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Dutchie's Pub Riddle

Dutchie's Pub Riddle is a free online change the url puzzle/riddle game made by EG24 player Dutchie for EscapeGames24. There are 6 categories of each 7 levels that you will have to solve to get to the final answer. Big hints are allowed, but please no direct answers. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. NUMBERS 5 - Even after using instruction of 1c I am unable to see anything as I am getting lines like barcodes in each square,both horizontal and vertical. It is not filling up entirely. Don't know what else I can do unless somebody supplies the answer cryptically

    LETTERS 5 - I think I got the correct letters which are in order consonant, consonant, vowel, vowel, consonant, vowel but they are not making a single word. Two words of three letters can be made but they are not working

  2. Mehroon: Not sure why the instruction of 1c is not working for you - it should show you a 5 letter lofty place. Make sure you apply the hint to the whole grid, not just the red ones.

    Letters 5: Two words of three letters sounds the right way - your consonant/vowel list looks good too. Are you sure you entered them correctly.

  3. mehroon --I don't know what is happening with your Numbers 5. It should take only one click in each square to fill it. You shouldn't get anything like barcodes, although some squares may not quite fill up. Perhaps try a different paint program or a different browser? I used Microsoft Paint in Chrome and didn't have any problems.

    Letters 5 -- your vowel/consonant order is correct, if you are taking the words in the order listed (and not the hints/categories). The six letters should anagram to a common two word phrase. Did you use the two words together or one at a time?

  4. Chael -- how does the size of the grid figure in? I tried b****y, in every order and orientation and allocation I could think of, to no avail. B****e doesn't fit evenly.

  5. Laurie: The grid is 7x7 - think how that might help you to get a 7 letter word with the numbers you have. Simple maths will help.

  6. LETTERS 5 - Please tell me whether one of the phrases made by two words of three letters each is an order to ingest immediately. If it can't be made then I've chosen the wrong letters

    Got NUMBERS 5. Thanks Ceebee and Laurie

  7. mehroon--No, you have a letter wrong. I think you probably have two letters wrong, i.e., one of them is a correct letter for the phrase, but you chose it from the wrong word. The two word phrase means that you can't go both directions.

  8. Thanks ceebee. I finally got Bonus 5.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Star Trek 3 - I got 1 egg telling me it was dark. I am almost 100% sure what alphabet I need, but I just can't get suitable letters. Hint, please?

  11. Star Trek 3, Notice the way they are facing:left, forward or right. Maybe that will make you FEEL better.

  12. numbers 1 pls help,so large red counts 9 so its I or 18?,and the arragment is from red to violet three times in row fron small to large?

  13. numbers 1, large red counts 9 x 2=18, You are right about the arrangement.

  14. thanks dutchie,as always confusing with maths!! on to 2

  15. Thanks for previous hints. Stuck again on Star Trek 6. I got the hidden message/question about a****** n***, but don't know how to answer it.

  16. pipi, who are you looking for in this level?

  17. Keeper, that's the problem. I have no idea

  18. Who did you follow to get the egg? :)

  19. Keeper, I am probably stupid, but I don't understand how the one I followed has an a****r?

  20. pipi Star Trek 6. I'm guessing you are not familiar with star trek (neither am I, LOL) On the level page there are two people in the pic. One of them is the captain and one of them is ... ?

  21. Yes, minkie2020, I haven't watched it. But I know who the other person is. I read what is before him in the text. And then I am stuck. I really don't understand the authors name of what I need.

  22. pipi - Are you sure you are looking for the author's name? Check the message again :)

  23. Omg, I am an idiot. lol. I am so sorry. Thank you

  24. Hi! Stuck on Star Trek 6. I have the clue of the stardate, and counted in various ways ...
    I try the star trek 5 method but I can't find the message. Can someone help me find it? Thanks

  25. Pichi, the star trek 5 method, rather than counting, is correct. The question Q asks indicates where you should be looking.

