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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Patty: none of the letters you are looking for could come after P in the alphabet.

  2. I don't understand how to arrive at that hint? And not getting anything from my letters.

  3. Patty I was hinting that you need to use the 16 letter u***. Pick and count.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Just saw that after I posted, ergo, the delete. Thanks!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. KYD5 10; 1st egg--been staring at it long enough. Where to next?

  9. KYD5 13: At what am I looking?

  10. Patty you are looking at symbols which you can enter as you type if you use an alternative key.

  11. KYD5 14: All I have is a rotten egg. Appears to be related to typewriter keys, but have tried keystrokes of neighboring keys and not getting anything. Also cannot find a word from any 6 keys as pictured. Or taking keystrokes similar to the dialogue shown.

  12. patty a little bit of imagination may be needed, but you will feel it when you are on the right track

  13. Oh I just managed to solve this level in a more reasonable way (thanks patty for bringing me back to this level!), if you look up instead of look down you don't need any imagination

  14. Keeper, no imagination here and other than url see nothing looking up. Going to need a little yabba dabba doo inspiration.

  15. Patty, imagine your fingers being what it says in the url.

  16. Aah! Thank you! I'll see where that goes.

  17. patty, I should have said look middle, the pic + their conversation is all you need. Do you feel that the pic looks like something you have used many times in s-t's riddles?

  18. Keeper, sorry I didn't reply but I got it right away from your mentioning of fingers. Now working on KYD5 16. Have found 3 eggs, 2 sets of math (that don't add up). Think I must be missing an egg.

  19. Patty, you can use those two sets to do some math and get an egg. You need to do some translation on one of the sets first. And there are other eggs to find from the level.

  20. Didn't read your comment carefully enough, Patty. You are only looking for one more egg from the level.

  21. KYD5 16: Still trying to translate the first set of math (1+1). Tried a number of things, but nothing works with the 2nd math set.
    Also my 3rd egg "G", what to do with it? I found a slide of it in a presentation, but the name of presenter doesn't work.

  22. You are trying to translate the correct egg Patty. Do you remember what LTONTOL meant in an earlier riddle? Your g egg will make sense when you have the other egg. This time I'm not telling you to use 16 letter URLs.

  23. KYD5 16: I know what LtoNtoL's means, and I've tried it on the egg Url, the levels urls (not the 16 letter ones). 1st letters, sequence letters, but failing. And doesn't the 6th math equation eliminate it??

  24. Patty. a) Your first suggestion is close. You've got two eggs, remember.
    b) Look more carefully at those long URLs. Not all 16 this time.

  25. I'll keep working. Probably won't get back to it until tomorrow. Thanks.

  26. KYD3-18
    I don't know what to do.
    Please give me a hint.

  27. jan, the url is a hint and you need to do some maths

  28. KYD5 16: Yes, still here. Have 4 eggs now C, C, C, & G. Do not know what to combine with G (I assume) to get another egg or step. Granny's not helping. Using math nos. on URLs isn't working. Tried lengths of URLs to letters = 0. If I need to use the pic for the last C egg from the math, I've tried several words for what I see. But sorry to say I need another hint or I'll be stuck all day.

  29. You probably made a mistake counting the url lengths, because that's the way to go to find the egg to combine with your G egg.

  30. Thanks, I'll count yet again. Maybe use toes this time!

  31. KYD5 16: Wow! S-T, didn't know where that was headed, but made it thru. Wasn't counting error, but my "C" scratch-writing that was the problem!

  32. I've realised that I never did KYD3 20 properly. I used hints on Nordinho to get the egg c**** and worked backwards to the egg w*****. But that last egg doesn't seem to relate to the emojis however many possible names for them I try. The official names of the emojis don't help and anyway the bandana one isn't an emoji at all as far as I can make out. What am I missing?

  33. Yay, very well done, Patty.
    Didn't know the writing expression, but funny though, in my language it's the rooster writing like that :)

    Minkie, The bandana one is a kind of Emoji, it's the just the country.
    From left to right (like how you read) it's no anagram.
    The first 3 are quite normal ones, the 6th one normal as well, but sometimes, like here that one is without the Stick Out part.

