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Small Tool - A Lot More

A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @LinR I’m also stuck at 76 with the 6 “Yes” eggs... Noticed that some Qs have different “properties” but not sure how to apply the difference:/

  2. Ohhhhh all this time I was interpreting the P-word as something totally different!!! No wonder I was lost, haha. Thanks a bunch!!!

  3. guys, I'm desperate to get off this simple LVL 68 egg. Can someone give me a big hint? I've counted the pins and googled the new band and pulled out half my hair.

  4. @Hancock try picking one letter from each b*** n*** according to the number of pins around them :)

  5. @ puffin -- thanks, got it now.

  6. aaaasa, did you notice that reached some of those eggs in a different way?

    Hancock, you can use the number of pins to pick.

  7. thank you @aaaasa....that was the "sledgehammer to the head" type of hint that I usually need...

  8. @LinR - I only noticed that some Qs will open in a separate tab and some won’t... not sure what’s special about the “yes” eggs that are the answers to those Qs :/

  9. aaaasa, it divides the questions into two groups. You should be able to get 2 more eggs.

  10. Level 75 -- I saw the hint about rearranging the pics, but that is what gave me a rotten egg (?) I put the pics in the order that seemed to make sense, and the pic names gave me the aforementioned spoiled ovum. Obviously, I'm missing something.

  11. @Laurie - reading horizontally or vertically won’t help you here :)

  12. Laurie, sometimes it's not just picking from the first letter. Just one more step.

  13. Thanks aaaasa! On to 76, which seems to be pretty crowded.

  14. @LinR so I need to pick 9 letters out of each group to form 2 new eggs? Nothing works so far and there seems to be too many possibilities?

  15. Level 70 - I'm completely lost. I've seen hints about thinking vertically, and I know what previous level has two additional letters that are "more than letters" ... but I don't understand the hints so I don't even know where to find the letters I should pick: old boat level? previous level+2 letters? this level+old boat level? this level alone? Help please :)

  16. 76 - I'm where you are, aaaasa. 6 egg words, and then a set of alternate words from the f*** n***s and another set from the p******s. Been playing around with them for a while and can't get anywhere.

  17. aaaasa, not pick, collect.

    Puzzled, you know what the items are and what they represent. Try speaking using a military method.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oooh,I'd so hoped that I could get up with the main pack before ST gave a hint for 76. Just starting 76 now. Good luck to you all, but I hope to be on your heels.

  20. @LinR Thanks :) Still very lost. I think I know what you mean but military method but I just don't know what should I pick and from what level or if I should pick from more than one level....

  21. @LinR - Thanks but I wonder how many do I need to collect? Tried collecting from Qs only, As only or both, and got some seemingly good words that don't work :/

  22. Passed 76! Now stuck on 77 Egg 1. I will go to bed and hope for hints in the morning :)

    For 76, to get the last two eggs, you need to split the 6 into 2 groups of 3, and you need 4 letters per group. Hope that helps.

  23. @BFS - Just to be clear I need 4 letters from 3 Q&As not 4 letters from each Q&A, right?

  24. @Puzzled: There is a commonly used military thing associated with each letter of the alphabet. You need to combine that, the flags and the h****ts. Hope that helps!

  25. @aaaasa: You need 4 letters from each Q&A, and you combine them based on your groups. So 12 from one group and 12 from the other to give you two 12-letter eggs.

  26. Puzzled. Level 70.You should have words for those letters. Now first from first and second....

    aaaasa. BFS beat me to it. LOL

    BFS -level 77. The pic name tells you what you need.

  27. lol turns out I have them already but somehow it only worked when I tried again :P

  28. @LinR - Thanks. I realised that and managed to get to the second egg with the pic. I know what it relates to but not what to do with it... So think this might be a good stopping point... For real this time!

  29. @LinR and BFS on level 70, got it, thank you very much !!!

  30. 78 - got egg 1 and 3 but don't know how to get egg 2... Do I need to apply B*******? but I can't find the key :/

  31. @BFS and @LinR Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was making it so much harder than it needed to be. I went down quite the rabbit hole and couldn't get myself back out. On to 77!

  32. On level 78 with 2 eggs and a very tired brain. I think this is a good place to stop.

  33. @aaaasa -- I'm in the same place as you. Maybe something will come to me while I sleep.

  34. hi everyone.
    i'm currently stuck on level 35. I've looked thru the comments but i can't seem to figure out how to get the 1st egg. I got the second.

