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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. I'm at the same place as you the artist.

  2. thanks,sometimes you dont see the easy things!

  3. 16 - I can' find any connection like that for um**********, n*** and d******

  4. lvl 16 please help, nothing really matches for example with umbrellabird, newt. I'm totally stuck here. Should I make names of species?

  5. hotaru this is an example:there is a swift parrot in nature.... so on!

  6. Hi there Leroy :)

    You got to search like a bull-dog.

  7. Half of those animals may be swift, I'm sorry but I feel only more confused. So please give me an example for that umbrellabird, which of the other words matches with umbrellabird?

  8. Hotaru. You don't use the umbrella bird or any of the animals that got you the rotten egg. The artist gave you a strong clue. Look at how swift and parrot appear in the list.

  9. I've found the artist of the level 20 first egg. Is that likely to help me.

  10. I found pairs S P, M E, R D, A L, S E, W I but it gives nothing working. Are those pairs wrong? I completely don't understand this level - what logic to use here. Maybe I lack English vocabulary, and there are too many possibilities to check all, it looks unsolvable for me.

  11. We'll get you through this Hotaru. There is an actual animal called a "swift parrot" your SE, RD and AL look right. WI and ME are not. I actually solved this level without having identified swift parrot. I just used wildcards in granny and worked backwards.

  12. gosh, finally... that was definitely not "my" level.. Thanks all you you for help!

  13. lvl 17 - please don't make to identify all the fish species in the animation ;)

  14. I can't edit here to correct mistakes, so again thanks all of you for help!

  15. Level 14 - I am very dumb but I am not able to break the text down into H___ A__ E_, so I can't do what it says and of course I am not getting any egg. Am I supposed to find three words and then make a phrase or action or whatever and translate it into a new word?

  16. Puzzled, just remove the conjunction

  17. I am not sure about the 6 pairs on lvl 16. I have RD, AL, EO, SE and SP. Whi h is the 6th one?

  18. lvl 20 is the egg picture important?

  19. Stuck on 17. Tried the obvious, but my letters didn't make a word. May I have a push? Thank you

  20. pipi, try that in granny with two trumps, it should work

  21. deecee, look of the order, you may see the order in different ways

  22. That did it...thank you Hotaru

  23. lvl 19 found two eggs, how many do i need? combining the two i have doesnt work.

  24. level 19 Robin you need to use your second egg to get a third.

    Level 20 totally stuck with an egg and a rotten egg. I know the artist and the copyist. Nothing there it seems.

  25. 23: how many letters from grid? 4?

  26. Lvl 20 is not a Google level (ok, maybe the level itself is a tiny bit of Google, but once the first egg is found, no Google anymore)

    Lvl 23 is more than 4 letters.
    Why 4 anyway?

  27. 23: i thought shapes but seems wrong idea

  28. lvl 19 trying to use the second egg to find a third, but using the pic gives me way to many letters, how many am i supposed to get from the pic?

  29. Robin level 19: you know the "alphabet" to use. Watch the gif and note down the directions.

  30. gif? what gif? its just a pic?

  31. is the confirmation egg supposed to be a gif?

  32. Robin, the initial LVL 19 pic is an animated GIF with the darts showing up. I'm trying to figure out how to decode the darts for the third egg. I've tried first blue with first yellow dart, first and second blue dart etc. with no luck.

  33. BucksDack, the second eggs tells you exactly how

  34. thanks bucksdack, i thought they were talking about the second egg, will go back and see if i can figure it out with you.

  35. Robin. SORRY I was responding away from my notes and misremembered. Anyway I was correct in saying you need 3 eggs.

  36. Hotaru, I have one egg k***b*** and another egg s******* which is a type of alphabet requiring two things (right and left) to create a letter. I'm struggling to figure out how to combine the darts to make letters. I may be off track.

  37. thank you both, finally onto 20

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. lvl 22 part 3
    Anyone have a clue for this?

  40. bucksdack lvl 20 you use 2 at a time, one will be left one right, 3 and 20 are the middle

  41. Bjorn,
    The previous answer is kind of hinting you what I'm looking for now (as is the text). Of course confirmation eggs all along this level.

  42. Hi small-tool, thank you so much for the riddle, enjoying it very much.

  43. Hi Robin :)
    Very glad you (and all the others) like it :)

  44. a litlle hint for lvl 20 egg please

    And yes, I'm also enjoying it a lot, thank you as always ST :)

  45. Hotaru
    Think about the alphabet starting with "A" and how that would apply to that level

  46. lvl 20 got the egg and rotten egg, see the hints not a google level and applying A to the level.... is it a cipher that is not clicking in my brain? tried replacing starting point with the letter on the egg, replacing letters, counting not getting anywhere... a little more of a push please

  47. lvl 20 EGG
    Look for that starting letter "A" from the alphabet. Then try the rest of the alphabet.

