A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
small-tool for
EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games
: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Play This GamePlease
try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course
when in need, help each other out the best you can!
@Puzzled - There are two ways to interpret those. One way is, as you are looking at the grid, which gets you a rotten egg. The other is, as if you were walking the path. But neither should take you off the grid.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - I'm walking the path but I always end off ... I believe I am not doing the right turns. I will keep trying :)
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ReplyDeleteLevel 43: Thanks for your reply tialuisa. Let me clarify. I have egg 3b. On 2a I located positions of letters corresponding to url in the left hand text and tried using those positions on the right, both L to R and R to L but not getting anything useful.
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ReplyDeleteWe have a new winner!!!
Great Job, Milena :)
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You magnifically mastered the mind game :)
And you won your spot on the The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
OK I got 3a.
ReplyDelete@Milena Congrats
@robin -- if you're still on 56 -- remember the objects you are using here. There are no negatives. When one gets to the end, it just stops. You do not combine the four object. Using them as one just means that you do the same thing to all four at the same time.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - thank you, I feel empty now :)
ReplyDelete@Milena-maybe I will join you all on the wall later, but for now, if you look in from time to time, the rest of us may need some help!
ReplyDelete@OldDude: I am stuck at exactly the same point. I have searched for anything and everything that may be a theme, including a****s, d******r, g**re but no luck so far
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - have you found the long m**** t**** at the b***** r****? Most of the other m**** t***** are just one word, just google them and the theme wouldn't be too hard to find
ReplyDelete@Colkilm - I think you mentioned the theme in your post
ReplyDelete@Colkilm - Yes, you are right. Try the a***** n*** to get a confirmation egg, and then it would be easier to find other m**** t*****
ReplyDelete@Milena-well, the one I had did not give me a conf egg-so there must be another one
ReplyDelete@Colkilm: that m**** t**** is plural, so maybe you have the wrong m****?
ReplyDelete@milena: thank you for being my guide. I had the a**** all along BUT I was typing in the full n***.I only needed the s******!!!!! What a numpty!!!
ReplyDelete@colkilm: I am glad you did it. Have fun finding other m*****
ReplyDelete@milena: already on it, and I have 1b
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ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finishing Milena!
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all that have finished !!!
ReplyDeletelvl 57, have read all the hints and still cant find 1c, any help please.....
@robin, level 57. to get 1b you took two things and did a type of adding. Try to think of another way to add.
ReplyDelete@robin, + the l****** at the s**** and e** of the 4 g**** l*** on the level page.
ReplyDeletethank you @ tialusa, now have 1c confirm also and stuck
ReplyDelete@robin - I think you have now the 3 conf eggs 1a, 1b pt 1 & 1c pt 1. The first you will use on both sets of g********. To get the g********, do what you have been doing throughout this level to eggs 1b and 1c and then use the two "pt 1" conf eggs to put each result in order.
ReplyDeletelvl 58 i thought i glided ok, and when i entered the word it brought me to 59 rotten with a moldy tomato, where did i go wrong?or is that how its supposed to go? and if so, how do i add the letter it suggests?
ReplyDelete@robin - it seems that the only thing you got wrong is the name of that moldy fruit :)
ReplyDeleteaaaasa, just so i am clear, that was the end of 58 and i got pushed directly into 59 1c? that was purposeful? without going to a main level on 59?
ReplyDelete@robin: No, you should get to the main level page first. Level 58 is very short so when I came to the 59 level page I first thought it was a rotten egg ... Are you sure you got directly to egg 1c? Not sure how you managed that :).
ReplyDeletejay, yes i went directly to rotten egg on 59 and added the letter it told me too and brought me to 1c, how many letters am i supposed to find on 58 , 6 right, my path brought me to the rotten egg, i must have misunderstood what the s*****s mean on 58? can you clear that up for me?