  34. Thanks ST. I'll try again.

  35. My last loose end tied up now I think, so thanks ST.

  36. KYD5 18: I'm going to need a little something. Have rotten egg from FTF. Tried a variety of things, but not getting anywhere--sinking fast.

  37. @keeper
    Thank you for KYD3 18 hint😄

  38. Patty, KYD5 18. It's a bit like "theurls"

  39. KYD5 18: OK, throw me a life preserver, I'm starting to drown. Am I looking for only US or does the test title indicate no. of letters and position? If the latter, where do I pick from--tried the text, but didn't work. Position of USs in text doesn't help. URLs too many choices; which ones?

  40. You've said exactly what you need to do Patty with the *text title on the text. It should work. Start again with each line of text.

  41. KYD5 21: What have I missed??

  42. Hi Patty, I was feeling half guilty that I might have left you to sink!
    You've missed something very literal. The devious ST has used this sort of trick before ;)

  43. I've been looking for that, but haven't found it yet. Tried rephrasing answer as a guess to no avail. And thank you for being there!!

  44. KYD5 22: Have eggs 0-5, but trying to sequence them (w/o 0) or FTF hasn't given me anything good.

  45. KYD5 22 Patty, 1-5 may not look good, but have you actually tried it?

  46. Of course not, once again new vocab! Thanks, about it for today.

  47. You are as regular as clockwork Patty :) Off to your barn, I guess.

  48. KYD5 23: I have 4 eggs with the 4 sets of numbers +/-.
    I've tried them by themselves, also with letters from egg 1, as that seems to be a starting point. But nothing so far. Tried other things that haven't led anywhere. Am I missing another set of numbers?

  49. Minkie, just read your note from yesterday. Yes, regularity is key to keeping animals healthy! They run the show and have ME well trained!

  50. You can use your 4 eggs to get two further eggs Patty. You should have got one from your numbers. For the other: there's a reason the eggs are numbered.

  51. Same here, Patty, in a minor way.

  52. Ugh, simple math error that I kept making the couple times I double checked! Now have part 2.

  53. Made it to lvl 25! Looks like I'll be here a while longer! LOL!

  54. Don't worry, you'll sail through most of these Patty.

  55. KYD5 25.13: Well, I think I'm supposed to be in Notting Hill, London, but doesn't seem to be anything I've entered thus far. Am I way off base??

  56. Patty, you need to be more specific, like a building.

  57. I had just used the name with theater instead of its correct last name! So close.

  58. KYD5 25.22: I've been looking down for quite a while, but not getting anywhere. Position on keyboard didn't reveal possible semaphores, drawing them out didn't give anything readable. Am I headed down the wrong hole?

  59. NM, Think I'm onto something.

  60. Patty, it looks like you are making some good progress
    Can't wait to see you down here when I wake up tomorrow morning :)

  61. Thanks, Keeper, looks like we're all headed there in a hand-basket!

  62. Just an update. . . I finished and yes, I am the answer to 25.25!
    Thanks to S-T for creating a very challenging series in KYD. Special thanks to Minkie and Keeper for helping me through this "Journey". See you on the next go round, hopefully!

  63. Very well done Patty! And yes, I hope so.

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  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. PS Jan: I know you are making quiet progress,so I will check back here from time to time to see if you need help.

  67. Yay congrats \0/ \0/
    Very well done, Patty :)

  68. Btw, about '...See you on the next go round, hopefully!...' just this week I finished beta-testing a great riddle. I hope the maker will post it soon :)

    Me myself I'm working a new one, but it's not going fast (hard to come up with original ideas, made so many already). Anyway, 17 levels ready so far and here's a picture (only the picture, so no use in trying to solve it without the essential info) of one of the levels:

    The Return of the Nightmare Pyramid :P

  69. You've got to be kidding!! I still have nightmares of the TTT pyramids.

  70. Please tell me this is just a joke!!

  71. The stuff of my nightmares, that pyramid, ST! Looking forward to see what fresh ideas your ingenious brain can come up with :)

  72. Looking forward to playing the riddle that you beta-tested ST. Yayy.

    p.s Also trying to find a spare sarcophagus in an empty pyramid, so I know I am safely tucked in and need ever find my way out.

