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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @hancock lvl 2, there are 2 different b ciphers to apply on this level, i would say yes you got one but now you need to apply the other one as well

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. omg, finally figured it out..onto lvl 30

  5. thank you for your hint @robin. I'm back in the toolshed banging around. I don't know if I'm looking for another cypher beginning with b or another version of br***** Either way I've tried a lot of things (I can't say everything obviously!). BUT... I did discover how to change the background color on the REDLUTH page! (upper left corner) Huge hooray! My eyes are sighing audibly in relief.

  6. @hancock, lol, try 0-c 1-bw does that help?

  7. lvl 30, read the hints, cant find an egg, got 4 letters, not sure how to use arrow to find more letters, tried using grade 2 but it didnt help much, just added more gibberish.... any help out there tonight?

  8. XLV - I'm stuck. I got the M********* egg and looking at the same thing I did with the other egg I'm not getting a word. I still need Egg 2 to solve. I think once I have that #2 egg I'll be able to least that's my plan! A push would be very welcomed!!

  9. XLV - My comment didn't make sense. I still need Egg 2 and I think the M********* is key to getting it if I can solve it. So I need help to get to Egg 2.

  10. yes, egg time, thank you so much! @robin

  11. @sharon, if you are looking at the m egg, you need to identify the 6 pics, and use ftf

  12. robin, the arrow suggests a common cipher where all letters shift at the same time. Just apply that cipher to the gibberish and you'll get the egg

  13. Thank you pipi & Ellie! Howdy to you too, Sharon =) Yes, counting neighbors. Frustrating to hear that there are different results depending on which source you use =/ How am I to ever know if I have the right numbers and which ones are wrong?? Trying again...

  14. Hallelujah, found an egg!

  15. @aaaasa thank you so much, onto the egg, will be seeing spots for days

  16. XLV -'s easier to bring up the map and look. An earlier comment said that Israel=5 which was actually a big help. Now, back to that M egg! I'm inching ever so slowly to the HOF...never been there before!!! SO exciting!

  17. Sharon, you should get a 4-letter word using M*********'s non-controversial neighbors.

  18. I don't have an 'M' egg. The neighbors led me to a word starting with D; an egg with a flag. Country identified, but now what?

  19. XLV - @Lisa, same method of friendly neighbors.

  20. XLV - I found 2 of the images on the M egg but so far they are from the same town. Kind of hard to match up images and haven't found the other 4. Is there a trick to finding these or is it just googling and trying to match them up?

  21. LVI - @aaaasa, thank you! I now have a very sick looking fruit!

  22. XLV: Okay, if I'm counting right, I'm up to 6 'good' eggs and 2 rotten ones. Have to go back & re-read the hints about this egg because I have no idea what I'm doing =P

  23. Finally, onto XLVI!! How are you coming, Sharon?

  24. @Ellie: thanks now onto lvl 2.

  25. XLVI - ahahahahaha...@Lisa!! I did it! I got it and now I'm on XLVI! I'm so close to the HOF I can taste the coffee and croissants! :) ! I am stuck though. I think I've got the right idea but I don't know what goes in the "?"...any idea's?

  26. @Lisa..I got XLVI and now am on XLVII..thats where the ??'s are for numbers. Just remember to read the middle word as 2 words!

  27. Wow, that was fast Sharon! Still on XLVI; think I see what you mean? Save some HOF treats for me =D

  28. @LisaK, That's what pockets are for! XLVII was even faster! I love when I can pretend I'm good at this....for XLVI, once you get the new letters granny new word. S-T put a confirmation egg for new word so you know you're on the right track!

  29. XLVIII - I'm stuck with 3 eggs just not sure what to do with them. I've scrambled what I think are the right words but nothing! Time to call it a night! Good night! :)

  30. I am stuck on lvl 31 with 1 good and 1 rotten egg. I don't know how to interpret the good one.

  31. Lvl 2 egg 1 (BM): I guess what cipher to use there but don't know how to "cut" the pic. Is there a hint for that or just luck and guessing?

