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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @Ditg, you are right with the start letter, but you need 7 letters. Use it in another place (f****r).

  2. A lot more
    I got stuck on lvl 97 egg 2
    I have collection of 3 numbers and 6 letters. I've got a confirm egg. I used a confirm egg to convert numbers to letters as in rebus. But still don't get anything. Could you help me, please.

    Alina. I'm not quite clear which confirmation egg you have. You can get one by using your string of 6 letters and 3 numbers. You can get another by looking carefully at the letters on the pyramid and noting some differences.

    @Alina, on lvl 97 egg 2 if you convert the numbers right you'll get the name of the song. Just say your string aloud) The confirm egg says you what you need)

    Thanks, Fossa and Minkie, but I still can't get through this 97 2 egg. I've got 9 letters: i*tu*st*. How many words in the name of the song? If I pronounce letters aloud I have 6 words. But it doesn't work.

  6. A LOT MORE 97 Alina, your first 4 or 5 are right, but then you have gone wrong.

  7. Also Alina you should have a total of 9 characters, not 8.

  8. A Lot More
    The song title is indeed a 6 word phrase.
    There is no S in it.
    The band is a (rotten, but confirm) egg and that song title is a (confirm) egg.
    Remember no spaces in the url.

    Still stumped on 90. Is the 7th letter a Y or Z or am I completely on a wrong path of thinking? Not sure about "using it in another place" and do not know what (f****r) could be.....

  10. A LOT MORE
    You are on the right path Ditg. Y. There's "another place" that you don't usually change, but ST has changed for you at those 7 places. This time you need to change it yourself.

  11. A LOT MORE
    I'm still on lvl 97 egg 2. I think my problem is numbers. How should I convert them into letters?

  12. It's speak out loud. Like 1 (combined with T) is 'want'
    Btw, some single letters is speak out loud too.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. KYD3 14
    Found a rotten egg, but not a good one. Searching something common for the first names, found a lot of cities/towns/places with these names and have no more idea. Another hint please?

  15. @A Lot More
    Hi, I'm still on level 82 egg2. I have a 5 letter word(a proper word s****, a 4 letter word(not a real word, but has a Y) and and a 3 letter word(not a real word).I have counted a million times, but can't get it.Have tried brute forcing, using ? marks in anagram solver, nothing. I'm not counting the c**** that are on top of the shapes, only the ones inside the shapes and the complete sets on the sides.

  16. KYD3 14
    The firsts of those special parts of their names (For most of them their fist name) will give you a real egg.

    A LOT MORE 82
    You have to count all of them!!!
    You will get 3 real words and all together they anagram into your answer.
    The firsts are:
    and without anagramming it you can already get an egg.

  17. Thank you very much small-tool.

  18. @Alina, I think you have to check your string.
    1. Your letter (you wrote above)
    2. number
    3. Your letter
    4. Your letter
    5. number
    6. number
    7. consonant
    8. consonant
    9. vowel
    If you say it aloud you'll get the sentence of 6 words. Then google.

  19. KYD3 14
    Thank you ST. With your hint i could bruteforce the solution. Have the egg, but don't really understand. Justin is a city too.

  20. A LOT MORE
    Oh, I am on lvl egg 3. At last...

  21. peziflower,
    Those Kill Your Darling riddles were made very quickly, sometimes even within 2 weeks. So no time to check everything. Lol, never thought 'Justin' was a city. Anyway only a minor bruteforse then. Using his first- or his surname.
    The egg is telling you now, you don't need the cities, but...

    Yay, well done Alina Latipova :)

  22. A LOT MORE level 92
    I believe I am on the last egg of this long level and unsure where to go from here. Got the rotten egg from it so what am I missing?

  23. @ditg have you reached the "not enough" egg yet? If yes you're missing one of them

  24. @Ditg, the last egg is egg 3 ("not enough"). Add to your letters another word and anagram it.

