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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. lvl XLVIII - I got o** e**** a**** from the eggs but still going nowhere... am I missing something or did I spell the eggs wrong?

  2. aaaasa, find another spelling for e****

  3. xxxiii I've "zoomed in" via the first egg but am only really seeing 3 convincing letters with the second method. (top Right, Top left, bottom middle. Not leading me anywhere :-(

  4. sorry- posted before finishing. How many letters am I looking for?

    (I've seen the rotten egg already)

  5. enzed, I'm not sure where you are, if you are on the first egg, there are 6 letters to find, they are not connected to other letters and looking down as if from the ceiling might help

  6. Hi Donas- that was what gave me the rotten egg. Now I'm trying to look at an angle to get the 3d

  7. @Donas727 thanks for clue for xxxii. Adding extra letter to get long word was nudge I needed. Now trying to work out xxxiii. Have got first egg already.

  8. Hi Unknown- welcome to XXXIII

  9. Lvl XXV - still struggling with the level and can find nothing. Is it supposed to be a movie or so ??? I have absolutely no idea what to do with the pic :-(

  10. enzed, the same letters that gave you the rotten egg are the ones to 'unbend' you still need 6

  11. @Donas tried many synonyms for e**** but none seemed to work :(

  12. Eric911 - lvl XXV. The level title should remind you of a word, try what you think it should be.

  13. aaaasa XLVIII - you need a very small word **

  14. @ceebee Thanks! I swear I've tried that already but somehow didn't see the result lol

  15. @ceebee : thats what I did. Gave me a thing I told before, tried names of characters but nothing so think I'm on the wrong path ?

  16. Eric911: XXV After reading back, I'm not sure where you are in the level. Have you found any eggs? There are two to find.

    The first is with a word that is very similar to the title word. Someone who does tricks to entertain. Have you found that?

  17. NVM finally got it. Thanks !

  18. Thanks Donas. I was taking it too literally

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. LVL L - I think I need a key... but where to find it?

  21. I can't seem to see anything for xxxiv. How to interpret the big picture?

  22. Lvl XXVI - I have the k**, I have the code to use and I should have the gibberish to use with it but only got gibberish. Just tell me if I should have 10 letters to enter, am I right ?

  23. Thanks Enzed. Then I don't know why I can't get the correct answer... Back to it.

  24. Pfff please, Can someone slap me hard? Got it (poor me!)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. XXXIV- I really am struggling to even get started here. I see from previous comments there are two eggs but I'm not seeing them

  27. lvl L
    @aaaasa, A bit of Googling might help.

    lvl XXXIV
    @enzed, It's literally telling you at least one egg.

  28. Thanks ST- I had tried most permutations including that with THE

  29. XXXVII,staring one day at this!ok I found some four of these movies,so I see its the same starring actor,but how this leads to an egg?

  30. @s-t: thanks! moving on to the next part ;)
    @the artist: try crossing out all of them and see what's left on the grid

  31. Lvl XXVIII - Pleaaaase tell me that we got a confirmation egg for each? Found only 1 so far...

  32. @Eric yep, six of them in total

  33. Eric, lvl XXVIII, That is the one I thought you were doing last night. lol. Same as i said last night, match the top and bottom, and then fit the word in the middle.

  34. Lol Clio_rose, yes I laughed when first saw the level! So it is top to bottom and not bottom to bottom or top to top. Okay then. But I am surprised that some words found dont give an egg... Back to the level then!

  35. Eric, yep. Top to bottom, but not necessarily directly underneath.

  36. Lvl XXVIII (still) - really have troubles with the last one on top, maybe due to my bad English... Is it really the obvious 3-letter word?

  37. Yes, it is the obvious three letter word.

  38. Thx Ellie, still in the dark here. Just don't get where these letters relate to.

  39. @Clio_rose: ok, just forgot to try with a "s" at the end :-/

  40. @Ellie- got it, thank you! I tried to find it from Asia, silly me:)

  41. Ellie, forgot to mention the lvl. XXXI it is.

  42. @ike, XXXI, each letter relates to/are used with the word that got you to that specific letter. B=2, gives an A for the answer.