  26. Bonus 6 Egg2: I've read all previous hints, but I am really drawing "a blank"! I figure there is something obvious I'm missing, but been going round and round and can't find it. Guess I don't understand the first three words of egg 2.

  27. Bonus 6 Patty, each of those three words is important (of course you know that already, lol). For the third one, you are not interested in names but SOMETHING else.

  28. I found a rotten egg for the bonus. As much as I search I can not find the bonus 1. Any hints please. Thanks

  29. Nevermind I found this lol

  30. Bonus 6: Hi, Minkie, been playing with the "things" but must not be picking "right" ones or misidentifying them. Haven't gotten it correct yet.

  31. Patty: I'm trying to think how to hint how to pick the right ones without giving it away entirely. It's probably simpler than you think and only some of them look right.

  32. Thanks, Minkie. I just realized what was "right"! Is that too much? I'll delete, if so.

  33. I reckon that's fine Patty.

  34. I am now struggling with Bonus 2 egg 4. I have no idea what he will buy. Help, please.

  35. Check all of the page carefully pipi.

  36. Thanks again, minkie2020!

  37. I can't seem to locate the little kitten. Was it an egg? Can someone please give me the category it was in? I'll do the leg work as I have the answers.

  38. The little kitten was an egg in the category Star Trek.

  39. Thank you, Dutchie. I'm getting there.

  40. Numbers 4 - I have converted but I don't understand step 2. Can I have a little hint please.

  41. Bonus 2, egg 4a.checking the page step by step but i can't find anything

  42. After step 1, separate each new number in two or more 'digits'.

  43. Never mind, I just got Numbers 4 :P (POP)

  44. Oh, sorry dutchie, we crossed posts. Thanks for your hint :)

  45. Hi Pichi :) Bonus 2, egg 4a is just a simple riddle method.

  46. Bonus 3, egg 2. if i do what it says i start again ..
    i have egg1a and b..a help?thanks

  47. BOnus 6 Egg 2 -- I *think* I understand the hint, and I have been looking at the right things, but although I have gotten many words, none of them have worked. Maybe I am not naming the things correctly? Some of them seem to me that they could have more than one identification.

  48. NVM -- I was looking at the wrong rights.

  49. And done! Whew, that was quite a rollercoaster ride!

  50. Hi Molly, Bonus 3, egg 2. The first word tells you what to do with the second word/part of the cake.

  51. Yay Pamela well done, onto the other categories :)

  52. And hurray for Laurie W and Patty3Ponies, they both have finished the riddle and entered the HOF. Congrats :)

  53. Well done Laurie and Patty! That was fun wasn't it :)

  54. And Preslava finished the riddle too! Congrats, great job! You are in the HOF now :)

  55. Thank you, dutchie for the amazing riddle!
    Thanks also to everyone who helped me in my stuck moments.

  56. Thanks to everyone who helped me when I got stuck (which happened more times than I would have liked), and a big, big thanks for Dutchie for this riddle. I hope there will be more in the future.

  57. thanks Dutchie .. but now I am stuck in bonus 6 I have the egg that tells me last thing and I can't find anything

  58. Bonus 6, egg 2. The first three words are very important, combine the 2nd and 3rd.

  59. Bonus 6, egg 2. same as molly. I try to get letters out of the names, nothing, out of the things of the characters, nothing, first and last letters...
    I don't seem to understand the part of combining 2nd and 3rd word

  60. molly and pichi -- I got stuck on Bonus 6 egg 2 for quite a while as well. You no longer need the names of the characters, you need something else associated with them. There are several ways to apply the first or the three words. You want to look at which way the t****y is f****g.

  61. I got it finished. Thanks to dutchie and everyone for the help. Great riddle dutchie!

  62. DW: The game is not getting special treatment - it's hot in terms of the amount of server traffic it's generating. If someone bookmarks the game's start page, their browser routes them directly to the Wix site. If they access the game from Escapegames24, it redirects to Wix, but counts a hit.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. And Pichi has finished the riddle too, congrats and well done :) You are in the HOF.