  25. A LOT MORE
    Lvl 97 Egg 3
    I made a set of letters from rotating the pyramid and eliminating lines. But I got a gibberish. From the first row I've got 2. I don't have any vowels at all. What am I doing wrong?

  26. It's exactly the same system as on egg 2.
    All that happens is you rotate in between the coordinates steps (1, 2 and 3 stay put!)
    The first set of coordinates should give you a T
    The last 4 sets of coordinates are all vowels.

  27. A LOT MORE
    hi everyone, first of all, thank you small-tool for a great game, and thank you everyone for your hints, which helped me until lvl 90. I've read all the hints, but f***t of t**t doesn't give me any word, neither do n***** between b***** l***ls.

  28. A Lot More
    Thank you small-tool, still loving the game. Am on level 89 and have:Blue eggs 1,2,3,4, 6b and end. I also have:Red eggs 1, 2 and end and Green eggs:1, 2, 3 and end.So, I think I only need Blue 5 and 6a, but
    brain is numb, glad of any help.

  29. A LOT MORE lvl 90
    @Unknown, check your letters again. Firsts of text must work. They give you 6 letters, then granny.
    Then you'll count between l****s and get 7 letters. This is the most tricky point - where to use this 7-letters word.

  30. A LOT MORE lvl 89
    @giovanni, if you have green end, blue end and red end you need nothing more. Just apply numbers to your urls and omelette them)

  31. Thanks, Fossa, think I've tried that, must be using wrong URLs, will try again.

  32. Got it, thanks again Fossa!

  33. A LOT MORE
    @Fossa Thanks for your hint, I'm Unknown, changed my user name (didn't know I could do that, sorry). Could you check my letters? Because I think either I chose the wrong l***ls, or there is another text I need to look for. *spoiler ahead*

    are they ʎʍƃıǝɐ ?

    Thanks again~

  34. How embarrassing, I thought I had successfully changed my user name...I am not familiar with this site, so I don't know what my displayed user name will be. Anyways, it'll either be Unknown, or Shikumi. Hopefully. sorry for the inconvenience...

  35. The Y is wrong.
    Better check that page with the Edelweis vid again

  36. And I think I see how you got that Y.
    The page you're on is not part of the deal.
    Those are not real buttons and they're not in between anything (yet, for you).

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I'm making slow progress, on level 90, have egg 1 with creepy crawly.Think I need a 7 letter word and have a J,and 5 other letters, but not able to make anything happen. Think I know where to put it(although not sure is f****r means where I think it does? )Any chance of a big nudge please?

  39. @giovanni - you are on the right track for level 90. You do need a 7 letter word and it does have a J in it.
    Remember the placement of the figures on the level page. When you found the creepy crawly where was it and what wasn't "solved" yet.

  40. A LOT MORE - level 97
    I am all confused on this level. I did manage to get to Egg 2 based on the letters and the theme but I am stuck on how Egg 1 was solved and how egg 2 is solved. Please can someone simplify it?

  41. Thank you, Ditg,going to tackle it again.

  42. Got it. Thanks for your help, Ditg! Thought I'd have to give up there.

  43. A LOT MORE
    @small-tool and @Fossa: thank you so much for your help! Silly me, I really missed one l***l. I was wondering why I couldn't find a b***** in the B********a**** bunch when I remember it having one. I forgot to scroll down... Thank you again~!

  44. @Ditg, the number means that you eliminate the opposite (to this number) side.

  45. A LOT MORE
    @Ditg,you will get 3 numbers. You should convert them into letters saying them aloud. Like 4 can be for, 2 can be to, 8 can be ate and so on.

  46. A LOT MORE
    Thanks ST, I am on lvl 98 now.

  47. A LOT MORE
    Level 99 - got to an egg that has all capital letters (only use a .....), assuming I need to do something with it but unclear on how.

  48. @Ditg, in the egg "only use ????????" you have all these ? in your url. Look where you've got them.

