A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
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EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games
: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Play This GamePlease
try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course
when in need, help each other out the best you can!
@umsyt: Could you help me on Level 42? Have eggs 1 and 3a but missing egg 2
ReplyDeleteLevel 28 - I have eggs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.b. I need help with the key of egg 4 to find egg 5.a.
ReplyDelete@Puzzled: Finding Egg 5a is actually quite simple, use a basic riddling technique on what you see on Egg 4.
ReplyDelete@colmkin, use what the pic suggests on the pic
ReplyDeleteFor 45, word(s) is indeed what you look for. Ignore the c*****s
ReplyDelete@jay, thank you found the egg finally
ReplyDeleteOn a second thought, those c*****s might actually be a hint
ReplyDelete@Jay, yes I have 2c and a rotten egg from it.
ReplyDelete@Jay - Thanks :) Still not finding that basic riddling technique ...
ReplyDelete@Pipi: On the rotten egg from 2c, you see something in the picure that you could add (it is not so rotten after all). Maybe the fact that 3a was a recipe for food helps you to find 3b.
ReplyDelete@Edgar: If you are still around, could you help me on Level 42? Have eggs 1 and 3a but missing egg 2.
ReplyDelete@Jay, For egg 2, do as you did to get the first one, but this time include what you left out first time around (symbols count)
ReplyDelete@Jay - granny gave me egg 5b, not 5a ...
ReplyDelete@Edgar: Many thanks! The symbols count part was what I was missing ...
ReplyDelete@Jay, The picture of the rotten egg is the same as the pic of egg 2c. I don't understand what I have to add it to. I tried hundred things.
ReplyDelete@Puzzled: Seems my post does not show, trying again: Grannying g*** on Egg 4 gave me Egg 5a on Level 28. Maybe we are talking about different levels?
ReplyDelete@Pipi: You see 2 e*** in the picture. Ever heard about c****** e***?
ReplyDelete@Jay, thank you! No, I have never heard about these.
ReplyDelete@Jay - this so weird lol. I assure you that grannying g*** on Egg 4 gives me Egg 5b on Level 28. It doesn't matter now because playing with "my egg 5b" I just found egg 6 so... Thank you very much anyway for your help :)
ReplyDeleteLevel 10: Still not getting it. Tried picking letters in various different ways using the a***w and what I assume is a start point. Even tried things that come in s****s. Going round in circles here, lol.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - Level 10: The start point is Pi.neapple pie
ReplyDelete@ Dino -- thanks! I was using the wrong center point for one of them. On to 26 now.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: Thank you. That got me going again. onto level 11
ReplyDeleteLevel 41 - I've yet to find eggs 1e & 1f and I took 1g to a supposed temp end after part c. Now I'm very stuck:(
ReplyDeletelvl 27 cannot find 2b, have 1, 2d, 2c, 2b think i have the 4 a**** t***** for those, but cant find 2a, a nudge please
ReplyDeletejust noticed my typo, need 2a not b
ReplyDelete@Edgar - how many words are needed for 45? There seems to be too many of them :/ I thought the c****** tells me to look for words within that shape but what I have doesn’t seem to work
ReplyDelete@robin - This one is text only. Except the pic is kind of telling you what to do with it...
ReplyDelete@tia, is the text you are referring to the p** n***? it doesnt give me anything, nor does going with the 2 letters that mean the same as the sign s-t is holding
ReplyDelete@robin - Just talking the text on egg 1. It was instructions for some eggs, but not for egg 2a.
ReplyDelete41 - Did manage to get another rotten egg looking for 1e & 1f...
ReplyDeleteI got 1e!!
ReplyDeletecan I get a little nudge on Level 28? I have the rotten egg and know the type of puzzle. I am starting with 2 letters from the black and looking for an alternative to the blue, but finding nothing useful. Does the number of ? match the answer length?
ReplyDelete@Hancock - I'm not sure you are thinking of the right puzzle. The number of ? does match the answer length as do the black letters. And don't look for an alternative for the blue. It really is a key for solving this.
