A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
small-tool for
EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games
Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!
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But the 4ths don't make a word! I guess I'm going to have to check all my actors again to check I didn't make a spelling mistake.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm: do exactly what minkie said in his last comment. Use the key word in the 7th egg and count them.
ReplyDelete@minkie: They should with Granny... Are you sure you have the right six?
ReplyDeleteI'm certain. Don't know what's gone wrong. I'm going to give up for now, then start the level again from scratch.
ReplyDelete@minkie2020 thanks-I didn't see it before because I am so blind drunk-in fact I can't stand up!
ReplyDeleteI'm dead in the water with lvl 38. I was sure I was using the correct code based on the drawing, but now I'm not sure I'm correct. Tried using dots and dashes, but that doesn't work either.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm With 6 letters I only get one vowel, does it not start at the first letter?
ReplyDelete@Lexiphanic there are six words in the text. USE F*******I on them but without the using zero. Sorry i can't say more before you get the egg. Otherwise I would be giving too much info. Let me know if you get the egg
ReplyDelete@jpete Look at the picture, then the bricks in the wall and try red luth
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm OMG,I knew it would be something I should have seen. Got it. Thanks.
ReplyDelete@jpete no dots or dashes, only oinks
ReplyDeletelvl 42 Only found an egg with red and blue numbers on it and a picture. Where do I go from there ??
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm I have been doing that. I've been using p**p**1 and the first box should I be using a different one?
ReplyDelete@ike The text has 18 sentences-who said each one?
ReplyDelete@jpete you have the correct grid. use the bricks toget 6 letters, then granny-it is not a usual word
ReplyDeletelvl 42 @ colmkilm, thx I found who said the quotes, but the red numbers e.g. are only starting 1 and 2. There are more quotes obviously
ReplyDelete@ike let me check my notes will be back in a moment
ReplyDelete@ike : 9 each. One set on the west, the other set on the east. Then twogrannies
ReplyDeletelvl 42 @ colmkilm, thx. will take it from, there :-)
ReplyDeleteBFS I'm with you on 69 with you now, unless you've moved on. Hoping for divine inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI haven't yet moved on, Minkie. Has any divine inspiration come your way yet?
ReplyDeleteBtw, Minkie, where were you going wrong on 67?
ReplyDeleteBFS I've no idea and am to tired to work it out. It's like when you can apply two lists to each other and there are two ways of doing it. I obviously picked the wrong way. I ended up brute forcing it - pity the answer was so near the end of the alphabet, LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that occurs to me on 69 so far is that wiki gives a slightly different list.
ReplyDeleteFor level 73, I have 5 eggs not counting the confirmation eggs. Combining what I have doesn't seem to be the way. I don't know what to try next.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Yes, I had the same thought, but also the ones that are different are basically synonyms of the same word, so I don't know if that's significant or not.
ReplyDeleteBFS I've got an egg for 69. I'll stay here a few minutes to check if you post, but otherwise see you tomorrow. I can only play for a short while in the morning.
ReplyDelete@Lin, it seems you have what you need. Egg 4 + Egg 5 (and maybe some google) will help.
ReplyDeleteOh! How did you get an egg, Minkie?
ReplyDeleteYou need to pick letters. The pic name hints how. That's why the words had to be slightly different from wiki.
ReplyDelete@minkie: That was the first thing I tried, but it didn't lead me anywhere. Granny gave some results but none of them worked.
ReplyDeleteI also tried picking as a whole rather than just from the end bit, but that didn't work either...
The pic name points to something that has very short words.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's where I picked from. I've just realised there are 7 words in the list and 7 words in that thing. Don't know if that's significant. I was picking by counting.
ReplyDeleteI'm banging my head on a brick wall. I understand the bricks. Am I combining rows 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 to make it fit? Is the first brick I or A?
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ReplyDeleteAh! Finally got past 61. It was quite confusing, I wasn't using the right part of them to cook the egg1a. Now on to 62!
ReplyDelete@minkie: It's cool - I got it now and also got a second egg. But now I'm stumped again. The second egg tells me I should know. But I don't know. Lol.