  49. @Fossa, understood that but still not making the connection. I am assuming it is something obvious but it is eluding me. Hint at first letter?

  50. The first letter would be an A because you used the 1 to get the first letter of that ???etc word.

  51. Got it, onto the triple digits now. Should only take a few months to finish the riddle the rate I am going :)

  52. KYD3 20
    Have the egg with four faces and think to know what to do, but got nothing. Help please!

  53. Just like the emoticons it's about their emotions/feelings.
    First letters (no anagram) will get you to the next level.
    Don't go far-fetched, they show 4 quite basic emotions.

  54. @Ditg, more time - more fun))

  55. @Fossa - Just started level 101, looks like I will be having plenty of time and lots of fun on this one!!!

  56. A LOT MORE
    @Gitg, oh, yep)
    101 is an egg nightmare)
    There are 16 of them (from egg0 till egg15).
    Egg 15 is not necesarry, I didn't find it

  57. A LOT MORE
    Lvl 99 Egg 3
    I've read all the comments, but I can't understand how to use p*****le or d***ts on url text. I've learned about the first letter, but how to get the second letter. How many letters should I get to make 3 words?

  58. @Fossa - solved 101 and also didn't get Egg 15. Is there a nice review at the end that shows all the eggs that we may have missed to see what they are?

  59. A LOT MORE
    @Ditg, yeah, there is a full review. Probably you'll wonder as I did)
    I am sure, you'll finish soon.

  60. KYD3 20
    ST - Yes,I thought that, tried 100 words, very unsure about the english words, tried a lot with translations. Could you help with the first picture, please? I found so many expressions for this face.

  61. A LOT MORE
    I am on lvl 103 now. Should I found countries by tiny flags and abbreviations on cars? I'm lost about M, EAT, EAU and SLO. For EAU it can be Eu****n Union? SLO looks like a common abbreviation of one country on Balcans, but flag doesn't match. No flags for M.

  62. KYD3
    The first girl is an expression of Fear.

    It's countries license plates. Like EAU is Uganda
    Flags are extra, you don't need them, but...
    lol, of course they are all correct :P

  63. A LOT MORE
    @Alina, in 103 look for the wiki International_vehicle_registration_code

  64. A LOT MORE
    Level 107 - Ciphers are my kryptonite since I am not used to doing them. I got egg 2a and 2b, missing egg(s) before it (Egg 1). Can I get a nice push for this?

  65. @ditg go back to the main level, sometimes that something is all you need :)

  66. OK, got Egg 1, used cipher and got a 8 letter sequence of 2 different letters, first letter starting with R. Am I on the right track still?

  67. Just when you think you figured out the way to finish level 107....BAM....I discovered the rotten egg for it.

  68. ...but with trial and error I finally see the light. Onto 108!!!

  69. A LOT MORE
    @DITG, I am stuck at lvl 104 3a, give me a hint, please. What was your first b** ch******r and ac***? Is it Auric@Gert?

  70. @ALINA, if memory serves me.I believe you are on the right track using Auric as your ch******r

  71. A LOT MORE
    Level 107...
    As for me - it is the most beautiful level in the riddle...

  72. A LOT MORE
    Level 109
    Got the n** g*** e***** egg and nothing hinting at what to do next. Is there something I didn't find to guide me or is it assumption what to do?

  73. Your hint is on the level.
    You're going up and down, so maybe not everything you found is grounded.

  74. A LOT MORE
    109 - sounds like overlapping floors. I've gone full nut and graphed all 3 floors with the information. Am I looking at overlapping letters or am I totally off base here? If overlapping, it is the path letters to get the egg on all the floors or something different?

  75. A LOT MORE
    @Ditg, you have the word-path. But some letters are in different floors.
    The central floor is zero floor (5 letters are the same).
    Up floor -1 (one letter)
    Down floot +1 (3 letters).

  76. @Fossa - I thought that was the process of figuring it out. I did do that but my usual anagram solver didn't find it. Did the same thing in another and got through the level. Thanks!!!

