A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
small-tool for
EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games
: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Play This GamePlease
try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course
when in need, help each other out the best you can!
That last post was for Stage 1 Part 2 egg 2b. BTW. Shouldn't post when I'm feeling sleepy.
ReplyDeletePichi. You are right, but you need to swap things round a little.
ReplyDeleteI actually managed to get to Part 3! But I'm stuck with Egg 1a. Can't figure out what to do with the interesting animals. Also not sure if I'm done with the main Part 3 page or still need it.
ReplyDeleteBFS You may want to divide things up a bit differently.
ReplyDelete@Stage 1 Part 2 looking for egg 2b. I cannot see the "heads" everyone is talking about. Are they in the image, or is it something in the text?
ReplyDeleteLaurie, in the text. And the original post said head....
ReplyDeletewhich was meant to hint a longer word. Could have been head... just as well.
@Dushka: focus on the losers' score. Then basic riddling technique.
ReplyDeleteHmmm for stage 1 part 2 I think the right side tells me to somehow repeat the l*******e l*****s or assign a different value to them, but neither seem to lead to anything useful :/
ReplyDeleteI have tried so many things to find Stage 1 Part 2 Egg 2b, and I have gotten quite a few good words, but to no avail.
ReplyDelete@Laurie W - I have too. A while ago I decided it might be easier to figure out what minkie's inspired guess was but I failed there too :(
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one stuck trying to find Stage 1, Part 2 egg 2b. Am I supposed to do something to the word that got me to egg 1c? I can't seem to get anything from that.
ReplyDeleteAre the "heads" the h*****gs? If so, I'm not sure what to do with those. I've tried some things but gotten nowhere.
Is there an egg 1d for Stage 1, Part 2?
aaaasa is right, but has forgotten something unused.
ReplyDeleteBeen stuck for 2 days on level 43, trying to reach egg 3a. Read all the earlier hints, am sure it is right under my nose but can't find the trick. Noticed the number of words (left and right) is the same than the number of letter of the url word, but picking gives only gibberish. Probably overthinking something but I am out of new ideas...
ReplyDeleteEric911 picking shouldn't give gibberish if you put a mirror down the middle of the te
ReplyDelete*te = text
ReplyDelete@minkie - good to know I'm on the right track, but the only unused things I can think of will be the egg word and egg text of egg 1c, I can get some good words from them without repeating but that obviously doesn't work either :/
ReplyDelete@Minkie: so must be doing something wrong I think... Is the answer a 7-letter word at least?
ReplyDeleteaaaasa egg text is good (once). As far as I can make out you are doing the right thing.
ReplyDeleteOops... I mean 8
ReplyDeleteNo Eric911. It is much ... ur Longer
ReplyDelete@minkie - finally got to egg 2b now... turned out I missed 1 letter because of the head :)
ReplyDelete@Minkie: so I now feel even more lost lol! Left side is a series of 3-3-4-5-4 words so picked the 3rd, 6th, 10th etc... letter from the url. Obviously I am completely wrong but can't what I can do instead. PS: comment will be deleted if needed
ReplyDeleteEric911. The number of words on each line doesn't matter. Just match up left and right words.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Thanks for the hint. I've been trying to divide the main page words differently as was done in a previous round (Cs and Vs rather than "C"s and "l"s), but one of the numbers comes out too high when I do that. Am I on the right lines at all? :/
ReplyDelete@BFS - looks like you've been classifying them rather than dividing them :)
ReplyDeleteDid I understood correctly that there is no stage 1, part 1 egg 2c?
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate yet another hint on Stage 1 Part 2 Egg 2b. That one simply beats me. I have now tried using the egg word from 1c and making an omelet with the l****c*** l*****s that I got from translating the right column on the main page. That gives good words, but none of them works. Am I on the right track here or not?
ReplyDelete@dutchie - That's correct, no stage 1, part 1 egg 2c.
ReplyDeleteDutchie, I believe you understood correctly.
