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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. I have rotten eggs
    I use the word U****D

  2. I found all the confirmation eggs in 22. I know I've got the right people & places. Other than confirming I have the right guy, are there clues I'm missing on the confirmation pages?

  3. Have you made any progess on that graph BFS?

  4. marja,
    What you did is using names appearing twice (and that's the trap I wanted you to fall for :P ), but you are looking for double names.
    Like Mary-Grace or in the animal kingdom (this one not in the level) Bull-dog.

    The firsts of the 5 titles (two of them the same title) should anagram.

  5. stuck on 50 at the perfume egg, tried to c**** but didn't manage to get a good anagram

    also stuck on the i** s**** - I am rubbish at English Idioms

  6. shahar the picture shows you something about the ice.

  7. @minkie: Nope, still stuck on it. I got a little further down one of the other paths. Now stuck on one with a music device on top of a camping device.

  8. I must not have the right titles. I'm using just the first letter of the title, right? I only have one vowel. One of the guys is a G**** D***, do I use both letters? Two of the guys are S****** L******, which is a higher title than pre*****t. Do I use S L or do I use P?

  9. BFS - for that graph, put the first letter at the bottom and work from bottom to top

  10. Jdroberts,
    Answer is just 5 letters. Only use the very first letters.

  11. ^^ POP - just got the music and camping device one. Still no joy on the graph, though.

    @Jdroberts: I believe you only need the first letter in those cases (so only G and only S).

  12. can someone point me in the direction of the key on level 46? I have three eggs with 3 sets of numbers.

  13. SmallTool can i use GOOGLE to search. I'm dutch en not that good in english

  14. Hancock,
    The key is your answer that gives you the Granny egg.

    You could try to Google a page with all kind of double names or just try some.
    They're all in order. (Ik bedoel de dubbele namen staan altijd naast elkaar).

  15. @aaaasa: Of the egg or of the alphabet? The problem I'm having is with the extremities... if I count from the middle, the distance between the 2nd and 3rd points is 27, so even if the 2nd point was Z, that's still too many.

  16. shahar - for the perfume egg, count **** to get 4 letters.

  17. omg I am just not getting LVL44 2b, maybe i am misunderstanding the process... I am using all letters from the url, going in the x pattern as shown and after doing the first step I am looking for letters that follow the second step? am i doing it right?

  18. BFS - shift them not count them :)

  19. Level 50 graph for the left hand side I've tried starting abc and zyx, but I can't make either work.

  20. s-t - Now I don't think the egg with group photo in lvl 50 is a dead end, but I don't know how to proceed with this one...

  21. on bad disc and bra wind ones any help ta

  22. mtatt on the bad disc the person doesn't matter

  23. mtatt - I think that's way stronger than wind, isn't it?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Level 50 can someone give me a push on the d*** of the i*c****b**s egg.

  26. robin,
    the 4 at the ends die, because of loneliness.
    The one in the centre dies because of overcrowded.
    The other 4 survive and they even make babies between them (because before dying the one in the centre made it 3 yellow).

  27. @mtatt: For the Bad disc one, consider the URL you've just typed in. What's the of the word "bad"?

    I'm stuck on the bra wind one too.

    @aaaasa: Not sure how to shift but not count! E.g. A shifted by 16 is P, no?

  28. aaaasa,
    All ends (for now :P) are jigsaw pieces.

  29. thanks minkie, got the idiom

  30. That's right shahar. if googling what else is in the pic and your "t*** ice" will lead you to the answer.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. BFS - That's correct. each point tells you what letter to shift and where it is shifted to.

  33. Got the "d*** of the i*c******b**s" egg now.

  34. thanks got wind one still looking at bad

  35. @minkie: You have the d*** bit right, and he's on a...?

  36. Thanks BFS Got it in the end.

  37. @aaaasa: Ahhh, thank you! The penny's finally dropped.

  38. That d**** graph! so does p shift to o?

  39. @minkie: You have to shift each letter of the URL word. Not of the alphabet. Start at the centre in each case (going from the bottom), and shift them left or right as necessary.

