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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Level 22 - Thank you Milena/Hancock...even with Ftf on confirmed titles Granny is only returning call letters for a radio station..(didn't work!) I honestly don't know what I am doing wrong since I have confirmed the titles.

  2. lvl 22... sharon if you confirmed the actual 4 different titles then you have the 5 ftf (2 being the same) letters you need for granny... make sure you have their true titles

  3. robin - once you got t**r**f*** egg you're done with coordinates. Convert what's left by the column and you will get the other egg you need.

  4. Level 22..Omgosh that took my brain for a walk and almost didn't come back!!!!! I was using ALL the firsts... Thank you x10!!!!!!! Onto 23!

  5. On level 37 egg 3b. I see the image pattern and applied it to the text on 3a, but nothing is making a word. I've tried so many combinations from many lists. can someone point me to the correct list? is there a visit to granny needed also?

  6. aaaasa... thank you so much...was the hint i needed to get me over that crazy hump.. finally onto to 35

  7. Hancock - the lists on wikipedia page for W****** A********** should provide all you need for this level.

    Now stuck at lvl 38 spy egg. I drew them out and knew I need to do the same thing with new order. Thought 2=c***** but only getting letters like z and j etc... Can I have a bigger push here?

  8. aaaasa, sounds like you know the right method, the c***** will change, use the middle number of the new order

  9. Level 25 - Ive read the hints about applying the text of the sign to the title. I'm not connecting it at all. I can't see another way to read it...could be because I'm tired but I'd love a shove in the right direction! :)

  10. @ patty3ponies, thx, was miscounting

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sharon,
    Read the last 'word' on the sign on the picture as 3 letters, 2 letters, 3 letters and then apply it on the title and then you know what you're looking for.

  13. lvl 39 - was led to 2 rotten eggs. What did I miss on the picture? :/

  14. 45: i have 2 rotten eggs
    what are right hours to use?

  15. Having the same issue myself, aaaasa - stuck on Level 39 after the 2 rotten eggs. Help!

  16. Level 39 I'm also stuck, but I think a bit step further on than you aaaasa and bfs. There's another ftf to get a non-rotten egg.

  17. @minkie: I got an obvious rotten egg (type of fish), then an egg from taking that to Granny, then "Egg 1" from FTF on the c***sw***d, then another rotten egg from following the arrows on Egg 1.

  18. Ah, that's where I am BFS, except there's another rotten egg on the level page.

  19. BFS - what should I ftf to get Egg 1? I used the obvious ftf on the level page and got an egg with no arrows.

  20. @aaaasa: FTF the answers themselves and then visit Granny.

  21. hmmm I swear I've already tried that but I must have typed the letters wrong...

  22. I had an idea that the arrows might need to be applied on a*****s from p**v***s l*v**s. But that doesn't work for #5 as the answer is not long enough for the grid.

  23. Level 39 I was sure I had tried this, I must have miscounted. BFS and aaaasa, it's answer lengths to get to the next egg.

  24. lvl 33 : have 2 eggs with numbers on them but added or subtracted they make no sense. Where do I use them ?

  25. Level 39 And yes that is a word! It didn't show up in my anagram solver.

  26. lol I should've seen that... thanks minkie :)

  27. Thanks, Minkie!!! I was overthinking as always. Onto Level 40 now.

  28. I hope I am not joining too late :)
    Need some help on lvl 24 please, stuck at the 2nd egg (4 colours) with my eyes broken......

  29. @ Keeper, from all 4 colours you need 1 letter en also from each square

  30. Ike - for lvl 33 you need 1 more egg.

  31. @ aaaasa in the scond part I found 3 eggs, so I need one more?

  32. Ike - Yes, 3 eggs with numbers (and symbols).

  33. @aaaasa thx, I will keep looking for one more

  34. @Ike thanks but the left square doesn't make sense (e.g. blue doesn't form any letter), I must be overlooking something here

  35. @ Keeper, first you have to combine the squares to form four letters like you did before, plus 1 extra letter in each of both squares, but those latter 2 are formed in a different way.

  36. lvl 33 @ aaaasa, I am not able to find the 3rd egg with numbers. Do have the one with + and - and also the one that leads me to another egg with a button

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Level 41 I'm stuck. Only one rotten egg. A good path through gave nothing. I've been trying squinting at the border to see something. Can I have a push please?

  39. minkie - the good path does give a confirmation egg. Note the color along the path.

