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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. lvl 11 egg - I see 6 letters but couldn't get a word out of them. Am I missing something here?

  2. lvl 11
    The letters are not important.

  3. @S_T thank you, that was the push i needed. I kept visiting granny with it but never googled it.

  4. LMK if anyone has a nudge for LVL XLII. I have the fresh and rotten eggs, and know what FTF and the egg are hinting at, just not how to apply it to the image or text, TY.

  5. Kringle, looks like you have what you need, just repeat the process on the new words

  6. Lvl XLIII: wrote them down but cannot see anything special.

  7. Eric911 XLIII, FIRST write them down, LAST complete the series

  8. @Donas727: it just popped in my mind (eyes?). Looking for the 6th now.

  9. lvl 11 egg - I thought the numbers are on the b***, but this also lead to nowhere. Need one more push here...

  10. Level 7 Egg: Five cans of drinks.
    I don't understand what stage name I'm looking for

  11. LVL XLIII - I'm not seeing any connection in those 5 countries and the egg. I'm supposed to find another in the series, but don't see the connections yet, more nudge?

  12. I'm very stuck on level 25. I can't find what I am looking for. Can I get a hint please.

  13. aaaasa, lvl 11, good thought, find a way to use it

  14. Pichi, it looks like you need another egg

  15. Namchokdef, FIRST look at my LAST hint

  16. lvl 25
    You can't find what you are looking for. That's correct.
    So if you don't see it, there is no need to look for the title.

  17. Lvl 6 - I am very stuck after the confirmation egg. A hint what to do?

  18. pipi - some famous people have same last names as those on the pictures

  19. Donas, I tried looking for names of the b**** (V******** , etc.) and tried converting the top right number into those b****, but both doesn't work :(

  20. Still not getting LVL XXVII. Only get 3 numbers maybe 4. Don't know what I am not seeing.

  21. aaaasa, the last should work

  22. Donas, my bad... I miscounted the last one lol

  23. @Donas727, Saw it now, wow, stuck for quite a while, asking Grandma to help when it didn't need to at all! Thanks!

  24. LVL 4 - I really don't know where to apply the hints about kill/to take out

  25. Puzzled, you used the title to get the egg, what else do you have?

  26. I only have the level pic, level words, egg pic+word. Tried to remove "that" literally as advised but I don't know where.

  27. lvl 8 I have a rotten egg but I can not find how to continue. tk

  28. molly, lvl 8, do what you did for the rotten egg in every way you can for more letters

  29. LVL 9, I the four word egg. I found where I was told to go and got what I think are the same length pairs, but i have no idea what to do with them. I never did get a second egg. Do i need that first?

  30. XLV: no idea on how I can reach any egg...

  31. Cardinal, level 9 - each pair should have something in common

  32. thank you donas727 in 9 now

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thanks aaaasa. That was much simpler than I was making it.

  35. LVL XLV - Stuck here too, but got to one egg, Ask your granny of the First, the picture there is a clue on what to count. I'm stuck failing to count.... I'll take a break here, it's getting late here. Any help on how to count it correctly?

  36. Thank you, aaaasa.
    Is b*****y the right method for lvl 7?

  37. @Namchokdef: thanks got the egg with the 4 pics (did not even think granny would help here lol!). I know what are the pics but no egg found so far. And I don't see the clue for counting on both! Will have a look tomorrow and let you know if I find sthing.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Uh-oh, took a wrong turn on XXXV and ended up at the XLIII confirmation egg =/

  40. Puzzled, I only got one egg for lvl 4. That egg tells you what to do on the main level page.

  41. LVL 13, I thought i got the answer, but it took me to an egg with just a picture. Now, I don't know what else to do.

  42. LVL 11 egg
    I think I know the meaning of the number above, and I use this number to convert the numbers below to: b***
    However the result does not work, what do I do wrong?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. XXXVIII - Need a kick! I only got rotten egg about a favorite condiment...previous hints about counting aren't getting through...more please!

  45. LVL 7 have gotten one egg asking for stage name.. tried ernest, julio, evan rachel, scott and ina not getting who they are looking for... went to google and found those possible names to no avail... anyone around to give a push please?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Robin, can you hint me how to find the egg on level 7?

  48. @pipi, the only egg i found was by starting with your first gibberish take a letter and then on your second one do the same and so on until you get all eight ascending along the way.... this might be too much so let me know when you read it so i can delete it.