ReplyDeleteSorry Lvl 38 still....for my previous message
ReplyDeleteI haven't got a second egg yet and I 'm away from my pc now. All I noticed before turning in was that the words were a paradox.
ReplyDelete@jpete : I remember this one, I was having problems at first, until I notice that some lines are being used by both marks. I made one mistake at the bottom brick. Try noticing this fact on the third row.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Yes, if you do the same thing on the opposite list, you get another egg. But now I'm stuck.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ellie. That was a head slapper. LOL I seem to be good at those.
ReplyDelete@LinR Can you please give me a nudge on 69 egg 2?
ReplyDelete@BFS think what the egg pic is about :)
ReplyDeletelvl 67 - could I get a nudge? I did my googling but can't see the way to the egg. I read the title of the image, but my efforts there didn't work.
ReplyDelete@Hancock if you haven’t found any egg yet, the names should lead you to one. Maybe check your results again :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: I reverse image searched it, so I know what it is and how it connects to the overall theme, but none of the phrases that describe it work as an answer.
ReplyDelete@BFS - Are you sure that the egg pic shows what the egg word says? :)
ReplyDeleteFinally done with 38. I made that so much harder. Thank you Namchokdef your tip did it for me.
ReplyDelete@BFS - also, think of what the evilness will do to the egg word
ReplyDeleteAhh, thank you @aaaasa! I didn't think it would be that straightforward!
ReplyDeleteNow mystified by 70. Letters are gibberish. Thought some form of ROT might help, but it doesn't appear to.
@BFS - ROT will not help here. It’s more about being picky.
ReplyDelete@aaasa: I saw an earlier hint about thinking vertically, and that made me think about picking only one letter from each height. But that doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
ReplyDelete@BFS - you need 7 letters in total. Remember that same boat you saw earlier? :)
ReplyDeletelvl 67 - clearly missing something totally obvious..I have all the real names, counting, ftf, patterns, men/women...going crazy
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Hmmm... you mean the boat on the previous page? From Level 69? Or do I need to look back on an earlier level? I don't remember this specific boat anywhere. :/
ReplyDelete@Hancock: Where in the level are you?
@BFS - that boat used to have more of them which gave you the movie name and two "letters" that are more than letters :) this should give you an idea about what to do with the "letters" in 69
ReplyDeletehi BFS, i'm afraid I can't get off the ground...stuck at the level page, and I'm staring at a grid of names I looked up
ReplyDelete@Hancock: If you have the right real names, the firsts of the last names should give you an egg.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Ah OK! So I had seen that boat before and had just forgotten! Thank you for reminding me :) Actually, I never understood what the second of the letters was for in the other level, since the C guy's surname didn't start with an O. I did find two films with the name of the URL for this level, but no characters that matched the letters on the level. I also tried picking alternate letters from the answer from the previous level and taking those to Granny, but that didn't help either.
egg on face...I missed a letter earlier. thank you @BFS and @aaaasa.
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ReplyDelete@BFS - sorry for the confusion but this level has nothing to do with movies or previous level answers as far as I know. The important lesson from that previous level is that those "letters" can be considered as words, so you should pick 7 letters from the 7 words in the current level pic based on their height.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the C guy's name didn't start with O but he did win one, didn't he? :)
Anyone on LVL 76? I have A LOT of information and granny doesn't seem to be helping. I have 6 eggs, 6 pic names and 6 images. What am I missing?
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck at 76 as well... may check again when I have time :/
ReplyDeleteNow stuck (maybe) on Level 71 on an egg (the one with the pic of the thing that has a word and a number on it). Not sure what to do now. Googling the pic name did nothing. Googling the text in the pic didn't help. What to do with the numbers?
ReplyDelete@Laurie - apply the same trick again on the numbers on the left and you should get a confirmation egg
ReplyDelete@aaaasa I am still at the confirmation egg and no idea what to google next, can I have a hint please? Thanks!
ReplyDelete@Keeper - Find the one in that s********* who wears it a bit differently every time :)
ReplyDeleteI need help on level 30. I know I am missing something obvious. I tried all the capitals, I googled the song, I tried to come up with number sequences from the boxes. I don't know what I am missing, but I know it is simple. haha
ReplyDelete@aaaasa The letters I pick do not form a word. Is there letter “j” in the answer?
