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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Hello all; hope you're doing well in these strange times. Wanted to mention, a cartoon artist/author I follow on Instagram (Dave Kellett) had a post today about the phrase 'Kill your darlings'. I had no idea it was something outside of this game! Am I alone in that, or did you all know the origin? Take care xxx

  2. Lisa, "Kill your darlings" is a movie (though I didn't hear about it). Are you joining us in this journey? :)

    KYD2 21 still clueless on the BA egg, is it about some kind of arithmetic operation?

  3. Yes I 'd seen the phrase kill your darlings before as advice to writers who think they're into something really clever when they would probably regret it later.
    Kyd2 21 ba Keeper It's about a code of long numbers with distinct elements in them. You need to Google two words: one from the ba egg and one from earlier.

  4. Thank you minkie, finally on 22.
    Don't really understand BA and the little hidden hints as googling the right words would lead to the answer.

  5. Keeper, thank you😀
    kYD1 7 angryegg
    I converted the four egg cities into "c*****y" and gave it to Grandma with the egg answers, but it seems wrong.
    I thought it was c**nt, and tried the method, but it seems to be wrong.
    Give me a hint.

  6. KYD1 7 Jan Look for other cities with those names.

  7. And finished KYD2! Made a ridiculous counting mistake early on on level 25 which I never revisited.

  8. KYD2 23
    I am completely lost on level 23, Can somebody here please help me?

    No, just kidding, but I totally agree with Minkie that I just know how they feel!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. LOL Keeper, Just wait till you get to level 25. Some of the items there are a hoot :)

  11. Haha it was just a kidding post (maybe you could delete that post), I'm on 24 already but really get stuck. Did some literal counting but got a lot of "A". Interpreting c******* as c******y didn't work either.

  12. Yes I realised that immediately after posting :)
    KYD2 24 I lined up the c******s and the c*******s and suddenly saw it.

  13. KYD2
    The chase is over, I can cook it as my dinner :)

  14. Finally finished KYD1...thanks, all, for your help :)

  15. thanks a lot minkie for your help on 12 :) on the egg page now

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Minkie Thank you for kyd1 7 😄
    KYD1 8
    I know from the text layout that I feel by f**gers.
    There is a combination of the same two letters,
    S-T says "URL" How do I use?

  18. Jan KYD1 8
    People from the URL would be very familiar with those letters Jan.

  19. jan you need a map of the url

  20. KYD3
    Is anyone here doing this? I'm stuck at lvl 7 with the unwanted fish and a little extra hint.

  21. KYD3 7 I sort of cheated at this level Keeper because I couldn't work out how to do the rotations. Made a grid with 4 columns and filled it with letters. The answer showed up in my grid when I studied it carefully. (I've been stuck for a long time on level 9)

  22. Thanks minkie, will try that tomorrow

  23. KYD2 5 I have the egg, but can't get anywhere with it. I thought I was looking for things like the (L)evel title, but that's not working...or I'm not, properly lol

  24. That should work Vikkih.

  25. Thank you, Minkie, there's a few in one line, and missed the right one!

  26. Minkie Keeper thank you.
    KYD1 8
    I know it's "eight st***s", but I don't know what to do from there. (Which st**e do you choose? )

  27. KYD1 8 For each group of states you need to see how they are position on the map. You should be able to "feel" your way from there.

  28. KYD2 level 10 1st egg.
    I've seen this hint: "combine the numbers with the letters and the U** then google." but that gets me little except perhaps something astronomical, which I can make nothing of. I'm aware of what tag means. Any hint?

  29. KYD
    I think you're talking about KYD 3 (not 2).
    I never understand what they're on about on Nord, but when it's about url then it's the level url that's very important.
    The German thing is not important for being German, but maybe you can make that a year!

    ps. Kill your darlings is (in my scene) a musical term as in; If too much songs for an album you gotta 'kill your darlings' In this case it was still level ideas left while Tool Torture Threesome was finished.

  30. You are quite right ST KYD3. And thanks, I'll think over that.

  31. And interesting about the musical term.

  32. KYD2 24: Ready to turn off for the evening, but have drawn a blank on second part. Have tried capital l------ and capital $ with no luck. Will continue to ponder over night and hope for a glimmer of light in the a.m.

  33. Got KYD3 7 in the right way, once know how it works it's quite straightforward (way easier than the pyramid in threesome!)

