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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @clio rose
    It's been a long time (^^)v
    Thank you very much. I finally got out.(^^)
    This story was very interesting(^^)

  2. @clio thank you, now stuck with the three eggs with numbers. Read through the hints a few pages ago but couldn't really understand them....

  3. Keeper, write down all three sets of numbers. Look - they are all different. It is the order of letter picking.

    SmallTool, the level 45 was beautiful! And thank you for two places in my country :)

  4. lvl 49 egg 1 - Where should I apply the information on the egg to?

  5. feeling very confused on 46
    I got several eggs that led to each other (some rotten some confirmation) until I got to a mocking p*****
    decoded the gibberish to get another dead end (or is it?)
    not sure what to do now

  6. shahar - all you need is the 3 eggs with numbers. For each egg, apply the numbers on something on that egg page that seems irrelevant at first glance.

  7. thanks aaaasa, that was quite nasty

  8. lvl 35 : found 5 obvious confirmation eggs. Their letters nor their numbers in the table give anything useful. What am I missing here ?

  9. Ike, lvl 35. One of them seems to pale into insignificance, I reckon.

  10. @ clio_rose thx, I should have known !

  11. no idea how to start 48. Counting didn't produce me much

  12. Morning all! Stuck on 44 1b still. I have the method, I know where to apply it, if I write them out literally in order, I get too many Ks, and if I try to combine them, I get better letters, but Granny still doesn't give me anything. Can I please get a shove?

  13. HI BFS, if you apply the method correctly on the right text you will get six numbers, which you can then convert (no Ks)

  14. BFS - Think of it as already written out in order

    shahar - Look at the level text carefully. It tells you what to pick.

  15. thank you aaaasa, on the egg now

  16. @shahar/@aaaasa: Thank you!!!! Finally on 44 2a. I was applying the right method to the right text, but I was doing it the opposite way to how I was meant to be doing it!

  17. Stuck at 47 egg. I see some words (they are probably hints but I don't understand how to use them). I did all the instructions (under the grid) and got gibberish. Any help please?

  18. Nothing's working for me on 45. I can't even get any rotten eggs! I've worked out the t*** in the a** given the t***z**e change and converted that to a letter and tried Grannying it with the codes in various ways, but no joy. Clearly I don't have the right method, and I'm not sure what else to try. I even tried including the t****l d*t*s in my conversion, but those extra letters don't help me with Granny either.

  19. Ahh, I never tried the obvious on 45. Got an egg now.

  20. stuck as well on 49 egg 1

  21. Fossa - cross out (or black out) the letters according to the instructions under the grid, then look at the grid and you should notice something.

  22. I've seen aaaasa's advice to shahar at level 46, but I'm still not getting it. It seems I could apply the numbers in a few ways, but always land up with one of the words I am applying them to being too short.

  23. minkie, use numbers in 3 eggs with numbers. There are not many places in every egg where you can apply them. 6 letters together. And help me please with instructions in 47 egg, I probably misunderstand them :)

  24. That's just my problem Fossa. If I apply it to the text, then the second one is too short. If I apply it to the url I get gibberish. If I apply it to the words on the egg itself the third one is too short.

  25. minkie, sometimes something usual and old can become the way to the answer)

  26. Thanks Fossa. I've got to do other things for the next 24 hours, so I'll ponder your words in the meantime.

  27. I've got no idea how to even find an egg on 47. I see some words, some shading and some gibberish and I have no idea how to make sense of it all. Think I'm slowly losing my mind, haha. I thought Level 46 was still Level 45 for the longest time and was trying to link ports of air with exhaling weather.

  28. Fossa - the instructions can be understood as some characteristics for shapes, and notice that the grid has five rows.

  29. @minkie: You need to apply it to certain things you may have seen many times before in this riddle.

  30. BFS - look again at the shadings. Maybe it's a bit hard to see but it's right there.

  31. @aaaasa: Thanks!!! I had to tilt my screen to see it.

  32. BFS Do you mean I should look back? Or certain kinds of eggs? I've tried those but got nothing.

  33. minkie, all three egg are of different types (confirmation, rotten and angry granny). It is important)

  34. @minkie: No need to look back. There is text on the eggs that you have seen in many previous levels.

  35. @Fossa: Any luck on 47 egg? I'm stuck on the shapes too.

