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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. I was stuck on 35 a very long time; I'm struggling to remember the path I took because it wasn't linear at all =P

  2. Looking for help on 36. Have the instructions. Don't know where to start. I think I'm suppose to look for repeat words, but nothing lines up to point the way.

  3. Lvl 36: Take the instructions a pair of words at a time and look at the level text. Where you find those pairs, dive down between them & grab a letter

  4. Thank you LisaK. I completely misinterpreted the clue

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. LVL 31: I have one yes egg ( t** n*** c****** ) but struggling to find the second one. Any help, pleeeeeeease

  7. @Colmkilm : Have you tried using the numbers back at the b********, where you found some stars?

  8. Yes Namchokdef. I used them on the two words in the pic to get a rotten egg. I have tried them on the songs.I have also been looking for something else to take literally

  9. On the songs should work, not even an anagram.

  10. OK Small-tool-I will try that again

  11. TY small-tool, I saw how to apply the numbers correctly.
    Moving on to LVL 32

  12. level 47: have the egg, but don't understand what to remove or pick. Could use a (big) hint

  13. joyce, you have to examine every letter in the egg grid fot its s******y.

  14. @ fossa, lol I don't know what s******y is ?

  15. @ fossa, nvm I should pay more attention !

  16. joyce, s******y is in the grid as a word and it is connected with the egg url) There are 3 types of it - according to the instructions below.

  17. @ Fossa. sorry I wasn't clear enough, already found it.
    Now I am struggling with what to pick/remove from the level 48 grid.

  18. Joyce A bit of conversion in the grid first. Think ottff ...

  19. @ minkie : I really don't understand how to start this. Read about the significant word in the level text but no clue how to use that.

  20. Joyce: You want letters in the grid rather than numbers and I'll amend my previous clue a little bit. Think zottff ...

  21. @ minkie: how can I do that? if it says e.g.15 it can be ae or o. How do I fill the grid with letters.

  22. can't believe that I don't see this at all after 47 levels

  23. There's another way of converting to letters Joyce. "15" could also be "of"

  24. Ok minkie, but still in the dark how to "read" the grid.
    The alphabet has only 26 letters and if I start z there's nothing more I can add.

  25. You are thinking on the wrong lines Joyce. One can become O. Think ftf.

  26. You're absolutely right minkie. That's what disturbs me the most. I don't see it at all, and I'm sorry for all your efforts. All I see is a grid with 27 numbers in a row and no idea how to convert.

  27. It is easy like one, two, three or as Minkie says O, T, T

  28. Don't worry about how long the row is Joyce. You need to convert each example of the numbers Zero to Nine. ALL the 1s become O.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Help with first egg on 37. I have been trying f......s that are for a 2nd a........y. That is clearly too simple for this game. Have tried other f.....s for other a........ies as well. Probably missing the obvious.

  31. Sounds as if you are doing the right thing jpete. You are probably using the wrong list (there are lots of them out there). Try wiki.

  32. Yes, yes, yes :) Another Bonus finisher \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done Vaggelis :)
    You're now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  33. Hah. Had to pay more attention to the first part.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Struggling to start Lvl 38 Have tried ftf on names first and list, highlighted list, countries and activities. So far nothing. Must need a different code?

  36. jpete, for 38, the bold ones do indeed get you started. IIRC, no granny required

  37. Still no luck, must need a shove.

  38. Think smaller than countries, jpete.

  39. Really stuck on 38. Have the confirmation egg. Have spent a couple of hours looking at maps to find the c....r point between the cities in groups of 3. No joy so far with that. Looked at them all together and am in the Atlantic Ocean without even an island. Have looked at the c....r of the dates and places of birth, but not all have a c....r point

  40. jpete -- there are two confirmation eggs to find on level 38. Visit granny with the level text. It will suggest a way to use the cities.

  41. Lvl 35 - still need help...I know I am so close but not seeing it. I have egg 1 and 2 and the rotten. I know it's something about sh***s but that's it. Push please!!