  77. Yay \0/ \0/ \0/
    A new finisher :)
    Very well done Ditg, you're now in/on the

    Wall Of Winners

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  78. @Ditg, congratulations!
    11 bonus lvls are waiting)
    + 1 secret lvl
    You are lucky, you've proceeded this riddle till april, vow. I wished I could do it...

  79. Stuck on level 93, (no eggs yet) with the 8 K***** m****.
    I have read all hints and must be missing something really obvious. I've been to the Wiki page that the level text takes me to and tried applying the pattern, must be using wrong squares?even tried brute forcing by using all the 4 starter squares around the k*****, plus 4 question marks in anagram solvers!Thanks for any help, getting ready to facepalm, as someone said this one is easy.

  80. Whoops, meant to say my post above is for A Lot More.

  81. @giovanni the level pic is not static but a gif, apparently it tells you where to land on after 8 m****

  82. Thank you, Keeper, will try again!

  83. I've now used the pattern on the level page to map where the k***** moves, ending on the other piece, after 8 numbered moves. Hope this is right! Granny nearly gives something that looks like a word, but not quite.

  84. A LOT MORE
    @giovanni, the lvl looks more difficult than it is.
    There are only 8 possible m***s of K***** from this point. So you have 8 letters. Look for the normal scrabble-anagram-solver.

  85. Fossa, thanks, don't know what I'm doing wrong, have 8 letters, for where piece would land, but doesn't make a word.Tried several solvers.

  86. @giovanni, check your letters. 2 vowels (one is Y), 6 consonants, 2 of them are doubles. The word is weird and starts with S.

  87. @giovanni, https: //scrabblecheat. com/ works

  88. Fossa, thanks so much, will check again.

  89. Got it, thanks again! I had those letters about 3 pages ago in my notebook, but obviously didn't use right Scrabble solver, so will bookmark the one you gave me!

  90. A LOT MORE
    Bonus 3 - I believe I am on the right track when changing the text numbers to b***** but unsure how to take that information. For example my converted first line is 8 digits long with a pair of the same number in a row 4 times. Am I on the right track or steering myself away on this one?

  91. A LOT MORE
    Bonus 3
    @Ditg, you are right. But I don't understand your first line. Every number (except zero) means the number of "1". So you get a letter in every line.

  92. @Fossa - my first line has 8 characters and 4 of them are 1's. My second line has 9 characters with 6 of them 1's. Is this correct?

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. @Fossa - I understand now. I was going down another route for this previously.

  95. A LOT MORE
    Bonus 7 - In the egg, see the letters spaced out. Assume the answer is not a a*********l word since that doesn't make sense on what is presented.. Am I counting spaces or something?

  96. A LOT MORE
    Bonus 7
    @Ditg, almost yes. But not spaces. Just substraction between neighbors. And around the a******t (a-z=1)

  97. Riddle in Blue

    Yay, a new finisher \0/ \0/ \0/

    Very well done, tialuisa, you're now in the

    Blue Hall of Fame

    Good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  98. A LOT MORE
    Please could I have a nudge on level 96..I have the level, rotten egg and confirmation egg. Have tried counting the squares between the initial l****** on
    the s***s, also tried counting the gaps between the letters in the al******.This must be an easy one, as dont think there is a hint.

  99. A LOT MORE
    Level 96
    @giovanni, it is a very unpleasant lvl(
    First of all look for the diagonal on the path (egg 1b).
    Count squares between the marks (egg 1a).
    The next step (frog) is very difficult (for me as well). Ask if you stop.

  100. Thanks so much for your very quick reply Fossa! I will give it a go.

  101. A LOT MORE Level 96. I now have egg 1b, got it by picking s*c****, but bit confused about 1a, is it possible to get 1b by same method please, or is this where the counting starts?Thank you.

