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Riddle Me Tool

Riddle Me Tool is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle Me Tool is the successor of the all records breaking riddle game Tool Torture Threesome. Good luck and have fun!


1. DO NOT GIVE FULL ANSWERS but start with subtle hints.

2. Start comments/questions with a level number in format: LVL I, LVL II, LVL III, LVL XV, LVL XVIII etc.

3. When you want to chat use the embedded dedicated chatbox in the game.

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  1. lvl 34 still stuck, converted "p" to m****, tried applying those converted letters to the pic using the same cipher but only the select letters, all gibberish tried in all sorts of ways to follow pipi's suggestion and do b*****, got nothing useful, it is 4 lines i am convering correct? not putting them all into one long line? i am totally lost on what to try and how you all did it so quickly?

  2. @laurie, did you figure it out? if not just "grab it and use it"

  3. @robin--can you give me a hint? I've tried words for how you use such a thing, anagrams of those words, etc., but nothing.

  4. @ laurie, just click the pic

  5. @laurie, did you try clicking on it?

  6. LVL 35, Is there anyone past this point that can help me know what to do with this level. The only thing I have is a rotten egg that doesn't help. I assume the title is trying to get me to find the next word in the sequence, but I just can't see any relationship between the words. I also tried changing all the letters to numbers and doing math to try to figure it out, but nothing has worked.

  7. robin, for lvl 34 first convert "What" into 4 lines of b***** and apply them to the lines on the bin. Pick out dots in the same place as the 1s and convert the dots into letters using M****

  8. thank you Ellie! moving on...

  9. @Jamie: just like Robin, made it the old-fashioned way. Printed them all at same scale then looked at them in transparency with a good old lamp!

    @Robin: not sure what you mean but yes, made my travel in the time machine. Smaller??

  10. Thanks robin and cardinal! Now for lvl 21.

  11. @eric.... when you got the movie poster there was a hint, when you travelled you need to apply that hint, but you only need the small pair to travel to the future

  12. @aaaasa, lvl 34 i have been trying to do exactly as you said, but i must be over looking something obvious because there are are only 25, need 28 to break into 4 evenly to get anything, tried just splitting it in half but not getting anywhere... maybe it will click in the morning ... good night and thank you for your help.

  13. @Robin: sorry but maybe the lack of coffee! Just to be clear, I am ALREADY in the past (with the orange "circle").

  14. Hi all!
    Wow, I just climbed out of Lvl 2; that MB egg nearly did me in, and I thought I knew what I was doing! Would not have gotten the M without S-T's hint that color/B&W *and* hats mattered =P

  15. Hello! I have been quietly following along, tho I haven't posted here since Small Tool Strife!

    lvl 9 - I've been knocking my head against this one for hours.

    I got the poster egg, went back to the disc level, and started googling. I got lists for the four groups, and found three sets of items with the same l***th (one had three items in it).

    But the only commonality I can find in them is their l***th.

    I then took these numbers and split them every which way and put them in granny.

    Nothing. Not a thing. I need a shove, because the older hints haven't pushed me hard enough.


  16. robin, convert the word "what" literally. The small picture is needed only as a hint of which code to use as a final step.

  17. lvl 35
    Cardinal, yes you need to find the next word in the sequence. There is a logical way to do so. No need to do something to them (converting or so) and there is no need to know what they mean. There are certain parts that makes them a series.

  18. lvl 9
    CandiC, It's not about the picture, it's about the text there.

  19. Stuck on 36... No idea what I need to do with them. Is there any hint egg to find?

  20. @Eric, if you went to see the future in the past you should be able to make some pairs. Then, find what the pairs have in common.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. For lvl 36, basic riddling to find the first egg. It might help if the names are written differently/below each other instead, but that shouldn't be necessary. Pick letters.
    That first egg should help you to find the next... but it can also be found by looking carefully at everything :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. lvl 36 - I've got the second egg, but where should I apply the hint on that egg to?