ReplyDelete@trinadette the first line tells you how to decode the boxes
ReplyDelete@Keeper - there is no "j" in the answer. Maybe check your n******s again? I used a list from Fandom Wiki because Wikipedia doesn't seem to have one
ReplyDelete@keeper *facepalm* I kept trying to figure out bin but didn't put the rest together. Thank you!
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thanks it turns out that only that letter is wrong. Fyi it is available on wiki but s***** 2 is tricky bcoz of the special e******
ReplyDeletelvl 47, stuck on egg with two columns. How to pick-up letters from words? I know T.... or. Fourth, but havr 1000 and 1000 combinations?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Your hints last night were going over my head, but this morning I woke up and figured it out straight away!
ReplyDeleteNow stuck on 71 - got an egg but have no idea how to apply it.
For LVL 71 google is your friend
ReplyDeleteI think the egg I got is different to the one Laurie had when she was stuck earlier. Mine is a confirmation egg when a picture of the level pic surrounded by little versions of itself.
ReplyDelete@Puffin: Tried Googling the level and confirmation egg pics, but didn't get anything useful.
ReplyDelete@BFS - how about the egg word?
ReplyDeletelvl 67 I have to do what it's been suggested(I haven'nt understand yet what is this)to the movies or the characters or the actors names?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: I managed to make some progress :) but now stuck on the second Yes egg (after the second set of numbers). I've tried Googling the various egg words together, but nothing's bringing up anything significant.
ReplyDelete@artist - you want the names of the people who played those characters.
ReplyDeletethanks BF,I'm staring at the charming egg two days by now!
ReplyDeleteBFS - googling the two Yes egg words should give you something to work on.
ReplyDelete@theartist Oh, sorry!! I thought you were on the first part. Hmm... did you divide them into groups based on t***ds?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYes, The Artist :)
ReplyDeleteBut you might wanna delete that comment, it's a bit spoily.
so,I got 5,5,5,3,2 of them is it right?
ReplyDeleteLittle mistake there.
ReplyDeleteCheck the 3 and one of the 5's again, both should be 4.
@s-t can I have a little nudge for 76 please? I thought I need to find the odd one out or something in common but nothing seems to work here :/
ReplyDeleteNo hints yet, sorry :)
ReplyDeleteOnly the basic hints go. So, like always:
- Do not make up your own hints
- Keep it simple (I don't make difficult levels!)
And that all goes for this level as well, once figured out you will say something like; Can't believe I didn't see that :P
@aaaasa Thank you for your help on 71 :) I'm on 72 now. Got the obvious egg, and I know what I have to do, but many of the words have multiple options. I've seen the earlier hint about how the correct ones will only have one thing they agree on, but I'm confused about what that means.
ReplyDeletethanks small tool found my mistake,so Ihave to arrange those words to be a phrase?
ReplyDelete@BFS - maybe focus on the second one first and make some comparisons with its options? :)
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm: where are you now? Struggling on 46 and no idea where to start for the moment.
ReplyDeleteLvl 46: tried all the obvious things and got nothing so far. Need a little push please.
ReplyDeleteLVL 55. I have the egg and I got the picture names. Not sure how to use the picture names together - or what this refers to.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor 46: be literal and do what the text says
ReplyDeleteFor 55: to use the egg, you need to find the text and the key. The pic names are telling you something about the two
lvl67 I'll try it till the end of the world,when I take the four letters words to url it gives me a rotten egg.The five letters ones don't look very good to me,I have to put all five I found in url?
ReplyDeletelvl 47 , do I have to do something with naked girl?
ReplyDeleteIt seems that I am the only one stuck at lvl 75 with 2 rotten eggs :(
ReplyDeleteMust be missing something really obvious
@zoran No use staring at the naked girl :P
ReplyDeleteYou need to divide the list into m*** ** and not m*** **
@Keeper - you need to rearrange the pics first :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Hmmm, not quite sure what your hint means on 72. I'm looking for o*******s but they don't seem to form a good word. :/
ReplyDelete@BFS - Try comparing for example the second word with its o******* and note how they share the same thing :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa May I know if granny is needed for the answer? I have no idea when does the green man start to appear!