ReplyDeleteJay reread aaaasa's hint above at 7:11pm. You missed a key word (repeat); you are on the right track!
Could someone clear up the division aspect of Part 3; is it the main page or p.3, egg 1a? Thanks!
@ tialuisa @patty3ponies
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks both.
@p3p the main page of Part 3 will lead to another egg
ReplyDelete@patty3ponies: Thank you, finally got it. That one was really too tricky for me ...
ReplyDeleteStage 1, Part 3.
ReplyDeleteI have egg 1a, but none of the previously learned methods work for finding another.
Umsyt, as hints above suggest, you need to divide the 8~six letter words, differently ;) Use a very similar method.
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out how dividing is any different to classifying :/ I did notice that considering only one "type" gives shorter individual words for each 6-letter word, but I'm not convinced this is the way forward. If it is and this comment is too spoily, I'll delete.
ReplyDeleteNot the way forward BFS. Think about how many letters there are on each line.
ReplyDeleteThanks to patty3ponies hint above I actually made it to Stage 1 Part 3 Egg 1b - and now only got a rotten egg. I noticed that I can see the f**** / b*** of the animals on Egg 1b, is that significant or a red herring?
ReplyDelete@Jay - think about the egg word and you should know what to take.
ReplyDelete@aaaasa, thanks, just got it :). POP again ...
ReplyDeleteFirst 10 finishers are in now :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job guys!
New finishers,
Please keep mailing me. No points for this stage anymore, but in case of a tie at the end of the 3 stages the spots 11 and up will be very important!
Congrats all finishers!!
ReplyDelete@BFS - Don't think of the words as words. Think of them as groupings if letters.
ReplyDelete@minkie: I can see each line has the same number of letters. I tried converting each and then dividing by the one in the same position on the bottom row, but most are not whole numbers and that doesn't really fit with techniques used elsewhere in the level anyway. But using b****y also doesn't work for division.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't need to finish to unlock next month's stage, I might just leave it, because I don't think I'm going to get it. :/
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - Thanks for the hints!!! I've just seen something that I think may help. Goodness knows how all of you spotted that without help. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's moments like this where I feel like a huge imposter in this group of brainiacs!
ReplyDelete@BFS - I well understand that feeling, but just because you feel that wat doesn't make it true. :)
ReplyDeleteMade it out!!! Really thought I would be stuck staring at cake Jesus and a bunch of animals forever, lol. And it turns out you do need to complete the previous stage to be able to start the next month's one, so I wouldn't have been able to get away with not finishing (should have known!).
ReplyDeleteThanks, S-T, for this mini riddle! I look forward to being bamboozled once again in a month's time :D
Hi, all! I am now on Stage 1, part 3. I have egg 1b, but I have no idea how to get egg 1a. Can I use a hint, pls?
ReplyDeletePipi, you've done the harder part first! For 1a, just leave the words as they are and do the same thing as you have been doing.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@minkie, thank you! I did that at first, but I had one number wrong.
ReplyDeleteI just want to thank S-T again for his riddles, I love them, and also all of you for your help. Without you, I am sure I wouldn't be able to do anything.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I never did find eggs 3a and 3b in Part 1, I just found 3d and it was enough for the next Part :)
Stage 1, Part 3, Egg 1b - I've divided using b***** in many ways and I don't get anything. Frustration rises, specially after so much suffering with Part 2-Egg 2b. I highly doubt I'll be able to finish this :*(
ReplyDeleteOh, maybe in my message above it looks like I got S1-P3-Egg 1b, but no, I haven't, that's what I am looking for. I only found 1a :*(
ReplyDeletePuzzled, for Part 3 egg 1b, look above at my comment to umsyt at 6:23 a.m. How can you change 8~six and still have the same number of digits and use a very similar method of b-----?
ReplyDelete@patty3ponies - thanks :) I've been trying with different b** lengths but I'm not getting anything.
ReplyDelete@Puzzled - The output you want is in a different format than we have been seeing in other parts of stage 1.
