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Escape from the Office

Escape from the Office Walkthrough[Replay Game] NeatEscape - Neat Escape Game: Escape from the Office is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Neat Escape. In this escape game, you are locked in an office and you have to try to escape from the office by finding items and solving puzzles. Can you able to escape from office successfully? Show your best escaping skills to escape the office. Good luck and have fun!

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Escape from the Office Walkthrough

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  1. mine loaded fine in firefox, did you press arrow?

  2. don't forget to check behind picture after it comes of wall

  3. also there is a light switch by door, use to get clue for behind the clock

  4. I got a pair of batteries, a paper and an iron ball. Cant find anything to do otherwise. Hints please? I also found a light i can turn on and off but nothing happens. Is there a pixel hunt? I think NE is trying an new engine and is not doing a good job.

  5. I have missed these SOOOOOooooo much! TY!

  6. use the eraser on paper to get the hint of the cards

  7. chris...turn off the light and then take a peek through the big window with the screen above it.

  8. the overhead light(switch by the door).

  9. cate, i did that. Got scissors and the screen came down. I have the eraser (used) and coin (used) too.

  10. Use sciccors on lamp to cut string, use string on ball, use as weight on lever. Gives key to open glass cabinet.

  11. using scissors in the lamp, get thread
    combined with ball

  12. Finally found second battery, lol. Use remote on projector under desk to get code for safe. Great game.

  13. Please, What is S - H and M, i can not understand. :_

  14. Seconds Hours Minutes, look at clock, apply on safe.

  15. Thank you very much dutchie :)

  16. Do I need to do something to the key or keyhole first? The red key isn't opening the glass cabinet. Or is there another key somewhere?

  17. Never mind - it is open, it just doesn't look like it is.

  18. If it not loads you need to install the Unity Web Player plugin, there's a link at the top of the page.

  19. I've been missing the NeatEscape games for so long, and now they're back for good. Great sneaky game, I needed help for the string. Hope they'll come up more often now.

  20. Forgot one little thing: the game size is not the best for widescreen.

  21. Great to see Neat Escape back.
    But did he just switch to Unity NOW, when it's gonna be unsupported by Chrome in no time? :(

  22. Man, I must be playing a dense character in this game... There I am with that puzzle where I have to push down that lever, but it won't stay down so I can't take the red key - and I don't realize I've got two hands to use :D :D :D

  23. Installed unity web player it still won't load?

  24. Yes.
    Unity web player required.

    @admin please add this in the game description if possible. And please tell all your admins (Megi, Shuchun etc.) to always specify this so that we know that we've been locked out of fun again. ;)

    Unity3D Web Player requires SSE2-capable CPU. And as I don't play any first-person shooters, my "methusalem" PC will (most of the time) do fine.

  25. Unity support has been dropped from Chrome, so you must use firefox, which is unfortunate.

  26. What is the point of posting a game most of us can't play?

  27. Love Firefox, don't love loading new player and extensions to my PC though. Will have to miss out on this one, stinks.

  28. won't load in firefox. what is unityweb?

  29. plus i use a macbook air, tried in safari luck.....

  30. Get Firefox, load Unity. It's OK.

  31. Where's the second battery?

  32. Batteries in plant pot and lower cupboard, hard to see, cream sideboard thing.

  33. Ah, the sideboard.. thanks.

  34. Finally a game made with Unity that doesn't give me headaches from all the wierd screen movement!
    Very well made! (too bad only a few can play it >_< )

  35. I have FF, won't load.

  36. Zoe I used FF too.. when u get the to webpage, u'll see a black rectangle with a "play" button on it. After u click that button, unity will start loading. :)

  37. I hope this is still live, cuz I need help! I've seen cards, and I understand 10 of clubs + 3 of clubs = K of clubs. Ditto for the Q of diamonds (9+3). What am I missing about the A and 7???
    And where is this iron ball?
    btw, I can't post in Firefox; only Safari

  38. Yes, I did hit the "play" button (white arrow) and it just remained the black rectangle. I waited 3 minutes to be sure, and still nothing happened.

  39. @Zoe, did you download the unity player? I had to do that as well as play in Firefox

  40. zoz...yup, that worked. I thought it would download with the game, but I had to download it separately. Thanks!

  41. you're very welcome, Zoe! Now come help me, please!

  42. well...I have an envelope, a coin, one battery and an eraser.

  43. Oh, and I have three spelled out numbers: "eight" from the Easter Island statue, "four" from the bicycle statue and "nine" from the dancing figure statue

  44. @zoz do u have the paper with the card names? U just need the suits of each card. There's a puzzle near the lever (I think) where u can input them :)

  45. I FINALLY bf'd the card suites box. Unfortunately, I was just randomly hitting symbols so I don't remember what I used to open the box! The iron ball is in the box.
    Looks like you and I are on our own, Zoe!

  46. Why do I turn on the lamp on the cream-colored credenza? Any reason?

  47. thanks @Nini, but desperate times called for desperate measures, lol

  48. I don't remember using the lamp for anything @Zoe.. so probably a red herring ^_^

  49. OH, that's the lamp you use the scissors on...doh...I'm way behind obviously

  50. Ohh the string of course.. totally forgot about that >_<
    Combine it with iron ball :)

    (sorry I'm confusing u lol)

  51. @Zoe, I think I'm exactly where you are. Just got the red key. Now I have a headache :(((

  52. Don't have an iron ball. Don't have a paper with the card clue, either. I've not used the eraser of the the envelope from the socket on the wall in the door scene when I zoomed in on the plant. Don't know what to do with the envelope...

  53. The wall socket must be where I used the coin...

  54. @zoz the red key is used on the glass CB (tiny spot bottom middle).

  55. @Zoe use scissors on envelope

  56. Well, after all that, escape was disconcertingly easy. Get red key, open window in front of figures with box on bottom shelf. Order of figures = order of their numbers used as code on box. Take blue key, and unlock the door and you're out.

  57. @Zoe, did you get out? Thanks to Nini for the help. I think the name of this particular game should be changed from "Neat Escape" to "Untidy Escape"

  58. I didn't see a King anywhere, but I was able to bf the suits because I saw the 7, A and the iron ball, red key, remote, put batteries got SHM code.

  59. Used SHM on dials - blue key - out

  60. Thanks for the help Nini and zoz!

    Great game! I wish there were lots more of these...

  61. Red key won't open the glass case - although, as I read the hints, it should...

    Now what?

  62. Ahhh... so the key has actually opened the case, it just didn't show...

  63. I am fuming, my favourite game and I can't play it. I don't want to load FF. Who's bright idea was it to change the format.

  64. I used the Opera browser.

    The W/M clue is mirrored.

    All the cards are there, no bruteforce needed.

  65. Very nice, NeatEscape! I have been missing your games and hoping you would make more. Thanks!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Dear developers,

    sorry, but as a Linux user I cannot play your games as long as I need the Unity player. This is really a pity because I always loved Neat Escape. Should you ever decide to switch to something that works on all platforms (e.g. HTML5) I will be glad to come back to Neat Escape games.

  68. I can't find the scissors.. I have both batteries.. Iron ball.. Eraser.. Envelope.. Now what do I do?


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