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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. KYD3 22: Have the first egg with the board. What to do? Use 2 remaining tiles? Convert nos. on tiles to letters to add to the word? I totaled the word's points, but that didn't help. Seems we've had a scrabble board in another S-T riddle, but being senile I don't remember!!

  2. Patty. You need to think about what is under the letters.

  3. KYD2 25 I have 9 eggs, one of 4 letters, and 4 +/- numbers, but can't seem to do anything with them. What am I missing, please?

  4. So am I trying to add those 2 letters (+ any unused letters) to the board as it is? Or make a completely new word with all the tiles?

  5. Do you have the 9 squares of level 25 Image eggs? If so, match number to letter of level text.

  6. Patty You just need to use the five letters on the board, more specifically their values. But you need to make some adjustments.

  7. Vikkih I think you haven't used the 4 +/- letters yet. Use them to find places in the alphabet.

  8. Oops Vikkih I meant 4 +/- numbers, not letters.

  9. KYD3 22: Now stuck with x egg.

  10. Time for evening chores, so probably won't be back until tomorrow.

    Vickkih, hope you got it!

  11. Patty/Minkie thank you. I kind of tried all those things, but haven't had a chance to have another look, yet. Probably need to check my counting too...I'll get there :)

  12. KYD3 C
    Still looking for the rotten egg......

  13. You already had it :)
    Just name that country.

  14. Kyd3 25. Still hopeless here. Is level a verb or a noun? If I can't get this I may park it and return to my loony brick wall on kyd4 bonus A which is really bugging me.

  15. minkie don't give up, once you know the trick it's easy as one two three :)

    KYD3 last level
    Really clueless here, how to use/combine the pics (or words)? Are any of these words relevant? l****** s***, w***, f*****

  16. Keeper,
    The answer is one (three syllables) word.
    It's a speak out loud thing.

  17. Thank you s-t, I was trying this direction as well but to not avail. Is the first syllable something like sw**g ?

  18. Actually, the middle pic remains what it is.
    The first one starts with C.

  19. Thanks s-t, your first letter inspired me. I couldn't have linked the 3rd pic with the 3rd syllable!

  20. KYD4
    Stuck at 4 already, country and language gives the same FTF

  21. btw minkie and patty how are you doing?

  22. KYD4 4
    I'm trying to remember how I got past that level Keeper. I'll get back to you.
    As for me, I've given up for now. Waiting for Patty to catch up;)

  23. KYD4 4 Some translation is needed Keeper. I've got to go now, but I'll check by later.

  24. Thanks minkie got it

    About KYD3 25, numbers are important but the numerical values are not

  25. Morning (to me) Keeper, I'm still trying things on KYD3 22, the x egg. Using value of x on letters and values given, + and - the tile value on the letters, nothing yet. Any ideas?

  26. Patty,
    It's a Google level.

  27. Patty there are two x eggs in this level, not sure which one are you at now, but the method is similar (but different)

  28. Must not know what to google on KYD3 22 (first x). Tried x with scrabble word and found an Aboriginal painter, but doesn't work for answer. Not getting anything from definition of word. Tried many combo's, need a crumb.

  29. KYD 1 lvl 5
    Could you give a nudge for level 5 re**s?
    I don't get how to solve it. All I see on the pic is m**s sign.

  30. Alina,
    It's a movie/superhero.
    What is the material the sign is made of?
    And second part, yes it is M**

  31. TY ST ;)
    Burning mind with KYD 1 Lvl 5 Egg 1

  32. KYD3 22 (1st x): Sorry S-T, hasn't helped. f of numbers, letters, googled it with level word. Nothing is happening in my mind as usual.

  33. Alina,
    Every egg is a movie.
    The number is a two letter word.
    And just name the compass directions

    There are, when quite new and not lost tiles already, a certain amount of tiles/letters in your box. Like A 9x (that's what the x is hinting) etc.