ReplyDeleteYes ... I just thought of something, I will try now :)
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - I'm now trying with m but not getting anything either. Pff.
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ReplyDelete@Puzzled - Not what I meant. Stick with b***** but do not do a conversion to d******. Rather convert to a****.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - thanks :) I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have tried that conversion (and many other conversions) hours ago. Got nothing. I better leave this now and go rest.
ReplyDelete@Puzzled - when you are ready for another go at it, as you probably have figured, it's a 6 letter answer that you want.
ReplyDeleteI am still so stuck on Stage 1, Part 2 looking for egg 2b. I've read all the comments and I'm more confused than ever. What are the heads? Are they the headings of the columns? I don't understand about dividing or repeating. Please help!
ReplyDeletePuffin. Yes headings. Check out exactly what characters are used in them and remember that two different cases have been a theme throughout this stage. Dividing doesn't come into this part, but repeating does.
ReplyDeleteI changed the points/ranking a bit.
ReplyDeletePoints for the first 25 finishers now (first finisher 25 points, second 24, third 23 etc etc)
@Puffin - the dividing hint is for Part 3, so disregard that for now! To get 2b, focus on the headings and how they are different from each other, and think about what that might mean for the list on the right.
ReplyDelete@S-T - YAY I get points after all :D
Level 47 Egg 3a : I have no idea on getting the Confirmation Egg for it. I've got 3b and Confirmation Egg for it, it seems to relate to the level theme, but I can't work it out for 3a. Not sure if I overthink that or not, can I get some hint?
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef - Read the story of egg 3b You'll find the here had a little help.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa: Can I just say - I'm so impressed with you and others who are still able to leave hints about the main riddle so quickly and readily! I have the answers and whatever notes I made at the time, but it still takes me ages to remember what I did, and in some instances I actually don't remember and have to work backwards from the solution. So kudos to you all!
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef: I'm guessing you have the story... now you need the .
Oops, @Namchokdef, my text cut off as it was in brackets. But basically you need another c*******r from that story.
ReplyDelete@BFS - When I see all the random spelling errors in my posts I'm not sure how helpful they are. Like here = hero... :(
ReplyDeleteAh, got it! Thank you, @tialuisa and @BlackFiresong. I thought it was a different story when I saw 3a's pic. (A tragic-ish romance story, it's more commonly known here.)
ReplyDeleteDang, I'm close, got stump with Egg 4. Have tried many ideas of relating it to the theme, but came up with nothing. I feel like I'm going into overthinking zone, I'll take a break for a bit.
@Namchokdef - When you return, think about who your egg 4 word is.
ReplyDeleteHi. Stuck on Stage.1 Part 2 with eggs:1c-1b and four eggs conf. Any hint to find the egg 1a? Or what is the next step...
ReplyDelete@Pichi - For egg 1a, use the same things that you used for egg 1b only follow exactly the instructions of the heading.
ReplyDeletetialuisa. I don't understand how to use the instructions of the heading
ReplyDelete@Pichi - How are the letters in the heading different from each other? Or, look back at the first page of Stage 1. What did you do there? You just need to do the opposite here.
ReplyDeletetialuisa. Thanks!
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - I got S1-P3-Egg 1b and was able to finish. In the end it turns out that I did have some numbers wrong. Thank you very much for your support :)
ReplyDelete@Puzzled - Congrats on finishing! My first try had 3 numbers wrong... Found the mistakes and fixed them, one number at a time. Grannied my letters each time and got words that didn't work. It was so frustrating :)
ReplyDeleteStuck on Stage 1, Part, 3. I can't even find an egg, I have used the same method as in the previous ones, in several ways, but I get nothing
ReplyDelete@Pichi - For egg 1a, Use the same method as the last egg you asked about, only switch back to the way you used it the first time.
ReplyDeleteCompleted stage 1. Thank you very much everyone for the help!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Pichi!