  48. lvl 21 - got through the level using wild card but I still don't know who the person on the top left is... image search gave me 0 results

  49. lvl 22 part 3
    The text sounds like a play on words... that might be a person who lives in the previous answer? Right track, here?

  50. aaaasa
    lol... you must not be old enough! This was a show from the late 60's early 70's

  51. lvl 20 I have 2 letters that fall where they should in the alphabet, am i on the right track? if so what do i do with them... added to words in granny and not getting the answer? :/

  52. Bjorn,
    Nope. You're overthinking. They are what?

  53. lvl 20
    Look at the answer and think how you could progress through the alphabet.. a, b, c, d ... etc.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. what are you considering the answer? if its what got me to the egg, I have tried all missing letters, counting from what it is to where it should be getting no where, just more confused... tried counting between whats there and how many between, I am either way overthinking this or just not grasping the obvious :/

  56. Robin, from the egg word you should be able to get 4 more eggs by changing 1 letter in the egg word 4 times.

  57. Robin, for level 20 one more clue...always change the same letter incrementally and don't expect it to be a real word.

  58. lvl 24 - OK, now I really broke it... then what? :/

  59. lvl 22 part 2 keeps telling me granny isnt happy with me.. tried everything granny gave me and she still isnt happy, and tom didnt look to impressed either, what am i missing?

  60. robin, no need to ask granny for part 2. Just follow the order of the pics shown in the egg page.

  61. i tried that and it said they arent that????

  62. the egg page is telling you to find out their titles and ask granny.

  63. aaaasa, did you find an egg? add 2 more to it

  64. Oh help back on 11 please. Got the egg, got the next letters plus all the vowels and no luck. There’s a ten letter word with all those vowels that seems like it should work, but those weren’t the letters I got..stumped...

  65. Donas, I found the d****** egg but could not make a word by adding 2 more to it...

  66. thank you aaaasa onto 23 yeah :)

  67. aaaasa, are you on your 2nd or 3rd grid?

  68. smartasawhippet, I found one of the routes could have more than one letter, maybe check your set of letters

  69. Thanks Donas I just went to google maps and I’m seeing that. Will keep at it.

  70. Yes. Tried separating the 4 colors but didn't work :/

  71. lvl 23 tried p**p** cipher but got gibberish, because its 9x9 i assume its blocks of 3, blacking out squares gives nothing, am i overthinking again?

  72. robin, the text has your hints how to use captcha

  73. Ahhhh so it does work... Thanks Donas :)

  74. Stuck on 19. Got my numbers from the darts, but not getting any words from my numbers. Please another push.Thank you

  75. deecee, you should be able to form a 8-letter word that lead you to the egg. You might want to double check your numbers.

  76. must be too tired, tried clicking on the boxes as listed and ended up with too many windows open... and no closer to an answer... will try again tomorrow... good night and good luck all!!

  77. I'm back) I cant find anything in the 14 lvl with "nice relaxing break". How to leave the intermission?)

  78. Oooo aaaaasa! Thanks! I am sleeping probably yet))

  79. lvl 25 - What to look for in the level?

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I must be missing something obvious because no-one else seems to be stuck here. Level 20 I have the first egg, a rotten egg, a series of eggs, then another rotten egg. Am I looking for a 10 letter word?

  82. For lvl 20, combine the 5 letters from the good eggs and the 5 changing parts to form a 10-letter word.

  83. 25: hint pls
    looks like an english based level

  84. level 23,pls help is it about p.. p.. as mentioned before,or sth else?

  85. the artist, it's simply forming letters using the objects that fits the description. Try focusing on the red objects first and do it with the rest.

  86. Thanks yet again aaaasa. I can't believe I hadn't tried that, but then I was getting a bit fuzzy by the time I gave up last night.

  87. I can't get the idea of level 23. Hint, please?

  88. same here pipi about 23 despite aaaasa's help!

  89. Lvl 23, the text tells you what to find in the grid (it is more items/searches than you might think)

  90. lvl 23,thanks for helping but no result yet,is it about drawing lines or counting?

  91. lvl 20 again - I found 5 eggs, I've got 5 letters which lead me to another rotten egg. Granny doesn't help.
    I read all the clues, I found the eggs but I still have no idea what should lead me to try to change that letter. What is the suggestion to do so? Maybe because I don't get it I don't know what to do further.

  92. Is it because the chin in the picture is so distinctive? But how to come to the idea to change that particular letter like in an alphabet?

  93. Thanks, got 23 now.
    The artist, try to form letters from each of the 8 categories.

  94. Hi all, I just got started on this and am a bit stuck on level 7, I got the first egg and I am now staring at various characters. I've also seen the hidden text.
    Can someone give me a nudge please.

