A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
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EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games
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Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!
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102 egg 5. Is the key 5 letters?
ReplyDelete@minkie the key is not that short. There are confirmation eggs to find.
ReplyDeleteOK. Thanks aaaasa. Sure I've go the right one because my results are very nearly making sense.
ReplyDeleteYAY onto 103.
ReplyDeletelvl 73: Can't find egg1. Do have 6 confirmation eggs and egg 2 and 3. Checked the c***** several times but can't get it right.
ReplyDeleteIke I am missing bookmarks for 73 so I can't check easily, but are you sure you have the third long/lat correct? There is a smaller place within a bigger one.
ReplyDeletelvl 73 @ minkie, thx. I'm not sure anymore. Even used a word-finder and tried to find it with several possibilities. Dead end street ( almost literally lol) :-)
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ReplyDeletelvl 73 @ minkie, found egg 1 after all, thanks
ReplyDeletelvl 73: out of ideas how to find another picture. Have one where astronauts play tennis. Read about googling sport and planet but got nothing. Does it have to do with previous eggs in any way ?
ReplyDeleteYou can get the egg you need by using your numbers Ike.
ReplyDelete@ minkie thank you again. That evil s-t, changing subject and throwing me wayyyyyyyy off.
ReplyDeleteHe's an ace though.
75..Any hint?
ReplyDeleteI don't know those images, I don't know where to start
For LVL 102, I have 5 eggs and 3 yes eggs. Am I re-ordering the last yes egg as the key? 10 letters?
ReplyDelete@molly for 75 check the pic titles
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ReplyDeleteYes 10 letters Puffin, but it is not that that you need to reorder.
ReplyDeleteAlso @molly for 75 you don't need to know the images but they do tell a story.
ReplyDeleteI don't need help at the moment (well, not yet, anyway). But I'm on 97 and there are pyramids and I'm already scared.
ReplyDeleteAnyone got a hint about level 31 please? I think it must be easy, but don't know what pics are called, assume it's a granny thing?
ReplyDelete@minkie but if I use that as the key I get a few letters that look promising but the rest is gibberish.
ReplyDeleteOh @BFS, that one's a doozy! There's a lot of good info in the comments. Good luck!
ReplyDeletePuffin. Yes those letters are promising. You need to play around with the gibberish to fulfil that promise. Look back at how it was done earlier.
ReplyDelete@mimosa for 31, no granny needed. Just the one word that goes with all the other words. You don't even need the pics.
ReplyDeleteThanks, puffin.
ReplyDelete@minkie, but there's a letter Q and no U. Maybe I have the wrong key?
ReplyDeleteIf you move letters around, the plain text will change. A bit of trial and error is involved.
ReplyDeleteGot it, thanks puffin, I was overthinking.
ReplyDeleteThanks @minkie I'll keep at it.
ReplyDeletePuffin. I've just noticed that there's a bit of a hint in the pic.
ReplyDelete@minkie, I'm just not getting it. I'm trying to move the letters around in the key like the previous eggs with some parts in the beginning middle and end. I just get plain text with q and v and x etc.
ReplyDeleteNot in the key Puffin, in the gibberish.
ReplyDelete103 Egg 1, I think I've found something to work on, but I am not finding the info in Wiki. Should I be looking elsewhere.
@minkie and puffin, there is actually no trial and error in the "moving around" for 102. There is a system used for the previous ones that applies to the last gibberish as well.
ReplyDelete@minkie, i found what i needed on wiki.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ellie. I'll try again tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThanks @minkie and @ ellie. I finally got it but never really got it. I never got the whole plain text. I got snippets of it here and there and made a good guess. It's driving me crazy not being able to figure it out for real.
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ReplyDeleteThanks @Ellie, you can delete your comment!
ReplyDeleteCan anyone help with lvl 91? I have an egg with a pic of a grid and letters. I marked those letters on the level page but can't see anything.
ReplyDelete@Hancock, for 91 I'm not sure which egg you are talking about. If it's for egg 1a then ignore the picture - it doesn't have any info on it that's relevant. Focus on the grid on the level page.
ReplyDeleteok Puffin thank you. It is 1a, back to the level then..
ReplyDeleteLevel 97 egg2 and clueless. I think the pyramids are triggering PTSD. I will go now before my brain explodes. Maybe something will click in my brain by tomorrow.
ReplyDelete@Laurie for 97 my best advice is to print out the triangle and work on it physically. I couldn't work it out on the screen. There's a lot of useful info in the comments. You need to fold the triangle down into smaller and smaller triangles until you have a letter.