  36. BlackFiresong, no luck. I tried to cross out the first and the fifth lines, the third line, every third column, every secon and fourth column. No luck. I am confused at all.

  37. @Fossa: I thought it might be to do with the s******y of the l*****s of the a******t. I think I might be right, but I haven't managed to get it to work yet.

  38. Fossa FBS thanks. I really thought I'd tried that last night. Must have been too tired to get it right. Anyway duty calls. See you tomorrow I hope.

  39. BFS - you're on the right track. It's important to find out what kind of s******y you need to search for each row.

  40. @aaaasa: Thanks! Hmmm, good to know I'm on the right track! So the instructions below the grid are related to r** n*****s in the grid? And I have to pick from each row based on the s******y, e.g. what I pick from Row 1 has to have the v******l kind?

  41. BFS - That's correct. Note the location of all the ones you picked.

  42. @aaaasa: Got it! Thank you! :)

  43. In the meantime anyone past lvl 49 egg 1 yet? Feeling completely stuck here :/

  44. No clue what to do on 48 to get an egg. I'm guessing "z***" is significant in some way? I'm just not sure whether that means "t**" and "o**", or if I have to convert "z***" itself into n*****s. And I'm not able to get anywhere with the grid via either of those routes anyway!

  45. BlackFiresong. I probably overthink here. Can you explain me once more how to see this s******y? How to start to pick letters?)


  46. I'm still at level 14. Now at the point of "relaxing." No idea what to do. Can someone help please?

  47. @Fossa: Some letters have a l*** of s******y that's v******l, others h********l, and others both. The instructions tell you which type of s******y you need to look for in each of the r**s of the g**d.

  48. @marja: The URL you just entered tells you where to click :)

  49. marja - try clicking on where the answer shows

    BFS - "z***" into n*****s is on the right track. The key here is what "z***" actually means.

  50. @aaaasa: Thank you! Hmm, I think I need to get into the z*** of what z*** means! Z*** in n*****s isn't anywhere in the grid, so I'm a little stumped. Will keep thinking about it over my afternoon coffee!

  51. Vow! That looks easy but I never thought of it. Thank you BFS and aaaasa! I could sit here for years...

  52. Level 48. I thought z*** might mean c*****y p***e c***s. But I can't get anything from that either. Only thing I can see on the grid is that all the n***s look slightly different to the rest? Totally stuck here.

  53. BlackFiresong, I think that "z***" can be first letter + other. This number meets in the grid several time (if we count backward - even more) and the length of the row is the same. But I don't see yet how to use it.

  54. Fossa, I see you're close now. Maybe try "z***" = "z * * *"

  55. @Fossa, I don't understand. I thought about "z***" being divided into 2 numbers - one from the shape of the "z" and the other from what the remainder of the word spells out. But that doesn't seem to lead to anything. What do you mean by "other" and numbers meeting in the grid? I'm so confused. :(

  56. HAHA Nice one. Thanks Black Firesong

  57. BFS - It's more than 2. Think of z=z*** and do the same to convert the rest.

  58. On lvl-33 Part-2
    I have 3 eggs: one with the titles, another with the authors.The 3rd one is: i.. ... ......
    Missing one egg? The others is 11 numbers and 11 numbers with + -


  59. I was able to solve the first part of level 15 myself, but what do I do with the egg? HALF

  60. @aaaasa: Still totally lost :/ Is it like a codeword kind of situation? Where each l****r corresponds to a n****r? I.e. I have to assign z * * * to n*****s and then apply that to "t** n*****s"?

  61. @marja: I don't have a note of an egg on 15. If you take the i**t**ls of the people, you should get a word without Granny.

  62. @pichi: All the books have something in common. Try FTF on those commonalities.

  63. Thanks BlackFiresong. I only had half

  64. Thanks BlackFiresong. It was the missing egg

  65. on level 45. I've got 3 eggs but can't figure out what else to plot. One egg tells me not to use time that I have s****. I've tried picking from both egg answers where the d*** changes. Also tried reversing the h****. no luck. can someone share a hint?