ReplyDelete@tia, i was trying to get some (I thought I found 2) letters from the black and some letters from a synonym to the blue word. So, I need to get all my letters from the black? And the blue is a hint?
ReplyDelete@Hancock - The blue is more than a hint. I refer you to my post above. A hint would be to think about who was into ciphers and categorizing wind speeds.
ReplyDeletewow, thank you @tia. the rotten egg got me searching for a rebus and I never would have made the wind speed connection.
ReplyDeleteIf you solved 45 by finding c***sing l*****s between words, then that isn't working for me. Is there at least a set length the word needs to be?
Level 41 - I'm almost out (I think). I have 1e, 1f and 2a. Looking for 2b now and would love a little hint. Thank you!
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ReplyDelete@tialuisa I am exactly where you are on level 41. I seem to have everything except 2b. And what's the deal with the temp end? Please post if you come up with something.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa and Puffin - the trick to find 2a and 2b are the same, just pick from the n***s instead of the words.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa I just noticed the word that gets you to egg 1g part one. I'm pretty sure it's a clue as to what the temp end is. So back to looking at the previous eggs...
ReplyDelete@aaaasa - Thank you!! I'll work on that :)
ReplyDelete@Puffin - Thanks! I'll take a look at that.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa on 41 I thought I picked from the n***s to get to egg 2a so I'm not sure what to pick from. I assumed the number of objects in 1f was important so I tried to pick from the e** w**** accordingly but didn't get anything (I did get something from one granny but it was no good).
ReplyDelete@Puffin - in that case you can get 2b by picking from the e** w***s with the same numbers that gives you 2a.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thanks! I thought I tried that but will try again
ReplyDelete@aaaasa - It seems like picking from the e** w***s is what got us 2a
ReplyDelete@aaaasa - I changed the 2nd and 3rd groups to another n*** but I wouldn't even know how to do that with the 1st and 4th
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - maybe look at 1a to 1d again and think their connection with 1f :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa - That was a huge hint! I never would have got there on my own. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteOn level 41 I now have egg 2b and supposedly I know the k** but I don't. I thought it was obvious but I didn't get anything from the gibberish.
ReplyDelete@Puffin - I'm right there with you. I spent a few minutes basking in the exhilaration of finally having 2b and then, well, doh. But come on Puffin, we can do this!
ReplyDelete@tialuisa I'm glad I'm not alone!
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ReplyDelete@robin : I can see the s****s, but I'm afraid I'm not quite understanding much. I might be too focus and need to be pull out of it, but it just feels like something I can't see. It does feel very strange though, that there's only 2 states. Am I getting a bit closer?
ReplyDelete(In Level 25. @Esterban, I think you're hinting me Intro 25? Unless I really doesn't see anything. ^_^)
@tialuisa ah I didn't try that one! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo 42 here we come!!
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef - When you look at the pic, how many letters would you expect to get from it? Try reducing that by half.
ReplyDeleteIntro 30.10 egg 2: just like many of you before, not a single idea to solve this one. Read the comments regarding the method of Intro 21 but cannot find where and how I can apply it. Just running out of (clever) ideas on how to find my way after 2 days stuck there. Help?
ReplyDelete@umsyt, it's not about c******* l****** in 45.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, not all the words are important. The c**** belongs to one of the things to find.
Sorry, just slept 4 hours and need to go to work, will be back later today.
Level 45 is a very difficult level.
ReplyDeleteLet's not make it more difficult by (maybe) misunderstandings because of the *** use in the comments.
I don't think saying 'colon' and 'cross'/'crosses' is giving anything away at all, so feel free to use those words :)
Ok @st, lvl 45, the colon is included in one of the things to find in lvl 45. The level is not about finding crossing letters/words.
ReplyDelete@Eric, you have two bold words. The first can be split in two parts. Use the "instructions" in the two parts with the second word.
