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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. I'm still stuck at lvl 33 first EGG. Totally lost in that darkness

  2. lvl 32: I have an obvious egg, 2 confirmation and 2 rottes, what am I missing? thanks

  3. Level 33 Hotaru I didn't find the first egg till just now DUH. You can get another egg from the novel list, but it is not helping me.

  4. level 37: egg 3b, i see that i need traditional, fl****** and st***** but traditional have only 1 vowel.

    what am i missing?

  5. oh, thanks Minkie, that helps! I've got third egg now

  6. Hotaru can you give me a hint how you got to the third egg? I'm just not seeing it.

  7. well, it's not an egg, it's the second part. Just use info from both eggs. Find a famous book (the title corresponding to other titles"

  8. level 33 I've found a famous book, but its a confirmation egg not the second part. Am I looking for another book by g***** o***** or perhaps m******** r***

  9. Use that with one of the eggs

  10. I'm going insane with 31. I'm at the first "YES" egg, but have no idea what this "other place" is where I'm supposed to use the numbers!? I tried "a******p****", "a**k**" and "w*****s" and all of them are rotten eggs. I just can't figure out how else to take the text on the egg literally.

  11. OMG POP!!! I can't believe the same trick tripped me up again. Gah!!! Onto Level 32!!!

  12. Level 33 I guess I'm too tired. Should I be using all the letters from A*****F***.
    If I try to use the text given by Egg 2, part of my problem is the G***** O***** wrote only 6 novels.

  13. Just the surname and one novel is enough :)

  14. At last! Thanks for all your help Hotaru, I was slow there.

  15. LVL-32
    I have obvious egg, two confirmation eggs, and two rotten eggs. Applying the word of the obvious egg, I get the 2 rotten eggs.
    I still don't understand what kind of i........n to apply. Help please! Thanks

  16. hi all, i have not succeeded with omlette making on the 3rd egg of level 32. is it an omlette of previous egg answers? It seems there is one final word to find...the text shows 2 letters minus 2 letters. what am i missing?

  17. Hancock You need to use the same method as on the previous egg to get 4 letters. There are another four letters you can use to make an omelette.

  18. Pichi See my responses at the top of this page to Puffin. They should give you the answer.

  19. lvl 33 part 2 I think I have all titles but I have no idea how to proceed

  20. Found the egg on Level 33 from titles. This led me to G.O., which led me to another book, which was a confirmation egg. Now I'm not sure where to go from here. I tried putting the books in chronological order, but I didn't really get anywhere. Could I get a hint, please? :)

  21. minkie2020. I did that, I have 3 eggs and 2 rotten eggs.(Obvious one and two confirmation, 2 rotten for: i........n) Maybe there is another egg?

  22. level 33 Blackfiresong What do the titles have in common?

  23. pichi level 32 you need the i*******ns of the two confirmation eggs to get a further six letter egg. Take their letters in order, find the midpoints and go to granny.

  24. Level 33 I seem to be at a dead end with the egg t**** i* m***

  25. Hotaru There are various possible titles for the first novel. A wiki page gives 3. Try them out in exactly the same way as on the original page to give you two eggs.

  26. Minkie,
    On the cover of a book you can usually see the title and the ??????

  27. Thanks S-T I will work on that

  28. @minkie2020: Thank you!!! I never thought of using that common factor.

    Now stuck on the t****i*m*** egg. Tried making an omelette of some words, but no luck so far.

  29. See S-T's comment above BFS. It gets easier from here.
    Thanks S-T and Hotaru. That was a marathon (for me).

  30. 'Marathon'
    Lol, you ain't seen nothing yet. Although the level number is 33, you guys are about halfway now and the easy part is over :P

  31. Oh! and S-T you were just saying what an adorable bosom buddy you were!

  32. minkie2020 What does it mean:"Take their letters in order"? I try several directions but it works

  33. Pichi. You've got two confirmation eggs D***** and B*****. Right?
    The D goes with the B. What is in the middle of D and B? It is C.
    Do the same for the other pairs of letters. When you have 6 letters, go to granny.