ReplyDelete@jay, now that i am looking at it, i guess maybe it is the level page, rotten is only in the pic not the title
ReplyDeleteI am stuck on level 48. I understand it is about m**** c*** and I see the words p****** g*****. I have translated that to m**** but I just don't see how that helps me. Am I supposed to use the number of d*** and d***** in that word to re-align the morse code for the text or am I looking for that exact pattern somewhere? I just can't see it. Help Please.
ReplyDelete@OldDude: Level 48: I am in the same predicament. If I find anything I will let you know
ReplyDeleteOldDude and Colmkilm. No need to realign the morse, just line it up with the text.
ReplyDelete@minkie: TY. I just needed to SPACE out my work clearly.
ReplyDeletetotally lost on 59, have the 1a and 1c eggs and have been stuck there, all the hints i read everyone had that pop moment, tried adding letters to everthing and not getting anything useful, any help please
ReplyDelete@robin - There is a word on the level page that quite often leads to a certain c*****. The letter
ReplyDelete"M" could be directing you somewhere. You may need to scramble (or unscramble) the result.
@tialuisa, that led me to a r** h******, is that what i needed?
ReplyDelete@robin - You will need that before you leave the level (make sure you look at that egg from top to bottom) so you have the method, but I was thinking about using something(s) else to get other eggs.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa, thank you , made it to 1d and the gates of hell,
ReplyDelete@robin - I was glad that was another dead end. I was dreading returning to hell one more time :) You now have the two main methods for finding eggs on this level. So keep on working with what you've got and more eggs will follow.
ReplyDelete.lvl 59 have 1a-1e, cant find what i need to get to the 2's i think i have added to, changed, rearranged everything i have seen, is it something that simple that i have overlooked?
ReplyDelete@robin - There is a snippet of text below the pics of two of the eggs you have. Use one of the previous methods on them for two more eggs.
ReplyDeletethank you tia, i am working on it, i used two of them with small tid bits to get to the gates, and tried using ftf of the others and get nothing
ReplyDelete@robin - Try doing something to each of them separately.
ReplyDeletethank you tia, made it to egg 4 before getting stuck again,
ReplyDeleteLevel 59 Egg 1E - I can't find any egg 1e in the red herring egg, I've tried everythingI could think of and clearly I'm missing something. I have 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, Red Herring and D****** eggs plus one rotten. I need help please.
ReplyDelete@puzzled, did you try using the red herring word in the same c***** you used everything else? then help on 4 please. :)
ReplyDelete@Robin - for egg4 you just need your 3a & 3b eggs. About egg 1e, what do you mean, should I use the red herring word url or something in the text or pic?
ReplyDelete@ puzzled, sorry, meant how to get past 4 to egg 5, did you see the hint on the red herring? use it now and save it for later as well
ReplyDelete@Robin - For egg 5 you need to use the method of adding something to egg 4. And no. I'm not able to see any hint in the Red Herring egg. I've tried several things with the 2 methods and other eggs, and also V*******
ReplyDelete@puzzled, did you look at the entire page of the red herring ? it gives a word , make sure you look up and Down on the page
ReplyDelete@robin - thank you very much, found egg 1e at last :) I definitely need to rest a bit, I'm continually failing the basics :*(
ReplyDelete@puzzled, yes i am in need of rest as well, thank you for your help as well.
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ReplyDeleteany help on 59 egg 7, tried all 3 steps on 6 and getting nothing.
ReplyDeletetrying to find egg 7, with no luck
ReplyDeleteLevel 57 - Found eggs 1a, 1b and 1c but can't find any conf. eggs. Help please
ReplyDeletemehroon, did you visit granny with any parts of your eggs yet? it will suggest a c***** for you to use
ReplyDelete@robin - for egg 7 abandon the methods you have been using for the moment and use something you have just found. Color is important.
ReplyDelete@tialusa i saw the color of the new word, and know that there are 2 other eggs with that same color with letters, tried everything i could with those and got nothing, am i on the wrong track?
ReplyDelete@robin - You are on the right track and you know what the new word IS. Maybe you found a rotten egg with the same color letters and have forgotten about it. If not, try to find it as it has important information.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa, before i go on the rotten egg hunt, i am looking for the g***** letters right, because i didnt find any rotten ones with that color, just the color on the orange right now?
