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Dutchie's Pub Riddle

Dutchie's Pub Riddle is a free online change the url puzzle/riddle game made by EG24 player Dutchie for EscapeGames24. There are 6 categories of each 7 levels that you will have to solve to get to the final answer. Big hints are allowed, but please no direct answers. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Numbers 5 - I got 3 eggs and followed the instruction on 1c. Got a word from taking the 5 symbols to Granny, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

  2. BFS does your word have another anagram?

  3. @Keeper: Ahh, I was taking all 10 letters instead of just 5! Onto Numbers 6 now :)

  4. Finished the Numbers path! Now I have to ponder the remaining 3 paths that I've been unable to get any further in for a couple of days now...

    Star Trek 6 - I thought it was to do with the stardate, but I don't know how to apply a similar method to the one used in Star Trek 5. Nothing I try gets me anywhere.

    Letters 5 - I've got NOWHERE with any of the Wiki pages for this. Can't even get one egg.

    Mishmash 4 - I did figure out that the theme is "l****", and I got an egg, but I can't figure out where to go from there. I haven't been able to infer anything from the egg text.

  5. Startrek 6: BFS, do you have an egg? If not, use the quote he leaves you with. Then apply THAT to text similar to startrek 5.

  6. Mishmash 4: Yes, they are all L**** with something in common in them.

  7. @patty: Thanks!!! I figured it out and have now finished the Star Trek path :)

    Still totally stuck on Mishmash and Letters - will resume those tomorrow when I feel a bit fresher! All hints definitely welcome, though! I think I need more of a shove for those two at this point!

  8. For Mishmash 4, that's the thing - I can't find anything in common between them :/ I will pore further over their Wiki pages...

  9. Letters 5: Dutchie stated earlier that the Handwriting tab is for the first word. Minkie wrote "The answer doesn't show up in some anagram solvers because it could be considered as two words. For the first one, write the word out and notice what your pen does." Find the odd letter out for each word matched to one of the Wiki tabs.

  10. Mishmash 4: Try googling several of the L**** together.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Mishmash 4. You can get a helpful egg by using a simple riddling technique on the L****.

  13. Am finding Mishmash very hard. Can someone please give me a push on Mishmash 6? I have read the hints and am unable to stay focused.

  14. Mishmash 6: Have you found the egg using the "end" hint? Then use the egg as you have in other riddles; probably most recently in small-tool's blue riddle.

    Neutral riddle: I have a question about this old riddle. Escape24 has it with very few hints. Norhindo has 175 pages, but I can't get through all of those. I can't figure how to enter the answer for level 11. I'll pose the question on Neutralriddle escape 24 site, & hope someone will post a hint.


  15. No egg yet. That's the problem. I understand the hint for the egg (I think) just can't find the egg. I know it must be easy as no one's asked about it.

  16. I have just got to Mishmash 6 egg and can't believe the efforts I put into this when it is actually so easy. Doh!!!

  17. I took a break from this over the weekend as I was quite busy. Back now to investigate some l***s on Mishmash 4 (while avoiding Letters 5 because I still have no idea... my pen doesn't do anything different for the first word!).

    @minkie: I got that first egg on Mishmash 4, but I'm stumped after that.

  18. Hi BFS. If you google the man mentioned on that egg, you should find a theme to follow up.

  19. @minkie: Thanks! I think I've made some headway. But the first l*** named doesn't appear to have a m******? The others all do but I'm not 100% sure I've got all the letters right. Granny gives me solutions with the 6 letters I have plus one "?", but the "nice" words I've tried don't seem to work.

  20. Never mind! Found a useful Wiki page. I had one letter wrong. Finally onto Mishmash 5.

  21. The first l*** m****** turns up in a google book Field Guide to L*** M******* ... by Loren Coleman. On one of them (not sure which, but I think Seljordsvatnet) I had the wrong M****** at first.

  22. Thanks, Minkie! I made it and I'm onto Mishmash 6. I got the "end" egg and I think I know what I have to do, but I don't know what tool to use to overlay the two images...

  23. You can do it in paint BFS, but you have to uncheck "draw opaque" under the image tab.

  24. Thanks! I found a tool online that did it for me.

    Now on Mishmash 7 but the usual doesn't work. There's a deliberate misspelling, so I tried picking the f***th letter of each, but that didn't work either...