    I solved all the sequences and I used the A=1 code for numbers but I'm not having any luck. ):

  35. Amy, level 35, I'm not sure which egg you have. If the 1=A isn't working you may have a number wrong. Try using a wild card in the anagrammer if you are unsure of a letter.

  36. LinR - thanks! I'm not good at math so I was using a website to help me, not very reliable lol. I was able to get the first egg based on other's comments and some guessing.

  37. oh dear, maybe because i fried my brain on lvl 35 but i don't even know where to start with 36

  38. on Lvl 69 egg 2, I "should know" but I don't. I know what the photo is actually of and how it relates to the level but can't find the right

  39. Just thought of saying hello after all those years and couldn't reach the site to try to solve the first level! lol hope ye all having fun there, well things happen! xD

  40. @amy, lvl36 that shape represents a famous mathematical sequence

  41. @aaaasa on lvl 78 I have egg 1 (cipher) and 2 (gibberish) but not 3. Lets trade again?

  42. Keeper - how did you get egg 2?
    For egg 3, just convert c***s using the table and ask granny :)

  43. @aaaasa facepalm the auto-fill function in excel (I used it to take notes) gave me an additional letter

    for egg 2 simply ftf

  44. @hancock ok...i was able to figure out what the mathematical sequence is. and i think i know what the numbers are in the equation but i'm still truly lost lol.I tried making a word with the number of squares in each rectangle but that didn't work.

  45. @Keeper - Tried that on c***s, text, and both, but none seems to be giving a good word :/

  46. @aaaasa on what gives you egg 3 :)

  47. Didn't know that was a word :) Thanks!

  48. Any ideas on lvl 81? I thought I know what to look for and noticed something from level text but don't know how to go further :/

  49. Got it. That something from the text is important.

  50. @aaaasa similar to a previous level but you do need to look for something different
    please help me on the egg

  51. @Keeper - keep looking for them in the egg text. Which egg are you on?

  52. Staring at 48 but no luck except the egg... Past comments do not "bring the light". One question though : is the fact that some letters are in uppercase or lowercase important ?

  53. @Eric911,
    Yes, it is. But only after getting the egg, where you realize you have not seen her directly, but a m*****ed image of her.

  54. @Edgar, thanks, you switched the light on! Onto 49!

  55. Hi, all)
    Hi, SmallTool. Thank you for your riddle. You have really illuminated the end of this dark year)
    I am a little late in this riddle and always stuck in different funny places.
    Now I look at 62 level DA egg (ST, thank you for DA :) ) and can't finish the level. Help?

  56. lvl 82 wonder what to count here, if size doesn’t matter then the shape? But can’t even get any vowel. Need a hint please, thanks!

  57. @Keeper - did you get the egg by counting? you may notice that the thing you counted come in different sizes :)

  58. Hi Fossa :)
    Good to see you.
    Lol, didn't realise that but it's 'da' in your language too of course :)

    Glad you like the riddle and wishing you a lot of удовольствие with the levels still to come :)

  59. @aaaasa I only got the egg that asks me to count again

  60. @Keeper - think about what you counted to get the "count again" egg

  61. For 49, are we supposed to get a confirmation for each word, altogether or none?

  62. @Eric - If you get all 7 letters right you can get a (kind of) confirmation egg

    Meanwhile staring the l****s for the s*** in 83... Still haven't figured out how the one in fits with the level text :/

  63. Level 72 : I know the method to match stuff, but that's still a lot to match. Does the answer comes out straight and doesn't need granny, or do I need granny? if so, that's quite a bit of combination.

  64. lvl 47: Found 3 eggs ( and two pictures) but where to apply the numbers in the last egg. Did see that it is a game, do I use that in any way ?

  65. Morning all!

    Everyone moved from 76 to 78 pretty quickly, but I'm still stuck on 77 egg 2 (the pic of the stressed people on W*** S*****). I'm sure I'm missing something super obvious, but can I get a nudge?

  66. @BFS - a hearty breakfast with omelette might help to relieve the stress :)

  67. @ike - you only used part of the things to get the game egg. Pick from what you have not used and you should get another egg :)

  68. lvl 47 @ aaaasa, thx. I tried to use the numbers on the no-part of the lists , but granny won't have it.

  69. @ike - those numbers won't make sense until you got another egg from the no-part of the lists. You picked all t****s from part of the list to get the game egg, so you know where you should pick from the no-part of the lists :)

  70. Oh dear, still haven't finished 28. I've got the screen with the pic of the second egg.Just cant see it, despite tips. Do I have to use blue and red letters to find a word or make a word from peoples' names?Also is cipher needed?Thanks.