  25. A bit overdue clio_rose but thanks for hint for level xxxvii. The number of letters you said I have to have left made me realize I needed to find another film and then it fell into place. I am struggling with xli now. I have found egg 2 and egg 4 but am struggling with jigsaw with 5 pieces which don't fit. Am I supposed to find more pieces by finding another egg maybe?

  26. Lvl 26 - I need some help to find egg 2, please.

  27. @Unknown - lvl XLI - There are 5 eggs in total (3 eggs give jigsaw pieces).

  28. Puzzled - which method did you use to find egg 1?

  29. @aaaasa, I've tried to use that method again but not getting anything because I am not sure where to apply it.

  30. @Ellie: thanks! Got it, onto 10 now! Was watching the wrong thing to make pairs doh!

  31. Puzzled, there's no need to apply the same method twice. Using the letters will give you one egg, and counting the letters will give you the other.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @aaaasa, thanks so much. I found egg 2 lvl 26. Had one letter wrong.

  34. On lvl 36 first egg - I search for what is in the background of each celebrity, but how to use it?

  35. @pipi I did the same overthinking as you did. No need to search for anything - everything you need is in the pic.
    Stuck on the second egg of 36 - no idea where to apply the hint in the egg

  36. Thanks Puzzled re XLI. I am stuck with working out the other eggs though. Anything to do with + and - signs on egg 2?

  37. Shahar, what should I focus on? Letters, colours, people?

  38. lvl 36
    With the info from the second egg you can pick letters from the level.

  39. Stuck on XLV level with 5 egg. Please heeeeeeelp.

  40. LVL 35 I must have overlooked something obvious but really can't find any pattern. Any hint please?

  41. Zoran, did you find the egg titled "egg (part 1)"?

  42. Keeper, focus on the first and last letter of each word.

  43. aaaasa, yes, I found part 1 part 2, my country M, other country K, and stuck. No idea at all.

  44. @aaaasa thank you but they don't make any sense to me, do you mind giving more hints please?

  45. @Zoran did you try to combine the two eggs?

  46. Keeper, did you mean, part 1 and part 2?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Keeper, it might be helpful to write down the words in a column in alphabetical order. Then you may notice their first letters form a pattern, and their last letters form another pattern.

  49. lvl 39 - looking at a wall of what looks like M**** but not exactly? Any hint on where to start?

  50. I still dont understand lvl 36. How can i pick after second egg? Tried to use b******* to pick from the eight names or from title.

  51. Noclue, after you got the information in egg 2, there's no need to use the egg word anymore. Pick one letter from each name, and the names have something to indicate which letter you should pick

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. @aaaasa thanks for your patience but I am so dumb on this level! Now I have columns like "AB **K" and "CG***S" but still they don't form anything...

  54. Lvl 12: a bit of googling gave (what I thought) something related to a****** but then only gibberish. Am I on the right track?

  55. No idea at all on lvl 37. A hint, pls.

  56. Oops had one wrong, my eyes should have crossed!

  57. pipi, you've seen those colors and numbers before. Try looking back to the level in the other path

  58. Keeper, another way to do it is to pick out the last letters of the words and order them alphabetically, then you'll get B****G, and you can easily tell what letter comes after G. Do the same with first letters of the words to get A****P, and you need to find out what letter comes after P.

  59. lvl 33 I did the math, I have 2 rotten eggs. Converted simple and I can´t get the answer, a clue? . Thank you

  60. Lvl 13: need a push there. Got the rotten egg, tried different things with what got me to the rotten egg but no way.

  61. molly, lvl 33, not sure what math you did, first step is write out the numbers, convert that to numbers and do what the title tells you to do, after you have done that, do the math given on the level

  62. Eric911, there are some very long things that will fit the title, find how they can fit

  63. Thanks Donas. I did it wrong

  64. Lvl 33. Stuck. Have read all posts. Have resized in paint, enlarging and shrinking, without a clue. Have no clue what to pass "what" through to generate return resembling the pictures. No eggs, rotten or confirming.

