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Small Tool - A Lot More

A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @Minkie. Thanks :) Still working on it. I wonder if I am using the wrong source of information because this is taking too long :/

  2. 85 egg 1. I'm trying to count things, but I'm still at a loss. Right at the beginning of the level I tried an obvious 6 letter word, but that didn't work. "all one" makes me think I should somehow be using that word. Is there anything in this?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So sorry puzzled. Got in a mddle about who I was talking to AND I misread my notes. The ones I got wrong for a long time were the 2nd and 7th on the list.

  6. I think that's a sign that I should give up till tomorrow :/

  7. @giovanni what eggs have you got?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @minkie, no its not about being literal that way. But focus on the name when you count.

  10. Thanks Ellie. I'm going to take that thought with me to bed and hope I wake up fresher tomorrow.

  11. @minkie, no worries:) Anyway, I am probably giving up for now and retry later or tomorrow, feeling a bit frustratred right now lol.

  12. Thanks everyone! Finally got 55! That last hint confirmed I was using the right words. Was using them in the wrong boxes in Red Luth. Had the right cipher but was using plain to ciphered instead of ciphered to plain.

  13. Level 58: No time to work today, but may I ask if it is one set of continuous directions or 7 separate?

  14. Thanks, ST. Good work on this 'swan song'--not!! Say it isn't so

  15. @puzzled the last comment tells you what to do on last one,

    now 87 - what to do with the golden egg?

  16. lvl 51, one egg. will someone explain to me what about the watch, I am stuck on this level for a long time.

  17. @Zoran do you just have the egg with the guillotine?

  18. @zoran you don't need the watch yet. You need to cut their heads off and see what you get then.

  19. @Vikkih, I guess 12 severed heads.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Vikkih got it. Thanks. Now coming hard part :(

  22. I mean hard part on lvl 52 because of Clio :)

  23. still embarrassingly stuck on 36. I finally got the first egg. I've been using the F******* sequence on the 6 words but i'm just coming up with gibberish

  24. @Amy what you're doing sounds right, one letter from each word

  25. You are doing the right thing amy. Try again.

  26. thank you all for your help! I did it!! my brain was just thinking in a different way haha

  27. I can't even get started on level 83. I see references to a s*** here although I can't see how to get to that point.

  28. Lvl 71, I've got an egg with a certain number of things in the sky. I've googled but get no luck with any variation of the show or store name. Should i keep googling or go back to the level? any hints very welcome

  29. @LinR for 83 google some of the info on the level page plus the pic title. That should get you started.

    I'm currently stuck with the confirmation egg and the rotten egg on that level. I'm not sure what or how to count. The usual way doesn't give me anything useful.

  30. Puttin this is where the minus signs become useful.

  31. @minkie, am I doing the same thing that I did to get the rotten egg?

  32. @Hancock - If you got the right s*** then just use the numbers on main level to find the e******s you need

  33. First Puffin apologies for making you something like a doubled Russian president. I think autocorrect did that. No, you are going backwards.

  34. Lvl 71, egg 1,2,3. thank you @aaaasa, now I've got a very long list of n****. The earlier technique does not work with those words....time to b/f the list? Or should i be picking still?

  35. @Hancock - did you get those n***s from the n****** in that s***? If yes, you should get a word from ftf

  36. Stumped on 45. Don't have the egg yet. Tried granny of the latin firsts and on the common firsts. Have split into 3 words. Have looked for the animals related to the title 4 and 6 letters. Probably missing the obvious.

  37. jpete- has granny checked out your 3 words?

  38. @aaaasa yes, I have a list of 70-80 n***s over 4 e******s. picking like earlier eggs gives gibberish.

