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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. I've just been trying to work out how we were meant to get that egg on bonus 7 BFS. I stumbled on it by chance during the game, but can find no explanation for the extra three letters.

  2. Namchokdef I'm trying to work out where you are. What does the pic on your egg look like?

  3. The MJ cd, with the 3 letter word in red.
    It's from the v****** and the co********* branch.

  4. @minkie: Glad it wasn't just me!!!

    @Namchokdef: The MJ egg has a word on it. The URL refers to something in the English language. You need to relate the two.

  5. BFS and minkie, the only other thought about that extra egg is that I found 7 additional d.....s l.....s in the grid. none line up, so probably meaningless.

  6. @BFS fyi here is how I got all eggs for bonus 7: the starting egg from the grid, the bug egg, and four eggs for each key (kind of like confirmation egg)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Still on that branch, with the d**** f***. I've seen hints about translation, but i could not get it to work on the answers before in url. This level really stops my thoughts.

  9. Namchokdef the word in the url is not necessarily in English.

  10. @Namchokdef the url is not in english

  11. @Keeper: I didn't get one of the eggs required to translate the gibberish. I got the c egg, and two short p eggs which joined together to give the egg with all the coded gibberish on it. So I was able to translate three of the lines, but I didn't get the slightly longer p egg required to translate the remaining one. Luckily, though, because one of the other eggs was quite similar, it translated that line almost correctly and I was able to take a shot in the dark and solve the level.

    @Namchokdef: Sorry, I'm not sure what page you're on... What is d**** f***?

  12. I got that Bonus 7 egg because I'd tried combining eggs and one was so close that I tried using an i instead of a y in blind hope.

  13. @minkie: Yeah, that's the only way I can think of to get it, but that just doesn't seem like S-T's style!

  14. @Namchokdef: Ohhh, I understood what you mean by d**** f*** now. Keeper gave you a good hint. You have a word in the URL and the f*** of a particular c*****y. How can you relate the two?

  15. @BFS I still don't know which egg you were missing, each direction would give you some letters, by combining the letters based on the shape of the keys, you could get all four eggs. It is very s-t style!

  16. För bonus 7, one egg from the whole grid. One from r***. One from r*** + c******. One from two d********. One from r+c+ one of the d******** (2 letters). One from r+c+two d********. The signs in the g***b** egg tells which directions to use in the grid to get the right pw. + = r+c, × = both d etc

  17. The penny has finally dropped!

  18. @Ellie: Ohhhhhh, that finally makes sense!!!!!!!! I never realised the significance of the symbols. It was really bugging me that I couldn't figure out how to get that egg. Thank you for showing me the light.

  19. @Keeper: I never doubted S-T for a minute - I knew it was me who must have missed something! Ahh, it feels so good to finally understand that level. LOL.

  20. On Bonus 8 I don't know how to use w******* a third time. I've done the obvious and the literal. What am I missing?

  21. Stuck on 49 EGG.3 I've read all the hints but I still don't know how this is...
    I know there are 26 1's just like the alphabet, but I don't understand how to place the alphabet to be able to choose letters

  22. Puffin Have you tried it with all the words you have found?

  23. Pichi You need to place the alphabet in the 26 slots. Then think about how you could use some(two)thing(s) from the url word.

  24. @minki2020 I thought I did but let me try again.

  25. @Puffin: If you've got a YES egg, you don't need to use w******* again. Compare the words in the picture to those in the list and pick accordingly. That should give you two confirmation eggs or one actual egg.

    @pichi: Egg 2 gives you some b****y. In b****y, z*** is "off" and o** is "on". You need to arrange the a******t so there's a l****r against every "on". Then use the URL of Egg 3 and the information on the egg itself to pick out letters.

  26. I have not gotten the YES egg for Bonus 8.

  27. @Puffin: Sorry, doing what I said will give you two rotten eggs and one actual egg, not two confirmation eggs and one actual egg.

