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Showing posts with the label Art EscapeShow all

[Mobile Game] ArayashikiGame - Escape Game: The Art Room in Those Days Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Arayashiki Game . In this Art Room Escape game, you find yourself locked in a art room and you try to escape from art room by findin…

Escape Game: Art Room

ThePeterson - Hexplore Escape is another point and click adventure escape game developed by The Peterson . In this Adventure Escape game, you solve puzzles to pick your path through the strange land of Hexplore. You have to collect items to help in your quest as you meet fun,…


365Escape - 365 Art Gallery Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape . In this Gallery Escape game, you are a visitor who is trapped in the art gallery. Can you figure out how to open the exit door? Do what it takes to find a key. You have to find…

365 Art Gallery Escape

Hidden4Fun - H4F Art Sisters is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun . It is impossible to say exactly how many approaches the fine art nurtures. Yes, there are those main directions that we know, but over the years, new directions also appear. …

Art Sisters

Hooda Math- Hooda Escape Art Museum 2023 is a new point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Hooda Math. You got left behind by your friends at the art museum! Explore the area, collect items, solve puzzles and find a way to escape! Good luck and have fun! Pl…

SD Hooda Escape Art Museum 2023

G2R-Escape From Fantasy Art Paradise HTML5 is Developed by this escape game, You came to see the Fantasy Art Paradise. But unfortunately, You are trapped in that forest. You have to find the way to escape. Play This Game Video Walkthrough

G2R-Escape From Fantasy Art Paradise HTML5

GenieFunGames - Genie Modern Art House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by geniefungames . Imagine that you have been locked inside of this place. Solve clues, puzzles and find the key and escape. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game Video Walkthrough

Genie Modern Art House Escape

National Art Museum Escape is another new point and click live escape game from games2rule In this game, you came to see the national art museum. After a long time when you decide to move out. But unfortunately, you noticed that the door of the museum is locked from outside. …

National Art Museum Escape

Games2Rule - Old Art Studio Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Rule . In this game, you came to see some paintings in old art studio. But unfortunately, you noticed that the door of the studio is locked from outside. You have to find the way to …

Old Art Studio Escape

EightGames - Popular Art Museum Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Eight Games . During his foreign trip, a tourist trapped inside popular art museum. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and he…

Popular Art Museum Escape

WowEscape - Wow Art Gallery Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape . In this game you came to see the beauty of paintings in a art gallery. But unfortunately someone trapped you inside the art gallery. No one is there to help you. You have t…

Wow Art Gallery Escape

VitaminHana - Wood Art Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Vitamin Hana. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game

Wood Art Escape

EightGames - Escape From Media Art School City University of New York is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games . A student trapped inside the Media Art School New York.There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, so…

Escape From Media Art School City University of New York

EightGames - Escape From Parsons School of Art and Design is another point and click room escape game developed by  Eight Games . A student trapped inside the Parsons School of Art. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles…

Escape From Parsons School of Art and Design

123Bee - Escape Games: Art Competition is another point and click room escape game developed by 123 Bee . A girl wins first prize in a local art competition for a portrait. So, she was getting ready for the party for winning the first prize in the competition. But, her mother …

Escape: Art Competition

No1Game - Okan Art Landscape Escape is a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1Game. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game No1 Game's Okan Art Landscape Esca…

Okan Art Landscape Escape

EvilLemon - Rooms of Art 6 is another point and click type hidden objects game from Evil Lemon. Rooms of Art 6 challenges you to find all 130 hidden objects scattered across a cool painting. Choose between 2 difficulty modes and collect all the lost items. The hard mode wi…

Rooms of Art 6

WowEscape - Wow Art Gallery Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Wow Escape. In this game, you are locked in an art gallery. You try to finish the game by finding useful clues and items and escape from there. Good luck and have fun! Play W…

Wow Art Gallery Escape

EvilLemon - Rooms of Art 5 is another point and click type hidden objects game from Evil Lemon. Rooms of Art 5 challenges you to find all 130 hidden objects scattered across a cool painting. Choose between 2 difficulty modes and collect all the lost items. The hard mode will …

Rooms of Art 5

EvilLemon - Rooms of Art 4 is another point and click type hidden objects game from Evil Lemon. Rooms of Art 4 challenges you to find all 130 hidden objects scattered across a cool painting. Choose between 2 difficulty modes and collect all the lost items. The hard mode will …

Rooms of Art 4


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