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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. @Eric, XXXVIII, I dont remember any rotten egg there lol. Is it the level with 6 words? Find a letter per word... counting will help to find which one.

  2. @Puzzled, all the eggs and everything on the lvl itself is about solving to get the answer to X=? and Y=?. It's only one good answer and you need X,Y,and the two answer numbers to move on.

  3. Level 2
    @aaaasa, you don't have to try all the combinations. Hats or no hats is the divider.

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  6. @small-tool, i'm sorry, but i couldn't solve lvl 2, egg 2 using hats or no hats, even if i really wanted. I had to go with color/blackwhite for both M and B.

  7. Yes, Ellie
    The M is color or black and white, but how the letters/the sections are divided is hats or no hats.
    1 thing making a letter
    3 things mnaking a letter
    3 things making a letter
    1 thing making a letter

  8. LV XLIX - I think I have X and Y values because they work well in both equations. Now I am confused about what data I need to use. I am looking at the solved equations (no X and Y showing) but, what should I pick as an answer?

  9. Aha @s-t! That does make sense lol. Weird how many things are right in front of the eyes when looking back :)

  10. @Puzzled, pick what you got + X and Y. 4 letter answer :)

  11. I think my problem is that I don't understand "what I got". I have two numbers (x + y). I also have the resulting 4 numbers where I had to apply x and y to make those equations work. I don't know how to select 4 letters there. In these six numbers.

  12. LVL XLIX - Nvm, I got it though I confess I had to do a little brute force using x & y values. Sorry s-t, I understand it is not the way it should be solved but ... onto XX now.

  13. Lol, just remember that Ellie, will help you in the upcoming levels :)
    Thinking you have to try a million of things in my levels is almost an insult :P
    I don't do leap of faith, (Google-)guessing, very obscure ciphers/alphabets etc riddle thingies.
    Quite the opposite even, Lol, I even dare to say there's no single difficult level in the whole riddle!
    But, I can see what happened (and what will happen way more for sure!) Although my levels are always simple and easy, I'm a master of hiding them in a veil of complexity, rotten eggs and a stench of red herrings :P

  14. Ups, I forgot: Thanks Ellie for all your support on this level, you are very very very patient and kind :)

  15. @st, i know you know i don't intend to insult you (even if you called me "stuped" not long ago in an egg lol). I had a vague memory of having to try different ways of splitting morse in some previous riddle, but of course that one wasn't made by you.
    This lvl might have been very clear, but still... hats could be used as dots/dashes or dashes/dots, and color/bw could be used as the same, or any of them could show the splitting, or... well, lots of less possibilities that way :)

  16. @Puzzled, yw! Im sorry i couldnt explain in a way that made you fully understand the lvl, but bruteforcing is also a method, and you seem to have had the necessary numbers/letters to move on.
    Go, go, go...! :)

  17. LVL XL - how to "think bigger" please?

  18. Keeper, Lvl XL egg, think bigger. Words are bigger than letters.

  19. @clio Thanks, I tried to anagram those 16 letters but it seems incorrect

  20. Keeper, are you sure granny received the correct ones? 16 is correct. Maybe you made a typo?

  21. Keeper, I used the second tool in lvl II, if that helps.

  22. @clio How silly is it! The cheating granny failed to produce the word, luckily the solving granny did it...

  23. What a mean granny. She is going straight to the nursing home!! hahahha Yayy for solving.

  24. XLI is surprisingly straightforward to me! But I found the eggs in totally wrong order (found egg 2 first to know I missed egg 1; found egg 5 first to know I missed egg 3 and 4). Anyway it's good to move on to the next level

  25. Keeper. It is funny how we find things in different ways. I found the eggs in order of 2, 4, 1, 3, 5.

  26. LVL XXXVII - I'm back!..... and stuck on that level.... I'm not really a movie watcher, so I don't recognize any movie at all in there, even using the game corner hint.

  27. Namchokdef, lvl XXXVII - Can't really help much, other than to say all movies relate to actor in previous level. I googled him, and his filmography on wiki. The first one i saw was top left. It's a bit left right up down, but in a clump together. When you find the movies, the leftover will be asking a question. (movie in top left corner is Fight Club). Hope that helps.

