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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. LisaK and Di999 Have you considered everything you can about the countries involved for two of your level 50 rotten eggs?

  2. I have two of the three (a & c) from the level 50 page, Minkie. I've been all over the wiki pages. Played with days of the week from those yrs, languages, countries split from... Did I come close with any of that?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks, minkie; idk what to do with that haha! I've been all over the wiki pgs & am about out of ideas. I'm up to 3 rotten eggs now as I found the end one. Also have 3 confirmation eggs. My puzzles are done, but idk what the small one is trying to tell me. I do have the one drink thing from the food path...?

  5. YEAH, a new finisher \0/ \0/
    Congrats LisaK :)
    Very, very well done, you're now in the
    Hall of Fame
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels.

  6. Well done LisaK! - and sorry for unhelpful comment last night. I had a look when I was half asleep and didn't read your comment properly.

  7. Thanks Minkie2020 and Vikkih152. I now do have the three rotten eggs at the beginning and another from the end as well as 4 confirmation eggs at the end. Still working on it.

  8. And Finished! What a journey. Level 50 took forever but thanks to all who leave such helpful comments and especially those who have answered my questions. A rest now before attempting to find the bonus levels.

  9. Well done, LisaK, and Di999! Good luck with the bonus levels :)

  10. Well done to all the new finishers!

  11. Thank you, minkie, BFS & Vikkih =) And congrats to you too, Di999!!
    No worries, minkie; I was half-asleep myself =P Thank you all for the help ♥♥♥

  12. Oh, I'm missing a 'go away' egg... Please don't make me go back to lvl 50! I have 3 days worth of notes that are nearly illegible =/
    Where would I look for egg 1a?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. LisaK sorry, deleted last comment as I think I was wrong. I think they were both from the puzzle pieces shapes, one numbers.

  15. Thanks, Vikkih; I'll start searching.

  16. YEAH, a new finisher \0/ \0/
    Congrats Di999 :)
    Very, very well done, you're now in the
    Hall of Fame
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels.

  17. No luck finding egg 1a for the 1st bonus lvl. I'm looking at puzzle eggs on lvl 50. I did find the s***l egg again, which was a relief because I couldn't remember HOW I got that one. I didn't do anything with the h****s puzzle for that egg & I can't tell if it's supposed to be something? Is the s***l egg the one Vikkih is calling shapes? Am I supposed to see numbers in the puzzle eggs too? I've done all the other number things I can think of. I know this is rambling, but I'm just wandering in circles here.

  18. Need a push on Lvl 50. I have 1 rotten egg from ftf and 1 mad granny. I have the 5 paths and have completed the food and 2 very short ones (I think). I understand I need more rotten eggs from the countries. I'm just not sure what I am looking for with them (I have the independance days) I'm also trying to give the creepy guy a coat,cloak or cape, but he doesn't want it. Have nothing on the i.. s.... Tried a Dr. Who episode with that name, but no go.

  19. Shape gives you one egg; count gives you the other

  20. Are you refering to the flags? Not sure what you mean. Will get some sleep and come back to it. Thanks

  21. I think that response was for me, jpete ;) Good to see you still at it! Now we just need to hear from Sharon.

    Thanks, Keeper. I know I've done that; let me see if I can figure out why it doesn't work.

  22. Lvl 50 creepy dude: Just take his url name & the clothing item to granny.

  23. jpete: you need more rotten eggs but let's worry about it later. For the creepy guy, LisaK gave you a good hint above. For the other one, it's literally showing you an English idiom: s**** on the i** with 0.00001 thick, what can you think of?

  24. Have you found it, LisaK?

  25. Hi Vikkih; nope. Like I said, my notes on this level are a mess. I can either start the level from scratch so I can see what got me each egg, or move on. If it's counting puzzle pieces, that's not working. If it's counting the steps on each path to get to the puzzles, that's a different egg I think. I even tried seeing numbers in the pattern of pieces. I'm sure it's stupidly simple, but I'm lost in a cycle of repeating the wrong thing over & over.

  26. Thank you Keeper. I have made a little progress, but am now stuck with a flag. Have tried the dutch word for flag and the dutch word for the URL. I am also stuck camping with a gold disc.

