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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. ok, 6 sides, but counting the surface gives nothing working
    shall we see all letters from each angle or only the first covering others?

  2. @hotaru, all 3 letters should be looked at separately. You don't see all the 6 sides, right? Use only the ones you actually see.

  3. Mishu,
    Sometimes you just have to ask for what you want/need.

  4. @ ellie you mean the white ones too? well already added subtracted individually as a group etc.... I think i will take a break... more confused now.... please leave some good hints if you get it.... good luck to the rest that are stuck hope you get quickly.

  5. Finally on 28. Thanks, Ellie. Your last hint was helpful.

  6. Thank you Ellie, that helped!

  7. @robin, 2 shades of grey.

  8. level 27 Still not got it. Does it matter that most of the light grey squares are only half in width?

  9. @minkie, no, imagine them being all the same size. You need 14 letters.

  10. lvl 28 EGG is it about counting?

  11. Thanks Ellie. That changes my thinking. I'll work on that.

  12. Well I got level 27 by blind chance and Ellie's help, and I suspect for all the wrong reasons. Still don't understand it all. 14 was a great help though.

  13. lvl 28 EGG I found all the clubs but I have no idea what to do with them.

  14. well I'm retiring for now, leave a lot of clues!

  15. Level 11 - I looked at maps but with so many different routes how to I determine which is correct? Help please!!

  16. Hi Sharon. Level 11. The shape and colour of the signs show you which sort of roads you should be looking for. If you type in the places on each sign with the word route, Google should come up with the answer.

  17. back for a bit more torture haha.... @ ellie thank you so much for the hints was able to zip through once i saw the 14 spent hours not realizing i needed to add those..... now am stuck on the egg in lvl 28, have names and sports etc with a ? on the 4th one.. but not getting anything from what i have tried hmmm hoping i dont need to know the players or anything more than names.. ;)

  18. Level 11 - Thank you Minkie..I got to the egg and the letters don't make a word even combined with the first set. I checked 3x to make sure I got it right...What am I missing? The second set of letters have no vowels.

  19. lvl 27 - I looked at what I saw on each letter but could only find 11 but not 14... what am I missing here?

  20. @aaaasa - don't forget the obvious 3...each of those shapes is a letter

  21. @Hancock I tried adding that 3 as well but could not get a 14-letter word. Can you help me check if I got the right letters?

  22. Oops counted 1 of the letters wrong... Onto 28 now

  23. Stuck level 20.
    I don't have eggs.
    I don't understand Bjorn's comment;
    "Think about the alphabet starting with" A "and how that would apply to that level" and "Look for that starting letter "A" from the alphabet. Then try the rest of the alphabet"
    Please give me a hint.

    ※I left the letter with my grandma except for "A" from the c*****y name starting with "A", but it seems wrong.

  24. @jan, did you get to the 1st egg? if so, change one letter in your url answer. Don't use the egg text to do this...the pic gives you the hint. think very basically about how the alphabet starts and progresses.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. So stuck on Level 11 egg...I have the e routes and 5 new letters that make no sense on their own or combined with first set of 5 letters (that got me to the egg!) I need a push...a gigantic push...maybe a shove!

  27. sharon back in the hints someone gave me a web site, euro routes or something close to that... that is the only way i got through.... you can go down the list pretty easy with that one... and rembember to keep the first letter with with them all.... seems like alot but you need them

  28. Sharon, each of the 5 new numbers comes with the same vowel, doesn't it? :)

  29. sharon, robin and aaaasa gave great hints. also Minkie2020 gave a good one that helped me..."Robin level 11 I guess you need some vowels. You will have seeing them when you got your five new letters."

  30. Robin, aaaasa and Hancock :) Wow....just wow!!! Thank you but I must say I've never heard of such a thing...made a note to look it up later! Off to 12! Thank you all for leaving such great hints and giving more when needed!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Robin -- level 28 you need to combine the egg word with what got you the egg word and the pics in the egg, with regard to certain players.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. lvl 28 egg - use the players' last names only

  35. lvl 29 egg - what to do with the numbers?

  36. @aaaasa for Level 29 egg, notice the markings on the battery and do what it says then visit granny.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Puffin - I did that and got the E egg without visiting granny, but don't know what to do with the letters/numbers on the E egg.