  49. correction that is for the first egg, i have 2 of them, but still need a 3rd according to the hints.

  50. XXXVIII - @Robin, I'm confused from earlier hints that involved counting from 1-6 but didn't mention doubles.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. @ sharon, give me second going back to look at it instead of my notes

  53. @sharon... ok, so counting is correct... first word take 1, second word which letter used 2 times, 3rd 3 etc... hope that helps

  54. XXXVIII - @robin :) :) Thank you! I have to say..I am so impressed with so many of you all that whiz through these!

  55. @Jamie, Lvl XXVII: You have 8 gibberish words. Each one will be a "normal" word in a specific cipher. These 8 normal words form a sentence. You seem to have found some of them, right? Keep looking to find all 8 words. Once you have them, you should have the 8 numbers (where you got the words).

  56. @Puzzled, for lvl 4, all you need now is the main lvl page. Your answer is 9 letters. How many do you have in the lvl? How many do you have to kill?

  57. @cardinal, lvl 13. If you see that thing on a pic, it normally hints to a specific cipher. You need some step to reach the next lvl.

  58. @Pichi, lvl 11. How about doing it the other way? Use the numbers below to change the one on top to different b****.

  59. @ ellie, any hint on LVL 7 stage name?

  60. @robin, you need to use the key once more to get to the second egg. This time, use it with what got you the key.

  61. I could use another hint for lvl 25. I tried to not see part of the title, which would fit with the rows. If i pick from spaces, it's all gibberish. Probably wrong idea, but how else do i use what i dont see?

  62. @ ellie, thank you will go try that now

  63. Ellie thank you, on lvl 14

  64. lvl 25
    It's not part of title you need, it's the whole title that is 'used'

  65. @ellie, lvl 7 so i just went back and checked, i used my key on what got me the key to get to "stage name?" did i miss another step for the other egg? really confused.

  66. Thanks, robin! Now struggling again on lvl 7 egg to find the key.

  67. lvl 7
    Don't mind Ellie, @robin, she's losing it because of level 25 :P
    It's not the key you use twice, but you can get two, instead of one, drinks from your same results.

  68. Thanks Ellie I had tried that already, but I guess I didn't look close enough.

    LVL 14, I found one rotten egg, but I can't get anything else. i don't understand what the pic is hinting at. I tried starting from the letter in the middle and doing the same thing I did to get the rotten egg, but I get gibberish from that.

  69. @ S-T , haha, thank you now onto lvl 8, hopefully smoother sailing for a bit.. ;/

  70. lol@st, what i did to get the other egg was just another road to the same place :)
    I did use the key twice, but could have seen both the results first time lol.

    @robin, you should probably listen more to st, than to me, but if you want to understand what i meant it is: use the key on the special cipher that got you the key. As the word to decipher, also enter the word that got you the key/the name of the cipher (but this is not the proper way to solve it lol).

  71. Great @robin, you got it :)

  72. @cardinal, lvl 14, the letter is not a letter, nor a number.
    Look carefully in the egg, every possible way, for extra info.

  73. @cardinal, ST wrote in an earlier comment:
    Level 14
    All you got to play with, to pick letters from is the text (the numbers). The pic is telling you how.

  74. lvl 14..I don't know what to do, I only have an egg that tells me that it is not number by letter.. a push please.tks

  75. @Ellie, I saw that comment and the hidden info on the egg page, but I still don't get it.

  76. lvl 14
    Writing out the numbers might help!

  77. @st, writing out the numbers is kind of about numbers to letters, so in that sense the egg is a bit misleading.

    While i'm in a complaining mood (lvl 25 grrr), i wonder where all the hints for solving lvl 22 was? To me it was a lot about guessing, but that's not the way you make your riddles :)

    Ok... trying some more with 25. I got 12 different things, but nothing good came out of that yet.

  78. lvl 25
    Find and feel the five.

  79. lvl 25, hm, i've been trying to do that as well, but will look for a new method :)

  80. LVL 14, I got the real egg now. I see that the pic has changed slightly, but seeing as i still don't know how the pic was helpful the first time, I am still lost on what I should be doing. I tried using the numbers to pick from what's up top this time and got a perfectly good word, but it doesn't work.