  27. Hi LisaK, counting the puzzlepieces should work. It will give you the other level 50 egg with text 'No, not used in this level. Go away!' There are 5 eggs with puzzlepieces so you need a 5 letter word.

  28. jpete, you are very close:
    "Have tried the dutch word for the URL", reverse that.
    "camping with a gold disc", where is that disc exactly?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Omgosh I finally got it! Thanks for the confirmation, dutchie. The path with two sets is where I was hung up; thought I had tried every combination of one or the other or both. Apparently I had not =P

  31. Finished another path, but still stuck on the flag. Am probably being too literal. I have tried the Dutch word for flag forward and backward. I have tried the Dutch to English translation of the URL forward and backward and grannied it. Hugh mental block here

  32. You said it right there, jpete. The url is in D****. Translate it to English.

  33. Thank you LisaK. I got a different word the last time I tried that.

  34. Now I'm stuck with the. Have shifted from the mid point forward and backward for each letter. Have 2 V's and a Z. Two letters don't shift. Am I totally wrong here? No word from granny.

  35. Oop. I meant a W not a Z.

  36. Jpete I think I see where you are going wrong. Try with the start word going from bottom to top.

  37. jpete the first letter is at the bottom, so work from the bottom up. No need for granny.

  38. Haha! Great minds, Minkie...or something ;)

  39. Ok, so my goal is to finish level 50 toady. 4 weeks after I started. Crazy right? I need help with the lady's asset. I have tried using multiple words with the big letter and the 3 letter word in the text. I'm sure it's right in front of me.

  40. Oh, I didn't see the story lower on the page. Will work on that.

  41. jpete use the big letter and the url word.

  42. Oh no. I'm missing things. Have 5 sets of puzzle pieces, but can't finish the puzzle, which I can see tells me I'm not done. Ihave completed the food puzzle that wants a drink. Not sure where to go from here. Is there another path?

  43. jpete: look at your food path carefully and get a drink to complete that path


  44. Thank you keeper. I had to drop the f.... l..... to get it. I also just remembered to count my paths.

  45. Now it looks like I need some rotten eggs.

  46. Lvl 50 Looking for some rotten eggs. I have the liquor glass, but no more. Where do I look?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. bonus 4 : no clue what to do with the first rotten egg on this level. 4 red dots, 4 orange dots ?????

  49. Joyce If you've got one rotten egg, you've got what you need to get a second rotten egg and a good one. Visit granny again.

  50. jpete, I'm the worst one to give help on lvl 50, but let's see what you have.
    There are 4 rotten eggs: 3 from the level page & one from the end. They are rotten but necessary.
    There are 5 confirmation eggs, but you don't need all of them.
    There are 2 'go away' eggs. You will need those in the bonus round.

  51. Bonus 3: I don't understand, not even a little bit. Previous hints gave more confusion: Lines, directions, shapes in the l*****s?? I'm terrible with this particular thing. Idk what to use or how.

  52. LisaK I'll have a look to remind myself. But until then, you need to shift the given letters backwards, forwards or both. My great mistake on this level was that I kept trying to use a cipher when I should have been visiting granny.

  53. Really? Well then maybe I can do it! =D
    Thanks, minkie =) I'll try something...

  54. LisaK Forget about shapes in the letters, that was a bit misleading.
    You have h********l and v******l lines. You need to count the lines and shift the letters b*******s (for h********l) or f******s (for v******l). The letters you get may net you a rotten egg depending on which granny you ask. To get the real thing you need to add something.

  55. Ah, thanks for clarification, minkie. I didn't realize the lines had that much significance, tho I really should have. One more try!

  56. Lvl 50 still. Have the rotten egg from the puzzle and the c.... rotten egg. Need 2 more rottens from the level page and 2 go away eggs I guess. What am I looking for on the level page? Flags, Wiki info?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. The lvl 50 page should give another by looking at months; ftf

  59. Level 38-I am still stuck...I've got swne but the other 2 letters are not wrong....the more I play it the worse it gets. Can I get a major push here?

  60. Hi Sharon; so glad you're still here =)
    Lvl 38 was one of the worst for me. I messed that egg up SO many times! Can you tell me which sets of names/numbers, one - six, are giving you the good letters, and I'll try the other two?

  61. Okay Sharon, if you come back and see this, the 1st set is one of your needed letters. Make sure you're putting Chord in the middle and you should get it.