  42. Thank you, Laurie! I knew I was way off.

  43. Did Laurie's hint help, jpete? I neglected to help you with that other egg & the one is pretty useless w/o the other!
    I've been lost on my own level, but still trying to work it out myself =P

  44. Sharon, take the rotten/conf egg,add the abbreviation and granny.

  45. Yes LisaK am now working on the a....s egg. Thank you LaurieW

  46. A bit of a side issue here, but I'm curious. I've recently moved from a pc to a Mac and I'm not quite comfortable with it yet. On level 38 jpete talked about highlighted letters. These never appeared as highlighted on my screen. but I got through without using that hint. However if I copy the text and paste it into Word using paste special, preserve formatting, the highlights are there. I noticed the same issue on Bonus 7, but that time I tried the paste special thing,so I saw it. Does anyone know if this is an unsolvable Mac issue of whether there are changes I could make in order to show the correctly formatted text on-screen.

  47. Lvl 35 - I've got b****r (got me the rotten egg) and t**** and n***** and the *s abbreviation. Is there another egg I'm missing cause I'm not getting anything yet I have so much!

  48. You're right there, Sharon!! Choose another word!

  49. @Sharon b****r is not a rotten egg, just granny is not happy with it. Ask granny to give you another word

  50. Lvl 35 done!!! I never noticed that it was a 'mad' granny....a tip I will never forget. I was so close it was maddening! Off to Level 36! Slow and steady!

  51. I always seem to have problems starting a new level. Starting 39. Have the crossword answers, but not going anywhere with them.

  52. Woo-hoo! I slayed lvl 44! So many web pages read; so many videos watched... So thankful for my tablet of graph paper =D Way out of my comfort zone on that one =P

  53. jpete, did you get mad granny? If so, a rotten egg after that? I had a hard time on 39 myself (I seem to say that a lot) and I'm fuzzy on how to proceed from there. Try searching these comments with the fn key + f3. I know I asked for help so there's help there! Good luck; I'm out for the night ;)

    @minkie: hope you get some answers; I've never used a Mac

  54. Still on the first page. The red squares must mean something, but the letters don't make any words.

  55. @jpete try to ask different grannies (I use both Scrabble Cheat and Anagram Solver when playing s-t's riddles)

  56. Yay, yay, yay, two new finishers :)

    Vikkih152 solved all bonus levels and is now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats, very, very well done \0/ \0/

    Premiere finished the riddle and is now in the
    Hall of Fame
    Congrats, very, very well done \0/ \0/
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the bonus levels :)

  57. jpete, in 39 you need all answers. ftf and another parameter give you two eggs.

  58. Really enjoying the bonus levels, but come to a brick wall in bonus 8 with 1 good egg and 2 rotten eggs. Not sure how to move on.

  59. Little H have you got the rotten egg that gives you the cipher? If not, you need to use w******W on your list of 8 on the first page very literally. Then use it again on the url of that egg. I had a nightmare on this level as the anagram page I use didn't find the word, so try a few.

  60. Thank you Keeper, that worked.

  61. lvl 50
    I have the only angry grandma's egg from level page.
    Please give me hint to get real egg.
    (Maybe I have forgotten the basics)

  62. Thank you Vikkih.
    On to Bonus 9 now - almost there!

  63. I have no idea how to start lvl 45. I saw talk of t.z.'s and know what it is in the two locations. Now what?

  64. jan look at the title of the level 50 page, and ask google when they celebrate it.

  65. LisaK have you tried visiting the locations?

  66. Lvl 45: Flight info? I see there are two stops to get from one to the other... I used all my smarts yesterday, Vikkih. Do I do something with those locations?

  67. Lisa don't worry about the flight info and t.z.s yet, there's lots more stops to find. Try putting each stop in the url.

  68. Ah, eggs =) I was wondering how ppl were getting those! Nothing I had tried worked. Thanks Vikkih; going to stare at these a bit.

