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Small Tool Game: A Big Small Mind

A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

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Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. Congratulations LinR, Puffin and tialuisa! Well done!

  2. Level 56 - Read the prior hints and tried following them. A**** all of them together and got a big number. Then f***** them and ended up with a number that converts to a popular letter.The hints seem to suggest that I need to f*** them four timesNot sure how to do that. If I take the number that was remaining and f*** again I will be in the negative.

  3. how do i get past 42 end game, visited granny with everything looked for go buttons, what am i missing this time, i dont see any hints for it

  4. @Robin - Which game are you currently in right now?

  5. just finished 42, now stuck on a page that says lets play endgame now

  6. @Robin Yes, so you have to get to the endgame. You are currently in the ***game. Look up, it is right in front of you.

  7. @chael, thank you forgot to even look there.

  8. Hi! I'm at main level 51. I have a sentence (a little weird) but I dont get the last line on the pic. It seems I have to pick but I don't know where. No one ever asked so I feel really dumb...

  9. @Esteban I would try it on something you are very familiar with after the last few minutes.

  10. I'm still stuck on 56, a level that most didn't have trouble with. Not sure how to add them or combine them and f*** four times. Guessing an hourglass is supposed to have an hour of sand but not sure how to apply this to f****** them. to getting any decent numbers.

  11. @Chael615. Thanks but I've tried to pick on the main text and nothing works...

  12. @Esteban Not the main text . . .

  13. thanks @chael. It was really hard and i'm not done with 51.

  14. @Esteban I know the feeling friend. I'm stuck at 56 and that is a level most did not have trouble with. I am totally stumped.

  15. @Chael615: I was stuck here too.
    Do what you are asked to do and treat all of the h*********s as one (you will t**n all of them four times). Take a note after each t*** so you know what you will start on in the next t***. Look at the endresult

  16. Hi Namnet! Do I have to add all the total for all for together or do I do each one separately? And won’t the numbers repeat. For example, if one of them were at 42 lets say. And you t***it it would be 18. But next t*** wouldnt it go back to 42?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @Chael615: No adding just the final result

  19. @Namnet - so wouldn’t two turns suffice if it end with the same number? I’m just confused here. I cannot see it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Congrats LinR, Puffin and tialuisa!

    Thanks for the hints on Level 57, Puffin and minkie. I'm still completely lost, though. I don't know what "completing the ghost leg" means. I also don't understand the red c*****s and whether those things are supposed to be treated like p***s or l*****s. I'm just completely lost on both theme and general strategy for this level.

  22. OH! OK. I did not realise that this is a type of puzzle in itself. I had never heard of it before.

  23. @Nament So, the four numbers that are on the level text to start are what I start with on the second t***?

  24. @bfs: look at the wiki page for g***t l** It will tell you how to complete it. The result will give you something useful.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @Chael: the text tells you how long you will keep them t***ed. Calculate how much you have in the b****m after that time. That's your new t** value when you t*** it again.

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  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. @Namnet I got a four letter word starting with g but it isn't working. I believe I ran the numbers correctly (each t***) changed one number because all the other were smaller than it.

  31. Maybe you should try it again. If you have the word I think you have your f***t l****r is wrong

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  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Level 57 - I have Eggs 1a, 1b and 1c and I've tried to link them all together. However, I cannot make any words from the paths or get the confirmation eggs I've seen other people talking about.

  38. @Namnet Thank you for being my lifeline. I think I finally understand.

  39. @bfs: visit the old lady she will give you confirmation

  40. @chael: happy to be of help!
    Have to leave in a few minutes.

  41. @Namnet: But on 1a, I get way too many letters, and on 1b and 1c, I have pairs, but nothing that Granny likes.

  42. Managed to get a confirmation egg for Level 57 Egg 1a. Still clueless on how to get similar ones for Eggs 1b and 1c.

  43. @BFS: Maybe check 1b part 2 and 1c part 2 again. Just reading them might give you an idea.

  44. If anyone is still around trying to get Egg 1b on Level 56 . I finally understand the method from the level page but continuing on just gives me a different word that is apparently no good.