  28. Stuck at XLV, after a lot of counting to get a red flag and a confirmation egg for the country

  29. Holy mackerel Keeper, you are fast. After a struggle, I've only just finished that level. Even worse, I don't know where you are on the level. I got four sort of eggs, then egg 1, then a rotten egg, then egg 2 and then the answer.

  30. @clio I am at d*********g with the confirmation egg k*********n (don't count the number of *, I just typed randomly)

  31. Level XLI - Is it normal that I go from egg 2 to directly egg 4?? No egg 3?

  32. Keeper, with apologies, I have just noticed the time here, and know that I have a busy day tmrw. I'm sure players in diff time zones will help you but alas, my pillow beckons me. Good night and good luck.

  33. Level XXXIX - I found the two errors and have organized alphabetically and numerically...I can't see how the error cards point to the answer...can anyone help?

  34. keeper, use the same method you did previously to find the other countries, and then use the first rule of riddling.

    eric lvl XLI - I think i gave the order for the way i found the eggs just above.

    Night all. Good luck, and happy solving.

  35. Hancock, lvl XXXIX, i solved a different way. I think i did it wrong but it worked for me.
    I put them in their 26 order and read their lasts. That solved it for me. I didnt google or anything or anything else. (at least, i think thats what i did?)

    Truly, gotta go sleepy bye byes. Nights.

  36. LVL L found 3 eggs, used googled, thought from the clues it was H********, or something similar for key, but not getting anywhere, just gibberish, am I on the right track using one of the eggs on the cipher? a push please?

  37. LVL L firsts gives you the idea for the right cipher,and then googling the text,I still cant find how to start 'all' over!

  38. @cilo_rose Thanks! That's a big hint, onto next level!

  39. @artist, I have all 3 eggs (including rotten) from text I got which cipher, and word for second egg, then granny gave me the last egg, which I thought was the key to solving it, but it wasn't so I am not finding what to use for key.

  40. if you google all the worlds together,you will find it

  41. @artist, I have googled them all together and come up with their location etc. and then pics of them. have read everything I can on it, I put the pic in the cipher and tried so many things as key with no results, location game me an egg, but that was it. ?????

  42. and onto XL! thank you clio_rose!

  43. then I am doing something wrong, I used all the letters in the pic in ciphered line and loacation in key line and its all gibberish, not working at all

  44. Stuck since yesterday in egg:Bob Marley
    There are many combinations and I do not know how many letters could be, I tried a lot without results, a hint please

  45. lvl L, been stuck here since yesterday as well, have made no progress today, feels like i am missing a simple step somehow... I used the pic letters in cipher and used F****** as key and get nothing, tried changing up F***** a bit to other words but nothing, thought maybe its chdde in pic instead of chooe but got nothing... awhat obvious step am i missing?

  46. I'm gonna stop for today with LVL XLII, got kind of an egg? and also a bad one, but don't know what the picture is.
    This might be the first riddle from Tool that I finish, after stopping in Tool Torture....

  47. @robin LVL L - your key f****** is fine don't change it. Are you sure you are using the right cipher? (hint for the good cipher is in egg).

  48. Need Help on LVL XXVI..I deciphered some of the test, but at a dead standstill.

  49. omg puzzled thank you so much, never thought to change cipher, smooth after that.. thank you so much

  50. Oops, That was not XXVI but XXVII. Sorry bout that.

  51. @robin, well done :) Now we can struggle together for an answer to reach level 2. I've spend the last 3 hours trying with FTF everywhere as if there is no tomorrow.

  52. Lvl XXXIV Can anyone tell me if this level can be solved without downloading some software or printing etc.

  53. @Jamie - LVL XXVII All groups use the same cipher but in a different "level". Find the individual translations and you will form a phrase that will give another hint.

  54. @ ike, i had to resize in paint and print, but some people are able to resize and layover in paint... cant solve it any other way i dont think

    @ jamie, once you enter into cipher, bounce around a bit taking note of numbers. hope that helps

  55. thx robin, it's a pity!