  65. fFnished all paths except letters which I cant even start it!Are they five pairs of words I have to find or more ,or is it sth else?

  66. You are on the right track the artist, but there are more than five.

  67. anyone have a hint for wrapping up films 7?

  68. Films 7: It's a similar wrap up from other levels using films 1--6. Pick letters wisely.

  69. yay, thanks patty! films, letters, and sports are complete.

  70. I need some help on Star Trek 5 please. I have the two eggs and I'm looking at asteroids and lots of text. I understand to use the stardate but not to count. One of the hints said the answer is 11 letters but this number doesn't match the date or the number of sentences so I'm lost in space.

  71. it's pretty quiet here so I'll post another couple of questions that have me so frustrated. i'm also way behind on Mishmash..i'm only on 2, the match ups are not helping me pick letters from the shows. And Numbers 6, i have one egg with animals and numbers, i know that i am to use some basic math on the numbers but my total is not giving anything useful.

  72. Star Trek 5: ONE of the hints is exactly what you need - find them and you are dONE.

    Mishmash 2: The 1st show is listed before the 2nd and that is before the 3rd etc. - try picking in that order, you may see something useful.

    Numbers 6: There's a common factor for the numbers, it should help you move forward.

    BTW - I am terrible at hints so hope I haven't confused you more. My apologies if I have.

  73. thank you ceebee, i'm moving forward again. those were perfect nudges.

  74. BONUS 2 EGG 2 - Google is not giving anything related to it except an Indian movie in Kannada language and a private company in Russia

  75. Bonus 2 Egg 2: Listen to Samuel - he will help you understand how to get over the wall.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Mehroon I think you almost got it right, but it's not o** but just o
    And about Ceebee's hint about Samuel, that is the first name of the man that invented this cipher :)

  78. Thanks ceebee and dutchie. In error I took o** that confused me. Thanks

  79. Bonus 1,despite all good hints,I cant get it.Is it a word from phrase,which points to a letter or sth else?

  80. BONUS 1 It's a word, the artist. The clue wouldn't work if it said "I am what I eat!"

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Thanks minkie for helping,so its about positions of a letter?If so,I cant make it!

  83. The artist. It's about a short string of letters. Like StarTrek 5.

  84. Thanks minkie I was stuck at this for the whole day,cause I was trying to apply hint to the level text

  85. BONUS 5 - Is it 7 letters I need? If so going from tail to head or head to tail I get a single vowel among 7 which stumps granny

  86. Mehroon, answer Bonus 5 is 7 letters, there are 3 vowels in it.

  87. Bonus 7,a little step before the end,I see the ctrla hint but can't apply it properly ,so this causes me the joy of ending it!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I see it but where to apply?

  90. Try things with the previous bonus levels :)

  91. Thanks Dutchie. Finished your very interesting riddle which was very well constructed. Thanks for an enjoyable time. Waiting for your next

  92. Congrats Mehroon, well done!!
    I added you to the HOF

  93. Bonus 7 ,as always tried firsts, lasts ,acrostics ,adding those six numbers but nope!A little push pls.

  94. bonus 4 is giving me trouble, can i get a push please? i found the long list. One very short one (2 letters) is the only one the can be eaten away..but it is not I tried all the rest with no luck. Do i have the name of the food right (it is in the level text)? Must i combine the short name I found with something else?

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Bonus 4: Hancock, you are on the right orbit. The very short one needs to be "eaten away" from the Turin delight.

  97. P.S. Hancock, Granny can help you!

  98. ahhh, i missed that last step, thank you p3p!

  99. Wow, I finished! Thank you Dutchie, I had lots of fun and thank you to all the very smart and very generous players who gave hints. Till next time!