ReplyDeleteLVL 93 - Got the rotten egg but no idea how to proceed for real. Tried ftf with some things but getting more than 8.
ReplyDelete@Chael, for 93 there are only 8 moves that the knight in its current position can make.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you guys, but I just don't get 61. Counting the squares gives me 27 3 cubed. English alphabet with the ampersand. Even looked at the period table. The layout of the squares doesn't trigger anything for me. I even tried using the numbers on the keyboard and looking at it upside down. Missing the obvious here.
ReplyDelete@jpete for 61 you've miscounted the number of squares. The one with two symbols in it counts as one square so you are off by one. The layout isn't important, just the number of squares and what they represent. Google is not necessary for this page.
ReplyDeleteLevel 92 - Can you believe I can't find egg 1a?? I know about c******* w**** but I am a bit confused (and tired), getting nada de nada. Do I have to use pic images or texts? or both?
ReplyDeleteThankyou @Puffin! Finally moving on.
ReplyDelete@Puzzled - focus on the pic texts. Look for the words that fit between the pics on each line
ReplyDelete@puzzled LVL 92 was really hard for me. Use the text only, look row by row and think about what might go in between.
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ReplyDelete@aaaasa thanks! I keep doing everything wrong so there is no advance at all. But it's late and I'm tired. I will try again tomorrow :)
ReplyDeletelvl 103 my brain doesn’t seem to be functioning and can’t even find the egg. Tried the text, the colours and both but couldn’t get anything. Need some help please...
ReplyDelete@Keeper - did you notice the tiny f***s near the texts? This may give you an idea as to what those text represent.
ReplyDeletelvl 72:
ReplyDeleteI've had a headache all day and i think my brain is a little frazzled.
I have my list of o*******s and i've found the matching l*****s for all of them but i can't make a word with those matching l*****s or FTF. The answer is just 8 l*****s right?
@amy look at the level text carefully. The answer is not 8 l*****s :)
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ReplyDelete@amy for 72 I do have the answer as being 8 l*****s. Check your o*******s. I had one that was wrong. Also I had to ignore one letter on my last opposite. Don't know if I had the wrong word or not. If you use the scrabble cheater granny you should be able to find the word even if you have extra letters.
ReplyDeleteAnyone on LVL 104? I have eggs 1a and 1b. Are there more eggs to find? I know what to do with my "real answer" but I don't actually have a real answer.
ReplyDelete@Puffin - yes there are much more to find. Google is your friend here :)
ReplyDeleteThanks @aaaasa, I've found something!
ReplyDelete@aaaasa is it important to identify them? Too small to see!
ReplyDeletenvm have some progress now
ReplyDeletelvl 105 - noticed something but not sure what to do with it :/
ReplyDelete72: still stuck on finding the right method on how I can pick up the right list of o******* words. Cannot find the other egg except FTF.
ReplyDeletelvl 104 I have egg 1a-e, is it enough to decode the long gibberish or do I need more eggs?
ReplyDelete@Eric for 72 you just have to do your best to guess the correct o*******s (at least that's what I did) It's mostly the first word that comes to mind. The text on the picture on the level page gives you a hint as to what to do when you have your words.
ReplyDelete@eric on the o******** you need to look for something in c*****
ReplyDelete@Keeper you can decode the long gibberish if you have the right cipher. Check for something that might be hidden. Also, how did you get egg 1e? That's where I'm stuck.
ReplyDelete@Keeper also I think the pic on the gibberish egg is a hint on what to use
ReplyDelete@puffin do you have egg 1c and 1d? Just use it
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping on 1b :)
@Keeper & Puffin: I know the words are supposed to have something in c***** but if I take the obvious egg as an example, the only thing they seem to share is the v****... Not sure I got the right thing. About the words, I am only sure for the last one as there is only 1 possibility!
ReplyDelete@eric hOt and cOld for example :)
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ReplyDelete@Keeper: that is what I meant. But what about the last word then? They don't have this "thing" in common, that's why I am stumped...
ReplyDeleteThe last word/pair contains even two of them. That's 'why' the extra info there to make it only one.
ReplyDeletegot 105. That's a nice one :P
ReplyDeleteLol, only 105 is a nice one :P
ReplyDeleteJust kidding :)
lvl 104 egg 3/4 is granny needed? I see many possibilities...
ReplyDelete@Keeper yes, but only after the picking. The egg pics is a hint on who you should focus on
ReplyDeleteS-T, Keeper, Puffin, thanks for all your hints but I still don't get nothing on that damned 72 (don't even got the other egg...). Need a big break I think!
