A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
small-tool for
EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games
: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Play This GamePlease
try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course
when in need, help each other out the best you can!
@Jay. I'll check again but I'm sure they are connected and indeed I have 8.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jay. I see what you are talking about. I'll see what I can do with those
ReplyDelete@BFS: The way of moving is essentially the same, only some of the directions would be interpreted differently when you walk the path instead of looking at it from a distance.
ReplyDelete@Esteban: If you don't spot any error yourself then maybe let me know your letters and I can tell you which is wrong (we should delete that afterwards of course as it might be a bit too spoily).
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ReplyDeleteLevel 52- Got Egg 1. Stuck trying to find egg 2. These symbols are mostly unfamiliar to me. Am I looking for the a**-c****?
ReplyDelete@Chael: Not sure what your *** mean but maybe ask google about them. Wikitionary was very helpful for me.
ReplyDelete@Jay or Minkie: can you please check something for me in private please?
ReplyDeleteLevel 60 Are the s*** n**** enough?
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ReplyDeleteNVM I think the penny has just dropped.
ReplyDeleteStill looking for egg 1c in Level 57. With what Jay drew my attention to, I've tried several things. First I tried doing things with the word itself, both singular and plural. then I tried employing the function of that word on urls, on letters, on words, on ladder bars. No luck so far. Anything else anyone can tell me?
ReplyDeletetialuisa You may have overlooked something (s) in the pic on the level page.
ReplyDeleteOh, I've just check back and seen that those were what Jay pointed out to you. Sorry. You are not keeping it simple enough. You have a pair of things to use them on.
ReplyDelete@minkie - Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCongrats minkie!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Minkie!!!! And without using your free hint, too!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you will stick around to help me :)
@small-tool I just noticed you are doing a different congrats for each person. Very nice!
ReplyDelete@Jay: My confusion is figuring out how to start. Going one way seems to give me 3 consonants in a row, and going the other way doesn't allow me to follow the directions without going off the board.
ReplyDelete@BFS - Are you still working the level page after getting the rotten egg?
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: Yes :/
ReplyDeleteBFS The first three are the same as before, then there is a change of perspective.
ReplyDelete@Keeper : Thank you!
Level 40 : Got up to Egg 1a and 1b, got the Confirmation Egg for 1a, but nothing for 1b. Not sure what to do next, or how to add the 2 eggs to get to Egg 2.
I do notice the theme in ConEgg from 1a though, but having trouble connecting that to anything.
Thank you, @minkie and @tialuisa!!! I've got the gist of it now and made my way to Egg 1 :)
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef On 1b did you take a look at the text under the pic?
ReplyDeleteLevel 52 Egg 1 -- am I supposed to find a k******d(s) with these symbols on it (them)? I'm having trouble finding some of them on any version, much less all of them in one place. I have found instructions online for creating some of these with combinations of k**s, but nothing that can be translated into another egg.
ReplyDelete@Laurie W - Wiki page for Unicode is a good resource for finding names of things like this. And I image searched the last one.
ReplyDeleteThe names I have found do not form a good work. I have four vowels. Is that correct?
ReplyDelete@Laurie W - No. If you have a vowel for the second one, look for another, longer used name.
ReplyDeleteLaurie 3 vowels. You can get a rotten egg without using all 6 panes. That may point you in the right direction.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa and @minkie -- I got Egg 2b now, but no clue how to get 2a. I tried 1.1 2.2 etc grannying the l*****s rather than the a*****s, but no luck. BTW, for the last one I actually knew the name of it right off. That third symbol was new to me though.
ReplyDeleteLevel 43, I have eggs 1a, 1b, and 2a. There are lots of comments on finding 2b but I'm so lost. I see a theme connection with the text and url. I see that each word has the same number of letters. I understand there is counting to be done and it is done differently in different areas. Even my basic riddling doesn't give me confirmation eggs. :(
ReplyDeleteCongrats minkie!!
ReplyDeletehelp on 41 please, i cant find 1g, have 1a-1e, and have visited both grannies with everything i can find
ReplyDeleteCongratulations minkie! Well done!
ReplyDeletei thought maybe combining the other eggs would get me to 1g, but i cant find anything useful in any of those either. :/
ReplyDelete@robin, do you have 1f? it's very very similar to getting 1c.