  100. Bonus 7: the artist, thought I might have led you wrong with my last hint. If you are still stuck, use those nos. on the answers in Bonus 1--6. That will get you to a 2nd page.

  101. A new finisher, congrats Hancock, well done!! You entered the HOF too :)

    And indeed a BIG thank you to those players who already finished and keep coming back here to give such great hints :)

  102. Bonus 7,thanks p3p for trying to help but I'm still lost.Is this conversion from numbers to letters refering to m.....l n......n?If so first number becomes A?

  103. Bonus 7. Don't overthink, use the numbers to pick letters from the Bonus levels answers.

  104. Hooray - slow as usual but just managed to finish Star Trek (the one path I thought I wouldn't know anything about). Thanks for the puzzle and for all the hints left. Now back to try again with some of the other paths.

  105. the artist, Bonus 7, DON'T GIVE UP! You are so close. Take the answer of Bonus 1 and apply the 1st number; then go to Bonus 2 and the 2nd number; etc.; finally granny will help you.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. thanks p3p found my mistake

  108. And another finisher! Congrats the artist, great job. You are in the HOF now :)

  109. I'm stuck on Star Trek 3 and Numbers 4. I've managed to work out the stardate clue for the level, and used Dutchie's clue, but get nowhere. I am probably overthinking, but would nevertheless like a nudge. With Numbers 4, I've tried rendering the sums in both systems, but I end up with too many vowels, not enough vowels, or nothing Granny will render. I suspect I am not executing step 3 correctly.

  110. Star Trek 3, two different methods are used here, combine the two answers and ask granny for help.
    Numbers 4, if you did step 3 correctly you will have a three digit answer.
    I'm not good in giving hints but you can mail me if you need more help

  111. Thanks Dutchie! I'll see what I can do with these hints!

  112. And another finisher, congrats Linr, well done. You are in the HOF now.

  113. Queensrychex also finished the Pub riddle, congrats and well done. You are in the HOF now too:

  114. Ahhh, s-t emailed me but I clean forgot to check for this! Going to make a start on it now. Hopefully there'll be many comments to help!

  115. Hi BFS. I was wondering where you had got to :). You're in for a great ride.

  116. Thanks, Minkie! Nice to see you! I'm stuck very early on in all the paths.

    Mishmash 1 - I got two hints (t****, a****) and one egg (f****), but I can't get the second egg from the counting hint. I tried converting positions of the words containing the "smallies" within each of the sentences, but that gives me 5 letters that don't actually Granny to a word that works...

    Sport 1 - Got the obvious egg, now stumped.

    Numbers 1 - Got a bunch of letters from the dartboard, but they don't seem to combine in any meaningful way.

    Letters 2 - Got a limerick, but I don't know what "tool" to use to decode it.

    Star Trek 1 - Converted the b*****, but the first French word is spelled wrong relative to what's in the text, and I'm not sure if that's intentional or not. I got 4 letters from the stuff on the right, but can't Granny them as there are no vowels.

    Films 3 - I can see notches in the wall above 2 of the posters, but I don't know what that means in terms of what the level wants from me.

    Feeling very rusty!!! Think I'm going to sleep on it and come back tomorrow with a clear head.

  117. BFS. I'll have a look at these. In the meantime, Mishmash 1. You've used the small ys to find one egg. You can use the same ones to find another. You need to use mod 26.

  118. Sport 1 try out some things you can see in the egg pic.

    Letters 2. It's simpler than you think. You've got the right sort of poem.

    Star trek 1. Check out the stuff on the right again. You should get a vowel.

    Film 3. Ignore the notches. The bottom right of the pic is more interesting.

  119. Oh, I missed numbers 1. If you organise your letters correctly they should spell out a five word phrase.

  120. Hello BlackFiresong, good to see you :) Hope you will have fun with the Pub Riddle.
    Thanks for the great hints Minkie :)

  121. Hi dutchie! Thanks for the brain exercise, lol!

    Minkie, thanks for the hints. I've made a tiny bit of progress.