    KYD3 9 know what to do but the letters don't form a word. Is the first letter from the text "j"?

  34. KYD3 9 got it, onto 10 now

  35. Keeper, Minkie and S-T, thank you for chiming in to respond to my query =) Hadn't heard of the movie, Keeper, but yes... apparently it's about being willing to axe something that's been artistically created if it's not meeting the need or expectation. Hard to do when you've put blood, sweat & tears into it!

    And no, I've not started the KYD series yet. I'm miffed that I've not solved bonus 10 of this game. Might attempt it again if I get mad enough =D Good luck to you all xx

  36. Thanks LizaK :)
    Keeper have you made any progress on KYD3 10? I'm not seeing what ordinal numbers would tell you that cardinal numbers wouldn't tell you in the first place. I've been trying to do things with annual calendars, but that would involve 14 possible starting points/lengths.

  37. Minkie, zero progress here, and can't link them with the level url.

  38. Thank you, Minkie.
    KYD1 8 is still not correct.
    I separate the text vertically, or separate each line by 2 letters.
    I put a pair in m*p.
    Either way, only two groups can be read (pairs separated)
    Please give me advice.

  39. KYD1 8 Jan the spaces and line breaks show you where to separate the text, so you land up with 3 lots of 6 letters (=3 s****s) and 3 lots of 4 letters (=2 s****s).

  40. KYD2 11 I have 2 eggs. I'm pretty sure I've done the hard part, and am missing something glaringly obvious, but can't work it out.

  41. Are you looking at colourful squares Vikkh? I don't think it is glaringly obvious. You need to think of the whole picture as a 2 by 3 grid.

  42. Minkie I've done that part (I think) and got an egg r***s, that tells me to use the colours again...can't fathom how.

  43. Vikkih there's an event (not this year) which uses r***s and those colours.

  44. Minkie, thank you! Glaringly obvious, indeed...

  45. Thank you very much, Minkie😄
    I didn't have a flexible idea😯

  46. KYD2 lvl 24: Still stuck with the egg. No successful thoughts from overnight, i.e. b-----, since I have 56 letters which would translate to 7, even with questioning the order of the capitals and countries (should they go left to right or in Japanese comics order). So I've worked myself up a creek with no paddle. Send rescue hint, please. Or do I have a country wrong?? I have f,p,t,n,g going l to r. Thanks, in advance.

  47. Patty. Your egg shows you what order the capitals and countries are in. Notice that none of the capitals names are longer than their corresponding countries.

  48. Patty, we are waiting for you in KYD3 :)

  49. KYD3 I take it you are no further on Keeper. I've been trying to make dates that fall on the relevant day. The only one I got must have been about the most uneventful in history! Thought I was onto something with religious festivals, but that didn't work out either.

  50. Keeper and Minkie,
    It's just the dates/days you need and then very basic riddling.

  51. KYD3 10
    So am I looking for a 5 letter word and do I get it by 6 (e.g.) corresponding to Tu****y?

  52. ??? The level url is not Tu****y!!!
    But, there are 52 of them that year and yes you need 5 of them for a 5 letter word.

  53. LOL, there was a logic behind it I assure you using the correct URL! OK a rethink needed, but not to much I hope.

  54. Oh, and I've just seen what you meant earlier about german not important! As it happened I'd been trying things with year of publication. Thanks for your help ST. I'll try again tomorrow.

  55. KYD 2: Woo Hoo!! Thanks, S-T, for letting us play.

    Keeper & Minkie, joining you in KYD3, but already know I was stuck on 2. Know I need uses, but seems a lot of possibilities for describing them.

  56. ...a lot of possibilities...
    Lol, then I'm very curious on what body parts you use a comb and don't get me even started on that TP.

  57. KYD3 10 Didn't need to wait until tomorrow. On to next egg. Keeper, not sure what you've tried, but my mistake had been trying to assign numbers to different days within too short a time period rather matching a single day with numbers over a longer period.

  58. Good to see you in KYD3 Patty. That "uses" hint became my sticking point when I tried playing this riddle last year - ST to the rescue again.

  59. And quickly stopped on KYD 3 lvl 3. Do not get the symbolization in between the 2 numbers. 1 above; 1on level?

  60. It is there. The bottom horizontal line of the = is just very light grey.

  61. Thanks, I got it; even though I was the answer!

  62. KDY3 11
    There's a show I enjoy in the UK called Only Connect. It includes a 16 item wall where contestants have to find 4 groups of 4. It always seems hard in the moment, buI if I'm on the right lines at all, this is SO much harder. I'm not asking for your help ST (yet), but Keeper, Patty, I'd be interested if you have any ideas. I can see a group from this riddle, some associated with other ST riddles (surely irrelevant), a few other groups with likely red herrings..