  73. ST Do you know where your friend's riddle will be hosted? I hope here, or somewhere easily accessible, cos I still don't seem to have rights to post on Nordinho.

  74. KYD2-21 BA egg 
    I've read past comment tips,
    I haven't found a "hidden little hint" in BA egg.
    Could you give me a hint?

  75. KYD 2--21: Hi, Jan, not sure what you mean by BA egg, but if it is the bucket egg--the emblem on it stands for a large group. Google the emblem and you'll find it. (I thought it stood for a compass--not.)

  76. Jan, ok found BA egg. See the word on the pic. Use the large group and that word to get where you want to go.

  77. Hi! Patty,
    Thank you very much. KYD2-21 BAegg correct.😄

  78. KYD2 25
    I've checked nine eggs and a tenth egg, but i don't get anything to put the letters together using the numbers of each egg.
    I think it's probably because I don't know the meaning of the text sentence of the tenth egg.
    Can someone give you some advice?

  79. KYD2 25: Jan, the numbers on the tic tac toe board tells you what letter to pick from each of the text words that go with the picture on the tic tac toe board. That should lead you to the answer. That's what I recall, but I'll go back and check for sure. Good luck!

  80. Hi Jan, I've just been checking too. I think the reason you are finding this difficult is that the answer is two words, so you won't find it in some anagram solvers. It does show up in

  81. Patty, minkie, thank you so much! I was able to clear it😂
    I always tried that solver but not this time.
    At the same time solving KYD3 24. Also, I may ask for help.
    At that time, I would appreciate your favor😊

  82. YAY Jan, well done, and that's a huge jump to kyd3 24. Ask if you need help.

  83. KYD3 E
    I tried text with "R*t c*ph**", but I get nothing.
    Please give me a hint.

  84. KYD3 E. It's a cryptogram Jan, which will be difficult for you given the language barrier. There's a solver on this site:
    Cryptogram Helper - Hanging Hyena. To get started, I would suggest putting in the second word and looking for a likely word from the possible solutions.

  85. For KYD3 E, actually I got the answer directly without solving the text, and went back to solve the text for completeness (and fun) only

  86. Thank you Minkie!😄
    Red Luth had the tool, so i was able to get it right.
    BonusG is over and i'm thinking about what to do with c's rotten eggs at the place of "congrats".
    Also, please comment when you have time.

    Well, KYD3 D, I was able to answer correctly by chance.
    I'd be happy if you could tell me why you can lead that answer.

  87. Hi Jan (if I understand you correctly) there's one rotten egg at C which adds one letter. You can make 3 words from your letters. 2-3-3.

    On KYD3 D, I think it's because he has a very short nickname most of which is missing.

  88. Yes KYD3 D is about the missing letters.
    I'm (here's 1 letter missing)
    'cause (here are 2 letters missing).

    About the riddle I beta-tested,
    It's gonna be posted asap (was even planned for today), but it's still very hard to contact EG24 :(
    But, we will find a way for sure :)

  89. I think this lockdown is reducing my powers of attention by the day - I'd forgotten about the "I'm".
    Good news about that riddle ST :)

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  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. I am so stuck on level 45! I read all of the previous comments and know I'm missing something obvious. I have all 10 eggs but can't figure out how to find the rotten eggs. For the first trip I get 19 hours. Is that correct and what do I do with that? I tried converting and using granny with everything I could see on the boarding pass but no luck. Help!

  93. JB Blue riddle 45. You can get a rotten egg without using granny, but it is three words.

    For the real answer, 19 is not right. You need to adjust for where the two places are to get the real flight time.

  94. Thank you Minkie. Do I need the rotten egg to move on? I get 20 for the real answer on the first trip but have no idea what to do with that number.