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. level 45 you need to visit the places shown

    Level 49 egg 1 very vague tried a number of things some good anagrams also but nothing works

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. 49 egg1 : same here, nothing works

  70. I join Mtatt and Mishu in being stuck on level 49 egg 1.

  71. LVL 43 stuck on how to apply the y***, found the egg and have tried writing the complete d*** out but still dont understand how to apply, written out if i apply d** to y*** its all the same letter?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Still lost on Level 48... none of the hints are registering for me at all. Don't know how to separate z*** in a way that relates to the grid. An earlier hint says z = z***, but I don't know what that means in terms of the grid or how to apply it. Feeling dense :(

  74. Black Firesong, It's as easy as One Two Three. :)

  75. Robin, you need the year to see a calendar for that DAY.

  76. @LinR: I can see the number conversion of "Z" in the grid a few times. Is this significant?

  77. BlackFiresong. Yes and so are the others in that word.

  78. My gosh this obsession! At work all day I kept thinking about Level 27 and what I'm not seeing/counting wrong!! Back at it :)!

  79. @LinR: Hmmm. I tried counting number of occurrences of each in the grid, but no luck. Am I on vaguely the right track, though?

  80. BFS yes maybe you should mark them for the future

  81. Stuck way back on 17 fish. Are fish animals? Do I need to go back to the prior list? There are 4 stripes and 5 spots. Am I on the right track? Not sure what to do. Is the direction they are swimming relevant? Need a big push

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Jpete think they are Samuel's fishes ;)

  84. @mtatt - I've marked them all out on Paint including backwards and diagonal ones. When I count them up and convert back to letters, if I include the diagonals, I get too many consonants, and if I don't, I get too many vowels. And the shapes also don't spell anything :/

  85. Stuck on 38; have the c***** confirmation egg, but not sure what to do. I have seen the comments about placing them on a map, but I don't know what I am supposed to get from that.

  86. Laurie - there's another egg to be found from the level title. That should give you a big clue as to how to apply the "c*****" egg.

  87. OMG. It's just hit me like a freight train how to convert for Level 48!!! I was doing it all wrong!!!

  88. LOL BFS I was just about to show you the error of your ways! Hurry up and join everyone else (except silent players and Ellie perhaps) on level 49.

  89. lvl 44 egg 2b, am stuck.. granny is not coming up with anything with all those letters, i am missing something, using the yellow as live gives me 12 letters that dont work with granny, and using all gray gives me 36 that wont work with granny what am i amissing here?

  90. Robin 44 2b Yellow is right but you've made a mistake.

  91. well i tried knocking it down to just the 4 yellow that fit in but that 4 letter word doesnt work either. tried keeping only the gray that touch the yellow according the the rule and that doesnt work either, i must be overthinking it because i see that noone else needed any clues for this level?

  92. @minkie: Thanks! I'm now stuck on Level 49 Egg 1 with the rest of you. Off to bed now - will pore over it further in the morning!

  93. Robin 4 yellows is right, but you may be wrong about the greys.

  94. @robin: I copied the grid into Excel and worked on it there. For each new generation, work on a copy of the previous grid so that you can still refer back to the original even after making changes. First, work out which of the live cells will be staying live and which will be going off and change the shading on your new grid accordingly. Then refer back to the unchanged grid to work out which dead cells have enough neighbours to be revived, and shade those yellow in your new grid. Then make a copy of that new grid and repeat the process to work out the next generation. Do that as many times as required.

  95. BFS try an online decoder

  96. lvl 34 egg 4 I'm lost, tried four directions of the axis (clockwise, anti-clockwise, opposite corners x2) but couldn't find the right answer (or am I counting wrongly??)

  97. lvl 44 2b could someone push me in the right direction as to how many letters i am collecting, what i am trying is not working, one way i get 12, 7 on another and 36 on yet another, and little bits in between.

  98. Sooo stuck at 45. I have traveled thru all the levels I have plotted two sets of data and got a rotten egg for each. i tried to use the rotten egg hint about s**** so I picked between the two sets whenever there was a d*** change. no luck. can anybody help....torture!

  99. Robin. 8 letters. It's the greys you are getting wrong.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Keeper - If you follow the right directions you should get t**r**f*** from the pairs without asking granny.

    Hancock - You've found the egg telling you that you used the wrong t*** right? You might want to re-calculate the t***s that led you to that egg.

