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Small Tool Riddle in Blue

Riddle in Blue - is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. Riddle in Blue is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Tool Torture Threesome and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Lvl 48 egg, I have tried counting the row number for each row in both directions (how many 1's in 1, 2's in 2, etc; 1 to 5 up and down). Don't get anything viable. Have also tried finding a number that contains just the row number (row 1 just 1 number, row 2 just 2, etc.). No luck.
    I see there are 5 rows as S-T has told us. I've translated the grid and know what is important. But I'm getting diddly-squat.

  2. LVL 33 - I seems to have ventured into a long corridor egg with no clear exit path. there's numbers, but i don't know how to apply those. I think I found who wrote what brought me to the page.

  3. p3p - Seems you are on the right track, but it's the location of those numbers that is important.

  4. Keeper, let me see if I understand... I am back at the beginning of the level. EX: 2.4 The 2 is the line and the 4 is the letter in the line?

  5. @Namchokdef don't overthink, you have the surname and the novel already (from the eggs)

  6. Lvl 33 is a google page. Start by finding the titles of the books and see what they have in common. Lots of good hints for this in previous pages. Use "control f" for pc or "command f" for mac to get search box; for each page enter lvl 33.

  7. @Jdroberts there are two lists in the level, the first number indicates which list you need to look at

  8. patty3ponies -- thanks so much! I finally got to the egg in 48. I got the first egg, but I am stumped on the second. Which one are you on -- you said the second egg, but your post above sounds like the first egg?

  9. @aaaasa in the end of the grid granny gives me a name but it goes to nowhere (not even a rotten egg)

    Where does your rotten egg come from? (I suppose not the two gifs??)

  10. aaaasa, Thank You!! Good resting place.

  11. Got it! I was overthinking.

  12. If you have the egg with the three colors, you're halfway there.
    I made it to 49, but must retire.

  13. Keeper - I only got the rotten egg with gif from picking the highlighted letters and haven't find other eggs yet.

  14. P3P -- I guess you got it?

  15. @aaaasa those letters can form three different words, one of them gives you a good egg, I'm stuck at that point and it's time to return to lvl 50 for a big lunch so please leave me some good hints if possible :)

  16. Still stuck on LVL 31. I'm staring at the Yes page with the blue screen of death. I've tried being literal like before (a****** p****, a** k**, t**** n*****, & c*******), but it gives me rotten eggs.
    This is the clue I'm staring at trying to figure out which words I'm supposed to use:
    "apply the same numbers to 2 words from the text under the broken screen."

  17. Thanks, Keeper! I thought that I have to use a new one, didn't think to go back. Moving to LVL 34 now!

  18. @Jdroberts : Remember how clever of a solution to just find another set of numbers to get the blue screen? It's that, on this, ready to use and ripen for picking. Literally that location, right there and now.

  19. I stuck at bonus 2. I know the i*********** a***** but I can't google any relevant s********. Is it a book or a movie or a reality?

  20. Fossa - just put the a***** ON :)

  21. I remember the answer to get me to the page with the new numbers literally being on the page. I'm trying to apply that same technique on the CTRL+ALT+DELETE page. Everything is taking me to new rotten eggs. Telling me to be literal in another way. Maybe I'm just tired because I apparently can not see my hand in front of my face.

  22. jdroberts - a****** p**** is 2 words, right?

  23. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I must need to go to bed (East Coast time here). I don't know why that was so hard for me to get. Now that I know the answer, it's a big DUH moment.

  24. Namchokdef, I've been trying to finish 34 all day.
    I've cycled thru the hints a dozen times =P Hope I can get a nudge from you at the end; good luck!

  25. So for Level 50 I've followed 5 paths to 5 groups of puzzle pieces. I feel like I don't have all the puzzle pieces but I don't know how to proceed further. Do I need more puzzle pieces to finish? The pieces look like they form l....s except for one. A hint please?

  26. aaaasa thank you, but still nothing with s********. I tried all this rebus with On and OFF and all articles) Is it a pun?