    After this it's just Letters left, on which I think I will need an almighty shove!

  25. You were right BFS. Just recheck your 6 bookmarks.

    Letters. For the handwriting one, check what your pen does as you write that first word.

  26. @minkie: Thanks! But picking the f***th letter from the URL pages doesn't work... nor does doing the same on the level text. Clearly the "f***" is significant but I can't figure out how...

    For Letters 5, Patty gave me the same advice. I tried writing the first word out in capital and small letters and my pen did nothing remarkable...

  27. It should work with the URLs BFS. You need to visit granny.

    Letters 5. In fact the way I write capitals this wouldn't usually work for me, because my mother taught me to write Ns starting with two verticals and then putting in the sloping line. However most people don't write N in this way.

  28. @minkie: I'm an idiot! I was taking one letter from an egg by mistake. Mishmash 3 came to bite me in the butt one last time!!! LOL.

    Letters 5 - OK, I write Ns in an up-down-up fashion. Is it to do with that being the only word where the first letter starts with an upward motion? Because for all the others, my pen would go downwards. But I can't say that brings me any closer to figuring out how to get an egg or the answer. And there are 5 more categories I don't understand after that one!

  29. Letters 5. You are not looking for differences between words, but differences within words. Can you write an E with one flowing motion?

  30. Sport 6. I know the ciphers and can make some letters with the s.... but unable to make much with p.... - all seem to be the same letter. Any push to move me on please?

  31. Di999. Do the P***** first. Your are not looking for letters at this stage. You can use the other method on your results.

  32. Thanks Minkie, will have another look. I have tried to use both methods on all letters without success. Will look again.

  33. Sport 6 - feeling very stupid, but it's still not waving at me.

  34. Take the first pair. D and I using P***** give you horizontal to the left (as you are looking at it) and down to the right. You can then use s******** to get a letter. Repeat for the other pairs of players.

  35. Ah..... Thank you. In the middle of a thunderstorm here - no excuse as I'm not that good with these anyway, but feeling very slow today. Never even crossed my mind to split it that way.

  36. Your'e welcome Di999. Don't worry, I'm having just as much of a "not seeing it" day in another riddle :).

  37. Thanks Minkie. Still not seeing it fully but I'll sleep on it tonight and see if it hits me tomorrow.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. @Minkie Sport 6 did you mean for first pair down to right? I'm getting down on the left side giving F. Is this right or am I still looking at this wrongly?

  40. Still wrong Di999 - Look at the P***** grid. D is horizontal to the left. I is diagonal down right. Now look at s********. Horizontal to the left and diagonal down right = S.

  41. Got it now. Was looking at the shapes in p***** not the po******s. That never even occurred to me. Obviously need more coffee and practice. Don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks so much.

  42. Well done Di999, it was a hard level!
    Thanks Minkie for giving such great hints :)

  43. Got super busy yesterday and couldn't continue. I think I understand Letters 5 a little more thanks to your last hint, though, minkie - thank you! Trying to separate the ones I can't and can write with a fluid motion isn't helping me so far, though :(

  44. BFS There are no further eggs, so you won't know if you've got the right letter until you have solved all 6 words (using different methods).

  45. @minkie: Is it a different word for each method? And are the words in the order of the methods, like the method on the 1st tab maps to the 1st word, the method on the 2nd tab maps to the 2nd word etc? Because I couldn't figure it out that way, so I tried mapping them out of order and unfortunately Granny didn't like what I took to her.

    Also, is it a different word for each method, and one letter from each method?

    I feel like I'll never get past this level!

  46. (Doesn't help that I'm just poking around in the dark when it comes to "a*****r s**" and "en******e" since I have no clue what those two are!)

  47. This is what I tried (without telling you which words I've mapped each method to, but I assume if these are right then I do have the right words, but they must not be because otherwise I would have the answer!):

    H***w******: the only letter in the word that can be written without lifting your pen
    R**** n*******s: the only letter in the word that doesn't represent a number in that system
    M**** c***: the only letter in the word that is represented by d****s instead of d**s.
    S*******: the only letter in the word that has 1 line rather than 2.
    A****** s**: I thought this might be to do with s**** vs c*****l letters, so I picked the only letter in the word where the symbol changes significantly between the two.
    E********: I thought this might be to do with letters which have "holes" in them... so I picked the only letter in the word that doesn't have one.