  32. Sharon, re: XLVIII, did you see the hint about that symbol being a two-letter word?
    Made it to XLIX; math makes my eyes cross so I'll be stopping for the night!

  33. Lvl 2 egg 1 - there are 2 codes to use here. Cut the pic in half.
    For XLIX - save your efforts with an online solver.

  34. LVL 31
    @pipi any hint how to find the good egg? I only got the rotten egg (though not completely rotten)

  35. Hello :) Lvl 19 - Stuck after finding all differences, drawing, touching and getting that 14 gibberish. Am I missing some final key or whatever?. Help, please.

  36. Keeper, try looking for words with the characteristic described in the title. The arrow-like signs in the title have also appeared in the egg of a previous level.

  37. @Keeper, the signs from the title are hint to search for specific words. But what do you mean by "not completely roten"?

  38. Puzzled, you have the right number of letters, so you might want to check your letters again or try another anagram website as some may not show the correct anagram

  39. @aaaasa. Thanks :) but, believe me, I've checked and tried letters & anagrams like crazy. Nvm, I will keep trying.

  40. Still stuck in LVL 5, Have tried FTF from Edgar and gotten to a confirm, but rotten egg. I've seen a hint from Laurie about Google, but don't know which to google. I'm kinda scared of later levels if I need this much nudge in level 5.

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  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Namchokdef, remember what FTF you used in level XL? Apply that method to each sentence and google them altogether

  44. @Namchokdef - Lvl 5, remember fatboy-fatter boy, what did you used then? If you do the same, pick your "bigger starters" and google, you'll get some very well known s**g Buen provecho, majo :)

  45. @aaaasa thank you

    @pipi there's something hidden behind the pic, but haven't figured out how to use it

  46. Puzzled, you might need to delete the comment afterwards but what letters did you get?

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  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Ah okay, thanks! But it seems I forgot to bookmark LVL XL.........

  51. Puzzled, your first set is almost there but you may want to check carefully where the letter I in the top pic is :)

  52. lvl 31
    The rotten egg, with the pic a graph of the probability of an alien invasion is really a rotten egg.
    The part behind the pic was an unused Wix text box (it said Wix text: something like put your paragraph text here).
    It was a text box I kind of lost during the making and it seems it was hiding behind the pic.
    Anyway, it's gone now, it's really a rotten egg and sorry if it confused you or gave you hope :P

    The only way to go on is to focus on the real egg, the alien egg.

  53. @s-t you took away my hope, can you give me something back? :P

  54. @aaasa Thanks so much on 19. Still not there. Will keep trying :)

  55. lvl 31 egg
    You don't need the level anymore, just focus on that egg.
    The text is almost literally telling you what to do, or at least sound like telling you what to do.
    First letter of title and first letter of text is a hint too.
    And the bragging hint: less creative riddle makers make eggs like that, but with childish tricks like blahblah1, so an egg blahblah2 etc. :P

  56. lvl 33 - I think I know what to look for, but some codes seem to belong to more than one set. Can I get some nudge here pls

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. lvl 32
    I think you're talking about that one @aaaasa

    One or two of them belong to two different ones, yep. I thought I had covered that with an egg (no anagram, two words), but if there are more, then it's a tiny bit of trial and error to get the correct ones.

  59. Lvl 31 - focus on the picture or the text under it? I got a very nice word from the text, but unfortunately it's not the answer.

  60. Thanks s-t! looks like I didn't get the name of the sets right lol

  61. Still on lvl 2 (egg BM): at least is there any hidden hint or egg to know the numbers of letters? I already did B but need M and there are just too many possibilities!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. @eric911, lvl 2, on the 1st egg b****** give you 2 letters, m**** gives you 6. Can you think of any way to divide the grid into 6 equal groups?

  65. Level 24 I need help, I have the obvious egg and I have read all the hints: each x points to 4 letters and diagonally...
    After many attempts nothing works,I do not understand what I do wrong, someone pushes me? Thanks

  66. XLVIII - Need a bit of help. I have all 3 eggs. I saw comment about the 'e****'symbol being 2 words and then scramble all 3 eggs. I keep getting gibberish so maybe I've got the two words wrong. Help please!

