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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. KYD1 9
    I saw all hints and stuck still on this level. I see patterns in the words, but I can't make 8th word. Help me, please!

  2. KYD1 9 Alina If you do first things first you may see three likely letters that your final word will start with. Try them out in a crossword solver online using the pattern you have seen.

  3. @minkie2020 Thanks, on lvl 10

  4. @minkie Thank you for the KYD1 18 hint.
    I am solving this riddle at a slow pace.
    KYD1 25
    Each picture and clause of are linked.
    What is the first step in solving this level?

  5. KYD1 25 Jan. The information you need is in the pictures. It's about counting lines.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. KYD5 11
    Have got 2 eggs so far and no idea what is A and B. Google gives me a lot of random stuff.

  8. s-t I did it before but only got things like some scenarios or a character called A*****e B****n. These don't seem to be useful.

  9. I mean the egg without A and B on it.
    The the**** egg.
    Google it with what stands out on the pic.

  10. Oh then I must have missed an egg, my eggs start with "r" and "c".

  11. The C egg is from the potions.
    Find out where they come from to get the other egg.
    The R egg is (one of the seven) a confirmation egg. Or... without finding the second egg you already found the last egg somehow (also starts with R) and then it's just granny.

  12. Thank you s-t, I realised immediately when I googled the potions all over again. I just thought that they all come from the R egg.

  13. Minkie,Keeper thank you😄
    KYD1 25 Cleared.
    Thank you for yours continued support.

  14. Well done Jan! And welcome.

  15. Congrats jan :)

    KYD5 15
    I've got three bad eggs already. I thought it might be a read out loud level, but there's no such letter, and it's also not related to a NZ band.

  16. Keeper from the level page you should get a confirmation egg rather than a bad egg. Do you have that?

  17. minkie yes, in fact it's written in my language!!!

  18. Ah, I was wondering about that :). Then you need to stay where you are. It's about zooming in geographically.

  19. Keeper, I've just found some bad eggs which I never found before. So my advice above may be misleading. Try closer to home.

  20. Thank you minkie. The eggs I got were around the original one :)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. KYD5 22
    Need a hint please. Is it about ele*****n? And the 5th place is quite google-unfriendly.

  23. KYD5 22. Not sure what your ele*****n is Keeper. To start off just type what you see.

  24. It's not about ele*****n.
    The picture is a BIG hint.

  25. Thanks both. Need another big hint on KYD5 23. Have picked/counted everywhere but couldn't get egg 3.

  26. KYD5 23 Not picking. Look at where the letters of one of your other eggs game from.

  27. Thanks minkie. I guess you mean where the letters of egg 2 come from? I counted them and got some nice letters but they don't form a word. Should I be looking at somewhere else?

  28. No Keeper, I mean where the letters of egg 1 came from.

  29. Sorry, I've been unclear because I didn't study my notes carefully enough. Use egg 1, look across each line.

  30. Thank you minkie, this is tricky

  31. KYD4 6: Have egg and 1 rotten one. Have tried lots of things, but can't find anything else.

  32. KYD4 6 Patty, on the level page you may need some alternative thinking about which are the d*** and which are the y****.

  33. Minkie, according to Nord., I've been using only the first 2 numbers of each d---, as the y--- (3rd) doesn't matter. Is that right?

  34. So haven't been able to move past the egg (m-----) or bad egg (m-----). Supposed to be another rotten egg which I haven't found or anything else good to try. Have used letters of good egg word, number of them, have run out of trials.

  35. Patty. I haven't got the bad eggs because I remembered how this worked, so didn't go looking. Your d** numbers seem too big. You need to carry the excess forward.

  36. Yes, I did that based on the number of days in the m---- given and carried the excess to the next m----. That's how I ended up with a rotten egg from those m----'s letters and the carryover numbers do not give me a good word.

  37. KYD3 6. I've got your rotten egg now, so I see what's gone wrong. You should not use firsts of the m******, but something further along.

  38. Thank you! I'll work on that in a bit!

  39. Minkie, you're a lifesaver. I knew what to do as soon as I got your note. There are so many tricks to Small-Tool's trade and my problem is I have CRS disease (can't remember s---)!

  40. LOL Patty. I think lot's of us have that.

  41. KYD4 8: Have 2 eggs, last is black & white pic of Keanu. Is that a rebus? I've tried several things, but getting nowhere.