  34. Comment 666

    That's my cue to post :P

  35. Too right! Anyway I'm riddled-out for the night. Thanks for the fun S-T.

  36. I'm on grid 5 of Level 34 and my eyes are glazing over. I also got a string of "NO"s from that table, LOL. Any tips on how best to navigate those axes?

  37. BlackFiresong,
    It's atucally the same method as egg 4.
    If you get a string of NO then your rotations are not correct.
    Keep calm and be sure to put your X- and Y-axes correctly.

  38. minkie2020 Thank you!
    Now on next egg and 2 words. Doing the same method I have 4 letters with those two words. Do I need more letters for the answer? Anagram plus eggs nothing...

  39. Check out the picture, Pichi!
    If the alphabet is like that there are 4 more letters to find!

  40. @s-t - I got the rotten confirmation egg but I don't know how to add what I'm being told to add! Following the instruction literally on "t**r**f***" doesn't seem to work. I tried applying the instruction on the previous URL to give "ia*n**af***m*****", but that doesn't work either.

  41. Ah ok then you're almost done BlackFiresong :)
    Only one more egg to find.
    Not gonna give hints how to find that egg, because it's super easy to find (lol, I guess that's still a hint, and a big one actually)

  42. minkie2020 I want to thank your help and your patience, for the lvl 32. Thanks you!
    Onto 33

  43. I'm afraid I'm still totally mystified, s-t :( Do I need to use the previous eggs, or is everything I need on the rotten egg?

  44. For level 38 I am stuck at the spy egg. The numbers look like I need to reorder of the information in the three line groups. There is a lot of information there. How can I determine which to reorder if indeed that is what is required.

  45. oh god, i was counting wrong on 32 last egg...thank you Minkie2020. Onwards!

  46. Giving up for the night. I've tried everything I can think of and I just can't find that last egg on Level 34.

  47. BFS, for level 34 egg 5 gives 2 eggs. One from picking and the other from converting with the basic riddle technique.

  48. lvl 33 part 2 what do i apply the numbers to in the egg? thought it would be all the books but there are 12 combined and only 11 numbers?

  49. robin, there are 3 eggs you need to find in part 2. Use only the eggs to find the answer.

  50. thank you aaaasa i have two of the eggs will go back and try to find the third

  51. Level 17 - Firstly: I am ALWAYS amazed how how smart and observant you guys are...One day your stuck on 17 and then're on 25! Lvl 17 and the fish. I've read all the comments and I see they have different patterns but they are moving so fast I cant count the dots/lines...I don't how to 'see' letters. A not so gentle shove in the right direction would be mighty helpful!!

  52. Sharon, all you need to know is whether they are dots or lines. The exact numbers are not relevant.

  53. lvl 36 - got the instructions but don't know where to apply them... Do I need another egg?

  54. still stuck on 35 egg 2 - no clue what to do with that element. Google? Anagram? Related to previous answer? Are the shells in the picture important?

  55. lvl 35 egg 2 - Did you know that atoms have shells? Google is your friend here :)

  56. thank you aaaasa, got the confirmation egg but not sure what old and lame trick I need now

  57. aaaasa, if you still need help on 36, no need for another egg. Apply the instructions on the level text

  58. shahar - is the pic on the wall relevant? I can't find where to start and where to end.

  59. the pic is relevant, but the words in the instruction itself are even more - find out how

  60. I tried that and got a string of letters starting with s and ending with h but they don't form a word. Am I on the right starting point here?

  61. s is a good start, but you probably have lost your way because h is not one of the letters

  62. stuck on level 37 egg 3b
    I got all the info but not sure which letters to pick

  63. @aaaasa: I have the egg t**r**f***. That tells me to start my real answer with something. But I don't know what that something is. I've tried FTF on the five eggs, but that doesn't yield anything, and neither does taking the first letter of the first egg, second of the second egg etc. I tried FTF on the rotten egg text too and that was no good either. So I'm stumped. :(

  64. lvl 33 second part third egg,t... i. m... looking for a writer of this sentence or sth else?

  65. shahar - From the path I took the first 3 letters are s-s-d, I think the shape of the path looks the same as shown on the egg but there's only one vowel... can I have a bigger hint here?