  102. A LOT MORE Level 96
    @giovanni, just count steps between the locations. 8 letters - 3 vowels (1 double), 5 consonants (1 double too).

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Thanks Fossa, been away from game for a while, but did get it:)

  105. A LOT MORE
    Bonus 11 - On the egg page using the specified degrees gave me 11 possibilities. Using those 11 with the alphabet j****** is b**** on the title page is not making sense. Should I have 11 possibilities or is my conversions wrong?

  106. Ditg. 11 is good. I'm not sure what your alphabet j****** is. The alphabet you need to use on the title page is hinted in the egg 1 pic and the pic name.

  107. Sorry Ditg. Sorry I see what you mean now. J****** is B**** hints at a particular alphabet, especially the last word. Mark the ones you have chosen on the title page.

  108. @minkie2020 I did try to use that alphabet, figured I would get a 4 word answer but my spots on the first "set" doesn't show a letter. The fact 11 possibilities is correct and I thought I know what I was doing makes it more confusing....

  109. Nevermind, one of my answers was incorrect, figured it out.

  110. KYD4 12
    Have 14 eggs. Nothing lead to 13. Now on Level A. Have I missed something or must I solve those bonus-levels?
    Have tried a lot with the bunnies. No more idea.

  111. A Lot More
    Please could I have a nudge on the gif egg on level 96? I have read hints and trying hard to see it as letters.I know what the forst one is, from S-T's hint. Would it be too spoily to say how may letters it is, please? I think I know, but not sure.

  112. A Lot More
    96 gif 3d
    @giovanni, you look at blue letters from the bottom and move along of them to the top. Red means space.
    So you should get "* *******". Article+7letters word.

  113. Thanks, Fossa! I was looking at blue as space, will have another go.

  114. KYD 4, level 12

    No need to solve the bonus levels first.

    The countries firsts gives an INSTRUCTION egg.

    The actors in a country give an egg, so that's 5 eggs and the firsts of those 5 words gives the second instrution egg.

    Picking letters using one instruction gives an egg and picking letters using the other instructions gives another egg.

    But all those letters (from using both instructions) gives your 12 letter word answer to go to level 13.

  115. Still KYD riddle;
    Forgot to tell about bonus A.
    You can't solve that right now.
    You need more info.
    One of the last eggs of level 15 will help. :)

  116. @ST KYD4 12
    Thank you so much. I had those instruction eggs... On 13 now.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Should have said my previous post was A Lot More.

  119. Don't overthink, you're almost there.

    The blue part is hinting one word you need. And it seem you already found that one ;)

    The red part is 4 differetn definitions for another word.

    Just put those two words together and you'll get a device the goose will be very happy with.

  120. Thank you S-T!Wow, so fast, too.

  121. A Lot More
    Just hadn't realised they needed putting together:).

  122. KYD4 14
    Obviously nobody had problems there. But I have.
    I think to know what it is (similar to lvl 7). But I cannot recognise letters, in any zoom. Counting spaces linewise or per sentence didn't help. A little push please?

  123. Not counting, but there are long ones and short ones!

  124. @ST KYD4 14
    Oh my god. I counted even the &bnsp; in the HTML-Code. Thank you. Got it now.

  125. Hi, am on level 99 egg 3, have read all hints and think I have right letters...a...f..b, in the order that the letters in the level word, p******* appear in the URL.Don't know what to do next, as they don't seem to make 3 words, only 2 vowels.Any help appreciated.

  126. Whoops, my last post was A Lot More.

  127. You found the P (of particle = same P as in url) by using the 1 (on the the first word of the level txt)

    You found the A (of particle = same A as in url) by using the 2 (on one of the words of the level txt).

    That 1 is alphanumerical: A (your first word).

    That 2 = B (your first letter of the second word).

    Find out what number you used to find the R on the level), what number to get the T etc. etc.