  95. lvl 20 Ok, I found the answer, earlier I made a mistake in granny. But I'm still not sure what would make me to act that way for the eggs.

  96. Edgar!!! LONG time no see!!

  97. Need hint on level 25 now.

  98. Hi Zoe! Dear old friend!

    Back for Small-Tool riddle, LOL!

  99. Welcome Mackem :)
    For level 7; Find out their real surnames, pick the first letters and anagram them.

    Level 25
    Apply the picture text (the text on the sign) on the title of the story.
    Confirmation egg available.

  100. Got it thanks. On to level 8 now.

  101. level 20: I have 2 eggs one good another no ... I don't know how to get more.Little push? thanks

  102. lvl 25 - Found 6 pairs so far but the word I got is wrong. How many pairs do I need?

    Zoot - the pic hints a common technique about what to do with the egg words you have.

  103. @molly, lvl 20, little push:
    The guy in the illustration has a prominent part of the face, right?
    You are in the first of five eggs, try to find the rest...

  104. got lvl 25. Onto 26 now.

  105. aaaaa - You need 1 more pair.

    I'm stuck on 27. No matter how I slice it, I can't make a word. I can get 5 letter from counting. Cutting in a different direction can change some of the letters but they still don't come together as something coherent. What am I missing here?

  106. Got it. Thanks LinR!

    For lvl 26, I found the confirmation egg but not sure what to do with it...

  107. aaaaa - the picture on that egg gives a clue as to what you need.

  108. Molly, I'm with you. Got the egg on level 20 but can't find the 5 additional eggs. I'm focusing on shifting the a....... using the egg letter but coming up empty.

  109. @Zoot, What word took you there?
    As you should know by now, it's 5 eggs you need, which you don't number from 1, but from 'a'

  110. Level 25 I've got seven pairs, but cannot get the answer. How many letters should I be looking for?

  111. @Hancock, in level 20 egg change one letter in the url. It does not matter that there is no sense in this set of letters. Change according to the alphabet (A into B).

  112. LinR - I searched for what is shown on the egg pic but there's too many of them to form a word... How many do I need here?

  113. minkie - for lvl 25 you need 7 letters, one from each pair.

  114. Thanks aaasa. One of my pairs must be not quite right. A bit of BFing in order I think.

  115. aaaasa - Maybe you found a different egg than I did. Do you have the triplets picture?

  116. so happy, thank you Fossa. I was had been trying to shift the url per the egg text, I should have been using the picture.

  117. LinR - Yes I have that picture but there seems to be too many of them.

  118. I am on lvl 26 egg. Does the triplets mean that I have to find 3 similar words?

  119. Got 25 now. One of my pairs seems to have been a red herring.

  120. aaasa - Those triplets don't look identical to me. ;)Those words in each row are definitely not identical but they do have something in common.

  121. lvl 25 what does it mean to apply a text on a title?

  122. lol it took me so long to unwind this mess! Thanks LinR :)

  123. @Zoot, you have 5 additiaonal letters to your hemorrhoids))

    Level 25, what pairs should I look for? Hint pls?

  124. Fossa, one of the words on the sign can be read in different way. Apply that to the title and you should get a confirmation egg.

  125. lvl 25 I got the egg, but how to look in such a long text? Is there a one for each paragraph?

  126. Lvl 23 how do I know what to choose, colours or types of transportation. Read something about 8 categories, but there are more ??

  127. good morning all, stuck on lvl 25, not sure what it means to apply sign to title? could someone give me a push in the right direction please, read the hints above but not getting it.

  128. lvl 25 is i..l i..e? But it's the only one I found

  129. Robin, just look at the last word from the sign and try to divide it than apply to the title

  130. thanks for the clues 21

  131. Hotaru, that is one of the 7 pairs. Keep looking for others such as s**l and s**e.

  132. Stopped at lvl 17.
    Considering hidden letters, I select letters by the size of the thing that moves left and right, but I do not get anything.
    In the comments of Hotaru
    There is "look of the order, you may see the order in different ways", but I do not understand the meaning of "order". Please give me some hints.

  133. jan, if you know what code to use, first convert the things by the pattern on their body, then use the code to convert each group into a letter .

  134. @jan, it doesn't matter how "things move". Read from left to right. Without anagram as fas as I remember.

    @aaaasa, thank you! I suspected this term) I am not sure in my pairs because one of them has different first letters...

  135. level 23,another desperate calling.How on earth am I choosing? By color, by transpotation type sth. else?

  136. @the artist have you tried numbers? remember you need to choose by 8 categories to form 8 letters.

  137. @ike/@the artist, for lvl 23:
    Every single word from the text is a category to find in the grid, with the obvious exception of 'and' (discard that word and 8 will remain).