ReplyDeleteIf you get the corret list of o******* words, use only the letter that the pair agrees.
@aaaasa this is what I have been trying to do. For egg 3 I got either 0 or 4 vowels from ftf, is google giving me something wrong?
ReplyDeletelvl 76 3 sets of 6 words: questions, answers and eggs but not making any progress. Read about dividing into 2 groups but ( assuming I find how to divide) what to pick from each group.
ReplyDelete@ike 4 letters to collect in each group
ReplyDelete@Keeper - You seem to be doing good. Have you tried using them all?
ReplyDelete@Tinned Vegitable: that's the problem. I don't even understand how I can get the correct words in spite of all the hints I've been given :-(
ReplyDelete@ keeper, thx. No clue how to divide, what to divide. Only thing I can think of is that 3 of the sets share same f**** l***** for answer to the q and egg or isn't that significant
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ReplyDeleteThe correct o******* words should only have one letter in common to their original words. The last pair also complies with this rule because of the little text on the level page.
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ReplyDeleteDid you notice how the window open when you clicked the link? That's no coincidence.
@tinnedvegitable thx. Yes, but didn't pay any attention to it. Very stupid, as usual
ReplyDelete@Eric, did you see my comment before I deleted it ?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thanks! For egg 4, I suppose we need to look for b*** g***? Tried to pick/order them by egg text hint, alphabetical or chronological order but none of them worked :(
ReplyDelete@Keeper That's what I thought at first but then I noticed that the egg page said a**** not a****** so you should know who to look for
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thank you what a longgggggg level!
ReplyDeleterunning out of ideas on lvl 106 egg 2... :/
ReplyDeleteLVL 65 Am I looking for n***s of m***c n***s in each text?
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - yes :)
ReplyDelete@Ike: no sorry, was away.
ReplyDelete@Eric when you type in google: what is the o******* of, you will find most of the correct answers straight away.
ReplyDelete@Ike, seems I have found a better site for the words and I think I have most of the list (except the 4th word where I find 3 options). Still struggling to find the so-called egg in the level text (did I already say that this level is a real nightmare for me ?!)
ReplyDelete@Eric, there is no egg in the level text, at least I didn't find any. The only egg is FTF. After that compare both lists of words and look which letter they have in common. Take those to Granny
ReplyDeleteMorning all! Stuck on 98. Can't get an egg or anything. I know they are a** d********g the s*** thing, but I tried that thing (w****) and it doesn't work. Also, the bird says it can't s***, so I'm not sure w**** would help!?
ReplyDeleteBFS there are two halves to the answer that get you an egg.
ReplyDeleteStill searching wiki for 103 egg 1. I can't find the right page or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. I've been looking for m****s of a certain type of c**. Is this correct?
@BFS, ** d********g the s*** thingS.
ReplyDelete@minkie no it’s not. The tiny f***s next to the texts may give you some ideas on what this is about :)
ReplyDelete@minkie2020, m***s as in marks? Wrong tree.
ReplyDeleteFocus on their plates...
No, it was models. OK I had thought of plates, but not found what I wanted. I'll look again. Thanks Edgar.
ReplyDeleteaaaasa. I didn't notice your comment above edgar's. So are the f***s still relevant when I get to Egg1 + it's rotten egg.
ReplyDelete@minkie if you have the rotten egg then you can leave the f**** aside, although you might still need to do some more googling :)
ReplyDelete@minkie @Edgar - Thanks, but I'm still not getting it. How can there be 2 parts? It's just one word. I've tried variations like "p*** o* w****" or "t** w****", but they don't work. And they all describe different types of w***s, so I'm not able to find common ground there. I think I need a heavier nudge. :(
ReplyDelete@BFS, words in blue is one thing, descriptions in red is another.
ReplyDelete@Ike: hey guess what? I DID IT! Kind of miracle! Thanks so much for all your efforts (and all the others who gave some hints).
ReplyDeletestuck on 106 egg 2, the one with missing the p****
ReplyDeleteNo idea what else to try.
ST, is that p**** word a hint, or just part of the phrase?
What about the u*********s in that phrase? Hint? Or just for emphasis?
lvl 95,seems I'm the only one who find difficulties,I've only foun eggs 0,1,3,4 do i have to keep counting somehow?The only strange thing I can see is that at the second part of rows words are is that revelant?