  45. @Chael615: You took one side for egg 1a. Just take the other side for egg 1b :).

  46. @Jay: So I've managed to find confirmation egg 1a, 1b part 1 and 1c part 1, but no part 2s. Is the information in confirmation egg 1a relevant to getting the part 2s? I don't even know the c****r I'm meant to be using a k** on.

  47. OK, still no closer to finding the part 2s, but I've at least figured out the c****r now. Not that anything's working on it!

  48. Made it to Level 58!!!! I thought it was never going to happen, lol. S-T, that level was simultaneously frustrating and incredibly beautiful. The route to get to confirmation egg 1a was a work of art (in a riddle sense)! I almost quit trying that strat, but was happy I persevered and it actually led me somewhere (I was worried it was going to be a similar situation to that level with the r** h******s)!

  49. stuck on 30.2 egg 1, any hints? thanks

  50. @Chael615 : Thank you! Finally got 1f!
    Now........I'm chipping away at a huge scary roadblock ahead at 1g part 1...... It's not that hard to do, but dang, I'm never going to be able to play another board game again...
    S-T you're evil......... ^_^

  51. @Nam Good luck! That is a very painful level. And the 1g parts were probably the worst.

  52. Level 57 - I got Eggs 1a and 1b as well as a confirmation for the cipher and a confirmation for egg1b part 1. How in the world do I get to Egg 1c?

  53. @NNewhouse There is something (well, many of something) that you can count.

  54. @Chael615 i've tried counting a lot of things in different ways and i still haven't gotten a word :(

  55. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    12th finisher now :)

    Very well done, Patty3Ponies

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  56. C O N G R A T S

    Patty3Ponies, you got your well deserved spot in the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. BlackFiresong 12/1/22, 5:26 AM

    Made it to Level 58!!!! I thought it was never going to happen, lol. S-T, that level was simultaneously frustrating and incredibly beautiful. The route to get to confirmation egg 1a was a work of art (in a riddle sense)!

    Thank you very much, BlackFiresong :)

    Namchokdef 12/1/22, 5:45 AM

    Now........I'm chipping away at a huge scary roadblock ahead at 1g part 1...... It's not that hard to do, but dang, I'm never going to be able to play another board game again...
    S-T you're evil......... ^_^

    Sorry, Namchokdef

    ( nope, joking, not sorry at all :P )

  59. I'm stuck on Level 59 - like Puffin earlier, I'm unable to find Egg 1b or Egg 1e. I've read aaaasa's earlier hint that if I have Eggs 1a and 1d, I must know what to do to get 1b, and that maybe I took the wrong word to Granny. I've tried to apply that in various ways (using c***** instead of r****n, for instance, or Grannying different bits of the g*******h that got me to Egg 1d), but nothing seems to work. Running low on ideas to try. :/

  60. Hi again. I fell I need to ask before everyone finishes. Congrats to the achievers! Level 53 Main page, I have 2 rotten eggs but no way to go. Thanks.

  61. Had a POP moment on getting Level 59 Egg 1b. It's always the last thing you try!

    @Esteban: Not sure which 2 rotten eggs you have (I got 3), but one of them has a good hint on it about what to focus on on the main level page.

  62. 53 I have the rotten about n**n and the one about s***nd h***. I see the hints but it doesn't click.

  63. @Esteban: It's the s****d h*** one you want to focus on. How can you apply that to what's on the level page to get a different set of l*****s?

    Stuck on Level 59 still - I now have Eggs 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, and the rotten g**** o* h*** etc stuff. I know what tool I need to use from a rotten egg I got after getting Egg 1b, but I haven't managed to get anything out of it. I'm guessing I need to find a k** somewhere? Are Eggs 2a and 2b still relevant, or was that whole thing a massive prank?

  64. Thanks @BFS. I had it but didn't try it...

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Still on Level 59. Stuck on Egg 8. Trying to reapply similar techniques with no success. What am I missing?