  43. thx Ellie, got it now.

  44. Hi there - stuck at LVL XXXV, saw some comments to use ALL missing letters, but that means 20 letters?

  45. Keeper, fingers crossed I'm talking about the same level you are on. The one with the records. If so, small-tool said earlier that there are 11 letters. Please note how the records are arranged on the pic. So, use the missing letters, AFTER finding the 11.

  46. If anyone wants to look up hints about levels, it's easy to hit Ctrl F, and then type in what you are looking for in the little box which will appear top right. Like, a level number, or a player name. Easy peasy. Helps me a lot, and saves a lot of scrolling.

  47. XXVI - From earlier hints I need to find what to do ftf and then a key. How do I determine what to do ftf on, that's a lot of text. Thanks for the story Clio_Rose!

  48. Sharon.....omg..let's hope I don't mislead you THIS time, AGAIN. yikes.

    If you read FTF, you can read two words ..and after that it seems like complete drivel. That drivel is important. The title is very important. Take the key(replace word in title with genuine word) and drivel, visit level II to find which tool you need, and you will be right as rain. Good luck to us both.

  49. LVL XLI I have found 4 eggs, and cant seem to get any further and help please?

  50. Robin, I'm on that level still. I have 5 eggs. I got egg 2, then 4, then 1, then 3, then 5. Can't really help you much. Sorry about that. What I can say, is i have three sets of jigsaws. Good luck, and looking forward to you pushing me forward when you solve.

  51. Clio, I did the same steps except I don't have 5, I bounced the same way you did to get the first 4, just cant seem to find anything else to deciper?

  52. @robin, do the maths for egg 5.
    @clio... the best way for me was to print the jigsaw and solve it that way, but st said something about paint is good for it as well.

  53. Well, to be honest egg 5 i didn't know was a word. But, it's been a few days and I can't remember how i got it. I dont have a printer, so tried the tracing paper trick, but lost one piece somewhere. Went to the library today to print it out, and without checking left. Got home to find i have jigsaw pieces the size of my little fingernail. I may use scissors safely, but I sure as heck cant cut between a micron around a corner. It's back to the library again for me tmrw. I'm everso sorry, but I'm sure help will arrive anon. I must away. Good luck.

  54. LVL XLI- egg5-mix egg1 and egg2, Three sets of jigsaws are correct. I used paint(transparent func) to get final pic. If it's to much, I will delete this

  55. Thanks Ellie. I would have, (but failed, because im hopeless at Paint), but i can't seem to open any programme for the last week. Not to worry. I'm in no hurry, and happily puddling along. Thank you for your care though.

  56. Thank you clio! I somehow missed small-tool's earlier hints

  57. Ellie, I have the pieces cut and put together on my desk here, but it doesn't make sense -??+?, ?=???and ?=?, got the first part I think, but don't know how to do the equals part at all.

  58. pop got it, after guessing I understand what it means now. thanks for the push.

  59. XLVI- tried several methods, but not the right one:) Erased middle word's letters from each word, got some stuff, granny didn't help. then took letters out of pairs, dead end again

  60. flowerbird, XLVI that middle word is important, read it as 2 words and try your method again

  61. Clio_Rose!!! Thank you! I had the right key but was doing way to many ftf's! It amazes me that you and the other big helpers are so far ahead and take time to help those stumbling behind!...your help is ALWAYS welcomed. :)

  62. Lvl XXXI - onto part 2.2 with the watch. Have read all the previous comments and it does not help, am afraid. Quite hard as we don't have the same titles for movies here :-(

  63. @Donas727- thank you!

    @Eric911- google the thing around the watch. Watch has got some synonymes.