  40. Thanks aaaasa. I must have the wrong path.

  41. Ike - ftf on authors should give you a 4-letter egg.

  42. From part 2 authors, I got an egg with a smurf
    and from books an egg with 11 numbers. Do I have to go back to part 1 ? I read something about an egg with 3 words, that one I don't have. It's confusing with all those eggs, pffff

  43. Ike - from books you should have 2 eggs, 1 with only numbers and 1 also with +s and -s. Write them down side by side with the info on the egg from author to get 11 equations.

  44. I think there's some misunderstandings.
    It looks like Ike is missing an egg.
    I think the missing egg is the firsts of the titles or the one from the common thing (like in part 1) in the titles.

  45. @ aaaasa it seems I don't have the egg with info from the author

  46. Stuck at lvl 43 egg - A little push please?

  47. A bit like the elements level.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. minkie - It's not about counting. Try only reading 1 color.

  50. s-t - I tried to apply that technique but some m***** doesn't seem to have the required length. I'm wondering if I need to google the d***s to see if they have special meaning...

  51. lvl 33: Found it at last, Thx all! But a first glance at 34 I wonder if I have to be happy, lol

  52. Thanks aaaasa. Got there in the end and deleted my comment because I felt so stupid!

  53. Probably wrong dates then @aaaasa

  54. s-t - I got the egg that says I only did the M*****, so do I need to find other dates to proceed?

  55. No, you got to do what the eggs says.

  56. I stuck for hour in the confirmation egg in 41.
    I tried all greek letters in the answer, I tried to count both colors between letters separately and together and I got nothing. Am I mistyping as usual or there is an obvious way out?)

  57. Fossa - that confirmation egg is not greek. Google to find out what it is then look around the level pic again.

  58. Level 41 I tried googling that pic and got nothing

  59. 47 egg: i have some ideas but getting nowhere
    a hint pls

  60. NVM level 41 I've googled the right thing now.

  61. OH. MY. GOD.
    I've never heard of it damn)Thank you, aaasa!
    It looks awful :)

  62. Mishu,
    Between all the gibberish in the grid there are some big hints. The parts below the grid tell you how/where to use those hints.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Egg 37 2B Can I have a little hint, please?

  65. I took a break but I'm still stuck on Level 35 with the confirm/rotten egg. I don't know what the old and lame trick is. Can someone please give me a clue? Thanks!

  66. Not sure what h*** and l****** is, Mishu, but I think not.
    Looks like your overthinking.
    Btw, not always, but often (and here it is) is the url (your previous answer) a hint too.

  67. s-t - Tried combining the word D** with the m****s in various ways but still getting nowhere...

  68. @Puffin you have a great hint in level 35 Egg 1:)

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. No-one seems to have needed help on Level 42, so it must be pretty straightforward, but I have no idea where to start!

  71. BFS - Google what's on the pic :)

  72. @aaaasa: Thanks! Never heard of them before! Still struggling with the significance of the other number, though.

  73. I'm sorry @Puzzled, I'm really dense. Am I making an omelette? I've tried using that word in the Egg with everything and asking granny but I don't get anything that works. I've tried using the "table" in many ways but I get nothing.

  74. Puffin,
    If you don't use the lighter shaded part on the level then you can use the short terms to get an egg. On that egg there's something about old and lame.

    Do the same thing you already did with M.

  75. @Puffin - You've used symbols all the way through, right? Make an omelette with the rotten/confirm egg and the symbol of what got you to that egg.

  76. @Puffin - Level 35 confirm/rotten egg is telling you to add something to what you already have. The lame trick is described in 35 Egg 1. So yes, use the "table" to find the e****** you're missing, add it to what you have and visit granny.

    (and I still need help with Egg 37 2A - is it a google level? a cipher/code? what??)

  77. No one seems to have trouble with level 44 1a. Am I missing something obvious?

  78. Yes, you are missing something very obvious Minkie. The hint on the level is quite big.

  79. @minkie/@s-t - A hint on Level 42? I feel really dense but I have no idea how the number connects to what I found on Google.

  80. What you've Googled is twice on the level, right?
    So Google again, or look at their Wiki page.

  81. still not sure how I can do the same thing already did with M on lvl 43... the words are too short for me to pick letters from using the M.

  82. Look at their albums BFS

  83. Ah I get it now! I think I went down a weird rabbit hole with the table and couldn't see the obvious. Thanks everyone!!

  84. aaaasa. What you did with the m***** do with the d***

  85. Level 44 1a Duh. I always forget to check for those.
    Loved the video BTW.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. minkie - for the d*** they are all f****? so I should get 5 of the same letter? Seems I can't apply the M number on the d*** since they are not long enough?

