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Small Tool - A Lot More

A-Lot-More is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A-Lot-More is another successor of the all record breaking riddle games Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 90, got an egg, something tells me i need something b*****. Not finding anything that works.

  3. I am on level 82 egg 2. Am I supposed to get 3 words from each row?

  4. @BFS, do some conversion and apply the maths to the egg images and the related cipher. You should get two words.

  5. @pipi for 82 egg 2, you get 1 letter for each of the shapes

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Also, @BFS for 86, if you have the right cipher the dots will be apparent.

  8. @angua, that's where i am. Tried to do that but failing this far. Please send a hint if you manage to move on.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 89 I've got red egg 2 and red egg end. Am I going to need red egg 1?

  11. @minkie, no, you don't need red 1. If you got egg 2 and the end, egg 1 is a simpler version of egg 2.

  12. lvl 54 egg. Only r** m***** with f******* f***. Small push pls.

  13. Just found it Ellie. Right now to work :)

  14. @pipi, it's kind of 3 words, but not very well known (to me) words, and they should be used together.

  15. lol @puffin, making them one word works even better :)

  16. @zoran, you need to think bigger.

  17. @Ellie, you mean bigger r** m*****?

  18. @zoran, i mean you have part of the level not included in your answer.

  19. sorry Ellie but I still don't get it. I don't see any useful part on level for answer.

  20. stumped on 43. I got the first egg (G*****) but cant figure out where to apply the latin clue

  21. @zoran, include the title and do the same there.

  22. @amy, you could start by applying it on the very same one G******, but that will kind of be a dead end, so apply it on what gave you the g******.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Ellie,thanks but for me egg on lvl 54 was out of logic. lvl 55 looks like illusion and will be last for me.
    I reached the maximum of my thinking.

  25. @Zoran, the pic name in the egg is "not good enough", which would indicate you did well, but need to do more (of the same kind).
    Of course, with 111 + 11 levels, not all levels will be perfect for everyone, but mostly there is a very logic way to solve these (at least it feels logical after you know the answer).
    I hope you will go on, and there will be help in the comments when needed.

  26. Talking about logic... I know i should understand how to move on after the "Yes, but..."-EGG in lvl 90, but my brain is obviously made for smaller thinking.

  27. I'm at the same place Ellie. Run out of things to use.

  28. Tried whole texts, words, urls, starting page, clicking the buttons, applying c h a n g e different ways, counting...

  29. That list sounds about like mine, + another set which might be a bit to spoilery.

  30. Lvl 81 out of interest where is that notation from? I've never seen it before, we use a different one in the UK, and it's had me confused for hours!

  31. I am stuck on LVL 89 with the easy eggs - blue 1 through 6a and green 1. I don't know what else to try. I'm hoping I don't actually have to plot these on a map. Can someone give me a push please?

  32. I'm with Puffin on LVL 89. I have the entire blue path and the first egg for green. Nothing else I have tried is leading anywhere. A hint to get going again would be appreciated.

  33. You can use your green 1 egg to pick from the level page Puffin.

  34. @minkie, I've been trying that but i'm not sure what i'm picking. I've tried a lot of different things.

  35. You wouldn't be able to pick in this way if any of the letters in the Green 1 egg came after L.

  36. Thanks for the hints on 86, angua and Puffin. Doing the Maths works for me except for the very last calculation which gives me 5/2? Also, I can understand the meaning of the dots now, so I added the middle letter from the dotted grid from the relevant cipher to my batch of letters. I even got a decent word from Granny, but sadly it didn't work. I think my Maths must be wrong given the 5/2 issue. Can someone please confirm or deny?

  37. BFS 5/2 shouldn't come into it. I did find when doing the maths that some sums seemed useless, but they were OK when I switched the numbers around. The middle letters are not used.

  38. @minkie: Hmm... if I use Egg A on the first table and Egg B on the second, the bottom right corner sum becomes 5/2... unless I'm meant to use the table resulting from Egg A rather than the original table when applying Egg B?