  40. Now stuck on some pics of a certain sailorman (toot toot!). Can someone give me a hint on that one? It must be obvious, but my brain is fried.

  41. @mtatt: For the Bad one, the URL word is a language term. Think of the phrase "from b** to...".

  42. S-T thank you so much, now to mess up my brain again on 2c hahaha

  43. BFS - the name tells you to focus on a certain letter (try reading it out aloud). Note the position of the letter in each p*****.

  44. s-t - I've gathered all pieces but it seems there's more to do. All I get is a rotten egg and something that I shouldn't be using... Now what? :/

  45. @aaaasa: Ahhh, I had that idea but was taking each word separately and getting loads of the same letter! I've got it now.

  46. I've been stuck for 2 days on lvl 45 with all the destinations and three rotten eggs. I read 10 times all the clues but I feel lost. What else could I calculate here?

  47. lvl 35 Still stuck. Can't get to egg 2; tried indivudual numbers, groupnumbers, combinations

  48. 10/10 writing from clio. But I've no idea how to use it. And I'm now concerned about the size of my bum.

  49. Hotaru,
    Take in account the different T***Z****when doing your maths.

  50. Thank you everyone for the help, finally onto lvl 45

  51. BFS the url gives a hint.

  52. @minkie: I tried taking the l**t l*****s of the sentences. I also tried taking the f***t l*****s of the different words for bum. Didn't get anywhere with either.

  53. Well, it's 6 pm GMT.
    Meaning you guys are playing for a week now and still no finishers!
    So I guesss I WIN :P

  54. BFS there is something on the picture you need to use. Look b**** it.

  55. Good luck to all of you ! I'm curious who will finish first

  56. Reading through comments, I've seen some things I'm not familiar with. For example, what does FTF mean?

  57. @Jdroberts: FTF = first things first, i.e. take the first letters of various words on the level.

  58. s-t, aren't we even close to the end?
    I got some confirmation egg with something I need to add but just can't seem to find the answer. Do I need more eggs or do I have all I need already?

  59. I just cannot seem to wrap my head around the clues/hints I've read for level 25. I read somewhere to divide the last word from the sign into 3-2-3 and apply that to the title. I'm assuming Homophobia is the title??? I've tried looking for words that people have questioned "e***e" But since I can't seem to understand the hints, I don't know what to look for. LOL.

  60. Shahar,
    It seems you found an important egg. Well done :)
    You guys are doing great, so you will figure it out :)

    The picture sign text is telling you something (change!) about the last 3 letters of the title.

  61. @s-t - Gosh, a week already!?

    @minkie: So clearly that letter is significant, but I tried listing every letter just before that letter, but I got wayyyy too many vowels. What am I missing :S

  62. Thanks small-tool, that makes sense. I know what to look for now!

  63. Jd roberts level 25. When you divide that word in 323, what is the first 3-word? Where else can you see that group of letters?

  64. Level 16

    too bad, i tried all the possibilities in google, i went through the whole text, i have 6 names but i can't do anything with it. I think I should stop here.

  65. UGH I'm really regretting having to use online paint since I lost my pc. Anyone know of any good alternatives.

  66. Thanks, minkie!!! Can you give me a bit of a push on the perfume egg? Not sure what I'm meant to be counting.

  67. Marja,
    There is a trick riddlers often use.
    Put your results in anagram solver that allows wildcards.
    Like this one: (put settings on 'sort by length')
    Put in your 6 letters and one ?
    It will give 7 letter words and one of them is usually your answer.

  68. minkie, I just used good old windows paint, it was enough to get good approximation of the letters

  69. Thanks shahar. I don't have that on my computer so I have to use the online version and it's a bit tricky. However I'm making progress - at least I've got all my pieces on the board now.

  70. s-t, I got also two answers that say they are not used in this level. Is it for real? Or another decoy?