  48. BFS, First three and last are right for sure. 4th and 5th are both about (a different kind of)symmetry. The answer is 2 words of both 3 letters, not all anagram solvers will give the answer but should give the right answer,

  49. So nearly there BFS! I meant to be around to help out, but I got distracted elsewhere.

  50. Thanks dutchie for a great riddle and hours of entertainment and frustration. Am now on to Bonus 2 and still enjoying although struggle with a lot of things. Minkie has been great and may well have to ask for help again at some point.

  51. FINALLY got Letters 5!!!! Still not sure about the types of s******y, but I got one and then kind of brute-forced the answer.

    Thanks for your help and patience, minkie and dutchie!

    Let's see what Letters 6 has to offer...

  52. Letters 6 - I jumped from Part 1 Egg 5 to Part 2 Egg 1. From earlier comments, it seems there's a Part 2 Egg 0. Did I get the wrong word for Part 1 Egg 5?

  53. I had got the wrong word! Making headway now. This is a great level!

  54. FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!! Thanks, minkie, dutchie, patty and others for the patience and help!!!!

    Onto those bonus levels now! Haha!

  55. Yay Di999 and BFS! Have fun with the Bonus levels :)

  56. Stuck on Bonus 1 - I think I know the word I need to find, and I have found it in each of the menu items, but I'm not getting anywhere from there.

  57. BFS, the word you need appears at least 5 times.

  58. Stuck on Bonus 2. I have Googled the people and tried lots of things with numbers but unable to get anywhere. I have 10 letters at the moment but they don't make a word.

  59. Di999. You don't need 10 letters. I guess you've checked a cast list. Only some of them are needed. They have something in common (although this isn't obvious for one of them on the wiki page).

  60. Thanks. I have checked the wiki page. Will look again.

  61. Minkie -I did find numbers for them and another one that didn't have one on the wiki page. Are these what I need as I have been trying various ways to convert these with no success.

  62. Di999 You are being told to get around the TABLE. A famous one.

  63. Ah - have an idea now. Thanks. No time at moment but will look later.

  64. Numbers 2 - I've got 2 eggs (f***** and w*****), counted everything I can think of, but what am I missing?

    I knew I shouldn't have attempted this after years of not riddling

  65. Farmwife, you are a bit rusty maybe lol, but keep on riddling:) Besides counting words, try counting letters.

  66. Bonus 2 egg 1 any hint please? Am struggling with the bonus levels so far.

  67. Di999, You need to go back to FIRST principles.

  68. Thanks Minkie again. I am way overthinking these.

  69. Bonus 5 I feel like Neville Longbottom stuck in the snake maze waiting for Di and BFS to catch up so we can get through together.

  70. Hi Pamela. Still on Bonus 2 egg 5c (although I do have egg 5d). Still, more progress made today than in last 3 or 4 days, so here's hoping.

  71. Bonus 5, Try to follow the snake on its way through the grid by doing maths in the correct order x ÷ + - Start top left corner.

    Bonus 2, you need to pick letters in the same way and from the same text that gave you the two other eggs, but from othe words of course :)

  72. Back after some busy days! Still stumped by Bonus 1. I'm pretty sure I have the right word, and I've found 4 instances of it on the menu, 1 in the title and 1 in the text (total of 6). However, I'm not able to apply a Star Trek 5-style technique to it at all as the letters just before and just after the word are basically all consonants.

  73. BFS there are 5 in the menu and 1 in the text, you don't need the one in the title.

  74. OK, I definitely have the right word - had missed the last one in the menu. But I still can't do anything with the surrounding letters. Not enough vowels. :/

  75. Thanks Dutchie. I've only just seen the comment about bonus 2. I did find 5c and got to Bonus 3. No inspiration as yet. A nudge would be welcome to get me started.

  76. Never mind!!! I was going about it the wrong way. Onto Bonus 2 now. :)

  77. Bonus 3, you need a specific alphabet/code. The title gives hint what you need to look for. Look here

  78. Made good progress and now stumped on Bonus 4. I can't find this long list people are talking about!

  79. @Pamela: Hopefully I'll be able to join you in Bonus 5 soon!!

  80. Bonus 4, not sure what that long list is. Ctrl A might tell you what to look for.

  81. @dutchie: Thanks! I think I know the long list needed now. Now to figure out how to use it...