  56. @ike lvl XXIV - The difficult part was to make them the same size. I used the built-in windows Snipping tool and then resized them in Word. Finally I used and overlay online tool. Surely there are much better methods, but this one worked :)

  57. I need a little push to find level 2, pretty please ?

  58. puzzled I can undertand you,it took me half a day to decode it.Search[in the first level xi]for 'all'!!

  59. @the artist - thank you :) Level I or level XI? I've found some "new" in level I, which added to what I had in that level is giving me some new words, but these are not working. Am I in the right track?

  60. wow, got it. Resized in paint and used overlay tool. Thx again puzzled and robin

  61. Sorry level I,'all' in the text.If it is too much pls delete it.

  62. @Clio_rose re lvl XLI: yep, saw it after posting. For once, I checked the hints AFTER posting... Now have all the eggs but will see tomorrow. What level are you on now? A bit frustrating to be helped by ppl that we cannot help!

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  65. XXXIII - Lisa and Clio_Rose, I am just so stuck. I'm not even sure anymore the letters that I thought were ok are! The two (now 3) I am not sure of are top left/top right and bottom middle. The one vowel I had before rotten egg is now a consonant (right middle). This one is hard because I can't literally, spell it out!

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  68. I can no longer see some of the earlier levels. XXV where I got stuck and decided to take a break and XXIV. (sorry for the excess blank lines.)

  69. PuzzledinCA
    The game does not save, but putting your answers in the url will make the levels pop up.

  70. Lvl XXXVI , read the comments but seem to be the only one who doesn't even know where to start, lol.

  71. Small Tool! I copied and now viewing. THANK YOU!!!

  72. Stuck at lvl 2 egg
    I saw Ellie's hint so I tried to apply M differently and got 4 letters, but still they do not mix well with my B
    Is it a different B than before? or maybe M is not the obvious?

  73. Lvl 2
    Divide the M the way the B is divided, should give you 2 B and 6 M going together very nicely.

  74. lvl XXXVI
    Ike, start with the caps.

  75. Thanks small-tool. You are right, they do :)

  76. I need a little hint for lvl 19. I do see "eight differences", but not sure how to use them. Didn't find any eggs yet.

  77. Ellie, for 19, try connecting what you found, you should get some letters that will help

  78. lvl 2 i cant even get an egg, applied b to the pics and got 4 letters but they dont work or make a word? I read through the hints and most of them are about the eggs, any help out there please?

  79. XXXIII - Thank you Small-Too, I got a big smile...just don't know what to do with it. I don't know why this is not clicking in my smile didn't last long after getting that egg! ;)

  80. Thanks @Donas! I missed to read between the lines :)

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  83. Lvl 4
    I've found one good egg (movie). Could I get a clue how to use it?

  84. @Bjorn, lvl 4, you need to do as it says. Literally.

  85. lvl 2
    Robin, there are 2 (kind of) B's.

    lvl XXXIII
    Sharon, make an omelette.

    lvl 4
    Use/read that egg as a kind of instruction.

  86. @Robin, lvl 2 maybe you're missing a B?

  87. Sounds like you're nearly there, Sharon! =)
    I'm still stuck on the very next level (XXXIV) as I have no skill in manipulating images with Paint etc =(

  88. XXXIII - TY! TY! TY! That was one 'hand holding' level if I've ever seen!! On to the NEXT!!

  89. XXXIV @LisaK...well, well, well. I've been reading all the comments and one that stands out is S-T's saying that looking at this level and its literally telling us what the egg is. There is something about the words "bigger picture."

  90. LVL XXVII ...I did the cipher and know it is n******. But I can't find any n****** to work with.

  91. @Jamie, you picked the words from different numbers.

  92. the 7 ... an idea where to go? Thank you

  93. @Molly, lvl 7: write the words in a different way. Maybe counting the letters will give you an idea what to do?

  94. LVL 2 could someone give me a hint what to do with egg of MB, solved the BM one, but cant figure out how to apply the b, did the m already got 4 letters and a rotten egg haha

  95. @robin, lvl 2 you are almost there. The B is not going to be an egg in itself, but must be combined with M. It's only one to get.