  71. small-tool do i need 6 or 7 letters? i think 6

  72. That's for real Shahar.
    Check out the HOF and you will see there's not only a HOF, but a BOB too :)

  73. @minkie: I tried counting l****** in the f**** words of the lines. Same with the l*** words. Same with t**** words in the sentences. None seem to work. I can already tell what the puzzle pieces are going to say. But I probably need the egg anyway. I doubt S-T would let me take any sort of shortcut!

  74. ok, so the search for the real answer continues...

  75. BFS according to the url you need to count "h***"

  76. Oops, yep it's 6 Marja,
    So if your 6 first letters do not anagram to a good answer then one of them is probably wrong.
    You can still do the anagram trick with 6 letters and a ? but then look at the 6 letter word results.

  77. Still stuck on lvl 17. Saw the clue about Samuel's fishes, but don't get it. Looking for a big push.

  78. On the nordinho site you could still ask each other questions. That is not a small tool here, is it?

  79. Jpete,
    Mtatt was talking about this Samuel
    he invented a famous code/alphabet.

    Je kan mij mailen :)

  80. @ S-T, thanks for a week of fun ( and struggle), I quit here. Bye every-one.

  81. @shahar and @minkie: I get that... I just have no idea what that means in the context of the level text :( I assumed it meant s***ts of sentences or lines, but it doesn't seem to.

  82. Come on, Ike
    (just use their table numbers on their own names to pick letters.)

  83. I'm missing a path! Was I meant to get past the red herring?

  84. I tried to count letters in the lines based on the letters of h***, and tried the same with words... still don't get a word that works :/ Why is this so hard :/

  85. BFS I think the best thing for you to do would be to copy the text and put it in a letter frequency counter.

  86. Ohhhhhhh, THAT sort of count!!!!! Got it now!!!! Thank you <3

  87. Thank you small tool, I am now at level 17.

  88. I've got 4 sets of jigsaw pieces. Should I be looking for a fifth past the red herring or looking for a sixth anagram to start a new path?

  89. I, like Ike (punny), am also stuck on level 35 for final answer. I have all the eggs and know I'm supposed to add something to egg 2 from the new element but the a***** n* of the new element is a very big value so I am not getting it.

  90. Bucksdack,
    That big value can be divided in parts. The picture is a big hint for that.

  91. Thank you small tool. Moving on!

  92. Yes minkie, you are missing the fifth one. It is not just a red herring. Try to advance there as well

  93. @minkie: I'm where you are. Won't be able to work on it until later tonight. I don't think it's another anagram as I tried many and none worked. So it must be the red herring.

  94. stuck on 50 at:
    red run - no idea how to start
    3 pics with episodes from that character animation

  95. I been spending almost an hour and a half looking for the answer and am no where closer to it. Could have catch a good movie during this time :P
    small hint small tool? should I be looking for something more in the level (or outside it) or is it a sort of word trick?

  96. Mishu, for r** r** use granny
    for the 3 pics, do what the text sort of tells you to do

  97. All can be found in the level, not outside and it's not a word trick.
    There are 5 confirmation eggs to find, but you don't need them all.

  98. so I found b****, p*** and then two more with the new words in front of those. So I am missing a fifth one?

  99. Looks like you got everything Shahar, maybe you missed something you had to do quite often in this riddle.

  100. got it :) I was very close just didnt try that specific one
    thanks s-t, missed your deadline by a few hours

  101. YAY, We have our first finisher!!!

    Very well done, Shahar, Congrats \0/

  102. On the red herring do I need to know anything fancy like how to find hidden links?

  103. minkie, nothing fancy
    just use granny

  104. Here it is, the first one in the...

    Hall of Fame

  105. Level 28, this is what I know (or think I know). I've gotten the names of the r*****d players that go with each team and had the corresponding jersey number (from the number of items in each box at the beginning of the level). I've taken the last names to granny but she's not giving me anything. 7 letters? I'm pretty sure I have the right names, I've double checked, but I could be wrong on one of them. I have
    D***** S*****
    B***** R*******
    F**** R*******
    S**** S*****
    D*** V** A******
    B**** O**
    I may have given away too much, I'm sorry if I did. I'm trying to be cryptic, so if I put too much info, I will delete the comment. Just let me know.