  81. lvl 14
    Those symbols are maths/logics symbols.
    On the level it was 'or'
    On the egg it's 'and'

  82. Thanks everyone. I finally got it. Those symbols are not the ones I was taught for for 'or' and 'and' so I didn't recognize them at all.

  83. level 25. I have been stuck on this level all day and the hints given have not led me anywhere that produces results. I see what the last hint is implying. I feel that I am still in the dark at to how that can be applied.

  84. Yes! I got an egg for lvl 25!!!
    @Lin, look for the five on top down among the rest.

  85. Thank you Ellie. :) I have the egg now.

  86. I have 25 now. By the looks of 26 I may go back.

  87. Thanks so much Ellie, Lvl XXVII, I finally got it.

  88. lvl 12 - found the obvious rotten egg only, any help please?

  89. @Ellie, thanks for LvL 4 :)

  90. aaasa, a bit of googling should help with the group.

  91. LinR - googled here and there and I thought it was about the famous f**** and b***, so I looked for pairs but got gibberish letters only... Am I on the right track?

  92. Lvl 11, so i just looked at all the hints after being stuck on the egg for quite some time now, and being told its not a google thing (haha) because of the placement of the numbers i think i know what you are all talking about... but i dont know how to convert or even what that means, i played with a few ciphers and came up with one letter on the B*** converter cipher, but that didnt help at all, could someone please help me out a bit on how to do it?

  93. robin, for example, if you convert the number 10 in decimal to b*** 5, you get 20, and further convert it to letter t.

  94. LVL 6 - any hints please? Wiki-ed a bit on some of the first names (H*** and I*****) and couldn't find any common last name

  95. Keeper, did you search the last name of R***? there's a famous person with the same last name

  96. LVL 12, Try focusing on the last words of each line only.

    LVL 6, Try basic riddling with the names you have to get an egg.

  97. LVL 16, I don't know what to do here. i found the names of the people in the pic, but that doesn't seem to help. Looking at ftf led me to find some dates for them, but that didn't seem to help either. Can i get a hint please?

  98. but what cipher can i use, the basic one in red luth doesnt have the numbers given?

  99. Thanks Cardinal! Learned something new today as a non native English speaker :)

  100. @aaaasa, i got it, had too many letters, onto 12

  101. @Cardinal - yes, I have done it (h*****) and got a confirmation egg but not sure how to move on

    @aaaasa - I guess the name is C*****? But this is not the answer. Tried to combine with h***** and also didn't work

  102. Keeper - Do you know what position C***** has held? each of the other five people on the picture share the same last name with a person who has been in that position.

  103. XLI - I got the celebrities and I made it to both eggs 1 and 2, Ive worked the graphs side/side and I am not getting a word! More help please!

  104. @aaaasa Thank you! On LVL 7 now
    (PS still couldn't figure out who is the guy wearing the cap)

  105. Sharon, lvl XLI - you should find a word from the set of numbers in egg 1, and another from the set in egg2. Finally overlap egg 1 and egg 2 to create another set of number where you will find the third word.

  106. @Sharon try to use the graph in egg 1 to get egg 3, use the graph in egg 2 to get egg 4, combine the graphs to get egg 5

  107. Sharon, I'm sort of where you are except I have all the eggs. Took me forever tho! Now I'm struggling with Paint which I'm abysmal at using =P Won't get any further tonight I'm afraid; good luck!

  108. LVL 7 - I have got a key and a liquor, looks like there's one more liquor to find?

  109. XLV: still on the first (?) egg but don't know/see what I am supposed to count.

  110. Need some help on lvl 14... I wrote out the numbers and still didn't know how to pick letters from them

  111. Nevermind, on 2nd egg now.

  112. @Cardinal, lvl 16, try googling the url with the magazine.

    @Keeper, lvl 7, yes, you need one more. You find it among he same answers that gave you the first egg.

  113. It's not "Riddler on the Roof", it's "???????". It's not "tool aid", it's "???? ???". so what do you need to do to title?

  114. @aaaasa, the symbol means "or", so go either left or right in the words (+/-). The number of steps per words should be clear.

  115. @mamam, do you need help there? Try to google what you have to get another option, to make the same kind of letter change in the title.

  116. Lvl XLV: reached the second part of the 4th egg but don't even know what is in the picture! Any push?

  117. @Eric, XLV, what's on the pic is a fruit with the disease that took you there.
    Anyway, you don't need the pic to solve the lvl. You only need part 1 + part 2.

