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Small Tool Game: A Big Small Mind

A Big Small Mind Game is another free online change the url puzzle type riddle game developed by our EG24 player small-tool for EscapeGames24. A Big Small Mind Game is another successor of the all record-breaking riddle games: OK One More, A Lot More, Riddle in Blue, Tool Torture Threesome, and Riddle Me Tool. Good luck and have fun!

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Please try to leave subtle hints and not give outright answers...but of course when in need, help each other out the best you can!

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  1. @aaaasa I picked letters as told in egg 10
    But it still couldn't make a key

  2. @sevenfar - How did you pick the letters? If you picked the correct letters it should form a word without granny.

  3. Still stuck on Level 21 Egg 2. I know I am probably 3/4 of the way there. I just can't seem to figure out the mapping :(

  4. @BlackFiresong: look closely at what took you to the previous eggs. use it where you are now

  5. Level 19 - See some text and a letter referring to a certain t* s***. Got the confirmation egg but otherwise can't see where to begin. I know what the text refers to but not how to apply it to anything.

  6. @Chael: p***** n**e will tell you

  7. @Chael - if you know what the text refers to, each of them has some sort of "c********e" within the series. Use them to pick letters.

  8. @Namnet: I am trying to applying mapping to what got me to the eggs. It's the mapping itself that I don't understand. Do I take Vs from one and Cs from another? Or do I have to somehow pick from each alternatingly? I have tried a bunch of things and none of them give me a word from Granny. Feeling slightly stupid right now!

  9. @BFS: your first thought is correct

  10. Thanks, @Namnet. I don't know what I was doing wrong before, but I finally got it to work.

  11. Now totally lost on Level 21 Egg 3 despite reading the hints. I have no idea what b***** and t**** are talking about or what to even apply them to. Are the words on egg 1a and 1b still supposed to be used? I want to do the same trick that got me to Egg 3, but I don't know what to do it on. I've tried various things on the current Egg word (including h**v**g it, 'cause I thought b****d might be about that?), but no joy.

  12. @BFS - yes the same trick and I see from your comments that you already have the words to use it on :)

  13. @aaaasa for level 24, the first two names do suggest a specific position but it doesn't work for most of the rest. Should I try something else (which I have absolutely no idea...)?

  14. @aaaasa: But doing the same trick after swapping the p****xes (assuming that's what t**** is implying) doesn't yield a word. And "b*****" is really throwing me off 'cause I don't know how to apply that at all.

  15. @BFS just ignore the meaning of the words

  16. @BFS: you are overthinking. do the simplest thing you can with them.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh duhhh! I was definitely overthinking. Onto Level 22 now.

  19. Thanks for the patient help, @aaaasa, @Keeper, @Namnet and others :)

  20. @namchokdef if you ftf correctly, no picking is needed

  21. @Namchokdef When in R*** . . .

  22. Level 20 - Same problem as BFS yesterday. I have a k** which seems pretty obvious and a f*** which seems pretty obvious. But nothing is coming. I'm sure the gibberish is wrong but I have tried the all of the terms I can see.

  23. On lvl 22 Egg 2a, unable to find 2b.
    I think its hiding where I got 2a, but I just can't find it

  24. @namnet it's h*** and h**** :)

  25. @chael is your f*** too short? (I suppose I guess your f*** correctly)

  26. @Chael: Think about what/who the f*** represents.

    Level 23 Egg 3 - I thought t** was about which ones are in the -t***s, but there are loads that are not. Is there more than one to be picked from each?

  27. I have tried g**p****f*** or L***p****f*** or R******f*** and variations of those. I am guessing from your hints I need to get more all-encompassing

  28. @Chael: Focus more on the c*******y who use it.

  29. @Keeper : Ahhhhhh!!! (screaming with relief) Thank you!
    At the worst mistake that I've missed too, not noticing the s****s.
    onto 18 now. thank you, everyone.