  39. Aaasa - did you get another egg in addition to the E egg? There are two things you need to do to the numbers. You should have 3 "words" for granny.

  40. Ahh I see what I missed now... Thanks Puffin :)

  41. lvl 31 - Can't find any eggs... Do I need to ask Google?

  42. I found 3 eggs on Level 31 but I don't know what to do with them. The eggs are right there on the page, no need to google.

  43. In 28 egg I can't find correct players. All are consonants(
    Should I look for the first ones (the oldest dates)? Or the smallest numbers? Or the last ones?

  44. Fossa, find the players with the numbers shown in the main level.

  45. Oh my) It was obvious but I didn't guess)
    Thank you, aaaasa!

  46. lvl 31 egg - seems like I need the correct numbers. Any hint on where to find them?

  47. aaaasa - not exactly correct numbers, look again at the egg

  48. Can't believe I've not tried that one already! Thanks shahar

  49. lvl 30 Tried colours but that didn't work. I don't know where to start.

  50. Ike, did you get the egg? If not, use the numbers first.

  51. Zoot, one of the letters is wrong. You may want to check the c*** again.

  52. A aaaasa yes, I've got the egg, sorry forgot to mention that

  53. lvl 31 I think I know the way ,we are looking for the dot letters(so five)or the others (so nine)?I cant find a proper word

  54. Ike - each color represents a group, you need to find out the location of the numbers in that group.

    the artist - you need more eggs. look at the rotten egg page and take it literally.

  55. lvl 34 egg 5 - tried picking letter in different directions but getting gibberish only... Any hint please?

  56. Level 34
    Egg 5 works exactly the same as egg 4. You should get a kind of confirmation egg.

  57. Level 21 - Don't know many of these people. Have image searched and have names but can't make anything with them as only one vowel.Have also tried counting letters in surnames. Need help please.

  58. still on 31, I got several eggs and now stuck on an egg that only says "YES" (with some blue screen on a TV)
    Should I go backwards and find more eggs?

  59. @ aaaasa googled all of them but keep finding the same letter several times. I will keep looking though

  60. shahar - take what the egg page says literally.

  61. On level 31 I can't get anything except the 3 obvious eggs. How to find the others?

  62. lvl 34 egg 5 - I applied the techniques for egg 4 and got sɹʇʞıǝlʇɯʎ which doesn't make sense, tried switching directions and got a seemingly good answer (t**n**f***) but it didn't work...

  63. lvl 30 I have problems finding the right for Fortunate and Arithmetic, cause I can find more than one, which is right?

  64. Zoot - You need to add in the 2 most visible ones on the egg page

  65. @ Hotaru , I am where you are. I guess I found them all but the answer makes no sense at all. Found a site ( wiki lead me there) where they all are.

  66. lvl 30 egg that would all be more perfect if it was fortunate 197 instead of 233.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. aaaasa,
    Seems you found the right one, but messed up one letter. Check your seemingly good answer again, the N is not correct.

    Hotaru (and Ike),
    There can be more than one with those, but only one of them is correct. You can check that with your egg. The numbers on the egg are all special numbers, to hint and to check.

  69. For lvl 30 is useful site.
    Still need help on 31 for finding more eggs.

  70. pipi - the numbers shows what letters to pick and their order.

  71. @Zoot - thanks. Will try again. I have spent ages Googling the Dicks but obviously have not got the right ones as granny couldn't do anything with only one vowel.

  72. lvl 31,tells me to use them in another place.Where is it,maybe a long way back?

  73. Di999,
    No granny needed for the dicks!
    If you read it from bottom left up, over the top and then down then it's just the word you need.
    But did you see on the picture it's not about first letters, but the letters the questionmarks ar at?

  74. s-t, got the confirmation egg finally but do I need to find more eggs for r*** a*****?

  75. the artist - again, take it literally, the page already told you where to use it :)

  76. lvl 30 : the site pipi mentioned was the site I found in wiki, but all the numbers I found there point to the same letter. Where do I go wrong ?

  77. Ike, you are right there, just take it all together - colors are important too and the first level page too

  78. lvl 31 I'm lost with 3 obvious eggs and one really really notty rotten egg.

  79. Hint please how to start 31? Where to look for obvious egg?)

  80. @Little-Boy-Blue I just got L21 and only saw the ?s a few minutes ago (before seeing your post but thanks). All the people I had were correct. Must look more carefully at things.