  62. Thank you LisaK I was converting n....s to l.....s. Now to find the next one.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. LisaK. I have one confirmation egg from the paths that tells me I need to make a rotten omelette, thus I continue my search. Giving up for the night will try again tomorrow.

  65. Sorry, jpete; that was the wrong egg term. The puzzle ones are for the bonus level; I got lots of help on this page. I'm going to delete my post above to avoid future confusion.

    lvl 38: Sharon, I re-did the level. It's all about keeping the right location as the center-point when you're using your S-alphabet. If you have the right letters, you don't even need granny. 2nd & 5th are vowels.

  66. Bonus 5 : found two eggs but then stuck. Don't know where to look for the ingredients from one of the eggs.

  67. Bonus 4: Have all eggs but failing at final answer. Previous requests for help are so cryptic I'm having trouble deciphering what they're saying. I wanted so badly to get this one on my own, especially since the egg tells me it's in my face =/

  68. LisaK Bonus 4 Look at the first pair of clues: 1 ACROSS and 2 DOWN. You are looking for 14 letters altogether.

  69. Joyce Bonus 5. You've been looking at strange place names if I remember correctly. You need to do the same again (try singular ingredients)

  70. Sooo many hours later & I still don't have it, minkie. I gave up staring and went back to the hints on pg 9. Tbh, I don't know which grid to stare at; am I to even stare at a grid or is it the clues? I finally made the connection between the # of things on the egg and the level. I wish it helped, but it doesn't. I looked at what you said to look at, but I don't see anything. Could you or anyone get a hammer out please?

  71. LisaK: suppose you get the egg grid already, the crossword clues are the coordinates (across/down is one pair), apply the coordinates on the grid to pick the letters

    s-t: just noticed that the "all pages" page misses an egg for bonus 7

  72. I do have the egg grid, Keeper; I'm just too stupid today. Will try tomorrow maybe. Thanks xx

  73. Level 50
    Got two rotten eggs from start - c**** and a****. Unable to find the third

  74. Help with 50 please. Still looking for the last rotten egg from the level page. need the one that begins with P. Have searched wiki. Looked at currency, mottos, continents, countries they gained independence from, and currency. What am I missing?

  75. level 50 - how to get the mad granny from start page?

  76. mehroon granny will give you the mad granny

  77. jpete: one of the things you just mentioned should work but it may require a bit of trial and error as some of them have more than one answers (hence not continent or currency etc.)

  78. Level 50 - what granny will give me mad one? Tried answers to rotten eggs also. Stuck

  79. Mehroon I'm not sure which eggs you have. You should have 4 rotten ones to do ftf on.

  80. Vikkih - level 50 - Have 3 rotten eggs - c**** , a****, P****. No angry granny or another RE. Help please

  81. Mehroon, there's another rotten egg at the ends of the paths.

  82. Bonus 8 : Have the key, the text to decipher and the cipher itself, but no answer. What am I doing wrong?

  83. Joyce bonus 8 do you have the "yes" egg? That is the key.

  84. @ Vikkih, yes that one I do have. But the result from the cipher isn't a word and Granny won't have it either

  85. You definitely should get a word from that with the cipher. Maybe check your text to decipher, it's so easy to mistype (I do it a LOT!)

  86. @ Vikkih, I checked and must have something wrong. Key is to be seen in the yes-egg. The other egg which looks similar contains the text to decipher and the rotten egg
    tells me which cpher to use.

  87. Thank you Keeper. Finally made the rotten omelette.

  88. @ Vikkih nvm, found it. Had my key wrong

  89. joyce...brilliant! I've wasted days like that...

  90. Lvl 50 looking for the r... a..... Am I missing a confirmation egg? I have the one from c....... the e... in each p..., one from the rotten omelette and the one from taking those instructions literally. I think I'm supposed to make an omelette from them, but it isn't working.

  91. jpete you need to make an omelette from 2 confirmation eggs. I had to try a couple of different grannies before I found it.

  92. I finally did it! Thanks to everyone for all of the helpful tips. I could not have done it without you. Wonder how long it will take me to do the bonus round.