  64. LVL XXXVIII -got a rotten egg with a lot of text on Cornish. Cant find anything else

  65. LVL XXXVIII - got it

    Struggling on XXXIX

  66. Lvl XLII have found 2 eggs, googled(lol) but not finding the simple thing I am overlooking, have googled everything possible and not getting it, hoping I don't have to read the labels on one of the eggs, when I try to make them bigger they distort worse. need a push please

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. L.O.L., do what the first letters of the first sentence tell you to do to find them in all sentences.

  69. Small tool, I did all four of them, that's why I asked what simple thing I is there more than just the four in the text?

  70. Same method (different words) to pick letters again!

  71. I tried them as the answer like a dummy (lol) and none of them worked.

  72. LVL XLIX- I think I have values for equations, but how to apply them to get an answer

  73. Sorry to sound naive, but can someone please tell me what FTF stand for...and also granny?

  74. omg Thanks Small tool, I didn't even think for a second to apply there. onto the next brain twisting

  75. granny = a hint to anagram
    ftf = first things first = usually a hint to pick first letters of all words or only the firsts of the sentences or so.

    Just look at your paper or screen with your solutions and you'll see. (by now you should also know numbers are letters.)

  76. @small-tool, of course I know that letters are numbers and vice versa. I tried them so many (wrong) ways and I still don't see it :) Thank you for the great riddle! I leave it here and have some wine (it's night here) :)

  77. LVL XLIII, have all 5 eggs, plus the one from putting them together and using ftf, but not sure what I am supposed to find, wrote what little bit is on each egg but not seeing anything useful. tried lining them up next to each other as was suggested in an earlier post but don't get anything that I haven't already used.

  78. robin, XLIII, FIRST write them in a line, LAST find a place from the area shown that would fit the sequence

  79. Thank you donas, I had that written down from googling them all but never thought to use it... face palm.

  80. LVL XLV - I know what the egg is but I don't know how or where to use it. Can I have some help, please?

  81. LVL XLIV - saw the hints .. don't overthink... tried synonyms for title, batteries, parts how to play.... getting no where... am I underthinking it or overthinking it still?

  82. LVL-XLIV - I also assume I am looking for an 11 letter word?

  83. @Robin "XLIV" ... have you played with the title?

    LVL XLV - Nvm, just solved it. I had countred wrong.

  84. lvl xlv there are lots of eggs on this if your on the pic of 4 B.....s then use it on the list of countries

  85. thanks puzzled, I did play with it but apparently not enough

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. lvl, I have spent the hour or so counting how many countries touch the list given, am I counting the wrong thing? cause I get Eddie Peng as an

  88. Lvl… xlv... sorry, got a head of myself there

  89. @Robin, you are counting the right thing but you have one letter wrong.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. lvl xlv still, went back and recounted and googled and recounted again and keep coming up with the same numbers, anyone around to help please... tried changing one letter on my original answer as suggested but still nothing, help please

  92. Robin, R***** is 2 less than your number and I think E****** is +1

  93. Puzzled, FIRST I would look at what's around that egg

  94. thank you Donas finally got it... onto the next egg

  95. Lvl XXXII - got the confirmation egg for the long word we are supposed to get at the very start but must I find letters or entire words then? Nothing seems very obvious when I read the text again...

  96. Eric911, first, you should find 5 example of that device in the text

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. @Donas727: wow... Cant see anything. Think I need a pause. I'll be back later.

  99. XXVII - Nice to see the "Please help me" box back!! ;) I had some ideas but they confused me...I think the label numbers are important and I've tried every cipher that doesn't use a key....I got nothing.

  100. Lvl XXXIII: Struggling to get 2nd egg; have the first one, and the rotten one confirming I'm looking at the right bendy letters. No clue what I'm doing wrong. I'm looking for an egg confirming I've straightened those letters properly?? If so, I guess I haven't =/

  101. LVL XXV - I've got 2 eggs and combined it into one, but I'm stuck there. Don't know how to use this new egg to go further.