  27. Puffin - I guess the pieces that doesn't form a l***** comes from the food path? If so, complete the puzzle using only those pieces and it shows what you need for that path.

    Fossa - If you have found the name of the a***** (which should give you a confirmation egg), simply put ** after that name to get the s********.

  28. @aaaasa do you have any luck on bonus 4 so far? Tried looking at a***** and d*** and e** but nothing meaningful came up

  29. Oh TY aaaasa! I found the wrong a*****)

  30. Keeper - Nope I still only has the rotten egg c*********. The word seems to anagram into 2 other good words but neither of them gives an egg.

  31. On Bonus 4 there are only 2 rotten eggs (I only use real word anagrams). Those 2 rotten ones are the GIF pictures.

  32. Thank you Donas and Hancock, I can't believe I didn't try that one. I feel so silly. I guess I was too tired and excited about starting the last path.

  33. Keeper, aaaasa, if you have the good egg on bonus 4 (ignore the rotten ones), then you need something from the original level page to solve it

  34. use the universal anagram solver to find the good egg - try all options

  35. I'm quite stuck with some distant gibberish in Bonus lvl 8. Not sure if I need another egg.

  36. LVL 13 I have the egg but what am I looking for?

  37. Lvl 13
    There are more eggs to find. The method doesn't go just for the first words. It goes for every word.
    You need to Google the one you get from all the words of the first two lines.

    Bonus 8
    There are 5 eggs to find (not all of them good though :P)

  38. Thanks! I have 3 (2 rotten, 1 good), so I'll keep looking.

  39. shahar - I thought the level page shows the c*********s in the egg (given the number of a***** and d***) but can't form a word. Am I on the right track here?

  40. @sharar - I was trying to look at "a***** *" "y** ****" and "e** ****", am I on the right track?

  41. Correct method aaaasa, and not even an anagram and an appropriate answer (lol, that's more A's in a row than in your name).

  42. I'm finally out of the grid, time for breakfast!! (actually it's dinner time here)

  43. s-t - I tried different ways by focusing on the first letter of a***** and d*** but can't pick a word for one pair or two no matter which direction I tried... can I have a little more push please

  44. You,re way and way overthinking aaaasa. It's literally telling you the C's

  45. Yay, Veri finished too \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS :) Very, very well done!!!
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  46. oops I must have counted it wrong... feeling ashamed again :/

  47. I have spent 2 days on level 34. Have got to egg 5 but cannot get even the rotten egg indicated here. I have read all the comments many times. I have rotated and got gibberish, flipped and got the same gibberish, always starting from where the two colours meet and going along the left one first then up/down the right one. Have got n-n-n..... but only gibberish starting with y. Need help please.

  48. di999 - try the direction combination that gets T as the first letter

  49. Bonus 4 Am I right for one of the spots to land on the hyphen?

  50. minkie - all of the spots are letters.

  51. Thanks aaaasa. I'll scrap that method then.

  52. @aaaasa - thank you. Now have the rotten egg. Will try to work on this.

  53. Bonus 5 I'm getting a theme of u***c********d c**m******s for some of the items but not all of them. Should I continue down this road?

  54. NVM I've found some more.

  55. bonus 5: got the egg but don't understand why the first letter is that one as it seems to contradicts with the level??

    For the egg, tried making omelet with both long and short names but granny gave me nothing in return, any hint please?

  56. Need a little help for finding all rotten eggs on lvl 50. I have only 2.

  57. pipi there are two right at the start of the level. One at the ends. I never found the 4th one.

  58. There are 3 of them right at the start.

  59. Thank you. I will try to find them.

  60. Keeper - I searched on Wikipedia but it didn't contain the complete results. Try this site:
    This may also answer your question about the first letter :)

  61. Still on level 34. I have the confirmation egg for egg 5 t..r..f… Do I need another egg from egg 5 or should I be able to work out the final step from here?

  62. Di999,
    Check out the coordinates on egg 5.

  63. lvl 50 I've got: 2 rotten eggs from the start, all paths finished, puzzles complete, one confirmation egg, two screens telling me to go away... Is that enough information to finish lvl 50?

