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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. LVL 20, I got one egg, but I don't know where to go from here. I've tried so many things that don't work.

  2. Can anyone help with the end of LVL 7? Have a word and a stage name request from the 2 drink eggs. Been googling combinations of words from the eggs and answers based on an old s-t comment but have no idea what I'm looking for.

  3. Kringle, try googling the brand names of what you have in a single search.

  4. Cardinal lvl 20 How do you find the egg? I understand how to start this, a hint please?

  5. Pichi, You need to add letters to the ones in the pic. To find those letters you must look at what is on the page and think about what is outside the box.

  6. Cardinal you mean the title? I did not understand your hint to find those letters

  7. Pichi, The title would be a good place to look.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Pichi - lvl XX - take the word you see, then take the first letters of the words the pictures represent. You'll have 10 letters to work with

  10. Thank you Cardinal! Now I have an egg

  11. LVL XXIX (can you see it). I see 8 letters. Adding 2 more got me a rotten egg. I've used granny on every combination I can think of. Any hints?

  12. annaby, there are 9 letters in the picture. Use only them.

  13. thanks pipi - I tried 9 also. I'll come back to this tomorrow.

  14. LVL XXXII, I have the long word and the short word. Got the rotten egg and from there stuck. Any Hints?

  15. lvl21 with many instructions but I do not know how to act

  16. Just a quick word:
    s-t, I haven't started playing your game yet, but kudos to you for carrying the torch so unflinchingly, and for still continuing to create those awesome riddles of yours, to the delight of so many! I’ve always appreciated over the years your perceptive comments while playing games of other developers, and I’ve always loved, of course, your own brilliant and challenging games (however mind-boggling some parts of them may have been at times grr).
    Your initial post on Apr 11, 2:38pm, is what inspired me to write this. Today Apr 20, barely 9 days later, more than 1200 comments, and still counting… now isn’t that grand? what a feat, an exceptional response. You rock, to say the least. How come you’re not featured on Wikipedia yet? Let’s start a campaign!
    Btw, hi annaby, clio_rose, PuzzledinCA, Zoe, Nini xD, Sharon, Abraxxass, Ellie, EnJoy, Donas, mtatt, enzed - whom I’ve seen posting on this s-t game site, all of you having now become household names in our community -, and hi to all the other major EG24 players, and to my co-escape game fans playing this game--- I've read so many of your posts over the years, always impressed by your insights, and also by your adamant will to solve any remaining unsolved puzzle you encounter - which is a passion I share - all this is the reason why I love this site so much, and why I look up to all of you who create so enticing puzzles, and why I admire in particular those of you at EG24 who maintain so generously the infrastructure needed for us to access these games and enjoy them as a community, and why I connect - in thought, if not by words – with so many of you co-players of all ages around the world (and I'm told we're tens of thousands) who, like me, relish these games.
    In my name, and also presumably in the name of us all, ty small-tool, ty other great developers, and most of all, ty EG24.

  17. Jamie: XXXII there's more available to add to the short word, use them all.

    Molly: lvl 21 Follow the instructions step by step to find the right path, maybe try walking backwards

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. LVL XVI - I am still stuck on Egg 5. I am getting too many words and no combination is working...I'm at a standstill.. :( Can I get a really big giant push please? What am I missing?

  20. lvl 19 am stuck after finding and drawing, tried granny with what was left and again with what was touched not getting anything? a push please.

    sharon which level? are you sure its xvi?

  21. robin, using what was touched should give you the answer. It's a 14-letter word.

  22. Any help with lvl 26 please? Don't know what to count here

  23. @ aaasa thank you, I tried that so many times, i must have hit a wrong key... thank you, have been staring at it for hours.

  24. Sharon, looks like you mean egg 5 of lvl XLI. You need to see each line of egg 1 and egg 2 as part of an equation. For example, the 1st line of egg 1 reads "9+", and the 1st line of egg 2 reads "+6", so overlapping them gives "9+6" and you get 15 (letter O). Do it for all the lines and you should get a new words using the letters you get.

  25. LVL 20, I am still stuck here. I have found 4 egg pages. The last one led to a rotten egg. I can't think of anything else to do. Can I get a push.

  26. Robin, sorry, I meant XLI! only 9 more and I hit the 50 mark...never did that exciting!! Thank you aaaasa, I'll give that a whirl!