ReplyDelete@Laurie - For 2b, use the same source as you did for 2a, but a different part
ReplyDelete@robin -- do you have 1f? you can find it from the same place as 1c, but a different old lady. Egg 1g is not really necessary, but if you want it, you need to c***t something.
ReplyDelete@Laurie, sorry, yes i have 1f, just cant find 1g
ReplyDelete@tialuisa have you figured out how to get level 57 egg 1c yet? I am stuck there as well. I've tried using the mathematical thing on the letters that connect vertically and horizontally or on either side but not getting a good word.
ReplyDelete@Hancock -- to find Level 43 Egg 2b, visit Egg 1b and move around a bit. Do you notice anything?
ReplyDeletePuffin you seem to be doing the correct things. There are 4 pairs to operate on.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRobin revisit 1a to 1d. Therer is more information there which you haven't used yet.
ReplyDelete"facepalm", thank you @LaurieW
ReplyDeleteLaurie, not sure if you've moved on by now. "grannying the l*****s " sounds good. Maybe you didn't use enough of them.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa I guess I'm confused on how to operate then or maybe I have the wrong pairs. I have a pair that has two of the same.
ReplyDeleteNow staring at Egg 3 of Level 52. I saw an earlier hint about the l*****s and what has been done to them, but haven't found a good word from that.
ReplyDeletePuffin, I guess you have the wrong pairs then. Each start connects to an end. Those are your pairs.
ReplyDelete@minkie but didn't I do that already to get eggs 1a and 1b?
ReplyDeletePuffin, there are 4 pairs, so 4 final letters.
ReplyDelete@minkie I actually had it a while back but got sidetracked with complicated thinking. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, following up the bottom text can lead you to a 4 letter rotten egg. Not entirely rotten however: it provides a subtle hint.
ReplyDeletePuffin: that is ST's great skill - to lead us to complicated thinking, while we overlook something simpler.
ReplyDeletelvl 41, have gone back again and again, i cannot find anything left to bring to granny that gives a good word, tried lasts, firsts of lasts, etc. in both the level list and the list from grannies, what am i overlooking?
ReplyDelete@robin -- are you still trying to find egg 1g? To find that, revisit 1a through 1d and c***t something. You really don't need 1g though. You may have seen comments here about a temp end. 1g is it. You DO need eggs 2a and 2b. For 2a, you need to look at 1e and 1f.
ReplyDelete@minkie-- I didn't find a rotten egg, but I did get to Level 53. Of course, I'll probably end up stuck again. That seems to be a theme for me with this riddle. It feels harder than the previous riddles. Not that they weren't challenging, but I don't remember ever getting stuck quite this many times or having to ask for help quite so often.
ReplyDeletehmmm level 43 2b...looking for 3b. I'm trying to apply both confirm eggs and the egg url to the picture...found a few things that didn't work...is this the right track?
ReplyDelete@Hancock -- there are more than two confirmation eggs to be found from egg 2b.
ReplyDeleteomg...43, level from hell...i'm not having any luck...will have to try to find those remaining confirm eggs in the morning.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa : Oh my gosh, I got one letter wrong on 1b.
ReplyDeleteOnto Egg 2 now (level 40), got the confirmation egg, but struggles to find a way to convert and progress. Need a bit of a push through.
read all the hints, but still not clear on how to find 2b, tried combining everything i got from 1a to 1d and not coming up with anything that works.tried with answers, whats on the eggs, main level and much more, just not clicking still any help
ReplyDeletecongrats namnet
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all new finishers: Jay, Keeper, Minkie, Namnet!! Very well done!
ReplyDelete@Robin, I think you need to use 1e and 1f to pick letters from the passwords of 1a-1d (order them into the different picking groups) to get to 2a.
ReplyDeletelvl 41 i have 2a, but not 2b, i picked as suggested to get 2a, just not sure what to pick to get to 2b, too many items in the eggs themselves to pick from them.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Namnet!
ReplyDeleteI'm still slogging my way through level 57. I am looking for the second confirmation egg for egg 1a. I have one that confirms the c****r but from the comments it looks like there is another one to find. I've been grannying til my eyes are crossed and I don't seem to get anywhere. A hint please?