  28. lvl 34
    I have a "t** r** f***" egg and a "n********p" egg.
    I do not understand how to use the emphasis character of the "t** r** f***"egg.
    Please give me advice.

  29. @Puffin: Ohhh, OK! But you have the one that gives you the name of a cipher? If so, do the same thing to the URL of that egg as you did with the other words (i.e. use w****** in the same way). That should give you the YES egg.

  30. @BlackFiresong I think I did that already. I got one egg from making an omelet which shows a bunch of letters and two rotten eggs. Then I got another rotten egg with tells me which c***** to use but I guess I need another egg with the key.

  31. Puffin. If you've used w******w on the one that gave you the cipher then you have the key already.

  32. How did I not get that? Must have typed wrong. Thanks @BlackFiresong!!!!

  33. Hi Jan you have everything you need Just use those words from the t**r**f*** egg with the n*******p egg.

  34. My brain doesn't seems to respond, and I might need some rest, but I want to finish this level today, let's go!
    Stuck again, now at the lady egg. There's past hint about the url word and the letter in the pic. Not sure what to do though. Enhancing? Adding more?

  35. Namchokdef. Neither of those, more to do with looking b***** the letter.

  36. BlackFiresong:You mean that apart from writing the alphabet under 1's also writing the word of the URL?.
    I'm sorry, but I still don't understand

  37. pichi each letter in the url corresponds one of the ten binary numbers.

  38. @pichi, find the binary strings of the two letters in the egg. Take the 1's from those.

  39. hi minkie2020 (^^)/
    Thank you very much.
    I was wondering how to mix the two.
    I really thought too much.

  40. Thanks to BlackFiresong minkie2020 and Ellie!Your hints has helped me now

  41. I'm back towards the beginning, and for some reason, I seem to be the only person in the world that doesn't get Level 12. Look down is the only hint I could find. Can someone please help guide me?

  42. Camal Look down at your hands. What do you see? Then look at the roses. Does the shape look familiar?

  43. LVL 50. I've got four rotten eggs. I have followed all of the paths to the puzzle pieces. I have a good egg with an instruction. I have two questions from reading prior hints: 1) I may be missing 3 jigsaw pieces and would not know where to find them; and 2) Is there a program to put these pieces together or should I bust out the scissors? Thank you all for your assistance.

  44. Lvl 50. Have finished all 5 paths; have 4 rotten eggs; have what I need to add in front of the r*** a*****; know I have to make an omelette, but I can't find a valid combo. Someone said take 1 bad and 1 good egg, another place it says take last 2 path eggs. Nothing works. I've tried combining food answers as the one puzzle hints at food, and yes, I did find the drink. I need help making the omelette. Been trying for 3 days!

  45. Chael and p3p. I'll go and check, but in the meantime Chael, the 3 pieces can be found on the food path. Look at all your answers on the path. I did the jigsaw in mspaint (online for me), but you will need to uncheck the option to draw opaque under the image tab.

  46. @Camal: You're definitely not the only person in the world! I asked a lot of questions about that level earlier. Basically you need to look down at where your hands are. Compare that to the picture on your screen. Notice that some f*****s are a different colour and that those correspond to the word on the screen. Then based on what you see when you look down, select the letters on either side of those four.

  47. p3p From what I can make out you have the p*** egg, but maybe not the b**** egg. If this is right, check out the lengths of your paths.

  48. @patty: You need to make an omelette of the two eggs you get AFTER the egg paths. One of these eggs can be obtained from making a rotten omelette (I think you already have this one?), and the other can be obtained from c********g the l*****s of the 5 egg paths.

  49. BFS & Minkie, thank you so much. You wouldn't believe all the anagrams I tried EXCEPT for those two. Must finish taxes now before even thinking about bonuses. Leave good hints like you always do!

  50. LEVEL 32 - Got 4 letters from F..E
    Unable to make omelette with the previous answers. What am I doing wrong?

  51. a frustrating almost win on bonus level 8...I have 5 eggs. but I can't get a word from the cipher. i think the gibberish is the ciphered text but the short key word doesn't decode it. is there another step needed? one rotten egg gave me the cipher..was that a false lead?