  63. KYD1 9 angry egg
    'regrettable' comments confirmed.
    I can't think of any other le***rs.
    Could you give me a hint?

  64. Jan, I think you are at the 8-letter egg? 7 letters are from the level, if you can't think of any other 8th letter go to ask your granny

  65. Phew, finally on KYD3 11. The tricky part is to apply on the correct year which is not hinted in the level

  66. keeper thank you😀
    KYD1 9
    I checked fresh eggs, but I don't understand translated result.
    M*****g "X" word is b**ins"X"and e*d? or "X" for d*uble word?

  67. jan did you notice the pattern in the level? Use the "X" to make a similar word

  68. KYD 3
    There is a hint for the year for sure on Level 10.
    How about that word in the title?

  69. KYD3
    Ah that hint was very clever, s-t!
    For 11, minkie, I was thinking of common letter by row/column/colour but couldn't get anything. And I think it is not s-t's style to include something irrelevant in a level.

  70. KYD3 11 I'm quite sure nothing in the grid is irrelevant, but my constructions of groups or whatever very probably is.

  71. Tried dividing the grid into 3x3 blocks, couldn't see anything either

  72. KYD3 11 I've been looking at that too Keeper. 9 x 6 doesn't easily lend itself to either binary or braille.

  73. KYD2 17 Patty3P I seriously need to thank you. I have never heard of Sheldon, or his game, so would not know where to start without your clue! Thank you

  74. Back to have another look at KYD3 11 after my daily dose of exercise. This is why I find Nordinho frustrating:
    "lvl 11
    Looking for l******? and how many?
    what I get does not want
    Thank you

    Edi: past
    had one more

    Level 11 - Anyone have a clue where to start? 

    EDIT: Nevermind... solve it!"

  75. Minkie, the most frustrating thing is that they all managed to solve the level on their own while we've been struggling for so long!

  76. Some of them must have solved on their own Keeper, but I suspect there was also some private messaging going on.

    My latest attempts have been to try and turn it into morse, but I have failed.

  77. KYD3 11. Keeper the URL seems a bit random. Have you had any ideas about how that could be used?

  78. Minkie, I never thought of using the url! Tried to pick some letters with s*******e but the results were not good.

  79. And I hadn't thought of that! I've got duties to attend to now, but it occurs to me that this grid might lend itself to p**p**.

  80. KYD 3 lvl 11
    Don't overthink. There was a level a bit similar in riddle in blue.
    Only some items belong to the same group (do them alphabetically within a group).
    You're looking for five letters.

  81. KYD3. 11
    Yay, got it. Thanks Small-Tool.

  82. mmm The link in the toolshed for signal flags now leads to an uninformative gif. I can easily look elsewhere, but I thought you might like to know.

  83. KYD3 lvl 11: Hi Minkie, I've been staring at this level most of the day trying to find groups with five things that will fit. No luck thus far. It sounds as though I only need to find one group that will give be five letters? Did I interpret that hint correctly or over simplify? No matter which, can't get a good group. Any hint?
    I looked back at riddle in blue notes, but couldn't find the S-T level clue and short of going through all of it again.. . wish I would keep better notes!

  84. Hi patty. Five groups, five letters, but the groups don't all have the same number of members. I had thought that ST's hint meant that I could not be looking for letters with closed loops. I was wrong about that: that's why the US flag needs to be there.

  85. Minkie, thank you! Your hint definitely clicked; remembered doing the same thing in riddle in blue then also! Will look at 12 now.

  86. KYD2 19 I'm confusing myself, as usual. If I take the instructions literally a) I would only get 2 letters, and b) one doesn't have a title. What should I really be doing?

  87. KYD2 19: Vikkih, you need to go to the level it tells you, and then go to the egg it tells you. That group of letters must have 2 things done to them.

  88. Ahhh...the egg! Thank you, Patty3P

  89. KYD3 12: Have an incongruous (to me) egg and will have to shut down soon. Counting has yielded no results, nor 2 other assaults. Back tomorrow.

  90. kyd3 12 egg if you google what the text and pic suggest and go to wiki, it may disambiguate it for you.