ReplyDelete@robin for lvl 41 to get egg 2b look at the egg pics again. Didn't you wonder why those things were in egg pics? They will guide you where to pick from.
ReplyDelete@Puffin - one of the words that you get from travelling along the paths is different from the others :)
ReplyDelete@aaaasa I'm travelling along the paths in egg 1a and picking up letters to take to granny but some paths have more than 15 letters which granny won't take. I've tried alternate granny but not good.
ReplyDeleteI must need some sleep, i dont know how to pick letters from the pictures on eggs a-d,
ReplyDelete@Puffin - You don't need that many for the path. The p** n*** tells you what are needed.
ReplyDelete@robin compare the pictures on the egg pages to what's pictured on egg 1f. Notice that all of the pictures in egg 1f start with the same 3 letters.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa this must be the only time I didn't think to look at the pic name lol
ReplyDeleteLevel 31 egg 2 - Unable to find any l*** word or words to s******. Looked everywhere, even in url
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Namnet!
ReplyDeleteI'm lost on Level 54 Egg 2. Got a rotten egg, but based on previous hints, I need more than before in order to get the correct solution. But I have no idea in what way I could extract more from the words. Certain words seem directional in a different way (like s****, s***) or contain other words that look that way (the last two letters of w*****, for instance), but I can't figure out what is and isn't useful and how to put it all together.
Level 26 egg: I have hit a speed bump here. I gather the same procedure as before but getting nothing so far. Any help much appreciated
ReplyDelete@mehroon: Somehow egg 1 is the hint what to do with egg 2 to get the final solution.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm: Same method as took you here, use all the t***es you see
ReplyDelete@BFS: Some words contain more than one direction.
ReplyDelete@Jay - Yes I know I have to do the opposite of what I did in egg 1. But I can't find a long word or words to shorten. Help please
ReplyDeleteLevel 52. I found egg 3. I have a short word with two letters different. No idea how to use those to get anything decent. Using the e*** hasn’t gotten me anywhere.
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm stuck at 49 egg 2. No idea what to do. I went back to the main level but nothing works... Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks, @Jay! Figured it out :)
ReplyDelete@Namnet: That's what I have been trying but none of the options for the b**** t**** granny into anything useful. How many l****** should I expect in my a*****?
ReplyDeleteCongrats minkie and namnet! Minkie you deserve a badge of "finishing the riddle with a spare hint" :)
ReplyDelete@Namnet and all the others Well Done and thanks for the help along the way
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely no sweet clue how to start Level 55. Other people at least got confirmation/rotten eggs. I have absolutely nothing. I read the hints to focus on the questions rather than the colours to start with, and to convert the questions into something starting with e, but I can't figure out what that word is, and nothing is clicking in my mind.
ReplyDelete@BFS the pic is a small hint and the colours is another small hint. You have played with it many times before
ReplyDelete@colmkilm: If you use the one suggested by S-T you will get two results. Apply the method on them
ReplyDelete@Esteban: I got stuck there too! You don't need the main level. You just need to apply a similar technique to what you did on the main level on what's on the egg. It's kind of two conversions in one that you need to do.
ReplyDelete@Keeper: "You have played with it many times before" - I have!?!? Absolutely no pennies are dropping in my mind right now :(
@BFS yes you did play with it p*******ally :P
ReplyDeleteThanks @BFS!
ReplyDeleteLevel 58 - I'm having trouble staying on the b****. Given the tilt of it, I'm moving across c*****s and r**s with the sl*****s and using the a****s to move along the d******l. Is that correct?
ReplyDeleteCongrats Namnet!!
ReplyDeleteThat's right tialuisa
ReplyDeleteThanks minkie :)
ReplyDelete@Keeper: Thanks!!!! Got a confirmation egg and a rotten egg now. Trying to figure out where to go from here.
ReplyDeleteI had some promising ideas on 43 egg 2b but they all fizzled out. I have six confirmation eggs, still looking for 3b. I think I need to assign #'s to the d** sides and pick...but then there is the url word...hmmm, stuck again.
ReplyDeleteStill struggling on Level 55 :/ I converted to e******s and picked letters by counting accordingly, but what I get doesn't give me good results from Gran. Are the colours relevant? I was trying to somehow match them to the g***ps of the t**** in case I needed to count by g***p rather than just count, but I can't figure out a match.