  71. @aaaasa, thanks. But they all look quite similar. It is a bit more a question of guessing than reading. Am quite sure about the first 2 but for the others...

  72. @giovanni: your first idea is not bad at all. Also consider their position (E*** and W***).

  73. @Eric - for the bottom half of the pic try focusing on their legs, and you should be able to recognize some capital letters

  74. Thanks aaaasa! Would have never passed it without your hint as I was watching at them entirely!

  75. Thanks Eric911, am I relating the position of the red and blue letters to the picture next to the egg?

  76. @aaaasa do we need to count beyond what we see? The 2nd shape gives me a very bad letter

  77. @Keeper - do you mean the 2nd shape on the main level pic? If you count every one of them regardless of their sizes, the letter you get shouldn't be a bad one :)

  78. LVL 47. I have two eggs from my two lists but don't know where to apply the numbers

  79. Thank you, @aaaasa! I swear I had tried the omelette route and it didn't work. Must have made a typo.

    Now stuck on 78 Egg 1. How did you guys get more eggs? I have the cipher now and nothing else.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. @BFS - remember the table that had many stuck for a while? :)

  82. BFS -- If you have the egg with the cipher, then you have some n*****s. Do you remember any previous levels that involved a t***e? Use those n*****s on that t***e.

  83. @Colmkilm : If you have the correct 2 eggs, why not cook them b***? One has something that needs to be modify, the other is the mod. The result doesn't needs to be used elsewhere, just c******
    P.S. I might be a bit too confusing last comment, so I removed it. Dang, I wish there's edit option...

  84. @Laurie: Thanks!!! If I had a pound for every time I forgot what "t***e" means in these riddles, I'd probably have several pounds. LOL.

  85. @aaaasa thanks your hint finally clicked on me!
    Many more counting in the next egg now :)

  86. Still on 72. There's still too many words around, even with the egg hint on what to match. I don't know where to aim for to collect the letters for the answer. The only one I can 100% confirm is the last word. Could I have some pushes?

  87. @Namchokdef you need to look for something in common for those o*******s

  88. Level 80 egg 1. I think I can see why it is 4th or 5th, but where that leads me is too long to use. Puzzled.

  89. @minkie: Stuck at the same point as you!

  90. @minkie @bfs divide the list into two first

  91. I'm still stuck on level 81. I think I know what aaaasa means by something odd in the text but how to use it just isn't clicking for me.

  92. Level 80. Keeper I am trying to do what you said, but there are so many versions. Should we be using the wiki version?

  93. Thanks, Keeper! Somehow that hit me via POP before reading your comment! I found another egg now and am trying to figure out the second one.

  94. @LinR - Use all you found in the text. One of them is 3 letters

  95. @BFS that's interesting, I never had a 2nd egg on lvl 80!

  96. On 80, there's a 2a and a 2b egg.

  97. @s-t I jumped to the answer directly :P

  98. Can someone give me a little push on lvl 69, egg 2? I've looked up the image and tried all types of descriptions as it relates to the level theme but nothing works. the egg tells me I "should know"

  99. @minkie: Not sure what you are Wiki-ing. Don't overthink too much. You may have to Google a couple of things, but you should be able to split the group evenly into two.

  100. Of course you can do that, Keeper, but they're there to let BlackFiresong get stuck there :P

  101. @s-t HAHAHAAAAA (sorry BFS)

    @hancock look at the previous egg, you should know it's a l**

  102. Still trying to decode 83 but no progress so far... If you guys found anything please leave some help here :)

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. @aaaasa same here don't know which row to start counting :(

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. I'm still confused as how to divide the list. Googling brings up multiple ways of doing it.

  107. LOL @ s-t!! Cheeky :D

    Currently on 81 - I recognise the reference and also think I see what's significant about the text. Pondering how to actually use it. I think this time it is s*l***e (I thought that last time but it wasn't), but I'm unsure whether all the n***s listed on Wiki count or just the main ones. Or am I entirely wrong and is it to do with f*******y like last time?

  108. @minkie I thought you figured it out so I deleted my post as well...
    It's u*** or not

  109. @minkie: Some of them are units of l****h; others are not.

  110. @BFS: It is indeed s****** this time. Focus on the text only :)

  111. Thanks both. I'll look at that. Keeper I had deleted my comment because it was spoilery.

  112. @BFS : So those in common, should be taken to cook?
    That limits it down but still quite a bit, but I'll try. Thank you, BFS. I wasn't sure which to take for cooking, as I saw something that might lead to ftf those o*******s.