  102. Level 34 Keeper. Look at the colours. Where should you put the axis in each case.

  103. Hancock I made a huge error in my previous comment (now deleted) You need to make a change that would NOT affect the s***p**g t***s. S o sorry

  104. I can't even get started on Level 45. Haven't even gotten an egg. I've tried using times, countries, cities, codes. Not getting anything useful. I'm sure it's something obvious. Can someone please help get me started? I think 44 fried my brain.

  105. Level 40, three rotten eggs, no idea what to try next. My brain is tired. Maybe when I come back there will be some hints? Nobody else seems to have had trouble with this one.

  106. Laurie on Level 40 you need to look at the black and find a method to "read" them.

  107. aaasa and minkie, thank you thank you thank you

  108. Puffin, cities the right approach

  109. @Puffin -- can you give a hint as to the method to read them? I first thought of b******, but I can't find a way to make that work. It doesn't seem to fit with p***** or b*****z*. Is there any cutting or rotation involved?

  110. lvl 44 2b its just not clicking, i cant get it down to 8 laters to make a word, will take a break and try again later... good night all.

  111. Level 27 - I've been counting and counting...I have to be doing something wrong because granny is giving nothing! Is there a trick or something obvious I'm missing...I've got 14 letters (6 vowels inc y)

  112. Sharon -- you have the correct number of letters and vowels (and there is a y). I don't know what letters you have, but all the grannies I have tried will give the correct word. The distribution of the consonants is 3-2-1-1-1 and the vowels are 3-2-1 (strictly in order of frequency, not alphabetically or anything).

  113. @sharon your word length and vowels sound right. There are 4 groups of letters...3,4,4,3

  114. Laurie - Focus on each row and note the length of the b****.

  115. Laurie, you are on the right is not b******* but something similar

  116. Puffin, Level 45 (if still having trouble); you better pack your bags, carry-on only for this trip. Where is your first stop going to be?

  117. Thank you Laurie and Hancock for confirmation... I was off by one and kept overlooking it...

  118. @mtatt100 I still don't understand level 17. Need a bigger push please

  119. Hancock and aaaasa -- Thanks! I just somehow wasn't seeing it that way.

  120. Level 28 - I counted the different pics tho not sure about the 2 that are the same...I've been looking up players with those numbers and there's too many. Push please!

  121. Sharon - have you found the egg already? the egg word and the egg pic describe what kind of players with those numbers you need to find.

  122. level 19- I have watched the darts and double, triple checked the numbers. I'm not getting any words from anagram that work. My numbers are (blue darts) 11, 2, 9, 7 (gold darts) 14, 18, 9, 4 Are those the right numbers?

  123. Jdroberts - You got all numbers right, just use all of them to form a word.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. Thanks aaaasa. I had a letter wrong, that's why I couldn't make a word. I've made it to the confirmation egg.

  126. Hancock, I used what I thought was my first stop for Level 45 and got Egg 7. Is that correct or did I somehow jump ahead by accident?

  127. Lvl 33: All day on this one; 7 eggs in and so stuck. Have reached Part two, have the title egg and the common-things egg. Have reached the t-i-m egg and no clue where to go next. I think I'm close to the end as the other stuck ppl all abruptly moved on after this point; I just don't see how =P Also, not a smurf has been spotted. That seems to be important haha! Help please? For now, good night; it's 3am here ZZzzz

  128. lvl 35 Stuck on egg 1. Do I need the picture somehow, because there's a difference between that and the egg word. Seems nobody had a problem with this, because I don't see any comments.

  129. LisaK, in part 2 in 33 you need 4 titles. Be careful with the firdt one, there 3 or 4 in wiki, but you need the one which was meant in the 1 part. Then you get 3 eggs by methods from the part 1.

    Ike, you need 2 eggs from the level page. "Old lame trick" and picking. The second egg will give new element.

    I stuck at 48 still. I marked all z and a, I tried to count them in every row, vertically and nothing. I am sure I am close but no)

  130. Fossa - marking all z is a good start, now mark all the *,* and * as well and you should find something.

  131. @ Fossa, thx. I did a lot of picking but nothing works. Tried their nrs. in the table for picking letters. Tried counting on words, letters.

  132. stuck at 49 egg3 now
    tried some variants but nothing. how many letters i need now?