ReplyDelete@Hancock: It's a lot simpler than what you're thinking! Really basic riddling.
ReplyDelete@BFS your first idea looks pretty good, maybe try to count again as it's easy to lose your direction (again and again :p)
ReplyDeletethanks @bfs. overthinking, missing the obvious, lazy, or dumb?...anyways, happily moving on
ReplyDeleteAh! Got it! Onto 41! 20 more to go.
(Probably progress from this point will be very slow, have irl stuff to focus on so hopefully I can finish by the end of this year. Thank you, ST. Good luck, everyone!)
@mehroon: You have the egg 2 word.
ReplyDelete@Chael615: On level 52 egg 3 focus only on the text.
ReplyDelete@Namnet. Thanks for your help. I have it now. I was doing the right thing but not using the right tool correctly
ReplyDelete@Jay There isn't much of it. Gonna keep playing around with it and see if anything pops.
ReplyDeleteNow I have a rotten egg. Getting closer I think.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I got it!
ReplyDeleteLevel 57. Can't figure out head or tail of anything. I've found a rotten egg and that's about it. Been trying to s*** but my head is s*****ng instead!
ReplyDeleteLevel 53 - Got eggs 1a and 1b but having trouble applying the one to the other.
ReplyDeleteLevel 41 : Got pretty much I think every Egg 1's, except 1e and 1f Eggs, a little hint on how to find those two?
ReplyDelete@Nam Remember, that you have more than one G*****. Don't leave her lonely!
ReplyDeleteAgain! As soon as I ask for a hint it pops!
ReplyDeleteHi! I don't get level 50 egg 2. I've read the hints: B*****e on the main level page with egg 1 c****s. Do the numbers on egg 2 mean the lines on egg 1? First 2 numbers: 2 c****s and 2 marks, 4 following numbers: 4 c****s and 4 marks, etc.? Th&nks!!
ReplyDelete\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
ReplyDeleteFinisher eight is there!!!
Great job, ShaharC :)
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
ReplyDeleteShaharC, you're now in the;
Wall Of Winners
@Chael615 : Ah, thanks! That only gave me 1e though. Got the rotten egg for trying for 1f, tried doing what it told but not succeeding.... I guess I might be missing something simple? I saw only people having trouble with 1e and not 1f.
ReplyDelete@Esteban To be honest I did not use the numbers. I used b****** on the main level page. This is kind of hard to explain but I made the b****** fit within the g*** every possible way and took every possible letter. A lot of overlapping.
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 - One part of this level I do not understand at all. The rules for switching between g****. If the s******* point and e***** point have to be the same spot to switch g**** then how is it possible to ever do so considering each move is one turn?
ReplyDelete@Nam Again, my prior hint will apply. You haven't spent enough time with the same G*****. When looking for the answer think about what s_t might like (or what I may need to find the patience to get through this ordeal)!
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 - Also, am I supposed to take letters every step or after each word? Nothing is coming out right even though I am walking the path.
ReplyDeletelvl 41 2b, still not able to get the right answer with the hints, i know that a-d are connected to f with the pics, tried pulling letters from them, counting them, pulling letters from the egg answers, tried to use what was left from the first three letters, what am i over looking,?
ReplyDelete@Robin I had to play with that one a little bit. If you saw the m**** you may get an idea of what to try instead of what's on the page.
ReplyDeletelvl 41 in search of 2b, i also tried counting and going back to previous levels to pick from and got nothing from there as well,
ReplyDelete@chael, not sure what your m**** is?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, shahar!
ReplyDeleteI'm still in need of a hint to get started on Level 57. Nothing I try seems to get me anywhere.
@Robin movie
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 - The way I am interpreting this if I go to a space for a second time I switch grids?
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 -Taking every letter a step at a time I am starting out with t*** o* and then I am getting nowhere
ReplyDeleteLevel 43 - I have egg 3a and 3b, but I am not sure neither how to get the gibberish nor what is the key. Can I have a small hint?
ReplyDelete@chael, no idea what movie you are referring to..smh... i just cant make any progress on this... using the name of 1f, only comes up with one movie, thats somethng called cl****, but dont see a connection.. :/
ReplyDelete@Robin Sorry, I thought you had 2b already. Let me check.
