense. You might see it better if you order them up-down, instead of left-right.

  175. @pipi, XXXVIII: you need 6 letters. The first word gives you it's one and only letter, but the rest is a matter of counting from 1-6.

  176. XXXIX I don't know what I am looking for to find mistakes? do I need to know the actual names of the characters on the cards? I have them lined up according the 26 , but don't know what to do from there.

  177. @ike, Lvl XXXI: The letters should not be anagrammed, but used separately on each of their EGG. A small conversion needed first.

  178. yes, @robin, unfortunately you need to know that.

  179. @robin... or should i say "its your lucky day - you get to learn a lot about those creatures"!

  180. lvl XLII I'm stuck without knowing where to go .. I only have one obvious egg .. a small hint please.Thank you

  181. @molly, XLII, i suppose you have the 4-letter EGG? There is one more egg, if you use the numbers and green dots on the words, but you dont really need that to solve the level. You need 4 sets of a total of 13 letters. Each set will give you words if you google. Apply something from the picture to the words.

  182. I already have the 2 eggs: the 4 letters and the Freddie ..
    but from there not follow

  183. @molly, now, first try to collect 13 letters from the text, which are in 4 groups. You dont need the picture for that.

    Each set of letters should be googled to get words (even if the letters don't seem to spell anything). A hint is on the egg, but i should say LOL, not the whole text.

  184. gracias ellie ... a xliii!

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  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. XXIV - Fill in the blanks....I got the first row 'clue' and the fill in's seem to not makes sense..a general shove please?

  188. Sharon, XXIV, try reading what you have differently, we don't always read top to bottom or left to right

  189. XXIV - Thank you Donas727! I used Paint and it appeared very nicely! Onto the next!

  190. Hi all. Can't get started on XXXII. The hints mention a long word but can't work out how to get it. I have tried grannying beginning letters of each sentence in text but no success and no eggs.

  191. Unknown, for XXXII, add in the first letter of title with your method and you should get that long word, then find examples of that in the text for the short word

  192. Almost 600 comments, new comments will be on the next page

  193. XXV - Got the 1st egg, two cards..googled lots of stuff but not the right stuff...a booster clue?

  194. Sharon, the 2 cards should give you 2 people, they have a belief in common


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