  52. level 47 egg,are they 8 letters I have to find?My letters are felrits and another one I cant decoce,am i close?

  53. @Hancock, your key shouldn't be a short word. Did you get the "yes-egg"? Then you have your key.

    @Mehroon, no need to walk so far for ingredients for the omelette.

  54. @the artist, yes 8 letters. You have a few letters right, but you might do something wrong with the method. Are you sure you followed the instructions carefully? Red Luth has a nice list with letter groups.

  55. Ellie thanks for helping I thought it was about drawing lines(after doing what the hint says),but maybe I'm wrong

  56. A question for bonus 10. Granny gives me more than one answer for some of the words so I don't know which one to choose. Can you recommend some granny or correct me if I am wrong (looking for the l...... w...)?

  57. I am a bit late with posting but...

    Yay, Fossa did all bonus levels - CONGRATS!!! - and is now in the Ballroom of Bigshots


    Yay, Patty3Ponies did all 50 levels - CONGRATS!!! - and is now in the Hall of Fame

  58. Milena,


    Do settings on: Sort by length.

  59. ohhhhh (dope slaps himself) i thought yes was the key. thank you Ellie!

  60. @the artist, did you get the egg? If so, don't use the actual letters in the hint, but look at the directions of the lines, and think about how the lines show different ways of using the url on different kinds of letters. You should get some letters to pick/mark in each row.

  61. lol @Hancock, an easy mistake to make :)

  62. Lvl 50 any hint for the egg s***e?
    I understand that it is something on the ice, but the image shows a letter and a number that I don't know what it means...

  63. I tried to post earlier, but it seems to have disappeared. I need a little push on Bonus 4. I have the egg (and the two rotten eggs), and I have seen previous hints. I don't know what to apply from the level to the egg. I do see that the number of c*****s in the egg is the same as the highest numbered c*** in the level. Is this significant?

  64. Lawrie W yes it is use those to pick

  65. Level 32 - :( Still at it..took a break because I know it's going to be a face palm but I am so confused. I got the 3rd egg "h****e" and the two new words "c***" and "g***"...I understand to go the opposite direction to get 4 new letters...2 questions: Are these 4 new letters the i******** of c***/g*** or the h***** it an 8 ltr word I am looking for for the final answer? Please help dig me out!

  66. Pichi -- I don't think that is actually a letter, although it looks like one. It is illustrating the distance from the top of the ice to the bottom of the ice layer. It is a very small number, hence the ice is t***. There is a well known English idiom about what the picture illustrates.

  67. Stuck on lv 4. Tried alphabet.

  68. Help with lv 4. Tried many combos. Alphabet? does not work

  69. @mtatt100 -- I still don't see how to pick. So I should use the c***s or the a*****s to pick letters from the repsective c*****s on the egg? Which? Does the number of w***s in each clue mean anything? I tried that, but some of them were too long. Is it the a***** or the d*** that I use, or both? I'm just not getting it.

  70. NVM -- got it! I must have counted wrong before.

  71. Sher, on lvl 4, are you sure the alphabet isn't working? There are 8 different items on that tray; count them, apply them, and see what happens.

  72. I think I'm missing a branch in LVL 50 here. I'm missing a branch with 3 puzzle pieces. There's 5 branches I found, but the food is a lie, I think?

  73. Never mind, I found it. The food is not a lie after all.
    Have assembled all the pieces, but what to do now? It's not done.

  74. @Namchokdef there are two more eggs to find, one from your paths and the other one from the rotten eggs

  75. @Keeper : I might have ideas for all branches, but for rotten eggs, is it all of them on this level?
    If so then...... I need to go hunt them all, I only saved the end of the branches answers.

  76. Sharon
    h****e is not used anymore.
    It's only about those two new words.
    Total is 8 letters.
    4 letters the same way as you did to get this egg and 4 letters from going opposite.

    1 rotten from the end of the branches, 3 rotten from the level (so even before the branches).