  102. @Sharon: lvl XXVII. Focus on the bottom of the page. And you were on the right track with your first idea. Just look carefully at the results.

  103. LVL XXV
    Namchokdef, Google what (kind of) religion they both have.

  104. @Lisa, XXXIII, yes, you should get a confirmation egg when you have the right letters/word. One of the new letters is lower case. Maybe that's what's confusing you? They are all unique letters, not two of the same kind.

  105. Thanks, Ellie; yes I have one lowercase. No repeating letters. Have been over & over it with several more attempts just now. Six letters yes? Four consonants/two vowels?

  106. XXXIII
    Yes 6 (4c and 2v), your word should start with the lowercase one.

  107. Lvl XXXII: still in a dead-end. Cant see anything even if knowing what I am supposed to see...

  108. @small-tool it now! Thanks! I've heard of "that" before, didn't know both eggs are in it.
    Onto a wall of....text...

  109. Help please on XLXI. I took out some letters from the words, but what to do next?

  110. @Eric, it's words you're looking for, but letters to pick. Are you sure you know what the first long word means? It must be a nightmare with that large number of words in the level.

  111. @Ellie: I have read the definition but not sure I apply it correctly (obviously not). Even tried to use a word counter for the text but gave nothing. Think I will never get that level...

  112. @pipi, XLVI, use the rest to find new words (hard for me), but no confirmation eggs. Pick letters.

  113. @Eric, i gave a huge hint in my previous comment. Look for the italic words as an example.

  114. @eric, I insist italic is important.

  115. @Ellie: really frustrating as I know what you are trying to tell me but can't see/notice anything special. Must blind or stupid, don't know but I think I will stop here as I cannot get any further. Thanks anyway for help.

  116. I would feel like a gruesome ghoul if I would let you stop here :(

  117. Gruesome AND Ghoul, small-tool? Not simply one thing? Please, don't feel like that. We'd feel doubly bad.

  118. @Donas727 - LVL XLV Thanks!! I had increased the screen size so much that I did not see the full tex on the egg:)

    LVL LXVI - Removing some things as suggested by the middle instruccion is not giving me good words ... are there more things to remove?

  119. @Puzzled: no, you're doing the right thing. Keep trying.

  120. @Puzzled, LXVI, make sure you split the middle word in half, not 2-4. You will not get confirmation eggs for the new ones, and whether the words are "good" or not is a question to forward to small-tool lol. They exist.

  121. @Ellie & S-T: believe it or not but I finally got the rotten egg! Kind of miracle & progress a way!

  122. Yay @eric!! I bet you are so tired now you could see double to get the real answer :)

  123. @Ellie - thanks so much :) Still working on it. I was picking and removing only 3 letters, not sure if now I must just pick all the letters that fall in that part. Maybe because I don't quite understand the instruction is that I am not getting any existing word :( And of course I would never ever question S-T, I know it is my mistake, not his :)

  124. @Puzzled, not exactly sure what you do - or don't do, but what you should do is to remove the 3 and nothing else. Take what's left and make an omelette. The easiest would be the on on top right, with fewest letters. Only 4 to make a new word- ***h. At this point i would say: keep trying!

  125. Ok, I can take a hint :P
    Confirmation eggs (not fancy though) for lvl LXVI coming up.
    Top 5 ready.

  126. There are now 10 confirmation eggs on level LXVI

  127. @small-tool - lvl LXVI THANKS THANKS THANKS. I name you my official hero for the day :) Not solved yet but now I have hope :)

  128. @Ellie and crew: thanks a lot! Finally get it! Miracle! Can I just say that it was a nightmare number 1 :-D

  129. lvl xlvi .. I don't understand what to do
    Where to start? thank

  130. Lvl xxvii - Thanks Eric911, still not getting how the song numbers relate to anything including the text below. Another kick please!

  131. Sharon, XXXVII, it's not song numbers you need, find a way to read the gibberish(label is hint) and check for a number there

  132. for level 14, I have a rotten egg, but stuck now. Any help?

