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@keeper: Level 42 Stuck there too. Who said what helps to get the other eggs. Still trying to put everything together
ReplyDeleteAh, thank you Keeper!! That was my problem.
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ReplyDeletePOP got it. Thanks Keeper :)
ReplyDeleteI'm missing something on 26... I know when I see it I will be like "What?!? How did I miss that?" I just can't see it.
ReplyDeletefor 26 - Try taking the level text literally :)
ReplyDeletelvl 47
ReplyDeleteTiny hint added in egg 1a to make the picture hint there clearer.
@ceebee Got level 42 finally! The word/pic in egg 1c is very important.
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ReplyDeletelvl 41 - got the egg but not sure what to map. Tried mapping the symbols but there seems to be too many of them?
ReplyDeleteThank you, aaaasa! I knew it was something simple i was missing! haha
ReplyDelete@aaaasa If you locate the treasure in the table the rest is straightforward
ReplyDeleteLvl 44 - stuck at the egg with a big failure and must be missing something obvious! Tried using what she had and got a nice word but it didn't work as well
@Keeper - Thanks for the hint but I'm still nor sure how to locate the treasure. Previous hints seems to say that the shaded word is not important, and the treasure pic looks like it can be positioned anywhere on the table :/
ReplyDelete@aaaasa would you try that hard to get the treasure if it's only copper coins? =)
ReplyDelete@s-t, that extra hint did it. 47 solved. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteEnjoying the riddle very much, kudos buddy!!
@Keeper - LVL44
ReplyDeleteIt really seems you should have got it by now, wondering what ur problem can be...
@Edgar I've stared at the egg for hours and I'm getting more seasick now :(
ReplyDeleteThanks Edgar and glad you like it :)
ReplyDeleteKeeper, on that egg an important/hint word.
On level 42 I have only egg 1c. I don't know how to get the other eggs. I found who said the quotes, but how to use it?
ReplyDeletes-t. is it correct to arrange the egg text in the form of s****? Tried that but couldn't see anything useful.
ReplyDelete@Keeper, focus on something she "didn't have" instead.
ReplyDelete@edgar yes this is what I tried at the very beginning that I got a****** or g********, but none of them worked
ReplyDelete@pipi for lvl 42, you must have noticed that all the quotes are from either one of those guys
ReplyDelete@Keeper, apply to the ones that brought you to big failure.
ReplyDeletelvl 23 : how come I always trip over those levels that everybody seem to solve in a blink of an eye
ReplyDelete@edgar thanks for your hints, not sure if I get it correctly as if I apply that to each egg separately I would get something gibberish for some of them.
ReplyDelete@ike name them (url is a hint)
ReplyDelete@keeper, you need to apply the one word from the egg to each of them
ReplyDeleteStill really confused about Level 41. I thought I had to somehow reuse the path I used to get the egg. I tried counting the numbers of steps between letters and looking up the elements with those numbers in the PT in the hopes that they'd form a word. But that doesn't lead to anything. There are 8 shaded letters and the answer is supposedly 8 letters, but an earlier hint said I shouldn't fixate on the shaded letters...
ReplyDeleteI hate being stuck on one thing and being out of ideas!
lvl 23 @ keeper thx, the image led me to South-Africa in a park !! Always trying to find it the difficult way :-)
ReplyDeleteBFS. Counting steps is good, but you are overcomplicating by looking up elements with those numbers. Note directions also.
ReplyDeletelvl 44 egg - Thanks all for the hints but sorry that I'm getting even more confused. Taking the third one as an example, it's impossible to apply anything on it without becoming gibberish. I need a big big hint please, thanks...
ReplyDeletelvl43 can't find a proper latin name for this,is it sth. else?
ReplyDeleteLevel 42 3 eggs. I've been trying to pick letters from the eggs (and from the quotes) backwards and/or forwards without success. Am I looking for one word or two?
ReplyDelete@keeper, that word in the egg will give you only one thing from each animal, no gibberish
ReplyDelete@theartist: if you can't find a proper latin name for this, then the latin hint is for something else.
ReplyDelete@minkie: (long time no see!) there are two words in each egg
@minkie like someone already said, the pictures in the eggs are very important
ReplyDeleteHi Keeper. Thanks. I'll ponder on that.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks Shahar. Somehow I had skipped over that earlier comment.
ReplyDeleteThanks shahar!! Your comment finally inspired me for the answer!