  88. @s-t/minkie - Thank you! I'm on 43 now. I thought I wrote a thank you comment, but it's vanished! Anyway, I'm stuck at the same point as aaaasa. No idea how to do with the d*** what I did for the m*****. Having exactly the same issue aaaasa just wrote!

  89. aaaasa You can't get the d*** without getting the y****

  90. Ahh I just got it now. Thanks minkie :)

  91. Thanks, @minkie!!!

    Now what is this obvious thing I'm missing on Level 44!? Stuck on egg 1a after doing the obvious. :(

  92. BFS look at the video, it may give an idea of something to check out. And the video is fun.

    I'm at 44 1b egg. I can't see what to apply the method to.

  93. NVM found another egg at 44 1b. Still working on it.

  94. @minkie: The obvious (t***** c***) doesn't work, so I'm not sure what else to try from the video :( I Googled and found other names for the same and also read the Wiki page for it, but I'm not really finding anything pertinent.

  95. BlackFiresong,
    Video is just for fun, but egg is kind of literally telling you what to do.

  96. That's the right object BFS. Check it out.

  97. Omg, I'm so silly. Thanks for that! On Egg 1b now.

  98. Struggling with 44 1b. I know the method and the man. I've tried to do things with the next number. I've tried a promising idea with his name. Didn't work.

  99. Always remember an egg is part of a level, so don't forget the level itself!

  100. I tried doing something with that, but my brain turned to mush. Trying again.

  101. Please, can I have a hint for Level 37 egg 2B?

  102. @minkie: I don't even know the method! I thought it might be the t****d/D***s***** cipher, but that would require trios of numbers, and there are ten numbers here.

  103. puzzled you need to use the same 5 numbers again.

    BFS I got it by googling the number string. Please come and help me!

  104. Ahh, it's just clicked in my brain what the sequence is!

  105. Level 44 1b I was overcomplicating things again. Keep applying the method simple. Onwards.

  106. @minkie2020 thanks, but what 5 numbers again? So far I've worked with 7 numbers in level 37, plus 7 numbers in egg 37a. Am I missing something? If I have to apply those 7 numbers I am totally lost on where to do so.

  107. Sorry puzzled. I misread your post and was referring to 3b. I'll have a look

  108. Puzzled you've done w****** a******** f*****. Now you need to do the same thing with w****** a******** s*****. There's a useful wiki page.

    I've got to go for a bit, so I hope this is enough.

  109. @minkie: It seems we need to split the number up in some way, but I've tried several splits and none of them lead anywhere. :(

  110. @minkie2020, thank you :) I was not relating my searh to the previous w****** subject. I was centering my search on the egg's words b***** k**** s*****

  111. @minkie: I'm heading out now. Leave a hint if you figure anything out re: 44 1b! I'll be back on later.

  112. BFS I suppose it is splitting the number in a way, but not in the way you mean I think. On the level page apply the method very literally. I started doing just that and suddenly saw the light.

  113. 47 egg: how many letters answer?

  114. Now I stuck at 44 1a and don't see "the obvious thing". I see the capital letter and studied all historical references. I even found the egg of 47)) But what to do here?)

  115. Level 26. I have the egg but cannot seem to apply it. I have read all of the prior hints but nothing is jumping out at me. I have looked at all of the words with a certain number of same letters but there are way too many. Can I get a push, please?

  116. Chael615, in lvl 26 every word in the first line has 3 similar set of letters. Look attentively. Only one triplet repeats in every word. The second line has its own triplet. So on. Combine 5 triplets together.

  117. Fossa level 44 I can't make sense of how you describe this level. Are you looking at a pic of a traffic jam?


  118. I've been staring for 2 days at the rotten egg of level 13. I have a few words, no idea if they are good. I put them on google but can't find anything. Does anyone have a hint for me how to proceed?

  119. minkie, yes. In 44 I have two similar pics - in the level and in the egg 1 with police and jam. I tried them too)

  120. Fossa Thank you. I never would have got that!

  121. LVL 36 I have the directions but not able to make a word trying to navigate... the only hint i have seen is that it starts with s is it 5 letters that i am trying to find? is there a trick to finding which spot to drop down over the others? a push please

  122. Fossa the capital letters are telling you what to do. Try searching for somewhere where you can do so.

  123. Marja,
    When reading between the (firsts of every word) lines you get all kind of hints about a movie.
    You need the actress (first and last name) that plays the character mentioned/hinted between the first two lines.