  34. ? From 2 words I've played, 2 letters left over, and 1 word on this level, I see only A 4x.

  35. It's only about this egg/this picture.

    Google: scrabble tiles frequency

  36. KYD4 8
    Stuck with the first smelly egg, no idea what to do next

  37. Thanks s-t, the granny looks very very very horrible!

  38. KYD4 12
    This looks like a long long level. To get started, do I need to know everyone's full names and google them all? Thank you.

  39. You have to know who they are of course (hope the names on the pic helps a bit), and yes you need their surnames/last names.
    And find a way to put them in groups.

  40. Morning Keeper and ST. I never did manage to get back yesterday, so I've just seen your hint Keeper. Thanks for that.

  41. Thanks s-t for your confirmation, I'll work on it. I think I only know Harry Potter (even without his name!)

  42. KYD4 25. Well I made a right meal of that, but got there in the end. Thanks Keeper for staying with me.

  43. KYD4 G Looking at a blank page and the obvious g***** doesn't work. Nor does an actor with that first name. No idea.

  44. Are you sure it is KYD 4 ?
    The level G on KYD 4 has a picture of a scarecrow.
    On KYD 3 the title is a very big clue.

  45. Yes I meant KYD3 ST, sorry. I've been trying some things with the title. Will try some more.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. KYD4 12
    Finally completed this long level. Just curious who is Andrew as google didn't tell me anything about him.

  48. Keeper. I couldn't find him this time around either. Though I'm fairly sure I found him when I was playing this some time ago.

  49. I think you mean Andrea.
    That's Andrea Aureli.

  50. Thanks s-t, this makes my notes complete :)

    But I'm immediately stuck at the second poem of KYD4 13. Couldn't follow previous hint of "The place of the used letters in first poem will help you to find two more eggs in second poem"

  51. KYD4 13
    I did this by putting the two poems in a two column table and lining up the starts of each verse. I picked letters in the second poem by considering where the letters I had highlighted in the first poem were. There are two different ways to do this.

  52. KYD4 Bonus A I've been looking all over for places to hunt, but perhaps I need to stay where I am and get even more info.

  53. KYD2 doesn't matter what I try with my 4 numbers, I can't get anything useful from my 9 eggs. I'm sure it's not as complicated as I'm making it!

  54. vikkih there are 10 eggs on this level, each egg is independent from each other

  55. Keeper...I'm missing an egg?! That would explain why I've got myself in such a pickle, but don't know where to find it. Hmmm.

  56. Vikkih I found that when I was using the 4 numbers to pick letters, I had the + ones right, but I was one out on the two - numbers. Of course you can't be certain until you try which pair should be plus and which pair should be minus.

  57. Minkie, I thought that, because there are some that wouldn't work. I have so many groups of 4 letters written down, that I've probably made a silly mistake when I've tried the right one. If I'm missing an egg, is there one for the right 4, maybe?

  58. KYD2 25
    Vikkih I don't quite understand your question, but I'm pretty sure you haven't used those 4 numbers yet and they will give you your 10th egg. You are picking from the alphabet.

  59. KYD4 Bonus A.
    NVM got an egg now.

  60. vikkih yes I think you miss the 4-letter egg

    KYD4 15
    It's embarrassing to say this but I'm done with the playmates now and run out of idea for part 2. Is it still a google level?

  61. Minkie, sorry, thinking out loud, that's what I meant, that I'll get the 10th egg from using the 4 numbers correctly. Thank you :)

  62. Got it...thank you, so, so, much, for your help, and patience :D

  63. KYD4 15. Yes still a google level (probably) once you have two part 2 eggs.

  64. KYD4 B
    I've got a long string of genetic code which I've split into triplets. Not finding anything (except gibberish on dcode) and no idea where to go. Am I doing the wrong thing entirely?

  65. KYD3 4 I've counted, and split all kinds of ways, not sure what else to try, but seem to be missing the glaringly obvious, for a change.

