ThePeterson - Hexplore Escape is another point and click adventure escape game developed by
The Peterson. In this
Adventure Escape game, you solve puzzles to pick your path through the strange land of Hexplore. You have to collect items to help in your quest as you meet fun, colorful characters like Professor Cow, Moose and the not-so-friendly flytrap. Family friendly fun for all ages. Click arrows to move, select items to interact with them and drag and drop to use. You can interact with items that glow when you hover over them. Your inventory is at the bottom of the screen. Good luck and have fun!
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Video Walkthrough
Just hilarious❗❗❗
Some hints along the way:
- play in moose ON mode first (in moose OFF mode, moose isn't there to give hints)
- turn subtitles on (options), as some of the critters d/speak clearly
- just DO NOT push the on/off button top right, otherwise it resets the game
& you have to start from scratch (lik me 🙃 - but I d/mind as it's a great game❗)
- you may watch the WT for even more options I d/encounter while playing,
as it's a complex game
- free unicorn anyway (cave, SWORD)
- red books to get to lab (order seems random for each new game)
- you can feed CARROT to cow, but get another one for the guinea pig (leave & come back later for POO)
- use sword on jammed trapdoor & also on weeds to free boat
- to get cup, speak to moose first
- lab: trap spider with glass to read notebook
- poo for WEED Killer (lab)
- fill water (from castle scene) in cup for potion to breathe underwater (lab)
- use weed killer on carnivorous plant for KEY to get in castle
- knight d/drink water, but milk (you can even pasteurise it in lab 😄)
- you can ask knight for PW
- after 3 times wrong PW, answer the questions correctly (change each new game)
- I think, it d/matter which burger you choose
- you can give burger to cow for a reaction 😉
- in castle, lever up = you can pass uptairs, lever down, you fall (DYNAMITE), move rock to get to
- dress octopus (4 items: pig house scene, kitchen, cow computer room, lit Xmas tree) to get INK
- you'll fall off the (flat 😜) earth when using boat without following drone
- follow drone with boat to get to the burger restaurant
- get hint from moose (eye sight of worm) for entering kitchen (I think I gave it another burger...❓ - although you can only obtain 2 pc in total)
- castle: you can play around with the boxes for some reactions 😉
- make a moose MASK (mix brown colour, cup or roll as nose, 2 eyes, 2 twigs on top)
- kitchen: you CAN ut thru butter 😜
- clean cup in kitchen & exchange it with candle (snake)
- place a burger in kitchen, go back & come again - cow will come & help
- take little CROC
- get launch code (changes each new game) in cow computer room
- light candle at dragon (you can go back before being burnt)
- exchange croc with teddy
- give teddy to hippo for gold COIN
- let break FLASHLIGHT by moose for BATTERY for Xmas tree (FLASHLIGHT at random places)
- place dynamite on fallen tree
- use candle
- fight shark, d/matter that sword is blunt, use PW from Xmas tree (changes each new game)
- imprison shark (in Pokemon ball) where unicorn was trapped
- use ink potion on guinea pig & put it in ball
- release it on Psycho Chicken (let it follow you back to the skeletons from parking - retrieve pig
again in house scene if you fail)
- you can't lift off, if you d/pay parking 😄
- I think, it d/matter which destination you choose (I took Saturn)
*d/have had stuff triggered like shown in WT (moose OFF mode):
- insert key on burger machine for FAN
- use it on note (go with boat, even if drone d/show up yet)
- show note to snake to get CUP & CANDLE at the same time
- purple cyclops (playing around with cardboard box)
- let break FLASHLIGHT by hippo (place it on throne, leave & come back)
- after lift off, snake & moose meet on parking
- hippo & horse at the end
- texts in outro
- Easter egg (several times back & forth with boat after reaching restaurant & look for a red spot
in the scenes)
- I ended up with another teddy, as I went back again to restaurant where I could pic up another croc
which I exchanged again 🙃
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