ReplyDelete@Keeper No need to ask granny if you have all the pics in order. The green man appears after the meal because otherwise he wouldn't have that reaction :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa -- Level 71 got the second YES egg, googled the two yes egg words and found some content, but now what? Do I need to know the n**** on the n******* in the relevant e******s? I can't find a complete list. have to go run an errand now, but will try to work on this a little later.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa Thanks!
ReplyDelete@Laurie there should be a complete list in Wikipedia so maybe do a bit more searching when you’re back :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa -- I didn't find that specific info in Wikipedia (maybe I didn't dig deep enough) but I found it in IMDb. It still took a little digging, but it is pretty easy to find there.
ReplyDeleteNow I understand why everyone says lvl 76 is too much. It's really TOO MUCH!
ReplyDeleteNoticed that different q's seem to have different "properties". Is this important?
LVL 68 egg...is this about the band spelled with pins and googling? or do I go back to the level? as usual i'm scratching my head over the easy ones
ReplyDelete@hancock you can count on the pins :)
ReplyDeleteI noticed that @keeper. thank you, I will have another think about it. Are they grouped somehow (beyond the obvious)?...hard to see
ReplyDeleteThis is ridicuous. Stuck on Level 4. I'm thinking it's because I'm a Brit? I get DLSKO? Duck, lollipop, Scissors, Kittens & Owl.
ReplyDeleteI scream, you scream, we all scream for lollipop!?
ReplyDeleteAnd I like my kittens mature :)
@ST Thank you! :) I really need to learn to understand American English :)
ReplyDeleteLVL 55. I still cannot figure out how to get the key or text. I think I know what I have do to (D***** something) but I can't make any sense of it.
ReplyDelete@Keeper, so, first column is for m*** for, second column Not m*** for babies. Correct?
ReplyDelete@chael You have everything already!
ReplyDelete@zoran Not really. First one is made of s*****, second one is not made of w****, etc.
@Keeper lvlv47 eggs, I am confused now. I don't have any word beginning with s***** and w****.
ReplyDelete46, don't know if it is because English is not my native language or so but still stuck. I know that I have to remove things, but where and how and why that is the question...
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Afraid I'm still mystified by 72 despite your good hints! In the example you gave of the second word, o** and n** have the same l****h. But that can't be what I'm looking for because the last one has to be y** and y***. Am I looking for ones with the same f****s? But then how will I get another egg from them? I think I must be majorly overthinking but I'm not sure how to underthink :D
ReplyDelete@Eric -- Level 46 -- the language issue should not matter, as long as you get the idea of removing something. The level pretty much tells you what to remove and what to remove it from. Go to granny with what you have left.
ReplyDelete@BFS -- on level 72, it is not l****h that matters. The two in each pair will share just one little thing in common. If you have the obvious egg, the words in the pics also similarly share one thing in common. There is a second hint on the level page, BTW, that suggests what counts and what does not.
ReplyDeletebfs I think your o** is wrong.
ReplyDelete@BFS -- as minkie says, try a different choice to match with o**. There is another quite common word that should come to mind.
ReplyDeleteLevel 65 : I'm not fully getting this level, even with past hints too. I have Notice one idea, is it similar to what I have notice? But I'm not seeing it if I do use that though.
ReplyDelete@Laurie W, thanks for help. S-T should be whipped for such a level lol!
ReplyDeleteLevel 73 with two eggs, one from s***** and one from c*****. Got some numbers, but don't know what to do with them. I tried using n***s of p********s corresponding to those numbers, but nothing helpful yet. I looked up s****s that have c****s with those names, but nothing there either. Am I on the right track at all?
ReplyDeleteLevel 56. Have the first egg "A". But not a clue what to do with it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, @Laurie and @minkie. Yes, I was thinking of the wrong definition of o**! Still not sure what the first one was meant to be... I managed to get the answer without it, but I think s******e would work.
ReplyDelete@patty -- If you got the A egg, you must have looked up the sources of the level text. You need detailed sources (c*****s and v****s, not just b***s). Use the egg word to do something with the numbers.