  64. Bonus 6 - solved the n******* but I can't figure out what's in the pic. Is google needed or am I fooled by red herring again?

  65. I'm at the same place as you aaaasa. None of the obvious things it looks like are working.

  66. Hotaru,
    There is a third rotten egg fromt the start and a fourth rotten at the end of the paths.

    If you don't know me by now, you will never do :P

    Two general announcements;
    - At the end, the bonus congrats, you can see all the eggs you perhaps missed.
    - If Japanese you can play/comment here too now:
    Blue in Japan

  67. I'm at the same place as you, minkie and aaaasa

  68. I'm on bonus 7 now. Try the basics even if it seems unlikely at first glance.

  69. lvl 50 so I found some more: 3 rotten from the start, 4 confirmation eggs, 2 screens telling me to go away!
    I gueass I miss one rotten starting with t, but not sure about that..

  70. Hotaru,
    Check out the answers at the end of your paths!

  71. ok, got it!, but still need t.. r... a..... :)

  72. Help! I'm stuck here in level 50. I can't stop now, I'm too close! I have finished three paths leading to puzzle pieces, but I don't know what to do with the lady's egg of the r** h****** egg (the one with the group of people). I take it the lady egg has something to do with the letter shown, but nothing I have done with that has helped. I have one rotten egg from the beginning of the level (c****). Any hint for the other two?

  73. @small-tool - thanks and yes I am! Still not there yet but nearer.

  74. Hooooreeey! Finished!
    Now to find bouns lvls. Are those screens telling me to go away somehow involved?

  75. Laurie: for other RE use the infos on the countries about the main topic of the level screen.

    About the lady egg - look at the url word (that gave the egg) and the letter on the picture.

    For the other egg - in lvl 50 usually the url is important and usable too

  76. And so to 35. Thanks for all help.

  77. Yay, Hotaru finished too \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS :) Very, very well done!!!
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Bonus 7 - How to even start?

  80. bonus 6 - only one word. After you solved the nonogram, do basic riddling stuff

    stuck at bonus 7 with many lovely words but no idea what next

  81. Thanks shahar. Got it. I had a POP moment.

  82. aaaasa,
    On bonus 7 the title lay-out is a tiny bit different. Use that to get a kind of hint screen.

  83. I need help with the rotten egg beginning with p**** which is, if I understand it correctly, at the beginning of level 50. I found the bad egg beginning with a**** at the same place, right? Absolutely no idea what else to use.

  84. level 38,three days staring at this!On the 'spy' egg,I know I have to change the middle number,but cant find a proper word,if someone can check my letters I would be grateful.So I ve found iesnoz are they all wrong?

  85. the artist - You may want to check your first and last again :)

  86. @the artist: not all of them, just the first and last

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Bonus 7 - not sure what d*****s I need to find.

  89. @ Milena -- for the rotten egg p****, look at the info box in the Wiki pages for each country, in the section about the text on the main level. It is a small section, with just a couple pieces of information. FTF on the relevant bit of info for each.

  90. aaasa Bonus 7. I've noticed the difference on the level, but haven't worked out how to use it. Have you managed to use it to get to a new page or are you still on the level page?

  91. @Laurie W - thank you, tried that but with more letters.

  92. minkie, the difference tell you what you need from the grid to get to the hint page
    like aaaasa, not sure what d****** I need, tried many options but nothing so far

  93. Thanks shahar. At least that rules out some things I've been trying.

  94. @Hotaru -- Thanks! I found the p**** rotten egg and the egg for the group photo.

    Re: the lady egg -- I've looked and looked at the letter and the word but nothing is clicking.

    So there is one more rotten egg at the start of 50? Is it also 5 letters? I have p**** and c****.

  95. OK so now I focused on r**s and c*****s and got 2 Yes eggs... now what :/

  96. On lvl 50 I found the p**** egg, but still missing the a****. And I also have no idea about the r*** a****r. Help

  97. Finally got through LVL 34. That egg 5 though, don't quite understand why the latter axis is going that way, ah well, onto 35.