ReplyDeleteI just finished :) Thank you small-tool for this magnificent riddle. Thanks also to fellow riddlers who always help with advice and comments. Without you I could never have finished. Now I think I'm going to sleep for a week straight... I really need it :P
ReplyDelete@robin - Use the four g**** letters that you noticed previously to find a rotten egg. Use a method on them but don't add anything to them.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Puzzled!! Have a good sleep :)
ReplyDeleteThanks ZZZzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeletethank you so much tia, now on egg 8
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ReplyDeletePleased to announce a new winner!!!
Very well done, Puzzled :)
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You perfectly played your way through the puzzles :)
So for you too a place on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
@robin - Yay!!
ReplyDeletecongrats puzzled!!!
ReplyDeleteomg what am i missing to finish have 6 confirms and 2 rotten tried counting and ftf , google didnt give anything useful so i assume its something simple i am overlooking?
ReplyDeleteLevel 57 - Unable to find any conf egg for 1a. A hint please
ReplyDelete@Robin - Thanks for help on getting conf eggs of 1bp1 and 1cp1 but again no idea about part 2 of both
@mehroon, for 1a confirm did you try visiting granny with either side, it will tell you what you need to find the part 2's
ReplyDelete@robin - To finish, it is indeed ftf, or should I say First Things First ;)
ReplyDelete@mehroon - And when you have all the conf eggs, to progress on all three eggs, it's more g**** l***ing. Eggs 1b and 1c are straightforward. For egg 1a, Ellie gave this great hint:
ReplyDelete"... Don't include the starting letters. Always pick the second of the two letters you pass by. The first (B) row should start: tric..... Anagram in the end."
@mehroon - And after anagramming all of them, you should notice one that doesn't quite fit with the others. This will get you one more conf egg.
ReplyDelete@tia, just on the level right?
ReplyDelete@robin - Use First Things First on some information you accumulated based on the level.
ReplyDelete@tia, i already tried ftf on who, and l***cs, and titles, not sure what else i am looking for :/
ReplyDelete@robin - FTF are letters, First Things First are w.... ;)
ReplyDelete@ robin, w****, as tialuisa said, and then G***** I can't sleep :P
ReplyDeletethank you tia so much!!!
ReplyDelete@ robin - Ouch! DO NOT G***** "I can't sleep" (it's me the one who can't spleep), G***** your FtF w****
ReplyDeletesorry puzzled, thank you for all your help, my brain needed both you and tia tonight to get through!
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ReplyDeleteAnd another one ! ! !
Great job, robin :)
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You can rest now, you're really ready :)
You earned your right to be on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
Tia Posting problems;
ReplyDeletetialuisa has left a new comment on the post "SMALL TOOL GAME: A Big Small Mind Game":
@ robin - Hooray!!
@Puzzled - Try hot cocoa and some nice background noise like ocean waves :)
@ robin, congrats! I love it when some of us reach our goal together :)
ReplyDelete@tialuisa, yes I will try it right now, it's a great hint from a great fellow riddler :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Robin & @tialuisa - Thanks for all help.
ReplyDeleteBut still stuck on 57. Got confirm egg 1a but can't find the rose code cipher as the link on red luth leads to a dead site and googling gives only the name of a novel written by Kate Quinn. No idea what to do. Rumkin and other sites do not give rose code. Please help
Level 57 - If it is not ROSE CODE than what cipher is it?
ReplyDeleteLevel 49: I am having trouble finding egg 4c. I have 4a,4b and 5a. Do I get 4c from egg3?
ReplyDelete@mehroon - There is a conf egg 0 to be found from egg 1a, the same way conf eggs 1b part 1 and 1c part 1 are found from eggs 1b and 1c. That is your cipher.