ReplyDelete@Robin To get to 2a and 2b you use the same things but choose differently.
ReplyDelete@pipi You have the key but there is something you have to do to the gibberish. Unfortunately, I forgot what that was. Lol
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 -Still no clue what to do. Am I taking one letter per step or after each word. And do I have to go d***********? I am not even getting a rotten egg. I understand the hints to mean that the cardinal directions are set in stone while the the other directions are based on perspective. Not sure if up and down are also based on perspective because I am not getting anything useful if they are.
ReplyDelete@Chael615, the problem is that I don't know what to do with the numbers to get the gibberish. I tried basic conversion, picking letters.
ReplyDeleteStuck on level 59 with eggs 1a, 1c and a rotten egg? from using the pic name. I'm out of ideas. I've gotten a lot of good granny words but none work. Can I get a push please?
ReplyDelete@pipi If I can remember I'll give you a hint
ReplyDelete@Chael615 for lvl 54 up and down are not based on perspective they are straightforward. It is one letter per step. R does not equal E so when you get to an R imagine you are walking the path and facing a certain direction and go R. Same for L.
ReplyDelete@Puffin My first two words look ok - T*** o* but then I am getting two more o's and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong/
ReplyDelete@Chael U does not equal N it means jump directly U. Is that what you're doing?
ReplyDelete@Puffin Thank you! That clears up a few things. I thought there was a different method for moving between. i was moving N. Now I think that clears the last piece of the puzzle.
ReplyDelete@pipi for Level 43 to get the correct gibberish you have to pick from something you just used. No conversion needed.
ReplyDelete@Chael615 : Sorry....... I'm not getting it at all. I'll rest now, perhaps I can clear the mental block. Been staying with both G's now and I feel too full...
ReplyDelete@Puffin, thank you. I will try again.
ReplyDelete@Nam One of your previous ones may work in the other G***** but you may not think it would. The thing about that G***** is that she talks a LOT. Try everything.
ReplyDeletelvl 41 trying to find egg 2b still, i dont know why i am having so much trouble on this one, i tried doing as suggested and use 1f on a-d, and using the numbers from 1e on them and differently on 1f, i dont know what else to try, egg names dont work, items dont work, how many letters am i looking for? tried looking for four and then 10 as suggested in 1e,
ReplyDelete@robin for lvl 41 egg 2b - for instance the pic on egg 1c shows p****s and one of the items in the pic on egg 1f is an e**p**** so you know those two are linked. Now look on egg 1e and match it to 1f like you did previously but now pic from something on on egg 1c. Since there's no text on the 1c egg, there's only one other thing to pick from. The pic name will confirm it. Hope that helps
ReplyDeleteAre you sure egg names don't work Robin? 10 letters.
ReplyDelete@puffin, if i understand you correctly i have tried that again and again, picking for the egg n***, since that is the only text,
ReplyDeleteLevel 27: I have all the eggs. Trying to apply 2a-2d to egg 1 but to no avail. I know that 2a,2b and 2c refer to a**** t*****, but 2d is throwing me off
ReplyDeleteMaybe I see what is going wrong Robin. You said "i tried doing as suggested and use 1f on a-d", you should be using 1e on a-d.
ReplyDelete@minkie yes i have tried it over and over, one grannie only gives me mens names, the other shortens it to 8 letters
ReplyDelete@Colm There are a couple of a**** t***** referenced. There is also a number somewhere. How might you apply the number to the a**** t***** referenced?
ReplyDeleteAny hints on how to get more eggs for level 59? I have eggs 1a, 1c and a rotten? egg from using the pic name.
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 Egg 2 - I have the rotten egg. I know I need more. I believe the first few letters are the same as the rotten egg path. I see afterwards there are multiple d********** within each w***. I have tried p****** a l***** at each d********* change but that gives too many. I have also tried p****** a l***** at the end of each w***. But granny doesn't like that.
ReplyDelete@minkie, i used 1e but referenced 1f as to which ones to apply the numbers to
ReplyDelete@robin for example you will only pick 1 letter from egg 1c, 2 letters from 1d using 1e as your guide as to which ones to pick and so on. You should have 10 letters to take to granny and get a good word.