  77. Ok, thanks ST, finally, all of everything........ or so I think.... I'm missing t** r*** a*****, It's close! I can feel it. This is probably one more push to finish.

  78. It's getting crowded in the Ballroom :)
    Two new finishers \0/ \0/

    Congrats Puffin and Congrats Hancock, you're both in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  79. @Namchokdef you have the ingredients already, ask granny to make one more omelette before reaching the bonus levels :)

  80. And....... Done!!
    Thank you so much, Keeper, and everyone, for the extensive amount of help, in this, and many levels, again.
    I need some time to collect thoughts, before going to HOF and bonus. Thanks, ST! For the puzzle. (Maybe some more time to refill brain power up too, last level got me hard. It was fun though.)

  81. Congrats Fossa, Patty, Puffin, Hancock and Namchokdef! (Hope I didn't miss anybody.)

  82. Level 39 - please some help would be much welcomed I have 3 eggs and 3 rotten eggs and have seen the hints about answer lengths - but nothing I try works.... can I please get a bit more of a push on the obvious?

  83. Thank you, BlackFiresong, and Minkie and aaaasa and pipi for your help! Thet was a good trip!)

  84. lennox, in 39 you need to get 2 eggs - m************n and c************e. One you get from ftf, another - from words' l*****s. Then you should apply egg #1 to the egg#2.

  85. Bonus 7 -- I have the egg page from the level title hint. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it. I have looked at the comments so I know what cipher is involved, but I don't know how to get any other eggs.

  86. thanks Fossa - i just can't get the c************e - but will try again in the morning

    Congrats to all that have finished!

  87. Laurie W, the egg tells you about d*****s. Look for them in r**s and you'll get the first egg (4 letters).

  88. Bonus 1 : I only found the answer for egg 1b. Can I get a hint to find 1a? Tried a lot from the hint "end of 5 branches", but i can't figure it out.

  89. @Namchokdef: You used certain things to get egg 1b. Count within those same things.

  90. YAY another hero in the Hall of Fame
    Congrats Namchokdef, very, very well done :)

    Also two new finishers dancing in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats Milena and Congrats Mtatt100. Very, very well done \0/ \0/

  91. lvl 36
    Ask about the first egg.
    I'm thinking of picking up intermediate letter between the last letter of a word and the first letter of the next word.
    Am I correct?
    In that case, there is a case that one letter cannot be picked up between words, and I am concerned whether it is wrong.

  92. lvl 50,any help with: 1.record and bad, day thing,three words of the text?

  93. I am one of those silent players who has been steadily working through the levels using the hints left for other players.
    With your help I've made to level 50.
    I have found 3 rotten eggs, but can't find the start to any of the paths people are talking about.
    Sure I am missing something really obvious so please can someone give me a shove in the right direction?

  94. little H,its about ind.......t d...s!

  95. Thank you for the hint minkie! I think I have everything but the puzzle pieces. I am terrible with Ms Paint and/or Paintbrush and do not understand how to use it to put the pieces together. Is there a scissors function or am I missing something easy?

  96. lvl 50 found the bad thing,now I need help for the run day one

  97. No scissors function Chael. With the draw opaque option unchecked select a piece with the selection tool (top right) and drag it to fit it in with another piece. You have to be careful to keep enough white space around pieces so that you can select each piece without chopping off a bit of another piece.

  98. Level 36 Jan: you've got the right method. You should end up with 7 letters. They don't look very likely perhaps, but take them to granny anyway.

  99. level 50 the artist You need to make an omelette with some of the page text and something else.

  100. Thank you Minkie! How do I move the pieces from one picture to the next? I know how to move them now (thanks to you) but I don't know how to put them all together.

  101. Chael I opened a blank drawing board and made it very big. Then I copied and pasted the groups of pieces onto that board. I never checked back, but I think that I would have made life easier for myself if I had actually used two separate drawing boards.