  39. Bfs. I'm away from my computer now, but from memory you seem to be using the wrong two grids together. One egg use with no dot grid, the other egg with dots grid.

  40. Thanks @minkie, I actually had it I just miscounted :)

  41. For Level 89, I am not seeing how to get to green egg 3 from green egg 2. Is it something they have in common?

  42. LVL 48: I just don't get this. Read all the comments, m***** each l*****, stared at it for hours. Tried BF it by adding possible combinations with the letters I think I have. Nothing, nada, zip. I think I need a more explicit hint.

  43. @Bine for 48, example draw the letter "C", then draw it backwards and put the two together. You get a new letter. You might have to overlap a little to get the correct letter and use your imagination a little.

  44. Bine, What is the girl looking into? That is what you must do with the letters. That can be done vertically or horizontally.

  45. @LinR yes but it's the bigger "they"

  46. Can I have a hint on how to get the egg for 90? Should I be literal or...?

  47. Aaaasa I keep forgetting that my kindle autocorrects like mad. Sorry for your new name.

  48. @Puffin, @LinR: I had done the horizontal/vertical stuff and putting the left/right images together already. Might be a language issue or lack of imagination LOL.

  49. @minkie - lol it's ok :)
    so i should look into the past huh... need to find where they were then

  50. @Bine did you give your new letters to granny? One letter stays the same and you have 4 new letters. It might be a language issue. I'm thinking the girl in the pic is kind of dumb.

  51. aaaasa exactly. I've at last discovered how to turn off autocorrect, so no more assesses :)

  52. @minkie - thanks! got the egg now and will try to think b*****...

  53. Sleep now aaaasa. Leave a hint if you find out how to move on :)

  54. Level 61 Egg 2. Got a pretty rough rough looking smoker talking about g*****. I know (basically) who he is but not sure where to go here.

  55. @chael do what he says with your eggs

  56. @Chael, read the quote. It tells you what to do to the words that gave you eggs 1a and 1b. Pay attention to what is not significant.

  57. For LVL 89 green egg 2, do I need to look at the f***s of all of the countries listed on the level page or just the ones that got me to that egg?

  58. @puffin don't worry too much, you will find out the trick very soon :)

  59. Nope, not getting LVL 89 green egg 2, there are so many similarities among many of the f***s. I don't know how to narrow it down.

  60. Need a push on 47. I understand the made of, but not made for and made for and not made of. I'm just not finding the groups. I see food, soap and oil, liquid but I don't think those are correct.

  61. @puffin look at them row by row

  62. Still stuck on lvl 58. I think I know the meaning of S (Thank you Ellie). But I can only get the 4th, 5th and 7th, the rest is unidentifiable. Maybe the way I move is wrong. Do I need to turn to move in next direction?

  63. Sorry for being so dense @Keeper but I am looking at them row by row and still getting way too many letters. I'm not getting anything for row 4. Am I looking at colors only? Or color and design?

  64. Level 89 -- got the blue end and red end, but stuck on green 3. Could I have just a little nudge?

  65. @Puffin--it has to do with colors.

  66. @Puffin - yes only colors. Maybe you got some of them wrong
    @Laurie - do the same trick that lead you to egg 3 again. You need 4 letters

  67. @Laurie, can I ask how many per line? For instance, I am getting 7 for the last line. 4 have the same 2 colors and 3 have the same 3 colors.

  68. @Puffin -- there is just one thing in common across the items in each line.

  69. Got it finally!! Thank you @Laurie!!

  70. lvl 55 got egg again with nuts. I use proper cipher but I don't know what to put inside in box.

  71. @Zoran you need to use the cipher to decode some gibberish with a key (which is usually a proper word). You've seen both of them in that level :)

  72. @Zoran The names of both images hint at something.

  73. lvl 56: got eggs 1-2-3 but cannot find the 4th (and all the others). Tried to make calculation in every way, picked letters, investigated on the "authors" but nothng. Any push is welcome.

  74. @TV, where did you found name of images?
    I tried everything, nuts, illusions, palm trees, girl, women. Nothing happen.