ReplyDeleteLVL 65 Can't find anything relating to m***c in any of the texts
ReplyDeleteI mean backwards
ReplyDelete@theartist - you can stop counting for now and do some maths instead :)
ReplyDeletelvl 105 kind of know what trick to apply but things don't seem to connect :(
ReplyDelete@Keeper - have you checked pic name?
ReplyDeleteYou guys say 106 Egg 2, but I guess you're both at Egg 2a. There is an egg 2b as well.
ReplyDeleteThe firsts of the words on egg 1 make words too and they can have 'it' too :)
@s-t yes I have that and got to egg 2b then I'm stumped :/
ReplyDelete@shahar. Looking back, those could also be taken as a hint (another thingie you might be missing besides the p****).
ReplyDeleteThank you, Edgar!
ReplyDeleteZero understanding of what to do on 99 egg 2. I've read all the hints but I don't see any way to apply the d****s to the egg text (I assume d****s is a synonym for c***********s?).
103 Egg 1. I'm going round in circles here. All I have is places, pairs of letters (with some historical variants) and dates. Everything I do leads me back to where I started. I thought that reordering the letters might lead to something, but it hasn't. What am I missing?
ReplyDelete@BFS, d****s could be a synonym for n*****s.
ReplyDelete@minkie2020, those cars in the pic are in course of collision, and the plates kinda explain why!
ReplyDelete@Edgar - I am thinking that egg 2b of lvl 106 is hinting about d*** and d*****. Am I on the right track?
ReplyDeleteMost of the time levels and their eggs have a theme, aaaasa, so yes :)
ReplyDelete@Edgar: Ohh, right! Thank you. Still stumped, though. aaaasa's earlier hint says the egg pic refers to a big n****r. But I'm not getting that at all. It's just a picture of people with messy faces?
ReplyDeleteAhhh I've JUST realised what n****r to use and now I feel VERY silly!
ReplyDeletelvl 76: still don't know which letters to collect after dividing into 2 groups. Tried all sorts of things, in vain :-(
ReplyDelete@aaaasa may I know how many letters? I get 7 so far but only 1 of them is "different" from others, others (if any) are quite hard to find...
ReplyDeleteHmmmm for lvl 106 egg 2b I got 5 letters that looks good but not getting anywhere :/ Do I need more?
ReplyDeleteI feel bad to keep asking, but I've read all the hints for 99 egg 3 and I still don't get it. I understand that I have to reuse the d****s. I've also noted that the egg word contains the letters of the word that's in Capslock. I tried using only the d****s that gave me the letters of that word and picking again from the same text, but that didn't work. I also tried only using the d****s after the decimal point, but that didn't work either.
ReplyDelete@Keeper - I think I know what you mean, just ignore that one and connect the others.
ReplyDelete@BFS - not picking but a more basic way of using them :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thank you wouldn't have thought of this!
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: I've tried everything basic, but nothing seems to work. I got something that started out plausible by counting the l*****s of only the words that had given me the letters of P*******, but that descended into gibberish towards the end. Everything else I've tried (f****s of words, f****s of the d****s in w*** form) doesn't seem to work. It must be blindingly obvious but I'm just not seeing it. :/
ReplyDeleteStuck on 86 egg 4. Don't know how to pick. Can I get some help?
ReplyDelete@BFS - convert the d****s you applied on the words to get those letters using basic technique (a=1) and if the d****s are in the correct order, you should have 3 words without granny's help :)
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ReplyDelete@Tinned Vegitable the pic tells you what to pick and how many you need :)
ReplyDeleteCollect the first letters. (1 from Q, 1 from A and 2 from pic)
@aaaasa: Ahh, thank you! I was almost there but I was overcomplicating things.
ReplyDeleteWooo, am on triple digits now!
lvl 106 is the direction not important? Otherwise I'm getting a lot of same letters (but if not important it seems to require some trial and error)
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ReplyDelete@Keeper I think the directions are there to help you separate the l*****s (the starting point and ending point always face towards each other, for singletons, the direction is shown on top)? Also, although some trial and error may be needed, no granny is required once you’ve got all of them :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa Thanks. Can't believe how I missed it.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm: don't know where you are from but think m***c...in English. Find them in each sticker.
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ReplyDeleteOn 101, I have Eggs 0 to 13 and Egg 15. I don't know how to find Egg 14. Out of ideas. :/
ReplyDelete@BFS - check your keys again :)
ReplyDelete103 egg 1 I can't believe I am still blundering around on this level. I've been looking at events where the places might compete, especially in a particular year. Is this right? Also does the pic indicate that I should include a 9th place?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Ahhh, thank you. But now apparently I used the right method in the wrong place, and that method doesn't work anywhere else. :/ Using it on the eggs gives gibberish that I don't have a key to decode.