  118. Thanks Ellie!
    Onto the egg now. So I need to go left and right? picked two letters from each number using the same method, but it seems wrong

  119. mamam,
    there are two kind of levels. Level XIV and level 14, but thanks for helping :)

    lvl 14 egg
    aaaasa, It's not exactly the same method. It's just using the pic as hint, the value of a number is not important anymore.

  120. @mamam, sorry i misunderstood. You were not asking, but helping. It's too early in the morning here :)

  121. Thanks s-t!
    Onto lvl 16 now but couldn't even find the egg... tried the FTF on the names and on each sentence but doesn't work

  122. lvl 16
    There are no eggs.
    Look (some posts up) at what @Cardinal found with ftf and @Ellie her (very helpful) reply.

  123. Lvl 9, found the right songs, got a rotten egg and an egg for level 10. Do I need the complete lyrics for all the songs to find the common thing? No idea how to get the earlier mentioned four word egg.

  124. LVL 9 couldn't even find any egg. Tried FTF but didn't give a correct answer

  125. @dutchie how should I use the songs? FTF on title or anything else?

  126. For lvl 9 - once you find the correct songs, look for pairs of common words in their titles

  127. @keeper firsts of songtitles gives a rotten egg.
    @aaaaasa thanks will have another look

  128. lvl 20 - where should I even start? the letters gave a seemingly good word that doesn't work

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Thanks dutchie and aaaasa, I mixed up the title and artist for one of the songs...

    Went to the f***** level (with a pic in orange) but couldn't spot anything in common, any push please?

  131. Lvl 20.
    The letters need more letters.

  132. lvl 9, aaaasa's hint led me to another egg and a rotten egg asking me "Really? Are you that desperate you even try this?"
    My brain isn't working at all, I'm gonna stop (for now), thanks for all the help so far :)

  133. Can I have a little more push for lvl 20 please? have been looking here and there for the additional letters...

  134. I am stuck at level 13 with the rotten egg and the real egg
    not sure how to apply what I see in the picture to get ahead - I tried to apply it on the answer that got me to the egg, and in the level itself but didnt get anything

  135. Unknown, you need to apply a common cipher to the answer. The level number is a hint as to which cipher to use

  136. thanks, so it was much simpler than I thought - the picture confused me as I was looking for another "steppier" cipher

  137. lvl 9,found a movie poster egg,do I need another one or is it the orange sign?

  138. LVL 12 - didn't even manage to get the obvious rotten egg though saw something obvious...
    There was a comment about "focusing on the last words", tried FTF and counting number of letters, none worked...

  139. @keeper, focusing on the last words use google it will give you all you need to choose from

  140. @keeper , keep in mind the title of the level

  141. @artist, using the poster to know where to go, use the orange sign when you get there to make a word

  142. LVL 14, a bit confused but trying, read all the hints, am i looking for a 4 letter or 6 letter word to find the egg, i already found 2rotten ones, but cant find a real one. a little help please.

  143. Lvl XLIX: sorry but maths have always been a nightmare for me, please don't tell me we really have to calculate?

  144. @eric if you find the 2 eggs first the math will become very simple and solvable, i suggest you find the eggs first.

  145. robin, did you get the non-rotten egg for lvl 14? If not, Ellie has posted a very helpful reply to my comment above

  146. @Robin: I do have both of them. Anyway, broke the equations by guessing. And now don't know what I can do with that lol!

  147. Stuck on LVL XLV where @eric 911 was w/ the fruit, missing something obvious it seems. I've tried combining the 2 **** words from 1+2, parts of them, the places that got me there, all 4, the original list. My ideas are starting to get weird and def. down the wrong track.

  148. I am stuck on lvl 13 with 1 rotten egg. Any hint, please?

  149. @Kringle: combine **** from part 1 and **** from part and do as usual.

  150. LVL 14, i have read all the clues and at this point have tried so many different things and words that i need to take a break and come back I guess, just totally confused how to use the negative numbers for counting etc.

  151. LVL XXXI , I have all the letters but now stuck. Don't know what else to use.

  152. robin, the negative symbol means you need to start counting from right to left. For example, -3 means you need to choose the 3rd letter of THREE starting from the right, which gives you an R

  153. Jamie, XXXI try looking up on each page you found those letters

  154. XLIX: have read previous comments but am still in a dead-end. How can the equations help as, on final step, I've got 26=26. Can't see the trick.

