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Small Tool Game: A Big Small Mind

A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

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Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Oh. There is something else on a certain page.

    A few s***s, A few a*****s, 2 bad eggs, and a whole lot of confusion. Classic s-t.

  2. @Keeper, make sure you walk in the exact direction of the symbols. First letter should be N.

  3. Thanks ellie and congrats umsyt!

  4. Congrats @aaaasa and umsyt!

    Meanwhile still stuck in level 57, cannot find 1c. Seems I have to ask for hints in more and more steps with each level I advance :).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. @Jay - some mathematical thinking might help :)

  7. @Di999: On level 30.8 egg 3 you see 3 sets of flags. You can c**** them and use them to pick l***** from your 3 eggs.

  8. @aaaasa: Many thanks! Again, so logical once it clicked ...

  9. @Jay - I have done that - will try again, may have made a mistake.

  10. @Jay thanks again. Turns out that when I move onto another page in my notes, I copied the f*** n****** incorrectly (one extra one)! Feeling silly now so thanks for helping.

  11. Now also stuck on 58 ... Tried to apply the above hints and I also start with letter N as Ellie mentioned but afterwards I only get gibberish :). Granny also wasn't helpful. I feel I have a consistent method of interpreting the signs and wander nicely across the board but obviously I am overlooking something.

  12. @Pichi: Ftf on the f*** or more precisely the c****** n**** should give you an egg.

  13. Well done, @umsyt and @aaaasa!

    I'm stuck on Level 46 exactly where Chael was stuck (with 2 confirmation eggs and Egg 1b but no Egg 1a). The only thing I can think of to get from the confirmation eggs is the f*** n***s? But I've tried using the unused info from the level page on those in various ways without any luck. What am I missing? :/

  14. @BFS The hint I got really helped me. I wrote down the n**** and I wrote down (and spelled out) the level text that was previously unused. The visual aid really helped me.

  15. I'm still not getting level 54 egg 1. Is every word more than 1 step? Are L and R still used? Do I need granny? I don't get useful letters no matter which way I go or how many steps I take.

  16. Level 48 - From past hints it looks like I need to use m**** c***. But all I see is a long string of text. No clue how to apply it.

  17. @Puffin: Every word is 1 step, however it can be a d****** one. No L or R here. Look closely at the words and try to figure out which one could indicate d****** given the kind of directions you use.

  18. Jay I do not understand what it means: n****

  19. @Chael615: Have you spotted the hint in the p**? I had overlooked it at first. You will need this to p*** (as it indicates).

  20. @Pichi: It's the country names you are looking for.

  21. Level 25 - Read all hints but unable to get either egg 1 or 2. Should I look at e** p******? There are 5 of them on the first f*** but in such a way that they dont form any b****** letter. And regarding s***p****, no clue how to get it. Please help

  22. I'm doing a lot of wheel spinning on level 54 egg 2. I see that most words contain more than one instruction but trying to follow them has not been successful. I also do not understand the way the words are listed. (;) Can I get a hint please.

  23. @mehroon: Some of those jolly rogers can't see anything, maybe that helps you.

  24. @LinR: The way the words are listed is a r** h****** (or at least I did not use it). You have already seen that there is more than one instruction, further there is a hint from Ellie above that the real solution contains more than the rotten one. Maybe that helps you already.

  25. Stuck at level 59 with eggs 1a to 1d. Not sure how to proceed further, only found a d****** egg (and a rotten one) so far.

  26. lvl 40, need some help starting please, i see the 6 b*** l****** but cant make a word and have no idea what they mean. read all the hints but cant even get started a nudge in the right direction please.

  27. @robin: If you don't know what the black letters mean, google them (no anagram).

  28. @ jay, thank you , got the meaning will go try again.

  29. Sorry @Jay I'm still having trouble with 54 egg 1. There was a previous post that said that there are no d******* moves in the first 4 words and if every word is one step then I take my first step and the next step I'm back at GO. Am I starting in the wrong spot?

  30. @Puffin: The length of the words is relevant here. So you are not back to Go after the second step. And you do start there, no tricks :). And don't get confused: It's not just for the first 4 words that there is no d******* move, the first one of these is still further down the line.

  31. Level 54 egg 1. I've got a rotten egg, and trying to adjust my path. May I assume that I don't need Granny or wrap round the board? Most of my attempts are driving me to both.