ReplyDeletetialuisa. You're welcome guapa!
ReplyDeleteYea I finished Stage 1! Thank you all for your help! That was really challenging for me.
ReplyDeleteLevel 7 Got 3a and 3b and again stuck.me need the map? Or am I over complicating
ReplyDelete@Dushka - You do need a list of the stops for the line that is the same color as the track in egg 3a. Then count from the 'Northend.'
ReplyDeleteStuck on Level 26. I have tried everything I think the comments suggest with the bl*** t***. I have tried both f*** and s**** l****** both starting with those given and taking them to gr****.
ReplyDelete@Di999 - Not sure what s**** is. Make sure you are using the new granny and take only the letters that make a 4 letter word with what is on the board, and granny those. Should have a 7 letter answer
ReplyDelete@tialuisa s**** was 7. Will have a rethink now.
ReplyDelete@Di999 - Ah got it. Make sure your first trip to granny is only the 3 given letters plus 1 w*** c***.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - sorry but not sure what 1 w*** c*** is. I found only 1 word with c and the first 3.
ReplyDeleteWild card.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - thanks. I'm still not getting anything. I had already grannied the 3 plus 1. And with the first 3 got only 3 7 letter words none of which worked. I've redone that but I'm obviously doing something wrong still.
ReplyDelete@Di999 - I just haven't explained well. Granny the 3 plus 1. All the results should be 4 letters. 7 of those results should have retained the correct order of the 3 plus 1. Take the last letter of those 7 to granny. Be sure to use the new granny. https://www.anagrammer.com/scrabble/
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - thank you, thank you, thank you. Got to the egg at last.
ReplyDeleteLevel 41 egg 1g part 1. Still struggling on it (maze-like puzzles have always been a nightmare for me...). Just to be sure, does the 1st move start from the symbol in the centre of the pic? And is the answer 14-letter long?
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - Yes to both your questions, so make the first set of ccw clicks and the first letter is either a B or a Y. The answer is three words - 6,4,4 letters.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tia. Already read the hints regarding the 6-letter word starting with B and even with that am unable to find my way in the maze! And still stuck onto 43, looking for 3a but will deal with that one later.
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - My worksheet looked almost like I was creating a family tree. Is that the kind of approach you are taking?
ReplyDeleteLol yes! Even tried to "cheat" in a way, searching for 6 letter words starting with the few I have but gives no result, that's why I am lost and thought I was starting from the wrong place...
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - Here is a little hint so you can clean up the workspace a bit: the second and third letters are the same.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was suspecting then: something goes wrong on my worksheet as I can't get the same letter on 2nd and 3rd move.
ReplyDeleteHere, 1st move is NW or E and 2nd move is NW or S. What's wrong then ???
@Eric911 - I'm so sorry. I'm telling lies again on this forum :( It's the third and fourth letters that are the same. You have the first 2 direction possibilities right. Keep going. You'll do better w/o my bad advice...
ReplyDelete@Tialuisa: lol! So mistake anyway as my double letters are 4th and 5th... Will check that later. And finally passed 43, now onto 44. At least some progress somewhere!
ReplyDeleteStage 1 part 1 - Got only eggs 1a and 1b. No idea how to rearrange pic words to get more eggs. Help please
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLevel 45: got egg 1a and the confirmation egg that I can't make anything of. Strange but can't find 1b. Any push?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEric - Use the first name for 1b
ReplyDeleteCan anybody help on stage 1 part 1 to get egg 1c and other eggs? Got 1a and 1b
@mehroon: oh my... I swear I did it. But obviously mistyped it... Anyway now struggling on egg 2 but am surprised to find only 4 of them (maybe 5 but have a doubt on this one). Are there more?
ReplyDelete@mehroon - All letters are one of two things, depending on the sound they make. Use that to make more b*****
ReplyDeleteIs the word under the picture of stage 1, part 2, egg 1c important to proceed or can I just ignore it?