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - Look at egg 3 again. Look until you see something(s) change.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: I have noticed the different orientations and been playing around with it but granny doesn't like what I give her
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: I printed the egg page and of was working with a static image-not a gif I will work on that now
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - thanks
ReplyDeletelevel 59 - got eggs 1a-e, 2a, 2b but unable to proceed further. Reached the g**** o* h*** with 2a and 2b but can't reach 3a or 3b. Help please
ReplyDelete@mehroon: You always need to keep the main level theme in mind. Apply that to 2a/b to proceed.
ReplyDelete@Jay - thanks very much
ReplyDeleteLevel 60 - got 6 conf eggs and 2 rotten eggs , one with an animal and another with a year. No idea how to proceed further
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ReplyDeleteYay, yay, yay a new winner!!!
Very well done, MarcL :)
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You made it magnificently :)
For you a well-deserved spot on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
congrats.. marcl
ReplyDeleteI am stuck with Level 52, Egg 1. I have tried googling each pane but I am not getting anything useful. I have seen references to Wikitionary but I am not sure how to get it to be helpful. Can someone tell me how to get the info I need?
ReplyDeleteolddude.. first just use the basics of what you see, and then use the wiki page suggested to get the names of those pesky little extras
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ReplyDeleteAnd again a new finisher!!!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd, hugoke :)
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You have done it, you succeeded and cracked it all :)
You are a winner on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
Congrats MarcL!! Congrats hugoke!!
ReplyDeletelevel 60 - stuck with 6 conf eggs and 2 rotten ones - an animal and a year
ReplyDeleteMehroon look above at the hints they gave me, i was stuck there too,
ReplyDelete@mehroon - It may be hard to find because level 60 was not mentioned. to find the start of the conversation, search for: omg
ReplyDelete@Robin - Thanks. Finished the riddle
ReplyDelete@s-t - Thanks for a hard but enjoyable riddle. Hoping level 41 will continue indefinitely
Congrats mehroon, very well done ! ! !
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing :))
congrats mehroon!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats mehroon!
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me: I have to go back and revisit 41 egg1g. I assume it is English words I am looking for?
ReplyDeleteI am having trouble with Level 54, egg 2. I can't even find the rotten egg. I believe that only the 4 directions are being used but I understand that certain words have more than 1 of them. Is the punctuation significant? Am I supposed to follow the direction for the number of letters before the next change? I have been trying this with no success. I thought the rotten egg would come from only using one direction for each word but no luck. Help.
ReplyDelete@olddude, i was stuck there too, and the one clue that was given to me that made it all fall into place was.... waggling= waggli ng, apply that through out the steps
ReplyDelete@robin - I appreciate the help but I already understood that but it still isn't working. I do start at the green dot, right? I show there are 28 moves. Is that correct?
ReplyDeleteolddude, yes you start at the green and head south and you should gather 27 letters the first bit gives directions as to what to do with the last bit
ReplyDelete@robin - I think I know what the first word (instruction) should be but I don't get there. Shouldn't Stopper be S5 followed by E2 and then Extra is E5? That leads me to lose the word that leads to Granny.
ReplyDelete@old man I am not sure where you are getting those, trying to go by my notes and not following yours, but what helped me was knowing how many letters, i wrote it all out and underlined all my moves to make sure i stayed on track, as i said before the waggli ng helped to make sure i grabbed the right letters and make the right turns, if you have the first word then you started ok, just make sure you know your turns ahead, i got lost so many times before i finally underlined and had my path predetermined
ReplyDelete@OldDude - Check your words again. There is no stopper.
ReplyDelete@old dude, just got what you are saying sorry, yes you are correct so your second p and the r and then the a would all be your letters
ReplyDeleteI am now totally confused. First, Stopper is one of the text words on Egg 2. Maybe I have this all wrong. I thought the Clues Start, South Normal etc meant go S5 then S5 then N6 etc...Am I completely off? I don't understand why p, r and a would be letters. I don't get them on the grid????