  66. BlackFiresong, try simple conversion on one of the final eggs

    the artist, authors is the right approach, but not of this sentence

  67. BFS - focus only on egg 5 and ignore the other eggs for now. Notice anything you can convert on that page? Not ftf but another basic riddling technique.

  68. aaaasa, you don't strictly need the shape of the path, it is more for guidance. If you found how to relate the instruction text to the level text, it will be clear for you which letters to take

  69. ahhh how could I have missed that... thanks shahar :)

  70. @shahar & @aaaasa: Thanks for your patience. I'm still really dense about this for some reason. The obvious thought is to convert n*****s to l*****s. Is that right? I tried it for the whole lot and then tried it by colour. I do get the name of a vegetable, but that doesn't work as an answer.

  71. you are on the right way
    try converting column by column starting from the bottom

  72. OMG!!! I finally got it. I am definitely what that egg says I am (even if the answer to the level refutes it!)

  73. What to do with level 7? The six words?

  74. @marja: Taking firsts of the words will get you an egg.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. BFS - Everything you need is in egg 2 itself.

  77. @aaaasa: I got it - thank you!! On Level 36 now.

  78. OK, I haven't the foggiest idea what to do on Level 36. Like I don't even have a vague idea of what to try. The obvious techniques lead nowhere. Can somebody please give me a hard shove?

  79. BFS - ftf should give you an egg. shahar gave some very useful hints about what to do with the egg and the main level.

  80. Hi BFS. Thank you everyone for your hints. Thank goodness for brains far more clever than mine. I had no idea either BFS, and as a random tried reading down on the left side and then visiting granny.

  81. Hi Clio!!!! I've been wondering where you were. Hope you're well. I loved your story on one of the earlier levels about the anti-swearing Grandma. :D Which level are you on now?

    @aaaasa: Thanks - I will keep trying FTF!

  82. BFS, If you leaned forward and took a bite, you would take a chunk outta my ankle. Only a non-waxed leg hair between us lol. I look forward to cheating from you tmrw. Good luck, and leave loads of clio-likes- being-told-and-not-vaguely-hinted hints. hahhahhha. See you next time.

  83. How to start 35 level, mmm? Excluding 5 obvious confirmation eggs? Usual methods don't work...

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. molly, you need another egg from that list. The right novel of G***** O***** hints you but it is not necessary. Just look at the novel list. What is common? Use it to make new egg.

  86. I found it
    thanks ..i see

  87. Fossa, it's kind of a usual method (picking letters using numbers) except this time you need to use the numbers each of them is associated with.

  88. lvl 32 the last hurdle. I need 4 more letters from a strange alphabet, but how to get them?

  89. Fosa:The book I'm looking for with 8-9-10th is from that author r ***?

  90. molly, you need the writer from the egg (first 4 letters) and his novel (last 3).

    Ike, you need to find middle letters in 2 directions. 2 for one pair and 2 for other.

    aaaasa, thank you! I did it and mistyped)

  91. I'm also stuck on lvl 37 egg 3b now... Any hints will be welcome :)

  92. @ Fossa, seems I still don't get it. No matter what I count, the WIX-cat is not happy and shows up every time
    I type a word.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. @ike. you need 8 letters total. use the text and a circle to get 4 and use the photo for 4 more.

  95. Ike, you have 2 syllables at the dark blue background, right?
    D and B have 2 middles. 1 is obvious C. Another - count around the alphabet. D + 11 and B - 11 (in the round alphabet ...RSTUVWXYZABCD...) has the only letter between.

  96. 38 egg: no idea here . morse?

  97. So I got the egg on Level 36, but I have no idea how to apply the instructions on the level text. I'm just randomly trying to follow the shape and not really getting anywhere.

  98. hello everyone, LVL 34 stuck on egg 5, I have followed the coordinates over and over granny is not helping at all, am i missing some simple step? my 10 letters do not form a word at all, even if i replace one or two with other letters granny just doesnt like it.