  30. I mean 17, but might as well be 18 soon.. Hopefully..

  31. @Keeper - If you don't know what to do then asking those old ladies might help :)

  32. @aaaasa oh thank you!!! I was overthinking again

  33. Still very mystified by Level 23 Egg 3 :/ I've tried a lot of things that don't work (like t**ns, the t** s***e, even B*****e!).

  34. @BFS u must be overthinking like what I did for 24 lol

  35. Never mind!! Just had a POP moment. For anyone else who's stuck - think about the clue and write down each set *in full*.

  36. Now stuck on Level 23 Egg 4 :( I think I've spotted two or three of the patterns, but the second set is completely eluding me.

  37. @BFS 23egg4 h*** of familiar thing in basic riddling

    On 25 have no opinion how to start now
    I think maybe it is b******
    But couldn't tell them

  38. Level 25: I must be blind not seeing how to get egg 1a. Even tried things like counting, m**** and b*****, but none of them seem to work.

  39. @sevenfar and Keeper - you just need to think the bigger picture. Simplifying the image with numbers like 0 and 1 helps a lot.

  40. I stuck on Level 23 Egg 4 with BFS. This is a good point to call it a night. See you all tomorrow.

  41. @aaaasa hm... I can't see anything to get 1a, no matter 4x6 or 8x6 :(

  42. @Keeper - have you got 1b already?

  43. @Keeper - in that case use another method on the same information you have. The level p** n*** may be a hint for that method.

  44. Level 25
    Even couldn't find any eggs
    Tried b***** ,b****** or other basic riddling methods

  45. @aaaasa that's where I'm stuck. Tried m****, b*****, counting, vertically and horizontally, still couldn't get anything. Can't get the hint from the p** n*** as well :(
    @sevenfar b****** can give you 1b

  46. @Keeper - what is the theme of this level? Also I don’t think s-t will introduce b***** in this level because it’s not taught in the intros :)

  47. @keeper get 1a now
    Also think about they are f****

  48. @aaaasa and sevenfar thanks both! On 26 now.
    Tbh I've totally forgotten what I learnt in the intro levels. Or I should say that I can't distinguish what I learnt in the intro levels vs. what I learnt in past riddles. I just learn so many new things every time lol

  49. On 26 egg
    Couldn't understand what d******* could mean?
    Yes I always learn many things in each level st made

  50. @sevenfar the tiles are all on your rack (unlike the level page)

  51. Got a few good words on 29 but couldn't find any egg

  52. @Keeper - I found some seemingly good places but none of them works :/ starting to wonder whether the map is a red herring...

  53. @sevenfar: Hmmm... not sure what to take h*** of in basic riddling. A lot of the n*****s are not e***.

  54. I'm having a lot of trouble publishing comments. Maybe because I'm on my phone? Anyways, thank you @Namnet for your patience getting me through level 4. I must have driven you crazy.
    Level 13 : I've seen the hints about c******ds. But I don't see how that works. I have 2 rotten eggs confirming the theme, but I'm confused as to how to find the c******ds.

  55. Still on 26 egg
    Maybe I went wrong way
    I used d******* to an***** to a word
    But no use
    OR I Should use others?

  56. @BFS the most common

  57. Level 17 : Got the egg, but I don't seems to spot the other hinting word to make the connection.

  58. lvl 7, lost on egg 1, saw the hints and tried to apply it to main level 4 l****, the 4 letters i get arent working, have spent hours trying to research but coming up empty, any hints please

  59. I can't get past 30.9 egg3. I know it's supposed to be easy because it's still intro, but nothing works for me. I thought I got it, but my numbers don't give a good word, so I don't know what else to do. Is the message e.... .. important, and if it is, how so? I simply don't understand it. Help, please.

  60. Level 17: Everyone seems to have found the egg, unfortunatly I have no idea. Have tried to google the a****** and look up their n**** and also tried to apply the level theme but no luck so far. Any help?