  82. Oops. Now I've gone straight to egg 2.

  83. Don't worry about that Di999. I did the same thing. There are eggs 1a and 1b, but you don't need them anymore.

  84. Bonus 5 - I got the path (huge thanks to @aaaasa for their earlier comment!!!), but I have no idea how to get letters from the path. I don't know what different perspective to look from!

  85. I'm fairly certain my path is correct, but I have 10 operations and have no idea how to get 7 letters from that. I read an earlier comment about how the grid is 7 x 7, but I fail to see the relevance of this...

  86. You've seen that it's a 7 letter word BFS. Look at the grid, and you may get an idea.

  87. Our posts crossed. Well it might suggest that there is one letter per ...

  88. @minkie: I thought the path shape might form letters, but I don't see anything there. I even thought that it might be M**** c***, but I'm not convinced that there's any reason it would randomly be that (as s-t always tells me, "Don't make up your own hints!")

  89. It's simpler than that. It will all add up in the end.

  90. Thanks, minkie!!! That was simple :) Onto Bonus 6 now!!! Nearly there!!!

    Btw, @dutchie, how do I get into the HOF? Did I miss some kind of sign-up thing on the end page?

  91. But you haven't reached the end page yet BFS!

  92. Lol BFS, that will come clear when you reach the end page :)

  93. Ohh, I thought I could get into the HOF after the initial end page. Didn't realise I had to finish the bonuses!

    Also, I feel quite silly as nobody else seems to have asked about this - but I'm stuck on Bonus 6 egg 2. I can see the italised words, but I don't know how to use them... l*** l*****s of the names don't give me anything, so I thought maybe s**n***s might help, but not all the characters have those...

  94. But it doesn't say R**** L*** Name.

  95. Ohh... hmmm. I tried to take it more literally, but I got a rotten egg. :/

  96. Can't help with that. I haven't found a rotten egg at this stage.

  97. Tried listing all the t****s and taking the l***s... but that gives me gibberish even when taken to Granny. I'm not sure I have all the t****s right...

  98. @minkie: To get the rotten egg, I took the literal l*** t****... like the t**** the l*** character is holding.

  99. Just found that BFS :) You are on the right lines, but you need only some of them because only some look right.

  100. Got to go now. I'm sure I'll see you in the HOF when I check by tomorrow :)

  101. @minkie: See you tomorrow! I don't think I will finish tonight. I guessed the "facing" distinction, but is it the way the characters are facing or the way the t****s are facing?

  102. I have 5 letters. 3 vowels, 2 consonants. I get a word, but it's not right. The t****s I have are d*******, u*******, r****, b******, a****.

  103. You need 6 letters for answer, and remember what the italic hint was,

  104. FINALLY got it after some trial and error!!! Thanks, dutchie :)

  105. Bonus 7 - I found the page with the pictures. I located the l****s each of the pictures is from (ended up with one from each path). I took both the URLs and the answers, and tried to pick letters based on the l**** n*****s. Unfortunately, I'm not getting anywhere. I know I must be close!

  106. NEVER MIND!!! I got it!!! I'm done, woooooo!!!

  107. And hurray BFS has finished the riddle, congrats, well done!You are in the HOF now :)
    (click arrow to go to the next page)

  108. bonus 5 Here's the stuff I've done that hasn't worked. I've looked for sequences of numbers I could fit onto x / + -. In the first column, I can do map the first 5, or the first 6 if I do another multiplication after the first round of operations.
    I get either a number that is less than 26 or a number that is greater. If the number is greater, I need either to rotate or index something like the level text. Following this pattern to get seven letters yields garbage or nothing Granny can make a 7-letter word of. I've tried snaking around the grid looking for adjacent numbers I could map onto the sequence of operations. I've tried to glean every particle of intelligence from the other posts, but I cannot do this one.

  109. Bonus 5, The numbers of boxes used per column from left to right is:
    4 2 2 5 1 4 3
    No column adds up above 26, it is no anagram when reading from left to right.
    Hope this helps, you are so close to finish this riddle :)

  110. @Pamela: Have you got the snake path from the tail to the head? aaaasa said in an earlier comment that it starts at the tail end with 4 x 2 is 8. Then you start the next bit from the 8 and find a division that works. Then carry on in the same way with addition and subtraction, then repeat the same order. You should end up with a total of 10 operations and an unbroken path from head to tail. Then do what dutchie says and examine each column individually. You should get an answer without Granny. Hope that helps!!!