  99. POP! The penny just dropped.

  100. Robin, use rotation. If your letters are correct you ll find rotten confirmation egg.

  101. @Fossa: the egg has a DVD and underneath 2 4-letterwords from which I formed 4 letters. I understand that I must find another 4-letters from the picture, but using what?

  102. finally got 37 egg 3b - the image is important to get the right values
    but now stuck on 37 egg 3c (this level never ends lol) - applying the m***** on the previous numbers doesn't make a word, and I can't find other numbers

  103. lvl 37 egg 3b - How many letters do I need? 15? Thought that the image was about d***** the numbers but that didn't seem to work...

  104. Level 35 egg 2 Do I need to go back to the level page to pick letters? I'm getting way to many C's.

  105. aaaasa, you still need 5 letters, just make sure you pick from the right subjects (based on the image)
    please help me with 3c - my brain is already dehydrated lol

  106. Level 35 egg 2 - no need for anything from previous pages. You just need the text, the image and google.

  107. @aaaasa I'm stuck where you are! Thanks for the d****ing idea... I think you're on to something there, but I can't get it to work either!

  108. @fossa its rotating and flipping correct?

  109. shahar - thanks for the hint! getting over 37 finally...
    for 3c, don't overthink, just do as the cover says and find the corresponding one :)

    BFS - shahar gave a useful hint above on how you need 5 letters from the right things based on the image :)

  110. Thank you. Finally on 38!!!

  111. @aaaasa: Thanks! Trying many things and nothing's working at the moment. If we're going by the i***e rather than the n*****s, then I think the f***er is c*******n and the s***e is s******e? But I'm not sure how to pick from those. Do I take the first letter twice, the first and last letters, the first two letters or something else? Is the fact that the f****r and s***e are mirrored (not just doubled) significant? I'm also not sure about the g**t part since it's not evident from the image which one to use...

  112. Scratch all of the above. Tried something I thought I'd tried before and it worked!

  113. BFS - you are overthinking
    you have 5 numbers, use them as follows: T F F S S

  114. could I get a push on level 34, egg 3? I got the rotten one beyond the r......... egg but I am struggling to find the new way to plot letters.

  115. lvl 38 - I know the code but don't know how to use it

  116. *repost* - For level 38 I am stuck at the spy egg. The numbers look like I need to reorder of the information in the three line groups. There is a lot of information there. How can I determine which to reorder if indeed that is what is required.

  117. same here for 38 egg
    any help??

  118. I know where to look in Level 37 Egg 3c, but I'm not sure if I'm looking for a kind of g**t or a y**r n****r, or what I'm basing that off. I tried brute forcing some gift categories, but no luck.

  119. @Hancock - Treat the red axis like it's the x-axis and pick letters that way. No Granny required on that egg.

  120. Ahhh, 37C is just about summing things up :)

  121. thanks BFS, that's what got me the rotten egg (r*********). any tips for thinking differently?

  122. nvm got it. thank you BFS

  123. @Hancock: Ahhh, I see what you're doing. Try counting down the red axis, not up.

  124. Yay @Hancock! I'm afraid things only get worse on the next couple of eggs, lol.

  125. lvl 32 @ Hancock, can you give me a clue how to use the foto. The other 4 letter I have, tried counting +2 -2 etc. Nada.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. lvl 34 egg 5 i have counted and counted and keep getting the same letters that granny doesnt find anything with, I am doing it with the left numbers on the bottom and the right numbers on the left... am i supposed to combine them with something else to for something other than a 10 letter word? have been stuck here for hours

  128. Got a confirmation egg on Level 38 from p****s of b***h. Now unsure how to use it. I've also arranged the people in chronological order. Not sure if that's necessary or helpful.

  129. I'm stuck on Level 35 egg with the old and lame trick. Can someone please give me a hint?

  130. Robin You are looking for ten letters, but not one word. In the end I had to resort to typing the whole grid in a table in word and one by one highlighting 4 possible ways of doing the coordinates for each pair. You need to determine where the origin point is for each pair. You need to be systematic, but the answer does emerge.

  131. just found rotten egg LVL 34 egg5 will try something new with that.