  66. KYD4 B
    Never mind, moved on one egg (but for all the wrong reasons!).

  67. Vikkih. It's a colour. Think RGB.

  68. Minkie, I've never heard of that, before, this is very educational. Thank you!

  69. KYD3 22: Haven't had a chance to play today. Have just enough time to ask for more help on egg x. Have the first step with
    c------. Then have the board and have been trying to continue with frequencies--counting letters, pt values with and without board extra points. Haven't found anything to use. Am I still using frequencies? Tried taking tiles on board from tiles in box, but should only be 1 K and board shows 2. I'll never get through scrabble! SOS! Hope to be able to play Fri.

  70. Sometimes the tricky part is to put a very easy egg between more difficult ones. It seems to work, because you're overthinking :)
    Both (bonus egg and next egg) are very basic riddling. No Googling or counting at all.

  71. KYD4 17
    Tried fitting the letters in 6x9 or 9x6 grid but couldn't google anything meaningful. Am I missing some steps?

  72. It's a language, but I left the spaces out.

  73. KYD3 7 I've tried one rotation at a time, and using the level number, and anything else I could think of, but can't seem to get anything. There must be a pattern to follow, but I can't find it, if anyone could give me a (not-too-subtle) hint, please?

  74. 1,1 is the T bottom left.
    That T is normal so next direction normal too, so that's (5,4) 5 right and then 4 up and you land on the H.
    That H is rotated, so the next next direction is too. So the right side is the x-axis.
    So the 7,5 is starting bottom right. So from there go up 7 and then 5 left. You land on the E.
    Go on like that.

  75. Small-tool, thank you, I knew there'd be a clue in the fish, I really should have got that!

  76. KYD4 17
    s-t can I have a hint of what language? I think I've tried all languages which have the "acute" tops but didn't get anything meaningful.

  77. KYD4 17. What brought you to the level, Keeper.

  78. KYD4 E. If I google the level as a phrase and the animal I get a listing of a wiki page about the level which appears to include the animal. However, if I go to the page, there is no mention of the animal. I don't understand why this should happen. Is it worth pursuing this line?

  79. KYD4 E
    It's not a Google level, the answer is staring you right in the face. Just read.

  80. Thanks ST, I'd half ruled that out because the text is lifted from other pages. However, back for a more careful study :)

  81. KYD4 17
    Thank you minkie, I googled that guy but didn't know it
    was a language. At the egg with sheep, I thought the answer was s*****t but it wasn't.

  82. KYD4 H
    Stumped. Is that a "ring" rather than o, and are those really dates?

  83. It's not a ring, it's an O, but it's one of the letters from a yearly famous American thing using that font.
    The horizontal word/hint is helping you to name it.

  84. KYD4 K egg. I've been studying the photo using Jeffrey and lots of ImgOps categories. Not getting anything. Is there some other tool I should be using?

  85. Zoom in a bit, bottom left.
    It says, very faint; **=*
    (two letters = one other letter).

  86. Wow that IS faint. Thanks ST. I could only see it by tilting my screen back and forth. Can't make out the second letter, but there are only two options for that.

  87. KYD4 19
    Need a help on the "D" egg please. I've visited the hopefully right wiki page and got a lot of consonants. Don't know how to "keep low" (suppose it doesn't mean keeping those zeros?)

  88. Numbers can be letters, but it can be the other way around too!

  89. KYD4 L
    Very pleased to have got through this one without asking, but was there an easier way which didn't involve formulating really tricky searches?

  90. Yes, by being a physics nerd and knowing all those equations/formulas by heart :P

  91. Too long ago all that ST! Although proving that second one remains a nightmare to this day.

  92. KYD4 19
    For the "D" egg, is the answer 6-letter long?

  93. Keeper. It's 7 letters. I've just been looking back at my (untidy) notes and I'm not quite sure where my 7th letter came from - it must have made sense at the time. So perhaps try brute forcing it.