  39. seems like everyone breezed thru lvl 40 but i'm stuck. i tried to decipher using B***** but not having any luck ):

  40. @Hancock there is a staff in the s*** that wears her n****** differently each e******. Focus on the n***s on her n****** only and ignore the rest

  41. @amy the url tells you what to apply on the pic :)

  42. @aaaasa thank you. very embarrassed by how obvious that was LOL

  43. so sorry @aaaasa, i'm very confused and thickheaded about the list. how do I ignore the rest? the person has a new n****** every time

  44. @Hancock - You only need that person's n****** in the 7 e******s in the egg with the logo of the s****

  45. i have just 3 wonder I'm going crazy. I'm stumped

  46. @Hancock - did you have the egg that has a g**** with logo on it? Use the numbers on that egg to find the n***s you need

  47. Lvl45 @Chael615 I have tried granny on the 3 words, but the 3 letter word isn't anything. I can come up with 2 options for the 3rd word depending on how common I go with names such as leporidae.

  48. Stuck on 85. I have the rotten egg. I tried to do things "the other way around" and I got a word but apparently it's no good. Can't get anything else useful. I don't know what other way to pick.

  49. @Puffin - If you get a 5-letter word by doing the "other way around" then you need more letters. Use all of them rather than choosing.

  50. @aaaasa I've tried that and I still don't get a word that is accepted. I've tried with up to 8 letters in various combinations.

  51. @aaaasa, NVM. It wasn't coming up in the anagram solver.

  52. 86 - made some progress to egg 4. Now what :/

  53. lvl 85 I think l/r is important but is the order of the pic text important? I can’t pick anything not even the rotten egg

  54. @Keeper - Have you counted the level text? That might give you some idea what to do with the pic text

  55. currently working on 42. I got 2 eggs but I'm missing the egg that comes from the person on the right which has me stumped because if I got the one from the left how can my remaining letters be gibberish?

  56. @amy for 42 are you picking the right way for the person on the right? Note the title at the top of the level page.

  57. @aaaasa thanks never thought of that
    on 86 now :)

  58. @aaaasa I am on 87 now, do you need hint for 86? :)

  59. @Keeper I'm also on 87 now :)

  60. @Keeper If you have passed the golden egg in 87 please leave some help. Thanks :)

  61. I'm on 87 golden egg too but I'm headed to bed. Leave some good hints! Thanks!!

  62. Jpete - Is the 3rd letter of that word a snake? There is a more common name. I had trouble with that one too. The correct letter is NOT P or V.

  63. I am still connecting the dots. Have counted many many many times to get the f****e word but it’s wrong. Why??? :(

  64. @Keeper - Have you got any other eggs on 87? Not sure what you meant by f****e word but if you connected the dots, the complete pic will lead to the golden egg.

  65. lvl 48: read all comments but still no clue. The penny just won't drop.

  66. Didnt try that facepalm

    I was counting how many of them are safe and got the f word but not correct. I believe this method will give us something

  67. lvl 52, English is not my native language, so what I have to search? Small push pls.

  68. @Zoran : Look the title department name, it can be cut into 2 words, J___ and......??

  69. @Zoran: am exactly at the same point and still staring at the story...

  70. @Eric and Zoran you need to find the words in the story that have 'j***' '***' in them

  71. lvl 69 meanwhile I have been staring at this for hours. I have a list of 7, and their title name, which I thought was maybe a clue to find smaller words within the 7, I've also tried various other ways of picking letters, but I'm just not getting anywhere. What blindingly obvious thing have I missed, please?

  72. @Vikkih152 have you checked where the pic name refers to? :)

  73. No light has come to me overnight on level 85. I have egg1, but not the rotten egg. Would the rotten egg help me?

  74. @aaaasa no I can't work it out, tried google, just being very dense!

  75. @Vikkih152: that is what I've done. Found 2 and 9 of them (including the title). Tried to play with the text structure, words, lines etc... but nothing so far. Keep working on it.

  76. @minkie if you have egg1 then just convert the egg text but differently (applying the same method on text on the main level pic will give you the rotten egg)

  77. @Vikkih152 No need to google. Did you notice how many words are there in that string? :)

  78. @Eric you don't need the title, but you've forgotten the first rule of riddling ;)

  79. For 87, another egg but the golden is needed so save the golden egg for later.

    Right now i moved along some paths in 89, but very stuck at two points.

    I can't see how to move from green 3 to green end. Tried to connect in different ways, but do i need to leave green 3 and find the end from some other place? A google thing?