  128. KYD4 16
    Yes I know, I'm asking where no one had to ask, but I want to continue. Stuck for three days.
    Have 3 bad eggs, 2 good ones an 2, that are good and bad. 3 people, 4 cities and tried thousand ideas. ... A little help please?

  129. Peziflower,
    Not sure where you are exactly on the level.
    But I take it you found two people and the cities where they are born (The woman two cities even).
    Then you made the two people one person and found his place of birth and that's where you are now, right?

    Lol, if not then above is the hints to get there if not then from there on it's word tricks.
    Like on that last birthplace, the second good egg, there is a three letter word that could be one letter when saying it out loud. Remove that letter from your url and make a new word.
    Every next egg has tricks 'a bit' like that.

    The last egg is a Google egg again.

  130. @ST
    Thank you. The word trick did it.

  131. A Lot More

    Yay, a new finisher \0/ \0/ \0/
    Congrats and very well done tialuisa, you're now in/on the
    Wall Of Winners
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  132. We also are waiting for giovanni's finish))

  133. A LOT MORE
    Thanks small-tool. I'm starting Bonus 1 Part 2 now :)

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. A Lot More.
    I'm stuck on level 103, on the egg with 2 c***, facing each other. Should I be googling to find something to us with the li***** pl****? Or should I be applying the info on the li***** p**** to the level text? Feel as if I've tried everything, except of course, I can't have!

  136. A LOT MORE - @giovanni, for level 103 egg 1, Fossa left the best hint higher up on this page. Look for info relating to the c******** listed and keep in mind which s*** o* t** r*** is used in those c********.

  137. A LOT MORE - Just found the secret level!!

  138. A LOT MORE - And done! Thank you small-tool. Time to start researching the archives!

  139. A Lot More.
    Tialuisa, thank you, was trying to apply the s**** to wrong text, will have another go.

  140. A Lot More
    Level 103-egg. I had found the egg, which is where I am now. Sorry, but still not getting it. There is text with 8 countries and 2 cars face to face.Small info on plates. I have found which s*** of the r*** they d**** on, but not sure what to do now. I've tried picking from the L*** or r**** of the country names, but nothing good.

  141. Very close, giovanni :)
    Correct method, but don't pick from the country name!
    Pick from the country code, the country license plate code/abbreviation.

  142. A LOT MORE - You have the right idea, but it's not l*** or r**** of the country names. On the level page, there are letters, a code, on the l****** P*****. You want to find the codes for the c*****ies on the egg page. Here is Fossa's hint, which helped me so much:

    @Alina, in 103 look for the wiki International_vehicle_registration_code"


  143. Sorry small-tool. I didn't see your comment before I started mine...

  144. Ah,thank you very much s-t and tialuisa.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. KYD4 C
    Have obious egg p*****e and rotten egg p*****o. Tried a lot with those numbers. Are colors important? Path 21? Help please!

  147. Colours are important, but you have not enough info, yet.
    It's like the rotten egg says; there is a rotten egg to find on level 21 and that rotten egg is the start of a rotten path and eventually you will find more info there.

  148. Yes, I've already looked at 21 and read about a green and blue egg. Found only the red one and see nothing more.

  149. It's level 21, so a level about 'space' again.
    Did you scroll down?
    There's a lot of spaces.
    A bit of counting will you lead you on a blue eggs path to the green egg.

  150. A Lot More

    Yay, a new finisher \0/ \0/ \0/
    Congrats and very well done Dutchie, you're now in/on the
    Wall Of Winners
    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  151. KYD4 C
    Thank you ST. I knew it was about lvl 21, but had not the idea of counting spaces (facepalm). Have now the red and blue egg, a film director, read a lot about names and colors of gems and stuck again. Another push please!?

  152. 1) The first egg you just found (via those spaces) can be combined with your already found earlier obvious egg p*****e. Picking letters and granny will give another egg.

    2) The film director egg is telling you the last gem (on the image of the egg you found via spaces) is also a colour. Or in other words: The last letter of your film director egg can be another letter to make it another word.

