A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player
small-tool for
EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games
: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue,
Tool Torture Threesome, and
Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!
Play This GamePlease
try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course
when in need, help each other out the best you can!
@Bine - You need to find something about each m**** that you can convert (drop the first 2 digits...)
ReplyDeleteAaargh, I tried that several times, not sure what went wrong there. I did have one of them wrong. Thank you @tialuisa
ReplyDeleteStuck again on level 48 egg. I read the comment about the final frontier, but nothing clicks. Is this a reference to S*** T*** V? I have tried using a lot of things related to that, but nothing seems to convert to the same length as the egg text. Or am I supposed to recognize a constellation on the pic? Thanks
ReplyDelete@Bine - The first thing you want to do on the egg page is use the "Picking Gadget" on the text here as you did on the level page. And as before you have three options for picking. And the comment about the final frontier was a reference to S*** T***, the original series...
ReplyDeleteThank you @tialuisa. Need to remember to KISS -:)
ReplyDeleteHi all!
ReplyDeleteI'm back on Level 17 Egg.
I've pored over the pages of the thread, so I've got the ordered list with each thing categorized. I wasn't sure of some, so I actually made all the combinations of all the different categorizations, saw Mr. TelegraphMan, Granny, and tried each answer.
I still have no joy.
I must be miscategorizing things. But I don't know how to check what I have.
All help welcome!
CandiC. I think perhaps you are trying to fit things into categories where they cannot go. There are three categories: one thing, another thing and neither.
ReplyDelete@minkie: Thanks for replying!
ReplyDeleteThere are 6 that make me feel dotty (1 from South American skies + 5 that stay hydrated).
I have 5 that I'm sure are neither, and I'm iffy on three: the sore thumb that sticks out for its oddness, the big guy wearing a bib, and the shocking one.
I'm sure of only 5 in the last category, b/c I have it on the authority of a fauna-loving 14 year old that not all of one of them are like King Julien :)
CandiC Having some trouble tracking them all down from your descriptions (LOL). Your dottiness seems correct, the big guy with a bib is neither. And its 6 7 7 overall.
ReplyDeleteAnd, CandiC, for King Julien, believe the first pic on the wiki page.
ReplyDelete@Minky: So much joy! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm creeping along very slowly. Have spent far too long on level 53 with only two rotten eggs. I know to concentrate on the s***** h*** but have run out of ideas. I have tried splitting the n*****s and taking all possibilities to granny, tried removing a few l*****s as it seems to suggest. But well and truly stuck. Any help please?
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ReplyDelete@Di999 - Each of those numbers has a s***** h***, and the s***** h*** has a f**** h*** and a s***** h***.
ReplyDelete@tialuisa - thanks for rescuing me.
ReplyDeleteLevel 55: need help again. Got the a******r rotten egg that says I am close, but can't see the forest for the trees. Have tried to interpret that egg in different ways, but nothing works.
ReplyDelete@Bine - I can't see how to get the rotten egg you have so I'm sure this will be more info than you need or want.
ReplyDeleteUse things from the t**** that is not on the level page to spell the 5 q********. Use numbers associated with the 'spelling' to pick letters on the level page. As one of the q******** can be spelled in two different ways, there will be 2 eggs to find, one 14 letters and one 15.
LOL. You get my rotten egg by using each letter only once. I had tried using all the letters before, but got nowhere with that because I had one of them wrong and never tried this again after I found the error. Thank you @tialuisa.
ReplyDeleteAh! I see Bine. And that makes sense to use them just once because I remember at the time I took everything to granny I was thinking, "Well this will never work."
ReplyDeleteWOW I made it to the end. A lot of thanks to @tialuisa, @jay and @ditg for helping me along the way.
Great job Bine
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Congratulations @Bine!!!! I'll be with you on the wall of winners one of these days :)
ReplyDelete!:)!Congratulations Bine!:)!
ReplyDeleteI have finally finished! Thanks S-T for all the hours and hours of entertainment with a brilliant riddle. Many thanks to @Jay, @Tialuisa and @BucksDack for helping when all else was failing, and to all who gave hints to others on this forum for pushing me along.
Very well done Di999
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Good job Di999! Congrats :)
ReplyDeleteSorry, very late. Most of you have moved on in life, but maybe someone can still help me: I can't find level 43 egg 3a. I read all the hints, understand that there are the same nr of letters in the URL and nr of words in the text L and R, understand the direction I have to pick from on the R (I think), but what do I count? The nr of times each letter in the URL appears on the L? Then what? Whatever I do I get gibberins,,,
ReplyDelete@catlady - Look for the first letter of the URL in the first word on the left. Then find it's mirror position in the first word on the right. Move on to the second letter of the URL, second word on the left...
ReplyDeleteIntro 12 I've tried ftf using all from previous lvls but alas I am stumped. I've tried to review all previous hints but with all of the *'s I can't pick up clues. Can someone please push me on this? TIA
ReplyDeleteThank you @tialuisa, got it now.
ReplyDelete@Occasional gamer - Your method is correct only you need to use is on what is suggested immediately below the pic. And don't forget about level 0 :)
ReplyDeleteLevel 29 FOUND all 7 eggs
ReplyDeleteand got rotten egg
It told me to check v****c********
How use the same method that got me that on last good egg(seventh)?