  81. Hotaru, look at the rotten egg page again and think what you really need. Try to be literal.

  82. lvl 30 absolutely clueless. Do I need a color-chart ?

  83. lvl 34 do I need to do more picking to find the last egg? From egg 4 I got h**f***m** which is no good in itself...

  84. well, I can't look long at that page, cause my kids could see it :)
    ok, I didn't just expect the R-EGG to be an EGG :)

  85. ike - no, just colors in that level are meaningful

  86. @ Hotaru , I tried a zzzzzillion combo's but I am still in the dark. Granny isn't having a good time with me now.

  87. lvl 31 EGG 6, how far back shall I go? I went a looooong way back, but did not succeed.

  88. lvl 31,I see a screen with an operating system and a yes as a text ,do I need more eggs?

  89. aaaasa, there is not much I can take literally on that egg page except YES and what is written in the blue screen
    do you mean something to do with t** n*** c******? I tried many things in the url to get it. Is c******=level?

  90. Ike - lvl 30 remember all that brought you to the egg - the colors and numbers - use them. Look at the place in each group - the index suggest something basic for riddlers. Colors are pointing to the right group. But you also have the number for each color. Find it and count.

  91. shahar and the artist - in that case simply make an omelette with the 2 YES eggs to form a 14-letter word.

  92. aaaasa thank you
    I didn't know there is a second YES egg, I just found it

  93. zoot Lev 26. If you do control F and start typing in letters you will soon see a pattern. The triplets are are hint.

  94. Level 31 Haven't even got the obvious eggs. I've seen the clue to use ftf, but that just gives me gibberish.

  95. POP level 31 NVM I suddenly saw it.

  96. vlv 30 How to find the second YES egg? where else to use those numbers? please give a hint for that

  97. Hotaru, what is on the screen of the YES egg you have?

  98. Can't solve level 18. I've got both words, but can't find an anagram that uses all the letters.

  99. sorry I meant lvl 31 :) it must be that R-EGG spoiled my mind

  100. Judlike level 18. I couldn't find an anagram until I used

  101. lvl 31 I've got ALT+CTRL+DELETE screen

  102. Staring at 3 eggs on level 31. I'm missing something obvious. Can anyone help?

  103. Thanks minkie, that worked. I saw your earlier comment so tried other anagram sites, but not that one.

  104. @ Hotaru, thx for the help, but I still don't get it. For today I give up, maybe tomorrow a fresh start

  105. Hotaru, no need to go back. The page already told you where to use them, didn't it?

  106. OMG, the same trick on the same lvl and I'm defeated again :) Thank aaaaasa!

  107. On level 34, I can't get past the last (I hope)step. I see what I have to add but to what? I need a a hint to swim past that fish.

  108. lvl 31: I can't find an egg..

  109. @Hotaru thank you! I was blind!)
    Now I am looking at the rotten egg trying to understand what "other n******" do I really need...

  110. Level 31 Molly write down ftf and read what you see. Then perhaps you can come and help me with the next step!

  111. Level 31 Fossa, can you give me a hint on how you found the rotten egg?

  112. @ minkie2020, I stuck at the same place/ I found 3 jbvious eggs and rotten from numbers. All write that we need other numbers literally. Romans, may be?

  113. @ minkie2020, look at every egg. How many letters in the url and how many numbers (dot = missing number). And all numbers in 3 eggs are different.

  114. Thanks Fossa. Haven't got it yet, but I'll work on it.

  115. lvl 32 with an EGG and 2 confirmation EGGS - any hint welcome :)

  116. Level 31 Has getting beyond the first 3 eggs got to do with bases?

  117. @ minkie2020, I found the next egg. There must be one more. Use the advice literally from the rotten egg.

  118. Fossa I've been trying to do so! There are two other numbers on each egg page. Is that it? I can't make anything of it.

  119. @ minkie2020, no, don't count anything. Stay at the rotten egg and use "other numbers" literally. Use it.

  120. Hotaru,lvl 32 same here plus two rotten eggs!Any help for this!

  121. hanks minkie2020 but i can't find the rotten eggs

  122. I seem to remember you helping me through a riddlemetool level in much the same way when I couldn't see what was in front of my face!