  113. Doh. I was trying to divide up another list entirely.

  114. @aaaasa, for 83 you might need a bit google. Use all info you have to try to find nice google combinations.

  115. @Ellie - I got a "Yes" egg but could not decode using the s***. Should I keep googling?

  116. @aaaasa, i think you have what you need, especially with the site mentioned above. Use the "basic version" of the s***. You might need to think a bit how to use the numbers.

  117. For lvl 84, don't i need to know the length of the pw to solve this? Missing an egg, or is it obvious? Or... maybe i don't need more info just using my brain better lol.

  118. Thank you, @aaaasa :) I managed!

    @Namchokdef: Which level are you talking about?

    I seem to be stuck on 82. I'm on the egg with the c***s. I've counted them a million times and I still get the same 8 letters that don't granny to anything. I considered trying surface area rather than volume or number, but that exceeds 26 in some cases.

  119. There is an egg on level 84, but it wasn't part of the method.
    Later I noticed players could do another kind of trick and to reward those clever players I made it an egg with a tiny bit of extra info.
    But basically the level is/was without eggs and can be solved. Lol, in fact not a difficult level at all :P

  120. @BFS - don't forget that c***s comes in different sizes too :)

  121. @aaaasa: Ahh, silly me! But now I wish I had not got to the next egg D: My eyes are slowly crossing from all this counting! Spatial awareness has never been my forte, LOL.

  122. @Ellie - I got another egg but still having difficulties in applying the numbers... Am I on the right track by using the numbers that lead me to the other egg?

  123. @aaaasa, you mean the rotten "too easy -egg"? Well, you need to use all the numbers on the thing google gave you, but no more maths, only counting (although the maths does matter to tell how to count).

  124. Ah shoot, I reply to wrong person, I'm very sorry
    I'm a bit sleepy. I meant to reply to Keeper.
    This is embarrassing......

  125. lvl 83 may I know how many eggs? I've only got the "too easy" egg and it seems that there's a "yes" egg to find?

  126. Ahh that’s cheeky :P
    @Keeper the “yes” egg is only a confirmation egg for the name of the s***

  127. @aaaasa google gave me two songs from AB but none of them worked. Should I look for something completely different?

  128. @Keeper - nothing to do with AB. It's from someone more mind-blowing :)

  129. At 85 now... found a seemingly good word but nope :/

  130. lol, i was not smart enough to find the extra eggs on lvl 84.

  131. lvl 67 day three.After egg1,Ifound five words g.,h...,c...,c...s, they correct and if so,I have to put them in url somehow?

  132. @theartist, looks right, but order them before putting them all in.

  133. @theartist it seems that you've got all of them right. Now arrange them in in alphabetical order of their t****s (i.e. the l word is placed first)

  134. @theartist your words look fine, just put them in order
    @aaaasa thanks but if not AB I have no idea what is the "big hint" in the "too easy" egg

  135. @Keeper that hint will make sense after you found the right s*** :)

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. I don't know why I'm having trouble on 81 egg 2. I've been doing the same thing using all the wiki options, allowing hits across word breaks or not, including the pic name or not, even trying it backwards.

  138. Keeper,
    3 letters from that rotten egg added to some level info will make your Google search way easier.

  139. @minkie: You can find the same things in the egg that you've been looking for so far, but across words this time.

  140. Tried that BFS, but I'll try again.

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  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. 82 egg 2. Oh good heavens!!

  144. @Namchokdef: All seem right except the very first one. I actually took the letters to Granny with one question mark and got an answer. Try that and then you'll be able to infer what the first one should be.

    83 - I see you all found a s***. I am not able to get beyond the white horse. There's apparently a big hint on the rotten egg, but I can't see it. I've tried Googling bits of the text in the hope that they would be l****s, but alas. :(

  145. @minkie: This is just the crash course. Egg 3 is the real deal and it will do your eyes in. Haha.

  146. (Just realised I was counting the "count again" egg as Egg 1 and you may already be on the "real deal" egg... Anyway, get through it quickly and come and help me with 83 :D)

  147. @BFS - the level pic shows 2 things. One is obvious, the other is hinted in the rotten egg (which I just discovered when revisiting it :P)

  148. Lvl 85 - Is google needed?

  149. OMG!!!! Thank you so so so much, everyone. The problem of uncertainty was quite something, but then I also missed the last text on the page, and was blinded for many hours. Ahh, I feel very, very silly. Wow.