  94. Text (k*** ***) is 7 letters, therefor the answer is 7 letters.

  95. Remember now. One of the matches is "played" twice.

  96. KYD4 N Searching for a key that will work (so not j***). Will I find it on the level page?

  97. Use the numbers again, but make them (adding again) single digits.

  98. KYD 1 Lvl 5 Egg 1
    ST, I am stuck again. I read all the hints, but still no progress. What is meant by naming compass directions?Help me, don't blame for being dull.

  99. No, no, nobody is dull. It's not easy at all and especially when not a native speaker.
    The first compass is pointing North and the second one is pointing...?
    So the movie/answer is; north ** n****w***

  100. YAY done all the KYDs now except that last G level on KYD3. I'll leave that for tomorrow. Thanks so, so much ST for giving us all this fun and somewhere to communicate.

  101. Congrats :)

    There is a Kyd5 too, but I guess you already did that one.

  102. Yep. Done that. Just recently filled in a few gaps in my answers because with KYD5 it's possible to cheat a little bit ;)

  103. KYD1 18
    In order to decipher the gibberish "K*Y", I am trial and error with hidden 3letters.
    But it doesn't become a word.
    Could you give me a hint.

  104. KYD1 18. It's not quite trial and error Jan. Small-Tool commented somewhere that a key is usually a normal word. It's difficult for you to see with the language barrier. You could use this site:
    to find two words for your k***.

  105. KYD3 23: Have eggs 1 & 2 and a very nice sentence about
    Is this a riddle I need to solve. Tried using the opposite. Or do I need to find something else. Also, I'm concerned about the red letters on the level page and tried a DNA code from red luth. But coming up empty. And if it is a riddle to solve, I'm terrible at that as you should know by now! But I made it out of the scrabble game!

  106. You are overthinking Patty. You can use your nice sentence in a very straightforward way to get your third egg.

  107. Minkie, not getting it. Each straightforward way I've tried has been a dead end.

  108. KYD3 23.
    I guess you've got R**** i* i l*** l*********. The first two words don't really form part of a grammatical sentence, but the last three do.

  109. I need to write more legibly! Of course!
    Thank you!

  110. KYD3 23: I have eggs1,2,3,4,5, & 8. Been trying to count w/ & w/o spaces on names (given on level, real, stage). Need some guidance. Thanks.

  111. Patty If you've got eggs 5 and 8 you've seen a way of getting two eggs from one set of letters. Do the same on the other side.

  112. Yes, I believe I did that and thought it was egg 4 again. So I do have 7 as well. Missing egg 6.

  113. KYD3 23 Patty. Have you tried to use egg 5?

  114. Patty I've got to go. You actually have enough now to get to the next level, but using egg 5 will lead you up the same garden path that other's have followed. It may enlighten you too. To use it you need to look back to a level page which had rows and columns.

  115. No, other than ftf which didn't help. If the level title is important, I've found all the real names of people. And counted letters, etc. But some have 1 & 2 middle names to include or not?

  116. Ooo, wait, I just went back to another level, and will look at place.

  117. KYD3 9 I've seen the long sentence, so think I need to count and pick. Thought I was maybe looking for 8 letters, but can't get anything to work.

  118. How abut groups of 8, does that ring a bell?

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. In a way there are two kind of people.

  121. KYD4 20
    Picking double letters doesn't give me anything. I think I'm missing obvious here.

  122. It's a Google level.
    Most of them are 'double'
    You need the ones that are not.

  123. Oops, no the other way around.
    You need the double ones.

  124. Thanks s-t, does "double" mean "not single"? Most of them are married at least once.

  125. If there was another player with the nick Keeper, then you would be one of them :)

  126. Thank you s-t, I was looking for something completely irrelevant (facepalm)

  127. KYD3 G
    This is one of those levels for me - just not seeing it. The title might mean to use something from level 25 or F, the method from 25, the ends of urls. Tried all of those to exhaustion along with other wild stabs at possibly relevant words.