  98. Thanks aaasa. You prompted me to check that method again. My ability to miss d*****s is astonishing!

  99. pipi for a.... use something from dates of celebration

    and make an omlette for t.. r... a.....

  100. Bonus 7 after 3 eggs I thought it might have to do with a certain law, but it doesn't seem to.

  101. Got the a**** rotten egg from start of 50. Now just need to know what to do with the lady egg. Still in the dark on that one.

  102. pipi -- for the a**** egg, look at the same info that got you the letters for the five paths, but a different piece of it. M*****, not d***. No conversion, just granny.

  103. Hotaru, thanks a lot, but from the dates I got the egg c****. I tried with the months, years and nothing.
    And for the r*** a***** - omelette from what? So many possibilities..

  104. @Laurie W - just find the l..... that is on the picture in the text (there are 9 of them) and pick as many l...... according to the URL

  105. Oh, thank you. I just found that a**** egg. Didn't know that word.

  106. @pipi - I am also struggling with t.. r... a..... - tried many ingredients for the omelette and nada. My brain is fried.
    Do we need all 4 rotten eggs or just ftf? Because I have all of them and can't make an omelette.

  107. Feeling really dumb. Level 19 I have all 3 eggs, just don't know what to do next. Tried granny on them, but no go. Tried granny on the words in the 3rd egg.

  108. @Milena -- Thanks! I tried so many things, but that one never occurred to me.

  109. Jpete, for lvl 19 try granny on 2 of them.

  110. pipi and Milena - for omelette do ftf of all 4 rotten eggs. That contains an important instruction.

    Stuck at bonus 6. I made japonese crossword, tried to count black and white, nothing relevant. Help?

  111. Yay, I finished lvl 50!
    Milena, the ingredients of the omelette are the last two good eggs.

  112. Congrats pipi!

    Fossa - if you solved the puzzle correctly, counting should give you something :)

  113. I need a push on lvl 33. I've read all the comments and this is what I've learned, but can't seem to figure out.
    1. I used FTF on the titles and got G.O.
    2. Googled and found A***** F*** - which gave me a confirmation egg
    3. I've tried FTF with author's names (first, last, and both together) - no good
    4. I've tried FTF with the an***ls from the titles and taken them to granny - no good
    5. What do they have in common? - an***ls - that's the only thing I can see
    6. I am going cross-eyed staring at these titles

  114. Thanks pipi. Thought I had tried that, but must not have. Plodding ahead now.

  115. Jdroberts - FTF with a****ls should give an egg. You may want to check the titles again.

  116. I thought I was on a promising lead with m**** c*** in Bonus 7, but it didn't work (: Have you got past it aaaasa and shahar?

  117. I didn't have much time to work on this today, so I am still at bonus 7 hint page looking for d*****s

  118. minkie - I found more d*****s and another egg from them. Now it seems I need to find keys to continue... hmmm

  119. aaaasa gave a good hint on finding them shahar: OK so now I focused on r**s and c*****s and got 2 Yes eggs... now what :/"

  120. Thanks aaaasa. Good to know I need to find more.

  121. Finally got bonus 7... gonna call it a day and get back to bonus 8 tomorrow

  122. My congratulations too, pipi!)

    aaaasa, do I look at the 6 bonus for 13-letters word?

  123. Thank you all for the help :)

  124. Finally finished!!!
    Thank you, pipi.

  125. do you mean taking letters that are on even r** and c*****? tried to anagram them but no.
    there are many words in the grid but none of the ones I tired worked

  126. Not that shahar . You're not working with words at this stage, aaaasa's was about where to find d*****s.

    Is the other egg you got the p***** one aaaasa?

  127. minkie - you’re almost there. just try the usual tricks on what you have now.

  128. Yes aaaasa Got that now Now I've got a bunch of letters and one mathematical symbol that I don't recognise.

  129. ok, I see now, got the two "yes" eggs

  130. Yay, two new finishers \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS :) Very, very well done pipi and Milena!!!
    You're both in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  131. There are actually 6 eggs to find on Bonus 7

  132. does it matter what +\ means in Bonus 7?