ReplyDelete@BFS -- yes, that is the word I used for the first one.
ReplyDeleteThanks, LaurieW, glad I don't have to solve the blackboard equation! LOL
ReplyDeleteLevel 73 - I saw that people got eggs from the s****s and the c****s. The firsts of my c****s don't give me an egg. I have Egg 2 and somehow got Confirmation Egg 4. Stuck on how to get Eggs 1 and 3.
ReplyDeleteFor lvl 73 - the firsts of c******s should give egg 1. Also, the n*****s of p*******s should give egg 3.
ReplyDelete@Eric911 Take the TRASH out of the chanticleers, then visit granny. BTW did you notice that the word to get the egg on the previous level is a granny of coronavirus!
ReplyDelete@BFS -- Level 73 -- I had trouble getting the c***** egg as well. G***** M*** gave me the name of the large c***. It turns out that the one I needed is in fact part of that large one now, but it used to be separate, and is still used as the name of a region within the large c***. If you look carefully at the m**, you will see the name you need near the pin, in the name of a non-profit educational organization.
ReplyDeletelvl 62 I'm missing something obvious, I think, as I can't find the g*******h egg. I have the others. Could I have a not so subtle hint, please?
ReplyDelete@Vikkih -- you need the gibberish, correct? Look at the words given on the level page. They are not English words. What languages are they? Granny can help here.
ReplyDelete@Laurie, thank you! Knew it was staring me in the face...
ReplyDeleteI'm way back on the confirmation egg of level 28 with black letters on blue. Have read previous hints, but still can't get it, glad of any help please.
ReplyDelete@giovanni you need 3 eggs for lvl 28, 2 from ftf, and one from drawing lines.
ReplyDeleteAnd cleared 65! Finally, I can take a rest for the night. The hints just popped, and I overthought the hints.
ReplyDeletelvl 47 , still stuck. Small push. What, I have to find, made of and not made of in the columns? I am blocked.
ReplyDeleteVikkih152, thanks-I've drawn the lines and then, on the first egg I used a particular colour of word to get to where I am now. Is it the colour of the letters that matter for this second egg, too?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa -- Level 73 -- I'm not sure I understand your hint, unless you have the wrong number of asterisks? Do you mean the l**t n***s of the p********s, or the n*****s of those same p********s, or something else?
ReplyDeleteFor example;
apple sauce is 'made of' apples not made for apples.
hair spray is 'made for' hair not made of hair.
Now go make two new groups.
@giovanni I'm not sure where you are but you need an egg with a red and blue person, and an egg with red and blue writing.
ReplyDeleteThanks Vikkih152, sorry for being vague, your hint makes it a lot clearer.
ReplyDeletelvl 68 - got the egg and understand the pin count but so stuck. how to apply? back to the level?
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm: thanks for help but finally passed it at last. Now working on 47. Where are you now ?
ReplyDelete@S-T lvl 47 eggs, I have found two groups, but with lot of combination, granny give to me nothing. :(
ReplyDelete73 Laurie. It's the n23456s of the p********* for egg 3.
ReplyDelete@zoran, lvl 47 egg 1a, with your two groups apply the new rule. choose one number for each group and see how it works out in granny.
ReplyDelete@zoran, make sure you've got your 2 word groups correct! hint - they are very close in number
ReplyDelete73. Perhaps I've misunderstood what people mean by c*******. None of mine start with a vowel.
ReplyDeleteMinkie level 73 -- there are five c****s, and two of them start with a vowel. They all have something else obvious in common, if you are at all familiar with A******n h*****y.
ReplyDeleteI have those laurie. I have eggs 1,2 & 3 and one unnumbered. Looking for more.
ReplyDeleteMinkie--you may be thinking too big. C*****y, s***e, c****y, c**y. It is that last one you need.
ReplyDeleteminkie -- which unnumbered one do you have?
ReplyDelete@ Hancock, I have two correct groups ( I hope). But with new rule have few thousand combinations????
ReplyDeleteA 250 frame gig of a big spherical thing Laurie.
ReplyDelete83, got a s*** but every site is different for l***** and can't find one that works. Help
ReplyDelete@minkie -- find the n***s of the p*******s who match the n*****s from the first three eggs.