ReplyDelete@olddude, stopper is not one of the words, stop is, but anyways, i just meant that what letters you land on with those are the letters you take, so.... start you would take where you landed with the t, etc... you said you got the first word so you have the right idea,
ReplyDeleteThese are the text words on my screen:
I never got a complete first word becauss stopper always kills me.
I dont know why you have stopper, its supposed to be stop, try it with that
ReplyDeleteHi. Stuck on level 43. I have eggs: 1a 2a 3a
ReplyDeleteI've read the hints but I don't understand how to find the egg 1b, I guess I need this one... Or 2b and 3b?
No progress, any help is appreciated. Thanks
Wow, that did it! I don't know why I see Stopper but I couldn't solve it with that word. Thanks for the help. Finally moving on.
ReplyDeletethat confused me too olddude, glad you got passed it
ReplyDelete@pichi, this level was a bugger, do you have a real die handy?
ReplyDeleterobin: yes, I have it and I have played with the dice in many ways, but I get nothing
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ReplyDeletepichi, sorry i am taking so long, i am trying to make sense of my own notes
ReplyDeletetialuisa, I spin the dice: 6 SE is the number 6, so I count 6 on the grid? I'm not clear...
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ReplyDeleteon level 2 i have egg 3a and one rotten egg. how can i get to 3b?
ReplyDelete@nnewhouse - On egg 2 it's still h*** to t*** but this time, count the h*** sq****, the t*** sq**** and every sq****in between.
ReplyDeleteLevel 13: back into the game after a week away. Found only 2 rotten eggs (that don't seem that rotten...) but how to use that and where?
ReplyDeleteLvl 13. Eric911, it is based on a chemistry joke. Hope this isn't too much, but what is HIJKLMNO? Google it if you don't know.
ReplyDelete@patty: thanks, never heard about that before! Onto egg 1
ReplyDeletetialuisa: Thank you! I now have egg 1b for lvl.43
ReplyDeletePlus 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b. And conf. egg for 2b.But I don't know how to solve egg 3a and 2b. Or do I need more eggs first?
@Pichi: You need to use 2b to get 3b. Ftf, then 2nd things then 3rd, then......
ReplyDeleteBTW, did you manage to solve Level 41 egg1f? If so could you give me a hint?
lvl 41 1f: If you solved egg 1e, do something similar to another egg word with the other granny.
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ReplyDeleteColmkilm. Thanks. For level 41 egg 1f look at the names of the objects like you did before
ReplyDeleteSorry I meant 1g-the game. I have been trying to find a path for weeks now. Meanwhile I have moved on as well and am working on Level 52
ReplyDeleteColmkilm. I have 6 confirmation eggs for lvl-43 Egg 2b. I see numbers in each of them, but I don't know where or how to apply them. I still don't have the Egg 3b
ReplyDelete@Pichi: Ftf the conf eggs-it is a strange word
ReplyDeleteThank you Colmkim. I didn't know this word.
ReplyDeleteDo I need more eggs or should I solve 3a? although I have no idea how
Thank you Colmkilm! I'm finally out of hell!
ReplyDelete@Pichi: it gets better, I mean worse. I ordered a straightjacket from amazon yesterday!!!
ReplyDeleteColmkilm: Yeah, I guess it'll be worse, I'll need your straitjacket! Lol.
ReplyDeleteOn 44 there are few comments so I think it will be easy. Although not for me, I don't know how to start, I've already seen all the D*** and the 10 eggs are the same?
Pichi: No they are not. But....
ReplyDeleteColmkilm .I don't see any differences, I don't know what to do then
ReplyDeletePichi: The eggs are all different if you look at the urls...but... and here is where I want to give you more info but I don't know if it would be too much of a spoiler and I don't want to face the wrath of ST-let me know how you get on. I am here all evening-(trying to start Level 53 and still playing with 41 egg1g!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes I know and I try the basics but it doesn't work.
ReplyDelete@Pichi: Don't focus on the eggs. Focus on the level page. Do something basic with it.