ReplyDeleteLevel 27 I don't know how to apply egg 2d to the a**** t***** (there are 2 of those, right?) I read all the hints, but I just don't get it.
ReplyDelete@dutchie - That word is important. Combine all four letters, but only one time, with what you have picked from C0l2.
ReplyDelete@catlady - Yes there are 2 a***** and you need the (egg 2d) t**** of each.
ReplyDeleteThanks @tialuisa
ReplyDeleteStuck on Stage 1 Part 3. Found egg 1a but unable to find egg 1b
Thank you @tialuisa
ReplyDeleteWill look into that.
@mehroon - The word that gets you egg 1b is 6 letters. How might you get that from the part 3 main page?
ReplyDeleteHi All! Glad there are still riddle helpers since I'm starting late. Stuck on Level 25 with no eggs. I've read all the hints about 1b egg can be found with b****le and zoom out but haven't been able to make sense of it. How many letters in egg 1b anyway?
ReplyDelete@BucksDack - 1b is 4 letters. Same goes for 1a. For each, top 2 left form a letter, etc., and I'm sure you've seen the comments about p****** on b*** e***. Find either egg and it will tell you how to find the other.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa, Thank you! That would have never occurred to me...
ReplyDeleteThank you @tialuisa. I'll work on that.
ReplyDeletethanks @tialuisa
ReplyDeleteLevel 52 : I tried to take the hint in the rotten egg, but I'm not understanding much. I know that it's related to l*****g d***, but I still not quite understand the whole hint. Need a bit of a bump, please.
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef: I hat troubles with that one as well ... The first part of the hint you already understood. The second part indicates u**** c*** - when doing that to the numbers (on an English keyboard) you get certain symbols. You might want to check what they are called to proceed.
ReplyDeleteOn Level 26 Egg, how do you find the needle in the haystack of possibilities? Also is the first tile going in the center s**r on the board, like the real game?
ReplyDeleteDuh, nevermind. I forgot what I did on the level page. On to 27 now :-)
ReplyDeleteI could really use a push on level 34. I have one rotten egg and have tried to a** and r****e a l****r, ch**g* a l****r, even rep***e w***s, but even with all the clues, I'm at a loss.
ReplyDelete@BucksDack - Do to the rotten egg word what you did to the words that led to the rotten egg...
ReplyDeleteThanks @tialuisa! you always know how to get me back on track!
ReplyDeleteLevel 31 Egg 2....stumped!! Previous messages said to do the opposite but not sure where to do that.
ReplyDelete@Ditg - The 'where' you are looking for is just one of the words on egg 2.
ReplyDeleteLevel 53: got 1a, 1b, the conf egg from 1a and the rotten egg from 1b. Can't find the way to apply 1a to 1b...
ReplyDeletePfff POP moment again !
ReplyDeleteLevel 30. Got the obvious egg 1, but have no clue on how to get the confirmation eggs. Tried google lens to identify the pictures with no luck. Help please.
ReplyDelete@Bine - It would help to be a movie buff. And then, think opposite...
ReplyDeleteThank you @tialuisa. Will work on that.
ReplyDeleteI'm struggling with Level 37 egg 2. I found eggs 3a, and 3b but can't get the other 2. Can I get a hint on how many letters are in the red one and the darker blue one?
ReplyDelete@BucksDack - Red has 6 letters and darker blue has 10. One of the is in all 4 categories...
ReplyDeleteThank you @tialuisa.
ReplyDeleteStruggling on level 33 with rotten egg. I know which words are important and have read all the help given (especially to Esteban) but still can't get it. I am looking at p******* a****** as per the l**** numbers. I have tried the u** l*** l****** for each, for the n*** l***** and the p******* l***** and granny does not like any of them. I presume I am looking for 11 letters but need help please.
ReplyDelete@Di999 The a***** comes at the end of the l**** right? And you do want l**ts.
ReplyDeleteLevel 37 egg 2 is getting the better of me. I know I'm doing something wrong even though I have solved the w**** and e**** h********. I tried taking the th**d of every single a***** and tried every single 10 l**** w*** and got no eggs for the a** h******.