  67. Do I basically need Egg 1e to progress on Level 59? Because I've tried everything and still can't find it :/

  68. BFS, Was that really a red herring?

  69. @minkie: I've seen the hint about what to include. I've tried adding it to various places, but to no avail.

  70. Have you tried adjusting the thing you were told to include BFS?

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I just tried adding it to Egg 8 and got a rotten egg. That must mean that I need something else, right? I'm sure what I need is in Egg 1e, but I just can't find it :/

  73. Yes you need 1e. You can get it by doing one of the usual things on the hint you found.

  74. @minkie: Ahh, I had tried doing one thing on that hint (which got me a rotten egg), but hadn't thought to try the other. FINALLY got Egg 1e. Thank you!!!

  75. Hi. Stuck on Level 17 Egg. I know the meaning of the two words of the egg. I have each animal and converted to two codes. One to m**** and one to b***** But with none I get nothing. Are any of them correct, or am I at the wrong way?

  76. Pichi I never used b***** on this level (unless my notes deceive me). If you've used m**** correctly maybe you should ask your granny about it.

  77. @Pichi - your first thought is right. No need for B******. Maybe recheck your M**** work.

  78. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Lucky 13 is in :)

    Great job, BlackFiresong

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  79. C O N G R A T S

    You made it out BlackFiresong, and you made it in the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  80. Level 41 Egg 1g part 1 : Is it too much for a hint if I ask how many to get for each split? Or can it go back on itself or cross itself at some point? If it is, that's fine, I will keep on trying, no need to tell me. (If I don't ask again later on...) (about half way doing all possibilities on my possibility tree....)

  81. Thanks minkie and BlackFiresong!

  82. @Namchokdef - You have two options in each step, you choose a path. There are no turning back or crossings :)

  83. Level 42 Egg 2 - I'm really trying but I don't understand how to get d**s from w***s that don't have d****s because there are so many w***s that have some d*t in them. I also don't know if I'm looking for a w**d or several w***s or what I'm doing... I'm lost, please help.

  84. level 37 - I have eggs 1a and 1b but no idea how to find egg 2. Any hints?

  85. Level 30: I can't identify the first one. I have all the other conf eggs. I have tried different a******s of each and both words.

  86. @colmkilm - the first word is obvious but the second isn't. I had to look at the l*** of f**** made that y***. Hope that helps

  87. @Milena - Sometimes the pics say things...

  88. Having an issue with Level 29 egg 6. I just can't figure out what the d****** thing is. I have tried all things related to b**** that I can think of. Also is it a particular type of d******? Any help would be appreciated

  89. @OldDude - it was difficult for me as well. If by b**** you mean b***d, you're in the right track. Look for a type of b**** that looks like the one in the pic, it has a sh*** n**e.

  90. @olddude - it isn't a particular type of d****, and it's small kind of b****

  91. @Puzzled - I have tried using r**l and b*n and even d***h but I can't get anything using those and d*****g or d***e. I tried thinking the d***e was the t***t but that didn't get me anywhere either. A little more help?

  92. @Milena: thanks but how can I know the y***?
    @OldDude: If you look up words that are sy*****s of the text you should find one that helps

  93. Belated congratulations to patty3ponies on finishing!!

    @Puzzled: Treat each word with a d** or a d*** in it separately, but only consider the d**s and d****s. There shouldn't be that many d**s around. The text is very deliberately written the way it is.

    @OldDude - it's a smaller variety of b***d. You might find one in the oven in a certain idiom. If you're still stumped, think about words whose meaning might be described by the text that's on the level, and the link between that and the dancing figure might click for you.

    @Milena: Put them together in a very literal way.

    @Colmkilm: The second word of that first one is a very general term. It took me ages to get as well. Think of a word that is often paired with the first word (I'm sure you know the first word). Also think about what you might call something that's f*****nal/m*** u*.

  94. @OldDude: Not sure what you mean by d*****g and d***e. But one of your guesses re: the type of b***d is correct.

  95. @colmkilm - you have it in egg1 which is very easy to find

  96. OK got it. It was my very first thought way back when I started!!!!!

  97. @BFS - Hey, congrats to you, well done!!! About level 42 I just don't understand "treat it separately", is it that each word with d**** counts as two words? I am so very confused.