    I'm also stuck with blue 6a and 6b. Again, tried to combine them in many ways to find the end, but no luck and running out of ideas.

  80. @aaaasa yes, but it seems I lost the ability to count at some point...tried it again and got it. Thank you

  81. @Ellie - can I have a nudge on how to find the other egg? Should I do some counting or google?

  82. @aaaasa, no googling. Have another look at the dots.

  83. aaaasa. Thanks. Got the rotten egg on 85. Got to go now, but with more hope for later :)

  84. lvl 48: A push in the right direction please. As I said earlier, read all comments but still lost.

  85. @Vikkih152 for God sake how can I be so stupid!! Thanks!

  86. LVL 48 That makes two of us @ike

  87. @Ellie - I've taken a look at the dots but can't find anything special about them :/

  88. @Ike: supposing you searched for all the previous hint and found the egg, focus on the pic word. Notice the girl from the egg: she is m*****ed. Needs a bit of drawing on a paper.

  89. Oh I didn't try one... thanks Ellie :)

  90. lvl 48 @ Eric911. Sorry, forgot to say that I obviously found the egg, but nothing I do (m*******ing) seems to provide a word. Been staring at it for hours.

  91. @ike, the second letter and the last letter should be the easiest ones, the middle one is in lower case, and should also be quite straight forward. Now, the first and the 4th (same ones) will look a bit weird, but with some imagination, they can only be one possible letter after m*******.

  92. And... @ike, the answer is no anagram.

  93. lvl 48: @Ellie, thanks found it, but not convinced though, lol

  94. @ellie on the dots egg are we looking for 6 letters? I got a good word starting with f but incorrect

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  96. @Keeper, it does not start with f. You might want to use 6 letters, but the answer will be shorter.

  97. @ Namchokdef, Vikikih152, thanks for help. On 53 now

  98. Level 84 - I have deciphered the gibberish and I have the entire key. It tells I should look again. I can't see what it is asking me to see. I have the 4 shaded letters already.

  99. @Lin, did you find your own key or did you use the on given by the lvl? If you used the "level-key", you should get a message that's not entirely correct. You need to fix this, and collect the new letters.

  100. @Ellie still on the dots egg, the ** n****** only give me the 6-letter f word, can I have more hint please? thanks

  101. @Keeper, im not sure what you do to get that word. You need to draw again, to see another shape.

  102. Still as stuck as this morning, lvl 89. Trying to move on from Green 3, and Blue 6a and 6b. Done with red.

  103. Elllie, I have deciphered using the key given on the level which gives text with errors. I also have a rather long key which I made that gives the correct letters. Neither the correct letters or the altered key letters will anagram to a word. I can't see how else to correct them.

  104. @Ellie I got Green 1, Blue 6a and 6b but don't know how to c**** it to go further down the green path :/

  105. @Lin, i did the same thing as you, but it's much easier. The long key is useless. You need to change in the gibberish (X's) with the level key, to make the answer look good.

  106. @aaaasa, use c**** to pick on main lvl.

  107. Thank you Ellie. That makes much more sense.

  108. @ellie draw again???? But I don't see how the url will help :(

  109. @Keeper, the url for the egg with dots help to tell what to draw. Some conversion needed first.

  110. @ellie OMG how did I not think of this? Thanks so much!!

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. lvl 54: When I use the s****** words/letters only I can't find a proper word. Tried several ways, dead end street everywhere.

  113. Got Green and Red in lvl 89, but still staring at Blue 6a and 6b. Are there more Blue eggs to find before reaching the Blue end?

  114. @aaasa, any hint what to do with green 3, to get green end?
    Still stuck there, and no idea about blue 6a and 6b.

  115. @ike, select words, and use firsts of those.

  116. LVL 50 I have a confirmation egg but not sure what to do next

  117. The next egg on 89 blue will be the end-egg :)
    To get there, nothing new, just the same thing you did to get egg 6b.