ReplyDeleteNo anagram so you should get the right one soon. Besides it's the first or second hit on Google.
Anyway, the one on genius.com works.
Thanks Laurie I should have got that.
ReplyDelete83: is all ok, because i dont get something good from genius.com
ReplyDeleteNo mistakes in level 83 :)
ReplyDeleteI'm still hopelessly stuck on LVL 76. Can someone point me in the right direction?
ReplyDeleteminkie -- come help me on level 74. Nobody else seems to have had trouble with it, but I don't have a clue. The mention of b**** makes me think of B*****e, but I don't know how to apply that here. There is gibberish on the screen, but none of the key I have tried have yielded anything. The pic name doesn't ring a bell.
ReplyDeleteLevel 57: I cannot get a confirmation for the second half. Tried
ReplyDeletela b. word,city, country--separate, together, name of rotating restaurant nearby. Am I lost?
@zoran it is one or the other for each group as a whole
ReplyDelete@Laurie for 74 you are on the right track. Did you read the pic title? It hints at what two a*******s to use. Convert the title gibberish using the first and then use that to convert with the second.
ReplyDeleteLevel 57: NM POP.
ReplyDelete@p3p lvl 57 egg 2, just pop the 2nd half into google, there are only one or two options, no need to zoom
ReplyDelete@s-t clever clogs. But I got it :)
ReplyDeleteWell done and thanks :)
ReplyDeleteBut please do leave some hints for your fellow players every now and then. Stuck party at 76 :(
lvl 47, I give up. No idea what I have to do. Granny give me nothing and I am tired. To much for me. Not so bad result, 46 levels.
ReplyDeleteDon't give up, Zoran, way more fun ahead.
ReplyDeleteMail me.
@Zoran lvl 47 you should have a list of 10, and a list of 11. Take 3rds from one list, and 4ths from the other.
ReplyDeleteSorry for not helping on lvl 76. The thing is... it was accidentally bruteforced, and I think there should be another egg, helping how to solve it. I don't want to tell the way to just bruteforce it. I hope someone who solved it the right way will give some hint.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, quite stuck on lvl 82. Tried to count in a huge amount of ways, tried to fold (even if that's a rotten way), and no great ideas come to my mind.
Ok, before more bruteforcing then :P
ReplyDeleteTiny hint for level 76 (maybe more tomorrow):
Some comments above Keeper noticed something special on the level itself. That's no coincidence and a very important thing to solve it.
82) Just count, size doesn't matter!
ReplyDeleteHave fun, guys :)
lvl 47 do we have only eggs to the end of this riddle?
ReplyDeleteThanks @s-t, I'll keep at it.
ReplyDeleteThanks S-T, got the egg now!
ReplyDelete@zoran, you need egg 1a, and from there you will get two more important eggs, 2a and 2b. Combine 2a and 2b to solve the level.
@Laurie: Thank you for the hint on 73 for that one c**y! I would have been totally stuck without it!
ReplyDeleteI'm confused as to how to get to Egg 3 on Level 73 - the p*******s seem to have a lot of n*****s, but they don't seem to convert to give anything useful. I've tried FTF and have also tried taking the firsts, seconds, thirds etc in the order that gave me Egg 1. I've also tried picking letters from the c**y names based on the firsts of the p*******s. I'm quite lost now.
@BFS, their n*****s should work. You will find them all within 1-26.
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck on level 81. I am guessing it has a similar method to a previous level. I can not seem to make sense of it though.
ReplyDelete@Ellie: Just not working for me. I've tried so many things. The firsts don't work. I thought of adding them together but some sums are > 26. Am I looking at the right things? The f**e n*****s at the end of each a*****s?
ReplyDelete@LinR since you're at 81, can you please give me a hint for LVL 76?
ReplyDeletePuffin there are a lot of eggs on this level. Can you give me an idea where you are?
ReplyDelete@Puffin @LinR Could one of you please give me a nudge on how exactly to pick n*****s on 73 to get the third egg? I'm at my wits' end. :(
ReplyDeleteBFS, the names you found should make you think of certain important people in that country. Those people have an order.
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