  95. JB. No you don't need the rotten egg to move on. I can't find my notes on this, and can't work through it again just now, but 20 is certainly correct for one of the trips (I think the first). You need ten of them. If you are still stuck tomorrow, I'll redo the level.

  96. Hi guys :)
    Tomorrow around 2 pm GMT Dutchie her riddle will be posted. So do check the EG24 homepage around that time, it will be fun :)

  97. Minkie - I think I finally understand the answer. It will take a bit of time to work through all 10 then visit granny.Please let me know if this is incorrect and thank you for your help.

  98. JB I've just been going through this level again. I got in a bit of a mess at first because I didn't take account of the month the flights were in (not all the countries change clocks for daylight saving). No need to visit granny for the right answer.

  99. Yes! I finally solved 45. Thank you again for your help, Minkie. I think I'll come back to this riddle after I try my hand at Dutchies's new one.

  100. Well done JB :) Come and get stuck with the rest of us in Dutchie's puzzle.

  101. Hi!
    KYD4 25
    Part two egg confirmed. How do I check Part one egg?

    KYD5 25 sub19
    I think "R****E" is the key word, but I don't know how to use it.
    If it is wrong idea, please give me a good hint.

  102. KYD4 25 - look carefully at the bell.

    KYD5 25.19 - pay attention to who sent you this email.

  103. Thank you keeper!
    KYD5 25 sub19 correct answer. This level was scales from the eyes.
    KYD4 25 has not been solved yet.
    Flashing confirmed. However, I searched for it and left it in granmama, but I got nothing.
    Please give me a little more advice.

  104. Sorry. Let me ask you another level.
    KYD5 25 sub22
    I read "Keeper's comment 5/8/20, 8:34 AM", but it's too abstract for me to understand.
    Could you give us some hints?
    Is this "s***p***e" of "k**b***d"?

  105. KYD4 25 Now you should have all you need - year, month, (date). You can find the answers from wiki and there is confirmation egg for each of them.

    KYD5 25.22 Not sure what you mean by s********, anyway it's about the k*******

  106. keeper Thank you for the hint.
    KYD4 25 I got the correct answer. Bonus level will be challenged a little later.

    Is there a confirmed egg for KYD5 25-sub24?
    I can't find any eggs.
    There seems to be a list of "wikipage about Ph....'s." in the dutchie comment,
    Can you tell me what Ph....'s is?

  107. ST Thank you. I was able to correct it immediately.
    Well, KYD5 25sub25,
    From the bold sentence, I thought that it was a word related to "graduation" from the place where I said this saying, but it seems to be different.
    I read a lot about the wiki of the drama he appeared in, but nothing comes to mind.
    Can someone give me a good tip?

  108. No Google.
    The journey is the level 25 sub-riddle.
    Maybe check all your sub-riddle answers :)

  109. Thank you, ST.
    Also, I forgot the basics.
    Take a break and move on to the kyd4-bonus level.

  110. Had a good run... made it to level 42 but need a push...I found the band. found their album from the number on the level, even took their song from that album based on that number. none of this gave me any progress. Help?

  111. Fosterhewitt, if you have the right album, the number given should lead to the right answer.

  112. Hey Dutchie... good to hear from you again... am I looking for a word or a track?... nothing on the wiki page is helping. I know this is something simple. the track is giving me amphibians???

  113. You are looking for a track. Level text info is: band, album, song.

  114. as you know, I get bogged down on the simplist of issues. sooo frustrating... I have the used the number for their album (ʇno ʞɔıʇs). have tried all the tracks to no joy. even went through ALL their albums and used the numbered track. still no joy. Tried the english name, even the japanese language name. still nothing. What am i missing?

  115. I think I know where you went wrong. Forget the pic (blue hearts) just focus on the text.

  116. OMG...that did it... way over thinking this level...Thanks Dutchie

  117. Yay! Your welcome, btw, great you are playing this masterpiece :)

  118. Need a push to get started on 47. I know it has to be something in the shading but I don't see anything. nobody else seemed to have had a problem at this level so I am missing something very obvious.