  93. Yes, yes, yes, two new finishers \0/ \0/
    Premiere solved the bonus levels and is now in the

    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats, very, very well done :)

    jpete finished the ridlle and is now in the

    Hall of Fame
    Congrats, very, very well done :)
    And wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and solving the bonus levels :)

    Thank you for finding that missing link @Keeper :)
    It's now added to the list of all existing pages in this riddle.

  94. If anyone is out there I need help with bonus lvl 1. I have both eggs and understand I need to granny them. I get a word e**n****s a ray fanned fish. When I plug that into the v*g**** cipher with the 11 letter key I don't get anything that makes sense. I'm no sure what part I am getting wrong. Is there another step to take?

  95. jpete, bonus 1: No granny needed for this one. The level url tells you what to use; the two eggs are your input. You'll need to convert egg 1b a bit to make it useful.
    Congrats on finishing 50 levels =)

  96. Thank you LisaK. I completely misunderstood the previous tips.

  97. Yay, a new bonus levels finisher \0/ \0/
    Joyce solved the ten bonus levels too :)
    Congrats, very, very well done, you're now in the

    Ballroom of Bigshots

  98. bonus level 5 - no idea how to proceed. Tried US names but honey in UK is honey in US also

  99. Mehroon, try googling "r***** h***". The answers may give you an idea.

  100. Yay, our Japanese friend Jan solved all bonus level too \0/ \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done :)
    You're now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

  101. I am struggling with Bonus 6. I have completed the puzzle picture and read all the comments are needing 12 l.....s and counting gr...s but still can't make a word. Any extra hint to move me on please?

  102. You are on the correct path. The first should be 14.

  103. @Namnet thank you. 14 makes a bit more sense. I'll try again.

  104. @Namnet - got it. Was held up trying for 12. Thanks again.

  105. Now struggling on bonus 7 - for 3 days! I have one yes egg. I am unsure as to what d*****s I need even having read the clues. I have looked at p****s of l*****s in the r**s, c*****s, and in them combined. I have tried ftf with my answers and cannot get a word out of anything. Sorry to ask again and it is a useful diversion from self-isolation but ….

  106. Di99. I am stuck with you. You also need to look dia*****y. So far I have 7 l*****s, but no word. Glad someone is still playing.

  107. Used scrabble cheat with two wild cards to get p*******s which gave me a yes egg. Still looking for a word starting with c.

  108. Found c*** by the d*****s in the rows. Doh! Used variations of my first egg Ps****** to get 2 more eggs. Have not found the key or any other words yet.

  109. Di999 and sounds like you're both on the right track, it's just very tricky to find them all. There are 6 eggs all together, 5 from finding/combining different directions. The final one will give you the cipher, and everything you need.

  110. Thanks jpete and Vikkih152 - am also glad someone is still here although s-t has always helped when no one else can. How many l*****s am I looking for each d***** and how many letters for the rows for eg. I have loads of these and cannot make a word. Thanks.

  111. Di999 you need to look at the grid like this: - + x +\ I THINK the d*******s give 6 letters.

  112. Thanks Vikkih. Somehow I am finding many more. Can you confirm if I am looking for pairs?

  113. Di999 yes pairs/doubles. They're easy to miss.

  114. Di999 I found it easiest to look for everything individually. I have found 11 l*****s. R*** will give you 4 l*****s. Granny that. Two words with P are closely related. You'll probably see them in the c*****s and d**g***l. There is another P that I found so far that you can granny.

  115. I also have on l****r twice once from c*****s and once from d**g***l.

  116. jpete if you have 3 eggs that start with can make a 4th with 2 of them.

  117. Thank you Vikkih. I never thought to put them together.

  118. I am twisting my brain inside out on bonus 7. For the key egg I basically understand the + +/, but am only looking at d*****s that intersect in both planes? or is it any d***** in the path? I am guessing I convert the n*****s into l*****s? and then granny?

  119. jpete: you may notice that all symbols are made of "| - / \". Granny the letters you find from these directions, and you will get four key words.

  120. jpete you should have the cipher, now, and the gibberish...the eggs are the keys.

  121. Thank you Vikkih I was doing it backwards. Figures.

  122. Hi jpete and Vikkih152. I haven't been on here for a few days so didn't see your comments. I have still got nowhere but will try again today. I'm still not sure I understand what d*****s I am looking for. Now on lockdown here, so should have more time for this.