  111. @minkie: Thank you!!! Thank you so much for all your help!!! You were so great :D Looking forward to meeting again in the next riddle. Hopefully I'll remember to be on time for it!

  112. I've got my toes hooked over the threshold and I've gotta go to work!

  113. Poking right along (thanks Dutchie), but this old lady needs help on Star Trek 2 please. Got the egg from the Stardate, but stuck now.

  114. Farmwife, the egg mentions just one of several things you need. The others are mentioned in the level text.

  115. I'm out! Thank you Dutchie, Aaaasa, P3P, and everybody else who helped me. I'd still be stuck on level 1 of every level otherwise.

  116. Need a push on Mishmash 1. egg (out of 2). found the small y's. counted 1 to 26 in text from both left to right and then right to left to get 5 different sets of letters. still can't make anything from them.

  117. Yay, a new finisher!!Congrats and well done Pamela, you are in the HOF now :)
    (click the arrow to go to the next page)

  118. Mishmash 1, you can find 5 smallies in the picture by using a bucket of paint and 5 small y's in the text by counting. Not sure which one you have.

  119. I've finished! Thanks for all the help along the way. Some parts easy, some so hard that without help I'd still be struggling. Really enjoyable though. Thanks Minkie2020 in particular for all your help, but also Patty3ponies, Dutchie and everyone else for leaving helpful comments all the way through.

  120. And Di999 as well! Well done!

  121. And YAY again, this time for Di999 who finished the riddle as well. Congrats and well done :)
    You are in the HOF now:
    (click arrow in bottom right)

  122. Well, I'm still stuck on Star Trek 2. See the other 3 in the level text, but don't know what to do with them. What am I missing?

  123. Farmwife: you may want to google star trek enemies.

  124. Thank you Minkie, that would NEVER have entered my mind as an answer. Trekkie I'm not LOL

  125. Me neither Farmwife. I only recognised it because I had seen it in another riddle.

  126. Dutchie - I have found the 1st hint through ftf. I also painted and found the 5 smallies to get the egg (out of 2) with the right sided smallie. I found the five small y's but that is where i am stuck.

  127. Fosterhewitt: you can count those small y's in two different ways - one within words and one in something t bigger.

  128. Fosterhewitt, A=1 B=2 ...Z=26 and A=27 B=28 etc

  129. Thanks Dutchie and minkie....I was miscounting (not just once... made the same mistake on the same letter several times) feel so ridiculous. Thanks for the help. Moving on.

  130. Fosterhewitt: to help in counting those long strings I always type everything out in the font Courier. The even spacing makes it much easier to count.

  131. Hi. It's late, but I would like to try this riddle.
    I think I ask a lot of things. I would appreciate your favor.
    ・Mishmash-1, Hint1 is used to display 26 letters using paint, and 5 "smally" are find from the pic.
    ・sports-2, I confirmed Egg.b~ and Egg.s~
    ・numbers-1, I calculated the points only for"ROY", but I don't know if this method is correct.

    Please give me advice.

  132. Hi Jan :)
    Mishmash 1. If understand you correctly you have found 5 smallies (little men). Now you need to find 5 small y's (letters) in the text. I know you face a language barrier, but I hope this is clear enough.
    Sports 2. I'll look at this tomorrow when I am at my computer.
    Numbers 1. ROY is the start of a 7 letter sequence. Think about colours.

  133. Thank you, Minkie.😀
    Your hints are always polite and easy to understand, but I haven't understood this time.
    Mishmash 1: I found 5 "little man".
    I'm confused by the five "smally's (letters)" in the text.
    For example, in bold "small" I can only find three. Also, even if I count and anagram each letters, it will not become a word.
    Sports 2: If watch it on your computer in the morning, is it "email"? (I'm sorry, I have a bad feeling)
    Numbers 1: Yes, it was calculated with 3 colors of R**,O***ge,Y***ow. And I converted the 7 numbers into letters, which again aren't words.
    I think the point calculation is correct (for example, dark blue is 4×1=4, 6×3=18, 7×2=14)
    I'm sorry, please give me some more hints.

  134. Addendum
    Sports 2: I also confirmed Egg m****.

  135. Jan
    Mishmash 1. If you look carefullY, you will find 5 y's in the text.
    Sport 2. No I was being literal, I was in bed! Your m***** egg gives the hint you need. Perhaps write out the names in alphabetical order, and you will see some doubles.
    Numbers 1. There is a very well known sequence of colours. You see it in the sky.