    Mishmash 1 - By mod 26, do you mean I need to take a ROTten approach? I am still totally stuck. Picking from the sentences, I get (upside-down in case it's a spoiler) plɟıı. That doesn't ROT to anything.

    Sport 1 - I can see that the egg has colours, but I don't know how to apply those. I also don't know what "h** m*** t***s?" might be referring to.

    Numbers 1 - I have all the letters (using darts scoring, so doubling and tripling as required), but I have no idea how to break them down into a phrase. Anagram solvers aren't helping. I tried separating by ring and by colour, but neither of those works.

    Letters 5 - I got an obvious egg, but I haven't been able to apply any of the Wiki pages. None of them seem to have a clear "odd one out".

    Star Trek 3 - I got an egg from using a particular cipher, but apparently missed something due to it being too dark? I tried to separate them into front-facing and side-facing and use the same cipher again, but that just gives me gibberish.

    Films 4 - I have all the titles but don't really know where to go from there. I thought I could pick letters from each title based on the number of p***, but there are 3 at the bottom that aren't linked to anything and I haven't been able to figure out how those fit in. None of the letters I get Granny to anything meaningful.

  122. Hi BFS. I saw your comment just as something came up and I've got to go for a bit. So quickly, just one hint for star trek. Front and side is good, but not using the same cipher. Remember: it's too dark.

  123. @minkie: Thanks! Ah OK, I get your hint about it being too dark. But I'm not able to convert the letters. The first one comes out as an "a", but the second doesn't seem to match anything in the relevant alphabet.

  124. BFS. The first one is not "a". Notice that only six of the regenerating alcoves are precisely front-facing.

  125. Mishmash 1. You need to use mod 26 because when you count correctly most of the numbers you get are greater than 26, so you have to start again at A.

    Sport 1. They are very particular colours. In fact I got this egg by chance when I was playing around with Numbers 1.

    And that may give an idea about how you should arrange your letters for Numbers 1 - and size does matter.

  126. Letters 5. You don't apply the wiki pages themselves, so much as their titles.

    Films 4. You are right those p*** are a (very time-consuming) red herring. I also went wrong here for a long time because I tried to work on the F&S titles, including the sub-titles they used. It is just the main title that matters in each case.

  127. Mishmash 1 - Ah OK. I've tried counting that way now. Still not getting anything, though. Do punctuation marks count or not? Although I tried both with and without and neither works. :/

    Sport 1 - Ah OK, I got the egg. Clearly it's to do with f**g c*l***s, but I'm not sure what it is I need to count.

  128. Mishmash 1. You should get something without punctuation. It's very easy to miscount though. And the right letters may look unhopeful until you visit granny.

    Sport 1. Sorry, not about f**g c*l***s.

  129. Star Trek 3 - I can see 8 that are front facing? Plus two Kims? In the first letter I am seeing one front-facing guy in the top left hand corner, and the rest are all side-facing, so I thought that letter was "a". Am I doing this wrong? I can't see another way to apply it...

  130. BFS finally I have a chance to help you (I hope minkie is not around) :)

    There are two (or three) egg to find. For one of the eggs, you need to look for the right face at the right place (or vice versa)

  131. @Keeper: Thanks! That clicked it for me. On Star Trek 4 now. :)

    Letters 5 - I understand the page titles are meant to be applied to the words (am I right in thinking that enclosure = p**p**?). But I can't find any pattens in any of them - m****, s******y, r***n... all dead ends.

    Films 4 - I've definitely identified all the films (T** L*** o* t** R***s, T******, M**** M**, H**** P*****, T***** & L*****, T** S****** o* t** L****), but I'm at a complete loss as to what to do with them if the pins are a red herring...

  132. Also, Mishmash 3 - I got the 5 eggs, and FTF gives me a word without Granny, but that word doesn't work as a 6th egg.