  65. Lvl 34- convert it in bin***. The word "what" is 4 letters and there are 4 lines in the main picture.

  66. @Pamela, the clue is "bin". It's short for a system to use.
    aaaasa wrote it quite clear above:
    First convert the letters "W h a t" into 4 lines of b*****. Apply them (put on top of) to the lines on the bin. Pick out dots in the same place as the 1s and convert the dots into letters using M**** (hinted on the paper).

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. @aaaasa, lvl "39 Code". Search to find.

  69. @s-t, what the heck happened on lvl 40? :D found the way how to start, should I continue or the answer is hidden some other place after all?

  70. lvl 40
    flowerbird, I guess you found the egg (not the red rotten one, but the real one).
    If so, well done, but you're not out of the woods yet. Go back to the level and use the new info.

  71. Again stuck on LVL XLVI, no idea what I am looking for. Small push pls.

  72. @zoran, lvl XLVI: the middle word should be read in two parts 3/3. It tells you what to do with the rest of the words. Next step would be to anagram and check for confirmation eggs.

  73. LVL XLVI, I got 10 words, with granny help, found 1000 combination. I am confused.

  74. @zoran, you will get confirmation eggs when you find the right words. Try the anagrams you have until you get the correct word.

  75. LVL XLVI, still nothing. For example, fifth word with granny help, give me 22 words, sixth word 10 words ect ect. how to choose the right word?

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Zoran: Are you following the instructions given in the middle word before you visit granny? If so, try another anagrammer to cut down your options, they are all regular words.

  78. Lvl 34, i dont know what i am doing wrong following all the hints and keep coming back to the same stupid answer 'dika tree" which is not the answer... spent 2 days on this level ... knowing it only is going to get harder from here i think i will bow out gracefully.... thanks s-t for the riddle as always it was intriguing... good luck everyone.

  79. robin, someone is always willing to help, I'm here for a bit, post again if you would like help

  80. ceebee, using middle word for cutting, and I got 10 new words.Using granny for each word I got lot of regular words. First word 2 granny words, second word 7 granny words , third word 3 granny words ect ect.???????

  81. Zoran: there are confirmation eggs for all the correct words. Try what you have to find the right one. I did what I thought was the most obvious first.

  82. Where are you, Sharon? I'm struggling on this second half; going at a snail's pace... Will try again tomorrow. Good luck, riddlers =)

  83. @Donas 727: just to be sure... Need 5 of them? Or am I completely lost?

  84. it's getting late but i wanted to ask a question about lvl 19. i've found all the items within each picture. do i now overlay the two pictures and draw a line to connect them all OR do i draw a line back and forth between the two photos OR do i draw two in each photo and look for a pattern? i'm hoping the answer comes to me in a dream, goodnight!

  85. Hancock, back and forth should do it

  86. @eric, lvl 13, there should be 6.

  87. @robin, lvl 34. Do you remember the level XXI? You used the ones to pick letters from words. This lvl is similar. If you translate the word "What" (upper case W) into binary you will get 4 strings of 8 numbers. The W = 01010111. Use the 1's to pick lines from the "binary" you see outside of the bin, like you picked letters in lvl XXI. In the first row is LDLLDLLL (light/dark). With W binary on the first row, you pick: -D-L-LLL (look at where there are spaces on the bin, and where they go together). Now, do morse like on the paper, with D=dash and L=dots This row translates to morse "tes". Go on with the other 3 rows. A total of 9 letters.

  88. LVL 41, I have found a lot of eggs and I'm apparently almost right, but I can't seem to find the last step. Do i need to know the guy in the level pic? Google can't find who he is.

  89. @cardinal, the pic name tells his name. I'm where you are though, with some parts left. Can't look at the riddle now, but will think about it lol.

  90. @Ellie, thanks for that info. I still have no idea what to do, but at least I can stop stressing over not knowing who he is. lol

  91. lvl 41
    You are very close now Cardinal, but think about the part of text behind 'you're almost right'
    that's the very important part!!!