  123. Molly level 31 Fossa pointed out that to get to the rotten egg you need to notice that all the numbers on the eggs are different.

  124. @molly, write down three egg words and three sets of numbers under them. Dots mean missing numbers. You'll see how to pick letters for the rotten egg.

    How to find the next egg from the blue screen? Look down?

  125. Hotaru, for lvl 32 you need to compare letter pairs to find what the egg word hints. The confirmation eggs tell you what order the letters are.

  126. Level 31 I'm still working on that next egg Fossa. I tried going back to the level page, but that does not seem to work.

  127. @minkie2020. I've got 2 more rotten eggs) I tried to be literal again) May be there must be a folder in the url?

  128. Level 32 -- where to start? I think getting through level 31 fried my brain.

  129. aaaasa I did that but got nothing - especially that there is 0 in one place

  130. @ Laurie W , help us please to go through the blue screen in 31 lvl?)) We stuck here)

  131. Oh, I did something different and got another egg!

  132. Fossa--which blue screen? There are several. Do you means the "blue screen of death" with the ominous text? It is telling you what to do. Take the text literally. Remember a couple of eggs back? Do you think ST might pull the same sort of trick twice in one level?

  133. Level 31 Not that blue screen Laurie W. We are both stuck on the first blue screen after the astronomical eggs.

  134. NVM, I was overthinking. Always try the obvious.

  135. minki, do something similar to what you did on the rotten egg, but don't put it in the url, but use it

  136. lvl 32 I got to the f..e egg, stuck again. I tried the same methods but it gives only 2 or 4 letters and nothing gets through

  137. Minkie--do you mean the one with lots of numbers? Use the numbers in the text (not the pic) somewhere else in the level. Do you remember a place with two groups of text?

  138. Ok, Thanks Laurie. I've tried that before, but I'll have another go.

  139. On to the next egg in level 31. I was way overthinking how to apply the numbers to the level page.

  140. @ minkie2020, now apply the same numbers to 2 words from the text under the broken screen. And omelette them then!)

  141. Thanks Fossa I was working through all my bookmarks trying to find suitable pages ;)

  142. Hotaru -- Level 32 I have three eggs. Where do I go from the h***** egg? I tried the same technique that got me here, but it gives gibberish.


  143. I try to make a word out of the 4 letters I already have and the omelette at level 5 but I can't figure it out. Please help.

  144. Level 14 - I googled the woman and got to the icky egg and I translated the level from "D----M--" to "H---an---". I read all the hints but I am not understanding what they mean. More help please!!!!!!!!

  145. good afternoon all!! LVL 30 got egg, using the oeis site I have tried my original numbers corresponding to colors and counted to find positions but not coming up with a word, if i look for the numbers listed on the egg they all give me the same letter, what am i missing?

  146. Laurie W look how the alphabet is placed (in the picture). You may go in two directions, use all of the possible letters.

    Robin - you are doing the right thing or close to the right thing. When you take a number in the right color, find in in a sequance and assign the corresponding letter to it.

  147. marja
    That's a very easy anagram, in fact it's putting the words behind each other like this:

    Read the 'and' as a +
    And then it's a same kind of easy anagram as it is for @marja

    The numbers on the egg are indeed all the same number. And it's a special number especially for riddlers. Isn't that number the A....... ?

  148. Sharon Level 14. It sounds like you have the same problem as someone else had on this level. Do you have autotranslate on? You should never have seen the word dutchman, so ignore that. Just work with h___AND__r, and read it very literally.

  149. stuck on level 35 egg 2 - not sure what to do with that new element. Should I combine it somehow with egg 1?

  150. Congrats on beating level 34. Very well done!

    35 Egg-2 is not combined with 35 level or 35 egg-1.
    It can be solved as it is.

  151. Level 33 No-one seems to have a problem at this level. I have an egg. Am I looking at the author M***l**** r***

  152. minkie--I'm at the same place. I don't think very many people are here yet.

  153. @minkie, help with 32 please?) I stuck here too) Only one egg with alphabet and numbers.

  154. Fossa. I'm a bit confused as to where exactly you are. What does the pic on your egg look like.

  155. minkie, it is the first egg with movie name and alphabet on the wall. And two sets of numbers.

  156. Level 32 Fossa. Oh, I hadn't even noticed the alphabet on the wall.
    Two more eggs are deceptively straight forward. Take you two sets of numbers to granny.