  155. Eric911, write out your values for x= and y=, keep those letters and convert the two numbers

  156. Eric, for lvl XLIX you only need the two variables and their values, the equations are not important

  157. @Donas727 & aaaasa: wow, start wondering if I got correct as granny just gives me gibberish...

  158. Onto lvl 22 now, seems like b****** but didn't know how to pick letters. Any hint please?

  159. Eric911, if you have the right values, all the equations given will work

  160. @ donas, XXXI, Thanks I finally got it.!!

  161. aaaasa, looks like you have the right idea, a bit trial and error here, look for commonalities

  162. Donas, by commonalities do you mean the common letters on the signs? I tried that but did not get any meaningful words out of the letters

  163. thanks robin for lvl 9 very tricky for me!

  164. Please, help how to find the good egg on lvl 13?

  165. Please, help how to find the good egg on lvl 13?

  166. aaasa, by commonalities, I mean it could be many things, just keep looking for them

  167. pipi, notice the title of the level has a number? in the text, look for letters appearing that many times in a word

  168. pipi, lvl 13, some words should stand out to you, use the title to pick the right ones

  169. Thank you, aaaasa and Donas727!

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. Donas, I've found 5 commonalities so far and got a word but doesn't work. How many more do I need to find?

  172. aaaasa, 4 will give an egg

  173. lvl 18, I have found the relative relationship, but I have no idea how to use it.

  174. LVL XLVI - is that middle word broken into 2/4 or 3/3? I've actually tried creating new words both ways but the new words are not really words...some are gibberish, some are words, and some are two workds. So I'm quite stuck!

  175. Thanks Donas! onto 23 now :)

  176. Cardinal, achording to your post, google and the title should help

  177. @aaaasa thank you for that last push on 14, it got me to the answer was simpler than i was making it on myself. haha

    Lvl 16, stuck,see the hints above and not sure what they mean by copy url and magazine? what url? tried what i know how and only come up with error or new guinea time? not sure what to do? found the names and dates of the 3 in pic but not sure what else to look for?

  178. robin, the url is the title of that level. By googling the title together with the magazine name you should find a theory. Then you need to change the years to the "real" ones according to the theory.

  179. LVL 18, I still don't get it. I have been googling all kinds of things, but I'm no closer to knowing what it's asking for.

  180. I am clueless on lvl 15! What is the trick here?

  181. LVL 19 .. I have the 8 differences of each photo but nothing wants, an idea?tks

  182. pipi, i literally did what the title said, printed it and formed each one, not sure if there is a program to do it or not.

  183. Cardinal, notice the 2 letter M's. One is minor the other major, connect that with the pic's theme

  184. molly, try drawing a line as you read it

  185. Donas, I know what the m's stand for and I know that their signatures are the same making them relative keys. What I don't know is how that actually helps me. I've looked at chords, scales, and all kinds of theory stuff, but I have nothing to use it on. None of the keys in the pic are marked or anything. I feel like I just have to guess what the level wants here. Maybe I'm not seeing an important hint or something?

  186. LVI - Egg 5: I'm having a heck of time figuring out how to get a word from overlapping the graphs. The result isn't really a word. I know I must be adding/subtracting wrong some how but I'm not seeing it.

  187. Donas727 .. is what I've done .., I only get lines without meaning

  188. Sharon, the result won't be a single word. It will be three words.

  189. Can I just give a great big THANK YOU to Small-Tool for creating this most far out Riddle game, all the testers, helpers, posters...basically EVERY single person!! Those of you that come to help please know that I am/will forever be, your fan!! Ok...I've got riddles to solve!!

  190. Cardinal, each M should give you 3 letters, title says don't reuse a letter, granny will give you the 4 you need

  191. Thanks, I finally got it. I tend to go too deep into things and miss the obvious at times.

  192. @Donas727 lvl XLIX: the equations works. So have X and Y and the equations but still dont get the trick. Desperating!

  193. Eric, write it out as x=? y=?, that gives 2 of the letters you need, convert your numbers for the other two

  194. stuck in lvl 20..I do not know where to get letters

  195. This comment has been removed by the author.


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