  69. Looking for help on 40. Don't have anything yet. Solved the cr---w--d. Ftf is too long. Tried using the red letters, but so far nothing. Tried combining 2 copies of the puzzle grid and rotating, but only can see h, y and i. What am I missing?

  70. jpete I think the red letters should give you a rotten egg with a clue.

  71. Still on 40. Got the rotten egg for the nurse. The red letters don't make anything. Have tried 6 different grannys, but no 10 letter word. Saw a hint earlier about Samuel's code, but don't see how that works on this part (maybe later?)

  72. jpete the red letters definitely give you a word, check your answers.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Thanks Vickki, I was leaving out a letter. Ugh.

  75. Congrats on finishing, Vikkih, and thanks for hanging around today. Appreciate it!

  76. Hi Vikkih152
    thank you very much.
    Now,two j*gsaw p**zles page found.
    How to proceed with w*oden "s***e"egg?

  77. Level 37 - I got to egg 1 using f******...I think I understand (from hints) that the title/the f***** & the pic point to an event however it doesn't do anything. I even got the the different f***** for the #'s on title page and tried riddle stuff but nothing. I'm missing something ...push please!!

  78. Hi @sharon
    Have you read the wiki about egg1 texts and events?
    Use the n***ers on the level page to confirm the event and perform an FTF.

    sorry.I am not good at English, so I may not be able to communicate well.

  79. Hi @Jan! I didn't do wiki but I get the idea that it is pointing to an a**********...I used the #'s on level pg and got different f****** for the different years. Those ftf didn't make a word. What am i missing?

  80. Sharon, your idea is right but use wiki because different sites point at different f*****s and s****s. Wiki has all you need to solve this level.

  81. sorry.
    lvl 50 "s***e" egg. I was correct.

  82. Confused on 43. Have the rotten egg. Can't get anything to work. is Nov 11 or is it 14 or is it N?
    Is the first day of the week Sun or Mon. Is it S or 1 or 2. I'm way overthinking and missing something.

  83. @jpete you need the date to pick the right letter for each day

  84. jpete, you need years as well to get the correct day.

  85. Hi Keeper
    lvl 50 Can you help me?
    1) I added 4 letters to v****e and asked grandma, but I can't move on to the next level.

    2)EGG"s ***e"
    I don't understand the red text mean on the picture (shoes used in certain places).

  86. 1) This is the right way, maybe you try to ask another granny

    2) Do you know what is the layer in between? The text means that the layer is 0.00001 thick. The whole picture is an idiom, literally

  87. @keeper
    Thank you for easy-to-understand hint.
    Please help me again.😀

  88. Yeah, another one bites the ballroom :)
    Congrats Flowerbird, very, very well done \0/ \0/
    You're now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  89. level 50 Could someone get me started, got 1 rotten egg ftf and holiday dates gave me nothing. There are pages full of comments but almost impossible to go through, because most of the time the level nr. is missing.

  90. Joyce you need the holiday dates. Just the days, not months or years.

  91. level 50 Followed a bunch of eggs to end in a puzzle, but the text on that puzzle leads me nowhere. In the eggs some numbers to fool us once again.

  92. forgot to mention: got 3 more puzzle pieces from ftf

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. @ Vikkih yes, found 3 more pieces from ftf, I guess there are more to find

  95. Joyce, yes, lots more. Take your original 5 letters to granny, again...

  96. @ Vikkih, should have known !! Thx again

  97. Also give me lvl 50 hint.
    1) Tricolor flag problem.(I know the country)

    2) I understand the problem of bra, strong w*nd.
    I refer to "B*aufort w**d s*ale" but I can't answer correctly.

  98. Jan: You need to translate from the language of that country.

    You need another word for strong wind Jan. I suggest you look at B****** s**** force 10.

  99. level 50 The graph egg, no clue, and by the looks of things I need loads of eggs here

  100. Joyce the graph is about shifting letters, using the url word you have. Each red dot represents a letter, from bottom to top. So, your first letter doesn't shift, your second shifts right, etc.

  101. @ Vikkih, thx after knowing 1st doesn't shift it was easy

  102. minkie2020 thank you.