  123. I'm in lockdown too and in need of company. I had been hoping to encourage others who might still be visiting this page to tackle Small-Tool's Kill your darlings series on the site (I'm stuck at at various different points in most of the puzzles). However, I've tried to sign up to that site and have been waiting in a moderation queue for over a week now, so I can't post comments there. I see there is recent activity on the site, so I'm not sure what is going on. Does anyone know how Nordhino works and whether a long wait to be allowed to sign up is normal?

  124. Minkie, I don't think it should take that long. In the yellow welcome text is a link you can click (If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us)

  125. Thanks Dutchie. I've done that now.

  126. Di999 look for l**t*rs. Start in the 2nd r**. Look at the 4th l**t*r. Go down the r** and find the other one that is the same. Repeat that for each r**. That will form a word that gives you an egg. Do the same for the co*l**ns. The hardest is looking d**g***l. I found it easiest to copy the grid into a Word document and then used the draw function and different colored markers to highlight the l**t*rs and the r**s, c*l***s and d**g***s. It took me days to get through it. It is easiest to look at r**s separate from c*l**ns and each d**g***l separate rather than all of the l**t**s together.

  127. Ok, the penny finally dropped. I was looking for totally the wrong things. I now have 5 Yes eggs, for this level, so some progress made today.

  128. Thanks jpete - I forgot to refresh this screen so didn't see your last comment until just now. I used Paint.

  129. Finally onto Bonus 8. Many, many thanks jpete and Vikkih152 for your help.

  130. Stuck on Bonus 10 Got the egg, but I am fuzzy what it was, so I'm not sure what to do with it. I deleted those early bookmarks. I know I am looking at the m****e of the words, but not sure it I am going the right direction. One cloud has 4 words. Am I looking for 4 letter words and 6 l****R words for the cloud with 6 words? Scrabble cheat gives me too many choices on some words.

  131. jpete: each word would give you one letter, to know which letter to pick, you need to use all letters in ******* (don't forget your granny)

  132. @jpete: you are on the correct path. Granny will be happy for a visit.

  133. Yeah, yeah, yeah, another finisher \0/ \0/
    Congrats Clio, very, very well done :)
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  134. And done. Thank you all so much for the hints and help. Couldn't have done it without you.

  135. Yay, a new player entered the Ballroom of Bigshots \0/ \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done Jpete :)

  136. And finally finished. Thanks to everyone for their comments along the way, especially jpete and Vikkih152 near the end without whom I might have had to give up.

  137. Well done to Clio, jpete, and Di999 :)

  138. Yes, yes, yes, two new finishers \0/ \0/

    Di999 finished all the bonus levels and is now dancing in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats, very, very well done :)

    Alina Latipova finished the riddle \0/ \0/
    Congrats, very, very well done, you're now in the
    Hall of Fame
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  139. Minkie2020: Hi, just wondering if you've made any progress on Kill Your Darlings? I've taken a look at it on Nordinho and got stuck "in order" on level 5. Haven't seen you post anything on their website & since it hasn't been played since 2017 didn't know if I'd get any help there or not. Don't know how else to inquire, but to hope you'll look here and no one will care.


  140. patty I'll have a look. Not sure which kyd you are on. I still haven't been able to sign up to Nordinho (:

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Yes, that's it I'm sure. I had just searched Kill your darlings in their search engine and it came up from 2017. Did not know there were other kyds. Level 5 starts with iron man and ends with last egg and hints 'in order'. I've tried by movie dates and alphabetically. Neither gave me anything usable. Also doing pick the letter by number egg or order. Still nothing.

    I'm not in Nordinho either.


  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. patty I'm trying to reproduce what I did, but have failed so far. Be patient and I'm sure I'll work it out at some point. I think dates were important.

  145. KYD 1
    Level 5; Chronological order, first of first, second of second etc, then anagram.

    Ps, feel free to play here, but to avoid confusion; Please do start your comment with KYD 1 (or Kyd 2 etc.)

  146. Minkie2020, I just tried again and got it. Had it yesterday, but didn't think I'd need granny. She came through. POP!

  147. Thank you, Small-Tool! I actually got it before I saw your hint.
    Will so post as you suggest.

  148. Oh thanks Small-Tool. It would be good to have company in these trying times.

    Patty, I'll keep checking back, and when you've caught me up, I'll be asking for your help!