  106. @shahar: Congratulations!!!!!!

    Re: the missing pieces - is there a path to be found from the red herring? Or is there a sixth egg?

  107. thanks shahar - that prompted me to granny a few more possibilities.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. BFS, yes it is from the red herring
    use granny

  110. Jdroberts,
    It looks like two of them are wrong.

    BFS and Shahar,
    Are you sure the twoof you are talking about the same thing?
    Isn't BFS talking about the recipes?

  111. BFS early on you said you had followed a path and got 3 pieces. I thought that must be a typo, but clearly it wasn't. I've now followed five paths and am still missing 3 pieces. Can you give any hints about your 3-pieces path.

  112. Ok, I may have to come back later and let my brain reset. Those are the names I keep getting over and over. I don't know where I'm making the mistake.

  113. got a word but it seems is for a bonus level
    got final message in 50 but nothing to continue

  114. minkie, in the food path, did you also get a drink?

  115. Should I use z*** again on lvl 48 egg? And is it a cipher using a and b?

  116. I don't think I did shahar. I go and feast :)

  117. well have my big jigsaw completed from the 5 paths now what ?

  118. that was it shahar, thanks

  119. mtatt, now look for more eggs

  120. Lvl 45 - I don't understand how to use TZs. I have all eggs, rotten too.

  121. Puzzled, you find a clock and make some's a bit of work.

  122. @puzzled, just noticed you have rotten eggs now adjust for tz's. google is helpful...just ask directly about the difference

  123. Level 35 - still working on final answer. I already broke the a******** n* of the new element into 4 parts (to get the confirm/rotten egg) but two of them are still larger than the number of chars in the element so I can't figure out what to add to egg 2.

  124. @Hancock thanks :) my problem is where to adjust: d*******e or a*****l

  125. bucksdack there's something on the egg2 page you can add to your rotten/confirmation egg

  126. Puzzled the the boarding cards give l***l t***. You need to convert them

  127. @thanks Minkie. I will keep trying.

  128. @puzzled if 1st spot is ahead, add.

  129. I've got my finished jigsaw on Paint... What do I do now?

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Exactly BFS! I've been looking for extra eggs in the food path and by looking back. Nothing so far.

  132. @minkie: Sorry I missed your comment. Did you find the missing 3 pieces? They were from the food path ending with a drink.

  133. Thank you @Minkie. I'll try that.

  134. Thanks got 1 good 1 bad egg so far how many more needed from the end

  135. @mtatt: A hint on how to find an egg? :)

  136. Yes I found it BFS I'm now where you are. Also been thinking about the different sizes of the two pics.

  137. BFS use what got you through 50

  138. @mtatt: Granny on the same? But I've run out of anagrams and none of the obscure ones work...

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. i'm stuck where pipi is...egg on lvl 48. anybody have a nudge?

  141. Hancock and Pipi. You don't use z*** again. To choose what to use this time think about how many rows there are.

  142. also on the egg for lvl 48. Is it about m.....l n...s? Nothing else comes to mind with 5 rows. I read the clue about colors

  143. Look at the middle row Hotaru, Pipi, Hancock . It may give you an idea.

  144. I thought getting past the jigsaw in 50 might be about the 5 parts of the puzzle, but I can't make it work.

  145. BFS no use the products of those eggs still with 1 good 1 bad egg

  146. Thanks minkie, now another egg :)

  147. mtatt I used the products to get one bad egg, oh I've just had another idea about using them...

  148. mmm That didn't work I wish I'd kept neater notes.

  149. Lvl 45 - Done, thanks Minkie and Hancock

  150. Thanks, mtatt. I found a rotten egg from using the products. As usual I thought I was being smart and ended up with a rotten egg, haha. Continuing to try random things...