  27. Cardinal, you should only use what's really inside. remember what the title said about what's not inside?

  28. aaaasa, Thanks for the help, but I've been trying for hours to figure out what is really inside. It was pure luck that I even found more eggs after trying something in desperation. I don't have any more ideas for what is inside.

  29. nvm, I just got it finally. That level was rough for me. I hope I can get a few now without getting so stuck. lol

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  31. LVL 20 Need a push please, I found one egg, it says you need whats inside the box, I have mixed and matched and googled any help please?

  32. robin, the name of the pic tells you it's a "closed box", so if you want to see what's inside you need to look at the picture of an ...?

  33. XLI - I think I've met my match with Egg 5. I have added and added and subtracted...I think I have all the right numbers/letters and what I come up with isn't working. Do I use ALL the letters including the middle ones with no - or +? do the words make sense once joined together? Are there 2 or 3 words? That's how lost I am....these are such fun torture! :)

  34. Sharon, by this time you should have 7 letters (6 from the calculation and the middle one without any change), just use them to create a 7-letter word that starts with D

  35. Finally passed XLV!, the counting stops me for a really long time, I keep getting the wrong number, onto XLVI. Am I close to halfway point?

  36. I struggled with that one too, Sharon; had to travel down granny's list a bit before I found the right answer, which totally threw me. Thought for sure I was on the wrong path. Nearly there!

  37. LVL XLVI - I don't know what I'm supposed to do, past hints is about finding new words? Don't know where to start though.

  38. nvm, got it. Onto....sounds?

  39. LVL 23, I thought I was looking for some flags, but I can't get anything from that. Am I thinking correctly?

  40. Cardinal, you're on the right track for lvl 23, just need to find the correct flags. Check your search results carefully.

  41. @jay-jay, nice to see you! Thanks for many nice words :)

    @aaaasa, lvl 26: count all of them, but in different sections. A good start could be to count the sentences.

  42. Lvl XLIX: have read again (maybe for the 10th time lol) all previous comments and I think I'm in the same position as Puzzled before he solved it. I DO have X and Y but can't understand how I can grab something from the equations, as when I convert X and Y, I just get 26=26 at the final solving stage. Maybe I am overthinking?

  43. @eric, you should know what X and Y equals in these equations. What values did you put in there?
    Those for are all you need.

  44. I did it! Got to the halfway point!!
    Quick question, if I want to do the thingy, which to use for IV? The last one? Will delete when I got the answer.

  45. Still at LVL 12, can't google anything meaningful with the last words, any more hint please?

  46. @eric; I meant, "those four are all you need". The first equations are mainly there to confirm you got the right values for x and y.

    @namchokdef, Congrats for reaching the halfway point! Use the last one, the one that took you to the next lvl.

    @keeper, lvl 12: did you try to enter all the last words into the same google search?

  47. @Ellie: silly me! Got it! Knew that I was overthinking! Was just right in front of my (blind) eyes! Thanks so much for your patience!

  48. @Ellie thank you!

    On LVL 14 egg now, s-t commented previously that number is not important anymore, so any hint on how to use the pic?

  49. @Ellie, I've counted sentences, paragraphs and lines, but when I tried counting words, there are too many of them to be counted. Can I have a little more push here?

  50. @keeper, LVL 14, ST said "the value of a number is not important anymore". So, the letters of the numbers are as important as before, but a different method to pick.

    ST has also said:
    Those symbols are maths/logics symbols.
    On the level it was 'or'
    On the egg it's 'and'

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  52. @aaaasa, LVL 26: paragraphs, lines, or words are not important.
    The number of sentences should hint at something. Look for one letter per sentence.

  53. still stuck at lvl 26 - tried linking the sentences with the a******* but it didn't work; tried counting the number of a letter in each sentence but it gave me gibberish :(

  54. Please, help on lvl 25. I read the previous hints, but they all seem like a mystery for me.

  55. Hi, I am stuck at level 20 with no egg, despite the hints above. I tried to add firsts and lasts of some words, but with no success. I guess I am bad at thinking o****** t** b**

  56. @Ellie LVL 14 egg, thanks but still no idea how to pick. There is no common letter among numbers. Tried to write out the numbers to make a 23-letter word and pick the letters, also didn't work.