  149. KYD1 Patty, let me know when you get to level 15. I've been stuck in a mire of honey for weeks.

  150. I've been playing all 5 KYD puzzles to try and progress where I was stuck before, and find that I'm now stuck in places I know I passed before. However I never got past this one:
    I'm stuck on level 21 with the BA egg. Any hints?

  151. KYD1
    Minkie2020, sorry it will take me forever to get that far. I've been playing "fun with flags" with Sheldon Cooper on lvl 10. Have all the countries, but can't get a line on the scores. Inspirational ideas like time zone differences don't pan out, no. of neighboring countries--no. It's frustrating on Nordinho's sight they PM (private message) someone who is stuck and so there's no hint to draw on. I'm very OCD about small-tool's riddles in that I try to get through one at a time. I had no idea there were 5 KYDs.
    If you have any memories of KYD1 level 10, I'd appreciate a push. Good luck! in your endeavors.

  152. KYD1 10 Patty I spent for ever on that level, with pages and pages of possible approaches. The penny finally dropped when I realised that the groups of eight did not all need to play according to the same rules. And I have a vague feeling that when I had most of the groups done I went to granny to fill in the one or two that I hadn't figured out.

  153. BTW patty be careful with the blue yellow red vertical stripes flag. There are two countries that use it.

  154. Minkie2020,
    KYD1 Nonprogress report: Thanks to your hint "all teams not playing by same rules, I got Lvl 10 pretty quickly. Also the caution for the blue yellow red flag helped.
    But I quickly stuttered to a stop on Lvl 11 with the German flag and red letters. With inspiration I thought red in German is rot and tried that cipher. Saw Dutchie's hint to add B + C = E, which gave me ELON and maybe G if I included the last 2 red letters but I fear I've hoisted up the wrong flag pole.

    KYD2: Took forever for me to find it. But am going in circles on the Ouroboros.

    Sorry, I can't be of any help to you.


  155. Hi Patty
    KYD 1 11
    You are so nearly there Patty! You've missed the start of that particular flagpole.

    KYD 2
    I'll have a look. I remember it was important that the numbers and letters match up.

  156. KYD2 level 3
    Ah I see that you don't have the numbers yet. You need to be very literal on the level page.

  157. KYD1
    Minkie2020, You asked to let me know when I make it to the bee hive Lvl 15. I'm there now, but can't figure out how to get a single egg. See lots of words and the 6 from the compass directions. But nothing that gets me anywhere. Have you gotten any eggs or passed it yet?
    KYD2: Lvl 2 now have the ouroboros with the numbers and not figuring out how to align it with the letters. Tried lots of things even thought perhaps if I turn it on one to eat the other snake it would give me letters or numbers in the mouth to use. Crazy! Yes, I know. But I do overthink things; and lots of time to do that now. Also tried eliminating all the letters on one by using the numbers on the other. Nothing yet.

  158. KYD 1 Level 15
    Patty. I don't have a thing. Tried doing all sorts of things with placing the alphabet round the compass as I think someone hinted, but it gets me nowhere. Tried using the url to make a path shape, but also no help. Tried lots of things in fact :(

    KYD 2 level 3
    Not sure what you mean by all those contortions with the snakes - sounds very complicated! You need to shift the letters according to the numbers. Then google.

  159. KYD 1 Level 15
    Finding directions:
    Placing the alphabet round the compass is the right way to find directions.
    Finding your directions:
    Top of the picture is telling you what your 9 directions are.

  160. Hmm Thanks ST I'll try again. One of my problems has been dividing the alphabet up. A-E, F-I etc?

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. KYD 1 level 15 Patty. have you made any progress? I'm staring at pages of gibberish here!

  163. Me, too! Had to switch gears and try KYD2 Lvl 3 to try and make some progress today.
    KYD1 Lvl 15 Cannot see how to get 26 letters around 3/4s of that hive evenly. Thought perhaps the cells with directions around the edge (SNEWUDLR) might be a way, but there are not 26 of those.

  164. KYD 1
    The alphabet goes round and round. Like the A direction is not only an A, but also a G etc.

  165. KYD1
    Thanks ST. I'll look with fresh eyes tomorrow because I'd tried that and got AECHSPISO. I guess I'm just too tired and slightly stir-crazy.