  133. I'm still on lvl 49 egg 1... Any hint on how to get past it please?

  134. use b***** from main level to make alphabet (4 times) and then using hint pick 6 letters

  135. Ike, you need some information about every element to pick letters

  136. @ Fossa, OK Thx, I will look for it

  137. @Mishu: On 49, how do I use the level text 4 times? I tried changing the spacing in the decoder (like sets of 4 instead of 8), but I just get gibberish.

  138. nope, you need to asign a letter to each 0 or 1
    star ABCD......

  139. Now I know how to make alphabet 4 times but the hint on egg page gives me more than 6 letters :/

  140. nope, 6 letters, 2 for each S

  141. @Mishu: Thanks for the hint, but I don't understand it at all. A letter to each 0 or 1? Is that for the whole text or just the s****d and t***d as per the egg hint? Do I need a different kind of b***** a*******? I only know the kind that got me the egg...

  142. 13 x 2 = 26. Is that significant? Is that how I should be splitting up the b******s? Split and convert? I'm just clutching at straws here.

  143. I tried lining up the a******t against the b***** on the level and only counting the 1s and then lining those l*****s up against the b***** again and picking letters again. But I just got nonsense and I also got more than 6 in the end... I am also not sure of the significance of the letter on the egg.

  144. BFS - the split is more like 26 x 4 = 112 so that the first set of d****s represent a to h, the second set represent i to p, etc.

  145. aaaasa, Level 28, no, I haven't found the egg yet. I've tried matching the # of items to the sports Player # but that didn't work..I tried numbers to go.

  146. Sharon. Are sure you've counted correctly? I was held up here for a while by getting one of my counts wrong.

  147. lvl 33 first part. got 2 eggs: G.O. and another one just changing the url with a famous and main book of G.O. which title makes sense with the books list of the level start. can't find any other egg. many thanks for any help (by the way, great game s.t.! and thanks to all you gamers for your clues)

  148. maremoto, this sense of the books (all common things) gives you another egg.

    Anybody, explain me please what I look for after marking all necessary letters in the grid in 48?) I see nothing except very strange morse code)

  149. Puffin, you jumped ahead. google the codes for correct c****s.

  150. Tks Fossa. and this 3rd egg is not a****l f**m, as i already got it

  151. Fossa - It's similar to the method you did on lvl 47 egg. If you don't see anything from the grid, you probably got your markings wrong?

  152. @aaaasa: Thanks!! I tried doing that and then doing it again with only the "on" letters from the last round, etc. After 4 rounds I was left with five letters. Tried taking those to Granny with the letter from the egg, but that didn't help. I also don't get the significance of "s***** and t****".

  153. BFS - no need to remove anything. The egg hint tells you which location to pick. Note that each set in the main level has 1st to 8th, and Mishu said above that each S gives 2 letters.

  154. I'm stuck with you BFS. I've got my 4 lots of letters lined up against s******g******, b*****a******* and the original d****s and trying to pick. But I get nothing. Am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?

  155. @aaaasa: Thanks for your patience! OK, so I have everything lined up, but I'm with Minkie - no idea how to pick (the s****d and t***d sets give me 9 letters, not 6). Not sure what is meant by each S giving 2 letters or how that works.

  156. Thank you, aaasa, I've got an egg.

  157. BFS - there are some sets of b***** that convert to S, right? find out where they are in your lineup, and take only the letters corresponding to the s***** and the t**** in each set.

  158. At last! Thank for sticking with us aaaasa.

  159. lvl 35 trying to find egg 2 but although I wiki'd all 5 elements and struggled through all physical properties of those elements nothing seems to work. Did run out of ideas.

  160. @aaaasa: Oh, duh!!! Thank you!!! That took me way too long to get. I kept getting thrown off and distracted by wanting to take only the "on" ones (since usually 1s are "on" and 0s are "off"). I'm on Egg 3 now.

  161. Ike, lvl 35. Did you try as suggested with ignoring that which pales into insignificance? I apologise if my earlier hint wasn't helpful. After your comment, I assumed you had moved forward.

  162. Ike, did you try their table numbers according to their names?

  163. @ Fossa, yes I did. Combined them with egg 1 etc.

    and Clio_Rose I did find egg 1, so your hint was clear :-)


    You're all doing great guys. Go, go, go :)

  165. Thanks so much Hancock! I don't know why I didn't try the obvious. Or maybe I did and mistyped.

  166. Anyone past Level 49 Egg 3? It seems to be indicating a similar thing to Egg 1, but the letters it gives are in both the original egg and Egg 2, and the same picking technique yields gibberish (also, the a******* doesn't fit across Egg 2 the way it did across the original egg).