  138. Anybody got past 27 yet could use a hint ta

  139. @aaaasa, thank you for your help, on 26 now

  140. Zoot, use only his first name and you should get a confirmation egg.

  141. Remember when Selfdefiant games used to stick to the top of the list like this?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers!

  142. @aaaasa,@fossa
    Thank you very much.
    Proceeded to the next level(^^♪

  143. @ Edgar , thank you so much

  144. hotaru, thank you for your help earlier. Now stuck on LVL27 tried all the obvious to no avail, anyone manage to get anywhere with it? an egg maybe?

  145. Stumped again on 17 - I see order, and I can see which ways to go, but....

  146. @smartasawhippet...if i remember correctly, look closely at them not so much the size

  147. Lvl 27 does the pot pic have anything to do with the answer or just there for the giggles?

  148. Hello all, I'm stuck on Level 18. I got the dart boards but am stuck on the picture of the eggs in a lab. I've seen the comment by @aaaasa at 5:37 but I don't know what to make of it. Is there a further hint?

  149. @Puffin, that means "make omelette") -> combine two eggs and anagram the answer.

    stuck at 27. No egg, no idea.

  150. It took me one day to reach lvl 23, and another whole day to solve this!Thanks to all that helped

  151. lvl 25 - still :D I have only 5, is e...e, e...e one of the pairs? I need two more, there are too many options from granny with trumps to try them all.

  152. lvl 25 ..I don't understand how to apply the poster to the text, clue? thanks

  153. reading myself and also using
    I can't find more than 5 (lvl 25)

  154. @molly, in 25 lvl think about words which sound similar to the title (it's first part). With the meaning according to words in common.

    @Hotaru, I googled the list of them. It was useful)

  155. @Hotaru, and yes, e-e and e-e are the pair)

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. LVL 27 has anyone made any progress? I have tried counting, rearranging, cut out and twisted, using points on the graph alphabetically to get letters, not getting anything useful at all.

  158. lvl 25 is k..w n. one of the pairs?

  159. lvl 25 I found 14, how do I know which ones to delete

  160. robin, I am on 27 too, but no progress at all

  161. ike you should have 7 pairs, FTF

  162. @ robin, so I've heard, but I found 14 of 'm, and have no clue which are the 7 right ones.

  163. In 27 do we need coordinates or do we need volumes? Or smth else?)


  165. @Ike you need 3 vowels and 4 consonants for the answer. The pairs with different ftf are wrong. You need only strong pairs. F.i. "g****"-"g****" is the right pair)

  166. S-T any hints on LVL 27 please??

  167. Level 27
    It's not coordinates, but Fossa also said volumes. That's not correct either, but a bit closer, it's something like that.

  168. @Fossa, thx for tip. Do really have 14 all same ftf and 11 pairs even same amount of letters. Will try some more

  169. @ Ike, you found the egg so you know what you are looking for in the text right? just asking cause i had a hard time finding the 7 pairs.

  170. @ Robin, yes I really do have the right words, only too many! Am trying to find out which don't belong in the answer, but that isn't easy so far.

  171. @Ike, if it helps you, you need 5-5, 4-4, 4-3, 4-4, 5-7, 5-5, 4-4

  172. Thanks @Fossa!! I swear I did that and didn't come up with anything. Must have mistyped.

  173. In 27 I tried squares. I like squares. They have vowels and consonants. But there are too many squares. I cant get any word.

  174. Thank you all now I got to lvl 26. It was a long long way

  175. @fossa I also tried that, and perimeters and counting and subtracting in every way i can think of, overlapping, stacking, word play :/

  176. @ Fossa, that worked !! Part 3 now, but first, time to rest, lol. Tank you !

  177. S-T really need a little more direction on 27, i have tried so much math that all my numbers and calculations are starting to blend.. feel like i am chasing my own tail going in cirlces...hahaha

  178. For lvl 27: If you look at one side of it, that's part of the solution. Tilt your head a couple of times.

  179. @ ellie do we need a cipher? or it will jump out? i am seeing pretty much sides ways already staring at it so long :)

  180. No cipher, nor google, used in lvl 27. It's all there in front of your eyes.

  181. 31: got 3 eggs, got one rotten dirty egg

    what other numbers to use?

  182. lvl 27 I tried counting surface areas visible from four sides, but it doesn't give anything,

  183. lvl27 have already counted both colors and put to the alphabet prior and got nothing, am trying to see the shapes as something different again and getting a head ache.... tried seeing the two colors as other letters and get nowhere, am i way over thinking this?

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. I don't understand the hint for lvl 27. What should I look, what should I count or measure?

  186. @Hotaru, there aren't 4 visible sides of these 3D-blocks.

  187. @robin, there are more than 2 colors.


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