  133. @minkie: Thanks for that letter thing on Mishmash 1! I was trying to get a second egg instead of simply combining with the first egg. :)

    Unfortunately I may need a bigger push on Sport 1... have still made zero progress there. Same with Numbers 1... I have tried to sort by size instead of colour and I can see that there are seven colours of each size, but things still aren't spelling anything. I've resorted to trying to brute force it via a multi-word anagram solver...

  134. Star Trek 4 - Got plenty of eggs - stuck on the one that's the bald chap minus an irrational number. Apparently I need more...

  135. Letter 5 - I was stuck at this level for quite a long time. Your thinking about enclosure is not correct, it is as simple as abcd if can you see it. And cheating granny can't help you on this level.

    Film 4 - Again, keep it simple, try something like FTF, LTL, etc.

    Mishmash 3 - Look carefully!

  136. BFS: You've got the right films for Film 4. FTF is no help, so maybe try ...

    Numbers 1 Both size and colour are important. I made a 3x7 table and wrote the letters in.

  137. Sport 1 - seven c*****s, seven letters

    Number 1 - if you arrange your letters well, you may see a hidden message

    Star trek 4 - use the irrational number

  138. OMG! Films 4 had to be the ONE thing I hadn't tried. Lol! Finished the Films path now - woooo! :)

    @Keeper: For Sport 1, I tried to use that and do first, second etc from each of the countries, but the last country doesn't have enough letters to make that work. Or am I misunderstanding?

    @Minkie, thanks for the tip with the table. I will try that.

  139. It's not about countries, but the c*****s of the r****** egg

  140. Hello all! I got super tired and took a break yesterday. Now I'm back at it all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

  141. Star Trek 5 - I know what I need to find (and indeed that was my first thought upon finding that second egg - I hope s-t and dutchie are proud, lol!), but I don't actually know how to use that to get letters. I thought of FTF, but all the words start with consonants, so that's a no go. Then I thought of using the star date, but that has 12 numbers and I only need to pick from 11 things...

  142. @Keeper: For Sport 1, I get that it's to do with c****** of the r****** (I found the s**** and r****** eggs), but I don't know what to do with that information. Are the c****ries totally irrelevant at this point? Surely it's not a coincidence that there are s**** of them?

  143. Sport 1. Morning, bushy-tailed BFS :). Yes ignore the c****ries completely now.

  144. Star Trek 5. You were close with your FTF idea, but you need to get closer.

  145. @minkie: Thank you for your table hint on Numbers 1! Finally on Numbers 2.

  146. @minkie: Ohhhhhh, thank you!!! On Star Trek 6 now :)

  147. Star Trek 6 - I understand from earlier comments that the method is similar to that of Star Trek 5. I've found the things in the text I need, and I believe I have to use the stardate in some way, but I've tried a few things (counting within lines, sentences, taking the word just before or just after) and I'm stumped.

  148. Star Trek 6 If you've found the things in the text you need, you need to get close again.

  149. And another riddler finihed the Pub Riddle :)
    Congrats Jay, well done!! You are in the HOF now.
    (click arrow in bottom right to go to the next page)

    BSF, following your progress, of course I'm proud of you :)

  150. Am now drawing a blank. Have finished Startrek, Numbers, Letters and Films but stuck on Mishmash 4 (not even an egg although plenty of l.... but granny not helping) and still working on Sport 6. Any help with Mishmash 4 very welcome please.

  151. Di999 Mishmash 4. If you google some of the words that start with a capital, you may notice some things in common.

  152. Di999 Mishmash 4 using those words in capitals in a simple way just gave me an egg which I never found first time round. It may help you to find the theme.

  153. Thank you Minkie. I'll have another go. I have Googled everything in sight it seems but I'll look again as I only looked to verify they were l....