  119. It is indeed something in the shading. In fact it is the shadings themselves. They make/are shapes of letters. 6 of them, no anagram.

  120. In the words of the great poet Homer.... D'OH! Thanks Small tool. Great riddle!

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. hitting brain cramps on 50.. great level. could be its own riddle.
    1 found one rotten egg and 5 paths from the level start. followed all the paths to their puzzle conclusion.
    1. With the food path cannot find the drink needed to complete the meal. (there is a reference to an alcohol but that is getting me nowhere.
    2. using the time from the food path gave me a colourful fish but I can't tell if that is what it truly is or something I am missing (previous hints spoke of that stream?)
    c. is there a 6th path? I seem to be missing puzzle pieces.

  123. Check your answers on the food path and you will get your drink :)
    Fishy is just a fishy.
    No 6th path. You will get your missing pieces when finishing the food.

  124. thanks s-t.. I did go back and find 3 rotten eggs from the level page.
    but Still dying of thirst though. Have FTF the answers along the food path. tried several types of "ɯnɹ" drinks. no joy.

  125. FTF indeed, no anagram if you go from last to first.

  126. I feel stupid. I did look at it in reverse but counted ice cream twice. (insert sound of me banging my head on my desk) :) thanks

  127. Cheers :)

    But better stop banging, you need your head longer than today, a lot longer.

  128. I still think I need puzzle pieces??? I have done the one at the end of the food path, combined 3 others with the new puzzle pieces to complete a 2nd. {telling me Imm not done). the 5th path puzzle (the shortest) is missing many pieces.

    I have 3 rotten eggs, and one confirmation egg B^^^^. Have gone through the hints and know what I need but do not know what my next step should be.

  129. in looking at the hints there are several references to "red herring" I did find one but is there another one I missed?

  130. Not sure, but it looks like you found the end of every path.
    All 5 paths end with jigsaw pieces. The food path at first with fake pieces (telling you to find a drink), but then the real pieces on that path.
    The real jigsaw is telling you Well done, but not done yet (or something like that).

    So it looks like it's time to put your thinking cap on and try to find out how to get more confirmation eggs with all the level 50 info you have.

  131. Yay, Fosterhewitt finished too \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS :) Very, very well done!!!
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  132. need a nudge on bonus 6. Solved the N-------, and I know that I need 14 letters but clearly only see 12 groups in the solution. Is there a division I missed?

  133. Congrats Fosterhewitt,
    For bonus 6, you need a 12 letter answer, counting will do the trick.

  134. thanks Dutchie... I had that from the start but first miscounted one group and then misspelled the letter. went to the hints and got a confusing one about 14? Thanks again.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. Hi!
    KYD4 levelA :I have Egg e******d.
    I've searched along with the text in this pic, but I get nothing.
    Please give me a hint.

  137. Hi Jan :)
    "Born as" means (in this context); what was his original name?
    When it started they firstgave him another name.

  138. Yay, a new arrival at the ball :)
    Fosterhewitt solved all bonus levels \0/ \0/
    and is now in the
    Ballroom of Bigshots

    very well done :)

  139. Is anyone still hanging around this threads? I need a hand on bonus 7. Noticed the b**d s***n in the title. I read all the hints above but still don't know what to count and pick from the grid.

  140. Use that hint in the title. It tells you which letters to pick. Start counting from the top left and keep counting on as you go (like how you read, from left to right and goingdown a row every time when done).
    It will tell you what to do to pick the real letters, no anagram and even an egg to tell you, you're right.

  141. Thanks s-t, I had tried that before. Can't believe how I missed the words.

  142. Hi!
    Can you give us some hints about KYD4 Bonus J?
    It may not be a difficult problem because I have no questions in the past.

  143. Hi Jan :)

    The trick is to put a word in between a word pair that can go with the left word and with the right word.
    Like in the first pair the word is 'ever' because however and evergeen are both real words.

  144. Mr. s-t, it's been a while.
    Thank you.
    I have advanced to the next level.

  145. 11-11 my new riddle will be launched :)
    111 levels + 11 bonus levels.
    Hope you all come and play :)

  146. Totally stuck on KYD1 24. Have 2 rotten eggs and 3 (identical) eggs. Comments didn't help with the sentence "There you .....".