  67. Lvl 24 - find some X in the text.
    Lvl XLVIII - the symbol is 2 letters, not words.

  68. pichi, did you find all the "x"s in the text on the level page? Should be three of them

    Sharon, I think the comment was that the symbol is a 2-letter word :)

  69. pipi aaaasa: yes, I have three x of the text

  70. They are pointing the answer, pichi.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I have chosen the letters of each x that point diagonally up and down, 4 letters of each, I can not understand it yet

  73. @Hancock: thanks for help, now it is much clear. No time for riddling now but will check what I have later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again!

  74. XLVIII - Thank you LisaK and aaaasa! Big help in reminding me what the hint actually said versus what I read! Onto XLIX and the math!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Wtg Sharon! I'm stuck on XLIX math; online solver still has me stumped.

  77. LinR, you are now on egg1, find egg2. First letter of first words in title and in text should help.
    robin, look for words with some pattern.

  78. Lvl XLIV, read the hints for this level. No bells are ringing.

  79. XLIX: found one egg but missing another I believe? Unsure how to get there...

  80. lvl25 a clue how to feel 5? I do not get anything, thanks

  81. lvl 25 search for the five words of the title in the text,in a way that the <> of the tittle hints.i am stuck at thh 25 egg!

  82. I mean the word see of the title

  83. Solved XLIX after reading the clues a million times; never did find that 2nd egg. Phew! In the end, what helped: looking for 4 letters; your variables plus their solutions

  84. @aaaasa lvl 19 - tried again your advise when I came back home this evening and it worked, thanks again :)

  85. the artist: I did not understand your hint, I found 3 words of the title in the words below, but there are two that I can not find, is the wrong way

  86. LVL L - I did ftf and got rotten egg. The ideas I've had are not working. Not sure what to do, hint please!

  87. L: granny your ftf. I have the fresh egg and the cipher. What I don't have is the key. Hints say it starts with 'F' but I'm not finding it. Help please!

  88. Lvl 31, ok got the egg, gathered and got a great fitting word but not it, tried using the others and got nothing, used the title and text.... read the hints but not getting it.

  89. @robin, googling the poem will help.

    I need help on lvl 33. I have 2 rotten eggs and no idea how to do the first math operation.

  90. @pipi, what poem? i tried googling the test and it just comes up as storage units, if i do the title and text it comes up as " alien vs predator" the title just comes up asking if i want alien eggs implanted inside me

  91. LVL L - Thank you Lisa, I got the egg but how did you find the cipher to use? I looked hard at the good and rotten eggs and the level...not adding up for me. A kind push please!

  92. @ Sharon, where are they all located, smaller than the state

  93. Lvl 4: got the egg, tried to do it "literally" (by answering a 3-letter word!), read previous comments but don't get the trick.

  94. @eric911 "to kill" or "take out"

  95. Hi everyone, I am stuck at level 27 and must be really blind. I went over the last 26, but didn't see anything wrong in any of them (title or anywhere else). Am I looking at the wrong place?

  96. @unknown, if you wrote down the title of each level you would see a pattern with some breaks, you need those breaks, what is there and what should be there and then ask granny for help

  97. L: Sharon, I googled the egg pic for the cipher. Googling the text on the level page should give you the key

  98. Partway thru Lvl 2; have to walk away & take care of business for awhile. Good luck, Sharon!

  99. LVL L - Thank you Robin!! I now have the HOF honor and get to start ALL over exciting! LOL!!!! Now...hmmmmmmm....

  100. @robin, I am sorry, this was a hint for someone else. My mistake.

  101. LVL 31, the egg: have tried granny, have tried ciphers, have tried counting, I am lost not sure what the text means that i havent tried, i read the hints but not finding anything useful.

