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SD Asylum 2021

Melting-Mindz - Asylum 2021 is a new point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. You woke up all alone in this forsaken place. Why are you here? Look around and see if you can find any clues to what brought you here. Along the way, collect items and solve puzzles and maybe you will find a way to escape the asylum! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. it opens, it is just slow.

  2. what is the clue for 5 colors at mirror?
    the book gives some clues but I can't get the correct order...

  3. However, some of the doors won't open. The book doesn't show the clues. I was so excited, and now disappointed.

  4. The book has the color clues, I got through the walkthrough. The clue is on the last page, which I could not see.

  5. thanks, I have looked in the video-WT...

  6. dammit cant find orb bottle LOL

  7. now I dotta find damn lighter..

  8. Hi Leroy, you have to do the colours in the mirror for the lighter

  9. I'm still super happy that we got a new asylum. but there are a few glitches. the book worked at first, now I just get a blank screen. doors open normal with keys, but the gems get swallowed by the "star", not sure if that's supposed to happen. thought color code was color of writing in book but doesn't work, maybe there's an additional clue but can't check the book anymore...

  10. Ah ok have to go by dates... all good. (apart from the disappearing book which made me start over). Thank you so much SD!!

  11. How does using yellow twice and red once make any sense?

  12. How can we go by dates if two of them are the same?

  13. Looked at walkthrough for the mirror colour sequence. I can't see how it makes sense.

  14. Now can't get the jewel off the candles.

  15. Anyone find the logic for the color sequence???

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. jojoma i see this sequence in the walkthrough video, but wheres the clue? Wheres the logic? This not make any sense!!!

  18. Thanks SD, glad to see a new asylum game!

  19. Having the same problem as Clodagh. Full inventory and can't take the last gem.

  20. Ok, got it from the walkthrough. You place the gems under the last ghost at any time. Clears the inventory.

  21. Placed the red gems and nothing happened?

  22. i didnt buy the lantern...used the items i more orbs and i can't get the keys to open doors...put 2 gems under ghost...stuck

  23. Pats Fan you need the lantern

  24. Yeah but i made the mistake of buying everything but...and now there's no more orbs to buy it

  25. Very slow or unresponsive navigation. I click and click and nothing happens. Map is a blank page. Giving up after being bumped back to the start and losing all progress.

  26. restarted...bought the lantern...when i picked up my second gem it replaced the first one...5 gems and no puzzles/gems left...not restarting again!!

  27. Use lantern in candle room to unstick the red gem from the candlestick.

  28. Need 6 red gems to complete game. You will need to place a few of the gems on the star in room D as soon as you collect them because there are not enough spaces in the inventory for all six.

    Locations of the red gems (Spoiler):

    1 for vanquishing evil spirit in A, 1 for spirit in E
    1 for completing 3 word puzzle, 1 for completing 5 number puzzle
    1 stuck in drain, 1 from candlestick

    Also, don't buy the second relic until after you get the key to room N. There are more orbs in rooms M and N.

  29. where's the book?
    and what do we do with "fire" on the wall?

  30. One of my gems disappeared cannot continue.

  31. Thank you SD for the time and effort you put in to creating this game.
    Great game, worth the wait.
    Appreciate the clickless collection of orbs.
    No problems playing (in Firefox).
    Puzzles were not difficult except mirror.
    Nice puzzle with dial for the color word clues.
    Didn't understand how to figure the color order in mirror.
    Thanks to player jojoma for clue(GRYBY).

  32. Sorry, but this game was really terrible. I think this was not SD. :-(

  33. I was excited to play this, but unfortunately, it's far too glitchy and basically unplayable. I had to click on everything several times to get a result. I could see the book at first, but then I started to get a blank screen whenever I clicked it. Then at some point, one of my gems disappeared from my inventory. I ended up having to quit without finishing. I wish Flash hadn't died because these other engines just aren't the same, I don't think. It's sad :(

  34. Hey SD. Thanks for the game. I also didn't understand the mirror clue and one gem vanished from inventory so I couldn't finish. I really enjoyed having an Asylum game again and figure you'll get any kinks worked out for future games. Thanks again and wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday season.

  35. Thank you everyone! First I would like to say that I didn't have my regular tester this time so I did my best to find any bugs. Second, I did learn a lot from making this game so the next ones will be better. This new software I am using is not as easy to work with as Flash was. I am trying to do my best. Thank you again for sticking with me through the changes and I hope you will find the next Asylum to be better!

  36. Thank you Selfdefiant - love your games, and look forward to the next one!

  37. I was excited to have a great SD Asylum game, but it was so glitchy that I couldn't finish, even with walkthroughs and hints here. So sorry.

  38. So glad to play another Asylum game! This was very good fun! I also didn't get the mirror clue; I figured it had something to do with the color of the writing in the book, but I couldn't figure out how that mapped to the button presses. Thank you for providing a walkthrough for our moments of desperation. ;-)

  39. If anyone figures out the rationale for the mirror/book clue, let us know, please!
    If it was an error or SD is colour blind, let us know that too, so we know we're not all bonkers!

  40. I managed to complete the game without any glitches, thank you SD for creating these games that we can all play for free.And thank you for the effort you put in to trying to create them while adjusting to new software. Your games are the only ones worth playing here now.

  41. I can't pick up the tire iron even though I can see it. I wonder if it because my squares at the bottom are completely full?

  42. got to the end, placed the 5 gems, and nothing.


  44. Thank you so much SD for this game!
    It was fun and I'm looking forward to more of the good old Asylum games in the future!

    I have some feedback if you like:
    The game was fine in Firefox, only the candles needed to be clicked twice in order to light them.
    The navigation was great, so was the map.

    The static in some screens was a bit much for my eyes, as I am prone to migraines.

    Also, I couldn't pick up the last gem before making space in my tool bar.
    I hope in the future it will also be possible to sort the tools and scroll through pages of the tool bar.

    Thanks again for all the work you do!

  45. This is a very good game from an excellent developer that is nice enough to provide these games FREE. Cut him some slack! I'm a big fan of Selfdefiant �� I've been absent, but I am thrilled to get back to escaping with his work. Looking forward to the next one, man!

  46. One Red crystal disappeared. Its a pity. X


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