  147. The identical eggs are literally telling you what the (5 words long!) answer is.

  148. Thank you s-t. But i don't get it. Maybe a language barrier?

  149. On that egg (those eggs) it says:
    ...sometimes it is not etc.
    So it tells you literally the answer.
    So the answer is actually given. It's the 5 last words on that egg.

  150. Thank you so much for your help! I've been thinking about this sentence for days. And i tried lots of number combinations and combinations of five words. Now I understand "literally". You rescued me.
    And thank you for your riddles. I enjoy them very much. I am new at riddles but have solved with help from the comments riddle-in-blue and the bonus levels. Really challenging.

  151. Stuck on KYD2-21. Have two eggs, googled two words, finding numbers, no idea ... Please help!

  152. There are 3 eggs, but one of them is just a confirmation egg. I guess you found the two important eggs (one from the 7 alphabet letters in the text and one from the 4 countries).

    On that H...... egg I kept the 'stock' in the picture (usually I clean that), so that's a hint to Google that word with the N... (alphabet) word.

    But probably you found/Googled that already too since you're talking about numbers found.
    If so then the (not very good, sorry) hint on that H egg is 'BA' telling you to make those four 2-digit numbers eight 1 digit numbers to get an 8 letter word answer.

  153. Thank you ST! Finished KYD2 now. On to the next...

  154. KYD3 9
    Found the fish-sentence, know the number of words (2^7) an persons (2^6), tried for three days everything i could imagine, read all previous hints. No luck, nothing forms a word. Hint please?

  155. The number of persons is indeed 2^6, but if you think in a riddle/cipher/alphabet way you might look at it as 8^2
    Does 8 ring a bell?
    And of course people are male or female :)

  156. KYD3 9
    Thank you ST. I thought of 8^2, but could not apply it. There is not ringing a bell. Binary (1 Byte = 8 Bits)? Grouped the persons 8 by 8, f or m, tried to get numbers from there. But again no word.

  157. Do not group them, keep them as they are, like yhe fish sentence kind of says.
    And yes it is binary alphabet.

  158. @a-lot-more
    Let's proceed here.

  159. I am here with my notes "A lot more")

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. KYD3 9
    Thank you again ST. I forgot about the direction and translated wrong, binary-number-letter instead of binary-letter. Got it now.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. @A Lot More
    Hello all,glad those of us still doing this riddle didn't have to give up,thanks, Zoe.

  164. We're waiting for your questions))

  165. Hi Fossa, seeing as you ask...I am very stuck on level 82 egg 2. I have read all hints, not sure whether I'm looking for 8 letters or 12. If it's 12, I don't get why, as there are only 8 shapes. I have got several words, but none work. Thank you for any help.

  166. Whoops, should have said that my previous post was
    @A Lot More

  167. A lot more Level 82 egg 2. There are 12 shapes Giovanni. It's a bit difficult to see some of the gaps. 5 on 1st row, 4 on 2nd, 3 on 3rd.

  168. @A Lot More
    Thank you minkie, will look again.

  169. @A Lot More

    Level 96. Someone told me egg 1a gives info how to find egg 2, but I'm dumb so no luck so far. Can I find egg 2 using pic from main level or pic from egg 1a?

  170. @ A Lot More
    Dutchie. Use the suggestion from egg 1a and the main level pic.

  171. @A Lot More, level 96

    Thanks Minkie, will give it one more try.

  172. @A Lot More, level 96
    @dutchie, for me it was absolutely obscure part of the level, I've just bruteforced the egg 2.
    You need 8 letter (not 9). Only two similar vowels. Granny of course.

  173. @Fossa, thanks for the help but this riddle is way too difficult for me. I have to give up, have reached my end. But no problem! I had fun (more or less) playing it so far and good thing is I won't have to deal with the pyramids again :)

    Thanks to everyone for the helpful hints that got me this far and special thanks to small-tool for making it for us and, like other players already said, I hope it won't be really your last riddle. Your riddles brings joy to people, especially in these days.