  57. pipi, for lvl 25, as the previous hints suggest, you need to find the five words in the title, only this time the letters in each word are arranged in a way that can only be "felt"

  58. shahar, for lvl 20, in additional to those letters, the title already told you what is o****** t** b**, so combine them and ask granny

  59. Keeper, for lvl 14 egg, no need to overthink and simply pick the letters at the left and right of each word to make a 10-letter word

  60. Thanks aaaasa, once again I fall with my own overcomplications

  61. @aaaasa Thanks so much! Actually I still can't imagine how the level and the egg connects with "or" and "and"...

  62. Level L: got the egg (first and obvious one) but no idea what I can do with it... Tried to enter "what I see" (variations) but nothing.

  63. Thanks for lvl 25, aaaasa! I got it now.

  64. lvl 7 I found one egg with a key picture, tried that with the cifer that got me there in many ways, but nothing is working. I've got a feeling of missing something obvious, but I've been stuck for a day here. Please, give me a little push.

  65. You're welcome pipi :)
    do give me a hint if you figure out what to count in lvl 26 lol

  66. Hotaru, you need to apply the cipher on the gibberish using the key you found. Then write down the deciphered lines so that the letters form a square. The square should lead you to the eggs

  67. LVL 18 - I know what is "M" and "m" but not sure how to move on, also don't understand a previous comment that "each M should give you 3 letters"?

  68. Keeper, if you know what the M and the m are, look for their component. Googling the m with what's in the picture might help

  69. LVL 22, i read the hints about commonalities, have found way too many, i have been staring at it for hours trying more than 20 4 letter words to reach an egg but not getting any thing, are the commonalities just obvious things and i am reaching to far or do i need google? I thought i had the four obvious ones but didnt work, have visited granny alot to double check my finding but nothing useful,... any input would help please.

  70. LVLV 22 correction, I have been staring at it so long i forgot, i got the obvious egg, so i know i have to use B******

  71. robin, for lvl 22 - colours, location, lenght, letters.

  72. thank you pipi, onto the egg, tried adding the 2 from the egg to the original but doesnt work hmmmm.

  73. Lvl 9 - Stuck on four words egg (I have the FTF and the rotten eggs as well). I can't find where to go now, even after reading hints: "go where it tells you to go", "you've been there before, but it was rotten", "literally look back", "use the poster to know where to go". I need some help please.

  74. @puzzled, there was a lvl with that title a while back, you need to go back there and apply the new hint

  75. @puzzled did that help or same confusion?

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  79. @lvl 9 done, thanks again robin.

  80. robin, lvl 22 egg is not connected to the previous answer. One of the methods you tried is correct, but you need 5 letters.

  81. Yea, finally onto lvl 2! I'm sure these 50 levels will take longer than the first 50, especially as I won't have as much free time.

  82. @pipi, i found 4 of the letters to give me an egg, still trying to find that 5th one, some are repeats, but just not seeing that last one.

  83. nvm had it all along thought it was a number :/

  84. Did anyone solve lvl 2 to give a hint? I noticed how many sentences are there, but don't know how to use it.

  85. LVL 26, @aaaasa, your thought is correct; "linking the sentences with the a*******"
    So, each sentence would be paired with one little part of the a*******. Count the "own" letter in each sentense. Only a few of them have their letter.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I've been stuck on lvl 30 since yesterday and getting nowhere. First, should I fill them up? Tried some methods, but none feels perfect.
    Second... once filled up, what to do lol? Not getting any good ideas here. Am i blind?

  88. Ellie, thanks for the hint on lvl 26. I got to lvl 27?. Is this the real lvl 27 or should I go back and work more on lvl 26?

  89. @pipi, it should be the real one :)

  90. I'm with Ellie on level 30. Nothing I try leads to anything readable and no idea if I am filling the grid properly. I am feeling lost here and I am sending out an SOS.

  91. @Eric991, you're almost there! The picture in the egg tells you which cipher to use......but you need a key, right? where can you find that....hmm..... maybe somewhere in America? That text in the level seems familiar too....
    How can I get to the numbered levels? I've visited where I need to fix the issue, but I don't know where to start.

  92. Level 21 I know there are instructions to follow ... but how? Where do I have to go or what should I do?.
    Could someone explain this? Thanks

  93. @Namchokdef, idk where you've been, but lvl I should be a good place.
    You need to find "all" literally, and look at where they are.

  94. @pichi, the instructions are in the first egg. A grid. Are you there? Click each pic to get more info. The text tells you the finishing point, you need to find the way there (walking backward should be the easiest).