  42. Thanks! Making it harder than it was.

  43. KYD5 25.24
    Ok, now I'm scared, very scared!
    Are there any eggs to find? Haven't been able to name them all but obviously FTF is not going to work.

  44. I hope you don't suffer of Fear of small(tool) things, like me, after this riddle. Firsts should lead you to an egg though.

  45. dutchie long time no see :)
    I don't get any vowels from the firsts. My words start with r, s/f, b, b, t/p, d, s, m/r and r. Most (or even all) of them must be wrong

  46. Hi Keeper :) You have three of them right: r, ?, ?, ?,t ?, ?, m and ?
    There is a useful wikipage about Ph....'s.

  47. Thank you dutchie

    The nightmare is finally over and I can go back to watch some brainless TV programmes :)

    Thanks s-t, minkie and patty for your hints and support :)

  48. Congrats Keeper, very well done :)
    Lol, don't watch too many brainless s**t, you might need your brain again :)

  49. Well done Keeper!

    Just now I'm going to check out what you and dutchie have been saying about 24. I've solved it before, and know what the answer is, but I've completely forgotten how I got there.

  50. That's satisfying. My last loose end tied up now. Thanks Dutchie.

  51. I still have one loose end - the lizard game. Will try it again while watching TV!

  52. For the lizard game, I still end up having too many papers. Can I know which one is wrong? I/N/D/T/C/O/B

  53. Lizard game: remind me what level that is Keeper, though I may not be able to help since I'm away from my notes.

  54. Oops probably too late, I got my time difference wrong.

  55. KYD2 17 If I remember correctly Keeper, your B is wrong.

  56. KYD4 10: This level has been toying with me most of the afternoon. Have 2 eggs h---- and l----. Have noticed the large matches, but no matter how I increase their value (2X, 3X,4X,. . .)
    I don't get anything good. Have tried using it as a directional sign and counting only those with the same direction. Still nothing. And some are pointed left and others right, and the diagonal ones are a different shade of yellow. Aaahh! More I search the worse it gets.

  57. Also, Big Congrats, Keeper!!

  58. Did you look at the first numbers?
    Did you do the maths with the matches?

  59. With 1st nos. I have 3 eggs, did math and count for other 2. Know I'm still missing an egg before part B.

  60. Two kind of maths.
    Adding all in a row, but also matches + matches = ?

  61. I got the egg h---- by adding the matches + matches.
    Counted all in a row to get l----. And 1st nos. gave c----.
    Counting just the no. matches gave me loehi. The h has a large match in it that I tried multiples of and didn't help.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Lol, don't think I put rot in it :)

  64. Thank you, I made it to KYD4 10 part 2 and will see what I can do. Probably be back tomorrow with more questions. Have a good night!

  65. It was just that the operators add or substract 4 ST.

  66. Ah ok, yep that's a way to make it work as well.

  67. KYD2 17. You will be up before me tomorrow Keeper, so I will add this. It may be difficult for you to see it, as English is not your first language. Your B word combines with one of the categories to make a single word.

  68. Thank you minkie, I changed D from paper to SP and F from SP to SC, and everything worked!

    PS I made a typo last night (coz watching TV!), the last paper should be P not B

  69. YAY, another Blue finisher \0/ \0/
    Clio solved the bonus levels too and is now in the

    Ballroom of Bigshots
    Congrats, very well done :)

  70. KYD4 10 part2: I should have gone ahead last night and asked the question. As soon as I saw the picture of the gold crown, all I could think of was corona. . . and my head wouldn't let go. Now I haven't had any other thoughts. Is it a rebus? Is it a choice with the text? Need some insight.

  71. patty there are two eggs in part 2

  72. Thanks, Keeper, but I need help to get one. Just staring at the gold crown now.

  73. I'd thought KYD4 10 part 2 was a bit strange. I didn't get any eggs (looking for them now). I went straight to the answer.

  74. You can count on your eggs for the other egg

  75. Thanks, guys, just got it! Back later.

  76. Sananas, try to go back to the level page and read the level title differently.

  77. Make/read the 'and' as +
    Not even an angram then :)

  78. In some levels being a native English speaker is an advantage, but small-tool's riddle requires more of your imagination :)

    For example, read the title as xxxx xxx xx

  79. Sananas. You need to do it in the "chopped up word" way to get to another egg that you can use. Think of the text as three words.

