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Showing posts with the label Arm EscapeShow all

Squishy + UnityRoom - Armless Girl's Room Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Squishy for Unity Room . In this Room Escape game, you try to help an armless girl to escape from room. You have to find items and hints, use them on proper…

Armless Girl's Room Escape

SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 7 is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim . In this game, the gold Shiva statue was stolen from the World Museum in Amsterdam. The arms were removed and are now hidden in different lo…

SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 7

[UPDATE] SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 6 is another point & click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim . In this game , the gold Shiva statue was stolen from the world museum in Amsterdam. The arms were removed and are now hidden…

SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 6

SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 5 is another point & click escape game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz . In this game , the gold Shiva statue was stolen from the world museum in Amsterdam. The arms were removed and are now hidden in different locations aro…

SD Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 5

Melting-Mindz - Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 4 is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. Sneaky has found three of the missing golden arms. The next arm is located in this icy mansion, here in Switzerland. Go find it, and good luck! Play This Game

Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Golden Arm 4

Melting-Mindz - Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm 4 is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. Sneaky has found three of the missing golden arms. The next arm is located in this icy mansion, here in Switzerland. Go find it, and good luck! Play This Game

Super Sneaky Spy Guy - Golden Arm 4

Super Sneaky Spy Guy Golden Arm 3 is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Super Sneaky Spy Guy, the gold Shiva statue was stolen from the world museum in Amsterdam. The arms were removed and are now hidden in different locations around the globe. You alre…

Super Sneaky Spy Guy Golden Arm 3

Super Sneaky Spy Guy: Golden Arm part 2, is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Super Sneaky Spy Guy, the gold Shiva statue was stolen from the world museum in Amsterdam. The arms were removed and are now hidden in different locations around the globe. Y…

Super Sneaky Spy Guy Golden Arm 2


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