ReplyDelete@minkie: Still not getting it. I have a headache at this point. :/ I tried to follow the path I followed to get the egg word and map that same path onto the PT. Following this got me the element "Fm" where the first letter of the egg word is, but when I tried to continue the path to the second letter, I fell off the table. Feeling so stupid. :( I don't understand how to find a sensible starting point or if I'm even doing the right thing.
ReplyDeletethanks keeper!
ReplyDelete@BFS I solved this level by starting with the treasure not the entrance
ReplyDeleteStuck on lvl 35. Get 6 numbers but granny is not helpful. Small push pls
ReplyDeleteI think I'm going to give up and come back tomorrow. 41 is just making me angry at this point!
ReplyDelete@Keeper: I saw your earlier hint. I'm assuming the treasure is g*** but I can't make any sense of that either in terms of mapping the paths and directions onto the table. I don't think I'm in the right mindset to riddle today. This level is making me unreasonably upset :(
ReplyDelete@Zoran - are you sure your numbers are right? Solving for the question marks should give you an egg without granny. I had trouble with the second sequence (still don't understand it) - maybe that's where you're going wrong too?
ReplyDeleteBFS Don't give up! (I need you to cme and help me on 42, LOL). If you start from the end (you are right about that), your first step will take you to a spot that has been renamed in recent years.
ReplyDeleteBFS - your assumption is right. Try focusing on what you picked up along the path that give you the egg. If the treasure is at the position of g*** on the table, then where will those 5 be? :)
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh thank you guys. Finally onto 42. I was so sick of staring at that maze!!! Finally something else to chew on, lol.
ReplyDeleteLevel 42. Should a rapper S******* D** be helping me?
ReplyDeleteMinkie: no but you can find all info you need from wiki
ReplyDeleteThanks Keeper. I'll work on that.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for level 42 you need 1 name for each of 1a and 1b
ReplyDeleteBlackFiresong, I use W...... A.... W..... to solve sequence, But, first, second(wrong next number) and third sequence give me gibberish.
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ReplyDelete@minkie: I'm on 42 now and I got 2 eggs (1 from FTF and 1 from the quotes said by the person on the left). However, putting the firsts from the quotes said by the person on the right gets me nothing from granny. Am I doing something wrong?
ReplyDeleteNever mind! POP goes the weasel, haha.
ReplyDeleteBFS - you're close, but don't forget the first part of the title
ReplyDeleteAny extra hints for lvl 47 (egg 1a) please? From the above hints I don't think I will ever solve it......
Thanks aaaasa! That did it for me.
ReplyDelete@Zoran - Sorry, I'm not sure what W A W means!
ReplyDeleteConverting the numbers from the question marks in order should give you an egg without the need for Granny. If you are not getting an egg then you need to revisit the numbers. I can try and tell you what I did in each of the cases?
@minkie: I think I'm stuck where you're stuck on 42. I also found the SD rapper you mentioned. Am now looking at the soundtrack for the film of one of the eggs, but I'm not sure how to use it, and the other egg doesn't seem to have a soundtrack (though there is a band by that name, but it's not related to the picture on the egg). Any joy?
lvl 32: I don't understand what to use, only see the alphabet. Read previous hints but still in the dark.
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ReplyDeleteBFS level 43. This comment did it for me "Also, for level 42 you need 1 name for each of 1a and 1b". Egg 1c should help you find the name in each case.
ReplyDeleteIke Level 32. The message is telling you how to select only part of the alphabet.
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ReplyDeleteHancock. Level 38 that looks good to me. Either you've mistyped something or you are using the wrong anagram solver/settings
ReplyDelete@minkie: So one name relating to each film? I'm not seeing any names in common between the two. Obviously it's to do with the third egg, but the soundtrack of the S film is also not really sparking anything for me.
ReplyDeleteBFS One name for one film and another name for the other. Maybe think what might happen at the Oscars.
ReplyDeleteFINALLY it clicked. I was way overthinking. Onto Level 43 now.
ReplyDeletewow, thank you ST and Minkie and ceebee, I tend to disregard the capitalized answers I get from the anagram solver...been staring at the right word since last night.
ReplyDeletelvl 44 egg - how do I even apply what she doesn't have onto the words?
ReplyDeleteaaaasa level 44. Do the original eggs have them?
ReplyDeleteOoh so I focused on the wrong word... thanks minkie :)
ReplyDeleteLevel 45. I've been labelling each pic "yes" or "no" (with some uncertain). Is this likely to help me? I haven't made it work so far, but some of my choices may be wrong.
ReplyDeleteminkie - for 45 after you get the egg, you need to pick out according to what the egg says
ReplyDeletepick out 6 of them I mean :)
ReplyDeleteNVM got 45 now.