  95. Ellie I do not have any eggs

  96. @pichi, do you have a calculator? Turn it upside down to have a better look at the result.

  97. LXI - Thank you x ten!! I now have the full jigsaw and working on it between family and dinner! People aren't understanding my passion (they say obsession!) with this! :P

  98. lvl 15 I can't find any fitting word/two words answer. I tried to rotate the letters and so many meaningless combinations and I'm confused. Seems so obvious...

  99. @hotaru, lvl 15: it should be a 1 word answer, anagrammed. Double check your 3rd letter. That one was a bit wrong for me, and i had to guess the right one. (It is possible to spell 2 words not anagrammed, but no confirmation eggs for those.)

  100. Thanks Ellie, on eggs... Trying to know which one to start with, I do not understand how to go backward, it means starting from the right? from below from above ... I do not get anything

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  102. @Eric911, lvl L: you may have more than one key already. Where might such a set of keys be found?

  103. @Namchokdef, you need all words, but not all the words.

  104. @pichi, did you find the golden egg? That's where you need to go.

    You have to figure out where to start and which way to go, so that you touch each square once on the way to the egg.

    The egg is the last square. Which arrow points at the egg, the right number of steps to take you there? That's your second last square... and so on.

  105. Thank you Ellie I'm going to try this

  106. Okay, thanks Ellie and Laurie!
    Will start the second part later.

  107. LVL 23: I've been looking for flags for hours, without success. I thought the position and the order of the colors was important, but now I'm not sure of anything, not even that they are country flags. I need some help, please.

  108. @Lin, i got some info from ST about lvl 30. I WAS blind! No need to complete the grid, it's all there.
    I got to the 2nd part of the lvl now :)

  109. @kris, you should find countries. The positions and orders are important. Any extra info about the colors are important too, like what shape they're in. The first line has some additional numbers at the end. Try to find some info with those.

  110. Stuck on lvl 8. Saw Donas's comment on the previous page, but not sure how to apply it. I got a bunch of other letters, but granny can't do anything with it. How many letters in total should I get?

  111. Thanks Ellie, with the last part of your hint I think I've found the first one, but I'm not able to get the answer.
    Maybe I'm using a wrong method or some of my countries are wrong. Is there any extra info about the shape in others flags? Maybe in the third one?

  112. LVL 24, no hints , so it must be obvious to the rest, but everything i tried gives me nothing, i have the obvious egg, tried finding the center of the text "though" but that didnt work, egg says spots so did plurals, tried making an x... a push please.

  113. Laurie: Lvl 8 - keep the numbers in the order of the level ie no letter 'O'. A letter can appear more than once.

    Kris: Levl 23. 3rd and 5th have some extra info.

    Robin. Lvl 24 Check the text carefully to find what you are looking for.

  114. Finally I've seen all the info I needed.
    Thanks Ellie and Ceebee!

  115. cee-bee, I have found 6 with 13 of what i think i am looking for but granny isnt helping .... they are all forward correct not reading backwords?

  116. @ceebee--so should I end up with 10+ letters, with some occurring multiple times? The grannies are no help. One finds nothing, another won't use all the letters, and a third finds too many options.

  117. Thanks Ellie! I always thought each sentence will give out a letter lol

  118. robin, instead of making an x try finding them at the level text (which is in the form of a picture so that you can't use ctrl+F). Then use the info on the egg to pick out the letters

  119. Laurie, you need 7 of them. 4 from one method and 3 from the other method. There's no need to change the order of the numbers as they appear.

  120. @aaaasa, I am totally confused, i went through all the text and picked out any that are between re and rh, that is how i got the 13 is that not what i am looking for, I also tried pulling out any with and x but that didnt work either. also counted words and pulled the 2 between the x's but that didnt work either

  121. robin, as the picture on the egg suggests, the letter you are looking for is at the corners of the letter x. Look carefully at the text again and think of the letter x as pointing to four directions

  122. XLII - I'm stuck, really stuck. I got the singer and the rotten egg. I did ftf on 3 of the 4 lines (line 3 I have no idea what those 2 letters mean). I read the comments about now doing ftf on different words and I don't know what words to do that to. More hints please?

  123. LVL 25 - any hint how to "feel" the letters? I tried applying m**** and thought I got a good word, but it didn't work

  124. @sharon--try saying the two letters from line 3. Do they sound like anything? doing ftf on each line should get you something you might find in an IM. Convert those into the words they stand for. The stars in the numbers are important.