    I still can't solve the "b*a" problem (laughs)
    "b*a” is three letters right?
    I think the other word is "s****" and leave the two to grandma or enter them as they are.
    Please give me some more advice.

  103. jan...your b** is IN a S****, you don't need granny

  104. @ Vikkih152 Thank you.
    At last I was correct!
    But from that picture, I can't predict those two letters (laughs)

    Another issue is the red group photo.
    It seems that the words converted by bib are not the correct answer. Any tips on this?

  105. jan for the red group photo, you need two words (not the bib) from the picture, and the url, and take them all to granny.

  106. Vikkih152
    Thank you very much(^^)

  107. @ Vikkih : could you please check if I have all I need to solve the jigsaw: I have 5 pages with puzzle pieces, do I need more ?

  108.'re very welcome

    joyce...5 is right, as you have the drink one :)

  109. @ Vikkih thx now off to work and will continue tomorrow

  110. I don't know what my problem is with 43, but I'm not getting anything. I have the days of the weeks and the months. I have tried using j for january and a for the first month of the year. I have the rotten egg, but nothing else

  111. jpete the clue is that every date is the "nth" of the month, so see what you can do with the "nth" of the other things.

  112. Ok, got the egg, but when I do it on the other things i don't get a word.

  113. You should get two eggs. One for the months, and one for the days.


  114. Thank you Vikkih, finally got it. Whew!

  115. level 37 - I got egg 1 and 2a ..found f****** and p******...I saw a hint back that all I needed was granny but i think i grannied everything and not getting anything. Can I get a hint...??

  116. stuck on lvl 45. Jumped to egg 7 and then back to egg 6. Not sure what to do next. Sounds like the main level has an obvious clue, but of course I don't see it.

  117. 37: granny the numbers (letters) in egg 2a

    45: all eggs are in order, maybe check your destinations again

  118. Thanks Keeper..I got egg 1/2a and now stuck on 3a..from what i'm reading there more eggs to find. I have 5 #'s and have applied them to as many items as i could find that have to do with w***** a*********'s..and even the alphabet. Can I get a push as to how to apply these 5 letters? I so far have not seen any of the 'b' eggs or 'c' for that matter.

  119. Sharon,
    No applying (yet!), just make those numbers letters. Not even an anagram and yes; It is a real word :)

  120. lvl 50
    Problems with three types of sailors.
    Speak "p*****" and know the target letter.
    However, there is no idea to answer it.
    Please give me hint.

  121. @jan : Count the position of the letter.

  122. Lvl 49, egg 1: I just can't grasp what I'm to do. I've picked up bits & pieces; the a____t will run thru 4 times along the b____y c___e on the level page. Meaningful? Not quite right? It's right there, but floats away as soon as I think I have it. Help please!

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Yes it is meaningful, so each number is assigned a letter. When you run thru the string representing the letter in the egg, pick the corresponding positions as the egg tells you

  125. Jan,
    You only use the titles. The ones starting with A, B and C.
    Every title has only 2 of them, so in total 6 letters.

  126. Thank you, Keeper. It's still fuzzy, but hopefully it'll make sense when I get it laid out again.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. 49 egg 1: Still unsuccessful =( I'm clearly not getting it right. Going to bed now; if anyone could re-word the hint or be more blunt maybe? G'night for now xx

  129. Jan,
    It's only about the e**s, so only 1 letter, but there are two of them in A****** H******.
    Count and you will get two letters from that title/

    The first S (of your answer, the word in the url) is 8 digits.
    On the egg it says use the second and third of those digits.
    Do the same with the other two S and you will get 6 lertters to anagram.

  130. @s-t thank you very much.
    Finally understood!
    Too tired (laughs) To next to next page.

  131. Just finished all the bonus levels. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way but most of all a big BEDANKT to S-T for creating this wonderful riddle.

  132. S-T, that's not what the egg told me at all LOL! Is it a coincidence there are three S's in the url word? I was trying to make the 2nd & 3rd of THOSE a thing =D Thank you!!

