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Small Tool Game: A Big Small Mind

A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

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Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @Pichi: If you consider whether they can see or not see then in groups of s** use b******

  2. @pichi, I think the different jollys are just a red herring..focus on the thing you found

  3. Colmkilm. The problem is that I don't know which ones can see and which ones can't. I see that the differences are in the eye patches, but this doesn't get me anywhere.

  4. @Pichi: Two patches=no eyes, one patch.......

  5. @Hancock - Right track. Look again at who.

  6. Thank you all! Onto level 26

  7. 49, egg 6, got rotten egg, have tried ftf and counted from everything i did/find, but not coming up with any thing useful. any hints?

  8. @robin - how many numbers are you looking at?

  9. @tia, i have tried picking from the 3/4 every which way, just coming up dry :/

  10. @robin - you need to use 2 methods on all 3. One you mentioned (on the w*****n n*****s i assume). The other is the most basic way to get a l****r from a n****r

  11. @tia, thank you, i kept dropping one letter . onto 50 now.

  12. hi
    level 27 i can't find egg D
    A push please.. thanks

  13. @molly - There is another way to interpret the text, which you probably already tried, but you need to be more specific.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm feeling very stupid now. I have level 2 eggs 3a and 3b but cannot get anything from them.

  16. @Di999: Which level are you stuck at?

  17. Intro 24, I got the 2 rotten eggs, I have read all the clues above but still need a big push. I have their numbers but I do not know where to apply or what to do further.

  18. @Riddled: If you have their numbers, that's what you need. Just take the first 5 that gave you the rotten egg.

  19. @Jay level 2 with eggs 3a and 3b. I have read in the comments that they are all I need to finish egg 2 but can't seem to manage to see what to do. I have tried various things but getting nowhere.

  20. Thank you @Jay. Finally popped

  21. @Di999: Have you tried doing what egg 3b tells you (on both 3a and 3b together)?

  22. @Jay - yes I have with the urls. I'll try again.

  23. @Jay thanks. It worked on the last gr**** s***** I just tried. One that I don't normally use! Note to self.....

  24. Also stuck on Level 27. I have egg1 eggs 2a,2b,2c.
    I can't find the egg 2d. I have to interpret the text of egg 1 in a different way? I try but I don't see how

  25. @Pichi: So far it seems you d***** h** from the word as you wer told. But remember: She also has a name.

  26. Level 35: I have eggs 1a and 1b but can't see what to do-thinking b****** but how?
    @Pichi: d***** her name

  27. Jay thank you! Now I found the egg 2d

  28. level 57, looking for Egg 1b confirm part 2, and Egg 1c confirm part 2. Do I need them? how to find them?

  29. @Colmkilm: Check the pics very carefully.

  30. @Hancock: Yes, you need them. To find them, transform what you see in 1b / 1c to gibberish (use confirm part 1 and g**** l**) and use your cipher and key to get part 2.

  31. @Jay: I saw it just after posting-I now have eggs 2a,2b and 3b and I know what to use. Just need to find the k** and the g********

  32. @Colmkilm - Just checking. It's 3b you have, and not 3a?

  33. thank you @Jay, that makes sense but I'm not getting a word. I've checked my gibberish many times (got it through g**** l**). I'm using the egg url word as the k**. Or should I be inferring something else from the pic on confirm egg 1a?

  34. @Hancock: 1a is the key as it says. Maybe wrong cipher? There is a confirm egg for that one.

  35. @Colmkilm: Most likely you have 3a, not 3b. If that's the case, you now need to look for 2c. It can be found by combining eggs 1a and 1b (but differently as you did to get 3a).

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. @Jay@tialuisa yeah it is 3a. sorry for typo. I will look for 2c now. TY both of you

  38. lvl 52 egg 1, not sure how to solve this one, i see everyone flew through it, but no clue what i am looking for, tried to translate, but got nothing... any hints please

  39. Level 47 - Egg 3a. I can't find the confirmation egg. I've tried s**** and c*************; I've tried with everything related to the m*th and many combinations with the r** object in the pic but I get nothing. Now I don't know what I'm looking for... a living person? Or is it a rebus? I have Egg 3b (and its 3 confirmation eggs but those names don't work).

  40. @robin: Do a very basic translation first (and then ask granny), that should get you started.

  41. @Puzzled: You actually got all you need. Think about your 3 confirmation eggs and who of those you see on egg 3a ... Then apply the numbers.