  98. @Colmkilm: Egg 1 gives you the y***s of each to help narrow things down. I actually didn't realise this until after I'd already got all the confirmation eggs through blood, sweat and tears. Lol.

  99. Thanks, Puzzled! :)

    By "treat each one separately", I mean that if a given word has d**s and/or d****s in it, consider all of those together in the order that they appear in that word and convert that way. Hy*****d words count as one "entity" for conversion, so to speak. Sorry if I'm causing more confusion!

  100. Thanks all. It finally clicked. On to egg 7

  101. @bfs and @puzzled: thank you, but i just can't get it right. Tried so many things, my head is spinning. I guess I'll just have to keep trying, although I'm running out of ideas

  102. @BlackFiresong: BTW well done on getting through and thanks for hanging around. I just realized there is an egg1 (slap myself for not thinking to do that at first) I have egg 5a now

  103. @BFS - no, no, thank you for taking the time to help me :) I only get 5 letters when I do the "Hy*****d words count as one "entity" for conversion" ... and if there are 9 letters, I just can't find the missing 4 letters in the text not-Hy*****d.

  104. Finally it worked. Thank you so much, I can't believe I didn't try that in the first place.

  105. Made it to Level 58. I think I know more or less what to do, and I got a bunch of letters (13) but granny doesn't give me anything useful.

  106. Laurie, if you've got 13 letters, then I'm afraid you must be using a wrong approach. You are looking for something much shorter as the layout of the "text" suggests.

  107. @minkie -- got it now. I tried something with fewer letters, as suggested by the text layout, but it only gave me a couple of rotten eggs. Then it clicked how to do what the text said.

  108. Level 41 Egg 2 - I'm still desperately looking for d***s, I mean, I think I have 5 letters from Hy*****d words, but I know I need more. I can't understand how to find any d*t or d**h in non-Hy*****d text.

  109. @s-t -- Level 58 -- thanks for the welcome, but that isn't a place I would really care to revisit (but then, what am I doing playing this riddle?)


  111. @minkie - I'm finally at level 43, thanks a lot for your help, I was just about to quit.

  112. @Puzzled : Thanks! And....... that was all 41 has! I can see now why S-T isn't sorry at all. *angry* :(
    Just joking! ^_^ Onto 42 now, after some rest for that level.

  113. Out of ideas on Level 59. I have eggs 1a, 1b, 1d, and 2b, as well as a couple of rotten eggs (one with the o*****f*** and one with the greedy granny). It seems I have just done things to the same couple set of letters/words. I don't see anything new to use.

  114. Level59 I now have eggs 1c and 2a, as well as finding the Gates of Hell and an apparent dead end. Now what?

  115. Laurie. If you've got 1d you should be able to get 1c using the same material, but the other method. And o*****f*** isn't rotten, it is (purportedly) a red herring.

  116. Laurie, you (partly) caught up with me while I was checking up. To move on, try the same sort of things on your level 2 eggs.

  117. @minkie -- OK, I have eggs 1e, 3a, 3b,and 4 now. I don't see how to go on from here. I've tried applying the hint from the o*****f***(both before and after adjusting it), but no progress there.

  118. @Laurie: Just keep going with the same techniques you've been using all level. 4 more eggs for you to unlock. :)

  119. Level 59 - I have eggs 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e but cannot find any of the 2eggs (or beyond).

  120. Level 59 - Nevermind! Just got 2a

  121. Level 59 - Stuck on Egg 5. I think it is telling me what my key is but nothing I am using it on works.

  122. Level 59 - Again Nevermind. Just popped

  123. And done! Thank you s_t for the amazing(ly hard) riddle! Probably the best one yet (although I may say that too frequently). And I am really thrilled you didn't have any levels that a had to print out and use scissors for. Although intro 27 was close. And for some reason, Level 56 was my nemesis.
    And also a huge thank you to everybody that helped me with hints, especially Namnet for eternal patience on Level 56.