ReplyDeleteThanks aaaasa. I should have refresshed before posting.
ReplyDeleteLevel 42 has me confused. Hints here refer to:
ReplyDelete-the word on egg 1C being important
-one name for each 1A and 1B
-I can find all I need from wiki
- I can't see how to tie this together. Do I use the numbers from 1C to find a name on each of the other eggs and if so how does that relate to the word on the 1C pic?
Well, I had a good run on my own, but now I haven't the foggiest idea what to do on Level 46. I've found a cartoon film about an anthropomorphic rooster, but I'm finding no relation to the caption in any way, and the usual tricks aren't leading anywhere...
ReplyDeleteLevel 34: got the words, know what they are related to but cannot make a like with the strange 2-letter word on the right side.
ReplyDelete@LinR: The pics on 1A and 1B are each for certain f___s. F___s always have somebody doing the ... that's what you're looking for.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Yay, you're on 46 too! Please share if you get any brainwaves. I'm just baffled. Sitting here looking at that picture and singing the chorus of that Songify The Room song by Schmoyoho (cheeeeep, cheep cheep cheep cheep cheeeeeep, cheep cheep cheep cheeeeeep...) LOL
ReplyDeleteBlackFiresong, thanks any way for help. lvl 35, finally got first egg. How? I don't know.
ReplyDelete@Zoran: If you got the first egg (the R one), then after that you don't need to do any more Maths. Use FTF on the first number of each sequence, but consider the numbers as words. That will get you your second egg. Then make an omelette. :)
ReplyDeleteAhhh, I managed 46! So proud of doing something so simple, haha. What is my life coming to? :D
ReplyDeleteThat's not a strange two letter word, that's (remember what alphabet you're using!) two complete words
@BlackFiresong, thanks,thanks and thanks for help. On lvl 36
ReplyDeleteLvl 32 @ minkie, thx but I still don't get it. Absolutely no clue what to pick.
ReplyDeleteThank you BFS. I had an incorrect wiki page. :( I didn't think it possible for Small Tool to become more evil but apparently I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteIke. The message is telling you two things: which places to pick from and what to pick in those places.
ReplyDeletelvl 47 egg 1a - I think I can separate them into groups but that leads to nowhere :/ some help please?
ReplyDelete@LinR: I'm actually terrified about the second half that we haven't even reached yet...
ReplyDeleteLevel 47 - very much struggling. S-T's hint gave me the idea to regroup the list into "literally made of this" vs "not literally made of this", but I don't know if I'm barking up the wrong tree or not. And the mirror eggs are an extra curveball I don't know how to incorporate...
There's a typo in the pic name of the level pic in 47. Is this relevant?
ReplyDeleteOops, nope :(
ReplyDeleteThat's just a stupid typo, Minkie, ignore it.
lvl 32 @ minkie, thx again, I finally understood.
ReplyDelete@BFS, it seems you are doing fine, look at what you have.
ReplyDeleteI kind of hate Clio's levels (sorry Clio). So many words... so hard to see what's important. Any idéa what to focus on?
stuck on 48 egg, no idea how to find the answer
ReplyDelete@Ellie: Ah OK! Glad I am on the right track! Tried to pick letters 3 or 4 from the new groups, but not getting anything sensible thus far...
ReplyDeletekeep going BFS, you will get it
ReplyDeleteI changed the picture name, Minkie, thank you :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, shahar and Ellie. Should they spell something in order or do I need Granny? 'Cause if I need Granny, it's going to be really hard to pick the right letters...
ReplyDelete@BFS, re-check your groups?
ReplyDelete@shahar, the egg pic shows a clue what to do with the name.
@bfs, no, it wouldn't be hard even with Granny.
ReplyDelete@BFS you need granny on each group separately
ReplyDelete@Ellie, I tried m*****ing the name but got nothing sensible
@Ellie: I got it! I thought it was still a mix of 4 and 4. But then I tried not mixing and made headway. Onto 48 now!
ReplyDeleteyay @BFS!
ReplyDelete@shahar, you are doing the right thing, but the answer will not have a "perfect" look (according to me), more like a calculator sometimes.
@shahar: I'm exactly where you are with the m*******g. Can't m***** the name or find anything that's already that way in the text.
ReplyDelete47 I'm thinking my two groups are wrong. I've got 10 made of and 11 not. Is this right? And I haven't got egg 1b. Do I need this first?
ReplyDelete@shahar and BFS, m***** one at a time.