  61. @Milena: On 30.9 Egg 3 you have 3 math numbers. Look them up and pick ignoring the first digit. That gives you 3 sets of new numbers. Use these to pick from your eggs - using the first digit as a hint from which egg to pick.

  62. @Robin: Have you found out what the letters refer to? The picture and 4 letters on a level page is a hint on which Wikipedia page to look. Now take the words you can read in Egg 1 and apply that to the letters on the pic in the level page (that got you the egg).

  63. @Jay: Thank you so much, I was overthinking again

  64. @jay, i believe thats what i did, but taking ftf from those locations doesnt seem to work, some of them have more than one on their wiki page, but even mixing them up doesnt seem to give me a good word

  65. intro 30...I have 2 rotten eggs and a phrase but nothing wants.

  66. Intro 30: Molly, remember what you did on lvl 12 with p** n****. You must continue to do that with the rest to get another part of the sentence. Then you can use the nos. on intro level 30 page.

    Level 26: Do l need just one tile for the blank one or the longest/best score? Don't really play the game, but haven't hit a good word yet. Thanks.

  67. level 7 egg 1 i have looked at over 20 maps and am not finding any special letters, just the n******* e*** spots. what am i missing, it shouldnt be this hard.

  68. @Dino - Level 13: For each line on the Level page it's the beginning and the end that matter, and how you get from beginning 2 end.

  69. @Namchokdef - Level 15 wi egg: If you didn't spot the 'other hinting word,' Then it sounds like you spotted something. Maybe you should have another look at those animals and see if you could spot something else.

  70. @Jay - Level 17: If you looked up the n**** of the a******, try a basic riddling technique on them.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. @robin - Level 7 egg 1: If you have the n******* e*** for the lines on the l**** p***, perform a basic riddling technique on them for another egg.

  73. @aaaasa and @Keeper, do you still need a hint for 29? Use your r**** skills.

  74. @Ellie yes I'm still on 29 and my r**** skills are bad so I might need another nudge on what to focus on :/

  75. @aaaasa, there is a reason it moves.

  76. Intro 30.10 Egg 2, got a rotten egg beginning with a vowel, not sure how to interpret the p** n*** a different way than I already did. I assume it doesn't have anything to do with the url correct, just the p** n***?

  77. @keep still on 26 egg
    Should I use d******* to s*******
    But no word

  78. Update: Intro 30.10 egg 2, found 2 rotten eggs with nowhere to go now...

  79. @Ditg - think of one more way you can interpret the i**********s.

  80. Stuck way back here on Intro Lvl 22. I got the n****r value on the B scale and I know the B cipher, but what to cipher? The sign?

  81. Level 16 with four eggs and some text. I have seen the hints about the past. Does this have to do with r**** n******s? And if so, how do I apply that?

  82. @Laurie W yes to the first question and the biggest hint here is that aaaasa did not actually get the eggs. He must have seen what he needed w/o doing that.

  83. @Laurie - ftf the eggs may help. Also keep in mind that some eggs have more than 1 w***.

  84. Level 26 - can't get started. Any hints?

  85. @tialuisa I must be working the cipher totally wrong. Tried it with no legit outcome. The B n****r value is the key, yes?

  86. @tialuisa - notice the b**** t*** on the board and the p** n*** tells you what are needed.

  87. @Suz - No, the Bn****r is not a factor here. Read carefully everything on the page :)

  88. @tialuisa HUMMM. Let me think about that. I'm I still going down the right "Beautiful" cipher path?

  89. @Suz - Yes. By the way, what did you see on the page that gave you the B n****r...

  90. @Ellie - Thanks! at 30 now but can't find the 1st, 4th and 5th confirmation egg as google isn't being helpful here :/

  91. @aaaasa - Thank you. Have an egg now.

  92. @tailuisa Thx Is there scale or chart blowing in the wind?

  93. nvm looks like I jumped the gun here :P

  94. @Suz - I should have responded differently when you asked "The B n****r value is the key, yes?" It's not, but read the text once more and take everything very literally...