  136. Numbers 1. Yes, you are right about how to calculate the numbers.

  137. Jan - For Number 1 you need to convert all 21 numbers to letters and arrange them in the order of color (ROY...) and size (SML) to get a message.

  138. stuck on mishmash 3 - found all 7 cats. On the last cat I think it needs a splash of colour but that is not revealing anything. might be a technical problem with my paint program. Had the same problem with mishmash 1 which when painted did not reveal anything but was still able to feintly find the clues. not seeing the same here.

  139. Thanks for the tip Minkie... it will save my eyes :)

  140. You should be able to see it faintly Fosterhewitt, at the top of the page.

  141. OMG... saw your hint. leaned forward and looked and saw nothing... (won't say what I said... expletive). sat back and it appeared. from further back saw it...that is soooo weird. the closer I looked the less visable it was.

  142. Mindie, aaaasa,thank you.😃
    Sports-2: I was able to correct!
    Mishmash-1: Small"*" finally understood its meaning!
    I wonder if I connect five small"*" in the text with a line between the five Wally of the picture,
    Is there a hint somewhere to connect both?
    Numbers-1: (1) 7 color order (2) arranged in SML order, (3) but converted the numerical value calculated respectively into letters,
    It doesn't make a good sentence.
    I'm sorry again and again. Please give me some advice.

  143. Jan
    Mishmash 1. You can ignore the picture now. You need to count the positions of the y's in two ways. Count within words and within sentences. 1=A, 2=B and 27=A, 28=B etc.

    Numbers 1. You seem to be doing the right thing. The sentence starts with "an old"

  144. Well that was a journey, but finally finished. Thank you to everybody that gave/left great help along the way. After almost 10 years of not riddling, I sure needed all the breadcrumbs to follow.

  145. I made some good headway today, finishing off “films”. But my brain is cramping. Need some nudges
    Mishmash 3 – thought I was doing well finding all 7 cats but when I was “Torn” with the two toned 8th cat I got nothing.
    Star trek 3 – I can smell the pork but have no idea what text I should use for that clue. I also sense that I should Feel my way through the alcoves but am confused with the 3 options (L, R , f).
    Numbers 2 – feel like I should do something with the kings but nothing is working.

  146. Well done Farmwife :)

    Mishmash 3 - You should get a good word from FTF 5 cats. Don't get fooled

    Star Trek 3 - for the pork clue, you need to apply the cipher to the level pic to get 6 letters. For the feel clue, you may need to use different options on each block
    Numbers 2 - Google should tell you the size of the b*****s with those names :)

  147. Thanks aaaasa for the push on Star trek. Pork was tasty but still feeling my way but I will get it.
    But for the mishmash 3 I already got the 5 cats and I wasn't fooled. Thought I was moving on but ended up with yet another cat after the tricky one. That is where I am drawing a blank. says I only have part of the answer.
    and for the numbers 2 I have googled them but don't know what Size i am looking for?

  148. Mishmash 3 - I see you already found both parts of the answer. Sometimes it is necessary to combine 2 egg words to make a scramble :)

    Numbers 2 - each king has a size that gives you a letter. You need to find out all of them

  149. that did it.... I am soooo sick of cats now. Even when I had two options, still got it wrong and got another damn cat. Thanks aaaasa

  150. Congrats Farmwife, great job, well done!! Once a riddler always a riddler :) Did you solve the Bonus levels too?

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Thank you Dutchie for the enjoyable adventure you created. Yes finished bonuses too, with the stroll through memories.

  153. Glad you liked it Farmwife, I added you to the HOF :)
    (click arrow to go to next page)

  154. mishmash 5 is kicking my butt. using the tool in red luth on one of the untranslatable word I have the capital.... but that is all I got. I thought it would lead me to an egg but it doesn;t ????

  155. Fosterhewitt. There are smaller places than the capital. They are not all shifted by the same amount.

  156. Mishmash 5, look on what place the gibberish is, that gave you that capital and look what 'rotten number' you used.

  157. Oh, Dutchie. I never noticed that! Even more ingenious than I had realised!

  158. thanks minkie... of course it wouldn't be that easy... just didn't go the extra mile. Danish is looks greek to me in Rot but I am feeling warmer in my new coat.
    but now missing an egg???