  32. @Chael: Thank you so much! Your hint really helped me on Level 46 :)

  33. Stuck on Level 47 with Egg 1b. I don't know what to do to find Egg 1a. I imagine the top word on the level page is significant, but I don't really know how to apply that (especially to the third picture, since that is something fictional).

  34. @minkie: No granny needed, no wrap around. The steps are quite similar as those that got you to the rotten egg, only some are different. You can also go d******, look at the words closely and keep in mind what kind of information you use for directions here. Think about how you would describe a d******* move with these.

  35. @Jay, re:level 59. You've got that far by doing either one thing or another. Well... keep going!

  36. @BFS: Google all the ones that led you to 1b together to get an idea of what it's really all about. Then apply the word you already found out is significant :).

  37. Jay thanks! Level 11. I have the egg and I know the relationship with the level. I have found them all but no idea what to look at. Any push? Thanks

  38. Thanks Jay. Your answer to Puffin put me on the right track. And now Egg 2. Oh My!

  39. @Edgar: Many thanks! Had not thought of using them separately ... Had only used them together to get the d****** egg :). Now I guess I need to find 1e...

  40. @Pichi: If you have found the right ones, you might have noticed that they have quite special shapes. Follow up on that.

  41. Still stuck on Level 47 :( Now on Egg 2. I got all the right ones, but it only gave me a rotten egg. I tried to apply the main word from the main level page, but that gave me too many of the same letter. Not sure how to get actual good eggs with what I have.

  42. BFS Level 47 Egg 2. Really it's as easy as 123...

  43. Level 41. I've got all the egg 1's except 1e. Been to the temp end and back. What have I not yet tried with those old grannies?

  44. Congrats @umsyt and @aaaasa!! The trail blazers!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. @Hancock - the trick to get egg 1e and 1f for level 41 is are same
    @Laurie - there’s a confirmation egg for the theme of the level. Google is your friend here.

  47. @Hancock -- thanks. Just after I posted, I saw the earlier hint and finally got it.

  48. Level 55 - I have a confirmation egg and rotten egg.. I read that the questions should be converted into e******s, which I did and then counted to find their positions on the level page. Got letters from that but nothing came of them. Could use some help please.

  49. Congrats aaaasa!!
    I'm now stuck at 59 egg 5. Should I go back to find 1e first? Or try to use 1a and 1b (only got a rotten egg from them)?

  50. @Keeper - Thanks ! for level 59, it’s important to remember the techniques you used to find the eggs because you’ll need to use them a lot in this level :)

  51. @tialuisa - if you get the correct positions then granny should give you the eggs. Maybe check your findings again?

  52. @aaaasa - I will double check everything and Congratulations to you!!!

  53. OK, now I am really frustrated by Level 47 Egg 3a. I have tried several things, and have a large collection of rotten eggs. I have tried searching for the egg pic, and found no info on it. I understand I need to find a confirmation egg, but I do not know who is in the pic or what to call the object. I have tried several things, but no luck.

  54. NVM. It seem the only way I can get my brain to work on this riddle is to post. Then I get the answer immediately.

  55. @aaaasa hm, I think I've tried those techniques everywhere (at least on egg 5). For 1a and 1b, the rotten egg refers to another c*****. Is that relevant? But none of the words I have seems to be the right k**. And I can't get a vowel using the other technique on 1a and 1b.

  56. @Keeper - have you used them on the "k**"? :)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. grrr, I can't see it yet @aaaasa :( 41 egg 1f and 1c, I made a very basic selection from each phrase and visiting both grannies. I've tried picking in many different ways, LTL, sequential, groups of frustrated.

  59. @Hancock - if the grannies have different views on eggs 1c and 1f, maybe they don't agree with others either :)

  60. @aaaasa thank you, on 60 now :)

  61. Lvl 40 egg 2, not sure what to do after i leave the table, tried to ask granny but she had no answers, what do i do with the bold ones this time? took them to the table as well but that didnt help either. any help please

  62. oh gosh, i got it, thank you @aaaasa....the only one I didn't let both grannies play with!

  63. Level 48 -- I gather that I am supposed to convert the level text to m**** and then pick from it somehow using the thing in the pic. But how? Is it every nth character?