  128. How about using all the bonus levels?

  129. I've tried doing that and failed, but now I know where to focus. Thanks.

  130. All done now. Thanks again ST.

  131. KYD4 24
    Is it all about unit conversion after getting 3 eggs? I don't seem to get any close-to-integer numbers.

  132. KYD 24. It's a google level Keeper.

  133. Thanks minkie.

    KYD4 25
    Jumped from the level page to the part two egg. Did I miss a lot of things in part one??

  134. Nope, that's the way it should go (there are some confirmation eggs though), but there are two part two's to find!

  135. Thank you s-t, managed to brute force the other part two :)
    So close to the bonus levels but can't get anything out of the brain. Can I check which letter(s) is/are incorrect? Clockwise from top-left: nzezopzrzt

  136. Not sure what you did to get those letters Keeper. You seem to be over-complicating things.

  137. minkie the z's were meant to act like spoiler alert, sorry for the confusion. I've tried country names, anatomy terms, first names, last names, nothing gives me the right answer.

  138. You have eggs t******s and r*** right? If so, you've got all you need.

  139. Got to go now Keeper. Good luck.

  140. Minkie I've done lvl 25 and looking for the secret gateway in lvl 12. Got the r***** bonus egg and don't know what's the next step.

  141. Keeper,
    On the brain it's just telling you what letters to pick from the 5 main eggs.
    Like the 4th letter of the A**** egg.

  142. OMG I was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy overthinking again. I thought there was another new egg on the brain path!!

  143. Kyd3 23 (still): To review--I have eggs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and the rotten egg. Tried to go back to what I thought was meant by egg5 text. Thought I had good ideas about real names of members, stage names of members, or was the name of the band hinting to K.I.S.S.? Then thought I was on the wrong end of column and did the same thing for the top group. Again I didn't see anything usable, even after counting. Minkie suggested I had enough to move on, but I've tried things to do that and haven't gotten anywhere. No egg 6 or movement to next level.

    Congratulations Minkie for your accomplishment!! Hope you check back here now and then and take pity on us strugglers.

  144. Patty,
    I think you have all eggs.
    Egg 6 is a rotten one too.
    The columns and row things you can do indeed two ways. By making 1,1 top left or bottom left.
    You end up two different groups/bands then and both their frontmen are a (rotten) egg.
    But, all you got to is combine egg 7 and 8.
    Yes, 8 is a group/band too, just Google it.

  145. KYD4 A
    I'm probably stuck at where Minkie was stuck at before. I got three words (l/h/b) from the bunnies but they are not the answers.

  146. A bit harder for a non native speaker I guess, so put EY behind the L word and then Google who is H that B (with last name those 12 cute animals).

  147. KYD4 A I was stuck because I was trying to play around with words and letters and numbers. Wrong approach.

  148. Thank you! It took me this long to see the light.

  149. KYD3 24: I've managed to find 3 puzzle sets and have most of the puzzle. But missing some key puzzle pieces. Do I need to watch more than the first you tube video from "GO"? Have 1 from the text, 1 from the pics and 1 from the u tube video.

  150. It's two from the text.
    Info/text before and behind the word 'and'

  151. KYD3 10 egg 2 I really don't understand why I can't get this, there's not many things to pick from, but I must be missing something.

  152. KYD3 24: Would love to get this level before I shut things down. Have been trying to do what the puzzle asks, but not getting anything good. Been counting co---- and picking from the text and pic. Too many on some for the eggs. Thought I'd not hear from anyone until a.m., but will look forward to hearing from you whenever.

  153. KYD3 24 Patty read your eggs like instructions.

  154. Thank you, Minkie! I'd not have come up with that.

  155. KYD4 B
    At the egg that asks for the latin name of a bug. Tried a couple of things but none worked. In particular I'm confused with the "* minus *" thing. Can I have a hint please?