    Just thinking out loud over here since I've never been up with the frontrunners before!!! I should have worked slower, LOL.

  167. Oh, @aaaasa, you completed it!!! Any hint for Egg 3? :)

  168. BFS - Did you notice how many ON ones in Egg 2? :)

  169. OMG, NOW the "on" thing is relevant!? S-T knows how to push my buttons, hahahaha :D (only joking, love you, S-T).

  170. Wow... 5 eggs leading to 5 different paths? Now I know why s-t said this will be a long way :P

  171. lvl 44 egg 2c: it seems that the first step is already the final state and no cell can reproduce/die. Am I missing something here?

  172. keeper - there are online simulators that can help you do the task :)

  173. good morning, 44 2b not sure why I am having such a hard time with this level, am i doing it right? i am looking for 8 letters, using the url as my guide, if i use only gray and pick letters following the rules using the 8 squares around them i cant make a word, and using the yellow with the blues around them i get only one word f*m****s but that isnt it either, what am i doing wrong? help please

  174. keeper, a couple of basics you may already know but were helpful for me; remember yellow is alive, gray is dead. each cell has 8 neighbors (unless it is on the edge). so as a start; upper left yellow dies

  175. need a hint on 46...I have 3 easy eggs, all have numbers, (rotten, angry granny, confirm). The level has lots of hints and text that I am baffled by (exhaling weather?). went to a cipher but my guesses at the key were incorrect so cannot interpret the garble. However the discussion maybe indicates that I have all i need..numbers and egg text?

  176. @Robin: The ones which turn off and on are dependent on whatever the situation was in the last generation. Take care not to turn things off or on based on things which weren't on in the last generation. Other than that I can only offer the hint I left previously re: how I did it on Excel. I wish I could somehow show you my working!

  177. I always think I'm being smart and end up with rotten eggs. Have 2 rotten eggs so far on Level 50. Going to keep playing around with things relating to the level title and text and hope that gets me somewhere!

  178. @aaaasa thanks it helped!!

  179. BFS - google when each of them celebrate :)

  180. @aaaasa: Thanks! I had those dates down, but a couple of cases were complicated, so I didn't get all the right letters. But I've made some headway now and am going down a seemingly neverending path of delicious food!!

  181. I've got my alphabet placed in 49 egg 3, but haven't even got a rotten egg. Can I have a little push?

  182. @aaaasa: Did you get 5 different egg paths with the same f*** l*****s? I can only find 3 (and one which says it's an egg, but implies it's a r** h*****g). I followed one of the paths through to completion and got 3 puzzle pieces from that.

  183. BFS - Yes. anagram-solver may have too much results but the 5 from word-finder site all lead to an egg.

  184. stopped at lvl 50 egg with i** s**** and another egg with what seems like a line chart... got some pieces already but it's clearly not enough :/

  185. @aaaasa: Does that include the r** h*****g?

    I haven't found the egg you mentioned yet. I've done one full path (the food) and one half path (stuck at the f*** - I know what c*****y it's from, but I don't know how to use that information).

  186. BFS - for the page with the f***, translate the egg word into English

  187. level 50 the i** s**** egg leads to an idiom in English.

  188. Ahhhh, thank you! But Now I'm stuck on the graph, lol. xD This is definitely going to be a loooooooong level.


  189. Like some help with level 16. I have read something about merging names but I don't understand how. I have 2 eggs but no ideas how to proceed.

  190. BFS - just got it. do it from bottom to top.

  191. @aaaasa: My issue is that one of them exceeds the alphabet by one... unless I'm barking up the wrong tree?

  192. @marja: Just take the two eggs to Granny and make an omelette :)

  193. Level 22 part 3. "No they are not...." I've read through previous comments and I think I understand I have to find out their title and use granny. Maybe I'm misunderstanding those hints or I'm not using the right titles. I've tried to combine level answers in granny, but that's not working either. Any other hints that may help?

  194. marja,
    Do you have real eggs or rotten eggs?

    There are confirmation eggs for all 5.

  195. @ Jdroberts, their titles is correct. If you have the right ones Granny wil help.


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