  153. Hi Dutchie and congratulations!! If you should happen to look at the comments for Bonus 1 Part 1, there is a typo in one of them. It's the comment that says you'll take 7 letters to granny. You will actually have more than 7 letters...

  154. Above comment for A LOT MORE.

  155. A LOT MORE
    Hello, everyone, I'm back. University work took all the time for me, and I had to pause this for quite a long time. Back to finally put a finale to this.
    From my saved tabs and my notes, it seems I left off at just beginning of Bonus 2. I'll try on my own first, just want to update. I was a bit surprised that the comments on the original post got to the limit and are moving here.

  156. KYD4 H
    Thank you ST, you were a great help on KYD4 C. Now I'm stuck on KYD4 H. Googled the two words n**o and s***d, read your hint to minkie
    "'s one of the letters from a yearly famous American thing using that font. The horizontal word/hint ...", but can't find anything useful.

  157. It is that yearly thing.
    And there are all kind of categories you can win one. Check out the s***d winners in those years.
    Beware; s***d is another catgeory than music!

  158. A Lot More
    I'm back to trying to finish, after a break. I'm stuck on level 104, have these egg:1b, 1d, a confirmation egg, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, and 5b. Not sure how to proceed, glad of any help please:)

  159. A Lot More
    Hi Giovanni. With eggs 5a and 5b you have everything you need to complete the level. If you applied the eggs to the urls and found that it didn't work, check the goodsign/badsign paths. Did something switch at the end?

  160. Thanks, Tialuisa, I will look again.

  161. Tialuisa, thanks so much, got it! Your hint about something switching was perfect!

  162. Not KYD, not Riddle in Blue and not A Lot More, but since this kind of became the general page to post I do this comment here too :)

    Tool Torture Threesome

    A new 'double' finisher :)


    reached the Hall of Fame

    and also the Hell of Flames

    CONGRATS, Very well done :)
    and thanks for the Renaming

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. A Lot More. Please could I have a hint for level 106 egg 1, I know that the firsts of the text are a a message and have found 5 words in the text that match the P theme of the level, but can't seem to do anything with them that works, maybe barking up wrong tree?.

  166. There are six words (one of them very, very short) in the text that are P (the url/your answer to get to egg 1). Their firsts will will give you an egg.

    Then it will tell you you missed one (because the whole text level's first make words too) and with that extra letter you can find a new egg.

    That new egg will hint you what you are really looking for :)

  167. Thanks very much, S-T, nearly there.

  168. KYD4 M
    Have six eggs (3 good, 3 bad). Staring at "Sports Gods". A hint please?

  169. @peziflower don't forget your granny :)

  170. Thank you ST. I didn't forget granny, but I had a typo!! Now stuck on KYD4 N. Found the egg f*** per accident some times ago, but dont know how I can get it from the level page. Another hint please?

  171. Lol, it was @Keeper who hinted/helped you, but I will say you're welcome on his behalf :)

    On KYD 4 level N it's Chaldaean numerology things, vague things about meaning in names/words by calculating the number.
    Two ways of doing that for two eggs (by using the text on the level).

  172. A Lot More
    Level 106...oh dear, embarrassed to ask, but...I've now got 1, 2a and 2b. I've changed the text on 1 to m**** c*** and have found another p********* beginning with l. Not sure what is next.

  173. Hi giovanni. It's good that you've changed the text in egg 1 to m**** c***. Your work is almost done. You found one P in that changed text. There are 10 more to find. And as before, one of them is a very short word.

  174. Thank, Tialuisa! So glad of the help.

  175. KYD4
    Never heard of that numerology. Finished now and will start KYD5. Thanks to all, especially ST.

  176. A Lot More.
    Sorry, must be massively overthinking level 106. Have changed text in egg 1 to m**** c***, tried various things, no result.
    Should I be setting out the m**** c*** without any breaks, like the level pic? Or just making p********* words out of the new sentences?If so, I don't understand why I need the m**** c***. Thanks for any help.