  102. @Minkie. Thank you! That was incredibly helpful. I ended up with two pics. A large one and a small one. I am not sure the significance of either of them right now in solving 50.

  103. Still stuck on level 12. I figured what the flowers remind me of when I look down...and I understand the ROSY. I'm still confused as to what to do next. can someone please help me?

  104. Finally made it past 50! Thank you everyone for the hints and especially Minkie for the strong push at the end! Much appreciated but now it gets real. On to the bonus levels!

  105. @Camal notice the arrows left and right of rosy? So go to the left and to the right of R o s y

  106. hi: level 50
     I'm in the egg of the graphic, I know that I should move some letters of the URL ,but I do it in several ways and nothing.
    a hint ? thank

  107. Thank you Chael615. I finally got it.

  108. I have the two eggs for the bonus levels (I believe 1a and 1b) but I have no idea where to use them. Something about the url from past hints but not seeing how to apply it.

  109. thanks anyway .. i got it

  110. I've read all the comments for the level 50 path with the sailor pictures and I think I get what letter to look for and to focus on two of that letter in each of the three pictures. Still, I am stuck with lining them up to get letters for the answer. Am I looking for a six letter answer? Are all of them in the set of letters in the title? Any help would be appreciated!

  111. Level 50 sailor pics: positions of those letters.

  112. Thank you Minkie. I still don't get it but I will keep trying.

  113. I've been stuck in the dumbest places but sailed through harder ones. Go figure.

  114. Stuck on lv 10. Please help. read older comments but still not getting it. The letters I have left do not anagram to anything.

  115. Sher, are you striking out letters in the page text (according to signs?) Don't expect to recognize the word that is left. Believe your granny.

  116. Thanks S-T...Lvl 32 - I had the right letters just didn't recognize the word...though I know what it means now! I am at the final word **-**. I read comments that I should be able to get 4 letters from the same magic as the previous eggs however I am only getting 2. I am suppose to take these new 4 ltrs and add it to the egg for an 8 ltr word. How do you get 4 letters from F*-*D? I get 2 but not 4.

  117. Sharon, the last part of level 32 requires 2 ltrs + 2 ltrs + 4 ltrs for an 8 ltr word. 2 from E... + 2 from R... + new 4 letter word.

  118. finally got lv 10. Now on 11. staring at signs with what appear to be states

  119. Hi all! Lvl 35, have two eggs. I don't understand how to break down the a--c n--r of the new element to add to egg 2. I tried using the numbers along the top & left side of the table; is that anywhere close to what I should do??

  120. LisaK, You should get a confirm egg from the shells of the new element. After that, then just take the confirm egg + the new e...... abbr to granny.

  121. BD, thank you! I know you were stuck there too once. Onto 36 after 3 days; I'm going so slowly now, there won't be anyone left to help =P

  122. So many other players seem to have breezed through Bonus 7, but I am just not getting it. I have the first egg, the one hinting about d*****s. I am looking for d*****s in the level grid, but I am not sure what I am looking for. There are some lines with two w***s, some lines with two w**s that overlap,some lines with the letter whose name starts with d***** (but only two of those), and at least one w*** that forms a legitimate phrase when written t**** in succession. Are any of these close to what I should be looking for?

  123. Laurie W, I stuck there for the whole day. Because I looked for wrong things. Just look for separate letters/ F.i. try to look at A. There are no two A's in one row or in one column or in one diagonal. But some other letters are ;)

  124. YAY, 4 new finishers in the Hall of Fame

    CONGRATS Sweet Meat, Namnet, Robin and Molly Lena :)

    Very, very well done \0/ \0/
    Good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the bonus levels :)

  125. LVL 19 I have the first egg and confirmation egg. Now trying to apply s******** alphabet, but stuck

  126. Still stuck in lvl 50 with only rotten eggs.
    How do I get a good egg please???

  127. Colmkilm, you have 8 a****s in the level page gis. Every pair makes a letter in the s******** alphabet. 4 letters in the answer.