  92. @small-tool, thanks but i still don't get it. I have tried to apply that hint to the table and the things I found on the level, but neither of those work. I can't see how to use it.

  93. Just realized that level xxxiv is not the same as level 34. I'm stuck on level xxxiv.

  94. Your lvl 40 answer was a bit of a hint already (about what to do with itslef) and it seems you forgot the level title.

  95. LVL XXXIV, The first thing you need to do is find two eggs. Just type what it says to look at into the url to find the first one.

  96. lvl XXXIV
    To find the first egg, it's kind of literally in the text.

  97. @Ellie (lvl 13): am really on the wrong track then. Back to start....and lost.

  98. lvl 13
    Eric, the last word of the title is telling you what kind of words you're looking for.

  99. @small-tool, it sounds like this part is supposed to be easy, but I am completely lost here. The title and the previous level answer haven't sparked any new ideas for me. They just make me think of things I've already done.

  100. @s-t: that was my very first idea but there are much more than 6! Will try to sort them out.

  101. Cardinal, look up.

    Eric, not with that length, but with the same amount in them.

  102. @s-t: wooow! Not to blame you but I feel even more lost now lol! Think it is time to have a break and fresh air!

  103. Eric,
    Lol, it's one of the best assists I ever gave :)

  104. lvl 40 - Can I have a hint on how to apply the info in the egg? I guess I need to take the path of the h*** t******, but have no idea where that is

  105. lol s-t, one "step" ahead!

  106. lvl 35 I have to see patterns to all the letters,or just the firsts and lasts?

  107. On lvl 40 - I think I found where to start and I began my way through the web, but I got stuck after the 7th word (a****r). Help, please.

  108. lvl 35
    firsts and lasts.

    lvl 40
    - The web itself kind of tells you where to start, or at least brings it back to a reasonable amount of possibilities.
    - The text is giving you a huge hint about the whole path.

  109. LVL 39, think I know what to use but can't get a good answer. Is the answer one word of 10 letters?

  110. Yes, dutchie, it is 10 letters.

  111. lvl 39
    It's a 10 letter word answer (no anagram if starting bottom right and going all the way up and then bottom left etc.)
    Make sure you don't mess up the wider and smaller cement parts.

  112. Lvl 40 - I noticed that the amounts of the letters in the words from the text are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Is a coincidence or it is a hint?

  113. Thanks both, got it now.

  114. Nothing is a coincidence in my riddles, pipi :P

  115. LVL 40 I thought I was on a good path until when I came across with a familiar name (9 letters) I totally lost my way... am I on the wrong path?

  116. To supplement, haven't got any egg except the "non-egg"...

  117. Keeper, notice that the circles have different number of lines connected to them? Combine this with what pipi noticed in the comment above should lead you to the egg.

  118. lvl 37 I cant remember where I've seen those colors and numbers,thanks small tool for the 35 one,I was trying patterns to all the letters and it was chaos!

  119. LVL 37 Do you remember playing a game with little Japanese monsters?

    LVL 40, have the good egg but no idea what to do. Tried to take the letters with the number of crosslines according the mentioned path. Tried to use the symbol to pick letters. Tried to find the words the path is refering to but nothing. Going around in circles. Can I get a more clear hint please?

  120. And I know I'm probably making up my own hints :P

  121. Dutchie, you should find a word in a path using only the letters with that many crosslines.

  122. Thanks aaaasa, just found it :)

  123. thank you @donas that did it

  124. @aaaasa Do you mean the middle circle? I can get many words from them and some are even more than 8 letters! Am I doing it correctly? And do the right words have any overlapping letters?

  125. Lvl 14: struggling with it since early this morning and still at the start. Used the pic & numbers to reach the egg but got only gibberish with everything I can apply to it in the level page. Am obviously missing something but cannot see what.

  126. I am MOST concerned about Clio-Rose's mental state! How can we help her? Is an intervention in order?

  127. @Donas727: she may have been abducted by the strange aliens seen in each rotten egg?