ReplyDelete@Ellie - am I on the right tract to limit my search to words with 4 letters or more?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, right track. But don't limit yourself to single words either ;)
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ReplyDelete@Ellie: thanks. Now found 2 rotten eggs. Just to find the right one(s)!
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, I might have given you wrong info above. I'll clear it out...
ReplyDeleteWhen I say, don't limit to single words, I mean you (sometimes) need multi-word phrases, and these include (sometimes) words with less than 4 letters long.
@tialuisa : Thanks, not quite seeing it yet though, still needs a few more pushes. So I'm supposed to get 4 from 6 stuff? That kinda blocks out most ideas from me.
ReplyDelete@Edgar - Yes this is what I understood from your hint, but I can't recognize any phrases at all other than maybe the "i** *****" from the first row :(
ReplyDeleteOne more -big- hint before I have to be away:
ReplyDeleteDon't limit yourself to single straight lines, but roam free around the grid. The +s in the corners tell you can move vertically or/and horizontally only.
@Namchokdef: I guess you are still on Level 25, right? You must be "blind" to see it. But don't use just 3, use 6 of them at once to get a 4-letter-word in the end.
ReplyDeleteOn Level 42, I was so sure that Egg 2 hints at the n****** on the level page, just translated into r**** way of writing them and then used as m**** c***. but somehow that does not work. Am I on the wrong track here?
ReplyDelete@Jay - no need to translate, they're right there in the text :)
ReplyDelete@Jay : OMG! I did not see, but not super not see.... Thanks! Now to figure out the other one from the hints.
ReplyDeleteOn 40 level 2
ReplyDeleteGot two rotten eggs
Don't get the meaning of the b*** letters
And tried to use the same method as I did before again
Just got no nice word
@Edgar - Hmmm this just makes more options to try and none seems to work for now :/ Thought I need to use all the letters and the colon exactly once but that seems impossible
ReplyDeleteLevel 39 - A*********** - I get from a previous hint that I need 1 letter per word. I take it I need to find the same sound in each or the paired up words . Some seem to have multiple choices. Am I missing an easy trick here? Granny hasn’t like my combinations so far.
ReplyDeleteThanks @Namchokdef @keeper @aaaasa for help on TEOTEQ level
ReplyDeleteLevel 7 egg 1 - Unable to progress. Some l**** have 3 end points. Do I have to take FTF of all 3? What about numbers. Like for 205 do I have to take T? So confusing. And can't find any w**** l****. Also one of the l**** has WE instead of NS. Please help and thanks
Hi. Got 1a and 1b level 35. Do I have to go back to the main level? I can only think of Seinfeld's George Costanza with these pics...
ReplyDelete@mehroon each line has a specific end indicated on the pic.
ReplyDelete@Esteban - one line has 3 different ends depending on times. Should I take FTF of all 3? One line ends at 205. Should I take T for Two hundred and five?
ReplyDelete@mehroon No numbers ( no 205 or else) and take the most common n******n end, one per line.
ReplyDelete@mehroon - use only the lines on the main level page.
ReplyDelete@Chael - have you taken each pair to granny before taking the letter?
ReplyDelete@Esteban - look very carefully at the egg pics.
That Intro level 30.10 egg 2 will drive me crazy... Now got 2 rotten eggs but don't know how to do what is said in them... Tried the same method(s) with no luck. I really need some inspiration please!
ReplyDeleteMorning, all! Copy-pasting my comment from the last page 'cause I'm still stuck at the same point :(
ReplyDelete"I have Eggs 1a and 1b on Level 36. I got the k**. Not sure about the g*******h. Do I have to do something to what's on Egg 1b? I tried using it as it is and also reordering it in a similar way (using b*x t****p******n), but no bueno."
I've also noticed that the two egg pics are m***** i***** of each other. I tried treating the g*******h b**kw***s as a result. Got some letters that look like they might be vaguely promising but ultimately don't show anything. :/
@BFS - did you decode with the key first then rearrange them? If so you should get a phrase that’s good to use.