  91. Keeper thank you for KYD1 9
    KYD1 10
    Read the comments that have already been made, and all the countries are looking up.
    The two groups in the lower left are not known.
    The left side is said to be the name of the country.
    Please push it a little more.
    I also read the wiki of each country on the right side, but I do not know.
    Tips, please.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. KYD3 13 egg
    I'm very confused with the pose of those guys. Can't make a good word with these 4 (or even 10, combining with the egg word) letters.

  94. KYD1 11
    From the national flag, the meaning of the letter color was understood, and the text was converted using the cipher.
    What should I do after this?
    3/30 The comment after "〇 +△ = ◎" of the patty comment is not understood.

  95. KYD3 13 Keeper did you make any progress? I'm back now and in the same place. I thought I had a nice word with limb directions, but that didn't work. Then I looked for up down left right triangles, but I can't make that work either.

  96. KYD1 11
    Jan, when Patty made that comment she'd almost got the answer, but she had missed the first letter.

  97. KYD2 24 I have the obvious egg, and I've seen the previous hints, but still not getting anywhere.

  98. KYD2 24 Vikkih you already have all you need, don't overthink

    KYD3 13 Minkie I'm still at the same place, in fact I was waiting for your hint (facepalm)

  99. KYD3 13
    Keeper: Both waiting on each other! I'm wondering if we've got different eggs. I've only got 3 guys, not 4. I'm at a six letter egg.

  100. KYD3 13 Keeper
    Oh, I see that you're at a 6 letter egg too. Mine starts with a d.

  101. KYD 3 lvl 13
    The flags code is probably obvious.
    The url is hinting another code, a cipher/alphabet Sherlock Holmes often used.

  102. Thanks ST! I'd forgotten about that code.

  103. Minkie thank you😅
    I read patty's comment and it was correct.
    However, I am not convinced because I answered correctly without knowing the how to solve.
    I used is the "r**" cipher.
    KYD1 12 is same problem, so can you tell me how to solve.

  104. KYD1 12
    Jan in KYD1 11 you added adjacent letters (letters that are next to each other). This time you need a running total (cumulative total).

  105. Thank you s-t, I never heard of this code!

  106. KYD3
    Jumped from 14 to 19 by accident!
    But the pink lady is leading me to nowhere

  107. It always seems such a bonus when that happens Keeper. I've got a couple up my sleeve ;)
    KYD3 14 an egg and a rotten egg. Is that where you are?

  108. Minkie I believe so, the rotten egg starts with "h" and the good egg starts with "s".

  109. KYD 3 14. Yes that's what I've got.

  110. There is a difference between her name and the others!

  111. I've been trying to do things with that fact. I'm going to let the thought simmer for a while.

  112. KYD3 14 I had thought it might be fistula. Am I anywhere near close?

  113. I think you made a mistake with Sofia Loren.

  114. Thanks ST. Got it now. Didn't check her wiki page carefully enough.

  115. Woah KYD3 15 A level without help!

  116. KYD3 17 Am I looking for a generic ghost or a particular named one?

  117. Not being a native speaker I (have been accused of) sometimes make up my own sound-alikes :)
    But, you have to change both words.
    The one starting with G will start with C then and the one starting with C will start with G then..

  118. Thanks ST. I don't think I would have got that in a hurry :)

  119. KYD3 20 I'm at an egg with 4 faces of real people. Do I have to get all 4 at once, or will there be confirmation eggs along the way? I've found only one matching image on the web and that didn't help much.

  120. KYD3 14: Hi, guys! Only have the rotten egg. Been trying to use M---- using b & w; m vs. f, switching . & _. But haven't gotten anything. Missing the good egg and need a crumb.

  121. Patty you need to spot what the names have in common.

  122. KYD3 20 I've been trying to use an approach that was used in "2 kind of people" in riddlemetool, without success. Any point in following up that idea?

  123. KYD3 16: Dumbfoundedly staring at musical notes. Not a clue.

  124. Patty KYD 16 the title gives a hint of an alphabet to use. You can find the alphabet in ST's toolshed.

  125. KYD3 21 Got a cipher and some gibberish (not sure what the last letter is) - or it could be gibberish and a key. I've tried various other things for the key. A bit lost.

  126. There are two eggs to find (same method).

  127. Minkie, where can I find his toolshed?? I've looked at Red Luth's and only see pigpen which doesn't help me.

  128. Patty

    st I've got two eggs. W******** and T********. I think I must be too tired. I'll try again tomorrow.