  124. robin, in 6 you meant "instructions"? Find every word pair in the level text. They will point you at letters.

    minkie, I am probably dumb. I see two capitals and can't guess where I can use them.

  125. Fossa the capitals I am talking about are a 5 letter word.

  126. Please, need help on lvl 37 egg 3c. The letters I got from the wiki page are wcads and they don't anagram.

  127. Finally found. On to level 14
    Thank you Small Tool

  128. pipi, in 37 3c you need not look for 5 letters from different objects. Look at the pic. There is a huge hint what to look for in the same place.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. @fossa thank you so much, was just what i needed.

  131. LVL 39 I have 3 eggs and 3 rotten eggs and I think I should use egg 1 somewhere else but I can't figure out where. I read all the comments, but I still don't get what to do. Any little push welcome :)

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Hm,for lvl 37, egg 3c, still don't understand do I need 5 letters or not? Except for the library, I don't see any other hint in the picture.

  134. Hotaru Do you have egg 2? If not look at answer lengths

  135. I could do with a push on what hours to use in level 45. I've tried two obvious candidates and the possible candidates have gaps that are too long in them.

  136. pipi. do you see the box and its cover in the pic?

  137. pipi There is another hint on the box.

  138. Yes, of course, but how does it helps? I feel stupid.. Which numbers to use to pick letters?

  139. Pipi You are not picking letters any more. You had 5 years a little way back. What happens when you put them t******r.

  140. 2 and 2 together will be 4 )

  141. Thanks, finally I got it.

  142. You are lucky)
    Sometimes obvious things become impossible. Minkie is trying for 2 hours to explain me how to use 5 letters with another 5 letters. I fail to understand)

  143. Minkie, thanks, that was what I missed!

  144. Hello everyone! Just wanted to drop in and say thanks to you all for the great hints & help, and to S-T for another wonderful adventure =) I've been happily pulling my hair out as I slowly make my way thru the levels. Just finished 31; phew!
    Good luck all; I'm anxious to see who grabs those Hall of Fame medals =D

  145. Level 44 Fossa there is a word c***k. That's exactly what you've got to do, but not on the most obvious link.

  146. DAMN!
    I've done it) The second time in this riddle I stop at such thing)
    Thank you, minkie, for your patience
    and thank you, SmallTool, for your riddle in common. The maze was fun)) My eyes were broken)

  147. Glad you like it, Lisa :)
    Thanks and you're welcome and yep I'm also very happy to see how everybody is helping each other here with great hints :)

  148. I'm unfortunately so stuck on EGG 1 lvl 49. Not exactly sure if I should save the new info until later, or that's what i should use to move on... and if so, staying in the egg or going to the main lvl?

  149. I'm totally lost in level 45. Time in a** gets a rotten egg, time at a*****t doesn't work, nor does time between a***v**s or d****t***s. What else is there ???

  150. Level 49 already. Wow!!!
    Very well done Ellie, but...
    Level 50 is long and hard (a kind of riddle on it's own, but that will be later... Way later :P)

    Anyway, You probably noticed I repeated the title of the level on the egg, so it's probably very important ! ! ! !

  151. Yes, lol, i did notice, but now I will try to make sense of it :) ty

  152. @minkie, I'm not sure exactly where you are in lvl 45. You seem to use the right method. Did you keep travelling? If so, maybe re-checking your numbers?

  153. Thanks Ellie. I'm at the end of the journey, I think (egg 10). I'll recheck all my recheckings ... again.

  154. For Level 37 3b, does the type of gem matter? Is it a s******* or a b***t****? Is it important that there are 2 of them and what is the importance of the first thing in the picture? How is that related to w****** a**********?

  155. Puffin not sure what youmean by b***t****. It is important that there are two of them. If you find the right wiki page you will see how the first pic is related to a WA.

  156. I'm plugging away here, following the trail and clever hints you all are leaving. At a roadblock on 44 1b. I've been scouring the wiki pages on these super exciting objects but cannot find a man or method that minkie refered to. Do I need to enter those numbers into a cipher?

  157. Level 44 Hancock, googling the string of numbers should lead you somewhere.

  158. 48 egg: leet speak somehow?
    like e**=3**?or something else

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. No Leet, Mishu. I don't do Leet :P

    The kind of red herring text you can get from the grid contains an important hint.

    Yes, Minkie, but (since it's a great find) don't tell others :)

  161. @Puffin -- the exact type of gem in the pic doesn't matter. The first pic is rather indeterminate, isn't it? You can't tell what it is, but you can see a design on it. That design matters.