ReplyDeleteThanks @aaaasa. Couldn't see it without your help... But still at level 35, looking for 2c. I've seen it's visual. Combining the 1a and 1b pics? I can't do a word.
ReplyDeleteFinally on 46, thank you ellie and edgar!!
ReplyDelete@Keeper - can you leave another hint for 45? I'm still not sure how many words are needed if I'm allowed to make turns when finding the words :(
ReplyDelete@aaaasa this level is very difficult. It's easiest to start at the bottom right, once you find the first one you'll have more idea what else to find
ReplyDelete@Keeper - Thanks! I actually got some of them right on the first couple tries, but didn't put them together lol
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: Yes, I tried decoding the gibberish as it is and then rearranging, but I don't get anything usable :/ I have been using the C***** c****r with k*****d. Is that correct?
ReplyDelete@BFS I think you have the right c****r
ReplyDeleteI am still very confused as to what I'm looking for on 45.
ReplyDeleteLevel 46: everything I've tried can't get me to egg 1a, must be overlooking something very obvious :(
ReplyDelete@umsyt you're looking for word (or words) with a common theme. Sorry can't say further or it will be a spoiler
ReplyDeleteLevel 7 egg 1 - Is the answer composed of 4 letters? I'm not able to get anything
ReplyDelete@Keeper - be literal and you should find egg 1a
ReplyDelete@Mehroon Yes
ReplyDeleteLevel 41 - I have Eggs 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1f. I guess I'm trying to find 1d next. I have tried using both g******* (that's how I have the eggs I have) but not getting the right letters to the correct g*****
ReplyDelete@Chael - granny is so good with cooking that she will not allow any leftovers to go wasted :)
ReplyDeleteLevel 47: I had a perfect word with 3a and 3b but it didn't even qualify for a rotten egg :(
ReplyDelete@Keeper - am I supposed to recognize the pic in level 47 egg 2?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa yes, but you know the theme already so it's not hard to recognise. It can be found in a wiki page
ReplyDeleteHi again. I'm still stuck at level 35, looking for 2c. I've seen it's visual. Combining the 1a and 1b pics? I can't do a word.
ReplyDelete@Esteban - maybe try lining them up a bit? If you do it correctly they should combine without overlaps.
ReplyDelete@Keeper - there are confirmation eggs to find for 3a and 3b p**s
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ReplyDelete@BFS - looks like you have the letters correct so maybe you arranged them incorrectly?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa: I finally got it! Don't know why my arrangement was such a mess before. Finally on Level 36 Egg 2.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa thank you! Just curious about the purpose of the 3b conf egg...
ReplyDeletegood morning,I need a finally nudge on 27 please, have eggs 1 and 2a-2d, have tried ftf of everything, tried a**** t***** but nothing rings a bell for granny, any help this morning please
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ReplyDelete@robin - if you know what 2a-2c are, just apply 2d on them and get 2 words as answer.
ReplyDelete@Eric - have you tried using the 2 methods that gives you the rotten eggs together?
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ReplyDeleteaaaasa: got it right after posting. Now onto egg 3!
ReplyDeletenvm, it popped as soon as i sent that
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ReplyDeletelevel 49 - got egg 5a but can't find egg 5b :/
ReplyDeleteFinding level 7 very difficult
ReplyDelete7.3a gave a rotten egg. Unable to get anything more
7.3b no idea how to change those rotten egg letters to get anything meaningful
Struggling so much on Level 37 Egg 2. Have managed to get Egg 3d but not any of the others. :(
ReplyDelete@mehroon: You've done the hard work if you've got the rotten egg after Egg 3a. Just use 3b to pick (instead of the basic riddling you did to get the rotten egg) and you're golden.
ReplyDelete@BFS - imo 3d is the hardest one to get out of the 4 lol
ReplyDeleteanyways you may want to double check whether some a*****s actually belong to a category despite their names.