  64. @robin -- if you are on Level 40 egg 2, then you know the theme of the level. Do the same thing with the list in egg 2 as you did on the level page. Look carefully at the list of results and use a very basic riddling technique to get another hint. It will refer you to another table which you have already used before in this riddle. There is a confirmation egg for this, by the way. You will then need to convert your results from the first table into their long versions based on the second table. Then there is one more step to finish the level.

  65. 60: Tried s***, a*****, a**** with different ways of picking, had a few good words but only got 2 rotten eggs :(

  66. @laurie there's something else in the level to convert. Once you do it you may see how to pick

  67. 40 egg 2, I have done what i did on main level, then went to the p.t., now have n******s that i am trying to convert back to l*****s some how, that is where i am stuck Laurie (and not sure if i need the b*** l*****s this time, i took them to the p.t. as well but not helpful}

  68. It is not n*****s you need from the PT, it is n***s. Then use the b*** l*****s on the n***s.

  69. @ellie thanks, is this a literal level? Can't see how I can read the title and the text meaningfully :(

  70. @Keeper, you need to look at the info you collected.

  71. 56 - Made no headway here. The f*** t**** seem out of order looking at the pic and the amounts in each. I reorganized them, did a little arithmetic and got a (wrong) word. I read a hint about treating the h********** as a whole. Did that and got a letter which I added to my wrong word and got another wrong word. Any help at finding a right word? Thank you.

  72. @laurie, just so i am clear, i use the b*** l***** that i took to the P. table and pick from the n****? or do i use their positions in the words from the egg 2 page?

  73. @tialuisa - by treating them as a whole you need to f*** them together for 4 times and it is the end result that is important.

  74. Thank you aaaasa. I'll give that a go!

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  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. nvm, found my mistake. onto 41

  78. Level 56 I have egg 1a, 1b and two rotten eggs. I don't know what I'm still missing? A hint please?

  79. @Puffin - those egg words look quite short :)

  80. Stuck at level 59 egg 4. Cannot seem to find 1e or egg 5. Would be grateful for a hint :).

  81. And egg 5 just POPed :).

  82. Level 39 : Got the Confirmation Egg, and only that. Have not seen the Rotten Egg or a path forward at all, but have an idea from the egg hinting what to see.
    Do I need to know who everyone is to get to Rotten Egg or a hint? I am missing the two people in the middle (J and U)

  83. @Namchokdef: The rotten egg tells you that this is not the way to go and it's true for this one :). Focus on the text.

  84. Level 27 - I can't get 2a and 2d. Tried everything with that word in pic by removing each of the three words in turn, by removing two words at a time and by removing all three words together. The last gave me 2b and one of the second gave me 2c. All the others are giving not a single word but combinations of two or more words. Do I have to use 2 or more words to get 2a and 2d?

  85. Never mind! Google Lens is more powerful that I thought......
    Welp, that's the Rotten Egg cleared....

  86. @mehroon : For 2a, no need to use anything, but have you tried to ask "her" with everything? For 2d, you need to use something, but well........ who is she?

  87. @Namchokdef - I tried 'her' with everything but couldn't get 2a. Also I know who she is and 2b and 2c are names of her a*****, but it didn't help me get 2d

  88. Hi. At level 43. I can't find 1b. The main issue I have is that I don't get the first move. Is the d** positioned as in the pic? But that position doesn't exist on my physical d**...

  89. Still stuck on Intro 30 egg A end: don't know where to pick from my "diamonds". Everything I try give nothing. Must be blind as nobody else seems to have trouble with this one :-/

  90. Level 48 - I got the egg but that led me to a rotten egg. Not sure how to u** the p******.

  91. @mehroon: For egg 2a just take the text to granny. For egg 2d, keep in mind that "her" can be taken literally (as for eggs 2b and 2c) but she also has a name.

  92. @Esteban: I hated that one as well :). I think you actually need a d*** for it or it will be very hard. For this egg, the numbers in the directions are not steps but indicate the n***** on the d*** that needs to be on top after you flip the d*** in the indicated direction.

  93. @Eric911: At this point you are done with the Intro 30 TEOTEQ A path, you now need to find Intro 30 TEOTEQ Egg B (which is to be found from the Intro 30 TEOTEQ start page). Then it will be clear how to apply it.

  94. @Chael615: What do you see in the egg picture? What do you see in the rotten egg? Now remember (as Keeper reminded me ...) that m**** c*** is actually often written with 3 symbols, not just 2 ...