  95. @tialuisa Thx Read Text Literally. I'll try to tackle this tomorrow. Bed time now.

  96. Ok Suz. A good night's sleep has helped me many a time :)

  97. Back to 30.4 egg 3 after a few days off due to work commitment and still stuck there. I noticed the "different" first part on the pic but can't find the way to link it to my eggs. Do the colours and/or the numbers on the tiles are meaningful?

  98. @Eric - the numbers are important. Apply them on the eggs to get the letters.

  99. @sevenfar - you need some more t***s as the pic suggests.

  100. Level 23 Egg 5 page. Cannot figure out out to apply W*** I* R*** to the page.

  101. Thanks aaaasa, Esteban and Colmkilm: onto 30.5. Phew!

  102. @Chael - try doing as the R****s do and you should know which to pick.

  103. Level 31 egg 2 - Tried shifting, picking, converting, etc but none works :/

  104. Level 23 Egg 7 - Tried picking things related to letter referenced in the last syllable of the text word. Also tried things related to another letter that seems appropriate according to said text word. Am I on the right track?

  105. @Chael - Have you tried writing out the n*****s like the R****s do?

  106. @aaaasa That one is done already. This is the H**** M**** one.

  107. @Chael - for this egg, just look for the h**** ones.

  108. @aaaasa Thanks. Was looking for h**** the wrong way. In reverse, actually.

  109. Level 27
    Got egg2b and egg2c but missing egg2a
    Didn't understand the what the pic on egg2b and egg2c mean

  110. @aaaasa, what did you do to get this egg? Do the opposite now.
    Sorry I'm at work, can't stay around to help more now.

  111. @sevenfar, just keep asking granny.

  112. Level 25 - Stuck at the same spot as Keeper and seven far were. I have Egg 1b from b****** but not seeing how to get Egg 1a.

  113. Level 18: I think I understood to take the lvl page literally and l*** d*** but no idea how to apply the s******* hint - tried the l****** that s******* the ones in the other word but that gives me nothing useful. Any help?

  114. @Jay Do you have any eggs yet?

  115. @Chael615: No, unfortunately not ...

  116. Good morning, all. Still hopelessly stuck on Level 23 Egg 4. I have tried basic techniques in so many different ways and none of them work. :/ @sevenfar said to use the most common, but one of the sets has two most common n*****s. And I'm still confused about how to take h*** and convert when some of them are not e***.

  117. @Jay Make your s******* one side at a time.

  118. @BFS How many h***** of the a******* are there?

  119. stuck on level 30, I got egg 1 but I still have no idea what I see in the main picture, are those cryptic clues or some r****es?

  120. @BFS - It's as simple as abc :)
    @Chael - Think what the logo on the level pic may be on. Then apply the method to the same information that gives you 1b.

  121. @Chael615: Many thanks, should have thought about that ...

  122. @shahar - they look like f*** n*******s to me :) egg 1 can help narrowing them down as some may be quite obscure to find.

  123. @aaaasa The logo looks like it belongs on a p***** s***. That isn't ringing any bells as far as a method.

  124. Hi! I seem to be stuck at an easy level. Level 14. I see a key (3 words), an encoded word on the bulb. But I don't know what to do. Thanks!

  125. Could use a hint on Level 19 Egg 1. Got the hint from the p****** n*** but trying to apply it only gave me a rotten egg so far.

  126. @Esteban - Sounds like you are doing the right thing. How many l***** on that o****?

  127. @Chael615 S***n or e***t?

  128. @Jay Reread the hint you mentioned

  129. @Esteban There you go. You know what to do. Time to put in the legwork.

  130. @Chael - yes but where precisely on the p***** s***? :)

  131. level 33 - looks like I need to check my notes now, but where? Looking at the l***s or p** n***s doesn't seem to help :/

  132. Now stuck on Level 19 Egg 4a. Have read aaaasa's hints above but no idea how to "apply them in a more basic way". Tried lots of ways to pick but no luck so far. Any help?