  80. KYD4 15 Part 2: have two eggs that have given me 1 letter and 3 letters, respectively. One wants "born"-- smokes? Earl? The other wants "world record"--time of swim (m or f)? year? boobie size? I've worked with some nos. from those options and tried to combine with given letters. But wrong! Need some direction. Thanks!

  81. Patty you need a name again like you have done for the others.

  82. Minkie, thank you! Moving on. . .slow but sure?

  83. KYD4 16: Last egg, I believe, down to 5 letter word and supposed to end as we began with a s-----. Have gone through a list of those for the pictured item to no avail. Can't help thinking I need to lose another letter, but failed there too. Where to look.

  84. Combine picture and url in your Google search.

  85. KYD4 20: I've been "studying" this one all day. Do doubles include person & their drink or person & their rose? How about father or son with same name that are not on Wiki but in bio?
    To try and get an answer I've just been trying with first names, since that's where the statement is, but should I also include last? Having lots of problems with this one.

  86. Patty, very glad to see you. Going stir-crazy thinking no-one will show up today. Drinks? Roses? Overcomplicating. It's all about what wiki thinks is ambiguous.

  87. So even though there is more than one listing about the same person is that ambiguous?

  88. If there is a disambiguation page for the name, that is interesting to you.

  89. I found only 2 (AE & MD) with a disambiguous page in wiki. I must be doing something wrong.

  90. those two are right.
    You should find another. But ignore ones that aren't duplicate personal names.

  91. The drummer guy (Roger) is super disambiguous.
    Not only a lot of hims (lol is that plural?), but he's even two times a drummer :)

  92. Thank you, Minkie. Glad you were around. I had the 3rd one earlier, but left it out when I was looking for a literal"disambig..." page. Have a good evening.

  93. KYD3 24 Having another of my dull moments. I have the puzzle, and have the 4 eggs. I've been trying to do what I think the eggs are telling me, but whatever I try I end up with way too many vowels. What am I missing, please?
    Bear in mind that I spent 5 days looking for a one word answer to level 10, before I tried my original, 2 word, answer out of sheer frustration. That is the level of dull you are dealing with ;)

  94. Some eggs are read as two words, and some are three

  95. Thank you, Keeper, I'll have a look at that.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. KYD4 21: Had a question previously about the blue egg, but figured it out only to be stumped on the green egg. Have tried to do things with all the colored eggs, but nothing yet. Need something to get be past.

  98. Patty. Park that egg for now. You need to go back to the level page.

  99. Not as bad as it sounds :)

  100. Back at level page. Tried combining referred levels with green egg, some sequencing, etc. I got nothing. Hidden message I'm not seeing?

  101. Ignore the eggs. There's a clue in the title, and indeed in the pic.

  102. I know the Shakespeare quote is "such stuff. . .", but not getting it. Have tried using what's in pic like stars, dust, think I'm off base.

  103. Levels 7, 14 and this level have all used the same thing.

  104. The sixth line has the fewest.

  105. Yes, I'm having one now!! Thank you!!

  106. KYD4 22: I've been trying to use M---- on the brick wall. Is it correct that each word in the egg answer is a letter in the said code? & that would mean a 4 letter word to add? Having trouble with the "beat".

  107. That's right. And you are adding 4 letters, but not a word.

  108. Oh, maybe, that will help. No granny?

  109. Yes, got it with granny's help!

  110. I've just finished the KYD3 bonus levels. However, I skipped straight from level A to C. Could I have a hint for how to do A properly, please?

  111. Look for extra letters Vikkih

  112. Thanks, Minkie, thought I tried that...overthunk as usual, which is how I managed to get to C!

  113. KYD4 23: Egg n-----. Same numbers as last egg, what to do?
    Have tried last names, sequence from names, added to egg name. No go.

  114. Patty. Have you got two eggs? If not, check out the characters.

  115. Yes, have eggs with n and a.

  116. KYD4 23. Ah, I see that you do have two eggs. Use the egg urls.

  117. Good one S-T, another trick to his trade! Thanks, Minkie. Stopping here for the day. Evening chores (at barn) about to begin.

  118. KYD4 25: All I have is a rotten egg and I can't figure out what to do. If anyone checks in, please leave a hint and maybe I can get somewhere tomorrow! (Still on the main level page.)