  42. @Jay - I had already tried it but I did a typo and discarded that option and of course, I took myself down the wrong path. Good thing you helped me get back, thanks :)

  43. @jay, thank you , i spent hours trying to interpret all the diacritics

  44. 52 to find egg 2a am i looking for what the tiny bits are called? i am not finding all the names, using wiki unicode as suggested. any other pages that might help name them?

  45. sorry, looking for 2b not 2a

  46. @robin to find 52 egg 2b, yes you need the diacritic names. I think wiki unicode is good, there are other sites too.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Level 59 with just eggs 1a and 1c. I've been trying many things to find 1b, 1d, or 1e. Will the pic name be of use?

  50. just got a red herring, sigh. still hoping for inspiration for 1b, 1d, 1e

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I'm living a nightmare called level 56. Somehow managed to get eggs 1a, 1b and 1c, but I guess my brain is too fried now to solve anything else. Help, please.

  53. Level 35: I just cannot find egg 2c. I have even tried combining the d*** from 1a and 1b, granny.....

  54. @colmkilm combining the d*** is the right thing to do
    @keeper thank you, not sure how to do that, but I'll keep trying

  55. @Milena: thanks. Got it now and I have 2c and rotten egg

  56. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Yo, Yo, Yo, a new winner again :)

    Very well done, Bojan

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  57. C O N G R A T S

    Bojan, you worked your way through the whole mind game and right into the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  58. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    And within half an hour another new winner :)

    Great job, Hancock

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/


  59. C O N G R A T S

    Hancock, you solved it all and as a reward a well-deserved spot in the;

    Wall Of Winners

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  60. Congrats Bojan & Hancock!!

  61. Level 36: I have eggs 1a and 1b, the key and some gib. Thought it was the k**** c***** c***** but not getting anything out of it. Is there something I am missing?

  62. @Colmkilm - you are right about the c*****. You need to do something to the g******* before using the c*****.

  63. @tialuisa: Thanks-I tried rewriting it as before, and in the other direction but so far no joy

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. @Colmkilm - You want to rewrite it in the same way you rewrote to get egg 1b.

  66. @tialuisa: I got egg2. Thanks. Taking a break now

  67. Level 4 egg: can't find what to do with red letters, in spite of earlier hints...

  68. Forget it. Got the POP moment on level 4

  69. 54 egg 2, i am not sure what i am doing wrong, i cant even find the rotten egg on this one, am i right to start at the little green splotch and go down?

  70. i have read all the hints but something just isnt clicking with me, i am not getting anything useful.

  71. @robin, yes, start on the green spot and go down. Length of the words matters.

  72. Level 6 egg: am sorry to ask but the main theme is almost unknown in my country so I don't understand what a "R***" is (the 2nd red pic word) and btw don't know what I need. Can someone explain?

  73. @Eric911: The main page hints at certain matches. Those have winners and ... . Take the ftf on the latter. Then take the second part of the red words literally (look closely at the small red dot between the words - it's not actually a dot, isn't it?).

  74. Oh! Thanks Jay, was overthinking it! And yes, noticed that the dot was not a dot but thought it was more complicated.

  75. Level 51 - All I've gotten so far is a sentence ending in gibberish. I can't find the egg. I've tried picking from the pic, text, URL and I have consulted many topics related to the level to be able to apply the numbers of the pic, but nothing at all. I need help finding the egg.

  76. @Puzzled: Seems you were doing the right thing, maybe count again? A sentence is what you will get.

  77. @Jay - Thanks :) I did as suggested and yes, now I have a full sentence, but apparently I have to pick from something that has e******* and s****** all mixed up. I will keep trying but I feel very much discouraged :*(

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. thanks for the hint on level stuck at level 31 with the 2 confirmation eggs...I don't know how to get the others

  80. @molly on level 31. There are 3 confim eggs, there are more than two people there right? On the two you already have, try to read those confirmation eggs in a different way.

  81. used a set of numbers to pick from some text....what are you going to do with the next set of numbers?

  82. thanks @Hancock ..I already have the 3rd, let's see now how I read

  83. @Hancock - Thanks for your kind interest ... but I have not found any egg yet with that set of numbers in what I believe is the place to pick as per the message (G*** O* ?)

