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Showing posts with the label Asleep EscapeShow all

HarlequinDiver + - Asleep in the Deep Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Harlequin Diver for . In this Horror Escape game, you need to solve puzzles to find your way out of The Deep. The atmosphere is eerie, with shadows watching your …

Asleep in the Deep Escape

Asleep Walking is another very good adventure type puzzle game. You never need to wake up in this game, but you can get hurt! Watch obstacles and stand in place to avoid spikes, falls, and various smashing hazards. Get some rest while you cover ground! Good luck and have fun!…

Asleep Walking

Incognitus - A Sleep in the Deep is another point and click type room escape game from Warped Out Entertainment, who is also creator of Incognitus - Proximity of Doom game. Again, you need to search around to find and use items with clues in order to escape from submarine. …

Incognitus 2 - Asleep in the Deep


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