  133. @aaaasa f***. I am guessing s******** based on that. Am I on the right track because nothing has been coming out right.

  134. I'm so sorry, my brain must be shutting down or something. I'm just getting more confused with the hints for Level 23 Egg 4 :/ I've tried h**v**g and a**g******g so many different things. Do I still need to be picking 1 per box like with the other eggs? Or is it more? Also, the last two follow certain patterns apart from one s***re/n****r that doesn't fit. Is that relevant or not at all?

  135. @BFS Still pick 1 per box. There should be 1 in each box that doesn't quite fit in with the rest.

  136. @Jay I just did it yesterday and I forgot how I did it. I remembered thinking that it wasn't as basic as the other way. Let me see if I can remember.

  137. OMG! I just realised I have been reading the A word in the hints completely wrong. OK, I know what I have to do now :D Jeez, I was on the verge of throwing in the towel!

  138. @BFS - most of them belong to the first h*** of something.
    @Chael - you've got the correct method, apply it to the b******s you have.
    @Jay - to find level 19 egg 4b, no picking is needed.

  139. @Jay I remember. The p** n*** gives a huge hint.

  140. Level 27
    More stuck
    Got egg2b 2c 2d but missing 2a
    OUT of ideas

  141. Can I have a hint on level 32 please? Can't get past the egg. And can't get anything out of the p** n***

  142. @sevenfar basic riddling skill :)

  143. @Keeper - you need more than 5 letters.

  144. Level 23 Egg 10 - I was so sure I had to l**k b**k over the p******s e** words to pick. It makes sense with the numbers and everything. But @aaaasa said it should make a word without Granny, and the letters I get don't make a word with or without Granny. Where am I going wrong?

  145. @BFS p******s e** is the right way to go

  146. Thank you, @Keeper! FINALLY off that level. I was losing my mind on it!

  147. @aaaasa hm.... do I need 15? It seems too much and too many duplicating letters

  148. Still stuck on Level 16. I have read all the hints, but still don't know what to do. I have done FTF, but then what? I have tried using that to pick from the egg words, tried turning them into c*********s, but nothing works so far.

  149. @laurie did you miss any F in your eggs?

  150. @keeper tried to d****** everything I could think of
    But still couldn't find egg2a

  151. @Keeper -- I just got it. I had 6 F's, but I wasn't recombining them the right way.

  152. @Keeper - :)
    @sevenfar - the pic will not help you find egg 2a.

  153. @sevenfar remember the hungry level? :)

  154. Stuck on Level 24 with a whole basket of eggs, including one rotten. I've read the earlier hints, but I'm not sure what to ask the old ladies. I thought it might be about l*****s hidden in the p**s, but most of them don't have any of those.

  155. Finally on Level 17. Looks like a lot of Google here? I will be away for a couple of days, so I'll probably be another 20 or 30 levels behind the pack when I get back. Hoping for some good hints for when I inevitably get stuck a few dozen more times.

  156. They won't be far ahead, Laurie :P
    See you later :)

  157. @keeper I found egg2a to egg2d.More eggs?
    And I found the b****** and tried their t**** a*****
    But nothing got

  158. @sevenfar that's all you need. I think it would have been good if s-t could make two confirmation eggs here :)
    @aaaasa still no idea how to pick. I would expect that I need to pick a lot of "e" and "s" but there's no way to do so

  159. @BFS Hint from @aaaasa to @Keeper on 11/17/22 at 4:13 am really helped me.

  160. Thanks, Chael. Had a POP moment! I should really know better than to overthink by now.

  161. LVL 26 Egg - I got a s******* b**** and some l******. Even with factoring the p************* it is getting me nowhere.

  162. @Keeper - have you got the rotten egg? If you have, then you're almost there.
    @Chael - it's still the same trick as the main level.

  163. @aaaasa thanks!! I was picking the wrong things

  164. Stuck where @Chael was on Level 25. I know which code I need, but I can't figure out how to apply it onto the image.