  124. Congratulations to Namnet! ShaharC! LinR! Puffin!Patty3ponies! BFS! And now Chael615! Good job all!!

  125. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Yes, yes, yes, another finisher :)

    Well done, Chael615

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  126. C O N G R A T S

    Chael615, you did it, so I give you your life and your soul back and as a bonus a spot in the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  127. Level 52 egg 1. I am having trouble forming a word with my attempts to identify the items in the picture. I've been focusing on naming just the extra bits and then ftf. Or should I try to find names for the entire thing? I've also tried to create them with my k******* but that didn't work.

  128. @Hancock - There are 2 eggs to be found here. You ae right about the extra bits (wikipedia unicode helped me) plus there are things under the extra bits...

  129. oh, wow, @tia, I got Eggs 2 and 3...3 was really a "just throw it all together" egg. thank you.

  130. Finally passed my exam (thanks S-T) and now facing the "final pic" after being graduated. But where's the (real) level 1?

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. on intro 30.6 egg 2 do i need more than 7 letters?

  133. Congratulations, Chael! Knew you could do it! :)

  134. Level 59 on egg 6. I don't see how to move forward. I have tried various combinations of the techniques used on this level with various parts of the egg text, but no luck. Do I need to go back and pick up something from a previous egg, or is what I need on Egg 6?

  135. Level 54. Lost here. I think the text is telling me directions, steps to take, letter by letter. Most make sense according to either a compass or an elevator but two letters are confusing me.

  136. @Hancock -- those two letters indicate a different sort of directions than the others. They are relative, not absolute.

  137. Level 60 with conf egg 1 and nothing else. I know the s*** n***, the a**** n***, and the n***s of the s*****s. I don't know where to go from here. A little nudge, perhaps?

  138. @Laurie for level 60 are you sure you know all the s***s?

  139. @Puffin -- Thanks. Now at least I'm getting some eggs.

  140. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/


    Great Job, Laurie W.

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  141. C O N G R A T S

    Laurie W., you found your way out, hopefully with some hair left :) and into the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  142. @BFS - Thank you! Didn't think I was ever getting out of that one. Appreciated all the help from you and the others along the way.

  143. I am now stuck on Level 2 egg 1. I have a message but can't see what to do with it. Have tried various things but get nothing sensible.

  144. @Di999 - Try combining the url with a basic riddling technique.

  145. Congrats on finishing @Laurie W!!

  146. @tialuisa thanks. I have been trying to use the url but I'll try to think of something else to do with it.

  147. I'm sure you've tried c******g. Limit it to the squares occupied by each s**** from h*** to t***.

  148. Congrats on finishing, Laurie! :)

  149. Hi everyone and congrats to the new finishers! I'm close to the end but not done with my questions. Level 59, I have eggs 1a to c, 2a 2b and gates + red herring (i saw everything on it, I think). I can't get to 1e. Help please!

  150. Oh I got 1e. Just had to ask...

  151. @Esteban -- that happens to be all the time. As soon as I post, I figure it out (well, sometimes!). Now all you have to do is keep doing things you have been doing on this level. You are almost there!

  152. Congratulations to all the finishers!
    Well, I definitely have only half of the brain :)
    I can't find egg3a on level 42. I have eggs 1, 2, 3b and several rotten ones. Any help?

  153. @Milena -- to find Egg 3a, you need to go back to the level page. You should come up with it right off the top of your head.

  154. @lauriew - thank you, kicking myself right now :)

  155. @tialuisa - thanks so much. I was c******* far too much of them.

  156. thank you @Laurie W. got to 54 egg...probably more pleas for help soon!

  157. Level 33: I thought it might be about previous levels but not finding anything that grannies. Am I wasting my time?

  158. @Colmkilm -- you have the right idea, but perhaps you need to be a little more right. Try looking at it from another direction.

  159. I am stuck on Level 30 egg 4. I found the obvious answer which leads to egg 5b but I can't figure out 5a. Should I be finding another film that year that seems o******e to the clue or one that seems p******e ? I have looked at the list of films and nothing seems correct. I tried sending the words to granny but that doesn't help either.