  166. KYD 1
    The way you let the alphabet go round and round the Z is not on the spot I put it. Go the other way around.

  167. KYD1
    True - I was aware I had let the z slip away, but never thought of trying that - ridiculous! I will sleep on my egg. Thank you ST.

  168. KYD1 17
    I've been looking back and trying to shift backwards or forwards on first letters or lengths. Not getting anything. Also tried using the letters to pick letters. I will keep trying, but am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?

  169. The arrow is pointing backwards, so yep you have to look back (or better: go back) to solve it.

  170. KYD1 17
    Ah That's given me an idea. Thanks ST, I'll work on that.

  171. KYD1; Lvl 16. Does WWW stand for world wide web? I can't make any sense of the second sentence: "Yielders per. . ."

  172. Kyd1 16
    Patty try doing control f and looking for spaces: you may notice something. I can't play for the rest of the day, but I'll check back tomorrow.

  173. Thanks, I'll give it a go.
    Have a good one!

  174. Respect to all finishers and thank forum participants for your hints! Right now I am stuck on bonus 9. I found an egg with the grid. I found a hint there w***s w****n. I read all the comments and the hints how to use them, but nothing worked. I tried to find w***s w****n w***s in the level page with clouds but it gives me nothing. Give me a little push, please!

  175. KYD1 lvl 17, I've spent the day going back to the number levels and counting the letter on said level. But 9 has no b's. And ran out of other ideas.

    KYD2 Lvl 6 have 1good egg and 2 rotten ones. Don't know the hint from what she's saying. "Off W--- T---- H----". So stuck.

    Will be back on Fri. I hope.

  176. Alina, Bonus 9. Go back to the level page clouds and look at each cloud word for one word w----- each. Each short word will give you a letter for your 10 letter answer. They will be in order. No granny needed.

  177. @patty3ponies Thanks. I will try it. Does this word start with h?

  178. Yes, Alina Latipova, starts with an H.

  179. KYD2 level 6 Patty. There's really only one group of things you can take the h**** off. You've used them already. I'm still floundering where you are in KYD1.

  180. @s-t I still have gibberish. For the cloud a****h: is it a two-letter word?

  181. The answer is (from top to bottom) no anagram.

    Yes, the a****h one is indeed, just a two-letter word.

  182. @s-t: Thanks.May I ask again, please. For the last h*********s cloud is it a 3-letter word?

  183. KYD1 17
    Does the arrow mean that I should only be going back one page?
    And everything means something in an ST riddle, right? So do the words "Let's go for" and "and" have a significance? We could have just been given the numbers and letters.

  184. KYD 1
    Nope, you're 'unlycky' it's way more than one page.

  185. KYD1
    Mmm. That gives me something to mull over.

  186. KYD1 17
    Phew at last! Thanks ST.

  187. Help me, please. I am still suck on bonus 9. Tell me where I am wrong (cloud-word):
    1 cloud - h**
    2 cloud - **t
    3 cloud - **n
    4 cloud - ***n
    5 cloud - ***l
    6 cloud - ***c
    7 cloud - *s
    8 cloud - ***g
    9 cloud - **d
    10 cloud - ***e
    I will appreciate your help!

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. KYD1 18
    Is doing the split(s) a matter of trial and error or should I be using some technique. All I've managed to work out is that unless I want to land up with q's I need to pair them with the s and the t.

  190. Keys are usually normal words.

  191. Oh, many thanks. I used wrong words. I am on bonus 10.

  192. Thanks ST I've tried a few, but I'll try some more

  193. POP It seems so obvious once you've seen it. Onto KYD1 19.

  194. I'm joining you guys in the KYD1 journey but need some help on an early stage. Can't get past level 5 1st egg.

  195. Yes, yes, yes, a new finisher \0/ \0/
    Alina Latipova finished the whole riddle and is now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats Alina, very, very well done :)

    Keeper, you're looking for a movie.
    Just name those compass directions and the number in the middle is a two letter word.

  196. Hi Keeper - it's good to have more company.

  197. I'm getting stuck on every level (: I have 3 eggs on level 19. Can't find the 4th. I've seen the comment about dividing words into chunks. It seems clear how to do this on the title, with various options for the text, but no amount of brute forcing is getting me anywhere. I've been trying firsts, lasts, lengths, combining different chunks, including the url etc. etc.


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