    Good job, Little H!

  133. Oh my gosh S-T! I had that word hours and hours ago and was granny'ing it...doing all kinds of stuff to it because I didn't think it was a word. WHEN WILL I LEARN!!!! :)

  134. Completely stumped starting 46. Could use a good push in the right direction. .

  135. lvl 46: ftf will get you started

  136. Yes, yes, yes, Two new BOBs :)
    Congrats Little H and Congrats Dutchie \0/ \0/
    Very, very well done, you're both in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  137. level 50 ; almost at the end. Miss one answer though, in fact "the answer". Found 4 rotten eggs 2 confirmation eggs. What do I miss ?

  138. Joyce level're nearly there! Assuming you have the egg telling you what to put in front of the answer, you just need to make an omelette with two of the eggs you have :)

  139. @ Vikkih thx, figured something like that, but with so may eggs, which to pick ? Is there a hint somewhere ?

  140. Joyce you've written your own hint in your first comment today...2

  141. @ Vikkih, still no omelette for me here.

  142. Joyce you have the thing you need to put in front of the right answer, so try putting that in front of each egg. You'll get confirmation eggs for the right ones. Also, ask a different granny, as the one I used couldn't find the right answer.

  143. @ Vikkih, thx again, will go and find it. Must have it today, lol !

  144. @ Vikkih, got it. Thanks for sticking with me. Thanks to everyone who helped of course. Thanks to the riddle-maker.

  145. Stuck on 46 with 2 rotten eggs. I'm sure it's right in front of me, but my mind is blank

  146. jpete, not sure how many eggs you have, but you should have 3 eggs with numbers on. Use the numbers where you find them.

  147. No eggs, just rotten ones.

  148. jpete altogether there are 3 rotten eggs, one angry granny, and one confirmation, three of them have numbers on.

  149. Ok I have on rotten from ftf and one angry granny. Have tried different combos of the number patterns, but nothing yet

  150. Angry granny means you need to ask her again as you picked the wrong word.

  151. OMG. can't believe I didn't do that. Thanks Vikkih

  152. Just wondering if I am on the right track for lvl 47 egg. So far I have 3 L's and 3 vowels. Not sure I'm doing this right.

  153. Lvl 47: jpete, you have the egg with the instructions for the 5 lines? Your goal is to end up with something similar to the grid on the level page.

  154. Got it! Picked up an earlier clue and got on track.

  155. Level 18, have one egg (in the lab), how to get another, pls help.

  156. Level 18: If you have the lab egg, you must already have the first egg too. Make an omelette of both eggs to proceed.

  157. For level 25 I really just found six pairs i s g e n l and didn't see more.

  158. sevenfar there's one more.

  159. YAY, two finisher again \0/ \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done Marc :)
    You are now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

    Congrats also go to Joyce for finishing the riddle :) Very, very well done, you are now in the Hall of Fame
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

    There are still players finishing The Funstration Christmas Riddle
    Congrats Namnet :)
    Very, very well done. You're now in the Hall of Fame

  160. Level 38-I got 2 eggs for c****e, s*******e and read the previous hints. Do I need to find the la*****/lo***** of each triplet? I found some but haven't found a great site to do that with but am I on the right path?

  161. Sharon level 38 you don't need la******/lo*****. You need google maps, and the two eggs. For each triplet use the bold one as the c****e, and then use s*******e with the other two. Hope that makes sense! This was my first attempt at a riddle, and I may not be very good at explaining lol

  162. Thank you @Vikkih152!!! That got me moving to the Agents egg. I think I know what to do (previous hints) but I made a mistake and no word so far...

  163. Make sure you number your triplets correctly (I made a mistake) then you need to move some of your c*****s.

  164. level 25 I got the confirmation egg but I couldn't understand it.

  165. sevenfar there is an English word that sounds the same, but is spelt differently. If you look up in a room you will see it.