  96. ellie, I thought i had it E****, but didnt work, i will go back and retry my m and see if i get something different, got the one from b i thought but they wont make a word that works

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  98. @robin, if you got a rotten egg saying "it's B too", you have the right letters for M. You only need to find your B and find a word (which will start with the "B").

  99. @ellie, thank you , i went back and redid it and got the right b this time thank you, now on 2.

  100. @small-tool -- I was using bookmarks in MS Edge. when I copied the bookmarked URL into FF, it worked. A major nuisance. Thanks for your quick response 4 hours ago. :).

  101. Hello All! I am stuck on level xxxiii. I have both the eggs but I cannot seem to make a decent omelette with the first one. I have two six-letter words and no idea what to do next. Please help!

  102. Chael615, XXXIII, there are 3 eggs needed, if you have all 3, you are close, a bit more anagramming needed

  103. LVL 4 got 1 egg and 1 rotten egg, not sure what i am looking for, sent it to jeffrey but found nothing, what am i looking for?

  104. @ Ellie, LVL XXVII, Thanks for the hint. I did have only 3 numbers but that did not work.

  105. robin, another saying of "to kill" is "to take out".
    LVL 5 - got rotten eggs only and totally fell for s-t's trap(?) :(

  106. Anyone have a hint for LVL XVI egg 3 & 4? I got eggs 1, 2, & 5. Been staring at these faces for most of the day!

  107. aaaasa, lvl 5, sometimes it's bigger than just letters

  108. Can anyone help on LVL XLI? I completed the jigsaw, but the result has me befuddled. The top line seemed straightforward, but I'm out of ideas as to what the '=' or the left sides of the others could mean.

  109. Hancock, I only have 1 rotten egg on level XVI, are you sure it's the right level?

  110. I'm on the same level @Kringle, if you give me a hint on egg 3 / 4. I can work on the jigsaw with you.

  111. Thanks Donas!
    Onto lvl 6 now but somehow the image search couldn't identify the bottom-middle one and the bottom-right one...

  112. @Hancock....I don't remember getting so many eggs on level XVI (16)..

  113. @Kringle "=" means replacing the letter. For example, if you get "apple" and "a=b", then it means "bpple".

  114. Kringle, XLI, you have a 3 letter word that ends in T, the puzzle shows 2 letters to replace that T

    the last pic is 2 guys holding hands replace the G

  115. Sorry, my Roman is terrible! ;) XLI (41)

  116. Still stuck at XLV, I have counted the number of b***** of the nine countries, got a confirmation country which flag is in red/yellow, then I don't know what to do next

  117. aaaasa,, haha just found the rotten egg on 5 too, so i guess i fell for the trap too. ;)

  118. @Hancock don't overthink, use directly what you get from egg 1 and 2!

  119. XXXIV - what am I not seeing?

  120. Keeper, if you know the name of the country, try FTF on its neighbors

  121. Sharon: The text tells you what to look at - be literal.

  122. Thank you for the hint hasn't yet clicked yet but I have an hour before I need to quit for the night!

  123. for lvl 6 - got a half-rotten egg, any hint on who the bottom-middle one is?

  124. @aaaasa Thank you for the big big hint!

  125. aaaasa, lvl 6, he played for Va Tech and the Dolphins, first name is biblical

  126. Thanks @keeper and @donas727 ! I was way overthinking the arithmetic, thinking I had to add or multiply(?) the letter with the image, and was way off on my last image guess.

  127. XLVII - I guess I have to find 15 letters and apply the numbers, but where are the letters?

    And is it the voice of s-t? =)

  128. Keeper, XLVII, googling the title should help find the words

  129. XXXIV - @CeeBee...thanks but maybe I've been staring at it too long..I just am not seeing what I know is so simple. Arrrrrgh!

  130. Thanks Donas!
    For eggs in lvl 7 - does it have something to do with the color of the containers?

  131. Congratulations to me! I got to level XIV - extreme for me!

    Another epic Small-tool! I'll probably be trying it for the next five years :-D

  132. Sharon, you posted what you need in your earlier post - 2 words from the text - use them.

  133. Thanks Donas! I have done it but simply ignored it...

    Have got two eggs on XLVIII (a sign and a****), read from previous comments that I must have missed the last egg

  134. Keeper, read the text on the level page carefully. There is a third way of interpreting it.

  135. Thank you aaaasa, I'm probably stuck at where you were before, tried many combinations on the three eggs but none seemed to work

  136. XXXIV @CeeBee, :) I got the 3 eggs. I could swear I tried that before..I can't believe I was so close. Ok, now to overlay, overlap or something with these pics. I can't thank you enough CeeBee!