  129. The W egg is telling you what the Key is amd what the Gibberish on the T egg.

  130. KYD3 21
    Thought I'd tried that, but I'll try again. And I've found the font now, so that clears up my mystery letter. Thanks ST.

  131. KYD3 21. At last. I had the letters in the wrong order. I should have heeded your earlier advice that keys are usually normal words.
    Seriously enough for tonight now.

  132. KYD3 19
    Not quite sure what to do here. Tried the rotten cipher the lower case letter hinted but it didn't work.

  133. In a gas station you put Hydrogen in your car made out of Iron and Aluminium and then you pay with Silver or maybe you use your Platinum creditcard :)

  134. level 31
    I have 3 eggs and have tried all different ways to get numbers but I am getting nothing that makes sense.

  135. Juliet, are your eggs p/o/m?

  136. KYD3 20
    I'm confused with minkie comments above. I don't have an egg with four faces of real people. And I have no clue of the w***** of what?

  137. KYD2 24 I have got myself in such a pickle, overthinking I'm sure. I can't find any c*p****s in the c**n***** however I write them, nor can I find a way of actually putting them in them. Can't find anything using the urls as a suggestion. What am I supposed to be looking for, please?

  138. KYD3 30, googling "novel" and a word from the level page may give you a hint Keeper.

  139. KYD2 24 All you need are the 5 capitals and the 5 countries Vikkih. Try writing down each capital, and below it write the corresponding country. Where does the overlap end?

  140. Thank you, Minkie. I have a whole host of word docs listing them different ways, but must have not seen it. I'll try again :)

  141. juliet
    On the three eggs you get from the level itself are already numbers. The numbers itself are telling you what place they are in the answer. The place they are on the egg is telling you what letters to pick from the url of that egg.

    If you are not there, but a bit further with other eggs then the way to go is being very literal. Like if you need something then just try that as answer.

    Word(pad) doesn't line them up (letters are different widths). Use Notepad, or way easier just write them out or count.

  142. On that last point ST I always use Courier in word for all these riddles. That way I get the best of both worlds.

  143. KYD3 20
    Still couldn't get anything except jumping to level 24 by accident! And I forgot to say that I already got two rotten eggs on the wrong track.

  144. Ah ok, Courier does it as well.
    Old school smartness :)

  145. s-t thank you, got it straight away once I knew what I was looking for! Now looking at pretty coloured letters on 25. Have to go to work, today, though, so that can wait :)

  146. KYD3 20
    The yellow pics on the level page have a collective name. That is the word you want.

  147. LOL Keeper. I've just reproduced your jump to level 24. Thanks for that!

    However in reality I still stuck on KYD3 22 egg with a message about a bonus on the previous egg. I thought the title might be hinting at multiplication this time, but trying this in various ways using my 3 sets of numbers isn't working.

  148. Minkie, I'm still clueless on this level. I think the word you mean is e****, I've tried that before and couldn't get anything other than a whale. Am I in the right direction?

  149. e**** is one word for them keeper. There's another s*****. :)

  150. Thank you minkie, a lot of trial and error with the four faces and on 21 finally.

  151. KYD3 17: I have the Casper egg, but am now confused. Am I looking for a homonym for the picture of the numbers on the graph? or am I to translate those numbers into a word and find its homonym?? Either way, clueless.

    PS--Good morning, probably afternoon there.

  152. Two more homonyms to find on the level itself.

  153. KYD3 17
    Good morning/afternoon Patty. You need three eggs from the level page.

  154. KYD3 17: Sorry, still not clicking. Do I use the numbers to change letters on the level page?? Or just go back to level page and try to find other homonyms for Casper and cards? I'm not getting any better at these riddles. : (

  155. Find homonyms for other things on the page Patty. And you're doing fine :)

  156. Good night everyone

    KYD3 17 Patty you need three homonyms, all from different places

    KYD3 22 stuck at the egg which starts with "v". Got the bonus answer already but it doesn't seem to help

  157. KYD3 22 V egg Ooh Keeper. I've been coming back to that level all day and failed. Can you give a hint?

  158. minkie the url is super important

  159. Thanks keeper I'll work on that although I've already been using the abbreviation for the url.

  160. KYD3 22 V EGG
    Keeper do I need to concentrate on doing something to the actual letters (BTW never heard of that word before), or the various numbers they can relate to?