  166. Level 38 @ Vikkih...thanks...I think I'm making the same mistake you made. I keep checking and rechecking but I'm coming up with the same answers which I know are wrong...will keep at it...level 50 is only 12 away!!!!!

  167. Need a little push on 48 first egg. Have deciphered the text. Am I using c...s or n.....s? m.l...e n.....s? Have tried he c...r in the text and all of the c....s together. Have tried m.l....e n.....s. Not sure what to try next.

  168. jpete I'm not sure, but I think you're way overthinking. You need to convert Z-O-N-E into numbers and find them in the graphic. Obviously Z ISN'T 26, so find another way.

  169. Vikkih I have done that one, but am now on the egg with the colors.

  170. jpete, sorry! Ignore the have 5 rows.

  171. I see the repeated 5 rows (even bolded by ST), but i'ts not clicking. Going to take a break and clear my head maybe I'll get it later.

  172. lvl 48 2nd egg. Have looked at what is in the waves and what is between the waves on both the main level and the first egg. Have also tried adding the numbers between the waves. So far nothing. Am I anywhere near the right track?

  173. jpete I cannot tell you how long I spent doing that! You have all you need, you just need to make an omelette.

  174. Thank you vikkih again. Of I miss the obvious.

  175. Level 38 - Still trying to figure out the word for the Agents seems so easy yet hours later I still don't have a word. I've got wjnsez. Are any of these letters right??

  176. Lvl 38: Sharon, most are correct; no j or z. Double-check that you put those sets in the right order. I had a heck of a time with that!

  177. Thanks for that heads up LisaK. S-T is so creative in making something look easy until you're in the thick of it....

  178. Help with 49 egg 3 please. Have gotten the b..... code and matched with a......t. Have picked the "on" letters from the 2 letters in the egg, but don't get a word just a couple of J's and other letters. I really want to hit 50 tonight.

  179. 49 egg 3: For this egg, you're only putting the a......t on the 'on' digits of the b..... code. Choose the 'on' letters according to what the egg says (you're only looking at two 8-digit strands).

  180. Thank you so much Lisa K. I made it to 50!. Now to rest my brain.

  181. Level 18, have ONLY one egg (in the lab), how to get another, pls help.

  182. You should have two eggs now (c*****, o*****). The lab pic hints you to combine them and make an omelette

  183. tnx Keeper, used another word finder, on lvl 19

  184. Level 50 and stuck near the end. I have 1 rotten and 1 confirmation egg from the end and no idea where to go from here although know I need more eggs. Need some help now please.

  185. Di999 you should have 4 rotten eggs altogether. 3 from the start, and 1 from the end. Use ftf on them.

  186. Yeah, our Japanese friend Jan finished too \0/ \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done :)
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the bonus levels.

  187. S-T Thank you.

    Bonus 3 I read past comments.
    I do not understand the meaning of
    aaaasa comment:Assigning
    h ******** l = b ****** d
    and v ****** l = f ***** d
    and c **** = both"
    Please give me follow.

  188. Well done on finishing, jan!
    You have the cipher. Each letter has lines on, and they are what aaaasa is referring to. You're looking for 8 letters. Does that help?

  189. Thanks Vikkih152. I have been trying to find others for days now. I will try again with the beginning of the level.

  190. Di999 they're all from the very first page. There's an obvious ftf one, and I think the others were all from the relevant wiki pages, but can't remember what, sorry.

  191. Vikkih152 Thank you.
    Yes, I know it is literally cipher.
    Because my native language is not English,
    h ******** l = b ******d
    The "*asterisk" part of cannot be guessed.
    So I asked a question.
    If I understand the meaning of the vertical and horizontal lines, I think that it is a problem that can be solved.
    (This comment is also based on Google Translate)

  192. Sorry, jan...backwards, forwards, both

  193. Vikkih152 thank you(ありがとうございます)
    I'll think about it in the comments. ^^
    (I wrote it down)

  194. Congrats, Jan; good luck with the bonus levels =)

    Di999, I'm missing eggs too; it's driving me nuts trying to find them =P Good luck!


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