  165. An earlier hint on Level 25 says to apply the method to the b******s you have. Can't seem to figure out what the asterisked word is. All I have to apply it to is the same image that got me to 1b.

  166. @aaaasa: Hm, on Lvl 19 Egg 4a I tried FTF on lvl text, I tried to convert the n****** I got from the t* s***** into l****** but got nothing on both. What basic technique am I missing?

  167. @Keeper - have you made any progress on 33? been looking back but haven't found anything useful yet :/

  168. @Jay: What if you wrote out the things that got you to Egg 4a, but without what's in the Egg 3 p** n***?

  169. @Jay converting seems good though. Just use the same n*****s that give you 4a.

  170. @aaaasa I can see I have a lot to try but no progress yet

  171. Level 26: Still here, still stumped. Saw hint for tialuisa about bl*** t*** and p** n*** which I had already noted and tried unsuccessfully to use. Filling in bl***, taking all possible letters and making new 7 letter word from them. Making a 7 letter word with what's on the board. Limited to 7 since I think the game starts with that many. May I please have another hint? Thanks.

  172. I feel terribly silly, as no one else seems to have got stuck here... but I'm on the pic of a certain character telling me to get rid of something. I don't know what to apply that to. I've tried the r**l n**e of that character, and I get a word, but it doesn't work. Nothing else on the screen seems to have that thing in it. So I'm kinda stumped. :/

  173. Never mind!!! Had a POP moment as SOON as I posted that comment!!

  174. Level 28 - stuck on Eggs 7a and 7b with a rotten egg. I've apparently forgotten something, but I can't think what.

  175. Ahh, just saw something I hadn't spotted! Remember to always scroll :)

  176. @BFS Where did you find Level 27 Egg2d?

  177. @Chael: There are 4 different ways to apply the instruction to the p** w**d. Try applying it in a way you haven't already.

  178. Level 29 - what is this!? 7 eggs!? Apparently I need r**** skills. I don't even know what r**** means. Time for a break, methinks...

  179. Hi! Level 17 Egg. Do I have to find the an****s with s***s? Or take the away? English or scientific name? I tried and tried but nothing makes sense.

  180. thanks @BFS! Oh no, now I'm completely lost. I have the second important word. But how can the names be irrelevant?

  181. @Esteban: Think about what those two words might represent in the context of a*****s. And also in the context of riddling and codes.

  182. @Esteban: You still need to use what's on the main page. It's just that the colloquial vs scientific thing is irrelevant.

  183. Still staring at Level 19 Egg 4a without any success. From BFS' hint I understood I need to check the t* s***** n**** that got me to Egg 4a, remove t** l****** that I see in the Egg 3 p** n**** and then apply the same method as before. However that does not lead me anywhere as the 4 letters I pick do not form a good word. Could I have another push please?

  184. Level 29
    I almost have no r**** skills
    7 EGGS?
    I even couldn't tell what the p** means

  185. @tialuisa thanks for hint on level 13. I have taken first and last and counted in between, but when I google, such c******ds don't seem to exist. Do I need the numbers underneath as well, or are they just for egg?

  186. Very odd; BlackFiresong comments not coming through!?

    BlackFiresong has left a new comment on the post "SMALL TOOL GAME: A Big Small Mind Game":

    @Jay: Sorryyy, I think I've confused you further! Forget what I said earlier, lol. Think about the p** n*** and what each l****r in it might represent in what you already have. You have the right details already since you got Egg 4a. You just need to put them together in the way the p** n*** tells you to.

    (S-T, I can delete this if it's a little too spoily?)

  187. @sevenfar: What even are r**** skills!? I haven't the foggiest idea what that word means :/

  188. @minkie: Have you written them out as they are, or in full? Like in l**g f**m?

  189. @Dino - You don't want to count in between. Just first2last

  190. @sevenfar @BFS put it simple, just describe the pic :)

  191. @aaaasa do you still need help on 33?

  192. @Tialuisa Thanks so much, my brain was stuck


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