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ReplyDeleteLevel 13 egg 4: have followed the tips and now have a long sentence/words. Can't find the exit with that
ReplyDelete@Eric911: If your sentence/words is correct then it tells you what to do to the egg4 sentence
ReplyDeleteHi. Still stuck at level 44. I've gotten a rotten egg and visited several grannys but nothing. Am I using the wrong word or do I need to do something else in the main level? Can somebody help me? Thank you
ReplyDelete@pichi if you bring the right words to the granny s-t recommended you should be able to get something
ReplyDeleteI made it through lvl 60 and I want to thank everyone who helped or left great clues and of course, I want to thank @small-tool for all the work put into the game. I am now going back to lvl 41 1g and I finally found it and the fun game to play. To be sure I understand, there are 8 d********** moves although there are 9 symbols. I assume the ninth is just there to indicate it starts over and should be ignored? If so, then are my first choices for letters 2 and 25 (to use a common code)?
ReplyDelete@Pichi: use the text on the level page
ReplyDelete@OldDude: Scroll down-there are eleven directional moves that you have to make
ReplyDeleteI saw the moves. I am just trying to be sure I understand how it works and I just wanted to verify that those are the choices for the first selection
ReplyDeleteI made it to the temp end. Enjoy everyone.
ReplyDelete@OldDude: Is it the 2 or the 25 path? I still haven't got it
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - It's the 2.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: Thanks that's the one I have been getting most sense out of. I am going to stick with it
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - You'll get there. Your first word is 6 letters.
ReplyDeletehi..lever 47 stuck in the 3a egg... I have 3 confirmation eggs, 3 rotten and I don't know where to apply the numbers... a little help, thanks
ReplyDelete@Molly: Have you got egg 3b?
ReplyDelete@molly: If you know (google) the story of egg 3b, you can find the h****** of that story. Then the numbers may make sense
ReplyDeleteThanks.. I had it but I did the math wrong..Done
ReplyDeleteWow, Congrats to all that have finished! I had to drop out for I while. I hope there are some still here that can help me on Intro Lvl 30.7 egg 2? Tried M***e, B*****e and B****y. Got nothing that seems to make sense.
ReplyDelete@Suz - There is a hint for you, about the solving method, if you read the top two lines in the usual way you would read those two characters.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - I have read top 2 lines of d*** & d*****, I got an incomplete sentence. What do u mean by characters?
ReplyDelete@Suz - By characters I meant d*** & d***** :). The first two lines have 3 words: I d*** s**.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - Yep, those are my words. Took them to granny, nice 8 letter word but no go. I took the hint and "felt" my way through the red circles. I got 3 letters. Nothing helpful. I then included the d***** with the d***. I got a 3 l***** word - s** and 5 more l*****. Granny didn't want them. I got to be missing something sooooo simple:/
ReplyDeleteHi. Stuck on level 48,Egg. I have a rotten egg.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what to apply with m**** to the letters of the egg.I have tried a few related p*****s but no luck
@tialuisa - Eureka, I got it. I took my "feelings" to another Granny and she gave me the love I needed. Thanks a bunch for your help Tialuisa. And thanks for sticking around for us slowpokes:)
ReplyDeleteNever mind. Go it
ReplyDeletehi..level 49,egg 6, I could only get one rotten egg, I don't know where to apply those numbers..tks
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ReplyDelete@Molly - What did you do on the level page? And you have three numbers here...
ReplyDeleteJust dropping by to say a word of appreciation to the players who still stick around to provide helpful hints, you're the best!
ReplyDeleteEspecially Tialuisa, you are a gem :)
Level 23 egg 9: no idea how to reach egg 10 and the k** for the gibberish. Unless it is provided on egg 10?
ReplyDelete@Eric - To get to egg 10 you need a 9 letter word. FTF on something(s) will get that for you.
ReplyDelete@dutchie - Merry Christmas!! :)
ReplyDeleteLevel 58: I have two rotten eggs. Do I need to look at more previous levels?
ReplyDelete@Colmkilm - How did you get the second rotten egg. Did you g* b*** on the g*** or did you reverse some letters?
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