  161. minkie just the same method as the previous egg, but the url tells you to use something else

  162. KYD3 23
    At the 6th egg now, no idea what went wrong along the way, don't want to cheat to 24 yet

  163. KYD3 22
    Thanks for all your help Keeper. I had no idea such a thing existed and wouldn't have thought of it without your hints.

  164. I'm pretty sure it went wrong on egg 3.

  165. KYD3 23
    I haven't even made it past egg 2. I've tried counting, b*c****n and b*n***. And I only got egg 2 on by luck, although it makes sense retrospectively having seen eggs 1 and 2. Confused.

  166. KYD3 23
    NVM A counting failure here. Still haven't progressed, but now I have something to work on.

  167. KYD3 20: I am trying to identify the emotions pictured? If I am on the right track, I'm as adept at it as Sheldon. The names of some of them don't help, i.e. "blowing a kiss", one was weary as well as low blood sugar!

  168. KYD3 20
    Patty: I'm going to have to come clean here. I cheated on that first page. I was getting too many variations, so I studied the comments on Nordinho carefully and leapfrogged to an egg.

  169. KYD3 23
    s-t thanks for your hints but I can't figure out what's wrong (except the red fish). Are their full names important? Tried to look at that but couldn't see anything.

  170. Keeper,
    There is (of course :P ) nothing wrong on the egg, but I'm pretty sure you went the wrong way there. You went down but you have to go up

  171. Thank you s-t, didn't thought of trying that!

  172. KYD3
    Got 24 & 25 and brute-forced to the bonus levels, but I'd like to find the bonus answer of level 7 properly. Is there any hint please?

  173. Some of the letters in the grid you can read just like that, without tilting your head.

  174. Thank you s-t, this was even more difficult than tilting my head, it took me more than 10 times to pick all the right letters! Unfortunately the link has been broken that we can no longer access the funny inventions :(

  175. KYD3 C
    Don't know what to google. Not getting anything from the url or the country pic or their combination.

  176. If you know the country then you're done with Googling!

  177. KYD3 25
    Just got a little time to play this morning and I so want to get it done.
    I've been trying to do something with one level back, but got nothing so far. Is it worth pursuing this idea?

  178. thank you s-t, it took me a while to get it :)

  179. minkie you don't need to go back

  180. KYD3 F
    Totally clueless on this level

  181. Used to be a relatively easy 'Google-the-image-level' but rather hard to find now with all those Covid-19 maps going on.

    Googling this might help:

    Swear words USA gi z-score

  182. thanks s-t, I did see these key words but didn't use them

    Is it all done now? Do I need that rotten egg for a true ending?

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. Minkie thank you for KYD1 12.

    KYD1 14
    I think the titles are "le****s", "n****rs", and "le****s".
    I converted "N" without changing "L", but it is wrong.
    Can you give me a hint.

  185. jan when you convert the numbers back to letters you need to divide the numbers differently

  186. KYD3 21: Not sure what to do with the keypad and chosen archetype. Have seen hints above and on Nord. explaining about picking and gibberish and key, but don't think I have the eggs for those steps. How do I get there? Have chores, will be back shortly, hoping for a hint. Thanks!

  187. Patty on the keypad page, visit all of them and take note of everything (or at least what you think is important), these will give you two eggs for picking gibberish/key

  188. KYD3 25 I've had this running through my head all day hoping for enlightenment. Now I'm back at my computer and still stuck. I can see things in common with the 4 words and in some strings in the text. And the penultimate word of the text seems a bit incongruous. Tried following the advice to translate into numbers etc. from Nordinho and tried various operations on the results. And I don't know how far to trust ST's instructions :P A push would be appreciated.

  189. Seems (this time :P) Nord gave good advice.
    My advice: Do use the title, big hint there.

  190. KYD3 21: Have the W and T eggs. See the Key and Gibberish. Have key as t------s and using V------- cipher. With 8 G's from T egg I am not getting anything even with granny. What am I doing wrong??

  191. Seems like you have the correct cipher and correct key.
    It's not an anagram.
    Be sure to put the gibberish in the correct box (the ciphered text box).
    Maybe the font is confusing. Last 3 letters of the gibberish is FCW

  192. Ah! Order matters! I'd never thought of that. Thank you.

  193. Ah I see you got it Patty. I was just about to post that you'd probably made the same mistake I did about the order:)


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