  174. @A Lot More. Don't give up Dutchie! The frog only sees sideways moves, so she sees 20 steps for the first stage. I'll delete this later if it's too spoily.

  175. A Lot More: Dutchie, do not give up!! You can do it. For egg 2, you will be "on the ground" going left and right. 8 letters as Fossa said and 2 of them are the same vowel. You'll end up with a book title.

  176. A Lot More

    Thanks for the support Minkie and Patty, really appreciate it, but I'm having a hard time staying focused lately. Maybe I will try again one day.
    Thanks again for all the useful hints :)

  177. @dutchie, no, dutchie, no, come back please. You'll fight this frog. The second path is four) We will say you all letters step by step only don't give up!)

  178. A Lot More

    Don't worry about me, it's ok. I'm no braniac like you all and the riddle is way out of my league. I'm just not having the fun I used to have playing. And, like I said before, I'm glad I came this far with all the hints you all left here, thanks for that :)

    I understand you all want to help but don't spoil answers, that's not fair to small-tool. He put a lot of time and effort into this riddle.

  179. KYD3 10
    Stuck with the first egg. Know it has to do with the day (level url) and the numbers/letters (6th, 1st, ..). I can't get a year from the german word (although I am austrian). Have searched in calendars of the past 50 years... Another hint please?

  180. A Lot More
    Fair enough Dutchie, but if you decide you want to try again later and we've all stopped visiting, remember you have my email address. So you just need to email me to get started again.

  181. KYD 3, level 10
    The German word is already given on the level.
    Make the letters numbers and you have your year.
    Then find the 6th (of the level url) in that year and use the date (the day, month is not used).

  182. A Lot More

    Thanks Minkie, will keep that in mind.

  183. A Lot More
    @Dutchie, my email is also in my profile. I'll lead you through this damn frog and another monsters) Really, don't give up. I felt it (to give all up) a lot of time. But the riddle is really not very hard, only some locations) Please?)

  184. @A Lot More
    Ok, thanks all, sorry but I absolutely don't get level 82, egg 2, even with your hints,which would help I'm sure if I had more of a riddle brain! I can't work out how to see the 8 C**** as 3 rows.Should I be seeing some as standing forward?

  185. A LOT MORE
    Giovanni, are you sure you are on egg 2, since you keep mentioning 8 cubes. It could be, because the first egg you get on this level is a rotten egg. So maybe you thought that was egg 1.
    You can check the pic name to see what egg you are on.

    If it's egg 1 then check out the last one. There are 12 little cubes, but...
    the left 6 (really left and middle), make a bigger cube (2x2) adn the same with the right 6 (really right, and the 'same' middle) also make a bigger cube.
    So the total of cubes is 12+2=14 and that's N

  186. Oh, duh, thank you so much, small-tool, you're right of course, it is egg 1. I think I've been mixing up the hints for eggs 1 and 2.I haven't had another go yet, but will later today and so glad not to be giving up.

  187. Got it, omg was I overcomplicating it.

  188. A LOT MORE
    Level 89, got the blue and green paths, need a push on how to start the red. Based on the level pic it looks like something associated with the green path somewhere....
    Oh and congrats on breaking the other comment section for the game S-T, proves you have a good following and art for this type of riddling!!

  189. A LOT MORE
    Nevermind about level 89, figured out the red end so all good here ;)

  190. A LOT MORE
    85 I have the rotten egg and egg 1 but can't proceed from there I must be missing the obvious here

  191. A LOT MORE
    85 egg 1, the text is telling you what method to do and use that same text to do that.
    Like C would become an S.

    Btw, if you found the rotten egg, then you already did that method.
    If not then you probably didn't find a rotten egg, but a granny egg.

  192. A LOT MORE
    90 looks like 2 eggs. Got 1 with an insect, stumped on the other one. I think I know what it is, answer I am getting is six letters and starts with J. It is not working wherever I put it. Is this the correct answer for the left egg?


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