  133. I hate to keep asking for help, but...I have found five paths and followed them to the end to get puzzle pieces. I have assembled the puzzles. I have found four rotten eggs--three from the level start page and one from the ends of the paths. I have found a confirmation egg from the rotten eggs. I found a second confirmation egg form the first one by being literal. I visited granny with what I saw on the ends of the paths, and got a message telling me to go away. What else am I missing?

  134. Laurie W,
    There is a second reason why there are 5 paths.

  135. Laurie W, I think you ate missing a very important egg. Count the eggs from each path.

  136. And done with Level 50! Whew!

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. I must be doing lvl 49 egg 3 wrong. It sounds like I was supposed to create an alphabet (a to z) using the binary no. from egg 2 in order from lowest to highest. Is that right? But what do I do with the second h no.? Do I repeat it after the first h or omit it? And then do I look for the binaries of the 2 letters on the egg?? The two braincells I had left are fading fast. Am I completely lost?

  140. bonus 8 egg: is it hill cipher?
    where to get key?

  141. p3p -- look at the binary sequences in egg 2. Notice how many 0's and how many 1's there are. Does either number suggest something? write out the alphabet to correspond to something that would match up with it. Then consider the text in egg 3.

  142. Yay, Laurie W finished too \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS :) Very, very well done!!!
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

    There is an egg to find telling you what cipher you need and there is another egg to find with the key.

  143. p3p-- just a warning--after you finish with 49 egg 3, you will be at Level 50. You may want to revive the rest of your brain cells, you will need them. I know mine are worn out. 50 really is enough to be a riddle in itself.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Hi
    I stayed at level 45, I have all the eggs plus the bad guy who tells me to use the wrong times, what did I missed?

  146. Laurie, I see the 1's add up to 26, but don't see how to use that on the alphabet. Sorry. Not getting it.

  147. p3p--there are 26 1's and 26 letters in the alphabet...

  148. I already stuck on bonus 1. I can't get the right key.

  149. Take a good look at the pic pipi.

  150. OK, I have the two eggs that are supposed to be for Bonus 1, but now what? I tried visiting several grannies. One of them gave me a word (a word I had never heard of before) but it doesn't work. I tried putting them one after another as word1word2 and word2word1, but neither of those worked. I even thought there might have been something rotten about the word granny gave me, but no luck. Hint?

  151. Laurie, Lvl 49 egg 3: Thought I had something. Went thru the alphabet picking letters that corresponded to the # of 1's. Then with those 10 letters transposed the binary numbers under them, but came up with "0".

  152. Just had another idea. Let me try it.

  153. Laurie,
    Are you already on the bonus 1?

  154. S-T---no, I can't find it.

  155. What did you do on the intermission pages?
    You used your url to do something, didn't you?

  156. Lvl 49 egg 3: tried putting the alphabet over the 1's in the egg 2 text, but don't see a way that gets me any letters to pick.

  157. Just saw it after posting last comment. Got it. Got to 50 with 1/2 a brain cell left. Yes, Little Boy Blue, I am a nin*******!

  158. S-T -- I can't believe I didn't see that. I was overthinking as usual.

  159. Congrats to all the new finishers!

    I took a day off from riddling, but I'm back now to solve some more bonus levels. I hope those ahead of me have left some good hints :D

  160. LVL 36 : I got the egg of instruction, but no idea on what it is. I've seen that I have to find some pairs. My guess is....... that it splits?

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. Namchokdef. Write down the instructions and go back to the level. Then read through the text keeping your instructions in front of you. Something may click for you.

  163. So stuck on Bonus 7 I've found 3 sets of d******s, I've used a code to get some keys (or a key). Tried lots of things, but getting nowhere.

  164. Wow I finished! Thanks to all of you who helped me personally and also to those who left such great hints. I truly could not have finished without you all!!

  165. thanks minkie, i'm struggling. i've done the one beginning with the wooden number picture over and over and over and count 10 eggs every time. does the puzzle pic not count? if so then one path has zero. ughh.

