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Trail of Clues

Trail of Clues WalkthroughHidden4Fun - H4F Trail of Clues is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun. As spring comes, we are urged to spend more time in nature and the outdoors. The weather warms up, nature wakes up, flowers bloom, and everything acquires a special charm. On the other hand, it is as if something awakens in us. We gain more energy and become more active but also happier. After a long winter that lacks color, the colors of spring are a wonderful refreshment. Both Diane and Aaron are looking forward to spring days. They often visit the city park and enjoy spring walks. Today, while they were walking in the park, an elderly couple approached and asked them for help, because they had lost their items in the park. Diane and Aaron without any hesitation agreed to help them, but it seems that the items will not be found so easily. Let's join them and try together to find the lost items, but also to enjoy all the beauty of the park in the spring. Good luck and have fun!

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