  95. Now stuck at the same place on level 60 as keeper was (or is?) - reading Ellies hint unfortunately did not help yet.
    @Keeper: Once you have made it, please leave me a hint :).

  96. @jay I didn't have time playing since my last comment and am still stuck at the same place

  97. @Jay & Keeper - you're almost there, maybe just start with the basics :)

  98. @aaaasa: FtF gave two rotten eggs, is there more to find with the basics? I noticed the y*** in one of them but could not apply it so far.

  99. @Jay - writing out what gave you the eggs may help you see it.

  100. @aaaasa: Hmmm if you mean the confirmation eggs, got those as well. Tried some further letter picking from them (n***** of lines for each s***, 1-1, 2-2 ...) but out of luck so far. Will keep trying.

  101. @jay I think I tried all but couldn't get anything :(
    Thinking if there are other ways of doing

  102. @Keeper: I also tried to pick from the s****, the a***** ... From what aaaasa said it should be easy but obviously too hard for me ...

  103. @Jay - no picking is needed for this one :)

  104. @minkie: A belated huge thank you for your hint on Level 47 Egg 2! I had everything I needed, but I just needed to process it in the right way :)

  105. @aaaasa tried counting and got a good word with the other granny but not working. Apart from ftf and counting, can't think of any other basic stuffs (I think it's too much for granny here...)

  106. Thanks @Jay. For 43, I had to take another d**, mine wasn't the same exactly... not the same arrangement of numbers on it... Super deceiptive. Now I'm still at 43 but stuck at 2b with 2 conf eggs (ftf/reverse ftf).

  107. @Keeper: It's no real FtF, or well, at least not the usual one. And indeed no picking needed.

    @aaaasa: Many thanks for your patience, it finally clicked and I'm done :).

  108. @Esteban: Look at your conf eggs closely, maybe you get an idea how to proceed.

  109. @jay congrats! "Not the usual one"?? It doesn't click (yet) =(

  110. No-one seems to have got stuck on Level 49 Egg 2, but I have no idea what to do on it. I've trying combining the word below the pic with other stuff, but I don't get anything good. I am sure I must be missing something really obvious :/

  111. Congratulations, Jay!!!! Amazing job!!!!

  112. @BFS - on the level page there’s no word or letters, so you know what should be done to the word first :)

  113. @Keeper: You might want to focus on the s*** n****.

  114. On level 58 with eggs 1c and 1d. Have I taken a wrong path again, or can I get eggs 1a and 1b using the path that got me here?

  115. @minkie - I don't think level 58 has eggs. Do you mean level 59 or some other level? :)

  116. Whoops. Sorry. I'd gone from 58 to 59 without noticing. Thought I was still in 58. OK I'll think some more.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. @Jay: re Intro 30 egg A end. Then I have to start from "scratch" to reach the B eggs? The key is not given by the A eggs? Cause Vigenere gives nothing but gibberish...

  119. Thank you for the hint, @aaaasa!

  120. I need big help for level 26. I know what scrabble is, but I've never played it (English is not my first language). Do I have to find out about the rules? Possibilities seem endless and I don't know where to start. I don't understand the hint in the p** n***. I hope someone would be able to push me in the right direction or I will have to give up.

  121. Thank you, @Jay, but still a bit stuck in Level 39
    I have half of the solution? (by consulting granny on each pair) I might be overthinking and blinded by it, that I can't find the other half.

  122. BIG thanks to ellie/edgar, aaaasa, jay and others for your help along the journey
    SMALL thanks to s-t for making this fun riddle :D

  123. @eric you need to go further back a bit for the other key
    @milena a bl*** t*** means it can be any alphabet, so there are many (p** n***) to make it a real word
    @namchokdef if you have a rotten egg then you have half already. Use all of them

  124. Same goes for me as well, would have never made it without all the help I got! THANK YOU :)!!! And of course thanks to small-tool for making great riddles!

  125. @Keeper: that level will drive me crazy. I first started "a bit further" and got again gibberish. What am I doing wrong?

  126. @eric it's all within intro 30. Focus on your a*****s. There is a conf egg for the key

  127. @keeper thank you, I'll try to figure it out. So it starts with the 3 letters available?

  128. Hi again! Level 45 I found some words (some quite long) but no eggs corresponding. Am I wrong? Do I have to find many words and ftf them? How many? Thanks!