  177. HI giovanni. I should have done a better job at explaining. So there are 11 words in egg 1 which are m**** c*** Ps. You need to find those and take their ftfs to granny. For instance, the word 'bet' has m**** c*** P _...._ If that were one of the words on the egg 1 page, you would have 'b' as one of your letters to take to granny. I'm here being driven crazy by another one of small-tool's riddles so I'll check this page often. If this doesn't make sense let me know.

  178. Thank you again, Tialuisa, your explanations were good I think I just overcomplicate when I start to work it out! Will have another go tomorrow, after I've slept:)

  179. Have a good night's sleep Giovanni!

  180. KYD5 5
    Already stuck there. Tried a lot of counting, division, no idea about that point. A hint please?

  181. Wow, you're really killing all my kill your darlings. They're quite hard and you're doing them very fast!!! Congrats on KYD4 :)

    KYD5 is the easier and more fun one, I think. Especially level 25 is fun.

    Anyway, you're on the right track with dividing. But that's the thing with riddles, they're always English, so the notation is English.
    Here in Europe we use the comma as decimal separator, but in English it's the point.

    Btw, be prepared, the egg is a bit English language based too.

  182. KYD5 5
    Thank you, ST. Am I right with translating letters to numbers, adding them up?

  183. Translating yes :)
    But why would you add them?
    Just work with very big numbers :)

  184. KYD5 5
    I've now worked with that very big numbers and got - with the third calculator (the others didn't like such big numbes) - a result, that I had to round up. Finding a word from this result was another challenge. I didn't know this word/animal/sculpture. Now on the next level. Thank you, ST.

  185. A Lot More
    Still stuck on level 106 egg 2b...sorry Tialuisa, your hints are great, just me being dumb! I've arranged the text on egg 1 as m**** c**** and looked for words that are p types. I think I have 6, including a very short one.Must be misssing something-can I go across words/do anything else to make m**** c*** patterns? I've tried a million words that got from adding ????? in anagram solvers, but no good word. Thanks, sorry this is long!

  186. Seems you're doing the right thing and no, you can't go across/jumping or anything. Just be sure you didn't make mistakes in encoding it.
    And check very carefully, because some of them are very sneaky because sometimes there's a space (because it covers two letters).
    Next comment an example I will delete later:

  187. For example;

    KECK = -.- . -.-. -.-

    It's not symmetric because left is a lonely dot and right there is not, but put them all together and you will see it's a Palindrome for sure:

    -.- . -.-. -.- IS -.-.-.-.-.-

  188. Thank you S-T, I'll get back on it!

  189. KYD5 7
    It seems, no one had troubles there, because I can't find anything in the comments. So it should be easy, but I don' see it. Understand the level title, but I see nothing or too much. Searched for letters and numbers, tried counting, grouping, rotating, ... A hint please?

  190. Every letter is 1 box wide, but uses both the left and the right vertical line of the box.
    Like the first letter is a C.
    That C doesn't use much of the right line of the box it's in, but still it does.
    It's 7 letters and no anagram.

  191. While peziflower is killing my KYD riddles at an incredible pace, meanwhile tialuisa is doing the same with my other riddles.
    Like just now she did Riddle Me Tool,

    The Halfway There Heroes

    The Hall of Fame

  192. KYD5 16
    Thank you ST for your help on KYD5 7. Now stuck on lvl 16. Have five eggs (C, P, G, M, I). Do not understand, how tu use the maths on one egg. A hint please?

  193. With the M egg you already have half the answer :)

    But, to do the maths you need two C eggs.
    Both of them come from the same source.

    You probably have the one using the firsts and that gave you the egg with (1+1) etc.
    But you can also do first of the first and second of the second etc and then you get another fish :)

    Then you have the complete math equations.
    And of course not simply doiung maths with those numbers, but first you have to pick again (from those 2 eggs).


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