  159. Fosterhewitt. Mishmash5. I reckon you have egg c****. You need to look to your rotations for the other one.

  160. thanks minkie and dutchie... ruthless level. love it.
    "breakfast" is on me. LOL.

  161. I prefer shreddies, but hey, onwards :)

  162. Had some streaks but much slogging. finally ended with many dead ends. I think I’m overthinking a lot of them.(or my brain is saying “you’re done for the day)

    Star trek 5 - I have the two eggs which I got from the startdate. Now I'm looking at asteroids and lots of text. I think I am looking for an 11 letter word (but don’t know why) but nothing seems to be in the text.

    Sport 5 – this one I feel like I am missing the obvious since no one has asked for any hints on this one. I got one egg through ftf but that is it. I notice that the first and second place distances are tied but I can’t figure out what that means.

    Mishmash 6 – I see the tool reference for red luth at the end but am unsure which and how to use it.

    Letters 2.- The Riddle Poems 5 – I count 15 syllables. 6 lines. But cannot find the name of this poetry. Everything I try ends up with the damn cat!

    Numbers 3 – I get they’re overlapping but I either get odd numbers 3, 5, etc or combined numbers 12, 23, etc. neither shows me anything.

  163. Fosterhewitt -

    Star Trek 5: In the asteroid page you need to find n***** o**s as the title suggests. There are 11 of them in the egg text and focus on what comes before them

    Sport 5: The ftf egg tells you it's not the l*** n**** so take ftf of f**** n**** and you will get a confirmation egg telling you how to convert the distances

    Mishmash 6: In riddles like this it it often helpful to take the first (or last) letters of each line to see if you can find an egg using them :)

    Letters 2: count how many syllables are there in each line and write them down, and that should remind you of a famous sequence. For the name of the poetry, simply enter (name of the sequence) and poem without the space

    Numbers 3: Try writing them out as words before comparing them

  164. Minkee thank you.
    Mishmash-1: Now I have Egg l****, Hint a****.
    How do you think of the things (a**cus) calculated by Hint a ****?
    I also read the egg l**** text but I don't know another way.
    Number 2: I confirmed Egg f*****, but even if I picked up a numerical letter from the beginning of each sentence, it did not become a word well.
    Could you give me a hint.

  165. Thanks aaasa. With your nudge was great!
    I was able to finish off star trek.
    I got to Numbers 6 but cannot figure out how to start to play. Many of the numbers at the bottom are outside the bingo range?
    Letters 2 – I had the “sequence” but not “poem” DUH! Stupid error on my part. But now to “end” I am back to the “beginnings” which I think I need a tool to put the riddler’s name through but don’t know which tool. (or am I completely off?)
    Sport 7 – your nudge got me all the way through sport but I’m hung up at the end. LTL doesn’t do anything and I thought maybe capitals but that is also drawing a blank.
    For Mishmash 6 I think I am missing or doing something really simple.
    – I have ftf and ltl and sent the results to granny. All I get is gibberish. Wrong tool?

  166. Jan.
    Mishmash 1 You need to combine two eggs to make an omelet.
    Numbers 2. You now have the correct numbers. You can use them to pick letters from each sentence in two ways to get two eggs. To start you off, your first number gives you E and W.

  167. Fosterhewitt. Mishmash 6 LTL will get you an egg. Lines, not sentences.
    While you are thinking about that, I will go back and look at the others.

  168. Fosterhewitt:
    Numbers 6. It has nothing to do with bingo. There's a common factor to all those numbers.
    Letters 2. Don't over-complicate it. Look back at what types of poems you have collected.
    Sports 7 LTL should work. Make sure you are using the real answers, not eggs.

  169. Thanks MInkie that really helped. Made some good headway. finished sports and am close on Numbers and letters.

    Numbers 6 even with your hint, I am seeing nothing.
    letters 5 this is very frustrating. I have matched the tabs with words. and I think I have the right 6 letters. ǝuɐoʍu granny gives me a word but it doesn't work.

  170. Minkie thank you.
    Mishmash 1: I only have one egg. 「L***y」is one of out of 2.
    I wanted to ask you another method...
    Numbers 2: The first number is "e***t", but it isn't that letter when counted from the beginning or end of the sentence.
    I'm sorry many times, but please give me some more advice.