  84. level 31 I found egg 1 ..I see the difference between the e** and the a****l , but if they are p******s I can't find them..a little help? tks

  85. Stuck between 42 and 43 on ENDGAME. By the way I reached 42 without playing game on 41 egg 1g. Do I have to play that to progress further? Tried many things but unable to move to 43

  86. @Molly - I don't understand what you are asking, but look at the url and the pic. There are words that are still understood in an abbreviated form, like the url. Can you complete the words in the list as was done with the url?

  87. @tialuisa..It said that if you have to add a p****x to the list of words

  88. @mehroon - Yes, it's the end game, but something on your screen indicates otherwise. As for 41 egg 1g, whereas you don't need to complete that path to finish the game, there may be a time in the not so distant future when you wish you had done so. I'm sure you've seen the comments here about a temp end...

  89. @Molly - Got it, thank you. I guess I don't think of what needs to be added as prefixes. It's completing the words.

  90. @tialuisa - Despite your hint unable to reach 43. Need more help

  91. @mehroon - Look up, and read what you see in its entirety.

  92. @Mehroon You are not in the m** game anymore. You are in the end game.

  93. Thanks @tialuisa and @chael615

  94. stuck on intro 30.10 egg 2, i understand the words are i*********** and that it's similar to an older level but still can't put 2 and 2 together

  95. @nnewhouse You don't have to put two and two together. You have to read it two separate ways.

  96. @nnewhouse the first word can be read as two separate instructions

  97. Level 51 - I was completely wrong. I finally understood what had to be done and I'm at level 52. Thank you very much to all of you who have helped me.

  98. Level 8: got the conf eggs but am now lost... How to go ahead?

  99. @Eric - Combine and granny.

  100. so for 30.10 egg 2 i only need 2 rotten eggs? i have them but don't know what to do with them.

  101. @nnewhouse - Combine them, and then look at your 'instructions' one last time.

  102. @nnewhouse, the rotten eggs just give you a nudge, almost like confirmation eggs. If they aren't working separately,....

  103. I'm back, not for long I'm afraid, maybe enough to squeeze a couple of levels in.
    Level 42 : I've got Egg 1 and 3a, tried to find Egg 2 but got nothing.

  104. @Namchokdef - Do the same drill on egg1 as you did on the level page, only this time use that last, grayed out number on line 5. Be sure to count the dashes.

  105. @tialuisa : Thank you as always! Onto 43 now, and....
    Level 43 : I have both up to 2a and 2b, now trying to see how each of them connects to the main level, as per past hints. I'm not quite seeing the connections, in 2a past hints said that I need to c**** something to make the connection, not seeing that kind of connection yet.

  106. tialuisa: that is the first obvious done....but probably used a bad granny as it did not gave the right answer.

  107. @Namchokdef - Don't worry about the level page. For 2b, there are 6 conf eggs to find and then 3b comes from those, For 2a, Puffin said this to me and I knew exactly what to do: "I think I just got it. Think how many letters in the word (she meant the word in the URL) and how many words on the left side and pick accordingly"

  108. Level 37: Feeling stupid here. I can't get egg 3a. I got 3b,3c and 3d easily enough. Any tiny hint, maybe number of letters?

  109. @Colmkilm: Lots of animals live or walk on the earth at some point - only not those permanently living in water and also there are some kinds of birds that basically never settle on the ground.

  110. @Jay: Yes I have all?, most? some? of those but just can't get the word!

  111. @Jay: Got it. I needed to rewrite the riddle that was my own notes!! Thanks, moving on..

  112. i just finished teoteq path a and am struggling to get into path b, i have two rotten eggs i got from the o*******a from path a but don't know how to proceed

  113. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/


    Very well done, PEL45

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.


    You worked your way through it all
    and right into the Wall :)

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  117. @nnewhouse: For path b, use the actual e*** a****** and do ftf to get the key.

  118. Congratulations PEL45 :)!!

  119. @nnewhouse: First things first :). Just use the first letters as you have probably done it many times.

  120. @Jay thanks Jay but i just get gibberish... am i doing something wrong?

  121. I am working on Level 42 and am confused. I have seen clues about looking for d*** and d***es but I don't know what is meant. I don't see any d***. Am I looking for the letter e since it is one d**? I see d***es but am I also looking for words with t since that is 1 d***? This is all referring to the level text, correct? I could use some clear help!

  122. lvl 54 still stuck, using news i am not getting anything useful, what am i missing? i have been stuck here for a couple days now and just keep getting gibberish that granny cant help with either.