  162. Very stuck on 48 egg. I'm sure the text that comes from the grid is important. It tells me so. Just how so is the question. I see duplicating numbers but no pattern. What am I missing.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. Small-tool -- Re: Level 35 egg 1. I've gotten past it, but I wanted to remark that I had thought you might have left h***** out of the mix on purpose. You know, because it is a n**** g***, and therefore i**** and doesn't form c*******s, so it wouldn't combine with the others.

  165. thanks minkie, i’ve applied the method on the level #, the level text, and egg text. I got a series of numbers sets for each….but after I slice the set and convert to letters I get gibberish…in fact, the same 4 or 5 unhelpful letters. I suppose there is a teensy possibility I made an error in one of my sequences….

  166. 48 Egg: Well, the grid is 5 rows!

    Although not 100% sure I know what you mean, but lI think I know what you're on about. But simple truth is; Leaving that 5th element out at first was pure a technicality to make the level work. Needed that element on the second-to-last part, but there was a grammatically not correct Egg including that element. It's H.N..... (like the real egg, but with the two letters in front).
    Anway, not sure if this is what your comment is about. Saw it, just before going to bed, so sleepyhead etc.

  167. Hancock,
    Apply it (the method) on the numbers in the text of the level.

  168. lvl 13 HELP!! I've never seen LOTR so if that is the reference, I'm lost. I've made it to the smelly rotten egg, but I don't know where to go from there. I've tried the names of a lot of the actors/actresses, but that's a no-go. Can anyone give a girl a helping hand? I might need as straight forward a hint/clue as you can get without actually telling me the answer [although I wouldn't be apposed to that, you can always delete it afterward. ;) ]

  169. @Jdroberts there is a confirmation egg to find, don't forget your good friend google

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. @Keeper, I found the confirmation egg which led me to the smelly rotten egg. I've been all over Google. I just don't know what else to search. I've tried everything I can think of. (insert crying emoji)

  172. @Jdroberts you should have four key words from the main level, just follow the instructions on the first key words

  173. Thank you, Keeper. I could not seem to wrap my head around the clues from earlier posts about "reading between the lines." I think I just needed to go do something else and come back to it for it to make sense.

  174. lvl 46 - have trouble finding the key. Thought I'd apply the eggs onto the s**** but it didn't work... A little push please?

  175. aaaasa, make sure you've tried all your anagrams. Sometimes eggs like to work among themselves.

  176. LinR - I found 3 eggs that led me to 2 rotten eggs. Do I need to find more?

  177. Level 14 egg...I'm trying to apply the same method I used to get here, but I'm not getting anything useful. W__ h___ w____ed What am I supposed to use from that phrase?

  178. Level 27 - I'm moving like a bowling ball in tar here..but I'm moving! I've read the hints...I've got my head sideways...I've counted squares to convert....I am so whining right now....give me a push pleeeease!

  179. Sharon - As a hint the middle one will give you 5 letters (4 from counting what you see and 1 from the obvious)

  180. Jdroberts - treat w*** as having the same meaning as a**.

  181. lvl 27 - we count the lone one on the end? When I count that I get 6 total...without it I have 5 (1 vowel) I close?

  182. Sharon - Yes, but even with the lone one you should only get 4 by counting.

  183. aaaasa, you have all you need now. Rotten eggs are sometimes useful.

  184. Lvl 14 egg- is it an 11 letter word? Is the answer 2 words? None of the anagram sites are giving me anything that works.

  185. Jd...its 10 letters. Read it as *** *** w*** **** treating the w*** as you did the a** previously.

  186. aaaasa :) I'm getting closer but... I have 14 letters that granny spits back there a z because I have one?

  187. Sharon - there is no z. You might want to double check your countings :)

  188. Thanks Sharon. I was trying to omit the other "w" word

  189. LinR - lol I got fooled so hard... Thanks!

  190. lvl 25 stuck for 2days.
    I found 6 pairs and not one.
    I have a confirmation egg s******.
    I don't know what this text means.
    Please give me a nice hint.

  191. lvl 48 - How to get the egg? Tried counting n*****s but can't get a word

  192. lvl 31 Is this a google level? Can't even find the egg...

  193. Jan, lvl 25. You have the answer, but need to use the same method as the pairs.

    Keeper, lvl 31, ftf will get you started.

  194. This comment has been removed by the author.

  195. I had to stop at 11 Egg. But am following in case I can have brain surgery to think like all of you do!


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