  102. Lvl 31 - change A with B somewhere.

  103. @pipi, thank you, didnt realize from the hints there was still another egg, tried applying the new one but that didnt work.. :/

  104. LVL 1 - wow...didn't get far at all! I can't seem to see past what we did the first time around. I did ftf even on the title and getting gibberish. what am i not seeing?

  105. lvl 31 on the second egg, do i apply the same change with new letter or do i need a cipher or something this time? tried a couple ciphers but get nothing, tried replacing with new letter and get nothing. help please?

  106. @sharon, this time the hint was "all" apply that to text

  107. lvl 13, I have the rotten egg and the real egg with just a picture. An earlier hint mentioned using a certain cipher. I have an idea which one, but no idea what to use it on. I tried it on the word that took me to the egg, but got nothing meaningful.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. LVL 31 finally got it, that one was tough S-T, but once i caught on I really liked the idea behind it.

  110. Lvl 1 - Still not getting it Robin. I'm not sure why I'm not but I took all the firsts in title/text and nothing still. Help!

  111. LVL 33, I have two rotten eggs and that's it. I am out of ideas with how to add here. Can I get a hint to point me in the right direction?

  112. @Sharon--you don't need to use every word, just some of them. Think small, not big. Allow your eyeballs to be totally enthralled.

  113. Lvl 15 and don't know what to do. Do I need to cut the pieces out? Is it the gray or the white that matters, or is it both?

  114. @laurie, yes cut them out unless you know a program that can do it online.

  115. @Robin, thanks! On to lvl 15 now.

  116. LVL 33, stuck with 2 rotten eggs as well, tried adding everything , letters/numbers boy/girl... at a loss.. hope someone can help soon.

  117. robin, lvl 33 - adding letters seems to be a good idea, but you need to write out the number and do some simple conversion first before adding them together

  118. @Robin: a good night and your comment were very helpful! Thanks!

  119. Laurie! My eyeballs were so enthralled upon falling on the small! Thank you!!!!

  120. Lvl 6: am sorry to say that is tipically a frustrating level for EU people... Even helped with Google Image, I cannot identify 3 ppl on the pic: woman upper right, player bottom middle and guy bottom right. Any help?

  121. So sorry Eric; I'm not up there yet. I found a clue that said the middle bottom guy played for Va. Tech and the Dolphins; first name is biblical. Google that & you should find him at least. Good luck!

    Hiya Sharon =)

  122. lvl 6

    (born May 1, 1945) is an American recording artist. During the 1970s and 1980s, her songs were on Billboard magazine's pop, country, adult contemporary, and jazz charts,[1] and she won two Grammy Awards with fellow musician and then-husband Kris Kristofferson.

    (born February 9, 1996) is an American football wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Virginia Tech.

    (born February 9, 1956)[1] is an American writer, artist and musician. He is best known for his stories and Wild West-style comic book art, and in particular, for his work on Grimjack (with John Ostrander), Scout, and the reinvention of Jonah Hex, with Joe R. Lansdale.

  123. Lvl 2 - I left my brain on the other levelllllls! I am staring at this level, read the comments and have a very blank look on my face. I don't know what to do! Hi Lisa!! You're zooming through...Nice to see you and everyone here on this side! :)

  124. A lot of new Halfway Heroes :)
    Very well done all and congrats :)

    The Halfway There Heroes

  125. @Sharon: saw the hint too but Google gave nothing back. Thanks anyway!

    @S-T: great, should be very helpful, will check that!

  126. Hi S-T; thanks for the fun =)
    Hey Sharon, our names are in lights!! Woot woot =D I'm not zooming anywhere... been on lvl 2 all night. Have stalled & need a fresh brain after some sleep. Good night & good luck!

  127. @Sharon: where are you in lvl 2? BB?

  128. Lvl XLIV : read all previous hints, but don't know what to do with title and/or picture.

  129. lvl XLIV
    Picture is not important, just there for fun.
    Try things with the non-bold part of the title.

  130. I read previous hint for lvl 33 to write out the number. But which number? 33? And I still can't find out what should I add.

  131. lvl 33
    All of them (that answers both your questions).