  118. Hm, tried that for blue. Will re-check later, need to be away for a while.

  119. Ellie - use the same trick of comparison you've just used before

  120. I finally pushed through lvl 71 with your help @aaaasa. Note to others - there is an error in the wiki list - you can find multiple lists out there - double check if you get gibberish

  121. lol @aaasa, I tried that too, but will need to re-check :)

  122. @ Ellie, and thank you again :-)

  123. 89 egg 6a&6b - I did the same thing on the 2 eggs, got a 4-letter word that looks good but doesn't work :/ Do I need more?

  124. One egg is made with the method, not both!
    But that egg is not ready yet, the method goes on.

  125. Ok, got all ends now. My mistake for green end was that i didnt see sri lanka as containing an R, but an M.
    My mistake for blue end was that i included 6b into the method, which gave gibberish.

  126. Aaaand stopped at 90 thinking about where to start :/

  127. LVL 50 really need a nudge here before I have to go back to work. please

  128. I need help on level 81, please. I don't know where to start. I can't find what is the relation between the names, the places and the pic name.

  129. @colmkilm, i think there are some previous help for that one, but the first thing you need to do is to recognise the shape the letters form, and apply something to each layer.

  130. @pipi for 81 google is not needed. You should get some words from the pic letters then focus on the level text using that hint.

  131. @pipi, you should get a sentence by reading firsts in the pics. No anagram.

  132. @Colmkilm: did you get an egg? If not what the image could be? (the number of layers, all different + the shape). To be honest, I did not figure it out by myself, thanks helpers!

  133. @Ellie Yes I had the shape and the confirmation egg and I was applying the initial letters of the magnificent seven-not the whole words. Thank you. I will carry on now and see where they lead me

  134. For 87 I'm taking another look at the dots. I got the golden egg already. By url will help, do you mean the pic name for the dots egg? I've tried converting and taking the pic name literally but I don't get a shape that I recognize.

  135. Colmkiln, sorry about late reply-on level 28-have got first egg, now trying to get second(seeing screen with black words on blue)

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. No one else has mentioned 88, so again I must be missing something obvious. I've been googling like mad - is the the wrong approach?

  138. Thank you, Puffin and Ellie! I got 81 now.

  139. @giovanniWhat is the pic on your first egg?

  140. Got it, thanks @minkie!!

  141. @minkie - just search in the page that the level gives you :)

  142. Ah, good puffin. I was just about to repost because I said egg instead of page.

  143. @giovanni use ftf on left side to get a word, then do the same on right. this will give you the two eggs that you need

  144. Lvl 55: I think I have everything...but got nothing so far! I know what c***** to use but are the things shown in the pics (I mean the n***) important?

  145. M_ B_ _ _, do I take that to granny?Ive tried it lots, but maybe just not seeing it.

  146. Ah I see, thanks aaaasa. I hadn't explored enough.

  147. @giovanni you need the other egg from ftf on the right side. that will tell you what you are looking for.

  148. Thanks, Colmkiln, giving it a go.

  149. @giovanni let me know how you get on

  150. @Eric, the n*** are not important. The only things that will help you is the letters in the first page, and what brought you to the egg. The cipher is clear, and the pic names tells to use the two you have.

  151. Colmkiln, got the two eggs, thank you so much! I had hugely overcomplicated it.

  152. @giovanni cool. now let google help with the two names

  153. I've started the riddles a few days ago. Everything jelled until lvl 58. I just can't figure out what does the S mean? I've read the hints before but I haven't the foggiest.

  154. @tinned vegitable, sometimes when you drive a car, you go neither l or r, but s.

  155. 90: i know i need past but how many letters in answer pls

  156. 89 I'm having difficult moving from green 2 to green 3. Do I need the info indicated from all the countries or just these five?

  157. minkie: only those 5 and answer is 4 letters long

  158. That's a relief! Thanks Mishu.

  159. Hello, I guess I'm late for the party :/
    Meanwhile I'm still at 24. I get the 6 items, then use granny as always, but it doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong?