ReplyDeleteYou found the hidden text on the rotten egg, do the same on the 7th egg page.
Look very carefully 🔎
dutchie,thanks. it came to me
ReplyDeletetialuisa, thank you. I've tried to apply ftf to what is immediately below each pic. No idea how I find the name for each.
ReplyDelete@Ocasional gamer - Try right clicking on each pic and select the option 'Open image in new tab.' You'll see a new tab with the image name.
ReplyDeletetialuisa - thank you, thank you, thank you
ReplyDeleteLevel 31 egg 2 I've read all the previous comments and I'm confused. I looking on text,but ..nothing
ReplyDelete@Dushka - There is a word here, spelled in its entirety, that is frequently shortened when we are referring to someone as the type of person that this word means.
ReplyDeletethank you, @Tialuisa, I found this, I always think a lot
ReplyDeleteLevel 47 (base)-
ReplyDeleteI got the rotten egg, googled the pictures and found (what I think) are the correct names. I tried basic riddling and counting and didn't get anything. I tried to google the group together, but didn't find anything there either.
I thought to use the 'families' banner, but that fell apart with the last two.
May I have a nudge?
Level 50, nobody seems to have gotten stuck on the main level. I found a sentence inviting me to go to parties, but I don't know where to go..
ReplyDelete@CandiC - Googling the group; a**, l***, p******, s*******, should have worked. It might not bring up a site that has all 4 of them, but you should get a couple sites that let you know where the level is going and a word that will get you a confirmation egg.
ReplyDelete@catlady - Go to (via the URL) exactly where the sentence you got tells you to go.
ReplyDeleteI had a** and dumped it for the name of the actual animal in my twisting and turning back and forth! I have confirmation and 1b eggs now!
@tialuisa, I swear I tried that before, but I must have left out the last letter... Thank you!
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Nene has done it too!!!
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
Gut gemacht Nene
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Level 36 - got egg 2 and rotten egg t******e".Studied rotten egg,but nothing...
ReplyDelete@Dushka - Write the letters in the shape of a t******e.
ReplyDeleteOne of the edges should give you something.
@tialuisa, uh... i did it
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Ditg did it!!!
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Can someone please give me a nudge on Level 40? I've got the country codes as per the indicated hint within the level text and I get Rot egg m********n.what is a bit longer? i have not eggs 1b, 1a
ReplyDeletegot egg 1a!!
ReplyDeleteLevel 53 egg 1a:
ReplyDeleteI have been looking at this for days. I know its literal, and the II's need to be separated.
I just don't see it. I chant the letters to myself randomly around the house, and I don't hear it.
Help! :)
@CandiC - Look at Level 31 again. Follow it through to see how you arrived at egg 1.
ReplyDeleteThank you tialuisa! The confirmation egg is mine!
ReplyDelete(I've gotta start looking for that trick more. It was right there!)
Hi! I'm at main level 51. I have a sentence (a little weird) but I dont get the last line on the pic. It seems I have to pick but I don't know where.Not the main text . . . help.me
ReplyDelete@Dushka - You made what you are looking for...
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Caroline crossed the finish line!!!
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ReplyDeleteHello, everyone! I've not been feeling well, and was busy with university work, and still haven't finished this main riddle........
ReplyDelete.....If anyone is still here, I need help in
Level 56 : I see what I would need to do, but I'm having trouble connecting it together. How will I get something from doing the action?
@Namchokdef -- are you on the level page for 56? No eggs yet? Do what it says on the level page. These are sequential intervals, so the total time elapsed time is 81 minutes. Figure out what you have in each hourglass at the end of the total time. From there, you need a very basic riddling technique.
ReplyDelete@Laurie W : Thank you! I wasn't sure on where I need to take. Solved it now, 4(?) more levels to go, then maybe I can join you all in the monthly riddle!
ReplyDeleteLevel 57 : I've got Egg 1a, 1b, and 1c, and Confirmation Egg 1a, 1b part1 and 1c part1. Am I supposed to solve it together to advance (Getting clues from 3 eggs to go forward), or each Egg needs to be solved completely on its own to get something out of each egg for a final cook? Because I can't seems to find the g*****e in 1a, and not much way in 1b and 1c.
ReplyDeleteGoing to give it a rest for now.
Welp, getting rest helps, level 57 is solved!
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef - I was just trying to get some help organized for you and thinking "where do I start?" Good job, Namchokdef. It was a very difficult level.
ReplyDeleteLevel 58 : I see that I need to go back, but it's been quite a long time and my memories are foggy. Can I get a small hint on where I need to go back?
ReplyDelete@Namchokdef - Level 43 was rather hellacious...
ReplyDelete@tialuisa : Thank you!!!!
ReplyDelete.......and........ that was all 60 Levels! (Still have to catch up with the monthly, and this new monthly season. Not sure which one to do first.......) Thanks S-T for the riddle!
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Namchokdef solved them all!!!
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. CandiC conquered it all!!!
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Thank you S-T and everyone hanging out helping the late starters!
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Dushka Did It!!!
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Very, very well done in these difficult times for you and your country!!!
Вітаємо із закінченням гри Dushka
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ReplyDeleteAnother big mind finisher. Iff conquered it all!!!
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Well done Iff
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