  128. Oh my!!! You may be right!!!

  129. Eric911, have you found the meaning of the "V" symbol? I think there were previous hints about it

  130. Keeper, by circles I meant the letters. Sorry for the confusion.

    lvl 41 - I'm stuck at the "almost right" egg now. Any hint pls?

  131. @Donas727: honestly I first thought yes but I start wondering if I have not mixed comments for main level and egg level cause as I wrote before, I got only gobberish so far.

  132. Eric911 I assumed you only had the first rotten egg AND made my reply for that, am I right? OR do you have a good egg? Either way, you only need the main page text to solve

  133. Was not even able to reach the rotten egg **crying**

  134. Eric911, I will put my eyeballs in correctly next time i am a rotten egg, but i will forevermore talk 'gobberish'. I fully intend to plagiarise that word from you. SUCH a good word. Love it, and claim it for use in future.

  135. Eric911, for the ROTten egg, try applying the numbers to that V, AND then you need to use the meaning of the V, OR logic will escape you

  136. I am also on lvl 41 almost right egg. I tried to do with my last answer the same thing as what the title of the level suggests, but it didn't work.

  137. pipi, lvl 41, Small-tool gave a great hint above for where to look, try it there

  138. @Donas I looked at s-t's hint again and it suddenly clicked! onto 42 now :)

  139. Thank you for being patient with me. I'm on level xxxvi.

  140. @Clio: nice to see you back from the outer space! And oops for the typo lol!
    @Donas: reached NO egg at all and already tried that and got gibberish only. So seems I have the good method, am just too (parental advisory-explicit lyrics) to sort it out!

  141. Eric: Did you see these earlier hints: ST means to spell out the numbers. Use the numbers on the level with the logic symbol 'or' to get the egg.
    small-tool 4/19/19, 3:58 PM
    lvl 14
    Writing out the numbers might help!
    ST has also said:
    Those symbols are maths/logics symbols.
    On the level it was 'or'
    On the egg it's 'and'
    aaaasa 4/21/19, 6:14 AM
    Keeper, for lvl 14 egg, no need to overthink and simply pick the letters at the left and right of each word to make a 10-letter word

  142. Eric: and don't forget you have a very helpful granny

  143. On lvl 41 - I think the hint means to look at the URL. And I did, I notice some things, but nothing I tried gave a result.

  144. On lvl 41 - I think the hint means to look at the URL. And I did, I notice some things, but nothing I tried gave a result.

  145. Can anyone please help me with XXXII? Pretty please? I have the long word and got an egg. I have the small word and got the egg. I've been reading comments about seeing double, once you have the two words, but I have no clue what to add onto the little word.

  146. Camal19, double the little word.

  147. Thank you so much pipi! I actually did that, but I didn't do the second step and use the tool to mix it up. Thanks again for giving my brain peace.

  148. pipi,
    If you have the egg with almost right, then you have the correct word, but not the correct spot.
    Do (it there) as the rest of the egg text suggests.

  149. Thanks, small-tool. Finally on 42.

  150. @pipi, go as left as you can and take one down

    lvl 42- found some typos,couldn't make anything out of it and of course found crying for help egg :) help needed here

  151. lvl 40 .. I don't know how to start, I don't even get the egg.

  152. Small push please. LVL XLVIII, stuck with first egg.

  153. Lvl 6: Have hit 3 eggs; currently at the 6 old men telling me 'not first...'. Last isn't working. Help please?

  154. lvl 42, There are no typos. Title tells you what to look for.

    Lvl 40, number of letters in words tells the order of the crosslines to follow.

    LVL XLVIII, the pic on egg means 'is'. Look at the last three words of text on main level. Do what the text tells you to do.

  155. LVL 6, If it's not first and not last then it must be the middle one.

  156. Oh good grief; thanks dutchie! I seem to have used all my smarts getting halfway & have nothing left for the return trip =P

  157. LVL 45 stuck on the Every step was blessed egg. Not sure what it means, do have to find another way through the maze?