  132. Level 38 I haven't got started yet and I'm googling madly. Can someone let me know if I'm wasting my time?

  133. @minkie: Googling the bold ones and combining a certain piece of info about each of them should get you a confirmation egg (see my comment above for details). I'm stuck at that point right now.

  134. @robin: You've done the hard part! Go back to basics on Egg 5 for the r*** a*****.

  135. BFS I thought so ... sigh. But at least I've been recording that particular piece of information as I've been going along.

  136. @ike. you have two sets of letters; caps and small caps. find the middle letter between both sets. then do that again (using circle...go in opposite direction. now you have 4 letters. combine with the letters in the picture. granny! hope this helps.

  137. @ Hancock , Thx, will go and try some more

  138. Ike, you have a circle and you have to find center between 2 dots in the circle. There are 2 centers for each pair of dots - in one direction and in another. Letters are dots in the circle alphabet. 2 pairs give you 4 letters (centers).

    Puffin, did you see egg 1? That explained about lame trick. Your egg word is already part of such trick. Just add new element.

    How to start 36? I don't see any ftf!)

  139. Level 38 - where to go from the c***** confirmation egg?

  140. @Fossa: FTF by line rather than by sentence.

  141. For lvl 38, after the first conf egg, search for them in the world.

    For lvl 38, agents egg. Do the same thing again, with the same info as before, but a new order.

  142. BFS 38 there's another egg on the level page. Check out the title.

  143. Level 32 with egg that has 2 four letter words and DVD. I think I'm stuck at the same place Ike is. Cannot make a viable word with the method as first egg. Understand about going around the circle which gives me a good word but doesn't get me anywhere. I've triple checked my letters. Help!

  144. Level 38 When you say search for them in the world, am I meant to be finding l**g*****s and l**i****s

  145. lvl 32 @ Hancock, now this got me another egg ! pfff

  146. A patty3ponies : That one I solved, the way Fossa and Hancock described. Maybe you made a mistake after all, because you can get a 8 letter word that lead to another egg.

  147. Ike, thanks, I'll try again.

  148. @BFS, lvl 38, you know the dates, now you need the places.
    @minkie, just place them and look. Some drawing might help.

  149. @BFS, sorry, you are already there, so read my hint to minkie instead.

  150. Eureka! Had the right letters, but didn't recognize the word; so didn't use it. Once again S-T is teaching me vocabulary! Thanks, Ike.

  151. @ patty3ponies yw, now pleae come to my rescue with that last egg

  152. Level 38 Oh I see. Though I'm not enjoying my first experience of the Mac map app. Thanks Ellie.

  153. LVL 34 egg 5, I have tried so many things now that i am confusing myself, I tried flipping what got me the rotten egg with and without colors cant really do it with colors because then some colors match up, tried putting second set first... what am i missing... must be something obvious i am i on the right track flipping numbers? top bottom side to side? am i way off what the egg meant?

  154. hi..I stay in part 2 of level 33, I only have one egg that says "is not enought" .. how do I find more egg?

  155. @molly, basic riddling rules on your list of books and authors.

  156. @robin. rotate grid so axis colors match x, y colors. x is across, y is down (not up as usual).

  157. lvl 37 EGG , I'm completely stuck here... seems no one had problems

  158. @hancock I have repeated that too many times to count, is it with the changing the list of coordinates in some way that i havent tried? keep getting the same ten letters which give me no's

  159. Level 32 - if last egg is F***, then I'm stuck with Ike and patty3ponies too. Very stuck.

  160. Robin,
    Not sure, but it looks like you already found the rotten egg with using coordinates. If so then there's nothing more to find in the grid.
    Read some comments up about how that other egg is found.

    Almost 800 comments. New comments on the new page

  161. POP! moved to 33 (at last)

  162. Ike & Puzzled, sorry I had logged out and was working on lvl 33.
    For last step of 32, do what you did previously to get 4 letters and add the ones in the picture.

  163. Quite stuck on lvl 44 egg 1b. I thought it would be L***-***-S**, but can't figure out how to use it. It could also be about b***, but too many to try. LOL, if you can't figure out what I mean, I'm probably totally wrong :)

  164. LVL 37 EGG 1 - please give a hint. I only found a R EGG for lvl 32 here :D

  165. Nvm, I got egg 2a now. I was right, but used it wrong.

  166. LVL 35. I have Egg 1, 2, and confirmation egg. I think i need to make an omelette? but it's not going well. can someone help please?