  125. LVL 25 Try to FEEL the words of title in text, they will give a letter each.

  126. LVL 29 Completely lost here. Know what is on the adress mentioned in text. That, combined with the name of stagecoach, made me think of some special movies/characters but nothing with that. Made the trip with the buss but nothing popped up. Did the obvious things with text, nothing. Can I get a hint please?

  127. @dutchie, you are missing a 3rd 'thing'... the p**** itself.

  128. @Laurie W (lvl L): have tried a few things (what I can see) but only got gibberish so far.

  129. Need help on lvl 27. So far I only got 4 rotten eggs.

  130. @Eric, lvl L: do you know the right cipher? Did you get an egg? ftf.

    @pipi, lvl 27: do you see what's in the pic? How many? You need to go and visit all of them.

  131. @Ellie: I got the eggs (rotten & normal) and confirmation for the cipher. Just missing the right key.

  132. @Eric, the words below the pic are all part of a bigger key. Google. ******a.

  133. @Ellie: got it. For any unknown reason (syntax?) my previous Google search gave nothing like this. Now have to get out of this dead-end lol !

  134. Ellie, for lvl 27, I've visited all of them and found some titles that don't match. Tried using the right letters and the wrong letters separately and together but couldn't get a word. What am I missing here?

  135. @aaaasa, lvl 27: there was a problem in the lvl for me with the anagram solvers. I didnt get the correct answer in but i did get it in ... except on the egg, where it was the other way around. Try both those solvers.

  136. LVL 26 - I want to cry... stared at the disgusting pic for hours and only got egg (1/2), where is the second part of the egg please?

  137. @keeper, you don't need any discusting pic to get the other egg :) Pick something else from the same place where you got your first egg.

  138. Thanks Ellie! onto 28 now

  139. I tried both anagram solvers on lvl 27, but still can't get the right answer. My letters are 6, is that correct?

  140. @Ellie (LVL 26) Am I overthinking (or counting something wrongly)? Tried FTF, number of words and number of "own" letters in the "qualified" sentences, none of these worked for the 2nd egg

  141. Keeper, number of own letters is the right method.

  142. @pipi, you need to get 2 letters per place. Make sure each place has something to pick. If not sure, try ctrl+a.

  143. Ellie, is that hint for lvl 27? I am a little bit confused.

  144. @pipi, yes lvl 27. Did you go to several different places to look at differences?
    If so, there should be 5 places that differ, which will give you 10 letters.

  145. @pipi thanks, finally did the counting correctly after dinner =)

  146. Lvl 27 - I know which are the 5 places. But I simply don't understand what to pick from each place. I tried many thing, but none of them work.

  147. @aaaasa--thanks. I finally got it. Now on to level 9.

  148. @pipi, pick the 5 new, and the 5 original letters (all letters that differ).

  149. lvl 29 - I know the location and the name of the stagecoach line, and saw from the comments above that I also need the p**** itself, but not sure how to combine these together.

  150. LVL 27 - Have difficulties understanding the above comments. What is in the pic? Tried image search but got nothing helpful

  151. Still stuck on the "Halfway" after L. Restarted at I but cannot find another solution... Got only a new rotten egg. Any help?

  152. Eric, Try reading the title at the start a different way. Perhaps 'all' doesn't mean everything.

  153. LVL 24, still lost, i located the 3 x, two point to 4 letters 1 to 3 letters, took them all to granny and am not getting a word, i feel so dumb on this level, what obvious thing am i missing?

  154. Eric, my hint may not help. Perhaps you could accidentALLy find out how to do it yourself.

  155. Keeper, these are levels on the picture.
    robin, each X points to 4 letters.
    I feel crazy on lvl 27 - how to pick the new ones?

  156. @pipi, for every place you get 2 letters. The missing one (the one it should be there, but it is not) and the one that it's there instead.

    It is 5 pairs of letters what you need (10 total)

  157. @robin, LVL 24: You're on the right track with the 3 x's. You just have to think diagonally. ;)

  158. Edgar, thank you, but this is exactly what I am doing from the very beginning. I tried many anagram solvers, but I can't get any good anagram.

  159. @pipi the cheating granny helped on both this and the egg, so if it doesn't work maybe some of your letters are incorrect

  160. @aaaasa I somehow solved LVL 29 with brute force... when I look back, I guess it's about its size?