  154. Thanks again Minkie. No egg found but did read the wiki pages for the l.... and now straight on to Mishmash 5.

  155. @dutchie: Yay! :D

    @minkie: I tried to get close in Star Trek 6, but I'm not getting anything meaningful. Will keep poking and let you know if I need further nudging.

    Sport 1 - Still totally stumped with the "h** m*** t***s?" question that keeps coming up. I have no idea what that could possibly be referring to. I understand that it's c*****s of the r*****w, but I already have s**** and r*****w as eggs and all the eggs ask the same question and I don't know how to answer it...

    Mishmash 3 - still totally stuck with 5 eggs and a word from the FTFs that has to be significant but doesn't work as a 6th egg.

    @Di999: Well done on finishing 4 paths!!!

  156. Mishmash 3. You can find a total of 7 cats on this level. 5 of them straightforward, 1 unnecessary and 1 misleading.

  157. @minkie: Thanks! I think I'm missing the misleading one. I have 5 "Yes"es and 1 "No, not me".

  158. BFS I think you already have the misleading one but you just get misled!

    For sport 1, how many times did r**/o*****/... appear

  159. Keeper, I left (at least) one loose end which I never tied up. Numbers 5, I never got egg 1a. I've been staring and staring. Any hints?

  160. Minkie, look at the bingo card spots not used!

    I'd been wondering the whole game what had become of BFS as (s)he always plays S-T's riddles! Glad BFS is making the journey!

  161. Thanks Patty. I've been trying that of course, but I'll look again. And yes it's good to have BFS join the chase!

  162. @Keeper: Still NO clue about Mishmash 3, but OMG, I'm finally on Sport 2, lol. Your hint did it for me. Thank you!

    @patty: Nice to see you! I should have set a reminder when I got s-t's email, but I clean forgot. Only remembered when I was linking a friend to s-t's TTT Riddle and then saw this one in the list of riddle games! Ah well... better late than never!

  163. Mishmash 3. BFS You have DEFINITELY seen the misleading cat. It will be one of those OMG moments when you get it.

  164. @minkie: Nope, I'm completely and utterly stuck on that path. I don't think I do have the misleading egg - I only have the 5 Yes eggs and one that is the c** relating to the first quote (which says "No, not me", so I figured that was the unnecessary one). :/ I may have to just not solve that path, lol.

    I'm doing terribly so far!! :(

    Numbers 2 - I got an egg from b****e s*z*s, but it seems I need to apply the numbers in a different way, but nothing appears to work.

    Letters 5 - Been stuck on this for days. Have made zero headway apart from the obvious egg saying the Wiki pages will help. If the pages are referring to various riddling techniques, none of them give an obvious "odd one out", e.g. the six words in m**** c*** all just look like... m**** c***.

    Star Trek 6 - I found 6 instances in the text, but I don't know how to "get close" to them. The method from 5 doesn't yield anything.

    Sport 2 - I got 2 obvious eggs that both say "Yes!", but I'm not sure where to go from there.

  165. OK, I solved Numbers 2, so that's something!

  166. Mishmash 3
    “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.” (Phaedrus)

    Sport 2
    Try to find another, 6 letter, egg for more information.

    Letters 5 In each word is one letter that is different when using one of the methods.

    Star Trek 6
    There are 10 letters to be found in the text.

  167. Thanks, dutchie. I'm still mystified by most of the above (in particular Mishmash 3 and Letters 5), but I did manage to make my way to Sport 6!

  168. We've got to get you past Mishmash 3 somehow BFS :) I suggest you repeat everything you have done on the level and say "cat" every time you see a cat. I'll start you off by shouting "cat" at my cat Dodge, who is currently trying to sit on my keyboard.

  169. Finished Sport! Will have to go back later and look for that surprise egg.

    Numbers 3 - I understand that it's to do with the o***l** between the c*****s (e.g. the first one is a D?). That method works for some of the pairs, but not for all of them...

  170. @minkie: Awww, give your cat a neck rub for me!