  129. umsyt, aaaasa, Jay and Keeper. Well done all!

    I'm making my way through 59, but can't find eggs 1e or 5. I have 3/4 rotten eggs and a devilish message. Any hints on how to make progress.

  130. @milena yes
    @esteban you need word (or words) with a common theme. There is a conf egg for the common theme
    @minkie you probably have applied three techniques in this level so far. Keep on applying them on what you have. Btw do you have the red herring egg?

  131. Esteban You have to find quite a lot of words, using up almost all the letters, but one is a phrase starting near the bottom right corner. That may get you on the right track.

  132. Thanks Keeper. Yes. I have the red herring - and got a disappointing rotten egg from it :( I'll try to repeat what I've been doing without going round in circles.

  133. Oh, and now egg 1e. Just a little more to do I think.

  134. And egg 5 :) That was a surprise.

  135. Congratulations Jay and Keeper!!

    On 57, Looking for egg 1c. Counted the st**s for the 4 pa**s. Saw the hint about 'mathematical thinking" but not getting it. Another hint please.

  136. Thanks. Congratulations to the happy finishers! But don't leave us alone!!!

  137. Congratulations, Keeper!!! Well deserved!!!

    I'm stuck on Level 52 with a rotten egg. Based on the hints on the rotten egg and in earlier comments, I gather that I have to s**** something in a particular way, but I'm not sure what/how.

  138. @BFS - Yes, s**** the n*****s on the k******d.

  139. @tialuisa - it’s more about how to use those s*****s rather than counting.
    @BFS - the rotten egg is also telling you to look down.

  140. @tialuisa and @aaaasa: Thanks! I *think* I've understood what the hints mean. Am I right to be focusing on the sy****s you get when you press s**** and t*** those numbers on the k******d? If so, I've tried FTF-ing those, but I can't get a good word.

  141. That's right. the 3rd one might be tripping you up. It's called more than one thing.

  142. Am definitely don't get the key for B eggs in spite of all the hints received so better give up. Thanks guys for help anyway.

  143. Thanks, @tialuisa! That was what was tripping me up. I've NEVER heard it called that in my life!

  144. (I suppose it is sometimes USED for that, but I've never heard it referred to by that name.)

  145. @BFS - Oh to be young again. I lived for many decades before I heard it called what you were thinking :)

  146. I can't (won't) ask for an ST hint on the very last level, so having 6 confirmation eggs and 2 rotten on 60, is anything in the rotten eggs useful? I've been trying to use the s*** n**** without success.

  147. Eric don't give up! Use what the level pic suggests to find they key, but you have to look back to gather up the steps, then ftf and a little help from granny.

  148. @tialuisa: Haha!! I feel embarrassed :D I also found a third name for it somewhere online that I'd definitely never heard before (starting with O).

    @minkie: If you finish without using your S-T hint, can I have it? Hehehehe :D

    So no-one else seems to have been stuck on Level 52 beyond the initial stage, but I'm confused about what to do on Egg 3. I tried taking all the m****e l*****s of the p** n***s to Granny, but there are too many. I also tried taking just the e** l*****s, but I don't get a word. Not sure if I'm interpreting the egg text wrong?

  149. aaaasa - Thank you. Trying to figure out what those s*****s are so I can figure out how to use them, How about a second letter please :)

  150. @BFS - It's all about those 4 l****rs and what has been done to them.

  151. @tialuisa - sorry for the confusion but I just meant those s****ls that you used when getting egg 1b :P

  152. @tialuisa: Oh!!! I wasn't expecting that!!! The pics on the egg were a r** h******, then?

  153. @minkie - Maybe s-t will let you bank that hint for his next riddle.

  154. @tialuisa: Thank you, by the way! Made it to Level 53 :)

  155. @minkie: thanks for your support but I have tried everything...but the right one of course : e*** a****** from A levels, from all 30 levels, main levels and so many more that I cannot even remember and got nothing at all. I am clueless!

  156. Level 53 - I have Egg 1a and 1b (plus a rotten egg from 1b because I "didn't use Egg 1a"). I have been staring at Egg 1a for some time now trying to be literal as @aaaasa hinted to @Keeper a few pages ago. I'm stumped as to how to read the pic literally, though. Could I please get a slightly bigger nudge?