  123. @olddude, if you are where i think you are, what letters have d***? not the e

  124. Level 52 Egg 1 - Can't find all the characters in the pic. If I come across them in the next ten years, what do I have to use: n***, l******e, k******d k**s? Or do I just have to look at the d***r***cs?

  125. @puzzled this one got me too, first step just write what you do know to get egg 2a and wiki unicode helped after that, the last one i hade to ask google directly

  126. @thanks Robin, I just got it ... the minute I posted .. POP!!!

  127. Level 59 - I have eggs 1a to 1e, 2a, 2b and a some rotten eggs, but I don't know how to proceed from here. Help, please.

  128. @robin - So the d** letters are i,j? And the d*** letters then are tfze? What then? How do you break it into letters? There are many and no clear punctuation. Thanks.

  129. @oldman, your d***** are the d*****, and then you should be able to figure out the letters from there.

  130. @robin - Thanks, got it now and on to level 43

  131. Lvl 54 egg 2, can someone tell me what i am missing , I am turning at all the news and taking the last letters, but getting gibberish, if i take all the lasts and the news letter i pass i get gibberish... what am i doing wrong or missing?

  132. Pipi you can add something to eggs 2a and 2b to move on.

  133. Robin I've tried to make sense of my notes on level 54 egg 2, and am in a total fog. All I can do is reproduce what notes I made and see if you can make any sense of them: split words wherever there is news and take a meandering path.

  134. @robin, how are you determining the distance for each move? make sure you include everything. take what you land on.

  135. 54.... I have tried taking ftf and the letter i land on, tried including the direction letters in between, or turning and taking the last letter after changing directions mid-word, i am just not getting anything, hancock are you saying i need to take all letters i step on?

  136. am i correct in just using news for my directions ? and do i actually make the turn midword or just the letter?

  137. @robin - Every time the next letter is a new direction take the letter you are on before taking off in the new direction. You should have 27 letters when you are done.

  138. @ robin - Sorry, to answer your question, both get the letter and make the turn.

  139. thank you all, i will keep at it with the hints

  140. Robin, I've been making a bit more sense of my notes. WAGGLING becomes WAGGLI NG, and so on.

  141. Level 10: read all the previous hint (especially the one about pi.neapple) but still don't get the trick. Any help?

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Yay, Yeah, Yes,
    Yay, Yeah, Yesterday
    two new finishers :)

    Great Job, TurningTides and MishuAnubis :)

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.







    You two didn't hit any brick wall at all,
    but both of you found your way into The Wall

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  147. @minkie, thank you. Now I am on 59 egg 5. I think I understand what is the key, but not sure on what to apply it. I went back to egg 1a and b, but no luck.

  148. @pipi the real key is in the next egg!

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. @Keeper, thank you. Got it.

  151. level 43 egg 2a - From comments it seems that the 7-letter word seen in url is important. So I have to take the corresponding letters to the 7 letters from the right side in reverse. That means the third letter appears 10 times on the left side and do I have to take the corresponding 10 letters on the right? By this method I am getting lot of letters

  152. \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

    Whoopie, a new winner!!!

    Very well done, Pipi :)

    \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/




    You played persistently and prevailed :)
    Your reward; being a winner on The Wall

    (Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)

  154. Still nobody for help on lvl 10?

  155. @Eric911, try to think of a very famous number associated with the theme. Use it to pick letters. The image has a hint on where to start.

  156. @Eric911 - What are those? There is a dot in between. Start from before the dot

  157. I don't think I can solve level 58. I was never good at things like that. I read all the hints and have been trying for days, it seems, to make my way through. I am not sure I was able to interpret the hints properly. I was hoping for some additional little hint if possible...

  158. Please answer this earlier post

    level 43 egg 2a - From comments it seems that the 7-letter word seen in url is important. So I have to take the corresponding letters to the 7 letters from the right side in reverse. That means the third letter appears 10 times on the left side and do I have to take the corresponding 10 letters on the right? By this method I am getting lot of letters

  159. Mehroon. It is not just 7 letters that re important. Count everything, and you should notice some correspondences.

  160. @mehroon. 43 egg 2a url has 19 letters. Did you notice how many words there are on each side of the egg level? Yes, there is a connection between the url and the text...and then finding corresponding letters.

  161. @milena the level url is the hint, you will need to go back. Have you seen any of those words before?