  158. Thanks for helping all those players, Dutchie.
    Zoran might be asking a bit more maybe and that could be: There are 3 ways to read the text on the level, 3 ways to intrepet it and that gives 3 eggs.

    lvl 45 egg with every step blessed.
    It's a rotten/confirm egg so basically you did the right thing, but the egg is kind of telling you to translate the title on the previous egg and to use that!

  159. Hmm, thanks small, will have to think on that.

  160. ok, it was exercise. Now what? I am back again on is.

  161. lvl XLVIII
    Zoran, when you have 3 eggs then you can anagram them.

  162. ST, I know that, but how to find 2 more eggs? So far I have only IS? I am confused.

  163. thanks dutchie, in the egg .. I return to do the same?

  164. Zoran,
    One of the other answers is two words.
    The third answer is a word in the wrong order (so not really an English word anymore).

    Yes go back to the web and follow another path.

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Well done Molly and Zoran :) I am still stuck on same egg :(

  167. Only two levels today :( I'm currently stuck on lvl 21. I'm following the path and taking FTF from the url words but don't know how to take a word from them. Can someone give a lil nudge please?

  168. lvl 21
    Hancock, url's is a good idea. ftf is not.

  169. I think LVL XLIX is my end. No clue.

  170. Zoran, first step is to use the first letters of the red sentence, it will anagram for 2 helpful eggs

  171. lvl 36, I have found one egg (confirmation egg) suggesting what not to use. I haven't found any second egg. I am supposed to pick something from the backgrounds of the pics, it seems, but how?

  172. Level 42: Stuck here. I have a rotten egg.
    I thought that the title refers to the c****r of certain words related to:part 3. Any hint? Thanks

  173. Laurie W, lvl 36, yes, pic letters from the background, it's a bit trial and error, but will give the first name of another actor

  174. pichi, lvl 42, the title is what you need, but not that location. It tells you a series of letters to look for, you need 7 words

  175. Poppy pop pop! thanks ST

  176. lvl 45 - can't even find an egg... Any hint on how to start pls?

  177. got two eggs on LVL XLIX Band stuck.What about x and Y?

  178. aaaaasa, lvl 45, notice the font of the text, google will help with the first egg

  179. Zoran, lvl XLIX, now you should have a simpler equation and some information that Y is greater than X. Simplify the equation to X + Y = 24. With a little trial and error you should be able to solve the equation. Your answer will comme from X=? Y=?

  180. Donas, do I need to know the fonts of the letters in the pic? All I noticed is that the level text is in i*****, googled it with E**** but nothing came out

  181. aaaasa, no need for the font, what you noticed is all, the text should google

  182. Lvl 7: Have two eggs; a 'v' one and an 's' one. Stuck at the second one. It was a huge struggle to get this far; the hints aren't making much sense to me. What to do next??

  183. LisaK, lvl 7, you need another 's' egg. Have you tried the same method you used for the 'v' egg? and FTF?

  184. LVL 43, I don't see any hints for this one. I found egg 1/3 and I think I found some of those things the egg mentions in the words, but I can't get anything from that. Can I get a hint?

  185. Cardinal, lvl 43, if you found some of those things the egg mentions, there are confirmation eggs for all of them.

  186. Thanks, Donas! It was right there in the results of one of the cipher windows I have open. Idk how you all know what to do when; I'm so far out of my depth it isn't funny =P Going to go over the hints again

  187. Donas727, I solved the equation on the beginning, X=f*** Y=n****, question is: how to use numbers. I try it with letter, but nada.

  188. Zoran, you have the 4 things, you need, you just posted them to me :) keep the 2 letters and convert the numbers to letters, then ask granny

  189. LVL 43, Thanks Donas. I have a 2nd egg now, but no idea what to do with it. I don't know much about them.

  190. Cardinal, if you have the 2nd, you should also have the 3rd, ftf


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