  157. Level 49 - I have egg 1a but can't seem to find anything else. I tried looking back and visiting granny but not coming up with a way to get something else.

  158. @Chael: Read/convert the same thing that got you Egg 1a in a different way. You should be able to get Egg 1b without needing Granny.

  159. Finished 42 (I think), taking an intermission with a rotten egg...but I can't find 43. Is there something left to do on level 42?

  160. @Hancock: Think about what you did/changed to move between levels at an earlier point in the game.

  161. @BFS - Separate the II on the egg...

  162. Level 13. I have Eggs:1,2 and Eggs: 3a 3b 3c. Plus 3 rotten eggs. But I can't move forward, and I don't understand the rotten egg of Egg 3c. I've read all the hints but I can't get it

  163. @Eric: To be a little more explicit here: You have found 10 eggs on level 30 so far - that's the e*** a******. Use FtF on them and you have your key.

  164. @BFS: Read the egg 1a pic as an instruction and apply it on the egg word that got you there. That's what "being literal" is supposed to mean here :).

  165. Thanks, @tialuisa and @Jay! It POP-ped for me after posting :)

    Currently staring at 54, and I think I should stop for the day, 'cause it's giving me scary pyramid level vibes.

  166. @Pichi: That one is a bit mean :). Ever thought about the chemical formula for a r***** e**? Google might help you here.

  167. ah, thanks @BFS, I needed that. I can barely remember what I did on 42! Entering hell.

  168. Thanks Jay! I never would have imagined. Lol

  169. Hehe BFS How much is it worth?

  170. I fundamentally don't understand Level 54 :/ I understand the concept of moving between, but I don't get what I'm supposed to do. Find the words? Start where it tells me to and then arbitrarily move between? I just have zero concept of what to actually do.

  171. @minkie: Haha, it's gold dust! I agree with tialuisa that you should bank it for the next riddle :D

  172. @BFS - Not move arbitrarily. There're lots of directions there.

  173. Congrats to Jay and Keeper!

  174. Level 50 - I know from prior hints I have to use b******. I am trying to fill in the squares on the level page with the c***** mentioned on the egg page. Having trouble fitting the b****** into this grid.

  175. @Chael: There are various ways to fit in the grid indeed. Just use them.

  176. Thanks @Namchokdef and@Jay for 27
    Level 29 - Unable to start. Identified it as p** which is r******, but the obvious answer doesn't work. No idea what else it represents

  177. @tialuisa: I know from the message on the top that the s****ing and e**ing squares have to be the same when moving between g***s. Beyond that, I'm not really sure how to follow the instructions - if it's like a wordsearch for the words at the bottom or what. I'm completely lost :/

  178. @mehroon: Focus on the right word for the movement first (rather simple one). Then the rest will follow.

  179. @BFS: It's no word search. Think about how directions can be named. Maybe that helps you interpreting the words you see.

  180. Hi! Still at 45 although I have the theme and the t****s. I got 1b and 6 orphan l*****s which don't make a word. Thanks

  181. Level 57 - Still trying to find egg 1c.. The hints I'm seeing are that - some mathematical thinking might help - and, when I mentioned that I had counted the steps used on the 4 paths, I was told - it’s more about how to use those s*****s rather than counting. I put all the paths together hoping something would click, but it hasn't. Any other ideas out there for me? Thank you!

  182. Oh No!! Thanks @Jay I would never have thought of it.

  183. @tialuisa: The mathematical thinking is to be applied on the level page. Maybe check the pic again closely.

  184. @Jay - Just double checking, I should be looking at the ladders, right? Not at the words or letters.

  185. Thanks, @Jay! I thought I had it, but I got a rotten egg that told me I took a few wrong turns. :(

  186. @tialuisa: Simpler. There is something in the pic that looks like something you see in maths. It can be read as some kind of direction for a calculation.

  187. @BFS: I fell for that as well :). Ellie gave me the useful hint that you have to walk the path, not just look at it from a distance. Maybe that helps you as well.

  188. @Jay... Still stuck (45 1a). I can't make any good word out of the dates...

  189. @Esteban: Hmm, it should work. Maybe you got some of them wrong? Should be 8 in total. Maybe check that each of them is indeed connected with egg 1b for confirmation?

  190. @Jay: I saw that hint and have been trying to apply it but I'm struggling! Can you still only move between g***s when the directions allow? Or can you switch without it counting as a move?


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