  156. It's about your first A and B answer, they are both genes, but the A one is not plural, so minus S.

  157. KYD4 B Ah, I'm glad to have that one cleared up. I guessed that answer, but feel better now I know the reason.

  158. KYD4 G
    It seems that I am the only one stuck at this level...

  159. KYD3: Trying to complete the levels, I skipped the 2 bonuses on 7 & 22, knowing they would come back to bite me in the arse. I've been studying the hints for both and working on them with no progress. 22) I see the url is super important but anagram doesn't work, synonyms either, abbreviations added to? And I can read too many letters on 7 without tilting my head. UGH!

  160. KYD4 G. The pic is a clue Keeper.

  161. KYD3 22. To find the bonus you need to be on the page where the url is c****** Patty. You seem to be on the next page.

  162. Yes, I'm on that level, just quoting Keeper about the importance of the url. Scrabble levels were torture for me!

  163. KYD3 22 I didn't use the url to find the bonus. Some letters are used more than once when you play scrabble.

    KYD3 7 The method of picking letters without tilting is straightforward, but it's ridiculously easy to miss some. I ended up copying the image into paint and colour coding the squares with the fill tool to make sure I got ALL the letters.

  164. Thanks, Minkie, in bonuses now.

  165. KYD3 B: Thought perhaps it had something to do with Judgement of Paris, Bottle Shock, tour de France, French cup. Picture must have significance--blurred outline, fuzzy border? Got nothing.

  166. It's cryptic, you're looking for a city.

  167. KYD3 C: Have read the hints above. Know the country, but I don't have to google anything to come up with the first and last name? Just from the pic?

  168. That's why you gave an egg! 20/20 vision now. Thanks!

  169. KYD3 G: So close, have seen the clue of what to use, but still eluding me. FTF, LTL, counting, sequence up & down. Need a little byte.

  170. No counting , no sequence etc.
    Just picking letters.
    The lasts.

  171. ? Still not there either with answers nor text, using a thru f/g.

  172. KYD4 M
    I've tried a lot of things (and "something else" as well) and got 2 bad eggs, running out of ideas what to translate.

  173. Facepalm

    Did translate it but didn't try as answer as I thought there were too many words/letters

  174. And I've completed KYD4!
    Just two questions:
    1. How to really solve the 4-letter egg on lvl 25?
    2. Towards the very end, can it be decoded by eyeball without using an online scanner?

  175. Congrats :)
    1) I guess you mean you didn't find the 4 letter egg on lvl 25, only the longer one.
    Well, it's not only the hands of the clocks that are changing in the picture. Look at/in the bell.
    2) I guess you mean level K. The letters in the pic are very faint, but it can be seen without software.

  176. s-t
    1. Still do not get it. Like the 3rd clock, googling the date in the bell gives me monkey day!
    2. I was referring to very last cipher in O. I thought it was like lvl 39 in RMT but couldn't solve it by hand/eyeball. For K, I was able to see all letters but not the sign, and your hints to minkie helped a bit :)

  177. Ah ok, that one in O, yep that's a regular barcode and you need an olnine barcode reader for that.

    The hands of the clock make (for this egg) years.
    Combined with what's inside the bell and combined with the text you can find 4 confirmation eggs and those will lead to the 4 letter word egg you missed.

  178. Thank you s-t, it's much clearer now!
    Will begin my journey in KYD5 tomorrow :)

  179. KYD5 6
    Well, I didn't manage to wait until tomorrow, and put myself into trouble very soon. I've only got egg 2, may I know how to get egg 1?

  180. Keeper, this one is sneaky. You probably did what I did (ftf) which didn't work. It's a bit like that, but one of the names is a bit different when written down.

  181. This comment has been removed by the author.

  182. You are on the right lines Keeper with the big guys. But as there is something particular about one of the names. The 8th big guy has a similar property.

  183. Thank you minkie. Picking that letter is a bit strange.

  184. There are confirmation eggs for all 12 people.
    On his confirmation egg it's explained/hinted.


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