ReplyDelete@BucksDack - When I answered your last post, I just looked at eggs 3c and 3d and counted the letters in each. But upon looking at egg 2 now, I see that the 10 letter egg (air) comes from the lighter blue (bottom left). I think that's the egg you need (3c), but looking at your most recent post, I think I've led you astray and you are looking at darker blue one, since you are picking the third letter only. I'm so sorry. If it's 3c you need, It's 10 letters. If it is, by chance, the darker blue one that you need, it's 8 letters. :(
ReplyDelete@BucksDack Is the a***** the url of the n*** level? I have been trying that and talking the l*** le**** of each and grannying but nothing.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are on the right track @Di999. Check your numbers maybe? You should get 3 v*w***s to start.
ReplyDeleteThanks @tialuisa. I did already have eggs 3a and 3b and looking for 3c and 3d so I will change my expectations accordingly. :-)
ReplyDelete@BucksDack yes I did. I did get a good word but not all 11 letters. Checked again (done this many times over the last few days) and found I had one of the numbers written so badly I misread it!!!! Onto 34 now. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteStuck on level 56 with eggs 1a, b and c. Don't see where there can be a difference for calculation compared to the main level...
ReplyDelete@ Eric911 - It's the same conversion as before. You need 3 from each egg.
ReplyDelete3? From the same 4 steps than before???
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - No you are done with flipping. But you got the eggs by converting NTOL. Do that now, 3/page
ReplyDeleteThanks Tia. It popped after a break. Now onto the impressive 57.
ReplyDeleteNow stuck on level 34 egg 2. My mind is blank even after the hints.
ReplyDelete@Di999 - Keep doing what you've been doing. It may help you to remove the spaces. You may not recognize your result but you could google it for sure.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - I have looked on it without spaces. I have tried replacing the one d***** I see. Without Granny I got one answer but it didn't work.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - and just like that --- onto egg 3. Thank you.
ReplyDeletelevel 34 egg 3: what am I looking for here? Is it a n*** again? A ph****? Can't seem to see it. Thanks
ReplyDelete@Bine: It's actually just in front of your eyes. You just need to spell it correctly (took me several tries ...).
ReplyDeleteGot it now. Thanks @Jay.
ReplyDeleteLevel 59: got 1a-b-c and 2a, a red herring and a rotten egg. How can I find more eggs please?
ReplyDeletePOP miracle wins again: got 1d-1e, 3a-3b, 4 and 5. Now idea how to go further for now but I need a break!
ReplyDelete\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
ReplyDeleteYay a new main riddle finisher!!!
Excellent, Eric911 :)
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
Félicitations pour avoir réussi le jeu Eric911
Welcome on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
Not really game over... Still struggling with my nightmare aka level 41 egg 1g!
ReplyDeleteCurrently staring at level 37 with eggs 1a and 1b. Have tried to see l*****s in the pics and know to KISS but need an extra push please.
ReplyDeleteNVM- staring long enough showed me my mistake.
ReplyDeleteI've been staring at Level 48 text from the p** (not p** n***) encoded to m**** but can't figure out what to use to pick off from the level text (which I assume should also be encoded). The pic name included a pal******e so I tried removing spaces and looking for those type of patterns. I tried being literal and picking the same d*** and d***** that were in the p** text but nothing is clicking. Before I go mad, I realize, I need some help! Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
ReplyDelete@BucksDack - After converting the text on the p** to m**** (including s***** between letters), you should notice some similarity between what you've converted and the l**** t***. Line them up and you have 3 choices for p**k**g l******.
ReplyDeleteThank you once again tialuisa! Got it!
ReplyDeleteStage 1 part 2: stuck there with eggs 1b 1c and the 4 conf eggs. Earlier hints don't click in my mind and can't find how to reach 1a and the others...