ReplyDelete... honestly, POP is real. Onto 49. Shahar - think about m*******g the letters themselves.
ReplyDeleteI need you on lvl 52!
ReplyDeleteminkie - no need to find 1b (if there is one) and yes you got the numbers right :)
ReplyDelete@Ellie: Will try to reach you!! Stuck on 49. I can recognise letters in some of the poses, but not in others. Some of the people are standing straight, but not straight enough for me to be sure if they're meant to be Is...
ReplyDeleteYes there is a 1b egg.
ReplyDeleteSimply the first letters of the level text, not even an anagram. Not an important egg at all, I just like to make eggs when possible.
s-t - I appreciate how many confirmation eggs you've made on some of these levels! Helps me feel like I'm not on some completely hair-brained path :D
ReplyDeletehare-brained* - gosh, I'm already becoming hare-brained from these levels :D
ReplyDeleteYAY onto 48 now. Thanks for the help.
ReplyDelete@BFS, keep staring.
ReplyDeleteThanks BlackFiresong :)
ReplyDeleteBut not sure if you will still like them way and way later when it's a lot of them and not easy anymore.
Lol, reminds me to remind you guys; you're still in the semi easy part :P
@BFS and Ellie, so do you mean some of them become n*****s?
ReplyDeletelevel 50 - are the color of the words important?
ReplyDelete@S-T thanks for the help on 34! Was hard (for me) but done.
ReplyDelete@shahar, no only l******, but they might look square.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, well, not the ones you see in the pic.
48 Huh? I was just about to ask what Shahar asked. I've done them individually in paint, and I see nothing.
ReplyDeleteok, got it after some letters imagining (harder for non-english native)
ReplyDeleteBit nasty, but funny
@minkie, you have to add some imaginary lines there to get it right
ReplyDelete@Ellie and BFS, thanks :)
Thanks Shahar. It makes perfect sense now. Should have got that sooner.
ReplyDeletecan't get anything from 50 except the rotten egg :/
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, you asked if they are important, and i said "not the ones you see", but use the ones you can't see here.
ReplyDeleteFinally saw the clue for 52 (staring me in the face), so 53 now.
BFS 49 Have you made any progress in working out the letters? I've been googling guesses hoping that near misses would pop up, but nothing so far.
ReplyDeleteEllie - I think I noticed something I can't see but the ones I got don't form a good word as there seems to be not enough vowels :/
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, the shape should be familiar, but it lacks something. You need to add different c***** to make it look right.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ellie!
ReplyDeleteno idea what to do on 50 ...
ReplyDeletelvl 34: not sure what I'm looking for, found 3 things related to the words, but all 3 lead nowhere.
ReplyDeleteThe hint from Ellie above on adding c*****s helped me to solve 50 :) also there are confirmation eggs to be found
ReplyDeleteLevel 49 Am I looking for someone's name?
ReplyDeleteFor 49 there you should be able to see 2 words (top: 2 letters; bottom: 5 letters) and you can find an egg if you got all of them right :)
ReplyDeleteThanks aaaasa.
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ReplyDelete@minkie: No, I'm still lost :( I think I have a P, an I, an M and an N. The other three I'm super unsure about. Maybe an L? Not sure. If these letters turn out to be right, I'll delete this comment after.
ReplyDeleteIs the top 2-letter word in Level 49 something mathematical? 'Cause that's all I can see.
ReplyDeleteAre some of them small letters and others capital? The first two on the bottom row are really stumping me. I just have no idea. I thought one of them was an L but now I think it might be a Y...
ReplyDeleteHi BFS. I'm full of doubts on 49. The only ones I feel sure of are an M and an N. I thought one was a P at first, but then O or D??? Nothing helpful is coming up on Scrabble Cheat, which is why I thought it might be a name or a place. I think they must be upper case because of the N.
ReplyDelete@minkie, it will help if you treat it as two different words (upper and lower)
ReplyDeleteI am on level 47 egg 2a and I don't know where to apply the numbers from it. Help?
ReplyDeleteneed help on lvl 38, I got funny pictures, but I don't see any letters on the wall.
ReplyDeleteAlso came to a complete stop on level 52. No idea what to look in text. Is the c***** in the pic important? Or the title above it?
ReplyDeletecompletely stumped on 52!!
ReplyDeletea loonggg story which tell me nothing
@zoran two items on the pic make a famous cipher
ReplyDelete@pipi, you also need 47 egg 2b, then it will make sense
ReplyDeletelevel 47 pipi, you need to find egg 2b in a similar way, then all will be clear.