  119. Patty You've got some numbers which you can use in two different ways. One way gives you an 8 letter word. The other way leads to some googling.

  120. Is strife no longer playable?
    I was up to level 8, entered a not 100% sure answer, got directed to a page with a "continue" button, clicked the button, and that page was broken :(

  121. Keeper, that happened to me some time ago. And yes the links are broken now, so no longer playable. ST sent a comment about what games are still playable - I'll go looking for it now.

  122. Keeper, other than the KYDs and Torture, which I know you've already played, the other ones still playable are:

    SadisT riddle

    50 Shades of Small

    Crash Course Conundrum

    The are all on

  123. Thanks minkie. I've done shades and CCC before. For sadist, I remember it was very difficult and quit very early, but will go back and give it another try!

  124. I'll join you there (in a bit - I've got some chores just now).

  125. Oh minkie, the very difficult riddle that I mentioned earlier was Small Tool Riddle but it looks like broken already.

  126. I think that one's OK Keeper.

  127. KYD4 lvl A: Thought I was doing good + & - from letters on grid that gave me 3 good words, but useless. Then did the same to the letters from the other bunnies in lvl 15. That didn't work. What to do??

  128. KYD4 A You did the same wrong things as me Patty ;). You are looking for a character that hunts b*** + the cute animals you can see.

  129. Thank heaven, you saved me from trying to identify all those cute rascals!

  130. KYD4 C: Have a red egg with 5 colors and 5 numbers. Haven't been able to get anything from that, nor with any of the numbers from the level page. Identified the money on level page and that led nowhere as well.

  131. Patty do you remember an earlier level with coloured eggs that led to a dead end?

  132. Yes, I was asking about that on a previous day. Let me go a searching. Thanks.

  133. KYD4 C: Egg b------ with ABBA . . .
    Tried adding 2 letters by connecting corresponding letters from the egg name on the level page, also from $ name and c------, but haven't had any luck. Nord. hints at an album, but can't find a good one.

  134. Lol Patty, only did this a few days ago, and I've already forgotten how I got past that. Working on it now.

  135. KYD4 C abba egg.
    I remember it was important that the url letters were all early in the alphabet. I'm looking for what I applied that to.

  136. Thanks, Minkie, I've also tried using the 1-2-2-1 letters on the level page to get letters, but haven't gotten anything that way either. Probably won't get to it today. But will go at it again tomorrow.

  137. If you've made a picture to get your b******, the easiest way is to use it again. Use the numbers you found to pick.

  138. KYD4 C Doing it again has just netted me an egg that I skipped over before! So thanks Patty :)

  139. KYD4 C: Still in same place ( 1st abba egg). I am using picture as alluded to by Minkie that got me to this url. I am drawing lines from a-b-b-a and using the letters that I cross. Doing it in two different directions, but not getting any words with the letters. The text to me is hinting at 7 letters (abba . . .). I end up with more than that on the line and if I only use the letters that are hit center mass a non-usable word. I must be on the wrong line!

  140. Patty, forget about ABBA for now, you need to go back to the combined pic and find two more eggs. Minkie gave a good hint above (4/28/20, 1:24 PM).

  141. Thanks, Keeper, I'lll give it a go as soon as I can get back.

  142. KYD4 C: Still same place I was, not sure how to get new letters. Have tried connecting the likes, i.e. 1 to 1, 2 to 2, but some gave me several letters and all did not give a word. Also tried going from 2 to 5, 5 to 1, etc. Fell short there as well. Not sure what to do.

  143. Overcomplicating again Patty. Use your numbers to pick letters from words.

  144. Of course, I am--that's my way. But I'm still not getting anything. I've tried l to r using the nos. from B-word on the co------- and also the $$. Neither way gave me a word. Then I tried using the no. from the C... or the $ that gave me that no. And still getting zilch.

  145. Hold that, just got an egg. Will try again.

  146. Wow! It was a struggle, Minkie & Keeper, but I finally made it to D.
    If only I'd learn to K.I.S.S.! THANK YOU for your continued assistance.

  147. KYD G: Saw hint for Keeper about the pic being a clue, but guess I need another hint. All I get is blue Ts.

  148. Look at the arms, Patty. Or rather the hands.

  149. Here in the states the horns down gesture is a derogatory insult to a certain football team. Doubt if that's where this is going. I'm clueless. Even though I've been googling frantically. The Blue Scarecrow is a melody by David Carroll, etc. . .