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Ok, so a few hours away didn't help. I'm still not sure where I'm going wrong on level 28 egg. I know the teams and I have the numbers. I've applied the level name and Googled those numbers with the corresponding team. (I realized I left one name off my earlier post at 12:12.) Small-tool says I have two names wrong, but I can't figure out which ones because I keep coming up with the same names. This is what I have:
    Team / Player
    B**** H*** / S****d
    O****** / R******n
    G***** / R******n (same LN as O)
    K*L*** / V****i
    C******** / S****d (same LN as BH)
    S*** / A*****e
    B***** / O*r
    Which are not correct?

  153. OK, I found a good egg!!!! It seems to be advising me to make a certain kind of omelette... however, I don't know if I actually have what is required, since the ones I do have can't be omeletted...

  154. Jd, one of your names with an 'R' last name is incorrect. I didn't save all those names so not sure which.

  155. Yay BFS!! Was it from the products again (I had the bad one a long time ago)

  156. @Jdroberts: You have the wrong player for the S** F******** G*****.

  157. finished!
    now to do bonuses!

  158. BFS maybe we need another one that we haven't found yet

  159. @minkie: It's from converting the l***ths of each of the e** p***s (like how many there are in each set from the starting Granny one to the final one with the puzzle pieces). Quite proud that I figured that out on my own! :D

  160. @mtatt: How many do you have? I found 3 on the level in total: c****, p**** and t****. Let's pool our resources, hahaha!

    @Mishu: Congratulations!!!! Please help us poor souls to finish too :D

  161. Thanks so much BFS, well done!

  162. @mtatt: I brute-forced it from adding a vowel to the firsts of the ones I do have. Got a confirmation egg with instructions. But apparently I still don't have "the real answer". That reminds me of an earlier level, but I can't remember which one.

  163. Finished! \o/

    BFS - it's omelette time :)

  164. BFS I bet we'll need all of them to get into the HOF ;)

  165. Guys, I did it!!! Peace out :D @aaaasa, well done!!! And thank you so much for all your help throughout :D

  166. Me too. Thanks aaaasa, BFS and many others for all the help. Especially thanks to S-T.

  167. Yay, minkie!!! So happy to have crossed the finish line together with you and aaaasa. I feel like we've been on this journey together :D

  168. congrats minkie and BFS :D

  169. Gosh, I didn't even register that there were bonus levels. Oh well, those can wait until tomorrow. My bed calls! Night all!

  170. Indeed BFS. Every time I post a comment I see you and me at the bottom of the first page starting on the way.

  171. @minkie: Me too! I feel like half the comments on this are streams of consciousness from me. LOL!

  172. Thanks Lisa. I still don't know what the correct name is, but I just BF'd my way with granny. On to the next level!

  173. Level 44 Egg 1b. I've seen the comments about applying a method to a particular text, but I guess I don't know which text? Just a little hint please?

  174. yes 4 bad eggs = 1good egg
    fininished also

  175. Congrats BFS and Minkie!

  176. Congratulations to minkie aaasa and BFS

  177. Jdroberts SF Giants was not right. #20 did not start with R.

  178. Congratulations to all that have finished! I think I need another week. Still stuck on Level 35 :-(

  179. Congrats to Shahar and all the finishers, well done!

  180. Fossa 2/20/20, 12:39 AM
    "LisaK, in part 2 in 33 you need 4 titles. Be careful with the firdt one, there 3 or 4 in wiki, but you need the one which was meant in the 1 part. Then you get 3 eggs by methods from the part 1."

    My 1st title is the same as part one, P-O-T-A, yes? Ftf (p***), common things (s***) and ?? Granny didn't want ftf of authors. I tried adding G.O. into it & no luck =( I went back to the start again & did all the steps over; no luck. Day 2 of no results. Lost...

  181. Congrats to all you brilliant finishers! I'm in awe!

  182. Stuck on level 37 Egg 1. I know the name of the level s****** and I got the word f****** and I know the special event w****** but when I google them I am not finding anything useful. I tried looking at other hints but nothing is registering.

  183. NVM--it clicked. On to 44 Egg 2b.

  184. Chael615, most people celebrate that special event every year and people give them gifts

  185. Just a question here. I finished Level 46 and never used the B******* C*****. Was that just a red herring?


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