  171. jan
    Mishmash 1 - look between the text and the pic... look really closely, something might become apparent.

  172. Fosterhewitt - For Numbers 6, the last paragraph of the level text may be a hint. Think of the numbers as m*****s and you need to first convert them into h***s.

    For Letters 5, your letters are correct except for the fifth one. You may want to check that again :)

  173. Jan. My fault, I wasn't clear. Numbers 2. You have the egg F*****. I was taking the numbers in that order, so 6 is used to pick letters from the first sentence.

  174. Jan Mishmash 1. If you can't see what Fosterhewitt suggested in the pic, try firsts on the sentences. You will get a smally who is holding something you can use on the jpg.

  175. Hey Minkie - thanks for your help and patience. I am soo close I can taste it.

    Just realized that I was asking for hint on Numbers 6 when I am only on number 5. DOH! no wonder I am so frustrated. We're talking apples and oranges. my fault. I see that I have 14 numbers and 24 bingo squares. I just don't know what the first step is. I assume the numbers allow me to reduce the squares?

    Letter 6 part 1 egg 4 - was moving well through this level but ran into this level. one word is not really a word and having trouble finding the connecting word as nothing comes up.

  176. Fosterhewitt, Minkie thank you.
    Mishmash 1: It's solved. After all, pic is also important.
    Numbers 2: I confirmed the second Egg E****e.
    How can I pick up "Egg w" that Minkie advised?

  177. Jan. Sorry to have misled you on mishmash 1. I thought you had already done that thing with the pic.
    For numbers 2, count words.

    Fosterhewitt. The numbers are taken from a table you have probably used many times. Do you recognise the letters in the grid?

  178. Minkie Don't worry about it. I am grateful for your sincere support.
    Numbers 2 was also solved. Thank you very much.
    I had experienced the same solution many times with "KYD"...
    Also, I will ask for a hint tomorrow morning. Thanking you in advance.

  179. funny how the light bulb going on can be both a sense of relief and great pain... I was overthinking again. thanks minkie!!

  180. Another finisher! Congrats Mtatt, well done! You are added tot he HOF, click arrow to go to the next page:

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  182. soooo close... need a nudge.
    Letters 6. I got all the eggs on part 1. can't get to part 2.

  183. Fosterhewitt, FIRST of all you have to get granny's help to get to part 6.2

  184. Thanks Dutchie ... i was doing that but counting the first egg and not the last. left me eating crow. got it now.

  185. Mishmash 2: I read "After matching up, take a good look at the names of the shows" "It's as easy as 1,2,3", and I look closely at the names, but the names that seem to be numbers are "t*n". Only found. Is it wrong?
    Numbers 3: What should I think about overlapping?
    Sport 3: What should I start with?

  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. Jan. I'm away from my computer now so can't check except for numbers 3 which I remember. Write the numbers in letter and try overlapping them.

    I sort of remember mishmash 2. Write out the shows in an order indicated by the level and take first of first, second of ... and so on

  188. Can't believe I am asking this but I need a nudge on numbers 7. looked over my answers to the categories. FTF and LTL aren't giving me anything.

  189. Minkie, Mishmash 2 was correct! Thank you very much.
    Numbers 3: I wrote the numbers in letters, cut them, and layered them, but I got nothing.
    Please give us some more advice.
    Sport 3: Please give us some hints.
    Mishmash 2: Why can't I do FTF? Why?

  190. Fosterhewitt. Numbers 7. Read the text very carefully.
    Jan. Numbers 3. No cutting needed. For example there is one overlap between ONE and TWO.
    Sport 3. Look at each cat very carefully.
    Do you mean Mishmash 3? Are you sure you can't do it? There is trickery going on here.

  191. Minkie, sport 3 and Numbers 3 were correct. Thank you very much.
    Sorry. It was Mishmash 3.
    I've read several times that past comments say that you shouldn't be fooled.
    I don't understand English, so I have no idea.
    However, translating the sentence in “I **wt...” at the top feels strange.

  192. jan - the top sentence is a hint about looking for cats. Each line is a description of a cartoon cat character, and the first step is to find out what their names are

  193. thanks Minkie. I know this is going to be painful when I see it but...other than commas where there should be periods I am not seeing anything.

  194. Fosterhewitt, numbers 7: not FTF or LTL but 1,2,3, etc.


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