  75. @Zoran make it simple: save them.

  76. @Eric Use the results which get you to Egg 2 to pick.

  77. @TV thanks, that's one of the many things I had tried but just in the wrong source!

  78. @bfs don;t know if you are still stuck, but look at the middle squares of the letter grids.

  79. 'ellie and @minkie are you still stuck on 90 egg1? I've run out of ideas

  80. I finally understand the paths of 58. Onto lvl 59 now.

  81. @rinner, are you still in 58? I dont have my computer now, but i remember correct you need to draw a little line for every instruction. For example for L, draw a line to the left, and if S comes after, you need to imagine it is more to the left as if you were driving the car that way. I hope im right about this lol.

  82. rinner = tinned (autocorrect), and I see you got it now :)

  83. @angua, yes still stuck there. Im not by my computer, but constantly thinking and no new ideas.

  84. @TV, make me a sign if you pass the egg 2 of 59. Am stuck there and do not even know what is the pic.

  85. It seems that there is a crowd stuck at lvl 90 :(
    I have got some words from my tries and none of them worked

  86. lvl 82 I thought I knew what was meant by the things being different sizes, but not getting very far. Is there only one size within each letter, or multiples? As I think I'm getting too many possibilities for me to be on the right track...

  87. @Keeper thank you, at least I'm following the right track...

  88. @Eric
    You have 2 words. Do what the picture indicates.

  89. lvl 58: I wonder if each set is only 1 letter, because my drawing so far looks like "Kindergarten" - stuff

  90. @Ike lvl 58 each line is one letter

  91. Struggling on egg 2 level 60. Is there any confirmation eggs to validate each one ?

  92. @ Vikkih : thank you, I'll scribble on

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. @Eric, you see parts of the letters. Try to take the white part of each letter shown to end up with new letters.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. lvl 82,stuck on count again egg,despite all good hints cant get it,any help!

  97. @theartist - count all sizes within each shape

  98. aaaasa Have you made any progress on 90 beyond the 1st egg.

  99. @minkie nope :/ running out of ideas as well

  100. @minkie and @angua - thank you so much! It finally clicked for me coming at it with fresh eyes and a clear and caffeinated mind. :D On Egg 4 now and hopefully will be able to figure that out.

  101. @Ellie: thanks for the hint but... how could the 3rd, 5th and 7th be different ???

  102. Stuck on Level 90, not even an egg. I saw the "look back" hint. I have tried n***s of c******s, URLS (before and after), but nothing so far.

  103. @Laurie - remember in which levels did you p**** the b*****s?

  104. @aaaasa -- yes, I keep track of all that. Is it significant that some of the b*****s were not actually b*****s, but something else? One was a b*** and one was a t******* c****. Do I not count those? And do I need the level n*****s or the URLs, or what?

  105. @Eric - you need to do some conversions and math to get the 7 letters :)

  106. @Eric, converting the big letters to numbers help.

  107. @Laurie - the firsts of texts will give an egg but apparently we need something more :/

  108. @Laurie, firsts. Use all pages.

  109. Just level pages, or everything? I'm sure there are eggs I haven't found.

  110. No need to use eggs Laurie. You were close to getting it right earlier, but use text, not urls.

  111. Laurie,
    I make a lot of eggs and I'm pretty sure nobody found all of them (some are very farfetched, but hey, I try to get in your minds too :P)
    It would be very unfair to make a level(part) about that.

    Are you sure about that latter part?

  112. Uh ST? I thought that's what I did. Trying using the urls got me nowhere. Perhaps I should look at them again.

  113. LVL 81 Egg1 - Had a good run! I am trying the same method I used to get the first egg but it is not working. I even tried to include the picture name. Any hints, please?

  114. @Chael it should work if you found all of them in the text. should be helpful :)

  115. @s-t I've been staring at the urls for the b***** pages for quite a while. Tried counting, picking and combining but none worked :/ Do I need 6 letters or should I look for more?

  116. @aaaasa Thank you so much. Of course, I am an idiot. I didn't realize they could repeat.