    Afraid I am still stumped - I just see 6 different cats and 1 bird! And a 5-letter word for a phantom entity (from FtF) that doesn't work as an egg or answer. I even tried looking for a cartoon cat that's a phantom entity, and I found one, but neither the name of that cat nor the show it's from work.

    As I was writing this I thought to try counting and picking from the sentences based on where "cat" falls, so got another 5 letters, but that didn't give me anything either on its own or combined with "g***t".

  171. (For that last bit... I meant counting and picking from the eggs based on where "cat" falls in the descriptions that led to them.)

  172. Numbers 3. It's about o***l***, but not about c******.

    Mishmash 3. I am 100% certain you have actually seen 7 cats. The 7th one should be familiar.

  173. OMG! I finally got Mishmash 3. Dutchie really got me good with that bit of trickery! Got Numbers 3 too (after wasting a lot of time trying to identify c*****s - thanks, Minkie, for telling me it wasn't to do with that after all!)

  174. Well done BFS, you finally found the hidden cat =)

  175. Btw minkie did you manage to find egg 1a?

  176. At last, LOL.
    No I didn't find that egg, Keeper. I know I'm missing something obvious.

  177. Minkie, if I remember correctly, using what you have not used for 1b will give you 1a.

  178. Got that 1a egg now! Thanks Keeper - I thought I tried everything for that.

  179. Numbers 4 - am I correct that p** l**** is involved? I'm not sure I've converted properly, but I have numbers that are all o** h*****d apart. I don't understand what or how to "separate", though. From earlier comments, separating and adding should give me a three-digit number.

  180. BFS, If you have converted and separated correctly, you should have many items to add up.

  181. @Keeper: I'm just not sure I'm doing any of it right. I got the number ǝʌıɟ ʎʇɹoɟ puɐ pǝɹpunɥ ɹnoɟ after Step 3 - is this right? But then I don't know how to carry on from there...

  182. Morning BFS. Numbers 4. That's not right. May be your first step is wrong. The L**** hints at R**** n*******.

  183. OH! My first step was definitely wrong, then. I thought it was hinting at p** L****!

  184. I'm really not sure about the "separating" steps in Numbers 4. I separated and added them (Steps 2 and 3) and got a number that uses 5 different R**** n******s - am I on the right track? Struggling with where to go from there.

  185. You should be getting 4 different R**** n******s BFS: the ones you get by converting in step 1.

  186. Oh, I think I see what you've done. If you converted a 3 digit number to get those 5 n******s, then you've done one conversion to many. Just work with the 3 digit number as it is.

  187. Sorry to have ask again but Mishmash 5 is now defeating me. I have translated the text, found what won't translate, think I know the cipher from the text but maybe not. Have also tried a keyed version.

  188. Hmmm, I'm not convinced from your comments that I'm on the right track at all. In Step 1, I converted each of the ten numbers separately. In Step 2, I separated these into individual numbers. E.g. if I started with 66, that would be LXVI, and I'd separate that into L, X, V and I. So I did that for the numbers listed in the level and added all of those separated numbers to get a 3 digit number at the end of step 3...

  189. Di999. Don't feel sorry for asking - that's what this site is for :) There is one word in the translated text that indicates the cipher to use. No key involved. The easiest answer to spot is the last untranslatable "word".

  190. That sounds good BFS. Now you've got 3 digits to separate.

  191. Thanks Minkie - will look again.

  192. @minkie: Oh, good! But then Steps 5 and 6 have me stumped. I thought of writing each of the numbers out in full and then dropping the l*** l****r of each and going to Granny, but I got nothing.

  193. That should work BFS. Perhaps you need to check your sum at step 3. You should end up with an 8 letter word.

  194. Ok. So last word was one I didn't try and now have that translated. Now have one egg, so thanks. May have to ask again later. We'll see.

  195. @minkie: Thanks! I was on the right track. I just added wrong. On Numbers 5 now.


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