ReplyDelete@minkie - nothing to do with events. It's more about which s*** of the r*** they are on :)
ReplyDelete@minkie you need some information to tell you which letter to pick for each one (the pic is hinting you what information to look for)
ReplyDelete@BFS - are you sure you don't have a key? :)
ReplyDeleteOooh. Thank you - nothing like that had entered my head!
ReplyDeleteLvl 93. I got the rotten egg and niw I am trying to get a good one. Is the first move on letter T?
ReplyDelete@pipi There are 8 first moves. Also, there are only 8 moves.
ReplyDeletelvl 107 - got egg 1 and 2a, now what :/
ReplyDeleteLVL 96. I am at the A***** egg. It is asking me what the inhabitants see. I am really hoping I do not have to make out letters in that flashing display because cannot make out anything. Am I on the right track or am I missing something obvious (as usual)?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa I have egg 2b as well but struggling to use the hint from egg 1. Gotta sleep now, please leave me some good hints :)
ReplyDeleteOnto 104 now. Thanks. My fallback plan of bruteforcing it (LOL) wouldn't have worked because that word doesn't appear in scrabble cheat. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks, @Chael615!
ReplyDelete@chael yes you're on the right track, the letters are falling down and you need to see them from the narrow opening (you will see them from bottom to top)
ReplyDelete@Keeper - don't forget the theme of that level :)
ReplyDelete@Tinned Vegitable thank you, finally finished it, pffff
ReplyDeleteThanks Keeper! On 97 now. Flashbacks of the insane pyramid a few riddles ago.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, do I need to apply the theme on all the words, or just the words that got me to egg 2b?
ReplyDeleteI cant seem to find how to translate them to that
@shahar - apply to all the words, then pick from results again :)
ReplyDeleteI understand the pattern of how things have been arranged in the eggs on 102, and I'm trying to rearrange the gibberish in the same way, but I'm not getting anything from it. My key is a certain 10-letter egg word repeated 3 times. I think my key may be wrong and that's why my rearrangements aren't getting me anywhere? But I can't find any other confirmation eggs.
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ReplyDelete@aaaasa, how do I know which are d** and which are d***? there were only 6 of the originals, not enough to create the method
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to use the hint on egg 2a in various ways. Is reverse text the wrong way to go?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: I'm fairly certain that I've reordered the gibberish correctly based on the pattern on previous eggs. I get the first word as n*** and the end as i* v*** c****r. But the bit in the middle escapes me. :(
ReplyDelete@shahar when you pick those 6 originally, you didn't take into account the theme of the level. So maybe do some conversion to all words first and pick again :)
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ReplyDeleteBFS I don't know why you thought that the word in the egg needed to be repeated - I think you are overthinking here. Your first word should be longer and although you are getting the right letters towards the end they are in the wrong order.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I meant word in the key, not word in the egg.
ReplyDeletethank you aaasa, I think I got you now :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with @minkie on 104 egg 2a.
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ReplyDeleteBFS Your key is still too long. You need to combine two things to get it.
ReplyDelete@BFS - Just found out I've mixed up the levels so please ignore my previous replies... Sorry for the confusion.
ReplyDeleteAs for the key in 102, it is the 10 letter one
Puffin. 104 egg 2a. Haven't solved yet, but I am getting something from google.
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ReplyDeleteWhen solved, please do delete.
ReplyDeleteVery, very spoily.
Of course, s-t :)
ReplyDeleteThanks @minkie! More work to do.
ReplyDeleteI am with BFS on Level 102. I am totally confused by some of the information here. I see that there is a pattern in the previous eggs. I can't see how you can apply that pattern to the gibberish without already knowing what it says. There seems to be some doubt as to whether the 10 letter word from 1 of the eggs or a combination of parts of the two others eggs are what is needed for the key. Is the gibberish supposed to be rearranged into the pattern and then deciphered to the correct answer or will the answer be arrived at by applying the key to the rearranged gibberish. I am finding it hard to get my head around this level.
ReplyDeleteOMG. I had everything right but I thought it needed to be e**** t******* e**** rather than e**** e**** t*******. Basically I was just going in the wrong direction. Deleting my earlier comments now.
ReplyDeleteLinR. I used two 5 letter eggs to make the key. Your last suggestion for solving is right.
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