  128. Thanks for the help Fossa, but I'm obviously missing something.
    I have the relevant dates and tried entering these every format I can think of but I am only getting either a rotten egg or that damn cat :-(

  129. TY Fossa, I now have the next egg

  130. Little H, check your dates. Only days. Have you got the egg with r** r** photo?

  131. Little H
    You're probably overthinking. For example Uzbekistan that's September 1 and that 1 is simply an A.
    The letters you will get in that way can be anagrammed into 5 words (not counting the not really English things some solvers give).

  132. LVL 19 how do I combine/use the eggs to get an answer?

  133. Anagram your (8+4) 12 letters.

  134. TY SmallTool-I was doing that but with all three. Never thought to use just the two. BTW thanks for thE RIDDLE

  135. Bonus 2 : I seems to have an idea, is it 4 (or 5) of those I needed to find when looking back? Is so then..... I didn't saved the answers for those...

  136. LVL 20: I have 5 eggs and a smelly rotten egg. What next I wonder?

  137. Namchokdef, you are right. Just four. Only ftf.

  138. lvl 50,finding the five puzzles and the sixth one from the foods I see that they form letters,but I cant make a good anagram,are they one in each piece of puzzle or maybe more of them so its a five letters answer or more?

  139. Colmkiln Level 20. You've found 5 letters. You used another 5 letters to find them.

  140. The artist. It's 5 letters.

  141. TY minkie-I was using theeg words and not just the change letters. ON 21 now

  142. Congrats to the new Hall of Fame entrants! :)

    @Laurie, did you get Bonus 7?

  143. THANK YOU so much small-tool.
    I had tried that quite early on, but I see now that I had miscounted and therefore two of my letters were incorrect. doh!
    Moving on now....

  144. lvl 50, anable to find a proper word from the shape of five pieces of puzzle.If someone can check what Ive found,(hope it isnt too much small tool otherwise delete it).So my letters are ospld am I totally wrong?

  145. Need a push on Lvl 31. Went another way and am now silly and have failed. Not sure where else to go.

  146. @the artist: Your last letter is wrong. I think you've taken the letter from "t****" twice as two different letters and missed the one from "h***l*****". But just a heads up: the egg you are going to get from that is one of the eggs that won't be needed on Level 50 itself, but will be needed on Bonus Level 1.

  147. bfs,thanks for helping so I have six words,five from the paths and one from the food path what else do I need to go on?

  148. lvl 37 EGG 3b
    Please tell me a little more about what the PIC says.

    2/22 aaaasa comment; photo tells you to choose TFFSS using 3a numbers
    I do not understand this comment.
    TFFSS is ; 3a number × 1, × 2, × 2 ??

  149. artist, you can get 2 5-letters words from puzzles but you don't need them just now for the answer. Look for another 5-letters word to get the necessary egg. And collect all rotten eggs, they are necessary too.

    jpete, use "another place" literally.

  150. jan, that means that the first letter is about the T**********, 2 and 3 - about F*****s and 4 and 5 - about S****s.

  151. @Fossa thank you (^^)
    I confirmed EGG 3C.
    I can sleep soundly tonight.

  152. artist, I've been to another place and it told me to go another way. Tried another time as well, just rotten eggs.

  153. Bonus 7 : To be honest, I don't know where to start, after reading hints too.
    I do noticed something in the level number, but my speculation might just be huemorous.

  154. I need a push on how to find the bonus levels. I have the two eggs h**** and s**** but granny doesn't like them.

  155. jpete, you used numbers in the level page for the first time, right? Now you need to use them in 2 words - another and place)

  156. Chael615, you have 2 eggs. What is the next step?))

  157. Fossa I tried to put them together using granny but the word that came out didn't work. Not sure where to go from here.

  158. Chael,
    What did you do on the intermission pages?
    Well, it's exactly the same here!
    On the congrats page the url is telling you where/what :)

  159. Puzzled solved all bonus levels too :)
    Congrats, very, very well done \0/ \0/
    You earned your well-deserved place in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  160. Namchokdef Bonus 7. Try applying the character you noticed to the grid - you will see quickly once you hit on the right way of doing this.