  137. Keeper, as the previous comments suggest, just spell out what's in the eggs and scramble them together. The symbol is a 2-letter word

  138. lvl 5.... not making any progress, got the one JW rotten egg and nothing else is working, counting everything, pulling double letters and trying to pull title out and cant get anywhere.. anyone around for a push please?

  139. At XLIX now, completely stuck after solving for X and Y. Read many comments on this level but still no idea how to move on, any hints please?

  140. robin, you're on the right track, try using something bigger than letters

  141. aaasa tried counting words in sentences too, got gibberish there as well

  142. XXXIV - Fun level once I put in the right text...kind of mad it took me so long to 'see' it. Onto XXXV...Thank you CeeBee for the final shove! It worked!

  143. Oh got it! Now on LVL L =)

  144. Yay, Sharon! I have the eggs, just haven't done anything with them. I'll get there eventually =)

  145. robin, no need to count anything, you just need to pick the words instead of letters

  146. @aaaasa, just not seeing it, maybe a good nights sleep will help, thank you so much for your help today. good luck to you.

  147. Got XXXIV just using my eyeballs! Made the three images the same size in separate windows, and put them all on my screen at the same time. 'Built' the letters one by one in my head. It can be done low-tech =) Woohoo!

  148. @robin, note the phrase "special blind date" then look at your LVL II tool box.

  149. Help on LVL XXV please.
    I've read the previous clues and know there are 2 eggs to be found and the first is a word similar to the title "midgician" (which the wonder of riddles has revealed to me via a Belgian national) is a combination of midget + magician and is also a character in World of Warcraft. But neither of the source words gives any joy or even a rotten egg. (This was after trying to match body positions with semiphores. LOL) Totally confused and lost.

  150. @PuzzledinCA look at the title carefully, there are two words

  151. I'm glad you guys all seem to have fun with this game and congrats to all the progress made :)
    And some special congrats go out to Zoe (one of the mods keeping this site alive!), a hardcore escaper and not a riddler at all and still getting to lvl XIV. Go go go girl :)
    And also special congrats to LisaK for her low-tech method of solving lvl XXXIV. Love the do-it-yourself tricks :)

    lvl XXV
    PuzzledinCA, it says The midgician.
    Btw, thanks for helping Robin, but that one is about lvl 5 and not lvl V :)

  152. Thank you, S-T =) Knee-deep in XXXV but need to get some sleep before figuring the next step

  153. For lvl 7, I've been stuck with the 2 eggs with drinks. Feels like there's a third one but couldn't find any :(

  154. Lvl 7
    Only 2 liquors to find. A bit of Googling (combine some stuff to get the right search words) will help.

  155. Lvl XLII - till now found the "singer" egg but I don't really need a push for now. Just experiencing a troubleshooting: the pic appears blurry now, tried to refresh the page without success. Hope I don't need what's in the pic again cause I cannot see anything now :-(

  156. Help needed on lvl.2, please! I think it's br****e, but I just can't decode it. If I use method 1 I got 4 useless letters. If I use method 2 I got 4 words, also useless.

  157. Same as pipi. I thought one of the methods is quite obvious but the four letters seem not useful at all (by the way - what is method 2?)

  158. Thanks s-t! onto lvl 9 egg now...
    pipi and Keeper, for lvl 2, her name suggests you need to use br***** and another B to interpret the pictures and combine the letters

  159. Hi ,I am stuck on level 9
    Found an obvious egg, but cannot find whats in common

  160. @aaaasa do you mind to hint more explicitly? For example, now I get four (useless) letters, the third is Y, am I on the right track?

  161. Keeper, I think you're on the right track, but you need three more letters, one from each row. Think of how you can convert each row to a letter.