  117. 87 - don't know what to do after getting the golden egg. Clearly there's another egg since this egg's Egg A, but I don't see anything else I can work with.

  118. 90)
    Not really a hint, but more pointing out where the ( imho, very obvious and clear :P ) hints are;
    - The level url and the picture are telling you what to do.
    - The pictures and the texts (on level and egg) are telling you where/how to find it.

  119. You can work with the URL BFS - like I'm trying to do on 90 :/

  120. BFS I mean the url on the dots page.

  121. @minkie: I found some earlier hints to that effect... but I don't really understand what makes a n***** s***?

  122. @BFS - how about making s***** into n*****s? :)

  123. @minkie: Ahh! Facepalm! How obvious. Thank you <3 I was over there trying to figure out which numbers were above and below the water. LOL. S-T would be laughing if he could see me!

  124. I'm laughing a lot, BlackFiresong :)
    Already so many comments with things like: should have seen that, so obvious, way easier than I was making it etc etc. :)
    I thought you guys knew by now I don't make difficult levels, I'm just hiding the obvious in plain sight. But I guess you all still keep falling for that :P

  125. lvl 90 - From the position of the first egg pic I assume that it has something to do with the f*****s? Not sure if I am on the right track though :/

  126. Not only the position of those guys (on level and egg) is hinting that, but the url on the level is literally telling so, aaaasa :)

  127. Hmmmm at least now I know I'm not barking up the wrong tree :) but playing with those f*****s doesn't give anything obvious so far

  128. lol, it's always easy to know what to do once you already have the solution.
    The very first thing i did on this lvl was to remove "un" from the left side, but that took me nowhere :) Now, i've tried like a hundred other things, but still looking...

  129. That was my first attempt too Ellie!

  130. You guys still got that big hint on the egg!

  131. LVL 82 Egg1 - Very confused. I have read al the hints but I'm still screwing this up. The second letter for example - there are 15 1x1 blocks, 5 2x2 blocks (if you allow for overlap or 2 otherwise) and 1 3x3 block. I keep counting this as 18 or 21. And I'm not sure I'm on the right track.

  132. Chael, yes you are. Overlaps are allowed.

  133. Nevermind. Just popped after I asked.

  134. Thanks Minkie! You are quick!

  135. Cos I keep comeing back here hoping for enlightenment Chael :)

  136. @Ellie and Minkie -- I tried that too. My second attempt was to change "will" to "wont". That didn't work either.

  137. 90 YAY I got an egg ... using a non-word.

  138. You can make it a real word.
    No change though, same egg.

  139. @minkie -- a tiny hint, perhaps?

  140. Yes I've found that now ST. Thought I tried it before, but I must have used it on a different right side.
    Laurie, don't forget the very beginning.

  141. Would have barely got anywhere on 89 without all of your hints! Thank you. And a big thank you to Puffin for asking all the right questions!

  142. 90 done :) Think what steps you have to take.

  143. Wow, well done, Minkie :)
    Congrats :)

  144. I did try THAT word yesterday!!! (on the wrong part, OF COURSE...)
    Onto 91!

  145. @minkie - I tried taking into account the f***** of the very beginning but still found nothing :/ So I need 7 letters right?

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Lvl 60 egg 2 : staring at these "letters" for hours, rotating, manipulating, converting...and cannot see the trick! I feel ashamed!

  148. Can't find the first egg on 90. I've looked at the pages. I have 5 of them... 6 if I count the one just before the game. I've taken firsts of the text and I do get nice words with 5 letters and with 6 letters, but neither of them work.

  149. @Eric - you need to convert them into n*****s, do the division and convert the results back

  150. @BFS - You should have 6 (or 7 if you count the very first one). Maybe check your notes again? :)

  151. Ahh, I had missed one out in my scrolling through my notes! Got it now :) Now to read all your helpful clues for the rest!

  152. Well done @minkie! I tried that yesterday, but forgot the very first one.

  153. So I've approached all 7 f*****s from both ends, either I got a "word" that looks like Spanish, or I got gibberish that doesn't form a word at all. Can I have a bigger hint here?