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - Congratulations on finishing the Big riddle!! For Stage 1 Part 2 egg 1a, do the same thing to the confirmation egg words (letters written as they appear in the PT) that you did for Stage 1 Part 1 egg 1a, only switch things around. Once you have that egg, egg 2a will be easy to find.
ReplyDeleteAlso, once you have egg 1a, look at the left hand heading on the main Part 2 page. That heading was telling you how to find egg 1a. Once that makes sense to you, look at the other heading. What might it be telling you?
@Tialuisa: thanks for your congrats! Have reached 1a and 2a since then but 2b is driving me crazy! No idea how to reach it, even after reading earlier hints about it. Actually, don't know how to interpret the different heading and the so-called "repeat" thing that everyone is talking about.
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - For the heading on the left, if we expanded it to C=0, l=1, would that make sense, especially thinking about what you needed to do to get egg 1a? What you want to do with the other heading is not quite the same because the instruction is for picking, but "the so-called "repeat" thing" might make sense now. And don't forget about the letters below the 1c pic...
ReplyDeleteThe main problem is that I know what the C stands for but not the I. So don't know what/how to pick :-(
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - l**** c*** letters. :)
ReplyDeleteFor Level 57, I have eggs 1a, 1b, 1c and confirmation eggs (0, 1b part 1, 1c part 1) and now I'm stuck. I think I need a confirmation egg from 1a but can't find the right method. After reading comments, I wrote down all the letters I passed along the 8 paths and took some off the t**, and some off the b****m according to the pic name but granny didn't like them. Am I off base? Am I looking for 6 or 9 letters?
ReplyDeleteBucksDack, yes you need one from 1a. Don't overthink it is quite basic. 8 letters. B***** l***** if you go ****, t** if you go **.
ReplyDelete@Tialuisa: thanks a lot! Was very close to the answer for long but my brain definitely rejected egg 2b! And now Stage 1 complete! But too bad, won't be able to join the Stage 2 party before Monday :-(
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Eric911! That helped me so much!
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - See you Monday then. I'll be stuck somewhere...
ReplyDelete@Tialuisa - my pleasure if I can help!
ReplyDelete@Eric911 - Thank you in advance! :)
ReplyDeleteFor level 59, I have eggs 1b, 1d, 1e, 2b, and the r** h*****g. I can't seem to find 1a and 1c. any tips?
ReplyDelete@BucksDack: 1a and 1c are found with the same trick. Give a letter and a key word suggested by the pic to granma.
ReplyDeleteGot it! Thank you Eric911!
Very well done BucksDack
A well-deserved spot for you on The Wall
(Posts with links disappear sometimes, so I post double comments now, so at least there's a normal text congrats)
Hi guys :)
ReplyDeleteIn a few hours the new Stage of the Monthly Contest, but...
The contest has it's own forum now :)
So this section is still used for A Big Small Mind Game, but from now on,
The Monthly Contest Comments go here:
The Monthly Contest Forum
Thank you very much Zoe, for creating the forum :)
Congrats BucksDack!!
ReplyDeleteYeepee BucksDack!!
ReplyDeletelevel 45: I got egg 1b, but need help finding egg 1a. I have the 8 m***** t*****, but have not found what I need to look for to get 1a even after reading all the comments and trying many things. Thanks
ReplyDeleteLevel 36 - got egg 2 and rotten egg. Do not know how to proceed from here. Is a new c***** being used to figure the l***** out at the bottom of egg 2?
@Ditg: write the egg 2 letters in the form the rotten egg tells you
ReplyDelete@Bine: studied rotten egg, no clue......
ReplyDelete@Ditg: does your rotten egg say t*******? You need to find another rotten egg if not. If it does, split the letters to form that shape, then try to read the edges.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone still listening to this thread? I am reposting this from the previous page.
ReplyDeletelevel 45: I got egg 1b, but need help finding egg 1a. I have the 8 m***** t*****, but have not found what I need to look for to get 1a even after reading all the comments and trying many things. Thanks
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