  162. Keeper, my method 2 is Br****e Grade 2. Still stuck there.

  163. lvl 3 am the only one who cant get it?

  164. pipi, we probably have the same letters
    aaaasa, are all letters converted with the same trick (colour)? If yes, I can't think of a way to convert letters other than those I have right now, which are useless

  165. Lvl XXXVI : almost Easter and I can't find any egg. Really clueless.

  166. @Keeper & pipi, the title has two B's. It suggests you to use two different methods/ciphers, both starting with a B. Lvl II has the right ones. As told above, the other cipher gives 3 letters, one per row.

  167. Keeper, each row has 8 pictures, and I'm sure you must have used a method to convert a set of 8 numbers into a letter...

  168. @Unknown, lvl 9, you need to pair them, and find something they literally have in common. 4 words will come out of this to give another egg.

  169. Ellie, I'm stuck on lvl 9 as well but on the 4-word egg. I think I need to find something of the same length? but don't know where...

  170. @ike,LVL XXXVI, the first two eggs (one kind of useless) comes from the obvious 4 that stands out on top.

  171. @aaaasa, lvl 9. First you need to go where it tells you to go. You've been there before, but it was rotten. Literally look back.

  172. @the artist, lvl 3: the pic name might be a little bit better hint to look for the center of the pedes... kind of. Do what you did once before, but pick other letters.

  173. @Eric, you do need the pic again (the first one, not the "singer"). I hope it's less blurry now. Does it work to down load?

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  175. Thank you, all. Finally on lvl. 2 egg.

  176. @Ellie I'm back on the egg using all firsts. Still don't now what to find though :(

  177. @Ellie: thanks but I finally got it normal. But same thing now with the egg on lvl XLIII. Don't know if it is from my navigator or the website... Donwloading the pic gives the same :-(

  178. lvl 9
    @aaaasa, the egg tells you to go back to somewhere. It's way further back than you are now.

  179. @small-tool: any idea about my troubleshooting?

  180. Eric911,
    Blurry is the first stage of loading, so if it stays blurry it means your page is not fully loading.
    Maybe a problem in your region and/or server and/or browswer.
    Maybe try cleaning cache and cookies and then really refresh (Ctrl-f5).
    Or maybe you have to wait, or maybe you can try to right-click the picture and click view picture.

  181. @S-T: thanks for reply. Refresh and right-click+view don't work more. Will have to wait.

  182. May I know how many eggs are there in LVL 2?

    For the BM egg, could get as many as 7M, is it too much or just right? Then combine with 2B?

  183. Lvl 2
    There are 2 eggs in total (so 1 more to get).
    7M is too much and also kind of guessing what the M is. There is no guessing going on in my riddles :P
    The B is not only 2B, but also the divider of the M, so it's 6M to find.

  184. LXIII: got the 1st egg but don't know what to do with it at all...

  185. LXIII
    Write them out and you will notice something very special in the series.

    A bit more about not fully loading pages.
    Here you can see if a site works in your region (or even in the whole wide world).

    So if it says there it's loading in your region then it's problems with your browser and/or pc.

    Maybe try another browser.
    And about refreshing. I saidd really refresh, means loading the page completely over again. Should work with Ctrol-f5, but to be sure clean cache and cookies or else it just loads the page it already has in its memory instead of loading it from the wix-site.

  186. @s-t so I need to go back to a rotten egg page? but I couldn't remember any page related to the f*****. May I have a little more push please

  187. @aaaasa
    A level (not an egg) with that title.

    By now you guys know, but wanna post it anyway, since it's 1,000!!!!
    Almost 1,000 comments, so new ones on the next page

  188. Thanks s-t! that's a looooong way back :)

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  190. Lvl 5, still not getting anywhere, saw someones hint about "special blind date" not sure thats this level, but have already tried tineye and jeffrey and found nothing useful, aaasa says its about picking words, just cant see how to pick, tried using the words that got me the rotten egg but that didnt work either, a push please.

  191. @puzzled... the hint that helped me was... "to kill" also means "to take out"

  192. lvl 5
    Robin, you did the same thing with the fat baby, but now you have to Google too.

  193. @Robin I also saw that hint, but not sure how to interpret it... "to take out a m**********"?


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