ReplyDeletemmm Robin it should work. Are you sure you have the eggs in the correct order? 1f shows you which is which.
ReplyDeleteJust seen your last comment Robin. You seem to be doing exactly the right thing.
ReplyDeleteStill stuck on Level 57 :/ I keep staring at the GIF on the rotten egg, but I can't make that way of s******g work.
ReplyDeleteBFS I never used the GIF, just the level.
ReplyDeleteFinally got 54! Although 55 looks much the same. Sigh.
ReplyDelete@minkie are you still here? Can I get a hint on level 59 to get more eggs than 1a and 1c. I'm desperate
ReplyDeleteps Puffin : and use both methods on everything not necessarily in sight at first glance.
ReplyDeleteomg, finally got it, was my own mistake, had two names mixed smh, the hours spent , will be double checking again and again from here. thank you minkie and puffin for sticking with me
ReplyDeleteThank you @minkie that gives me a good start
ReplyDeleteCongrats Shahar: a tasty treat indeed :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations ShaharC!
ReplyDeletelvl 41 still, 2b, read the hints about the m****, i know who he is and tried his l******* to find the key but not finding the word/words, the title is the same in both l******* so that doesnt work which is also the name of the eggs. any hints please
ReplyDelete@robin -- Do you recall hearing a phrase in the same l******* as the egg 2b text in the film?
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ReplyDelete@laurie, got it thank you so much
ReplyDeleteI've made some progress on Level 59 but I can't seem to find egg 1b or 1e. Also don't know what to do to take egg 1a further like I did for 1c and 1d. Any help would be appreciated!
ReplyDelete@Puffin - if you have 1a and 1d, then you know the trick to find 1b as well, maybe you didn't use the correct word from granny?
ReplyDeleteFor 1e, you can find it from the r** h******.
Level 48, I am trying to use the image words to select and change certain letters in the text to d**s, unselected letters will beome d****s (or vice versa?) and then read as m****. Finding it really hard to determine the separation between code letters. Is this the right direction?
ReplyDeleteLevel 54 Egg 2 --I have read the previous hints. I know that at least some of the words contain more than 1 d*******n. Is it one s*** per l****r? And are L and R part of the path or not? How about U and D? I've tried a number of different ways of interpreting, but to no avail.
ReplyDelete@Hancock -- It is indeed M****, but you need to convert, then pick, not pick and then convert. You want the text you convert to M**** and the text you leave plain to match up in length.
ReplyDelete@Hancock - it's more like the other way around. You need to convert into m**** then pick letters accordingly.
ReplyDelete@Laurie - for level 54 egg 2, focus on just the 4 d********s, the trick is basically the same as egg 1, but you may need to pick more than 1 letter within some words
@aaaasa - thanks! It finally clicked. I had followed the right path, but didn't pick enough letters.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you @aaaasa! That did the trick! Now onto 60
ReplyDeleteLevel 55 -- I have a confirmation egg, rotten egg, and eggs 1a and 1b. I know the c****r and have what I assume is the g*******h, but don't know the key. I have tried several things from the egg pages, but no success. Are there more eggs to find?
ReplyDelete@Laurie W for lvl 55 no more egg pages to find. Look again at egg 1b for the key.
ReplyDeleteLevel 55 - I have Egg 1a. Not sure how to get to Egg 1b. Tried moving v********* instead of h*********** but that was fruitless. Picking numbers doesn't seem to work either.
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ReplyDeleteYAY, 3 new finishers!!!
Congrats LinR :)
Congrats Puffin :)
Congrats tialuisa :)
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
You're all in the;
ReplyDeleteWall Of Winners
(it seems posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text
@Chael for 55 1b check your e******s again. There's a tricky one that you missed. It helped me to find a list in alphabetical order.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to LinR and tialuisa!!
ReplyDelete@Puffin Are you talking about the a********?
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can see is that if we convert the a******** to the letters a** then we can get n* and n* but my string is still no good for granny.
ReplyDelete@Chael: For 1b you do essentially the same as for 1a. However one of them is actually ambiguous.
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats to all the new finishers :)!!!!
ReplyDelete@Jay That did it! Thank you! And thank you Puffin for helping too.
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