  133. are the posts down again?

  134. LVL XLVII don't know where to start... tried some basics and guesses, but got nothing, no other comments on this level so I am hoping its simple and I am overlooking the obvious, please tell me I don't need to learn another language or guess the equation.. hahaha any help out there?

  135. robin, try googling what you have

  136. Level 14
    Donas, all you got to play with, to pick letters from is the text (the numbers). The pic is telling you how.

  137. @donas, after applying the hint to the title I googled that and came with forthright (which didn't work) tried just entering the title after applying the hint still nothing, am I missing something obvious?

  138. Btw, for the ones wondering why Donas is asking about 'level 14' instead of a Roman numerals level.
    I told you guys it was a '50 levels riddle' and it is!. But you all went wrong at a certain point and you will have to find the right track.

    Donas and some other players already found out and they're here in this Hall of Fame:

    The Halfway There Heroes

  139. pop, nvm got it, it finally clicked

  140. I've finished what seems to be half of the riddle ... says "You took a wrong turn and you really have to start 'all' over." I wonder ... from where?

  141. Finally solved XXXIII before I had to crawl back here! Could interpret a couple letters different ways & had one wrong. Thanks Ellie & S-T!

  142. Back to the start, Molly.
    Btw, with clicking the picture you can get into the Halfway Hof :)

  143. A hint where is that certain point, small-tool?

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Me too on: "You took a wrong turn and you really have to start 'all' over."
    Looking at start and level I I try to find a different answer, even "play" with the ulr, but nothing works.
    A push please!?

  146. Oh, and congratulations to all players already in the Halfway Hof :)

  147. Puzzled,

    I never used it, so I don't know how it works, but I think this is the one riddlers sometimes use:

    Anyway, it can be solved as it is on the level,

    (with basic riddling) there are two eggs to find to make the problem a bit easier.

  148. LVL XLIX I have the solutions, if I just use the x and y, I get what most levels have, but that isn't the answer, I saw all the suggestions of looking at them written out and what ever it is I am supposed to see I am not seeing it, thought I had it with the four letters and calculated letters but neither one work? a push please

  149. Lvl XXVII - Wow.....Wow. Once again so close but didn't look closer. That was super slick! Thank you all, wow. Small, this, for me, so far, was the best, out of the box, riddle for me! Wow!

  150. Robin try with the variables

  151. LVL XLIX - Thanks s-t :) I "fell" into one egg and with that information I got (hopefully good) values for X and Y, so now I have 4 letters which don't work. I've tried L*** but not getting anything either. I can't find the second egg.

  152. mtatt, because I am not great at math, I took it down to the actual solutions, when I tried it in an online calculator and looked at variables if I need to pick positive numbers from their solutions its just gibberish when I try to visit granny, not sure how to translate what I have into anything at all

  153. the online calculator takes it down to square roots and I am totally lost at that point as to what to pick

  154. @mtatt and Robin. Variables? What variables? OMG ٩(๏̯͡๏)۶

  155. @puzzled I am as lost as you, only you found an egg and I am not finding I hope it is an algebra calculator that I am supposed to use, but not seeing anything

  156. @robin, when you read me, remember FTF to find this egg :) Still looking for second egg. Grrrrr.

  157. XXVIII - I have the 6 joined words (I think they're right) but some don't fit in the middle. I ignored the number of dashes and took the ? but it doesn't spell anything. I'm doing something wrong in the middle. What might that be?

  158. @Sharon XXVIII, my mistake was that I didn't try for confirmation eggs and I was working with a set of completely wrong matches. So, you'd better check first :)

  159. lvl XLIX finally found 2 eggs, not sure how to apply that to the rest of it, any help out there still?

  160. @Puzzled XXVIII - LOL! So you added more madness!! :) I did get all 6 confirmation eggs which I'll decide later whether it was more fun than maddening! Now I'm trying to fit them in the middle to grab the ? needed for the final word (I'm guessing). Since some of the words are the same length it's slow going to fit them together without confusing myself!