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. Hancock,
    The wooden one is already egg 2 on that path!

  168. Yay, Two new finishers \0/ \0/

    CONGRATS Puffin and Bojan :) Very, very well done!!!
    You're now in the
    Hall of Fame

    Wishing you good luck and lots of fun with finding and playing the bonus levels :)

  169. Stuck on Bonus 4. I have the egg, and I get that the egg has a significant number of rows and columns. I also know which ones represent the c*********s. However, I don't know how to use those on the original grid. Do I need to count and pick from the cl**s? What about the rows with multiple column values?

  170. Thank you so much, minkie. I see it now. Was a bit confused at the end on finding the letters, turns out I didn't follow the instructions... Now onto 37, and will stop there for today.

  171. @Hancock: Count the granny egg on each path as Egg 1. So the one you think has 0 actually has 1. That should lead you right!

  172. LBB, I guess I am missing an egg? I go from the 50 level with the fireworks directly splitting into 5 egg paths. (not counting the 3 rotten ones there)

  173. @BFS, you need to use the first page on the egg, not the egg on the first grid.

  174. Yep Hancock,
    Fireworks = 0 and then the splits itself are the very first ones to count.

  175. I'm quite stuck at Bonus 10. Not even sure where to start. I got the first egg, and know what it's about, but can't apply it in a good way.

  176. Ok I'll just have to keep working on it. I'm so frustrated but not giving up. Thank you for commenting LBB and BFS. I keep counting that path as 10, with granny as one. I am a little confused by LBB's comment that the wooden number pic is egg two, because I consider that my granny egg one

  177. @Ellie: Oh!!! I thought I was noting the positions of a certain letter (the first letter of the egg) on the egg and using that on the original grid. Was I right to note those positions? If so, I don't know how to apply the original grid to the egg...

  178. Oops, sorry.
    Yes Hancock that egg is indeed the first one, but maybe you missed an inbetween egg there. The egg with the flag on that path should be egg 5.

  179. @Hancock: You have the initial fireworks egg, and then each of the subsequent granny eggs is Egg 1 of their respective paths. Does that make sense? So the granny egg that immediately gives you puzzle pieces has a path length of 1.

  180. yes thank you BFS. I wonder if I missed an egg. at the risk of embarrassing myself and exposing my denseness; here is how i count 10;;;wood number / yucky dude / yucky dude #2 / flappy fabric / plotting / healthy stuff / sailor / baby got back / smelling sexy / puzzle

  181. Yep, that's what I thought. You did the superlative (from second dude) right away to get to the flag, but there was an egg extra before that flag.
    But I didn't ask there already for the superlative.

  182. Hi BFS Bonus 4 Look lower down on the level page. There's something you can apply to the egg.

  183. @Hancock: Lol, love your descriptions! "Baby got back" made me laugh :D I think you missed an egg between "yucky dude #2" and "flappy fabric". If something is b__, it gets w____ before it becomes the w___t.

  184. hey! i found it! Thank you LBB!

  185. Hi minkie! I only see the c***s on the level page. I'm guessing I have to apply those numbers to the egg grid somehow? I just have no idea what I'm looking for to apply to the egg. Is it something related to the URL of the (good) egg?

  186. Not the url. Read across the first (whole) line of c****. It may give you an idea.

  187. @bfs, use what you see, but to walk, you don't need l*****s, you need n*****s. The bottom ones might help to give you an idea?

  188. @minkie: Ohhh, OK. But the a****s and d*** on the first line don't seem to relate to each other. It says "to find..." and then goes to the clue for "o*****c". I tried looking for "o*****c" in the egg grid, but I got nowhere fast.

  189. OHHH it's just hit me. Well, I haven't tried it yet, but I hope I'm right.

  190. I was a bit misleading by saying "whole" I meant to indicate both sides. And yes Ellie is right It may be more obvious starting at the bottom.

  191. Got it!! Thanks for your help, Ellie and minkie!

  192. bonus 10 egg: old level method to apply here?


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