@aaaasa: I read the earlier hints on 3d and it made it easier for me to get it, LOL. Managed to get 3b and 3c too by trial and error. Now stuck on 3a. I find that the most confusing because I don't know if it's the ones that are exclusively in that category, or if I should also count ones that are in other categories but sometimes in that one too?
ReplyDelete@BFS - yes, one can belong to multiple categories, and you would expect the first category to be the broadest.
ReplyDelete@BFS for 37 3a some can be in more than one category. Some are surprisingly in the category for 3a. Use your GOOd friend.
ReplyDeleteLevel 42 can I please get a nudge on where start? I have egg 3a and a bunch of rotten eggs. I've tried working with the w***s that have a h****n but getting nowhere.
ReplyDelete@Puffin - some basic riddling technique with the numbers and the text should get you started. The text also tells you how many letters are needed.
ReplyDeleteThanks, @Puffin and @aaaasa. Finally made it to Level 38. Even found a rotten egg on the way. Thanks for including that, s-t! I was drowning in possibilities otherwise.
ReplyDeleteNobody seems to have had issues with Level 38, but I genuinely have no idea where to start...!? Have tried looking for patterns, but nothing's jumping out at me...
@BFS for level 38 read the pic text
ReplyDelete@BFS - there’re eggs to help you on this level so you may want to start by looking for them on the t**** :)
ReplyDeleteThanks @aaaasa got a good start now
ReplyDelete@Puffin: I've seen the pic text and name but am still clueless :/ Those numbers are beyond a p*** of pl****g c**** or T***t c***s. I don't know what the name or the text are really meant to imply.
ReplyDeleteLevel 30 egg 2, I've tried picking and counting from my confirm eggs, from the level text, from extra confirm text...how to find egg 3?
ReplyDeleteNo idea what I need to get 1a. The simplest thing possible led me to 1b and I can't think of a good way to use the word at the top (my only idea makes the third one seem impossible).
Aaaaaand it POPped. 🙃
ReplyDeletelvl 29, i really feel silly to ask for help on this one, but i cant get egg 2, tried cityline, inclined, and many more but nothing is coming up, can i have a hint please
ReplyDelete@BFS for level 38 the text in the pic tells where to look for those numbers. See aaaasa hint above. There's a certain word that is important.
ReplyDelete@robin for lvl 29 egg 2 the big letters are important and try other words for l***. This one stumped me too.
ReplyDelete@Hancock for level 30 egg 2 go back to the l***l p**. No granny needed.
ReplyDelete@puffin thank you so much, got it
ReplyDelete@puffin, thanks! dumb mistake as usual...one letter off.
ReplyDeleteNeed further help on Level 42. I have eggs 1, 2 and 3a and now looking for a way to apply egg 2. I read aaaasa's hint above and I have some suspicion it's somehow related to special word combinations on the level text. But no idea how to decide which is which related to m**** c***. Trial and error did not yield any results so far. Can I have another push please?
ReplyDelete@Jay - I'm in the same place with the same problem and after having worked two riddles devoted entirely to this subject I am so disappointed in myself :(
ReplyDelete@Jay and @tialuisa I'm in the same spot
ReplyDelete@anybody: ...---...!!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, Level 29 seems very intimidating, and seems to be quite a hassle (for me at least because I suck at these types of puzzle)........ Not quite ready to read my way through yet......
ReplyDeleteI guess this is a time to rest. going to need lots of hints later, right now I'm staring hard at Egg 1 and not quite get it.
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ReplyDeleteHi. I need help on Level 4, Egg (Not the rotten)
ReplyDeleteI have counted in the words, the red letters, what the words indicate... But I get nothing. Any hints?
@Pichi for level 4 egg think of l**** placement and do what you did to get to the egg
ReplyDeleteLevel 27 with eggs 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d. Are there any more? I can't see what to do with what I have.
ReplyDelete@Laurie W - No more eggs. Think of (or google) who she is, what she does and what her body of work might be.
ReplyDeletePuffin I have the Egg with four words with 4 red letters.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what is l****
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ReplyDelete@tialuisa any progress on lvl 42?