ReplyDeleteshahar If I found the two words on 49 would they make a phrase I could expect to recognise?
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ReplyDelete@minkie, not really, but the first one is two letters so quite easy to get, the second one if you have 3 or 4 letters you can guess the rest
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ReplyDelete@shahar Is the first word mathematical?
ReplyDeleteIt occurred to me that the top line might be upper case and the bottom line lower case. I've also tried considering just the legs? So stumped!
yes, first word mathematical, second is not
ReplyDeleteboth upper case
@BFS : yes, first word is mathematical, and second is some sort of evil :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, minkie. Onto 48!
ReplyDeleteBFS Just got the egg by some serious BFing. The first is not meant to be mathematical I think, but it could be. I'm sure you have the right letters for that. For the second one, I used scrabble cheat for the letters I was sure of (only 2) and worked through the list.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mishu! I thought that at the very start but never thought to actually try it in the URL. Gah!
ReplyDeletelvl 38, found famous cipher, but which lines I have to use?
ReplyDeletethe lines on the wall
ReplyDeleteOn Level 50, I got the obvious egg (the one with Mr. Simpson) and found a load of tiny squares on Paint. No idea what to do next...
ReplyDelete50: simpson egg is useless, letters arrangement doesnt remind you of something?
ReplyDelete52: need a hint pls!!!!
stuck on level 16 egg. guy is being pierced with various sharp instruments... now what???
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mishu!!! That helped a lot.
ReplyDeleteI seem to be the only one who faced trouble on 51. Not sure what to do on the second egg. I've tried interpreting them "working together" in a few ways, but none have been fruitful thus far...
@rasuo - Observe how the swords flash. Does it BLIND you? :)
ReplyDeleteNot the only one BFS. I'm still working of finding a second egg.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Take the first egg word very literally. What would it mean for the names?
ReplyDeleteI tried that and came up with gibberish, but I'll look again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you had a letter wrong. Take it to Granny and you should definitely get a word.
ReplyDeleteThanks BFS. I was using too small a dictionary.
ReplyDelete@Black Firesong, they flash in groups of 3, 1, 2, 3, three times each. I don't get the BLIND reference... :(
ReplyDelete@rasuo, read the flashings as if you were blind
ReplyDeleteRasuo. How can you read if you are blind?
ReplyDelete@rasuo - Go back to the level page and look at the URL (your solution for Level 15). Now imagine the flashing swords are examples of that. Observe how they are arranged and pick letters that way. You need 5.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Any joy on a solution for the second egg? I'm still lost. I even tried to take my own blindness advice on that level, but I don't think that's the idea.
ReplyDeleteNothing so far. I've been looking at who didn't do it, letters in common, positions of letters in eggs. NADA.
ReplyDelete@minkie: I think it may be a clock arrangement? But still have no idea how to actually apply that to picking letters from the names.
ReplyDeleteOh that's given me an idea. I,ll check it out.
ReplyDelete51: clock is right idea
ReplyDeletecome and help me on 52
My idea for the clock dw, but you've given me fresh hope Mishu :)
ReplyDelete51 Got it. Thanks Mishu. I was overthinking again.
ReplyDeletenow get 52 and hint me pls
ReplyDeletelvl 52, you need to be literal to see the clue.
ReplyDeleteI am stuck in lvl 54. Tried to remove different things from different places. Lots of repeats there, but which singles to keep?
52: you mean i need an egg to know what i need?
ReplyDelete@mishu, no egg, it's right there -be literal.
ReplyDeleteFinally got an egg on lvl 54, but it doesn't look happy.
ReplyDeletethanks Ellie
ReplyDeleteat 54 too
Really stuck on 32. I understand the code and the parts to use and the letters. All I get are W and M. I have been trying to combine the top and bottom letters, but only get a funny K or backwards Y.
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck on 47. I have egg 1b and the "just 47" egg but that's it. I see in the comments that there is a 1a egg that I haven't gotten. I'm not sure what other info is contained in the level page that I can use.
ReplyDeletepuffin - pick letters from each word of the level text as the level tells you to get 1a
ReplyDeletejpete - for 32 look at where the HANDS point and pick letters. You should get 8 letters for granny.
ReplyDeleteStill at lvl 47 1a... I can't find a way to divide the list into two groups by "made of" and "not" (most items are partly but not fully "made of"), can I have a push please, thanks
ReplyDeleteFor 47 1a, there should be 10 that are partly or fully "made of" and the others are in the "not" list
ReplyDeleteThank you Puffin! I really went down the rabbit hole on that one.
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