  160. @olddude it seems that you have forgotten something from your conf eggs

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. lvl 47 egg 3a, i cannot figure out the name for the confirm egg, have 3b and confirm but am stumped on 3a, tried everthing with st****, y***, tw***,r***** b***s, cannot get anything.

  163. @robin the conf egg from 3b and the *** word you mentioned can help you identify 3a

  164. keeper, i am not sure what *** word you are talking about?

  165. @keeper, nvm got it, thank you for the help

  166. Level 2: got egg 3a but no luck so far with 3b. Tried counting in several ways with l****** but nothing. Am I on the right track at least?

  167. @Keeper - Level 30 -I had forgotten them but I am not sure what to do with them. I saw that 1 of them gives 2 words and 1 gives a word with and without a . I have tried granny and FTF with all the combos of the words and while I get some words none work. I tried google for the words with no success.

  168. Level 37 egg 2 - From each of the h******s do I get 4 seperate words or 6, because taking two letters from the third one is giving a long string of letters. And how much I use granny I am unable to progress with the chosen letters of each a***** in it's h******. I tried each h****** seperately.

  169. @mehroon: you just need one from each. Keep in mind that some belongs to two different h******s so you might need it again

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. @Namnet - still confused on 37 egg 2. Example there are 8 a*****s related to w****. Taking 3rd and 8th letter as mentioned gives me 16 letters which granny refuses to recognise.

  172. @olddude you should be able to get a word by grannying all words together

  173. @OldDude: Look at each of your conf eggs again. Use all the l****** under each p** to make one really big omelette

  174. Level 34: I have identified f*** words with d***** l****** and tried changing them to others that also have d***** l******. I haven't go any eggs at all yet. Not even rotten ones

  175. @mehroon -- I think you have misinterpreted two of the symbols on egg 2. You only need 1 letter each for the w**** group.

  176. @Eric911 -- You still need to count s**** not l******. Egg 3a gave a hint about what you did for 3a being n** e*****, so you need a method that gives bigger results. It is probably the way you wanted to do it in the first place, but with a tiny twist.

  177. @Colmkilm -- you are on the right general track, but you haven't found all the d***** l***** words. There are two more.

  178. Level 37 egg 2 - I am doing something wrong as I can't even progress. For each a***** belonging to the concerned h******, I am taking the letter which comes at the place mentioned under each, say for first one 6th letter in the name, but granny is not helping in any way

  179. Level 55, how to convert text to e*******? Tried letter counting, adding letter values, matching the words to the t****. I have rotten and confirmation eggs.

  180. @mehroon -- 37 was a hard level, and I found the e**** group to be the hardest. I ended up brute forcing that one a bit. I had one more than I was supposed to have. There
    were two I was not (and am still not) sure about. You should have nine. If you have more than that, look at nine-letter words from you granny result. Do be sure to consult Wiki or Google info for the various a****** h******s, as some of them are not quite what you might expect.

  181. @Colmkilm - You need to find seven.

  182. @Laurie W: thanks for replying. I reached the rotten egg (maybe not so rotten after all...) so maybe quite close...

  183. @Hancock - To start, find e******* whose s****** spell the questions.

  184. @Laurie W and tialuisa: Thanks I have got the rotten eggs now so I imagine I am on the rightish track

  185. This comment has been removed by the author.

  186. Stuck on level 25. I have read all the hints, but nevertheless I do not get an egg. I think I know what to use (b******). But I can't understand which Jolly Rogers don't see. A push please

  187. thanks @tialuisa! Got 55 egg 1b, and it seems egg 1a is found in a similar way but I've looked for alternative letter groupings to give different e******* and not found any. Is this the right track?

  188. @pichi, look closely at each jolly roger...there are differences to find

  189. level 37 egg 2 - I tried and tried but couldn't even get to 3a, b,c or d. Do I have to take scientific names for picking letters?

  190. @mehroon, it's about grouping according the 4 egg images. no scientific names...a little research may be needed to place some correctly, and some may fall into more than one place.

  191. Hancock. I see the differences, but I don't know which Jolly to use


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