  160. Hi justsmily. I was wondering if you would turn up :) I think you must have one of the wrong. No granny needed.

  161. Coming back to this after a day of not having the chance. Completely stumped on 84. No clue whatsoever how to reverse engineer. I've tried a few things on the cipher and just get more gibberish. I think I need a push rather than a mere nudge...

  162. Oh, I'm mistaken indeed. The flags of two countries are incredibly similar.
    I was a bit busy, so I only got my hands on the riddle today. It's nice to see you have progressed so far already.

  163. @minkie, if you need to go from green 2 to green 3 you need to use all the countries. Maybe mishu answered from egg 3 to the end?

  164. @bfs, you know which cipher to use, and you have some gibberish. Enter it as ciphered text, but you need to find the key in the lvl-page. Once you have the key you will (almost) be able to read something.

  165. yes, sorry minkie , my mistake
    Ellie, any hint for 90 pls, how many letters?

  166. @mishu, i dont know yet.

  167. 89 I thought something like that must have happened Ellie cos I got Green end without getting Green 3. Do I need to go back and find it? Or can I leave it be?

  168. @minkie, you need green 3.

  169. Posts crossed again Ellie, but thanks.
    Taking a break, but I haven't found the red path yet, so I may be back asking for help later :/

  170. 85 - maaan, nothing sadder than thinking you've got somewhere on your very own only for it to be a rotten egg. At least it was a "rotten but smart" egg...

  171. I'm stuck where Puffin was stuck earlier on Level 85, but I don't understand the hint they were given. How can I possibly get more than 5 letters from doing it "the other way 'round"? I tried starting from the end of each of the words and got 15 letters that way, but no anagram.

  172. Level 39 - I have the green word egg & 2 words based on the egg but I'm lost now. Can anyone give me a nudge in the right direction?

  173. Am I the only one stuck on 88? I have the US egg but can't progress further. Am I looking for more names? I've searched the wiki page til my eyes are blurry.

  174. @Occasional gamer - Go back to the grid and take the egg word literally. :)

  175. Puffin. The US interprets something on the page in a different way to some other countries.

  176. @BFS, use all the letters. Some letters match up more than once. It's two words. I got stuck because I was asking granny for one word.

  177. BFS I'm guessing you numbered the text letters and used numbers to pick letters to get your rotten egg. So the other way round would be to use ...

  178. @minkie, am I looking for a different c******r?

  179. Thanks, Puffin and minkie :) I have the egg now. I was in the middle of trying that method but didn't realise it was a two-worder!

  180. Not sure what c******r is Puffin. You are looking for a different format.

  181. Oh duh, my brain didn't even think of that! Thanks @minkie!!

  182. Stuck on 56
    I have eggs: 1-2-4-5 I do not understand the question of the egg 5 to which it refers to how many...? I can't find egg 3 either, how many eggs are there in total?
    A big push is appreciated. Thanks

  183. lvl 54 stuck.
    I don't see the w***s repeated in the title, some l*****s, yes, but granny don't like to give me something. Any advice??

  184. 86 - I have the two maths eggs and have been trying to apply themwith little success.

    @pichi: Converting the c*****r numbers should give you Egg 3. I think there are 6 eggs in total.

  185. @Zoran - The title is saying N_ R______ A______. So you need to consider only the w***s that DON'T contain d**b**s.

  186. Just started this and I'm a bit stuck on level 13 lol

    I've used the increasing ROT, and checked out ROT 24, but it doesn't make any sense - I get egsei!

    Please feel free to give me a whack round the head to clear it.


  187. @Mackem: Welcome! Your letters are correct - however, you may want to pay a visit to Granny (the anagram solver) with them to get the actual answer.

  188. Oh, and thanks for the riddle ST.

  189. @BlackFiresong, that was as simple as simple. Thank you for the whack :)

  190. Gonna start off the new page asking for a nudge on Level 86's maths - especially the dots in the centre, which are completely mystifying and frankly slightly terrifying. I'm off to ponder and fix myself some dinner!

  191. @BlackFiresong: Thanks! Find egg.3
    I guess I need to find the 4th word, but I still don't know how. I should find the 6th egg?

  192. @bfs think about dots in the obvious code


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