  157. I'm stuck with Fossa on 32. I got the 2 confirmation eggs but don't know how what to do next.

  158. Level 32 eggs. You've got two strings of 6 letters now. Apply the title of first egg to them.

  159. I've fallen behind. I'm still stuck back on Level 24. I have the first egg (d*****d), I have the second egg (d*****w), I have the rotten egg (c***) and I read the hints to add two of the most visible from egg to something. I though the two most visible might be from the d*****w egg but I've tried adding them to each egg with no success. I've also tried many ways of looking at the four colors on the d*****w egg but I evidently still need a push. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  160. ALMOST 600 COMMENTS!!!!

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. I said a bit too much just then. Bucksdack level 24. On the d******w page look straight ahead. You can forget about the colours now.

  163. Thank you Minkie2020! I have made the mistake before of ignoring granny words that I didn't recognize. I appreciate the help. On to Level 25 now :-)

  164. Bucksdack I've just read your post more closely. It seems you have the correct two letters. Are you sure you have tried adding them to every egg?

  165. minkie2020, for 32 I've tried comparing the two strings of words from the confirmation eggs but I don't know how to find what's i*******n them. If I use math, I get a zero for one number but if I just look at the alphabet I get too many letters.

  166. minkie, in 2 should we go back to previous lvls?

  167. Puffin For example you've got a B and a D. What's i********n them?

  168. Fossa, if you mean "in 32", then no.

  169. minkie I also have a D and an R? And a C and an M?

  170. Puffin Find what's in the middle of the i*******n bit.

  171. lvl 33 the first EGG - no idea what to do, I tried to find one more book

  172. I'm where you are Hotaru. I've been looking for authors of a book titled c******* but I can't make it work despite some promising looking leads.

  173. LVL 30 egg I have counted and recounted so many times, not sure what i am doing wrong. if doing it correctly than the first one semi in white counting the numbers to 14 gives me E, did that with all and the 8 letters i get doing that with the list doesnt give me an acceptable word....what am I doing wrong?

  174. level 30 robin You are right in the example you've given.

  175. Brilliant! Thanks minkie2020!

  176. lvl30 can someone tell me if my red 5 is O, orange 19 is O, and blue 3 is A.... those are the only ones that seem to vary at all?

  177. Robin your blue is correct. The other two are wrong. I'll try to work out where you are going wrong.

  178. Back at level 23 no eggs yet. I’ve read all the comments and I’m looking for letters in the captcha? Cuz I’ve made a grid and filled it in and I don’t know those letters! Am I overthinking or getting ahead of myself, or ... :-)

  179. Level 30 Robin. I'm not sure how you've arrived at your answers but red 5 could not be O in any these numbering systems because 5 could not be the 15th member of any of the series.

  180. Level 23 Someone mentioned that you need to find eight categories. The text tells you which categories they are. I did it by making 3 grids in word and using the fill tool to colour code the hits.

  181. using the oeis site I am using the first sequence they show for each word and number typed in the only one that i had to go down searching for is the arithmetic 19...

  182. lvl 19 can't find the third egg. i know, well i think to know, how to combine darts to form letters according the semaphore alphabet, but the obvious method doesn't if it is not a blue dart with a yellow dart to have a letter which is the right combination? thanks for any help

  183. Robin, just in case you are in the wrong place using oeis, perhaps you'd be better going to the wiki page for arithmetic numbers.

  184. Maremoto it's not blue dart with yellow dart. Just take the darts in order.

  185. OMG I never even tried the most obvious thing on level 33. There are at least two eggs to get from the novel list.

  186. can someone give me a push on the last egg of 32? this is the f..e one.

  187. many thanks minkie, now i have the third egg (i was so sure it was b+y that couldn't think the other simple way!). nevertheless I'm stuck again!

  188. both Hancock and Maremoto, time for omelettes ;)

  189. Thanks Minkie - I wasn’t thinking big picture enough, I’ll give it a try your way.

  190. minkie, have a good and large omelette! :D

  191. finally onto 31 thank you all for your help... it was that one letter that was messing me up all day

  192. lvl 32 found the egg ,two confirmation eggs and two rotten telling me that its not the kind he meant,a little push pls.I understand its about in......n but where I apply it?

  193. the artist- on the words that gave you eggs


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