  154. @aaaasa, yes 7 is correct, but dont look so much at the f******, more what's between.

  155. I guess I not understanding what the f*****s word is?

  156. @aaaasa, that's what I have been trying to do for hours. But I cannot divide the 4th and 6th letter! If I am not wrong, the divider is the number of L**** from the egg, correct?

  157. @Eric - Looks like that the white portion of those 2 letters only takes up one fifths of the total height :)

  158. @Ellie - Do you mean I should focus on the steps between these pages? but that doesn't give 7 letters :/

  159. It does if you consider the somerulesetc page as 0 aaaasa.

  160. hmmmm so I've already considered that but I didn't consider the level page... anyways didn't get the other egg but onto 91 now :)

  161. @eric, the first one would be 1/4 of D.

  162. @Ellie: I do agree. Still trying to figuring aaaasa's hint! My cells are boiling (if not already burnt...)

  163. @Eric, so the 4th letter would be 2.5/12 of E which is around 0.2xE (or 1 fifth of E).

  164. Lvl 91 - are there any eggs to find?

  165. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm still on LVL 89. I can't get egg Blue 6b. I have green and red ends. Can someone give me a hint please?

  166. Puffin - check the pics for Blue 1 to Blue 5 for something unused :)

  167. @Puffin: for Blue 6b, note that each egg page has some familiar text on it and some additional text as well. Try doing something with the extra words.

  168. I tried using the steps and got a word, but it didn't work. Did I use the wrong steps?

  169. meanwhile looking at the pic for lvl 91, noticed some words and some l*****s being used more than once but getting nowhere...

  170. Yes aaaasa 2 lots of 4 and 4 lots of 2. Feels like it should be important somehow. I'm trying to understand what that ampersand is doing there.

  171. Laurie. Are you using the word in the right place?

  172. Thanks @aaaasa and @Laurie!

  173. lvl 82 egg 2,are there seven letters in the first row,Ι really cant distinguish them

  174. @Ellie and aaaasa, thanks for being so patient. Onto egg 3 now. My brain cells are so burnt that I had an error in my letters for hours... Anyway, Ellie, I would not have noticed the .5 without you. Was sure it was a "full" number.

  175. 82 theartist. No there are five.

  176. OK so somehow I got egg 1a out of the extra l*****s but that doesn't seem to be the correct way since not all the extras are used :/ also the pic on egg 1a seems too difficult to google without the help of egg 1b?

  177. It is the correct way and in a way you used them all.
    Now use them all for real.

  178. @minkie -- I guess I don't know of what other place I could use it?

  179. Laurie Earlier you said that you had tried using wont instead of will. Have you tried in that place?

  180. aaaasa. 91 I've been trying to get something from those letters and failing. Is it to do with intersections?

  181. @minkie I just put all those extra l*****s into a Scrabble Word Finder and used the longest word it gives. Still not sure how in a way I used them all though :/

  182. mmm I've entered the longest words from and DW.

  183. @aaaasa, i think the idea is to use only the doubled ones, like A is doubled twice, so it will be 2 a's in the answer.

  184. @minkie in the pic there should be more than 4 lots of 2 I think

  185. whoops. Missed one. Just spotted that. Thanks aaaasa

  186. still stuck on 90 egg, I tried f****s and also urls before the c*****, after the c*****, and diff between them
    nothing works so far

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. @shahar, the f*****s are not literally important. C**** them between the buttons.

  189. @minkie: I finally got it. I'm not sure how I would ever have discerned the right things to do from the level pics.

    @S-T: No, this was not an easy level.

  190. still on lvl 55 first egg. Found author of i*******s found proper cipher, but nothing. I found picture but I don't know name of picture and only gibberish for me is H*****.What I am missing?

  191. @zoran, all you need is the proper cipher, the gibberish and the word that gave you the egg.

  192. thank you Ellie, finally got it

  193. LVL 56 I have two eggs and think I know whatI need to do but where? Any help please?


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