  132. Lvl 2 - Hi Lisa!! Hi Eric911! I'm right where you land on Lvl 2. I see lots of pics of Br****** B*****..I've tried a few things but to be honest, I don't have a clue and need one on how to proceed.

  133. :o) Lisa, Yes I saw that!!!We got our coffee and croissants! sustenance for another 50!

  134. What to do after writing out the numbers on lvl 33? Counting, converting, picking letters? Nothing of what I tried gave result.

  135. @Sharon & Lisa: don't focus on WHO she is but just notice a difference in pics. Also focus on the pattern of each l***, it should ring a bell.

  136. Thx s-t, I know.... you always say it .... keep it simple.

  137. Still at LVL 31... I got lots and lots and lots of eggs but can't solve it, tried FTF and number of eggs but none worked well
    Noticed that the pic of the last egg is named differently but not sure if it's the right way?

  138. @pipi do the math, use all you have now.

  139. Keeper, lvl 31, don't forget to count the first egg

  140. @Donas727 yes I have five eggs with egg/eggs, but can't combine into anything useful. More hints please?

  141. @Donas727 oh just got it =)

  142. lvl 34 - How should I use what's from the bin? Tried to apply M**** to the picture but couldn't get anything meaningful

  143. hello, good morning, time to start riddling! can i get a hint on lvl 13? I need confirmation on my cypher and a nudge on what to input there. I have the picture egg. I think (50% sure) the cypher is..i********* ***. But everything I input come out bad.

  144. Hancock, try using the simple version of the cipher

  145. lvl 34 tried M**** as well, and B******, and B***** getting nothing other than "paper"

  146. Lvl XLVI found 10 words so far, but granny won't accept the first letters of those 10

  147. ike, lvl XLVI, see what granny will give with those 10 for other words

  148. @ike, did you get the confirmation egg on all 10 words to make sure you have the right ones?

  149. lvl 34
    Put what in the picture.

  150. LVL 33 the whole paper is filled with numbers written out, how should I add/subtract them?

  151. Hi. Have been away awhile and you are all miles ahead! I am stuck on XXXVII. I have worked out the actor, identified seven films and have 17 letters left over which are supposed to make a question according to hints but don't make any sense. How do I know I have the right films and their number and the correct leftover letters?

  152. @keeper once you have written out and converted the numbers in the math problems than do the math problems

  153. Unknown, lvl XXXVII, you want 9 left-overs. I solved up top, which gave 5 isolated letters. I guessed the rest. Good luck

  154. Level 34, I can make no sense of the hint given or how it applies to the level. There are 2 pictures. Are we supposed to combine them? I am not getting anything using either of the methods implied on the 2 pictures. Can I get some clarification please.

  155. lvl 30 part 2,found the three obvious letters,do I need more and if so ,I have to make any trick to the pic?

  156. @the artist, part 2 you need to find 5 letters not 3, try the 2 in between the 3

  157. thanks robin ,now for the egg!

  158. thx donas and robin. I didn't even look if the words were OK :( Now I see 9 out of 10 were accepted and I couldn't find the last one , but there were only a few options left, so I found it. Thx again.

  159. Level 34, the hint doesn't help me over what I've been trying already, either I have all wrong or need a different clue. In any case I need clarification too, please.

  160. lvl 34, st gave a great hint above. The 2nd pic is mostly there to hint about the 2nd step. First you need to pick some from the first pic.

  161. LVL 2 - @Eric911, I think I got the hint you gave regarding not focusing on BB but the difference in pics. Though when I decode I'm getting symbols rather than letters. I am on the right path though?

  162. I think you are on the right path for LVL 2 Sharon. Apply the two B alphabets to the pic, but you need to slice the pie differently for each B

  163. thank you @aaaasa. i am now certain of my cypher. but still could use a nudge on the input. I've tried words for all 3 eggs, title words. I'm now working through words from the text. On the bright side I got a second Rotten Egg, and I watched the video...pretty amazing dancer.

  164. Finally got lvl 33, thank you for the hints.
    Now, stuck (of course) on lvl 34. Is it m****? Should I figure out by myself where are the spaces?