  161. Fossa, yes I used the numbers and got the computer with ctrl alt delete. Then it tells me to use the numbers in another place. I went to anotherplace tried anotherway and anothertime. I have been literal to get 3 rotten eggs. Am I going back to the computer to reuse the numbers? I tried anotherkey too. All are rotten.

  162. Hi small-tool! I try to c**** on the b******** but I am not getting anything. I know on the intermission pages we had to c**** on what was described in the url. So I went to the egg with the b******** but there was no place to c****.

  163. Congrats page!!! Chael

    Another place!!! jpete

  164. jpete, you need "another place" as the object for the numbers. Use 1 for "another" and 2 - for "place")

  165. @small-tool It is always the easiest things. Thank you! I spent waaaaaaaay too much time on that.


  167. Still stuck on lv 11. Don't even know where to start have checked google maps so many times my head is spinning. So many different routes with that sign shape. I wish someone would give a spoiler as the hints do not make sense to me.Mabe too dumb for this.

  168. Yes since I meant maybe. lol PLease someone help. Maybe I just throw in the towel.

  169. Sher try googling the place with the words wiki and route.

  170. Oops, that one was for the egg.
    This one is for the level:


  171. Bonus-3 I need help to start, I don't understand what the lines mean

  172. I can't believe I'm still stuck on the Level 50 Sailors page. It's gotta be simple but I've tried finding what I think "the letter" is and can't figure out how to use the position to find the answer. I's going crazy on this one. Someone knock me on the head please!

  173. LVL50,from 4 rotten eggs found the p..t word ,from le...h of eggs the word b...k and one rotten from the five paths do I need more rotten of the paths to proceed?

  174. bucksdack,thIs letter in the titles: ancient history big bad etc

  175. BucksDack. Big hammer coming up! There are three episodes on the page in each of those episodes you need to note the positions of your letter. It appears 6 times in all.

  176. the artist You have the ingredients for an omelet.

  177. Thank you Artist. I've tried this...I look at ancient history and I see D and B. I must be wrong because I get nothing.

  178. thanks a lot minkie and all that helped!!!

  179. It's not in each word Bucksdack, it's in each title.

  180. I found this from aaaasa helpful "take v******l as f*****d, h********l as b******d and c***s as both." You also need to count.

  181. Pichi,
    The Minkie comment right above this comment is for you :)

  182. Oh sorry Pichi I forgot to put your name ooooh (: Thanks S-T.

  183. Thank you SO much minkie! I finally got it! Whohooo!

  184. Glad you got there at last Bucksdack!

  185. Thanks small-tool and minkie2020!

    But stuck on Bonus-4 with 2 rotten eggs and one egg.
    After reading all the hints about this one here, I still don't understand how to do with the main level and the egg

  186. Pichi (remembered this time;)) Count how many a***** clues and d*** clues you have. Looking at the last one of each type may give you an idea.

  187. minkie2020: I know how many a.....s and d.... there are
    But I still don't understand what to do with this, I guess to "count" but I still don't understand the way

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. Thank you minkie2020!!
    On bonus-5

  190. Thanks minkie! But my eyes are going crossed, trying to find those from that clue. I understand what I needed to do now, but only got something from going h********l, can I get a hint on how many I need to find for v******l and d******l?

  191. @BFS -- Yes, I finally got Bonus 7.

  192. Namchokdef It's h********l all the way with wordwrap.

  193. Well thanks ST for the hint for 11. Found the interstate #s ect. Been staring forever to see what I am supposed to, but am at a loss. I think I'm just not smart enough for this one. I don't see a pattern, nothing

  194. Finally done! Bigshot Ballroom, here I come!

  195. Bonus 5. I don't know where to begin. It seems all of the prior hints are for after an egg but I cannot even find an egg. May I please get a push? Thank you all.

  196. @Chael615 -- where might you find those things on the list, besides on a menu? Note that they are capitalized.


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