  162. @hancock - thank you. Yes, I have seen them before. I'll see what I can do

  163. @minkie and @hancock - Thank you very very much

  164. level 35 I can't get the egg 1b, I don't know how to do what 1a says..😞😞

  165. @Hancock: I have no idea what number can be associated with the theme... Except the number of slices but that does not work.
    @Mehroon: that's what I thought but can't check this theory before knowing the famous number...

  166. Forget my last comment. Again the POP moment. Thanks Hancock & Mehroon!

  167. @molly, reconsider the letters you read on the level page. Don't go to what they are instructing you to do.

  168. done... Thank you, to 36

  169. !!Congrats TurningTides, MishiAnubis & pipi on finishing!!

  170. Stuck on level 37. I have egg 1a-1b
    I don't understand how to get the next egg. I read the comments about this but I don't understand it

  171. @tialuisa : Thank you!
    Now stuck in Level 44. Got a Rotten Egg and it seems I need to be more simple-minded than this. Not quite seeing what yet, might need a bit of a hint. I only see one person asking for help in this level, so it must've been easy.

  172. @Pichi - Google the a****** together and the comments here might make more sense to you.

    @Namchokdef - Maybe your granny can help you out ;)

  173. on level 2, if the move ends in the beggining of a ladder do i get up on it on that same move without counting more moves or only on the next one?

  174. @nnewhouse: your first idea is ok.

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. lvl 56, any help, no idea what the hints mean, flipping and using the hg's as one? not making any progress

  178. Level 12: cannot find the link between all the names in the pic (and one is a c*****y and not a c**y). No idea what I have to find in each of them. Everything I have tried so far gives no result.

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. @eric, if you are still stuck on 12, look closely at the words in the pic, you should find something in each one, the first one being the easiest

  181. @Robin: yes still glued on 12. Will follow your hint but one question though. And maybe -probably- a wrong track: earlier hints talk about p** n*** being a major hint. I noticed that granny gives an interesting result. But I may overthinking?

  182. Got my answer... Onto 13. Thanks a lot Robin!

  183. still stuck on lvl 56, do i use zero's or negs when flipping? either way i am not getting a good word, any help please

  184. @tialuisa : Oh, I should really get memory problems checked, I keep forgetting how many grannies are in my family..... Thanks. Onto 45 now.

  185. @robin if you do it correctly there's no zero/negative at the end. You need to f*** all of them each time

  186. I need help for egg 5 level 59. Read all the hints but don't really understand what to do

  187. @Milena, level 59 is very've used a couple of tricks to get you to egg 5...why don't you try one of them again with what you see?

  188. @Hancock, thank you. I thought I did that with no success. Obviously I am not doing the right thing. I'll just try again

  189. Finally got it. I always spend enormous amount of time on things that are easiest :(

  190. I hate to say I am stuck at the start of Level 45. I see I am looking for m**** t***** with something in common but I have only found the one from the lower right that has been hinted at. I can't determine a common theme with only 1 and I just can't seem to find another one. I see all kinds of words but nothing that I can clearly identify as a m****. Help please!

  191. Level 43: I need a little help here. I have eggs 2a and 2b. From 2b I have a fullhouse of conf eggs and from 2a I have numbers that I got from using the pic name on the left side of the text. But I have run out of ideas. Any help?

  192. Level 54 - I can't find any eggs. I'm not sure if each w*** is a l***** or if I should pull l*****s from each s***, regardless of which w*** the s*** belongs to. It's all the same to me anyway, because I get off the g*** all the time. It makes me very angry having an idea of what to do but not being able to carry it out :/

  193. @OldDude - There are 2 eggs (one of them a confirmation) to be found from what the m***** have in common. It might benefit you to look up the m**** you have and think about possibilities for what it might have in common with others. Finding those eggs will make the other m***** much easier to find.

  194. @Colmkilm - From the 2b confirmation eggs you can find another egg by doing something basic. From 2a it's unclear to me if you found egg 3a, which does happen to have some numbers or if are still on 2a. If the latter, you should have letters, not numbers. You can find them by applying what you found on the right side of the text to the left.

  195. @Puzzled - Each letter below the g*** is a d****tion and you should get a l***** with every step.

  196. @tialuisa - thanks :) Yes, I understand the d********* but I am not doing it right for RL, I'm afraid because I stay all the time in the same area and in the second or third w*** I go off the g*** :/

  197. @Puzzled - Do you move just one square per direction and when you go U and D do you go to the same square you were below or above?

  198. @tialuisa, yes. I think I understand NEWSUD. Not sure what to do with RL


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