  150. KISS, KISS, KISS, Patty. No googling.

  151. Too stupid to know how. Don't even know if I need a sentence about the text, just a word, Really, clueless. I know sometimes we've had to restate the text in simple terms and then use FTF, but . . . ?

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Yes, you may want to delete that! Thank you, so much!
    Probably won't be back until Friday. Will give H a look to finish time today.

  154. I'm slowly working my way through the levels and made it to 23. When I went back to work on it today the level comes up as Error 404. I went back to try other levels and anything over level 15 shows the same error. Is there an issue with the website?

  155. Everything works ok here, so maybe a (temp) problem in your area or with your browser.
    But, did you bookmark the levels or did you only write down the answers. If only saved your answers and now trying them again, then it won't work on the url the game starts with.
    In other words the basic folder of the first 15 levels is another folder as the next levels.
    It changes about every 15 levels.
    So, if that's the case then at least bookmark the intermissions pages, so you can click there to get the new url folder.

  156. Thank you, s-t. I didn't realize the intermissions changed the url. I'll go back and see where I missed the address change.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. Sorry for all the deleted posts. As soon as I'd ask a question, I would figure it out! Finished KYD4 today!! I figure I'll still be working on KYD5 while we are still quarantined. Thanks, so much S-T for allowing us to play here! It has been fun.

  161. Well done Patty! I figured that was was happening and I regarded those deletions as signs of your victories :)

  162. Lol, it seems you had a lot of POP moments. Those little aha moments are the best :)

    Congrats, very well done :)

  163. Hi!
    KYD3 14 I know that each celebrity's first name is a p**ce n**e, but I don't know what they have in common.
    Could you give me a hint?

  164. Jan, do you have any eggs? You should find two from the level page. The one you get from the p***e n***s will give you a hint.

  165. jan FTF those common things should give you an egg

  166. Thank you minkie, keeper.
    I only have rotten eggs from my last name.
    First of all, I think the way to get EGG is "common".
    This p*ace n*me, the n*me of the country, the n*me of the capital, etc., but are different😫
    Give me a little more tips for EGG.

  167. Jan For now you just need to do ftf on the p***e n***s you have found, then go to granny.

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Jan, when you see the above comment, please reply, then I will delete it. I forgot to use asterisks.

  170. minkie thanks.
    Sorry. Picking up the second person from the left from 'm***le n**e' doesn't make grandma smile.
    Because the actress of the black and white photograph and the real name are "M***le n**e", it is replaced, too.

  171. Jan, you don't need m***le n**es. Just f***t or l**t.

  172. Thank you minkie😆
    I switched ideas and got fresh eggs.
    Let's think about what the egg is saying.

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. KYD5 5: Have been trying to do the math, but not getting it. Converting answer after X and / = nothing I can make sense of.
    Need some tutoring.

  175. Not sure quite what you mean Patty, but the only X I can see is an X, not multiplication.

  176. I don't know why I read the X as times!
    "But" now I'm stuck at the pun.

  177. One of my favourite English words this Patty. Math used to be connected with harvesting fields. And when the harvest was done, you were a**** the math.

  178. Thanks, Minkie! I don't think I'd have come up with that.

  179. Yay, yay, yay, another finisher \0/ \0/
    Iff finished the 50 levels and the 10 bonus and is now in the
    Hall of Fame and the Ballroom of Bigshots
    CONGRATS, very, very well done :)

  180. Iff Congrats.well done😄

    KYD3 16
    From minkie's previous comments, I'm looking all over the toolshed of ST,
    I can only find "p*g p*n".
    Am I also mistaken?

  181. KYD3 16. Jan, a little further up in the toolshed you'll find a p** product.

  182. minkie,KYD3 16
    Is it "P*g Latin translator" of "red luth"?
    I'm confused.

  183. jan, it's something made of pig (e.g. ham, sausage, etc.)

  184. KYD5 8: Have the 2 easy rotten eggs, but don't know how to go further. If I include letters from the non-"level up" U---, it's too many. (I've tried.) And can't even fathom the eggs as well. Thinking it might be a trick of the trade, but I'm not in that trade. And stuck.


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