  165. lvl 24 I guess I'm too blind or to stupid to pick up those letters. I did as in the egg picture, but nothing works, tried with others, cause I'm not sure which one is really the right one to pick. I even printed a bigger copy of the text, but it did not help LOL

  166. nevermind, it's just that the anagram solver doesn't know the word :D

  167. @pipi, lvl 34, no trial and error in this lvl.
    First, conversion of what. Use the result to pick. Last, use your idea.

  168. @hancock, lvl 13. Lol, you seem to have gotten way more eggs than I there. You only need the one good egg with the pic. You were thinking of a cipher; i********* ***. Remove i********* and use the normal one. The lvl will help you to pick from the results. You have to go to granmaa as the last step.

  169. @Sharon: there are only 2 ways of interpreting the pics. Try both...with the correct cipher. Note the bold characters in the title...

  170. Lvl 8: got the rotten egg, read previous comments but when mixing what I got (altogether or partially) I get gibberish only. What am I missing?

  171. Oops forget my question. Am just stupid....or blind, Sharon?......

  172. LVL 34, read the vague hints, tried using just the letters found in the second pic, but not working, tried just using the middle as the space between, not getting anything useful, any more clarity?

  173. Eric911 - ahaha! can only speak for myself I'm feeling both blind and stupid and still on Lvl 2 not understanding anything. The only differences I see in the BB is l*** (open or closed)...

  174. lvl 29 I have the place, the line and the P **** ... (the numbers / letters) but I can't find the answer

  175. @robin, thanks for the help before on 27
    for 34, there is a key word in both Ellie and ST hints above - convert it first (title can help on how) and then use it on the pic

  176. @molly, do you really have the P****? that had me stumped for hours. what is the actual name of it?

  177. @unknown, i converted what is in the bin, says the same thing as the name of it, do i use just those letters to convert the original pic?

  178. Robin..Reading your post, I don't think I have that name. I've only converted the numbers from the pic name to letters.

  179. @Sharon: as I don't understand what you're talking about ("open or closed l***) then you must be on the wrong track. First, what is the MAIN difference when looking at the pic(s)?
    Also notice the bold characters in title. Hint to find the right cipher, in the "toolshed" (level II, the list of useful sites & tools).

  180. Lvl 9: got my way back (far away) and don't know what to do with this.

  181. Thank you, Robin. I have investigated your hint and I got it

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Ellie, thank you. I finally understood the hints and got 34. Lvl 35 looks difficult too.

  184. @eric, did you see the hint in the egg (the one that told you where to go) ? you need to use the smaller for the answer

  185. Lvl 34, I have converted whats in the bin, and tried converint the bin itself in every possible way, tried using colors seperate, got a good 4 letter word using each line, but didnt work, tried using only the letters i got from the first conversion, got nothing, can someone please give me a solid push? or tell me if i am way off track here.

  186. robin, convert "what" in bin***, then use the result to pick letters from the main picture.

  187. Lvl 36, tried to make sth useful out of their most famous roles or movies/Tv series titles, but only sth useless came out.any new directions?

  188. Stuck on lvl 31 I only have one rotten egg (graphic).
    I can not find what the title means with those symbols.
    A hint to know what words to look for? Thanks

  189. @pichi, find special words, which are equal to both sides

  190. @pipi lvl 34, how do i convert P**** to B*****? tried converting from M**** first and then putting those letters in but nothing matches up with the pic?

  191. LEVEL XXXIV : I have the original and 2 eggs. Tried Overlay in Irfanview still can not make out any letters. Tried eyeballing it and still can't make anything out. I have retina problems and things are not real clear. This riddle was so much fun, I think I am at the end of the line.

  192. @jamie, i was only able to do it by resizing and printing them out, it is slanted, its not a common word, personally never heard of it.

  193. Stuck on lvl 20. I have three eggs: the one I got using the letters in the original level pic, one from saying what I want to do, and one with what I should use to do it. How do I proceed further? How do I "use it"?


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