  161. @Puzzled XXVIII - got it! This is the first level I didn't have to have it almost spelled out for me! Very exciting moment! LOL!

  162. @Sharon, I am an expert when it comes to mess up things :P

    I must go to bed now. I wish the solution for level XLIX shows in my dreams but no, I will dream of ugly equations and calculators for sure. So lost ... Good night :)

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Stuck at lvl 2 for a while... any help would be welcomed

  166. any help on LVL XLIX.. been stuck also... did all math.. tried using letters getting gibberish

  167. @robin did you calculate the values correctly? the 2 variables and the 2 values are all you need

  168. WOW have been staring at it the whole time

  169. Lvl XXXIII - I got the first egg and I zoomed in. Some letters in this egg are easy to see but not sure if I have enough. Need a not so gentle push.

  170. Sharon, scan this page for hints on XXXIII. I was stuck here quite awhile can't state the hints any better than others have. S-T did confirm for me you're looking for six letters. On the surface they may look one way; 'unbend' or flatten them and most will change into new ones.

  171. @aaaasa, LVL 2, I suggest you to go to lvl II. Look carefully at which ones could possibly be applied here. There is a hint in the lvl to help you narrow it down.

  172. @Puzzled, LVL XLIX, are you still looking for a second egg? I bet you already have all the letters you need, you just didn't look carefully enough at them :)
    For the solution (great job @robin!) you don't need much. Just X and Y and their answers.

  173. Thanks Ellie!
    Onto the egg now but got gibberish when I applied the m**** on each line...

  174. @aaaasa, EGG lvl 2, could you do M a little bit differently? It's not 3 you need.

  175. Hey riddlers, wassup? Onto XXXVII now, found only 2 movies so far but already know what they have in common. The problem is that this common thing....give me an egg made for a previous level! So what?

  176. @Eric, the common thing will not give you any egg for this lvl, but it helps to find the rest of the movies. Keep going!

  177. Thanks Ellie. 7 found so far. Still searching.

  178. Oops forgot to ask for XXXVII: the letters must be used only onced, right?

  179. level l,I think i know the cipher but it needs a key,one step to the end!!

  180. @Ellie: solved, was missing one. Onto XXXVIII. Got the rotten egg and don't know what to do now!

  181. @the artist Google is your friend :)

  182. lvl 2 egg 2 - seems like there's a million combination here... do I need to do the same for M as in egg 1?

  183. XXXIII - Thanks @Lisa, I'm still stuck. I got the first egg so I zoomed in, then got the rotten 3D egg. Does this mean I now have the right letters and just need to 'unbend" them? It would still be 6 letters and I have a definite. Is there more that can be said?

  184. aaaasa,you mean about the scale?

  185. @Ellie - good morning :) Yes, I have 2 eggs. No, I am not sure I have the good answers. I get some values from one egg but don't work in the equations. Whatever values I have I don't know what to do with them anyway, I just don't see anything. Nada de nada :)

  186. @the artist, try Googling what's in the poem

  187. Sharon, Lvl XXXIII, yep. Use the same letters which gave you the rotten egg and unbend them, like fold out legs on a table.

  188. thanks aaaasa,finally dead end!!thanks to all that helped and especially small for a great journey.

  189. @aaaasa, lvl 2 egg 2, yes, there are many combinations, but not a million...
    It took me a day or so to try them all lol. The M will spell a word on its own, no anagram, which will give you a rotten egg.

  190. @Puzzled, one egg gives you x+y= ? That will help you to know x or y can't be bigger than half that sum. The other egg tells you one is bigger than the other (but they should still add upp to that sum). That gives a limited possible answers for x and y which will actually solve the equations. You need to solve them. Idk any good online solver. If you can't solve them yourself maybe a neighbor can lol?

  191. This comment has been removed by the author.


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