ReplyDelete@Puffin - Completely at a loss here.
ReplyDelete@Pichi sorry I mistyped. I meant word.
ReplyDeleteI still don't understand Level 4, Egg. In the level there are three numbers and in the Egg 4 words, I don't know how to apply the 3 numbers to the words
ReplyDelete47 Egg 2:
ReplyDeleteThere are so many things about c...'s you could use that I can't think of what else (besides firsts) would help me get to the next egg.
@Pichi forget about the numbers on the level page. Think frequency of red letter based on where the word is, f**** word = one
ReplyDelete@umsyt - any help on 42 egg 2?
ReplyDelete@tialuisa -- thanks. Got it now!
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - ever wonder why there’re so many d***es in the text of level 42?
ReplyDelete@aaaasa - I have noticed them and am sure they must be meaningful. I'll keep at it :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa for level 42 I've been trying to use m**** c*** on the words with d***es. Is that not the correct method?
ReplyDelete@Puffin - looks like you forgot the other component of the c*** :)
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ReplyDelete@Puffin - all you need are already shown in the text, just need to separate them in a logical way and remember another letter also has the d**
ReplyDelete@aaaasa got it now. I forgot one little d** and that was throwing me off. Thank you!
ReplyDelete@aaaasa & @Puffin - Thank you. Have it now.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa now we're officially in hell :0
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ReplyDelete@Puffin - seems to be a recurring theme of s-t
ReplyDeleteCould I get a hint on Intro Level 17? Counting doesn't really get me anywhere..
ReplyDelete@umsyt - you need to recognise the pic first. Maybe check out the wiki pages you’ve used to get to egg 2.
ReplyDelete@Glacier Kitty - Let the bold letters be your guide.
ReplyDelete@Glacier Kitty for intro 17 the bold letters will tell you what you need to use
ReplyDeleteLevel 29 Egg 4 : Hmm, I see how the c**** would play in the answer, but the other component I'm not quite sure. Need a bit of a hint.
ReplyDeleteWhat is that r** thing called?
ReplyDelete@Laurie W : Oh.... Thanks! Too focus on the end, rather than the other side to notice it being valid.
ReplyDeleteIntro 30.10 egg 3, read somewhere it should be easy but not for me. Tried everything obvious but got only gibberish. Any help?
ReplyDeletelevel 30 egg 1, i cant see how to use the numbers on the main level as suggested, tried counting and picking, not getting any thing from google for the d****, a little hint please
ReplyDeleteStill don't get Level 42 ... I understood it's about l****** with a d**, however what about l****** that include a d***? When including those I get quite a lot of the latter. And also did not find any way of separating them that works throughout the whole text. Please help!
ReplyDelete@Eric911: You have three eggs. Apply what you see on egg 3 to each of them.
ReplyDelete@Robin: You first need to understand the meaning of the "-" sign on this level. What is -1 compared to 1? Now how to apply this to word groups you see on the level page? Only then the numbers on the egg will help you (google needed).
ReplyDelete@Jay: once again the light appeared right after posting! Thanks.
ReplyDelete@Jay for level 42 consider each w*** that has a d** and/or a d*** as a single l****r. Those with a d*** are considered one w***. Some will have only one, some will have a combination. It took me a really long time to get this. I hope I've explained it adequately.
ReplyDelete@jay, everything google shows seems to be a zero,and that doesnt help
ReplyDelete@robin: -1 is the in***** or op***** of 1. I think it's easiest to start with the third combination. What's the o******* of living? And what's the o******* of woman? And standing? Google this together with the corresponding number the egg and you will hopefully get an idea of how to go on.
ReplyDelete@Puffin: Many thanks, will try this now!
ReplyDelete@Puffin: Somehow Level 42 beats me. I have selected 7 words now, is that correct at least? They refuse to form a good word so far but will keep trying.
ReplyDeleteNvm, on to 3b now, many thanks Puffin for your help!
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