  150. 82 egg 2. Haven't got it right yet. If I can't see a cube because the view is blocked, can I assume that there is a cube there?

  151. Yes Minkie, but within reason. No extra sneaky invisible cubes added, but when it's a massive block, yes then it's there.

  152. Got a rotten egg on 85, but I can't get any good word from doing what the rotten egg says :/

  153. 86: after 3 eggs how to apply math? is pigpen somehow involved?

  154. Lvl 50: I must admit I feel lost. Got nothing but the rotten egg. Do I have to use something like Gimp or Paint?

  155. @Eric - for 50 does the shape of the pic and the number of layers remind you of something? Add the c**** back to each layer to find out more eggs

  156. On 44 now I found all the confirmation eggs. But I couldn't do anything with them. I got nothing but gibberish

  157. @aaaasa: sorry but both things remind me absolutly nooooothing!!!

  158. @Eric - maybe something colorful that has pot of gold at the end? :)

  159. @sevenfar: if you got all the confirmation eggs so FTF

  160. @aaaasa: wow. I must be lacking imagination! Now I can start with something thanks!

  161. Eric thanks. I forgot one egg. I am onto 45 now. Oh my god!Animal again!

  162. Stuck at 64 with both eggs.
    I know that I need granny with both names.
    I know that the last name is w*** E*****n
    Tried to combine in different ways.

  163. @Fossa - apply the last name on egg word literally then granny :)

  164. Damn) I didn't look there)
    Thank you @aaaasa

  165. Stuck on the egg for 45.Fully didn't understand what the "no" means.

  166. Seven far. In this case it means that you have found something useful, but you can use it in a dfferent way.

  167. 86, anyone?
    is it pigpen in the end?

  168. Ellie I don't understand what you mean by using the "basic version" of the lyrics on level 83. I'm getting slightly different versions of the lyrics on and on (which misses out some repetitions).

  169. For level 82, I have the egg that tell me to do it again. I am not understanding the hint saying that they come in different sizes.

  170. I'm having trouble with LVL 81. Am I looking for s****t n***s? What I've found is not giving me anything useful. How many are there?

  171. LinR The things that you are counting come in different sizes 1x1 ...

  172. Puffin, not quite sure what your s****t is. When I say BFS's clue about s*l***e, I thought that meant silence, but it meant something completely different - the opposite really. You are looking for 4 of them.

  173. Level 50: I cannot find a link between what I see and what I don't see (egg). Tried 10's of combination but got only gibberish...

  174. Eric911. Your egg gave you some colours, I think. Use them to find seven more eggs.

  175. @Minkie, yes I thought the same about BFS's clue. I thought the first word in the level text was important. I will rethink it.

  176. LVL 48 I can't seem to see her reflection

  177. Level 72 - For as much as I try, I can't find that "little thing in common" for the two in each pair so I'm not able to pick the right o*******. I've spent all day in this level and it would make me very happy to finish this tonight:) I need a big hint here, please.

  178. Am about to give up! Just can't get past the second egg on level 28. Thanks to people for hints, but think I'm confusing the 3 eggs. Am on the one that shows some words next to the egg pic. I have tried drawing lines, then using some of the blue and red letters from the level page with granny. Is this right, please?

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. @giovanni don't give up. I will go back over my notes and see if I can help. Give me a few minutes

  181. 86, going pig-eyed with 3 eggs, do i need letters from eggs or from obvious code? Either way I can't get anything to work.

  182. Colmkilm, thank you so much, no hurry.

  183. Level 85 I have egg 1, but don't know how to move on. I thought the egg might hint at some image manipulaton, but I'm not getting anywhere with that.

  184. @puzzled if youhave the right ones then just one l***** is same, match original word with the o*******

  185. @angua (&mishu), use both.

  186. @minkie, if you count you might see clearer what to do.

  187. @angua, thanks :) Actually,looking for that unique l****** is what I've been doing for hours butI am doing something wrong and not getting anywhere. Also the last one in the list has two in its o*******: is this an exception? Nevermind,I will keep trying :)

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. LVL 55. I am still not getting it. Apparently I have everything I need but I can't figure out what to do. I have tried using the same word(s) for the key and cipher but nothing is working.

  190. lvl 72)
    About the last one, that's why it says; 'why' not.

  191. @chael, you should have two "versions" of the word, so it's not exactly the same input.


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