  161. LVL 29, info about the p**** is found in pic name.

  162. @Clio_rose: thanks for replying. Was thinking some things with "all" but none of them work. Need a little break as I cannot concentrate more!

  163. lvl 18 maybe I don't understand English notation in music, but if I take chords I stay with only 2 single letters, If I take scales - they are all doubles. If I take pitches - I didn't find how to write the m in English to get 3 letters from M or m. Writing just min for minor and maj for major I get 4 letters, but they don't make a word.
    So please help, is it about pitches, scales or chords?

  164. @Hotaru, I probably understand less than you about music notation, but that's what google is for, right? Anyway, here's some pointers:
    - it is chords you want
    - make sure they're for piano
    - m=minor M=major

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  167. I still have no clue for level 30. I have an egg now but no idea how to continue.

  168. LVL 5 - Wow, didn't expect the other half to be this hard... I've seen past hints about choosing words, but don't know how.

  169. Hotaru, keep googling those 2 letters. They should end with 4

  170. @Hotaru: I meant, you should end up with 4 letters.

  171. ok, why did I cancel all those doubles I don't know, onto 19, thank you for your kind patience!

  172. i can use a nudge please, trying to find my way out of the dead spot and transfer to the second half of the puzzle. From hints and rereading the level title I gather I must work reALLy hard and find special words. I assume I search every level, are eggs included? Are short 3 letter words included? If so, that would give a lot of vowels!

  173. nevermind, i did it! YAhoo!

  174. lvl 22 .. I found 4 letters with the B ****** ... are they enough

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  176. @Lin, i'm no further than you; still on the egg lvl 30. Tried to twist and turn, look at it in different ways, using the same B or adding some M. Tried to combine with previous things. Got a few letters and words, but no extra egg.

  177. @Molly, lvl 22; 4 letters should be enough to get you to the egg.

  178. lvl 30 egg
    A bit the same as the level, but a different kind of twist.
    On the level it was more than 2 letters on the spot you expect to find just one letter.
    On this egg it's 1,5 letter where you expect just 1 letter.

  179. Thank you all for the help on lvl 27. I finally got it. Now stuck on lvl 30. Does it require more than 1 cipher/code?

  180. Thank you Small. I was sure I tried that but I think I had one letter too many. I'm on 31 now.

  181. lvl 30
    Start with one code, then (when a gibberish result is there), think about how to apply the arrow.

  182. @Clio_rose: re deadendstreet, still in front of the wall. Any push ?

  183. @small-tool, thanks for the reply on lvl 30 egg! I did exactly that already yesterday evening, but for some reason *facepalm* i switched color "in between" giving me the two wrong ones there. I'm sure there are some riddlers around, all thinking they could/should have solved this one lol.

  184. @Eric. You need lvl I. You need to reALLy collect all the words from the text that could have anything at all to do with what smALL-tool is thinking. Collect 5. FTF.

  185. Lvl XLV: Hopelessly stuck after first egg. Have counted the things (many, many times) but not getting anything usable. Hints aren't helping; need more please?

  186. LisaK, do you count neighbours?

  187. lvl 23 I do not understand the track of numbers in the 1
    a little help?..tks

  188. XLV - @Lisa, howdy! I have been reading comments and got the rotten egg using ftf's. Are we counting something on the rotten egg?

  189. lvl 29 i think i know (could be way off) what i am supposed to combine but not working, is it 2 for stagecoach, 2 for building and 1 for P****? its not working for me, also tried 3 for the building, still didnt work... am I way off?

  190. @Lisa & @Sharon, lvl XLV: im not sure what rotten egg you're talking about. There is a "normal" egg from FTF, showing 4 pics. They are all b*****s. Go back to the 9 ones and count their respective b*****s. You should get 9 letters from that. Anagram for the next egg. One (or more?) of the 9 had some different numbers on different google pages. I***** = 5.

  191. @robin, lvl 29. The answer should be 7 letters. Some conversion numbers/letters is needed at some point.

  192. @Namchokdef--remember that Google is your friend.

  193. XLV - @Ellie...I got the rotten egg using ftf on the list of 9 which I see now was a good word, just not the right word. Got the 4 pics so good start! :)

  194. LVL 2, applying b****** to the pic gives me letters but no word. am i using the wrong code?


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