  167. stuck at 44 egg 1b too.
    is sum right way?

  168. I'm still in part 33, I have 2 good eggs, with numbers, (3 rotten) I need a third I think ... I can't find it

  169. Level 39 egg 1. I'm stuck after finding the rotten egg. Am I still looking for two-word answers, or is that done with after the one earlier on.

  170. Hancock Go back to the Egg 2 page. There's really only one thing you can use, perhaps not in the way you first think of, though I wouldn't fancy it as the ingredient of an omelette, lol.

  171. Molly. I'm not sure exactly where you are in 33 but if you've got two eggs with numbers you should be able to use them.

  172. passed to letters tells me "is not ... the other with + -

  173. @hotaru, you might need some google. The pic looks like something you would have on a special day. You have a word below the pic, and you have the main title of the lvl.

  174. @mishu, no. You need to find a special "method", and there will be a conf EGG for "the method".

  175. Molly level 33 I haven't got a bookmark with "is not" so I am still a bit confused. However if you have an egg with a blue smurf (toy) you can use those numbers with some you used earlier in the level.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. LVL 37 EGG 1 Is it a mistake? For 2 it should be C not L.

  178. seem there are many different lists like that, which one is correct? It's the first time I heard about such thing, I can always learn something new here :)

  179. Hotaru for all the stages in level 37 I kept finding different contradictory lists. I think all the ones I got from a wiki page on the subject matched the answers needed.

  180. Stuck on level 22 Part 2. Read the hints but not getting it. I believe I have found their titles but I am getting nothing. Tried FTF and STS in honor of it being Part 2. Can I get a hint, please? By the way, thanks for another great riddle ST!

  181. Chael Level 22 At this stage you don't need their titles (but keep your notes!) FTF on the most simple thing that identifies each individual.

  182. again lvl 37 EGG 2a - I don't have the slightest idea what it is about. Googling with "years", "pillars", I can't find anything. Please help.

  183. Hotaru it's simpler than that. You need granny.

  184. Level 38 - I'm attempting to map them, but I'm not sure how doing so relates to the code indicates by one of the eggs... Am I meant to be taking pairs of people and applying the code to those relative to the c***** of the map?

  185. BFS you can forget the people now. You know which code to use from one of the eggs. The other egg shows you which place is in the c***** of each group of three.
    I'm off to bed, but I hope by tomorrow you'll be able to help me with level 39.

  186. Thanks Minkie, I didn't even try the obvious :)

  187. Thank you ST for this great riddle and thanks to all of you for wonderful hints.
    I am stuck on level 29 egg with absolutely no idea what do do. Read the hints but they didn't help me. Tried many things, and nothing. I'm sure it's something simple and stupid but I just can't see it. I understand I have to do + and - but with what? Could someone point me in the right direction?

  188. @minkie and @Ellie: Thank you for your help! I'm on the spy egg now.

    @Milena: On the first egg, the battery has two terminals, a positive and a negative. Do the relevant maths and then convert what you get. That will give you two more eggs. Then you can pay Granny a visit and make an omelette.

  189. @BlackFiresong: Thank you, I finally got it. I had it all along, I just didn't realize those were words.

  190. Level 22 - I got the countries/people/titles confirm eggs, even got the beefy egg. Earlier hints said "take titles to granny" but she's got nothing. I don't know what else I can do with all this info. Help please!

  191. @Sharon: If you have confirm eggs of all the titles, just take ftf to granny.

  192. @sharon each has a specific title. ftf. it is a strange word.

  193. Thank you Minkie, moving on..

  194. somebody please save me with a big push on 34... I am missing some last step.... on egg 5... got rotten confirmation so tried applying that direction to the coordinates cant get anything useful just tired hulus, have tried coordinates in every which way.. nothing obvious or that granny can see ... tried combining answers from eggs... what am i missing? please help me out so i dont keep doing the same things over and over again


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